Conversations Regarding The Cosmic Changes In Archetypes And Symbols - The Cosmic Baker's Recipes!

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by Allisiam, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jun 17th 2013

      When Disclosure Serves Secrecy

    • by Steven M. Greer M.D.
      Copyright 1999
    • Ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound.
      And yet it is fraught with danger.
      The covert projects which have been running UFO related programs for nearly 60 years are not interested in a disclosure which upsets their apple cart. They want such a disclosure to transform their apple cart into a freight train. And they potentially have the power and connections to do it.
      There are multiple scenarios attending the disclosure of the UFO subject- and not all of them have the best interests of humanity at heart. Elsewhere, in the new book Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications I write about the kind of disclosure the world needs. An honest one. An open one. One which replaces secrecy with democracy. A disclosure which is peaceful, scientific and hopeful.
      But then there is the disclosure the powers that be would like to see: Manipulated. Calculated to consolidate power and engender fear. Configured in such a way that chaos and a deepening need for Big Brother is carefully inculcated into the masses.
      We have seen the plans and it is not a pretty picture.
      I write this as a warning. A warning that the wolves in sheep clothes are very cunning indeed. And have almost limitless resources. Most who work with them do not even know they are wolves. Indeed, it is likely that many of the wolves have been convinced that they are sheep.

      The UFO matter is not so much a mystery as a matter deliberately obfuscated and mystified. Confusion and a lack of clarity serves the larger covert goal of keeping it off the long-range radar of society while power and plans are consolidated quietly. And the one thing more dangerous to society than all this secrecy is a planned, contrived disclosure run by the keepers of the secrets.
      For years such plans have been made – to be unfurled at just the right time. During a time of great expectation. Of social confusion. Perhaps of millennial madness?
      I have personally met with a number of people who are very involved with such plans. I do not speculate here. Be aware: The disclosure of UFO reality is being planned very carefully. It will assiduously follow a scheme to spin the subject in just the right way – the only way which will further redound to the glory and power of the secret-keepers. It will be a false disclosure – one born out of the age-old bane of human existence: selfishness and greed. Greed for power. Greed for control. Greed for domination.

      We must be mature and informed on such matters. Only a vigilant and informed public can see through such deceit – and correct it should such a plan be unfurled. Every citizen needs to know that great good can come from the truth being known. But the mature citizen must also recognize that the ‘truth’ can be spun and spun again – until the goals of those who crave secret and overt power are met.
      Consider: One scenario for disclosure is that the UFO and Extraterrestrial subject is acknowledged in a way which is scientific and hopeful. Excessive secrecy which lacks executive branch and congressional oversight is ended. Humanity begins to entertain open contact with other civilizations, with peaceful engagement as the goal. Technologies which are currently suppressed are allowed to be disseminated: Pollution ends. An economy of abundance and social justice is firmly established. Global environmental destruction and mind-numbing world poverty become a faint memory. Zero-point based energy devices transform the world. Electro-gravitic devices permit above ground travel without paving over the world’s precious fertile farm land. As an ET once told Colonel Philip Corso, “Its a new world, if you can take it…”. This is the disclosure which we are working for.
      But the disclosure envisioned above could have happened in 1950. It did not – Why? For such a disclosure would lead to the total transformation of the status quo. Centralized energy systems would be obsolete. Oil would be useful only for lubricants and synthetics. The geo-political order of today would be a thing forgotten: Every country and people on Earth would have such a high degree of progress and advancement that all nations would have a seat at the global table. Power would need to be shared. Peaceful acknowledgment of life from elsewhere would make the Earth seem like the very small, organic homeland which it is. The vast trillion dollar global military – industrial sector would be reigned in. And a universal spirituality might dawn…

      But remember, there are hugely powerful interests who dread this scenario. For them, it is the end of the world as they know it. The end of centralized, elite power. The end of a controlled geo-political order which today leaves nearly 90% of the people of Earth barely one step out of the stone age. And they do not wish to share the power they wield.
      Now, let me describe the ‘disclosure’ which would make these covert control programs happy. This is the false or contrived ‘disclosure’ which has only one clear goal: The further consolidation of their power and their paradigm. It has to do with fear, not love. With war, not peace. With division and conflict, not unity. It is the dominant paradigm – but it is slipping away slowly. And a carefully orchestrated disclosure of the ‘facts’ of the UFO and ET subject could secure their power. This is the disclosure which is to be dreaded. This is the disclosure to watch out for. This is the disclosure which is already occurring.
      My meetings over the past 9 years with covert operatives who have worked on UFO related programs have introduced me to some characters right out of a spy novel – and then some. Whether in private high tech industry, at the Pentagon or at a midnight meeting in a private mansion, a theme has emerged. It is one of immense, though currently hidden, power. It transcends government as we know it (at this point the government of ‘We the people…’ has been made irrelevant on this issue). And the theme has two main strands – the eventual covert militarization of the ET subject and a weird covert religious strain which can only be viewed as bizarre.
      Here, we find some very strange bed-fellows indeed. War mongers and militarists in cahoots with industrialists who share a certain bizarre eschatological bent: A dark view of the future, featuring an extraterrestrial Armageddon – or at least the threat of it. Such a theme supports retrograde and fanatical religious causes as well as deeply covert military-industrial plans to expand the arms race into space.
      In fact, the big players in the so-called ‘civilian UFO community’ are tied into such beliefs and agendas. It strains credulity, I admit, but here is what we have found by penetrating these operations.

      From a military-industrial perspective, the disclosure of choice is one which frames the UFO/ET issue in a threatening manner. If a threat from space can be established (as President Reagan liked to say) then the entire world can be united around the need to fight such a threat. This would ensure trillion dollar plus military – industrial spending well into the next century, and beyond. If you think the cold war was costly, wait until you see the price tag for this ‘protection’ from the ‘threats’ in space: The trillions spent on the cold war will look like a blue light special.
      Retrograde and fanatical religious groups, similarly, have great vested interests in fulfilling the promise of Armageddon. An eschatological paradigm, well enshrined in the belief systems of those running covert UFO projects, is supported by the portrayal of a cosmic conflict in the heavens. Voila! We have the necessity of spinning the UFO/ET issue in the evil invading aliens (translates in religious terms as demons) direction. Indeed, this has already been accomplished, courtesy of the ‘civilian UFO community’ and the tabloid media (swhich at this point is virtually all media…).
      Additionally, there is a subtext which can only be viewed as thinly veiled racism. You will note that part of the ‘new myth’ regarding UFOs involves the ‘good ETs’ , which invariably are described as ‘Pleidians’ who are ‘handsome’ white, blue-eyed Aryan appearing types. Naturally, those ‘evil, bad ETs’ are darker, shorter, look funny and smell funny. Please. Such clap-trap would have us trade age-old human racism for an extraterrestrial variety. This nonsense and propaganda could only make Hitler proud.
      In one lengthy meeting with a multi-billionaire, I was told that he gave great support to UFO activities which propel the so-called ‘alien abduction’ subject into public awareness because he wanted humanity to unite around fighting this ‘alien threat’. Later, this very influential figure informed me that he believed these demonic ETs were the cause of every setback in human history since Adam and Eve. Sound familiar?
      Military interests, which are heavily involved in covert projects which hoax ET events, such as human military- related abductions, have a shared goal of demonizing the UFO/ET phenomenon. Doing so lays the foundations for the fear and dread necessary for an organized opposition to all things ET. And this subserves the longterm need to provide a rationale for an expanding global military even should world peace emerge. In fact, under this scenario, ‘world peace’, or strictly speaking peace on Earth, could be secured by the world uniting, eventually, against the ‘threat from space’ referred to by resident Reagan. (By the way, personally I believe Reagan was the victim of disinformation specialists who surrounded him and who manipulated him into the statements he made on this subject.)

      Under this scenario, currently being gamed and ‘disclosed’ courtesy of the trial balloon UFO ‘community’, we would get peace on Earth – in exchange for interplanetary conflict. One step forward, ten steps back. Wonderful.
      Such a false and contrived ‘disclosure of the truth’ regarding UFOs and ETs would, then, subserve agendas held by powerful covert interests in both the military-industrial sector and those of a strange collection of religious fanatics, who pine for Armageddon — and the sooner the better.​

      James Watt
      Lest the reader think such a strange amalgam of militarists and cult-like religious interests are unlikely, remember the weird views of the Third Reich. Or more recently, the views of one US Department of the Interior cabinet secretary during the Reagan years named James Watt. It was he who, not knowing a microphone was still on and recording his comments, stated in the 1980s that we did not need to worry about all these environmental problems since Armageddon was coming soon and the world would be destroyed anyway…This bizarre view, held by a man who shaped and applied policy for the Interior Department of the US Government, was later reported in the general media. At the time a comical footnote perhaps. But what does it say about the degree to which such beliefs may be shaping covert UFO policy — and specifically disclosure plans? We have found that such views — bizarre as they may seem to most — are heavily represented in covert policy development on the UFO subject.
      And most disconcerting of all: This strange mixture of military cosmic saber-rattling and bizarre religious beliefs are the dominant forces shaping both the ‘civilian UFO community’ and the planned eventual ‘spin’ on UFO disclosure. Let the buyer beware.
      To the rational and intellectual, such views seem ridiculous. Why, you might ask, would anyone want a cosmic war in space, an Armageddon and the destruction of the Earth? To comprehend this, you have to get inside the head of people who hold such beliefs - people like James Watt. In his case, why worry about a little bit of deforestation, air pollution and areas of dead oceans if the entire world is going to be destroyed in a couple of years anyway?

      But the thinking goes further than this. Because such fanatical thinking has within it the concept that as a result of the Armageddon we will see the return of Christ- and with it the good people’s salvation. Now, people are free to believe what they want. But what we have found is a deliberate influencing of covert policy on UFOs by such beliefs. Some of these people want Armageddon – and they want it ASAP.
      Strictly speaking, the militarists and war-mongers, itching to ‘kick some alien butt’ as it was said in the movie Independence Day, may actually only want a pretext to justify their existence and get the world to eventually spend huge sums of money on a perceived (if contrived) threat from space.
      But in some cases – high up on the food chain of the covert entity running UFO secrecy – the two views meet. A place where militarism and eschatology merge. Where Star Wars and Armageddon join.

      In tracing the history of both the UFO civilian community and the covert policy-making group concerned with UFOs, we have found a growing penetration of the latter into the former. So much so that at this point there are projects which ostensibly are innocent civilian initiatives but which in reality are totally controlled and financed by ‘cut-outs’ from ultra-secret projects.
      Moreover, our careful penetration of such projects yielded the disturbing finding that deep-cover black project operatives are working closely with alleged civilian researchers, journalists and UFO glitterati. CIA and military intelligence operatives are working with civilian ‘think tank’ heads, alongside very wealthy business people who are eschatologists, and being advised by ‘civilian’ technologists and scientists – who are themselves proponents of bizarre religious belief systems involving the end of the world and ETs…

      Thus, the new ‘chosen ones’ have been assembled. They are planning your disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. They are owned by the money whores and power brokers doing the bidding of the secret entity which runs UFO projects to begin with. And it all looks like a civilian initiative. So innocent. So well-intended. So ‘scientific’. And by the way, the sky is falling courtesy of ET and we need your money and your souls to defend against it.
      Do not be deceived. You need to be awake to the darker scenarios which some would like to thrust upon the world. And you need to know that there are alternatives. If a ‘disclosure’ is unleashed on the world which is xenophobic, militaristic and terrifying, know that it comes from the spinmeisters of secrecy- regardless of how respectable the person or group may appear to be.
      And remember: Part of this disclosure plan involves the use of UFO look-alike devices made by humans in an attack on Earth or military assets of Earth. This would be a well-orchestrated use of advanced human technologies to hoax an ET attack- all for the purpose of disclosing the truth with the desired military-oriented spin. In such a scenario, most of humanity will be deceived into believing the threat from space has arrived – and that we must fight it at all costs. This is nothing more than long-term social security for the military-industrial complex. There must be people who can expose this fraud.
      But why should we wait for these darker scenarios to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world?

      Here is another idea: Why don’t ‘we the people’ unite and launch a disclosure which resembles the first one described above. An honest one. One which leads to peace, not war. To a sustainable and beautiful world, free of pollution and brimming with abundance, of all types. One which reaches out into the unknown, instead of firing particle beam weapons into the darkness of space.
      Additionally, we welcome those who can come forward with first hand knowledge of the machinations referred to in this paper and who wish to expose such madness to contact us at The one thing the darkness of secrecy cannot tolerate is a spotlight shining right on it. And the more of us holding the light, the better.
      Evil steps in when good people do nothing. This is a lesson taught through thousands of years of human history. We stand at the beginning of a new time, and a new world awaits us. But we must embrace it, and help create it. For if we are passive, others will have their way- at least in the short run.
      Steven M. Greer M.D.​
      - See more at:

      But then there is the PTB unbeknown of the ptb's of whatever human minded affiliations....
      But agree with much of what Steven Greer here puts forward and have emphasized this. There are some Nabs partialisations however.
      Emeth 141

      Post last edited Jun 18th 2013
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jun 18th 2013


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    • Post n°178
    empty. Record Keepers like to keep Records

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:02 pm

    Very interesting, so what is it about today's date November 24th, 2012 that I should now "See This"? I don't know.. but hey, There truly is nothing wrong with "Record Keeping".


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    Post n°18
    Heeeeere's Tony- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Part 1
    Neo2012 on Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:51 am

    My child hides from me all the time in my house, yet every time I know exactly where it is that his hiding even though my eyes aren't really seeing him, and this is with a limited 4d vision of the world, now imagine God, do you really think Adam "HID" from God? - lol

    The more I read what you write and read the things others write about you, the more I am absolutely convinced that...and listen very carefully...NOTHING you have to say should be taken seriously!

    In fact, you are a discredit to science as well as religion. You are a misfit, an outcast of society, a self proclaimed false prophet...

    Desperately seeking validation for all the years invested in your brainwashing schemes, now with a few blind followers whose fanatism and own desire to understand the so called mysteries of the universe has lead them to a misguided and pathetic path made of lies and deception.

    You don't even know the Real Logos, or Thuban, or the Real Gaia, or God, and I seriously doubt that you even know any real are a looney tune!

    Anyone that claims to be the reencarnation of the faithful last living Apostle John who wrote the book of Revelations is a derranged and delusional blasphemer who has truly lost his marbles! Specially, after trying so hard to demonstrate that the Virgin Mary was raped by a Roman Soldier, and that indeed their was no "immaculate" conception...when...listen to this...John the "real" last Apostle was present at the outpouring of the spirit on the day of Pentecost and saw 3,000 added to the congregation on that day. (Ac 2:1-13, 41)Same spirit that takes responsibility for causing the "immaculate" conception!

    Same Apostle, that, along with Peter, stated before the Jewish rulers the principle followed by the congregation of God’s people:

    “Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves. But as for us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard.” (Ac 4:19, 20)

    Again, he joined the other apostles in telling the Sanhedrin: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Ac 5:27-32.

    That's right, he was "faithful" to Jesus, believed in the Virgin Mary, believed in the immaculate conception, believed because he had seen the manifestation of the "holy ghost", he had seen the "miracles" of God...therefore he could stand before the Sanhedrin and utter those words.

    He was not a charlatan like YOU.

    He died at a very old age (in about 96 C.E) The accounts say that toward the end of his life he was exiled on the isle of Patmos, where he came to be “for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus.” (Re 1:9)

    I pitty you! You are pathetic, and derranged!

    They have a special place for people like you in this world and its called Asylums!

    Question for you Tony....

    Have you had your medication today yet Tony? - lol

    My advice to you my friend is this...

    1. Get medicated, take some medicine, seek a therapist!

    2. Stick to Gaia and Greek Mythology, keep gazing at Thuban and waiting for the mothership.

    3. Above all avoid topics that involve history, dates, and especially biblically related topics of which:

    a. you don't have any real faith in and,
    b. you are in complete ignorance off, simply stated it is not your area of expertise.

    People like Raven, Xeia, Susan, and others who aren't theologist and that dont have the slightest idea about what the Bible really says are easy targets to confuse and mislead and misguide and toy with...but please...

    here is what i think of you...

    I SEE YOU...

    Electroconvulsive Therapy - Scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:24 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : changes in format)



    Posts: 74
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    • Post n°18
    [​IMG] Heeeeere's Tony- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Part 1

    [​IMG] Neo2012 on Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:51 pm

    My child hides from me all the time in my house, yet every time I know exactly where it is that his hiding even though my eyes aren't really seeing him, and this is with a limited 4d vision of the world, now imagine God, do you really think Adam "HID" from God? - lol

    The more I read what you write and read the things others write about you, the more I am absolutely convinced that...and listen very carefully...NOTHING you have to say should be taken seriously!

    In fact, you are a discredit to science as well as religion. You are a misfit, an outcast of society, a self proclaimed false prophet...

    Desperately seeking validation for all the years invested in your brainwashing schemes, now with a few blind followers whose fanatism and own desire to understand the so called mysteries of the universe has lead them to a misguided and pathetic path made of lies and deception.

    You don't even know the Real Logos, or Thuban, or the Real Gaia, or God, and I seriously doubt that you even know any real are a looney tune!

    Anyone that claims to be the reencarnation of the faithful last living Apostle John who wrote the book of Revelations is a derranged and delusional blasphemer who has truly lost his marbles! Specially, after trying so hard to demonstrate that the Virgin Mary was raped by a Roman Soldier, and that indeed their was no "immaculate" conception...when...listen to this...John the "real" last Apostle was present at the outpouring of the spirit on the day of Pentecost and saw 3,000 added to the congregation on that day. (Ac 2:1-13, 41)Same spirit that takes responsibility for causing the "immaculate" conception!

    Same Apostle, that, along with Peter, stated before the Jewish rulers the principle followed by the congregation of God’s people:

    “Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves. But as for us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard.” (Ac 4:19, 20)

    Again, he joined the other apostles in telling the Sanhedrin: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Ac 5:27-32.

    That's right, he was "faithful" to Jesus, believed in the Virgin Mary, believed in the immaculate conception, believed because he had seen the manifestation of the "holy ghost", he had seen the "miracles" of God...therefore he could stand before the Sanhedrin and utter those words.

    He was not a charlatan like YOU.

    He died at a very old age (in about 96 C.E) The accounts say that toward the end of his life he was exiled on the isle of Patmos, where he came to be “for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus.” (Re 1:9)

    I pitty you! You are pathetic, and derranged!

    They have a special place for people like you in this world and its called Asylums!

    Question for you Tony....

    Have you had your medication today yet Tony? - lol

    My advice to you my friend is this...

    1. Get medicated, take some medicine, seek a therapist!

    2. Stick to Gaia and Greek Mythology, keep gazing at Thuban and waiting for the mothership.

    3. Above all avoid topics that involve history, dates, and especially biblically related topics of which:

    a. you don't have any real faith in and,
    b. you are in complete ignorance off, simply stated it is not your area of expertise.

    People like Raven, Xeia, Susan, and others who aren't theologist and that dont have the slightest idea about what the Bible really says are easy targets to confuse and mislead and misguide and toy with...but please...

    here is what i think of you...

    I SEE YOU...


    Electroconvulsive Therapy
    Scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:24 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : changes in format)
    • Didymos


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    • Post n°19
    [​IMG] Re: The End of the Dream World & The Beginning of a New Era according to Zeus from Mountain Olympus!

    [​IMG] Didymos on Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:03 pm

    You have spoken like a true believer in the fables of humanity; Neo Nappikin.

    Albeit your character assassinations, befitting such a deluded follower of the lies shall not be returned in lieu.

    Ad hominem attacks are just that and to be expected when the intellectual capacities of the attackers run out of steam and they have nothing else to support their so called logic and collected wisdoms over their years of the autodelusions.


    shiloh [​IMG] Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34
    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE


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    • Post n°20
    [​IMG] Heeeeeeere's Tonybluey Part 2

    [​IMG] Neo2012 on Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:24 am

    You've seen him in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's see the light "shinning" befitting such a deluded CREATOR of his own little world!

    If I truly was to be a believer in the Fables of Humanity, i would be one of your most prominent followers, for your fictional delusions of grandeur are all soooo shoved up and far up your ass i've never seen or even heard anything like it "albeit your character assassination"...yes just like Anikan Skywalker was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force and became Darth've become your own assassin!

    I do not need to attack you, you are already defeated my friend!

    No logic, no collected wisdom, just fancy words echoing in eternity imprisioned in a man made phantom zone for the insane without any hope of true light!

    Speaking, uttering, autodelusions, screaming in your own cell, "Someday, Jor-El, you will kneel before Zod, you, and someday...your heirs!" - And yells the name of Jor-El!!!!!"

    You have been banished my friend, you, Zod, Non and Ursa Queen of The Universe, Gaia, the Kryptonian villians! lol


    I must say, I am a little dissappointed with this! I was hoping I would find a bit more refined, polished, and intelligent archenemy, somewhat worthy opponent, instead, you've managed to subjugate a massive planet of 4 or 5 individual with your boring talk of superiority and inferiority! An Epic oxymoron if I ever saw one! Trully, trully Epic!

    However, in lieu of your indefinite sentence and realizing that perhaps this might be the only chance you'll have to converse with the mentally sane, and a true free man, I grant you the permission to speak as much nonesense as you want!

    Because you see General Zod, and this not being harsh, just keeping things real, the only true expectations of all of this, sad really, is of no surprise, that is...

    Superman wins!


    Kneel before Zod! lol

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:28 am; edited 1 time in total



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    • Post n°21

    [​IMG] Allisiam on Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:14 am

    And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. wrote: Matthew 22 (King James Version)

    Face the mirror of God Neo, from the word of god, and look at yourself within his face before you accuse falsely of such things. The way I see it is tony has turned the other cheek and already forgiven you of your ignorance. Shall you not do the same? Or will you continue to break the commandments of Jesus and spew your filth out continually at your brother in Christ, OH Yea Hypocrite!!! Shame on you Neo for forgetting that we are ALL brothers and sisters in the Lord!!!


    Matthew 22

    1 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,

    2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,

    3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.

    4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.

    5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:

    6 And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.

    7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.

    8 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.

    You are not a worthy Bride Neo ,son of Zeus with the zeal of annoyment!!


    9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

    10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

    11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:

    12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.

    13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

    36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38 This is the first and great commandment.

    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin translation)

    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    (25) Jesus said, "Love your brother like your soul, guard him like the pupil of your eye."

    (26) Jesus said, "You see the mote in your brother's eye, but you do not see the beam in your own eye. When you cast the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to cast the mote from your brother's eye."

    (39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

    (40) Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted outside of the father, but being unsound, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed."

    (61) Jesus said, "Two will rest on a bed: the one will die, and the other will live."
    Salome said, "Who are you, man, that you ... have come up on my couch and eaten from my table?"
    Jesus said to her, "I am he who exists from the undivided. I was given some of the things of my father."
    < ...> "I am your disciple."
    < ...> "Therefore I say, if he is destroyed, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness."

    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    (66) Jesus said, "Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That one is the cornerstone."

    (67) Jesus said, "If one who knows the all still feels a personal deficiency, he is completely deficient."

    (68) Jesus said, "Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted. Wherever you have been persecuted they will find no place."

    (69) Jesus said, "Blessed are they who have been persecuted within themselves. It is they who have truly come to know the father. Blessed are the hungry, for the belly of him who desires will be filled."

    (74) He said, "O Lord, there are many around the drinking trough, but there is nothing in the cistern."

    (75) Jesus said, "Many are standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter the bridal chamber."

    (82) Jesus said, "He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom."

    (89) Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?"

    (111) Jesus said, "The heavens and the earth will be rolled up in your presence. And the one who lives from the living one will not see death." Does not Jesus say, "Whoever finds himself is superior to the world?"

    (113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
    "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."

    Matthew 24
    7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

    8All these are the beginning of sorrows.

    9Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

    10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

    11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

    12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

    2 Timothy 3

    1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

    2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

    3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

    4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

    5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

    Dearest Tony, this last line I put here for you....from such with the likes of Neo, turn away....Aye you have, graciously turned the other cheek.

    Imagination is the capstone of reality, it sits above it all. Allisiam
    • Allsiam


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    • Post n°22
    [​IMG] Counter Strike Antics : Jehovah Witness Pursuit



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    • Post n°22
    [​IMG] Counter Strike Antics : Jehovah Witness Pursuit

    [​IMG] Allisiam on Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:46 am



    Counter Strike Antics : Jehovah Witness Pursuit


    And No, we do not consider this video above as 'humerous', but nevertheless posted this here as an evidence of 'How Not To' converse with opinions differing from the ones one harbours oneself. The ''real war' of the cosmos is between thoughtforms and mental creations defined in symbols and archetypes. And it is between them, that harmonies must become established as a 'Peace between Heaven and Hell with Earth in between', before any 'Peace on Earth' will become physicalizable and possible.
    Emeth 141

    Imagination is the capstone of reality, it sits above it all. Allisiam

    Emeth141 - Posted Aug 22nd, 2012



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    blue lunar night - Posted 5 Days Ago

    based sky - black death ... blue lunar night


    Post last edited 5 Days Ago

    based sky - black death ... blue lunar night
    • blue lunar night - Posted 3 Days Ago

    • a fake: dark skill spill and the ossifying facts …
      or an experience 'less than…' or less on yearning

      Somebody is taking his hat here!

    • Virtual reality is something completely different from direct experience on our, the physical plane. To find this out took me a moon in which i went into floridaen ambiances. .

      No physical symptom or well-meaning words from some weirdly hiding but nonetheless beautiful source could down my plan.

      Having landed with the venus transit after three days the mask of what seemed to be a beautiful internet-flirt, here on the common dragon-chat, was ripped down swiftly. She, who presented herself as a beautiful and rebellious scottish flower - turned out to be an irrepairable Narcisstic Disorder on two legs… in full bloom.
      A wannabe- human without a heart, who tramples deliberately on the feelings of all well-meaning (male) supporters of the system, she has carefully built around her.


      Her grandeur is only outmatched by the self-import and escapism of the local CEO here, tony b. He had to drop his smoothy and erudite mask, to save what he thought he had to save (for himself), which is neither savable nor worth the effort.

      I'm not sure about his aims with all these loops, manoevres and other follies . except of course diverting and deadening energy; or spy-ops…it doesn't matter.
    • I have to do what those two cannot: take accountability.

    • [​IMG]

      toltec aphorism on the matter

      In my case, of allowing myself to be deluded to the bones. A battle about prepping up low self-esteem, escaping the processing of past hurts, belittling basics.
      i had this issue of the fakeness of the whole thuban-brimborium before, oneandahalf years before….

      What this battle mirrors for me, where in my live i do behave similar towards others and me..
      The truth before me, in bright sunshine -i don't see it. Dark and deadly feelings crawling up my spine, not clearly discerned ays of yet.
      i don't believe my most holy feelings and i do not trust my worst either. What is disavowed, shows up in other guise…and i also tend to keep running over other people, but with emotions - and not by tactics.

      so our shortcomings are our ticket to freedom. and its definitely our shortcomings, not those of others, that are to be transmuted…lol
      a rude awakening…watch whom you trust, cyber can be a big lie -easily

      i wave them though goodbye... on their longest road...

      in lak'ech

      blue overtone night


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    • Post n°312
    [​IMG] Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    [​IMG] Aquaries1111 on Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:43 pm

    • Aquaries1111

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    • Post n°313
    [​IMG] Re: Aquaries1111 Corner

    [​IMG] Aquaries1111 Yesterday at 10:10 pm


    [7:16:03 PM] Emeth 141: This above is my record keeping now
    [7:16:10 PM] Emeth 141: Last post
    [7:16:14 PM] Sirius 17: ok i see them
    [7:16:29 PM] Emeth 141: I dont know what she deleted but there are heaps
    [7:17:09 PM] Sirius 17: but you saved them on spruz right?
    [7:17:40 PM] Sirius 17: i thought you were keeping a record of all our replies to her
    [7:18:06 PM] Emeth 141: I did not copy all her posts from Aquaries Corner on Moa
    [7:18:18 PM] Emeth 141: Many of We Are You see and Ucadia crap
    [7:18:29 PM] Emeth 141: When Thuban was mentioned I did
    [7:18:31 PM] Sirius 17: no but you did copy the pertinent ones
    [7:18:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes what i mean
    [7:18:51 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, perhaps I missed this one
    [7:19:09 PM] Sirius 17: looks like she left it on purpose
    [7:19:33 PM] Emeth 141: But you see how she just reposted this attack of Neos and did not put the context in of our replies?
    [7:19:51 PM] Emeth 141: So I added the context now on the link above
    [7:20:18 PM] Emeth 141: Your video of JW's is putting the 'false pretender' mantle onto him
    [7:20:38 PM] Sirius 17: ahhh they were many of her skype talks she deleted
    [7:20:47 PM] Emeth 141: Many many
    [7:22:09 PM] Emeth 141: Hmm her last post there is 'Love Story'
    [7:22:15 PM] Emeth 141: Reinvent yourself
    [7:22:36 PM] Sirius 17: um maybe these are also posts that had links from we are you in them
    [7:22:43 PM] Emeth 141: 6 hours ago
    [7:22:52 PM] Sirius 17: because i know carol is trying to clean all these off the forum
    [7:22:59 PM] Emeth 141: We Are You is still there all over the place
    [7:23:06 PM] Sirius 17: very odd
    [7:23:33 PM] Emeth 141: 6 hours ago was after the Armageddon mirror, which was 12 hours ago
    [7:23:56 PM] Emeth 141: WeAreYou links are still on that forum
    [7:24:22 PM] Emeth 141: Look at her last post why did she copy this song?
    [7:24:46 PM] Emeth 141: The pic is a dragon with a key?
    [7:25:30 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know , but listen i dont like you reposting this shit neo said
    [7:25:37 PM] Sirius 17: i feel its out of context
    [7:26:22 PM] Sirius 17: even though its on her forum i doubt many go back and read her threads
    [7:26:40 PM] Sirius 17: but you decide
    [7:27:25 PM] Emeth 141: Its a record yes and I am amediating in ending it with her two 'nice songs'
    [7:27:59 PM] Sirius 17: it looks like a pic of a kite with a key, ben franklin iconic image of the invention of electricity
    [7:29:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes the songs could be a ruse that nothing is up with her deleting things
    [7:29:08 PM] Sirius 17: i dont buy it
    [7:29:35 PM] Sirius 17: why is she deleting things, covering what tracks?
    [7:30:03 PM] Emeth 141: No the kite is a dragon symbol Raven. Kites are called Drachen or Dragons in German so MI is involved with this as DD would not know this. As a boy I went 'Drachen Fliegen', meaning flying my kite!
    [7:30:19 PM] Sirius 17: do you think she intends to take legal action on you?
    [7:30:27 PM] Sirius 17: ok no i did not know either
    [7:30:35 PM] Emeth 141: And reposting this is fine as it confronts the 'false prophet' with the real one
    [7:30:55 PM] Emeth 141: I am in no manner personally 'offended' by any of this Raven
    [7:31:09 PM] Emeth 141: Recall that Neo then asked me to join his forum and post there, as his brother, he had made peace with?
    [7:31:12 PM] Sirius 17: i know that, i just dont understand why she is deleting shit
    [7:31:17 PM] Emeth 141: No
    [7:31:19 PM] Emeth 141: Lol
    [7:31:30 PM] Emeth 141: I dont know what she is deleting
    [7:31:51 PM] Emeth 141: I thought at first it is all about Thuban names, but it is not
    [7:31:57 PM] Emeth 141: Debbie's pic is still there
    [7:32:16 PM] Sirius 17: hmmm maybe it is to change her image
    [7:32:20 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know
    [7:32:43 PM] Sirius 17: but the date of her deciding to do this is highly strange
    [7:33:32 PM] Emeth 141: Yes 15th
    [7:33:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [7:34:11 PM] Sirius 17: i need get going though sweety, i am getting sleepy
    [7:34:18 PM] Sirius 17: its 2:33 am here
    [7:34:37 PM] Emeth 141: Yes sleep well
    [7:34:50 PM] Sirius 17: you too when you finally do rest
    [7:34:54 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [7:35:19 PM] Sirius 17: buenas hon
    [7:35:30 PM] Sirius 17: [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    [8:23:48 PM] Emeth 141: I added this comment to this JW video and this should clear things up. I watched it and understand your misgivings about reposting it.
    [8:23:54 PM] Emeth 141: "And No, we do not consider this video above as 'humerous', but nevertheless posted this here as an evidence of 'How Not To' converse with opinions differing from the ones one harbours oneself. The ''real war' of the cosmos is between thoughtforms and mental creations defined in symbols and archetypes. And it is between them, that harmonies must become established as a 'Peace between Heaven and Hell with Earth in between', before any 'Peace on Earth' will become physicalisable and possible."

    Post last edited Jun 18th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jun 22nd 2013

    Logos Conversations on Dreams of Dragon Children on their New Worlds and Floods of Daniel.9.24-27

    [10:57:20 AM-Friday, June 21st, 2013 -4 UCT]
    Xeia: Daniel told me he had a dream
    [10:57:36 AM] Xeia: that i was pregnant
    [10:58:30 AM] Xeia: he came to my office and he asked me..."mom...are you pregnant?"
    [10:59:00 AM] Xeia: i was looking at my books in my library and
    [10:59:13 AM] Xeia: he left me breathless
    [10:59:30 AM] Xeia: then he sat here in a chair and told me his dream
    [10:59:41 AM] Xeia: he said "oh well i had seen you pregnant
    [10:59:48 AM] Xeia: in a hospital room
    [11:00:04 AM] Xeia: i was sitting outside in a hallway with my dad
    [11:00:23 AM] Xeia: and you were in birth
    [11:00:34 AM] Xeia: i was so worried that you would die
    [11:00:53 AM] Xeia: you had a little girl"
    [11:01:10 AM] Xeia: and then we talked for a bit
    [11:01:39 AM] Xeia: and then before leaving he told me "mom....
    [11:01:49 AM] Xeia: ....i saw the future"
    [11:01:58 AM] Xeia: this kid
    [11:02:12 AM] Xeia: i don't know what is it with him
    [11:02:23 AM] Xeia: he freaks me out sometimes
    [11:02:33 AM] Rok: did u tell him u dont want to have any more kids with his dad and that as u say u dont want any kids in 3d period?
    [11:02:55 AM] Xeia: no
    [11:03:01 AM] Rok: then prhaps u should
    [11:03:13 AM] Xeia: i just told him i don't think i should have any anymore
    [11:03:54 AM] Xeia: that's when he said that it will happen
    [11:05:20 AM] Rok: does he know his dad had a procedure done?
    [11:05:36 AM] Xeia: no
    [11:06:28 AM] Xeia: he doesn't know that
    [11:06:51 AM] Rok: could be then he saw the meta child
    [11:07:12 AM] Xeia: but why?
    [11:07:44 AM] Xeia: why now?
    [11:07:45 AM] Xeia: why him?
    [11:08:12 AM] Rok: i would rather have u ask Tony or Raven that...copy paste the chat on core
    [11:16:00 AM] Rok: i think he would be interested in that dream
    [11:16:26 AM] Rok: even if he does not say anything about it

    <<< [3:52:02 PM-Friday, June 21st, 2013 -7UCT]
    Allisiam: i really do not think the planet can withstand much more of humanities stupidity

    [3:52:11 PM] Allisiam: so something must give one way or the other
    [3:53:12 PM] Rok: and if it does not?
    [3:54:00 PM] Allisiam: then likely humanity will continue on a path of mass extinction, perhaps taking all life with it
    [3:54:26 PM] Allisiam: i think before that happens we will be wiped off the face of the planet
    [3:55:02 PM] Rok: the sooner the better
    [3:55:36 PM] Allisiam: i just don't feel this is what the Logos wants
    [3:55:58 PM] Allisiam: and so I hope for the promises it has given us
    [3:56:22 PM] Allisiam: and hope to live to see them come to fruition
    [3:57:11 PM] Allisiam: if i am meant to die, i will do it gracefully and not by my own hand though, i love life and no matter what happens, being alive has its own meaning, at least relative to me
    [3:58:09 PM] Rok: i am glad at least u like it
    [3:59:20 PM] Allisiam: i dont like the way things are no, but i am an optimist and i have children Rok, they deserve a better future, not one where i give up hope.
    [4:00:18 PM] Rok: ur kids give u a reason to live and like living?
    [4:01:04 PM] Allisiam: why wouldnt they?
    [4:02:18 PM] Rok: i dont know
    [4:02:20 PM] Rok: i just ask
    [4:02:29 PM] Rok: what is it that u the stamina
    [4:02:35 PM] Allisiam: even if nothing happens you know what Rok, this place is better then being dead, this i do know. Even in all its complexity and BS right now, it is the playground for consciousness.
    [4:02:36 PM] Rok: the want to be here no matter what
    [4:03:22 PM] Rok: i cant agree that it is better than being dead
    [4:03:24 PM] Allisiam: of course they do, their minds are not filled with the skeptism of the world, children are very close to God Rok and have a very strong will to live.
    [4:03:35 PM] Rok: brb a bit...hungry and thirsty
    [4:05:24 PM] Rok: back
    [4:05:29 PM] Rok: only drank did not eat
    [4:05:34 PM] Rok: should proly go to bed now
    [4:05:49 PM] Allisiam: yeah its late there huh
    [4:06:23 PM] Rok: 1am
    [4:07:49 PM] Allisiam: take care Rok and try to feel the life force in you and your reason for being. Living is God's wish, to experience what you do, if you die then he cannot see through your eyes and see his creation. You should really try to feel this instead of the wish to die. That death wish is the anti mind talking.
    [4:08:32 PM] Allisiam: Don't listen to it
    [4:08:49 PM] Rok: if i have a right to live
    [4:08:53 PM] Rok: dont i also have a right to die?
    [4:09:14 PM] Allisiam: sure, but then why are you here?
    [4:09:34 PM] Rok: could be someone made a mistake
    [4:09:38 PM] Allisiam: you have yet to answer those questions, the why you are here part
    [4:09:58 PM] Allisiam: the only mistake is you thinking that there is one
    [4:10:52 PM] Rok: maybe i get lucky during the night and will get some answers
    [4:11:07 PM] Allisiam: remember Tony said that humanities problem is a self esteem issue, dont help them carry this burden. Rise up out of your pity trip and all that and feel the reason for your being.
    [4:11:55 PM] Allisiam: yes i hope so, i really do Rok
    [4:13:06 PM] Rok: well i did ask for it
    [4:13:13 PM] Rok: but i asked before and...
    [4:13:14 PM] Rok: well
    [4:13:17 PM] Rok: gn Raven
    [4:14:30 PM] Allisiam: sometimes you have to be willing to listen to the answers given, they come sometimes in not so plain and direct ways. and you have been shown things in dreams and feelings, that is your knowing.
    [4:14:35 PM] Allisiam: goodnight Rok
    JT shared some good pics here


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    [​IMG] Downtown Calgary Underwater

    [​IMG] JesterTerrestrial Yesterday at 11:33 am


    Alberta floods: RCMP asks for military help as floods threaten Calgary area
    Torrential rains and widespread flooding throughout southern Alberta on Thursday washed out roads and bridges, sent residents scurrying for safety, and delivered up surreal scenes of cars, couches and refrigerators being swept away.

    [4:26:10 PM-Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 +10UCT]
    Emeth 141: Yes, I caught up with the chats. JT's Calgary floods relate to the 'floods' in India and 'Earth changes' since June 17th (actually triggered by the third eclipse of the triplet of May 25th) and as diligently reported by Carol of Moabyte forum.



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    • Post n°1029
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol on Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:24 am

    Torrential rains kill 73 in northern India, strands 73,000

    June 18, 2013INDIA - Rains on Tuesday claimed 11 more lives in North India, taking the toll to 73, even as 71,440 pilgrims bound for the Himalayan shrines remained stranded in monsoon-ravaged Uttarakhand, apart from 1,700 people stuck in Himachal Pradesh. Though rescue efforts picked up in flash flood and landslide-hit areas of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand with a let-up in the rains and decrease in water level in the Ganga and its tributaries, the whole of Uttarakhand stilwore a marooned and devastated look. Hundreds of homes and roads were washed away. Flash floods, cloudbursts and subsequent landslips in Uttarakhand have claimed 44 lives, left as many injured and destroyed 175 houses. Rudraprayag was the worst hit where 20 people perished and 73 buildings, including 40 hotels along the banks of the River Alaknanda, were swept away by the swirling waters. Pilgrims bound for Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri, are stranded in Rudraprayag, Chamoli and Uttarkashi districts with the ‘Char Dham’ yatra still suspended due to massive damage to the road network. While 27,040 devotees are stranded in Chamoli, 25,000 in Rudraprayag and 9,850 in Uttarkashi faced the same situation, said disaster management authorities. In Himachal Pradesh, chief minister Virbhadra Singh, who was stranded in tribal Kinnaur district for nearly 60 hours due to landslides, was airlifted by a chopper hired by the Congress, even as 1,700 people remained stranded at various places. In Uttar Pradesh, four persons were killed in rain-related incidents. Incessant rain held up the first two batches of the annual Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Meanwhile, people living in low-lying areas along the River Yamuna were evacuated as its water level crossed the danger mark of 204.83 metres at 1pm and reached 205.24 metres at 2.30pm, officials in the flood and irrigation department said. –Hindustan Times

    l _________________​
    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • Carol


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    • Post n°1030
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 1:40 am


    Calgary flooding could force up to100,000 from homes

    June 21, 2012 CANADA - As many as 100,000 residents of Calgary, Alberta, could face evacuation because of flooding, the director of emergency management said early Friday. Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for 20 communities, Bruce Burrell said. Parts of southern Alberta face rising floodwaters and the possibility of more rain. The levels of the Bow and Elbow rivers are expected to peak overnight, but not drop until late Saturday at the earliest, he said. “I have never experienced any flooding of this magnitude,” he added. There have been no initial reports of deaths or injuries. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said military assets, including helicopters, have been deployed to assist local emergency officials with rescue and evacuation efforts. “Our thoughts and prayers are with those families who have been affected by the serious flooding in Calgary and Southern Alberta,” Harper said, adding that “any and all possible assistance” would be provided by the federal government. A state of emergency was in effect for Calgary, according to a news release from the city. Police and fire officials were driving through communities, broadcasting the evacuation order over loudspeakers. Residents were being asked to mark their homes with an “X” to indicate they had evacuated. The news release said the level of the Elbow and Bow Rivers had risen significantly. -CNN

    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • Carol


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    • Post n°1031
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 1:44 am

    June 20, 2013SINGAPORE - Fast-food deliveries have been cancelled, the army has suspended field training and even Singapore’s top marathon runner has retreated as residents try to protect themselves from the smog that has descended on the city-state. In Singapore’s worst environmental crisis in more than a decade, the skyscrapers lining the Marina Bay financial district were shrouded by thick smoke Thursday as raging forest fires in neighboring Indonesia’s Sumatra Island pushed air pollution levels to an all-time high. Marathon runner Mok Ying Ren said the haze had forced him to run indoors on a gym treadmill as “it is just too crazy to run outdoors in these conditions. I tried running with a mask on, but after 45 minutes it is too sweaty and uncomfortable,” said the 25-year-old doctor, who clocks 100 kilometers (62 miles) a week as part of a grueling training program to qualify for the 2016 Olympics. Singapore’s army on Wednesday night said it was suspending all field training “to ensure the well-being and safety of our soldiers.” Even a comforting takeaway has become harder to find as fast-food giants McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut have suspended deliveries due to safety concerns for their motorcycle-riding delivery staff. Hunched commuters wore masks or covered their mouths as they walked home in the evening smog on Thursday, with major drug stores telling AFP they had temporarily run out of masks and refusing to accept advance orders. “At present, we are not facing any pressing health issues with the animals in our collection as a result of the haze. The animals are exhibiting normal behavior with no noticeable adverse reactions towards the air pollution.” Southeast Asia’s worst haze crisis took place in 1997-1998, causing widespread health problems and costing the regional economy billions of dollars as a result of business and air transport disruptions that lasted for weeks. The last major haze outbreak in the region was in 2006. –Physics


    Pollution in Singapore has reached record levels and the city-state’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has warned it could last for weeks. It has prompted a row with neighboring Indonesia over the cause. This is no natural phenomenon: the haze is caused by the illegal burning of forests on Indonesia’s Sumatra island. It happens every year but this time it is worse than ever. Air quality has been declared dangerous and breathing masks have sold out. Skyscrapers that usually dominate clear skies are smothered in smog. The two countries are holding an emergency meeting in Jakarta. The June to September dry season sees forests and other land on Sumatra burned to clear space for palm oil plantations. But Singapore’s plight has brought little sympathy from Indonesia’s government. –Euronews

    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • Carol


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    • Post n°1032
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 1:47 am

    NOAA, partners predict possible record-setting deadzone for Gulf of Mexico

    June 20, 2013 GULF OF MEXICO – Scientists are expecting a very large “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico and a smaller than average hypoxic level in the Chesapeake Bay this year, based on several NOAA-supported forecast models. NOAA-supported modelers at the University of Michigan, Louisiana State University, and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium are forecasting that this year’s Gulf of Mexico hypoxic “dead” zone will be between 7,286 and 8,561 square miles, which could place it among the ten largest recorded. That would range from an area the size of Connecticut, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia combined on the low end to the New Jersey on the upper end. The high estimate would exceed the largest ever reported, 8,481 square miles in 2002. Hypoxic (very low oxygen) and anoxic (no oxygen) zones are caused by excessive nutrient pollution, often from human activities such as agriculture, which results in insufficient oxygen to support most marine life in near-bottom waters. Aspects of weather, including wind speed, wind direction, precipitation and temperature, also impact the size of dead zones. The Gulf estimate is based on the assumption of no significant tropical storms in the two weeks preceding or during the official measurement survey cruise scheduled from July 25-August 3 2013. If a storm does occur the size estimate could drop to a low of 5344 square miles, slightly smaller than the size of Connecticut. This year’s prediction for the Gulf reflects flood conditions in the Midwest that caused large amounts of nutrients to be transported from the Mississippi watershed to the Gulf. Last year’s dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico was the fourth smallest on record due to drought conditions, covering an area of approximately 2,889 square miles, an area slightly larger than the state of Delaware.​

    The overall average between 1995-2012 is 5,960 square miles, an area about the size of Connecticut. A second NOAA-funded forecast, for the Chesapeake Bay, calls for a smaller than average dead zone in the nation’s largest estuary. The forecasts from researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and the University of Michigan has three parts: a prediction for the mid-summer volume of the low-oxygen hypoxic zone, one for the mid-summer oxygen-free anoxic zone, and a third that is an average value for the entire summer season. The forecasts call for a mid-summer hypoxic zone of 1.46 cubic miles, a mid-summer anoxic zone of 0.26 to 0.38 cubic miles, and a summer average hypoxia of 1.108 cubic miles, all at the low end of previously recorded zones. Last year the final mid-summer hypoxic zone was 1.45 cubic miles. This is the seventh year for the Bay outlook which, because of the shallow nature of large areas of the estuary, focuses on water volume or cubic miles, instead of square mileage as used in the Gulf. The history of hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay since 1985 can be found at the EcoCheck website.Science Codex

    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



    Posts: 13168
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    • Post n°1033
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 1:53 am
    by The Extinction Protocol

    June 19, 2013TURKEY – German and Turkish scientists on Tuesday said they had pinpointed an extremely dangerous seismic zone less than 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the historic heart of Istanbul. Running under the Sea of Marmara just south of the city of some 15 million people, this segment of the notorious North Anatolian fault has been worryingly quiet in recent years, which may point to a buildup in tension, they wrote. “The block we identified reaches 10 kilometers (about six miles) deep along the fault zone and has displayed no seismic activity since measurements began over four years ago,” said Marco Bohnhoff, a professor at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, near Berlin. “This could be an indication that the expected Marmara earthquake could originate there.” The North Anatolian fault, created by the collision of the Anatolia Plate with the Eurasia Plate, runs 1,500 kilometers (950 miles) along northern Turkey. At the western tip of the fault, an earthquake took place in 1912 at Ganos near the Aegean Sea. On its eastern side, a domino series of earthquakes in 1939, 1942, 1951, 1967 and 1999 displaced the stress progressively westwards, bringing it ever closer to Istanbul. What is left now is a so-called earthquake gap under the Sea of Marmara, lying between the two fault stretches whose stress has been eased by the quakes. The “gap” itself, however, has not been relieved by an earthquake since 1766. Seeking a more precise view of the gap, the GFZ and Istanbul’s Kandilli Earthquake Observatory set up a network of seismic monitors in the eastern part of the sea. They calculate that the Anatolian fault normally has a westward motion of between 25 and 30 millimeters (one to 1.2 inches) per year.
    But this natural slippage is being blocked by a small section, about 30 km (19 miles) long, located under a chain of nine small islands known as the Princes Islands — a popular destination for day-trippers from Istanbul. “The seismic silence along the Princes Islands segment stands in contrast to the background activity in the broader Izmit-Marmara region,” warns the study published in the journal Nature Communications. The paper says that, conceivably, stress under the Princes Islands is being relieved “aseismically,” in other words, the pressure is being eased so gradually as to be undetectable. But this scenario is unlikely, it says. “Our evidence indicates that this patch is locked and is therefore a potential nucleation point for another Marmara segment earthquake — a potential that has significant natural hazards implications” for Istanbul, it warns. The study does not make any prediction about the size of any future quake or when it could occur. But it notes an estimate published in 2004 that found a 35-to-70 percent probability that the “gap” will be struck by an earthquake greater than magnitude seven by 2034. Other scientists have also pointed to the possibility of several smaller “en echelon” type quakes, which may generate less ground motion but are likelier to cause tsunamis because they displace the sea floor. The last big quakes on the North Anatolian fault in 1999 — a 7.1-magnitude quake in Duzce and 7.4-magnitude quake in Izmit — left some 20,000 people dead. –Space Daily

    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • lawlessline

    Posts: 660
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    • Post n°1034
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] lawlessline Yesterday at 2:58 am
    This has been the flooding here in france. This is no more that 5 miles from yours truly. Here is the local TV page on the different flooded area.
    This happen 2 days ago and still hasn't stopped raining. The volume of water over the last 6 months have been amazing. It is combining with the melt of the mountain snow. I was personally speaking with an 80 yr old and they said they have never experienced a winter and spring in their entire life.

    Lots of Bridges down here. I was wondering what people thought what about Clif High and his talk about the flooding in the Pyrenees area. This has been the 3 serious of floods in as many weeks.




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    • Post n°1035
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 7:40 am
    Thanks for the update from your region Tom and am glad you're safe. This is suppose to be our rainy season and we are in another drought. The pastures for the horses are dust and our 10,000 gallon water cistern is down to a few feet. We depend upon the rain for our drinking water. Lots of rain clouds but very rain over our area.


    June 19, 2013ALASKA - Taking advantage of an intense heat-wave that broke long-standing records yesterday, residents of Anchorage, Alaska headed to the beach at Goose Lake. As The Anchorage Daily News reports, the National Weather Service recorded a high temperature of 81 degrees in the city, beating the previous record set in June of 1926. The AP reports that in other spots, it got in even hotter: “All-time highs were recorded elsewhere, including 96 degrees on Monday 80 miles to the north in the small community of Talkeetna, purported to be the inspiration for the town in the TV series, ‘Northern Exposure’ and the last stop for climbers heading to Mount McKinley, North America’s tallest mountain. One unofficial reading taken at a lodge near Talkeetna even measured 98 degrees, which would tie the highest undisputed temperature recorded in Alaska. “That record was set in 1969, according to Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the online forecasting service Weather Underground. “This is the hottest heat wave in Alaska since ‘69,’ he said. ‘You’re way, way from normal.’” NBC News reports that the unusual heat follows an unrelenting winter that hung on until the end of May, when the state gets 18 hours of sunlight a day. “Eventually, the sun is going to win out, and once it did, boy, did things change in a hurry,” Michael Lawson, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service Anchorage office, told NBC News. The AP put together a video that shows Alaskans have traded in parkas for shorts and are running to the nearest body of water for some relief. -NPR

    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



    Posts: 13168
    Join date: 2010-04-07
    Location: Hawaii
    • Post n°1036
    [​IMG] Re: Earth Changes 2013 - Daily Updates

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 7:57 am

    India floods kills 200 and leaves thousands stranded


    June 21, 2012 INDIA – Rescuers found 40 bodies floating in the River Ganges near a Hindu holy city on Friday, sending the death toll past 200 from flooding in northern India that has stranded tens of thousands of people, mostly Hindu pilgrims, since heavy monsoon rains began about a week ago. The Indian air force dropped paratroopers, food and medicine for people trapped in up to 100 towns and villages cut off by monsoon rains and landslides in the northern Himalayas. India’s Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde put the official death toll in Uttrakhand state at 207, but that was expected to rise as authorities reach cut-off areas. The 40 bodies discovered in the Ganges were near the city of Haridwar, police officer Rajiv Swaroop said. Shinde told reporters in New Delhi that 34,000 people have been evacuated so far and another 50,000 were stranded in the region. Most are Hindu pilgrims who were visiting four revered shrines. Uttrakhand state spokesman Amit Chandola said the rescue operation centered on evacuating nearly 27,000 people trapped in the worst-hit Kedarnath temple area — one of the holiest Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva, located atop the Garhwal Himalayan range. The temple escaped major damage, but debris covered the area around it and television images showed the bodies of pilgrims strewn around the area. Soldiers and other workers reopened dozens of roads by building makeshift bridges, accelerating the evacuation, Chandola said. More than 2,000 vehicles carrying stranded Hindu pilgrims have moved out of the area since late Thursday, he said. Thousands of soldiers continued efforts to reach the worst-hit towns and villages, Chandola said. Rakesh Sharma, a state official, said the death toll might run into the thousands, but the exact figure will not be known until the entire region is checked. The flooding washed away roads and nearly two dozen bridges, demolished 365 houses and partially damaged 275 others in Uttrakhand, the state government said. An additional 17 people died in collapsed homes in neighboring Uttar Pradesh state, said R.L. Vishwakarma, a state police officer. Thirty-six air force helicopters have been ferrying rescue workers, doctors, equipment, food and medicine to Kedarnath, the town closest to many of those stranded, said Priya Joshi, an air force spokeswoman. Another seven aircraft carried paratroopers and fuel to the region. On Friday, hundreds of people looking for relatives demonstrated in Dehradun, the Uttrakhand state capital, where flood survivors were taken by helicopters. They complained that the government was taking too long to evacuate the survivors, with small helicopters bringing in four to five people at a time. The annual monsoon rains sustain India’s agriculture but also cause flooding that routinely claims lives and damages property. –ABC News

    [​IMG]What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    [4:27:12 PM] Emeth 141: I was offline for 2 days, as I had to fix Christine's computer and had to connect my monitor to her computer.
    [4:27:32 PM] Emeth 141: Adam came back home, but is in his same bad mood. Richard is doing ok, but is still in the Canberra hospital. He had his final operation to remove wires from his knee and his arm is free now of stitches. He is using a wheelchair now.
    [4:27:47 PM] Emeth 141: Adam, I think he is waiting for July to consider suiciding agian.
    [4:28:06 PM] Emeth 141: I felt very sad the last two days too and like Rok in the forest above.
    [4:28:43 PM] Emeth 141: Interestingly I felt the same sense of separatedness as Xeia did
    [4:29:13 PM] Emeth 141: I feel Lassie closer and closer and like Raven says the 'coring' seems to be very strong mentally
    [4:29:18 PM] Emeth 141: Xeia said this here:

    [4:30:13 PM] Emeth 141: [9:20 AM] Sirius 17:
    <<< [21:15:30] Rok: i think i ll go to the forest
    [21:16:15] Xeia: i feel a pull towards you...that is so strong
    [21:16:28] Xeia: i don't know where it comes from or why
    [21:16:53] Xeia: it doesn't leave me
    [21:16:57] Xeia: even when i try to
    [21:17:32] Rok: i ll go to thge forest i want ot be inside of it before it gets dark
    [21:17:41] Xeia: you don't even believe that there's a God
    [21:17:52] Xeia: ok
    [21:17:59] Xeia: go to the forest
    [21:18:26] Rok: it has been a while since i was alone in complete dark
    [21:18:36] Rok: caw

    [4:30:37 PM] Emeth 141: And this fits perfectly, as to what Raven said here about the core sex
    [4:32:18 PM] Emeth 141: [3:32 AM] Sirius 17:
    <<< [9:44:45 AM] Allisiam: i dont lay around fantasizing about Rok lol
    [9:45:13 AM] Xeia: i don't think i would mind even if you did
    [9:45:21 AM] Allisiam: but when i make love to James, your images come in and then my imagination takes over and i imagine things. like me fucking you as james ect
    [9:45:25 AM] Xeia: but yes i see what you mean
    [9:45:45 AM] Allisiam: but i am not attracted to Rok that way
    [9:45:59 AM] Allisiam: or Tony even
    [9:46:15 AM] Xeia: you don't think they are attractive?
    [9:46:28 AM] Allisiam: i can image having sex with them but my mind always wants James see
    [9:46:46 AM] Allisiam: no it has nothing to do with that , i find them both very attractive
    [9:47:04 AM] Allisiam: i have dreamed of fucking Tony many times
    [9:47:19 AM] Allisiam: but i never climax, its like its not allowed yet
    [9:47:31 AM] Allisiam: because he is not my core
    [9:47:39 AM] Allisiam: mentally we are wavecores
    [9:47:47 AM] Allisiam: but i am not his physical core
    [9:47:55 AM] Allisiam: so i feel this way about Rok too
    [9:48:05 AM] Allisiam: my soul knows he is yours
    [9:48:31 AM] Allisiam: and so for me to fantasize about him and such, you have to be there
    [9:48:40 AM] Allisiam: same thing with Tony, DD is always there
    [9:48:51 AM] Allisiam: at least in mind you know

    [4:32:41 PM] Emeth 141: This feels very deep and true on the cosmic level
    [4:33:09 PM] Emeth 141: It is actually what Rok and I 'dread' so much from the personal human perspective
    [4:33:35 PM] Emeth 141: Rok is 'cosmically stuck' with Xeia and this mirrored in her 'pull she felt'
    [4:34:12 PM] Emeth 141: I am stuck with DD and how very much more incompatible is her mind to the incompatibility between your's and Xeia's Rok?
    [4:35:17 PM] Emeth 141: I cant 'ditch' Lassie as the 'way DD could have been', were she not mindfucked by those 'other males'
    [4:35:37 PM] Emeth 141: This is the same basis as how Rok perceives Xeia in her circumstances
    [4:36:57 PM] Emeth 141: Raven and me could be a supercore, as the mental harmony is so strong and unviolable, yet we are like MindBody coupled to MindBody and the cosmic law requires couplings between MindBody and BodyMind. This is like -&+ attraction and -&- and +&+ repulsion. This is the old cosmophysics, which is transforming into (-+)&(+-) and so allows the 'overcoming' of the repulsions in the new cosmophysics say.
    [4:37:27 PM] Emeth 141: So this is why our respective cores are unique and Logos defined and not human mindplay BS
    [4:38:04 PM] Emeth 141: This is why Rok's MindBody sees the 'Cosmic Goddess' in Xeia's BodyMind and why he often detests and despises Xeia's Mind-Body
    [4:38:44 PM] Emeth 141: The RokXeia core is Rok's MindBody WITH entwinement JCCJ to Xeia's BodyMind
    [4:39:11 PM] Emeth 141: This is the same with me and DD and is the same with RavenJames; but the latter has the sexroles reversed
    [4:39:18 PM] Emeth 141: For a cosmic purpose
    [4:40:05 PM] Emeth 141: So it is Raven's MindBody, being Logos induced in its depest nature, that is attracted and entwined with James' BodyMind
    [4:40:34 PM] Emeth 141: Therefore those sexchange dreams and fantasies etc, surfacing from the subconscious and the superconscious Christmind
    [4:42:29 PM] Emeth 141: Because RavenJames are imo unique in this Old World in having manifested the original Adam-Eve fuckup, with Adam having the malemindedness divine but Eve as a mirror and vice versa Eve having the divine Body as the male image of the Adamic 'Original Sin=Not Understanding=Ignorance'; they are actually physically together as cores, the first one ever imo
    [4:43:17 PM] Emeth 141: So this means, that Raven's malemindedness is allowed and cosmically templated to create the New Lilith as the New Eve
    [4:43:54 PM] Emeth 141: Old Eve has the correct body, like all femmes ; BUT has the wrong mind if you can recall
    [4:44:19 PM] Emeth 141: So Raven is allowed to DOUBLE her Old Eve mind and complement it with a New Eve mind
    [4:44:55 PM] Emeth 141: The New World will then be able to copycat this template, whenever it is manifested enough to be shared
    [4:45:25 PM] Emeth 141: Now XeiaRok are also in this metamorphosis, but here in a partial physical separatedness
    [4:46:19 PM] Emeth 141: TonyMild are physically totally separated, but are mentally entwining at the synchronisation with whatever happens in the phys-phys of the RavenJames core and the ment-phys of the RokXeia core
    [4:46:48 PM] Emeth 141: Then Xeia-Rok become the Bridge between the ment-ment and the phys-phys as a ment-phys
    [4:47:13 PM] Emeth 141: So all 3 cores are of one origin (YYY) and are already unified
    [4:47:36 PM] Emeth 141: My thoughts last night were very much attuned to Rok's and Xeia's
    [4:48:12 PM] Emeth 141: I felt Lassie so close as a mindform and part of the MILD; yet I felt the actual body of DD further and further away
    [4:48:58 PM] Emeth 141: Like the mind would never adjust to its body in the twinning of the Old Mind becoming a MindBody and the old Body becoming a BodyMind
    [4:49:26 PM] Emeth 141: I felt very very sad, like Xeia, thinking and feeling, that I would never touch or be in physicality with Lassie. I felt like the rest of my life here, will be just one of waiting to finally die and leave this physicality behind. But then what is the purpose of all this? Why have bodies so experience all this suffering in the first place? Etc etc, so there is the 'hope of the saints', waiting for the New World. But unlike the 'observers' in body and mind, we did apply the minds to create a new story to HELP the Logos and cosmic jurisdiction to act if they agree to do so. And the decoding imo is necessary and described as such by its own compositions, to allow the actual physicalisation of a 'New World' and systems. But as said, whilst I have hope and understanding in those things; on a personal level I am just about at the end of the rope and without expectations to experience personal fulfilments and such.
    [4:50:10 PM] Emeth 141: And yet, I feel and know, that Lassie is the true DD, but hijacked by the Old World and its thoughtforms and regulations and ideas
    [4:50:58 PM] Emeth 141: This is how Rok's higher mind perceives Xeia's BodyMind
    [4:51:23 PM] Emeth 141: If it would not, then this would not be a Logos core and would have dissipated or faded away years ago
    [4:51:57 PM] Emeth 141: To be specific then.
    [4:52:20 PM] Emeth 141: Rok sees something, his cosmic love, his goddess in Xeia's Bodyform and NOT Xeia as a human femme or some Kali etc etc
    [4:52:52 PM] Emeth 141: Of course, he tries to guard it as such and most of his 'jealousies' are not like yours at all Xeia
    [4:53:09 PM] Emeth 141: Rok's jealousy is higherD and yours is lower D
    [4:54:22 PM] Emeth 141: Rok is trying to protect you as much from the 'influence' of the old maleminded BS, like John, Newrex, Michael (less so) and Asha and Neo; as I do over DD even listening to morons like Bonacci, FOC and co
    [4:56:48 PM] Emeth 141: As Rok said, if he were as 3D as Xeia so often says, then he would never have stayed around and supported a weird cultlike label like Thuban
    [4:57:47 PM] Emeth 141: It is you Xeia, who is rather more 3D, than Rok is; but you are an ancient goddess and a dreamer and your christened superconsciousness is off this planet in a particular way
    [4:58:25 PM] Emeth 141: So your otherness (Sui Generis the Unique One from the Latin(o)) in say the galactic sense, renders you a Bridge Maker, who finds herself stuck in a very 3D environment
    [4:58:39 PM] Emeth 141: The Latino bloodline and cultures emphasize this
    [4:59:38 PM] Emeth 141: But knowing someone like Neo from the same culture, yet mindfucked in his JW beliefs, has been a help to your ancient remembrances to see through some of the 3D old human facades and masks
    [5:09:48 PM] Emeth 141: As Raven said, we all have given rather heavy burdens to carry, but somehow our respective past experiences and including all beingnesses, have prepared us and not placed crosses upon us, which we are unable to carry
    [5:12:24 PM] Emeth 141: In terms of the timeline yes since June 17th, the New World is in a 'shortened pregnancy' in 18 days to July 5th, 2013 becoming 18 years of the Dragon Children from 1995 to 2013. See how all Children born before March 24th, 1995 'came of age' on March 25th, 2013? Then all children born from March 25th, 2013 will graduate corresponding to their human birthdays in their '18th' as indicated and ergo Daniel's dream of the birth of the 'New Eve' as a starhuman blueprint. DD called this Inala over a year ago and dreamt of this in like fashions.
    [5:28:46 PM] Emeth 141: Daniel is attuned to the 'New World' more so than any of us are in the physical sense, as are all kids, born since March 1995 to December 2004 and then even more so from the warpzone marker onwards
    [5:29:43 PM] Emeth 141: It is THEIR New World and I am sure, they are interested to see THEIR soul agreements to incarnate fulfilled in some manner. Even more so than we are, often wondering and just suffering of having to be here.
    [7:42:23 PM] Hades 88:
    claim is the ship had weapons as cargo for free syrian army = "rebels"

    [7:48:38 PM] Hades 88:
    if true Russians are likely behind it
    [7:53:49 PM] Hades 88:
    [7:54:02 PM] Hades 88: cargo content unknown
    [7:56:30 PM] Emeth 141: Hmm seems to be confirmed Rok
    [7:56:35 PM] Emeth 141: I just saw this


    [8:01:08 PM] Hades 88: cargo content has been confirmed officially?
    [8:01:40 PM] Emeth 141: No, but there are so many Nabs channels about conspiracies, one has to check for other sources
    [8:01:49 PM] Emeth 141: Your sources are normally reliable
    [8:02:27 PM] Hades 88: the ship went down that is sure...if it had weapons as cargo is not sure
    [8:03:06 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, this is the question
    [8:05:58 PM] Hades 88: on recent G8 Putin said something like them not being the only ones not agreeing with the usa
    [8:06:14 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and we know what this is
    [8:06:38 PM] Emeth 141: The Russians know that the 'rebels' are 'bad news too'
    [8:06:49 PM] Emeth 141: Look at Egypt and Libya
    [8:06:58 PM] Hades 88: or iraq
    [8:07:14 PM] Hades 88: devestation
    [8:08:34 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [8:08:57 PM] Emeth 141: The USA can not be trusted in anything and the Russians know it
    [8:09:30 PM] Hades 88: can the Russians be trusted?
    [8:12:48 PM] Emeth 141: No
    [8:13:09 PM] Emeth 141: But they know the hidden shit of the US
    [8:13:19 PM] Emeth 141: It is all a mess
    [8:14:22 PM] Emeth 141: Overall, as the Indias and China become more 'middle class' and the technology improves, the idiotic human mindset will go selfsdestruct mode
    [8:14:57 PM] Emeth 141: I mean general populus of course and not the human creativity and cosmic genius of the individual. It is the human groupmind, which is past its 'use by date'
    [8:15:36 PM] Emeth 141: Nothing can change with a brainwashed population iow and it does not matter if this is American, Russian or Chinese
    [8:24:16 PM] Hades 88: from Russia with love -


    [8:28:41 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, they are as 'sick in the mind' as the 'bad guys' they wish to confront. This is what I mean with 'idiotic human mind'
    [8:40:19 PM] Hades 88: hah what u get using a bit of an "expert" language translation mixtures
    [8:41:22 PM] Hades 88:

    i actually checked
    [8:43:16 PM] Hades 88:
    i wonder if this is like breeding a horse and a donkey to get a mule
    [8:46:32 PM] Emeth 141: Do we have to say any more?
    [8:46:41 PM] Hades 88: :)
    [8:46:43 PM] Emeth 141: Nabs infections
    [8:47:05 PM] Hades 88: it has half a million views
    [8:47:15 PM] Emeth 141: See how you can use scripture codes for utter nonsense?
    [8:47:16 PM] Hades 88: should have included obama in thuban video somehow to get attention
    [8:47:33 PM] Emeth 141: This is the stuff, which turns people off the codes
    [8:47:44 PM] Emeth 141: Right
    [8:49:55 PM] Emeth 141: Fundamentalist Christians and Islamists and Hebrews and Hindus are just as 'mindsick diseased' as are Nabs experts and the many wannabes messiahs and 'kings of kings' and 'lords of hosts'
    Emeth 141, June 22nd, 2013

    Logos Talks on Ravenshoe Castle, Cosmic Ambassadorhood and Other Dragon Things

    [1:16:21 AM-Sunday, June 23rd, 2013 +10UCT]
    Kali 666: uurgh
    [1:16:40 AM] Kali 666:
    Emeth 141:
    <<< I am stuck with DD and how very much more incompatible is her mind to the incompatibility between your's and Xeia's Rok?

    [1:16:43 AM] Kali 666: why did he say this?
    [1:17:05 AM] Kali 666: is this why you asked me why were so different?
    [1:17:11 AM] Sirius 17: well i think it is pretty self explanatory yes
    [1:17:18 AM] Kali 666: no he did
    [1:17:23 AM] Kali 666: he asked me yesterday
    [1:17:38 AM] Kali 666: but i didn't think he meant we are incompatible
    [1:18:03 AM] Kali 666:
    [Saturday, 22 June 2013 8:49 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< how is it we can be so different?

    [1:18:16 AM] Sirius 17: its mental compatibility he is talking about and he is saying you and Rok have much more mental compatibility then say for example he and DD, which is true
    [1:18:45 AM] Kali 666: no actually i think he meant the opposite
    [1:19:07 AM] Sirius 17: well he worded it in the negative sense
    [1:19:29 AM] Sirius 17: saying her mind is far more incompatible with his then you and rok
    [1:19:35 AM] Sirius 17: are with each other
    [1:19:41 AM] Sirius 17: so its the same thing i said
    [1:19:45 AM] Kali 666: so Rok is doubting if we fit now?
    [1:20:16 AM] Sirius 17: no i think he is just realizing the differences
    [1:20:17 AM] Kali 666: no he meant not much as in the same
    [1:20:44 AM] Sirius 17: no he didn't
    [1:21:01 AM] Sirius 17: [1:16 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< how very much more incompatible is her mind

    [1:21:13 AM] Sirius 17: he is speaking of dd
    [1:21:21 AM] Kali 666: yes i know
    [1:21:25 AM] Sirius 17: as her mind is much more incompatible
    [1:21:38 AM] Kali 666: and her mind is not much more incompatible as theirs is
    [1:22:15 AM] Sirius 17: then whos?
    [1:22:22 AM] Kali 666: Rok and mine
    [1:22:28 AM] Sirius 17: oh yes it is

    [1:22:30 AM] Emeth 141: I did not use 'not much more', Xeia lol
    [1:22:43 AM] Emeth 141: I am eating
    [1:22:48 AM] Kali 666: oh hi stranger
    [1:22:51 AM] Hades 88: i am hungry too
    [1:22:54 AM] Sirius 17: you are still talking to Rok, DD cannot even have a conversation Xeia without it turning to shit
    [1:23:05 AM] Emeth 141: Well I often dont eat much nowadays
    [1:23:23 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Raven
    [1:23:42 AM] Sirius 17: hey Tony, :*
    [1:24:02 AM] Emeth 141: Xeia I meant that Rok and you are different in the mind-body interaction as are all male-female couplings
    [1:24:31 AM] Emeth 141: I tried to explain why this is and how this is changing in a universal manner
    [1:24:38 AM] Sirius 17: i made fresh Salmon last night for us, was delicious. first time in a while we have had a nice family dinner all together at the table, since i have been using it for a desk lol.
    [1:25:04 AM] Emeth 141: All mem and women are in the same boat, but because of the corings, we experience this in a profound manner
    [1:25:41 AM] Emeth 141: It does not mean that there is a natural incompatibility, but that the external circumstances can be extreme
    [1:25:52 AM] Kali 666: i see
    [1:26:00 AM] Kali 666: i'm still reading....
    [1:27:13 AM] Emeth 141: Then I tried to show in particular, that Rok's dramas with you are related to the doubling of this mind-body label into MindBody and BodyMind, which is the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics more technically expressed
    [1:27:49 AM] Emeth 141: It will heal this amongst other things like the dragon biness
    [1:28:17 AM] Kali 666: when the transformation is complete you mean
    [1:28:38 AM] Emeth 141: I mean the homosexuality of the old world will become natural in this 'doubling' of what is understood Body and Mind
    [1:29:12 AM] Emeth 141: So there will be no more homosexuality at all for the starhumans
    [1:29:24 AM] Emeth 141: It is a new template reflected in the dna codes
    [1:29:31 AM] Kali 666: i agree
    [1:30:58 AM] Emeth 141: People like Asha and even kids who 'know' that they have the 'wrong body' see, know and feel this, but can misinterpret their own feelings about themselves in the cultural settings they are trapped in
    [1:31:11 AM] Emeth 141: Kids like that are not even sexual see?
    [1:31:20 AM | Edited 1:31:26 AM] Emeth 141: So this is nature's talk
    [1:31:36 AM | Edited 1:31:47 AM] Emeth 141: The old Adam-Eve fuckup between Mind male and Body female
    [1:32:24 AM | Edited 1:32:36 AM] Emeth 141: Nature has always been the best teacher, far better than human ones
    [1:32:57 AM] Emeth 141: Yet, people cant learn from the animals, say the Bees and Ants
    [1:33:51 AM] Emeth 141: People have the 'priviledge' to be 'born equal' in the cosmic sense, yet they dont appreciate this
    [1:34:17 AM] Emeth 141: The bees are in classes and this should show the humans something, but it doesn't
    [1:34:45 AM] Emeth 141: Only in the last 100 years did humans abolish apartheid and slavery as 'natural'
    [1:35:24 AM] Emeth 141: This is a feedback see to the old world, when slaves were like drones and people actually tried to learn and mimick what is natural
    [1:35:44 AM] Kali 666: [Saturday, 22 June 2013 4:53 PM]
    Emeth 141:
    <<< Rok's jealousy is higherD and yours is lower Dare you sure about this Tony?

    [1:35:55 AM] Emeth 141: So the 'smart humans' saw it and learnt nothing much in their comparisons
    [1:36:01 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [1:36:13 AM] Kali 666: does he think so too?
    [1:36:15 AM] Emeth 141: This is my 'jealousy' also
    [1:36:31 AM] Emeth 141: Ask him, I am sure he would agree in principle
    [1:36:31 AM] Kali 666: i know yours is yes
    [1:37:25 AM] Emeth 141: You react with your body Xeia, thinking of Rok being with a femme
    [1:37:44 AM] Emeth 141: Rok is mind and memes before he reacts bodysensual
    [1:38:06 AM] Kali 666: and he says he feels it in body too...he shakes n stuff
    [1:38:15 AM] Hades 88:
    [1:35 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< are you sure about this Tony?

    i am also not sure about that ...i do mind it mega lot when i dont feel or see the confident response that would show me no one is being put as my equal and that no one has any say on how something should or should not be done in regard to me from Xeia's side...but i also do very much mind 3d john and 3d things he does or she does or they do with each other
    [1:38:19 AM] Emeth 141: You 'trust' your body and generally this is a femme power and prerogative
    [1:38:19 AM] Hades 88: brb food
    [1:38:20 AM] Emeth 141: BUT
    [1:38:33 AM] Kali 666: after the memewar upstairs?
    [1:39:02 AM] Emeth 141: when you become emotionally agitated and compromised in your own mind-body intercom, THEN your feelings can become a lie. This is what I meant
    [1:39:47 AM] Kali 666: i think i understand this now
    [1:39:53 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Rok and this feeling not being kingbee is the mental jealousy
    [1:40:47 AM] Emeth 141: The physical jealousy is something you could adapt to and accept in some manner, once you would be sure in your own mind regarding Xeia's mental loyalty and PREFERENCE
    [1:41:16 AM] Emeth 141: This does not mean that Xeia cant 'love' another man, say John
    [1:41:47 AM] Emeth 141: It means that the cosmic ORDER is established and everybody in contact with EITHER Rok or Xeia KNOWS THIS
    [1:42:09 AM] Sirius 17: as i tried to explain from my perspective
    [1:42:22 AM] Sirius 17: when Rok asked me if i ever fantasize about him
    [1:42:29 AM] Emeth 141: This cosmic order Rok has NOT received from Xeia at all, due to her 3D considerations, as noble as they may be
    [1:42:52 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Raven and it was excellent as ususal
    [1:43:26 AM] Emeth 141: I really liked it when you said, that the main focus is always James and that whatever else goes on the coring partners are fully present
    [1:43:38 AM] Emeth 141: This is the Key
    [1:43:54 AM] Sirius 17: well this is how it is, even in my dreams too, James is either there or in mind in those too
    [1:44:43 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, a DQBee can take any lover she pleases to 'FEED HER', but the dragon law is that none of this is 'lawful' except the KingBee knows and shares whatever the Queenbee does and even thinks
    [1:44:53 AM] Emeth 141: Even thoughts must be shared on that level
    [1:44:53 AM] Sirius 17: and i did not really notice this until recently, i mean i had sex dreams before i met and knew him and he wasnt there, and now any sexual dream i have he is there in mind or i can see him present physically.
    [1:45:01 AM] Emeth 141: There are no secrets and innuendos
    [1:45:40 AM] Emeth 141: Yes this is graduation because the JCCJ is manifesting and present since March 25th
    [1:45:40 AM] Sirius 17: i have always felt this from the conscious level, but even my dreams are showing me it is true
    [1:46:14 AM] Emeth 141: There is nothing hidden in cores. This is why dragons are FREE to be polylovers
    [1:46:35 AM] Emeth 141: And human thinking can do nothing about this period.
    [1:46:50 AM] Emeth 141: Because without JCCJ present, there is NO Core
    [1:46:55 AM] Sirius 17: yes and even trying to hide it does nothing because they feel it
    [1:47:02 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [1:47:25 AM] Emeth 141: This is at the core of the pupa stage of RokXeia
    [1:47:53 AM] Emeth 141: They do feel each other, but the mental warzone of the 3D exterior provides many hindrances
    [1:48:57 AM:
    [1:44 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< Yes, a DQBee can take any lover she pleases to 'FEED HER', but the dragon law is that none of this is 'lawful' except the KingBee knows and shares whatever the Queenbee does and even thinks
    Even thoughts must be shared on that level

    This is as much Rok's trouble with Xeia, as it is mine
    [1:49:16 AM] Emeth 141: Rok imo has a clear understanding of this now
    [1:49:45 AM] Emeth 141: Xeia jumps the gun and lives in the New World without the 3D encumbrances already
    [1:50:10 AM] Emeth 141: But Xeia knows the principle rather well from her ancient memory
    [1:50:51 AM] Emeth 141: So relative to Xeia, John is at his place and is in no competition with Rok
    [1:51:16 AM] Emeth 141: But this cannot work as yet, because the starhuman butterfly has not yet left its chrysalis
    [1:51:58 AM] Emeth 141: Xeia's entire behaviour and interaction patterns is precisely like the butterfly already exists - it doesn't
    [1:52:23 AM] Emeth 141: It is in gestation, but alive as a pupa and no longer a caterpillar
    [1:54:51 AM] Emeth 141: This nonexistence of a fundamental building block of the New World is our common dilemma
    [1:55:21 AM] Kali 666: doesn't it exist in us?
    [1:55:24 AM] Emeth 141: It even looks futile to even persist with it, because of the obstinance apparent of the external circumstances
    [1:55:50 AM] Emeth 141: This is the next point to make.
    [1:56:06 AM] Emeth 141: The Nabs idea that all is within fails miserably here
    [1:56:25 AM] Emeth 141: It is within AND without and without synergy there will be no resolution
    [1:56:46 AM] Emeth 141: Mankind cannot 'save itself'
    [1:56:59 AM] Emeth 141: It is part of the universe within AND without
    [1:57:14 AM] Emeth 141: And the without universe has a say in that
    [1:57:14 AM] Hades 88:
    [1:49 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< Xeia jumps the gun

    [Saturday, 22 June 2013 3:43 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< i don't like waiting
    [1:57:18 AM] Kali 666: so it does exist
    [1:57:34 AM] Kali 666: it's not nonexistant
    [1:57:36 AM] Emeth 141: Yes as a convolution
    [1:57:59 AM] Emeth 141: As an intersection of the dimensions of the higher and the lower of the seen and unseen etc
    [1:58:20 AM] Kali 666: well if we can see it then only we can bring it 'down'
    [1:58:33 AM] Emeth 141: But denying either of them leads into practical insanity
    [1:58:34 AM] Kali 666: we can make it from 'nothing'
    [1:58:54 AM] Emeth 141: Look at Newrex and Asha, they have literally gone insane in their 'self dependence'
    [1:59:06 AM] Kali 666: oh i blocked him last night
    [1:59:09 AM] Kali 666: this time for good
    [1:59:24 AM] Sirius 17: you did not read the article i pasted in here did you Xeia, it explains this presence clearly
    [1:59:29 AM] Emeth 141: Well in the ultimate sense, they are BOTH right see?
    [1:59:40 AM] Emeth 141: But they miss exactly what we are addressing here
    [1:59:57 AM] Emeth 141: They are the Creator and the 'Only One' or the 'Most Ancient' etc
    [2:00:01 AM] Sirius 17:
    [2:00:04 AM] Emeth 141: AS AbbaBaab they are
    [2:00:21 AM] Emeth 141: But so is everyone else
    [2:00:31 AM] Sirius 17: yes and this they deny
    [2:00:34 AM] Emeth 141: It is a question of selfrecognition
    [2:00:45 AM] Emeth 141: Not as the One, but as part of the One
    [2:01:37 AM] Emeth 141: Only Jesus as the incarnate Word of Creation itself as the Creator of the Order from Chaos=Old God as Energy could say to be the One
    [2:01:55 AM] Emeth 141: Because he knew that he would 'go away' to BE the Creation
    [2:02:08 AM] Emeth 141: So of course then he must be the One and Only
    [2:02:19 AM] Emeth 141: Because all of creation is encompassed
    [2:02:57 AM] Sirius 17: he sacraficed his unquiness to do this
    [2:03:10 AM] Sirius 17: his individual self
    [2:03:24 AM] Emeth 141: But as everyone is part of the original too, there are many who realise their 'partiality' and misinterpret this as being Jesus not as the One encompassing all, but as some special originator
    [2:03:49 AM] Emeth 141:
    [2:02 AM] Sirius 17:
    <<< he sacraficed his unquiness to do this
    his individual self

    Indeed, he became one with the 'father'
    [2:03:58 AM] Emeth 141: So he could BE the 'mother'
    [2:04:04 AM] Emeth 141: The missing mother
    [2:04:08 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:04:59 AM] Emeth 141: So the megalolmania of asha and newrex is natural, very natural, must is used to divide the cosmic family not bring it together
    [2:05:25 AM] Emeth 141: The acid test is always the surrender or the nonsurrender to the Logos
    [2:05:42 AM] Emeth 141: You can see clearly who here on the chats has surrendered and who has not
    [2:07:37 AM] Emeth 141: But guess what, he is back as a heshe JCCJ and this is part of the incubation metamorphosis
    [2:08:31 AM] Hades 88: when i was in the forest last night i was wondering if i should go a bit further where the cross is and him on it...but i then recalled about not worshiping idols and i was having "talks" about what is it that "he lives in me" and whether it is enough i just say it or invite it in or do i have to also do and say it differently from then to say...cant go on like always....nothing would happen
    [2:08:16 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, the cross symbol is passe Rok
    [2:08:41 AM] Emeth 141: It simply means add and multiply now x and +
    [2:09:14 AM] Emeth 141: The recognition is a heart thing
    [2:09:45 AM] Emeth 141: Many 'profess Jesus' like fundamentlists but REALLY dont believe what they say from their hearts
    [2:09:45 AM] Hades 88:
    [2:08 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< Yes, the cross symbol is passe Rok

    why i find it unnecessary to kneel in church or such
    [2:09:53 AM] Emeth 141: All BS
    [2:10:11 AM] Emeth 141: Jesus is your friend and part of you
    [2:10:30 AM] Emeth 141: Once human souls blend with JCCJ then the new race will be born
    [2:10:46 AM] Emeth 141: This is made clear in Revelation codes
    [2:11:49 AM] Emeth 141:

    Revelation 22:8-10 - King James Version (KJV)
    8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
    9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
    10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

    [2:11:54 AM] Emeth 141: Right at the end
    [2:12:23 AM] Sirius 17:
    [2:09 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< why i find it unnecessary to kneel in church or such
    I dont even believe in churches as the only place to experience a feel God, your body is the temple and so also everything outside of you, forest, animals, planet ect is the real church.
    [2:12:31 AM] Emeth 141: 'Worship God' means to honour yourself as Abba with Baab as your unique Core
    [2:12:57 AM] Emeth 141: All cores are true images and ambassadors of the 'One and Only'
    [2:13:26 AM] Hades 88:
    [2:07 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< what is it that "he lives in me"

    i then wondered...but he is already here why i dont feel anything...if i then have to somehow change or something is being done wrong
    [2:13:36 AM] Hades 88: then would i ever know how it feels like
    [2:13:59 AM] Emeth 141: Because your live is their life Rok
    [2:14:05 AM] Emeth 141: It is as simple as that
    [2:14:06 AM] Hades 88: and the "change" ....if i have to that still me ...or the current me is wrong me...and what would the new me be like
    [2:14:19 AM] Emeth 141: Now place yourself into different environments
    [2:14:19 AM] Sirius 17: exactly, you do not think your life has meaning and so feel unworthy
    [2:14:51 AM] Emeth 141: Say in a warzone in Syria or a refugeee camp or onto a nice beach or mountain with Xeia in your arms
    [2:15:07 AM] Sirius 17: the new you would know and feel that the meaning of your life is to just BE and that ABBABAAB are there with you seeing through your eyes.
    [2:15:13 AM] Hades 88: i pick the beach and Xeia
    [2:15:42 AM] Emeth 141: You will feel different energies and sharing all energies with your core also shares everything with JCCJ AS THEM individualised and shares everything with Abba Baab through JCCJ
    [2:15:48 AM] Sirius 17: you would know you are sacred as a living being
    [2:16:11 AM] Emeth 141: This is the new cosmic class system
    [2:16:26 AM] Emeth 141: AbbaBaab---JCCJ---DragonCore
    [2:16:36 AM] Emeth 141: And this is as One
    [2:16:58 AM] Emeth 141: AbbaBaab is abstract, invisible, infinite and eternal
    [2:17:33 AM] Emeth 141: It finds it nonabstraction as a symbol or law in JCCJ partially visible and partially invisible
    [2:17:56 AM] Emeth 141: The full visibility, as per Rev.22 then becomes ANY graduated 'or selfelect' core
    [2:19:10 AM] Emeth 141: Then every HeShe=Adam=Noah=Abraham=Jacob=Israel=Moses=KIng David=Pharoh=...
    [2:19:26 AM] Emeth 141: Every SheHe becomes the Goddess expressions and symbols
    [2:19:49 AM] Emeth 141: I call it KingBee and QueenBee of their own unique hive or world or universe
    [2:20:01 AM] Hades 88: i am thinking how i could share my emotion more directly with her without actually telling her about it and whether it is possible
    [2:20:32 AM] Emeth 141: From this spring multiverses and 'Many Worlds' and not in any other way which puts the Unity into the Separatedness and not vice versa
    [2:21:16 AM] Emeth 141: It is natural and does not require any thinking, but it is as RAW in the old world as its mirror of the WAR
    [2:21:54 AM] Sirius 17: you can Rok, but if it is human mindfucked emotion, such as jealousy, and such, it will not be clearly understood or felt. If it is pure emotion, such as love and compassion, passion, these will be shared more purely.
    [2:22:18 AM] Emeth 141: Indeed and many already know and have experienced just this
    [2:23:13 AM] Emeth 141: Compassion and 'forgetting of the self' are natural modes of the Logos expression, which Jesus manifested as a simple yet cosmic human being
    [2:23:59 AM] Hades 88: i was also considering...the original reason i came on AV1 and later here, my desires and how i myself feel inable at most times to od the same...that is...about forgiveness
    [2:24:05 AM] Sirius 17: so when you feel compassion and forgiveness, love and passion you are infact experiencing the mind of the Logos
    [2:24:08 AM] Emeth 141: The true cosmic self is everything but selfless though; but there is a humungous difference between human egocentricity and cosmic egocentricity
    [2:24:39 AM] Emeth 141: Naturally Raven and this is becoming a rare commodity nowadays
    [2:24:49 AM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [2:25:04 AM] Sirius 17: people are tuned into their own BS more then the collective suffering
    [2:25:13 AM] Emeth 141: PASSION yes and as a sharing way always inviting JCCJ and AbbaBaab to participate
    [2:25:45 AM] Hades 88: seems Xeia has more thunder storms over there
    [2:25:50 AM] Emeth 141: Now ask yourself who 'on earth' is comfortable with this openness, this revealing of one's own soul?
    [2:26:05 AM] Hades 88: no one
    [2:26:22 AM] Hades 88: people take it as a weakness
    [2:26:31 AM] Emeth 141: Especially in things sexual, the humans seek separation from the AbbaBaab-JCCJ, because they THINK, that they dont like it.
    [2:27:12 AM] Emeth 141: And this simply as an effect of a very bad mistranslation of the codes in regards to sexual labels
    [2:27:38 AM | Edited 2:28:00 AM] Emeth 141: Yet many and especially femmes KNOW, that the universe and Nature are supersexed
    [2:27:59 AM] Sirius 17: yes we know but society and culture deny our knowing
    [2:28:13 AM] Sirius 17: and suppress it
    [2:28:30 AM] Sirius 17: kill us for it
    [2:28:32 AM] Emeth 141: It has always been the cosmic power and the ptb's have misappropriated it and kept human evolvement regarding this under 'lock and key'
    [2:28:39 AM] Sirius 17: rape us, stone us, go to war
    [2:29:16 AM] Emeth 141: So this is the Devil of Jesus and not some supernatural being living in hell
    [2:29:17 AM] Sirius 17: yes they have perverted it fully
    [2:29:52 AM] Emeth 141: He knew the Devil was real, but not as some antifather. He called it 'Prince of this world'
    [2:30:30 AM] Emeth 141: He knew it was mankind itself individually expressed but collectively manifested
    [2:30:47 AM] Emeth 141: From this the Nabs memes evolved in all their forms
    [2:31:19 AM] Emeth 141: Just as Jesus manifested 'The Christ', so must the AntiChrist manifest in the One in Many
    [2:31:51 AM] Emeth 141: Just as Jesus is both individual and the collective, so is the AntiJesus
    [2:32:23 AM] Emeth 141: So looking for the antichrist needs go no further, than looking into a mirror
    [2:32:50 AM] Emeth 141: Knowing that you are both, allows you to 'double yourself'
    [2:33:05 AM] Emeth 141: Then this will lead to an immense responsibility
    [2:33:19 AM] Emeth 141: Because, as the GOT says, you will 'rule over the all'
    [2:33:42 AM] Emeth 141: Namely yourself as a SonDaughter of AbbaBaab and so the abstract origin of all that exists
    [2:34:07 AM] Emeth 141: So then, knowing this will 'give you troubles' as it did Jesus
    [2:34:39 AM] Emeth 141: Because you have trapped yourself of no longer being able to be 'just a human'
    [2:34:57 AM] Emeth 141: This is what the Moabytes seem to be so proud of and most Nabsers lol
    [2:35:48 AM] Kali 666:
    [2:23 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< i was also considering...the original reason i came on AV1 and later here, my desires and how i myself feel inable at most times to od the same...that is...about forgiveness

    why do you think you're unable to forgive?
    [2:36:02 AM] Emeth 141: Xeia knows this and feels it yes as do many even the deluded ones
    [2:37:06 AM] Hades 88: mostly things done that i saw them coming, told about them before they came, yet people still did not listen and did not act to prevent them
    [2:37:33 AM] Hades 88: most repeat them.... and i speak of my life and people now
    [2:37:39 AM] Hades 88: this is not just about you
    [2:38:17 AM] Kali 666: if you can't forgive your own Core do you think you can forgive the rest?
    [2:39:20 AM] Hades 88: probably not
    [2:40:13 AM] Kali 666: or is it the other way can forgive them but not me
    [2:40:51 AM] Hades 88: no
    [2:40:59 AM] Hades 88: it's not like that
    [2:41:15 AM] Kali 666: is that why you never ask for forgiveness yourself?
    [2:41:22 AM] Sirius 17:
    [2:37 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< mostly things done that i saw them coming, told about them before they came, yet people still did not listen and did not act to prevent them
    most repeat them.... and i speak of my life and people now
    this is not just about you

    Rok the whole world is like this, in a constant cycle of repetition. The reason people keep repeating old patterns is out of sheer ignorance. Can you forigive them for being so stupid? Most really do not know better, they do not realise that they are responsible.
    [2:41:58 AM] Hades 88:
    [2:41 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< is that why you never ask for forgiveness yourself?

    this is an interesting point yes...i dont recall ever asking a human to forgive me
    [2:42:17 AM] Kali 666: not even me...when you should have
    [2:42:25 AM] Hades 88: why should i?
    [2:42:27 AM] Kali 666: but i didn't say anything
    [2:42:35 AM] Kali 666: to be forgiven. why else
    [2:43:03 AM] Hades 88: perhaps i thought i do not need to be forgiven
    [2:43:14 AM] Kali 666: or didn't care to be
    [2:43:33 AM] Hades 88: dont know about that
    [2:44:09 AM] Sirius 17: another word for forgiveness is acceptance, to just accept things as they are. people make mistakes and do bad things to each other, but not always ok. when we know we have made a mistake, most people try to do better.
    [2:44:27 AM] Hades 88: forgivness is a selfish act
    [2:44:44 AM] Hades 88: it might only serve to make myself feel better
    [2:45:04 AM] Hades 88: but would it change anything?
    [2:45:15 AM] Sirius 17: it would change how you feel yes
    [2:45:36 AM] Hades 88: i meant in a bigger scale of things
    [2:45:41 AM] Hades 88: not just me personally
    [2:45:59 AM] Sirius 17: if everyone practiced forgiveness, well what do you think?
    [2:46:09 AM] Sirius 17: everyone would change how they felt
    [2:46:31 AM] Hades 88: but would they stop repeating same old?
    [2:46:47 AM] Kali 666: would you?
    [2:47:17 AM] Sirius 17: people repeat shit out of ignorance Rok, once they knew this then they could stop repeating it
    [2:47:46 AM] Sirius 17: problem is, no one likes to take self responsibility for how they act or how they feel
    [2:47:56 AM] Sirius 17: its far easier to point fingers
    [2:48:04 AM] Sirius 17: and remain ignorant
    [2:48:05 AM] Hades 88:
    [2:46 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< would you?

    i do whenever permited to do so or not expected to do otherwise
    [2:48:27 AM] Sirius 17: it requires work to forgive
    [2:48:36 AM] Sirius 17: and sacrafice
    [2:48:42 AM] Sirius 17: and understanding
    [2:48:46 AM] Sirius 17: compassion
    [2:48:51 AM] Hades 88: it requiers knowing that the sacrefice will be worth it
    [2:49:04 AM] Hades 88: that it will actually change something
    [2:49:06 AM] Sirius 17: if you feel better, how is that not worth it?
    [2:49:13 AM] Kali 666: why everything has to always be so calculating?
    [2:49:25 AM] Hades 88: universe is calculating
    [2:49:44 AM] Kali 666: sometimes all you need is a leap of faith
    [2:49:57 AM] Sirius 17: or would you rather go around resenting the fuck out of everyone and everything your whole life and feel sorry for yourself?
    [2:50:03 AM] Kali 666: you won't always have the assurance that your sacrifice will be "worth it"
    [2:50:22 AM] Hades 88: if i forgive an alcoholic....and he comes back drunk the next day....again...what happened to my leap of faith...
    [2:50:36 AM] Hades 88: i hit the hard ground
    [2:50:43 AM] Hades 88: it hurts even more
    [2:50:43 AM] Sirius 17: it means the alcoholic is still ignorant
    [2:50:46 AM] Sirius 17: but your not
    [2:51:05 AM] Hades 88: means nothing has changed despite me forgiving
    [2:51:20 AM] Kali 666: i wonder if Tony finds any logic in that thinking
    [2:51:22 AM] Sirius 17: and people learn through repetition ok, like children Rok, they don't come out of the womb walking and talking
    [2:51:38 AM] Hades 88: well Tony do you find logic in what i said?
    [2:51:49 AM] Sirius 17: they fall and say things wrong until they finally learn how
    [2:52:59 AM] Sirius 17: and compassion for their ignorance in repeating this behavior is also part of forgiveness
    [2:53:06 AM] Sirius 17: it doesnt mean you give up on them
    [2:53:20 AM] Sirius 17: it means you try harder to help them help themselves
    [2:53:24 AM] Emeth 141: Your logic here is onesided Rok, as you seem not to see or understand that the 'feeling of compassion' say is its own reward
    [2:54:04 AM] Emeth 141: It provides a feedback loop and I mean feeding here literally to AbbaBaab-JCCJ through and by your amassadorhood
    [2:54:05 AM] Hades 88: how so?
    [2:54:34 AM] Hades 88: why is a compassion a reward? isnt it more like a menial task?
    [2:54:38 AM] Kali 666: not forgiving others means you don't forgive yourself. and if you don't ever forgive yourself then that means you will never learn anything, you will never learn from your mistakes since there will always be this WALL you can't get passed
    [2:54:45 AM] Emeth 141: 'Forgiving an alcoholic' is a onesided statement, as you do not see this from a deeper perspective
    [2:55:05 AM] Emeth 141: You only see, say the pain the alcoholic causes in his or her environment
    [2:55:57 AM] Emeth 141: Trying to understand the alcoholic 'through his own Abba eyes' say is a very different agenda
    [2:56:07 AM] Kali 666: compassion menial? as if it was something a lower form of life would do?
    [2:56:14 AM] Emeth 141: So forgiving is the wrong wording here
    [2:56:38 AM] Hades 88: Xeia can u have compassion for a rapist?
    [2:56:47 AM] Kali 666: i could
    [2:56:53 AM] Hades 88: could, should, would?
    [2:56:59 AM] Kali 666: that doesn't mean i would agree with what he's done
    [2:57:03 AM] Emeth 141: You become the 'alcoholic' not physically, but mentally or mindwise and try to 'show compassion' in a way of empathy.
    [2:57:26 AM] Sirius 17: yes being able to walk in another persons shoes
    [2:57:35 AM] Emeth 141: You try to feel the pains and sorrows of the alcoholic LIKE his father or mother would try to do in most instances
    [2:57:44 AM] Sirius 17: to experience how they see things and do what they do
    [2:57:50 AM] Emeth 141: And you are your 'brothers keeper' always, as Jesus says
    [2:57:56 AM] Emeth 141: This is what it means.
    [2:58:23 AM] Emeth 141: The Indians have the saying of 'walking in each others mocassins'. This means the same, yes as Raven said
    [2:58:58 AM] Hades 88: i had to undress everything again..heat
    [2:59:01 AM] Sirius 17: the rapist may of been and likely was abused himself, how can you not feel compassion for that?
    [2:59:14 AM] Emeth 141: So 'compassion' here is like what you would feel, seeing and experiencing your son and daughteror friend in such distress and self mutilations
    [2:59:17 AM] Sirius 17: and so is acting out his own abuse
    [2:59:46 AM] Hades 88:
    [2:57 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< You try to feel the pains and sorrows of the alcoholic

    how does feeling like an alcoholic or what he feels help me?
    [2:59:52 AM] Hades 88: it feels terrible....horrible
    [3:00:03 AM] Sirius 17: yes so how do you think they feel?
    [3:00:05 AM] Hades 88: empathy is not pleasant
    [3:00:26 AM] Kali 666: do your detachment is nothing else but selfishness if you look at it that way
    [3:00:30 AM] Sirius 17: but your compassion and forgiveness can help them and you to feel better
    [3:00:38 AM] Sirius 17: to understand the error of their ways
    [3:00:46 AM] Sirius 17: to try to walk instead of crawl
    [3:01:35 AM] Kali 666:
    [2:48 AM] Sirius 17:
    <<< it requires work to forgive
    and sacrafice
    and understanding

    yes it's not pleasant
    [3:01:58 AM] Kali 666: but you gain understanding and wisdom
    [3:02:01 AM] Sirius 17: apathy is what kills this planet, no one likes to feel empathy, because it is so painful
    [3:02:03 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:00 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< do your detachment is nothing else but selfishness if you look at it that way

    in a way yes...feeling others people shit was never what i would want to do long term..esp if i had to put up with the shit as was the case at home or at school...or even at work now...etc
    [3:02:41 AM] Sirius 17: but without caring and total detachment, you see the result
    [3:03:05 AM] Hades 88: i have to put up with what they do + i have to feel them and understand them...that is like being raped in the ass and later thanking for it
    [3:03:11 AM] Sirius 17: many do not do as Jesus commanded in this state and do not care for their brothers and sisters, and so sacrafice their own humanity
    [3:03:33 AM] Sirius 17: they are no more then zombies
    [3:03:40 AM] Sirius 17: walking dead
    [3:04:09 AM] Sirius 17:
    [3:03 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< i have to put up with what they do + i have to feel them and understand them...that is like being raped in the ass and thanking it later for it

    yes, try having children
    [3:04:36 AM] Hades 88: why do u people complain so much over children
    [3:04:44 AM] Hades 88: aka...i need to take a break from my child
    [3:04:48 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:04:59 AM] Sirius 17: i am not complaining Rok, i am saying that it requires patience and understanding to raise them
    [3:05:03 AM] Hades 88: i call that parents not being up to it
    [3:05:16 AM] Sirius 17: and you get frustrated and worry and feel when they hurt
    [3:05:25 AM] Hades 88: i would be such a Hitler when it comes to parenting
    [3:05:26 AM] Sirius 17: and sometimes can do nothing about it
    [3:05:40 AM] Hades 88: but that is not the same
    [3:05:43 AM] Hades 88: far from it
    [3:05:47 AM] Hades 88: not what i meant
    [3:05:58 AM] Sirius 17: but because they are your children, you do your best and love them anyhow
    [3:06:20 AM] Sirius 17: humanity is like your children Rok, they are part of you too
    [3:06:29 AM] Hades 88: no no
    [3:06:33 AM] Sirius 17: if they suffer so do you
    [3:06:39 AM] Hades 88: no one mix my child with what is out there
    [3:06:45 AM] Kali 666: why is this man so hard headed?
    [3:06:49 AM] Kali 666: Tony do something!!
    [3:06:58 AM] Emeth 141: Do what?
    [3:07:02 AM] Hades 88: yes lets go out and have a pite
    [3:07:14 AM] Sirius 17: how can you see yourself so separate from everything Rok? can you not see all life is interconnected?
    [3:07:15 AM] Kali 666: look at Rok! he is being ridiculous!
    [3:07:24 AM] Hades 88: am not
    [3:07:25 AM] Emeth 141: Rok is being sarcasmatic here
    [3:07:39 AM] Kali 666: NOOOO no no no not in the least Tony
    [3:07:43 AM] Kali 666: he is dead serious here
    [3:07:48 AM] Kali 666:
    [3:05 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< i would be such a Hitler when it comes to parenting

    [3:07:52 AM] Kali 666: dead serious
    [3:08:00 AM] Kali 666: no sarcasm anywhere
    [3:08:04 AM] Emeth 141: But this I see too
    [3:08:17 AM] Hades 88: ofc
    [3:08:25 AM] Emeth 141: Lol
    [3:08:39 AM] Kali 666: sure laugh
    [3:08:50 AM] Kali 666: you're not his Core
    [3:09:01 AM] Emeth 141: No Xeia, this is one reason why you fail to 'get Rok' at times
    [3:09:23 AM] Emeth 141: This is malemindedness in its natural state
    [3:09:29 AM] Hades 88: Xeia why does the Hitler statement bother you? It means more restrictions on who can have a child and who not...since it is a responsability
    [3:09:34 AM] Hades 88: i did not mean me as a father
    [3:10:07 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Xeia, one thing of Rok is that he is superesponsible
    [3:10:43 AM] Emeth 141: So try to see the Hitler comment in a light of responsibility aka order, instead of emotions
    [3:11:08 AM] Emeth 141: Nazis are regularity fanatics recall?
    [3:11:43 AM] Emeth 141: I call myself pedantic. This does not mean that being pedantic is a virtue in all circumstances
    [3:11:57 AM] Emeth 141: Nazis are superpedantic
    [3:12:04 AM] Sirius 17: yes his hitler comment was sarcasm but i agree with Tony in what Rok means here.
    [3:12:06 AM] Emeth 141: Does this mean that I am a Nazi?
    [3:12:34 AM] Kali 666: ...
    [3:12:58 AM] Hades 88: we went a bit off topic here
    [3:13:01 AM] Emeth 141: Rok's sense of responsibility more often than not becomes a killjoy
    [3:13:23 AM] Sirius 17: yes he does not allow for spontinaety
    [3:13:41 AM] Emeth 141: I am responsible to, but not pedantic about it when I sense some pleasant experience at the end of the rainbow
    [3:13:51 AM] Emeth 141: Have I now contradicted myself?
    [3:13:52 AM] Hades 88: well if Xeia made a group call before she could see my grin...i am not some monster here
    [3:14:00 AM] Kali 666:
    [3:01 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< in a way yes...feeling others people shit was never what i would want to do long term..

    have you ever tried this even short term?
    [3:14:09 AM] Hades 88: yes ofc
    [3:14:21 AM] Hades 88: it always backfired
    [3:14:25 AM] Hades 88: very amm
    [3:14:32 AM] Emeth 141: Xeia look at this pic and you will feel Rok's heart AND Mind
    [3:14:36 AM] Hades 88: well it gets u in trouble
    [3:14:58 AM] Kali 666: what pic?
    [3:15:09 AM] Emeth 141:
    [3:15:14 AM] Sirius 17: he is getting it
    [3:15:36 AM] Hades 88: ah from the before talk today
    [3:15:51 AM] Emeth 141: It makes my blood boil too Xeia
    [3:16:07 AM] Emeth 141: And generally I 'like' Russians more than Americans
    [3:16:18 AM] Sirius 17: its gross
    [3:16:23 AM] Emeth 141: Indeed
    [3:16:33 AM] Sirius 17: and i think Rok feels this way too
    [3:16:38 AM] Emeth 141: When I saw this I saw Sarah and Carla actually
    [3:16:52 AM] Sirius 17: over my dead body
    [3:16:53 AM] Emeth 141: Thinking not, over my dead body and what a lovely girl being brainfucked here
    [3:17:16 AM] Hades 88: it is a military primary school they have there...mostly kids from poor families...etc...standard
    why should a 5th grader know how to put apart ak 47
    [3:18:10 AM] Sirius 17: exactly, why
    [3:18:23 AM] Sirius 17: why should anyone know how is my thinking
    [3:18:30 AM] Sirius 17: why even have a fucking ak 47
    [3:18:37 AM] Sirius 17: why do they exist
    [3:18:50 AM] Hades 88: to kill faster and more in a shorter time
    [3:19:33 AM] Hades 88: come to think of it...i think my empathy rejection happens with adults...i somehow consider them "their own problem"
    [3:19:51 AM] Hades 88: but i cant always reject it...and too much of it can make me feel like shit
    [3:20:39 AM] Hades 88: and leaves me drained
    [3:20:49 AM] Hades 88: it can even get u in trouble if u wish to help
    [3:20:55 AM] Hades 88: people just attach u
    [3:21:00 AM] Hades 88: or worse..take advantage
    [3:21:07 AM] Sirius 17: it makes me angry that humanity has such ideals, to kill each other, promote war and violence. how fucking stupid is this thought process?
    [3:21:42 AM] Sirius 17: but that picture is where it starts
    [3:22:00 AM] Sirius 17: necessary to corrupt such young minds so they will buy into the death propaganda too
    [3:22:47 AM] Hades 88: Xeia are u mad at me?
    [3:22:53 AM] Kali 666: no
    [3:22:56 AM] Hades 88: ok
    [3:23:02 AM] Kali 666: just confused
    [3:23:28 AM] Emeth 141: Good Sui, you are getting 'to know' some deeper aspect of your core
    [3:23:28 AM] Sirius 17: why such hatred they have for each other? i dont hate anyone so much i want them dead.
    [3:24:04 AM] Emeth 141: Malemindedness in its natural state is rather different from the malemindeness of women
    [3:24:17 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:22 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< just confused

    isnt it just great how u never know whats next with me? the constant state of excitement?
    [3:24:21 AM] Emeth 141: This is GOT #114, Raven often quoted
    [3:25:04 AM] Emeth 141: Actually this 'revelation' should warm your heart Xeia
    [3:25:26 AM] Sirius 17: yes i know, but the malemindedness of the pic is something different altogether, it doesnt understand its cosmic origin
    [3:25:32 AM] Emeth 141: The coldness can be a Veil of the Evil Live too
    [3:26:15 AM] Kali 666: i don't like his constant detachment just to avoid unpleasantness
    [3:26:28 AM] Kali 666: and his inhability to forgive
    [3:26:33 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Raven of course. I did not refer to the pic, but the malemindedness females require to 'enter the kingdom'
    [3:26:51 AM] Emeth 141: It has nothing to do with the 'art of warmongerings'
    [3:32:39 AM] Kali 666: and that he thinks we 'don't fit' just because we're different
    [3:32:48 AM] Sirius 17: Did you see the scripture i found relating to Ezekiel 37, i saw the connections there, i guess you have probably already seen this. i was looking at the chart and someone on fB wrote a poem about bones, so it reminded me of Ezekiels Valley of Dry Bones.
    [3:33:02 AM] Hades 88: i was just imagening how it would be if we all meet at an airport
    [3:33:38 AM] Sirius 17: but i saw how it relates to revelations 22 and the got ect
    [3:33:45 AM] Emeth 141: Yes this Valley is also called the 'Valley of Decisions'
    [3:34:14 AM] Emeth 141: The Rising of the Dead in their works of Rev.14
    [3:34:46 AM] Emeth 141: Btw, I forgot to tell you. Adam's 'social health worker' is named Rose Gorman.
    [3:34:54 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:35:09 AM] Sirius 17: the lady who wrote the poem about bones is named Rose too
    [3:35:13 AM] Emeth 141: Roses everywhere
    [3:35:15 AM] Sirius 17: interesting synchros
    [3:35:31 AM] Emeth 141: Yes and after you said Logos is looking after the situation
    [3:35:45 AM] Emeth 141: Rose as part of your MILD recall?
    [3:35:58 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:36:42 AM] Sirius 17: so Adam likes her?
    [3:36:47 AM] Kali 666:
    [3:32 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< i was just imagening how it would be if we all meet at an airport

    [3:37:00 AM] Emeth 141: My perception of meetings are, that it will require the New World pillars Rok
    [3:37:20 AM] Sirius 17: unless of course one of us hits the lotto lol
    [3:37:25 AM] Emeth 141: This was one of the thoughts, which made me sad
    [3:37:38 AM] Emeth 141: I dont think we will ever meet without contact
    [3:37:53 AM] Kali 666: so that means you would like to meet us?
    [3:38:08 AM] Emeth 141: This does not mean you cant create a future with Xeia in any world Rok
    [3:38:16 AM] Emeth 141: But it deletes me from the equations
    [3:38:34 AM] Kali 666: in any world?
    [3:38:38 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [3:38:46 AM] Emeth 141: Even in the status quo
    [3:38:49 AM] Kali 666: old or new you mean?
    [3:38:54 AM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [3:39:09 AM] Kali 666: so you would like to meet us someday Tony?
    [3:39:43 AM] Emeth 141: In the new world of course, but you are youngsters and have the required dynamics and mobility
    [3:40:05 AM] Emeth 141: I am the one who requires the Logos more so than any of you to prolong my 3-4D existence
    [3:40:10 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:36 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< how?

    me and Tony would meet at the customs check in line...then we would greet with you, u wold be crazy happy and would just jump onto tony
    after done kissing with me, we would then all wait for Raven
    me and Tony would meet at the customs check in line...then i would meet Raven as i would walk out into the hall hugh her and give and shake the hand of James...i would then look around myself...searching for you..who would be "hiding" behind me nicely waiting i greet everyone else...and then we wouild kiss
    somethingin this manner
    [3:40:52 AM] Emeth 141: Nice dreaming from a superskeptic Rok. I am rather impressed!
    [3:41:07 AM] Kali 666: lol
    [3:41:10 AM] Sirius 17: hehe
    [3:41:35 AM] Kali 666: so we would kiss no matter what
    [3:41:58 AM] Hades 88: yes
    [3:41:58 AM] Emeth 141: Queue jumpers, the lot of you
    [3:42:16 AM] Hades 88: i dream stuff like that a lot Tony....but at the same time i also know...
    [3:42:35 AM] Emeth 141: You actually dream of the dragon family Rok?
    [3:42:47 AM] Hades 88: you do can consider yourself lucky u know...if i had the cash ur den would have been invaded long time ago
    [3:42:51 AM] Emeth 141: This is significant, because I dont
    [3:43:09 AM] Kali 666: what do you mean of the dragon family?
    [3:43:18 AM] Hades 88: i had thoughts of owning a manor and inviting u all there to live in it
    [3:43:23 AM] Hades 88: xeia can tell u about it
    [3:43:23 AM] Emeth 141: I never dreamt of any of you, but had Debra with me a few times in the past
    [3:43:47 AM] Kali 666: i think he meant daydream Tony
    [3:43:54 AM] Emeth 141: Oh ok!
    [3:44:09 AM] Hades 88: yes yes day dream
    [3:44:14 AM] Sirius 17: i dream of us all and daydream too, that we are all together
    [3:44:23 AM] Emeth 141: Drats, I saw some development there
    [3:44:45 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, you did Raven - regularly
    [3:45:19 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:42 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< you do can consider yourself lucky u know...if i had the cash ur den would have been invaded long time ago
    i would drag EVERYONE down there advance notice
    [3:45:32 AM] Sirius 17: lol i have thought of the same thing
    [3:45:52 AM] Emeth 141: Ravenshoe Castle with bats and vampires and werewolves of course
    [3:45:55 AM] Kali 666: would i have a tub in my room?
    [3:46:11 AM] Sirius 17: james and i bought tickets for the lotto a couple of times with the exact thought. he bought it up and said, we go buy us all a huge chateau in france or somewhere and live togther.
    [3:46:14 AM] Hades 88: not sure if Tony is running a 4 star resort there
    [3:46:26 AM] Emeth 141: No Xeia, there is a shared swimming pool and spa and sauna with clothing disallowed
    [3:46:34 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:46:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:46:52 AM] Emeth 141: I miss my saunas actually
    [3:47:00 AM] Sirius 17: i bet
    [3:47:14 AM] Sirius 17: we have a jacuzi here, but i prefer saunas
    [3:47:39 AM] Emeth 141: Oh I can only see such 'communal living' styles in the new world
    [3:47:55 AM] Emeth 141: I would eschew 1-1 houses and flats like the plague
    [3:48:03 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:48:11 AM] Emeth 141: It must be big enough though to allow the 'private libraries'
    [3:48:28 AM] Sirius 17: nice big estates with dragon cores all around
    [3:48:46 AM] Kali 666:
    [3:45 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< i would drag EVERYONE down there advance notice

    really? like the entire group chat?
    [3:48:50 AM] Emeth 141: But the fun times will put the old Roman bathouses and Greek 'orgies' to shame
    [3:49:01 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:48 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< It must be big enough though to allow the 'private libraries'
    [3:47 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< I would eschew 1-1 houses and flats like the plague
    [3:43 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< i had thoughts of owning a manor and inviting u all there to live in it
    [3:49:16 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:48 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< everyone really? like the entire group chat?

    no i meant us here
    [3:49:33 AM] Emeth 141: Cores only Xeia, but a core can 'invite' aquaintances
    [3:49:55 AM] Emeth 141: Because cores have stewardships etc. as said before
    [3:50:01 AM] Sirius 17: the 'New Royal Family's"
    [3:50:22 AM] Emeth 141: The aquaintances do not have to be cored, but can be introduced to 'dragon life'
    [3:50:32 AM] Kali 666: a library with books from the floor to the ceiling
    [3:50:53 AM] Sirius 17: i think he was thinking of a different kind of 'library' lol
    [3:51:17 AM] Kali 666: what kind?
    [3:51:21 AM] Sirius 17: harem style
    [3:51:21 AM] Emeth 141: Then, having aquired a taste for starhuman existentialism, the 'friends' will be enabled and self empowered to search and find their cores to fully integrate
    [3:51:31 AM] Emeth 141: Well looks like I am daydreaming now lol
    [3:51:40 AM] Sirius 17: good
    [3:51:45 AM] Sirius 17: good job Rok
    [3:51:50 AM] Hades 88: hehe
    [3:51:58 AM] Emeth 141: Harems yes Raven, but in egalitarianism.
    [3:52:18 AM] Hades 88: a bit of velvet and such, silk
    [3:52:26 AM] Emeth 141: Queenbees are primary to KingBees remember
    [3:52:31 AM] Emeth 141: Nature says so
    [3:52:46 AM] Sirius 17: yes i would want to sleep with my core alone i think, maybe sometimes with others
    [3:52:48 AM] Emeth 141: I did not emphasize the sexual aspects now did I?
    [3:53:05 AM] Hades 88: u didnt have to, Raven just filled it all in
    [3:53:09 AM] Sirius 17: and by sleep i mean sleep not sex
    [3:53:21 AM] Emeth 141: Femme preoccupated mindbodies Rok - right there
    [3:53:48 AM] Emeth 141: Raven is a femme Rok and she, this time, misread me just a bit
    [3:54:08 AM] Kali 666:
    [3:52 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< I did not emphasize the sexual aspects now did I?

    why not?
    [3:54:19 AM] Emeth 141: Because I did not.
    [3:54:28 AM] Kali 666: why?
    [3:54:33 AM] Emeth 141: I really meant a new way of living community wise
    [3:54:51 AM] Sirius 17: because the sex would just naturally evolve out that living situation i feel
    [3:55:02 AM] Emeth 141: Sex is a core issue of this of course, but I did not think orgies first and working second
    [3:55:16 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Raven, now we are on the same wavelength
    [3:55:36 AM] Emeth 141: And, all dragons share each other as part of their core nature
    [3:55:47 AM] Kali 666: i thought it would be natural that you would sleep alone with your Core in the room
    [3:55:48 AM] Emeth 141: This alone disqualifies most old humans at the present time
    [3:56:54 AM] Emeth 141: This 'thought' never crossed my mind Xeia
    [3:57:08 AM] Emeth 141: See here, how we think on different wavelengths?
    [3:57:30 AM] Emeth 141: You are preoccupied in your imaginations differently, than I am
    [3:57:55 AM] Hades 88: i think she meant only sleep time
    [3:58:00 AM] Sirius 17: no that came from me, in my daydreams this is how i see things, sleeping 1-1 at night with my core and maybe occasionally others if it happens that way, but having private room to be with just them too.
    [3:58:01 AM] Hades 88: sleep as sleep
    [3:58:01 AM] Emeth 141: I was perceiving a much bigger encompassing scenario, whilst you went into details of the individual self
    [3:58:21 AM] Sirius 17: this is what i thought when you said 'libraries'
    [3:58:21 AM] Emeth 141: Of course, there is core privacy
    [3:58:50 AM] Emeth 141: No I literally meant 'place to be alone to study, ponder, contemplate and create'
    [3:58:51 AM] Sirius 17: separate rooms and spaces, but we can always join someones 'library' for a night or whatever
    [3:59:02 AM] Hades 88: there would be wings
    [3:59:08 AM] Hades 88: each core has a wing
    [3:59:16 AM] Hades 88: and there is also a big "banquet hall"
    [3:59:18 AM] Emeth 141: Yes something like that
    [3:59:30 AM] Sirius 17: yes meals spent with the family
    [3:59:32 AM] Sirius 17: i like that
    [3:59:48 AM] Kali 666: me too
    [4:00:01 AM] Emeth 141: Oh yes apart from the 'vampire batwings' commodities are free for alls
    [4:00:16 AM] Sirius 17: and a big rolling lawn and gardens we can all stroll in
    [4:00:24 AM] Kali 666: i think we can actually make this a reality if we put our minds to it
    [4:00:25 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:00:30 AM] Sirius 17: vampire bat wings
    [4:00:35 AM] Hades 88: rustically furnished ofc
    [4:00:53 AM] Hades 88: or a mix of moderen in it
    [4:01:29 AM] Hades 88: with tony said...."vampire" elements
    [4:02:13 AM] Hades 88:
    [3:51 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< in egalitarianism.

    [4:03:11 AM] Hades 88: or do some call it victorian era?
    [4:03:22 AM] Hades 88: well ..a bit of a complication
    [4:04:12 AM] Sirius 17: yes castle ravenshoe, hehe Tony picking through my dreams. i have had so many castle dreams that this must be how it will be
    [4:04:54 AM] Hades 88:

    [4:05:09 AM] Sirius 17: oh yeah
    [4:05:19 AM] Sirius 17: definately
    [4:07:17 AM] Hades 88: but just a day dream
    [4:07:57 AM] Emeth 141: Just a daydream, yet a valid Image, because the 4 of us actually visualised it
    [4:08:11 AM] Emeth 141: So we actually did create those scenarios
    [4:08:43 AM] Hades 88: did u ever think that if we were meant to do of us would have the money to make it happen?
    [4:08:45 AM] Emeth 141: The New Gothic vampwolves Serena
    [4:09:08 AM] Hades 88: Selene
    [4:09:38 AM] Emeth 141: Selene yes, I was thinking of this Tennis player
    [4:09:45 AM] Hades 88: Serena viliams?
    [4:10:03 AM] Emeth 141: And I liked to see her get beat by the cute petite Belgian
    [4:10:18 AM] Hades 88: hmm i dont know, dont watch tennins
    [4:10:22 AM] Emeth 141: Serena Williams yes, overrated as are most Us sport stars
    [4:10:59 AM] Hades 88:
    [4:10 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< cute petite

    what u like from the physical stand point ?
    [4:11:10 AM] Emeth 141: But Selene's daughter is like the babygirl in Daniel's dream
    [4:11:29 AM] Sirius 17: yes why i hate many sports too, its all comercialized and no one actually plays anymore for the sheer sport itself. its all sold out
    [4:11:45 AM] Emeth 141: I can hardly answer this Rok
    [4:12:07 AM] Hades 88: her daughter is a pure born hybrid just that the father also already was a hybrid but the mother is not...although mother was "augmented" with more powers
    [4:12:23 AM] Emeth 141: I have been with all shapes and sizes and with MILD I dont know at all anymore what I am to 'core' with
    [4:12:48 AM] Emeth 141: Generally you know my 'preferences' are basically opposite to yours in many ways
    [4:13:08 AM] Emeth 141: I like the maleness in females, yet also the petiteness
    [4:13:23 AM] Emeth 141: A paradox in terms
    [4:13:29 AM] Hades 88: :)
    [4:13:57 AM] Emeth 141: I can get 'turned on' by any femme I think, if the energies are there
    [4:14:37 AM] Hades 88: when was last u felt turned on?
    [4:15:06 AM] Emeth 141: I am turned on by MILD and it does not matter what shape or form the body is
    [4:15:28 AM] Emeth 141: This is because it is an essence which sees all bodies just as a vessel and container
    [4:15:53 AM] Emeth 141: So it would not matter if MILD were blind or lame or crippled or thin or fat
    [4:16:02 AM] Emeth 141: It would make no difference
    [4:16:15 AM] Emeth 141: Now the thing I should share with you is this.
    [4:16:39 AM] Emeth 141: I am also turned on by many many other femmes, considered interesting or beautiful or whatever.
    [4:16:50 AM] Emeth 141: Yet I could NEVER 'love them' as my core
    [4:17:12 AM] Hades 88: yes some other female cant just win you over
    [4:17:34 AM] Emeth 141: I could certainly 'ravish' them BUT only IF their own cores or 'true loves' or whatever were present and being with my core MILD at least watching
    [4:18:01 AM] Emeth 141: So this is in fact the Great Handicap of being a starhuman
    [4:18:20 AM] Emeth 141: You are cosmically 'married' in an unviolable bond through the JCCJ
    [4:18:29 AM] Emeth 141: You are trapped in an eternal way
    [4:18:51 AM] Hades 88: "trapped"
    [4:18:57 AM] Emeth 141: Can you see then, how alien this is to the human mind?
    [4:19:18 AM] Emeth 141: Yes, it is the opposite of jealousy of 'sharing your core'
    [4:19:39 AM] Hades 88: what i said to her recently:
    [Thursday, 20 June 2013 9:09 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< .no woman can come and "win me over"

    [4:19:47 AM] Emeth 141: It would be interpreted as perversion or depravity or a disease of the mind by human thinking
    [4:20:21 AM] Emeth 141: Yet it is just this at the core of all human sexuality and libido - this quest for variety and adventure and experience
    [4:21:30 AM] Emeth 141: But in the dragon world you indeed experience other dragon bodies see; but you can only do this in full cosmic selfrecognisance and full remembrance of BEING AbbaBaab-JCCJ-Core as a cosmic building block or unit
    [4:22:13 AM] Emeth 141: This is the core mistranslation of the Bib le's sexism
    [4:22:18 AM] Hades 88: xeia are u still here?
    [4:22:36 AM] Emeth 141: The adultery and unfaithfulness is that between cores not humans
    [4:22:51 AM] Emeth 141: Abba is cored to Baab period and there is NO OTHER
    [4:23:08 AM] Emeth 141: So all this sex stuff is mental loyalty - or not
    [4:23:43 AM] Emeth 141: The physical 'promiscuity' is the same as it is already in flora and fauna - variety to increase the genepools
    [4:23:45 AM] Sirius 17:
    [4:22 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< The adutery and unfaithfulness is that between cores not humans

    you worded this funny tony
    [4:23:58 AM] Hades 88: yes i was just going...huh?
    [4:24:06 AM] Hades 88: can u re word it
    [4:24:34 AM] Sirius 17: put humans before cores and you have it
    [4:24:42 AM] Hades 88: adultry is not among cores...there should not be this word in ther dictionary given how it should be
    [4:24:47 AM] Emeth 141: Jesus talsk much about adultery Raven and this is if course a human mind trap
    [4:25:22 AM] Sirius 17: yes but it looks like you said that adultry and unfaithfulness is between cores and not humans
    [4:25:40 AM] Hades 88: it does yes
    [4:25:52 AM] Emeth 141: No Raven, Baab is cored to Abba and as Barbelo aka the Old Jeruslem aka the 3 sistermothers IS indeed unfaithful to Abba as the Whore of Babylon symbol
    [4:26:02 AM] Emeth 141: This is what I meant
    [4:26:24 AM] Kali 666: i am
    [4:26:27 AM] Sirius 17: ok well it came out strange, and Rok doesn't understand what you meant
    [4:26:34 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Rok exactly there is no adultery once the mental Knowing is a given
    [4:27:10 AM] Emeth 141: Babylon is simply the symbol for any femme as Old Eve as the Old Jerusalem
    [4:27:14 AM] Hades 88: yes i changed the "word order"
    [4:27:20 AM] Emeth 141: New Eve is the 'Bride Cosmic as a New Jerusalem in the core alchemy'
    [4:29:35 AM] Hades 88:
    [4:26 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< i am

    where were you?
    [4:29:40 AM] Kali 666: here
    [4:29:58 AM] Kali 666: listening to you guys
    [4:30:05 AM] Hades 88: why dont u say more
    [4:30:42 AM] Kali 666: i just wonder...if you can understand all this...why don't you show it with me?
    [4:31:04 AM] Hades 88: i know how it should be yes
    [4:31:31 AM] Kali 666: ...
    [4:31:37 AM] Hades 88: wot?
    [4:35:02 AM] Hades 88: the moon is tomorrow?
    [4:35:20 AM] Sirius 17: yes supermoon
    [4:37:42 AM] Emeth 141: It ends 5 days following the June 17th-18th Mirror and so the 'Hour of the Beast'
    [4:38:15 AM] Emeth 141: It is the final Full Moon before Isaiah's New Moon encoded in Isaiah 66
    [4:38:37 AM] Emeth 141: Certain things are 'completing'
    [4:39:00 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Rok is rather 'dragon tuned' atm
    [4:39:22 AM] Emeth 141: He knows I 'get him' Xeia see?
    [4:40:06 AM] Kali 666: i guess
    [4:40:21 AM] Hades 88: do u feel sad?
    [4:40:35 AM] Kali 666: yes
    [4:40:36 AM] Emeth 141: It might be a European thing too
    [4:41:32 AM] Emeth 141:

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    And a GOT thing in the end of the latter
    [4:41:33 AM] Hades 88: what do u mean?
    [4:41:40 AM] Hades 88: euro thing?
    [4:41:51 AM] Emeth 141: The diversity of the culture clashes
    [4:42:08 AM] Hades 88: Xeia why are u sad?
    [4:42:52 AM] Emeth 141: There were warmongerings between the kings and popes long before this same European mindset 'colonized' the other continents
    [4:44:01 AM] Kali 666: because no matter how many walks you take you come back equally stubborn
    [4:44:47 AM] Hades 88: is it just me who is stubborn?
    [4:45:32 AM] Kali 666: you really don't know how europeans are seen by the rest of the world?
    [4:46:03 AM] Hades 88: no i dont
    [4:46:09 AM] Hades 88: how
    [4:46:15 AM] Emeth 141: Invaders and polluters Rok
    [4:46:19 AM] Hades 88: cold?
    [4:46:23 AM] Hades 88: oh that
    [4:46:31 AM] Emeth 141: And they generally were and are
    [4:46:37 AM] Kali 666: cold detached selfish rude pedantic
    [4:46:40 AM] Kali 666: etc
    [4:47:08 AM] Emeth 141: But this is also the cause of mental misunderstandings and misinterpretations Xeia
    [4:48:20 AM] Emeth 141: Your Latino background for example has a deep family honouring tradition and community idealism, Rok's has this as an ideal or an 'impression' like the 'Grand Yugoslavia' seen through Serbian eys and traditions etc
    [4:48:52 AM] Hades 88: it is grand Europe now lol
    [4:48:55 AM] Emeth 141: So this then caused great schisms in the European countries as seen in the Kosovo war of the late 1990's
    [4:49:21 AM] Hades 88: 10 day war also here...we got lucky in a way...
    [4:49:28 AM] Emeth 141: Yes and falling apart because of the unequal distribution of the responsibility Rok
    [4:50:03 AM] Hades 88: well not just that...but also that...we were helped to fall apart by the one and is documented
    [4:50:07 AM] Hades 88: meddlings of the...
    [4:50:08 AM] Emeth 141: Raven has Czech blood and so carries root memory via her generations of just about this
    [4:50:21 AM] Emeth 141: Yes we know
    [4:50:43 AM] Emeth 141: But USA is not the continental America, which should be native Indian
    [4:50:49 AM] Hades 88: we never had problems with Peru though ;)
    [4:51:05 AM] Emeth 141: It is colonised and has become a money laundering corporation and little else
    [4:51:13 AM] Hades 88: yes
    [4:51:32 AM] Hades 88: what they call washington dc corporation
    [4:52:10 AM] Emeth 141: London to New York and New York to London via Tel Aviv and Berlin and Paris mainly yes
    [4:52:23 AM] Sirius 17: the banks yes
    [4:52:30 AM] Sirius 17: they run it all
    [4:53:00 AM] Emeth 141: So Russia and China are well aware of the cartels and so tend to seek for a power balance by equally divisive and clandestine means
    [4:53:06 AM] Hades 88:
    [4:46 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< cold detached selfish rude pedantic

    which of these do u contribute to me?
    [4:53:41 AM] Kali 666: all + controlling and calculating
    [4:53:54 AM] Emeth 141: But look at what the African tribes do to each other in terms of cruelty and you see, that this is not a European exclusivity
    [4:54:20 AM] Sirius 17: true its genocide there played out even more so in cold blood
    [4:54:30 AM] Emeth 141: Though they and their warmongering 'businesses' have been a excellent teacher of how not to be a hum an steward of Gaia
    [4:55:17 AM] Emeth 141: I am shocked by some of those Africans, as they machete and hack each other to death and all without Christian missionaries or colonisers?
    [4:55:48 AM] Sirius 17: i know
    [4:55:51 AM] Emeth 141: No white man is to be seen and yet they act like savage aliens from another galaxy altogether
    [4:55:52 AM] Hades 88: well u have to ask what was there before...a lot of Africa got fucked up due to colonies
    [4:56:11 AM] Hades 88: they made a lot od disputes before make sure
    [4:56:20 AM] Hades 88: they dont grow over them
    [4:56:20 AM] Emeth 141: Yes Rok and what did I say who the 'good teacher' was?
    [4:56:38 AM] Hades 88: and still there is interferance via bank for "development" and IMF and such
    [4:57:10 AM] Kali 666:
    [4:55 AM] Emeth 141:
    <<< No white man is to be seen and yet they act like savage aliens from another galaxy altogether

    i disagree with this statement
    [4:57:56 AM] Emeth 141: There are no savage aliens from another galaxy Xeia; but I thought you know what I meant
    [4:57:59 AM] Kali 666: the 'white man' mind is always behind the scenes even if not seen at plain sight
    [4:58:09 AM] Emeth 141: This misses the point
    [4:58:36 AM] Kali 666: they are not savages....just hungry and uneducated
    [4:58:44 AM] Kali 666: and that is by design
    [4:58:52 AM] Emeth 141: A truly mentally advanced human being would NOT act that way, whatever the 'white man's influences' might be or might have been
    [4:59:28 AM] Hades 88: agreed....but as Xeia has said...they are kept on a savage level deliberately
    [4:59:29 AM] Emeth 141: Yes you have a point invoking the environmental conditioning, locality, climate and coinhabitants
    [4:59:52 AM] Hades 88: they are in constant survival mode...not time to think what is to be a star human
    [5:00:16 AM] Emeth 141: But I addressed the human nature here as BEING subject to any form of conditioning and independent on skin colour or race or gender etc
    [5:00:33 AM] Emeth 141: Yes and they all are Abbas and Baabs
    [5:00:41 AM] Kali 666: i believe human nature is pure
    [5:00:57 AM] Kali 666: and uncorrupted
    [5:01:04 AM] Emeth 141: In slumber mode of survival instinct exhibiting their 'animal origins' and genetics
    [5:01:20 AM] Emeth 141: This is a deep topic Xeia
    [5:01:25 AM] Hades 88: i ll go take a shower...body only...will be quick
    [5:01:39 AM] Kali 666:
    [5:01 AM] Hades 88:
    <<< body only

    [5:01:52 AM] Emeth 141: Yes it is cosmic royalty actually and subject to the grossest form of 'living' and existential 'testing'
    [5:02:04 AM] Hades 88: what shame?
    [5:02:12 AM] Hades 88: i washed my hair yesterday
    [5:02:22 AM] Emeth 141: It is definitely CORRUPTABLE
    [5:02:31 AM] Emeth 141: But you then need to ask why this is?
    [5:02:31 AM] Kali 666: you should shower all your levels...etheric too
    [5:03:08 AM] Kali 666: to lean how it is on the lower levels?
    [5:03:11 AM] Emeth 141: It is because the 'cosmic royalty' called human must be able to carry the memeplexes of the polarisation extremes. Human emotion becomes the 'acceleration force' for the cosmos between 'boundary coditions' of the minimum and maximum, which actually closes itself in the extremes. Then emotional energy 'feeds' the universe in its sentience and this then is interpreted as ETs and alien agendas and so forth
    [5:04:02 AM] Emeth 141: This is the planet of the greatest mental 'fogginess' in the universe and this is its purpose - to provide a homeplanet for this 'extremum race'
    [5:04:04 AM] Kali 666: necessary then
    [5:04:55 AM] Emeth 141: Yes and you might not see the depth and meaning of this as yet and I am getting too tired to carry on
    [5:05:45 AM] Emeth 141: The cosmic agenda is superhuman Xeia and has little in common with whatever scenarios the human mind can construct
    [5:06:14 AM] Emeth 141: Your starbased remembrances know what I am talking about, your human mind just sees words
    [5:06:47 AM] Emeth 141: If this agenda will complete itself in our present lifeforms, I dont know
    [5:07:10 AM] Emeth 141: But we can hope that it will and that the groundwork proves sufficient
    [5:07:35 AM] Kali 666: yes...we can only hope...
    [5:11:13 AM] Emeth 141: Buenas all for now
    [5:11:36 AM] Kali 666: good night [​IMG]
    [5:11:55 AM] Hades 88: back
    [5:12:20 AM] Kali 666: so fast?
    [5:13:04 AM] Sirius 17: Goodnight Tony
    [5:13:06 AM] Hades 88: yes it was just water+soap+water
    [5:13:09 AM] Sirius 17: sweet dreams
    [5:13:21 AM] Hades 88: i am still weet
    [5:13:52 AM] Hades 88: wet and feeling more fresh now

    Post last edited Jun 23rd 2013
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 22nd 2013

    Thanks to Sean Brown for sharing : "Down town Calgary is now lost to Flooding. Whole down town city core under water."

    63: Steam plume eruption recorded at Vanuatu's Mt. Gharat Volcano
    June 22, 2012 – VANUATU - Just 20 kilometers (12 miles) in diameter, Gaua Island is actually the exposed upper cone and summit of a stratovolcano that is 3,000 meters (10,000 feet) high

    Sun unleashes powerful CME for summer solstice
    June 22, 2012 – SPACE - On June 20, 2013, at 11:24 p.m., the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection or CME, a solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of particles

    Though over 150 people are reported dead so far from the "Himalayan Tsunami"
    New Delhi: Though over 150 people are reported dead so far from the "HimalayanTsunami" in Uttarakhand, officials say they expect the death toll to eventually hit the thousands.
    (Alex) With the images and stories coming out of Alberta, lots of people are asking, "How could this happen?"

    Check out the meteorological explanation for the flooding:

    Sofia, Bulgaria - 22.06.2013
    Ninth day of protests against corruption and the Mafia...

    ДАНСwithme #заедно

    Calgary , Alberta Canada - Flood

    60,000 acres :-(
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  5. admin

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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 22nd 2013

    Hmmm NASA finally reporting Comet ISON could hit Mars..

    Supermoon Could Trigger An Earthquake Over Next Several Days


    Tonight is the Supermoon.
    The Supermoon is when the moon is closer to the Earth on orbit,
    resulting in a bigger and brighter moon than usual.
    But will it cause an Earthquake?

    Several triggers are in place for one to happen.
    First, the Supermoon. Retired USGS Geologist Jim Berkland long looked at the Moon as a trigger for Earthquakes.
    He produces Earthquake windows for the Ring of Fire based on the Moon phase between the Earth and the Sun.
    This is called, Syzygy, a straight line configuration of three celestial bodies.
    When the Moon is Full, the Earth is between it and the Sun.
    This causes extreme force on the planet, with higher tides as well.
    Berkland claims this is a trigger to quakes.
    My own triggers have to do with weather systems and geomagnetic fields.
    My theories of geomagnetic fields being a trigger to Earthquakes date back many years,
    before the new millennium took place.
    Higher geomagnetic field readings are in place right now.
    Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a very large coronal hole.
    A coronal hole is a section on the Sun where solar wind can escape into space, traveling at many hundreds of km/sec.
    This is due to continue through the weekend.
    These three triggers may be enough to trigger mechanisms in faults we still have not uncovered.
    Earthquakes may be triggered in ways we haven’t discovered and this will be a good test
    on what will happen over the next several days to a week.
    Earthquake or not, go outside and view the Supermoon tonight.

    Disclaimer: Remember, all products here are custom forecasts and are not issued by any other site unless otherwise noted.
    Tornado, Blizzard, Hurricane products issued by this website begin with the word 'TWS" in it.
    You will not see our products on the media either but that does not mean you need to bypass them.
    These are real forecasts and real threats.
    These forecasts are not here for entertainment purposes ... they are there for you to take seriously and act accordingly.

    Post last edited Jun 22nd 2013
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 23rd 2013
    Evacuations have begun from the Village of Cumberland House and the Cumberland House Cree Nation, in anticipation of rising floodwaters coming into Saskatchewan from Alberta.
    Timeline Photos

    Emergency officials in Medicine Hat, Alta., are reinforcing city infrastructure and forcing a handful of resistant residents out of the mandatory evacuation zone as rising water levels
    — that have devastated several southern Alberta communities, including large parts of Calgary
    — reach the South Saskatchewan River.

    What do you think of the situation in Alberta?

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    • thurman - Posted Jun 23rd 2013

      Two nights ago the full moon appeared as a square. I rubbed my eyes adjusted my focus and still yet it glowed a golden square. It was with great mental effort that i willed in myself to see the familiar roundness and perhaps after as many seconds as it takes for moonlight to reach my mind it became the old familiar disc. But upon returning to it's 'nat' state it grew wings of the Swastika.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
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    JesterTerrestrial - Posted Jun 27th 2013






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    thurman - Posted Jun 27th 2013

    Where does space begin? Let’s look up into our planet’s atmosphere, that shell of nitrogen (about 78%), oxygen (about 20%), various other gases (2%) that makes life on Earth possible, to find out. The atmosphere gets thinner as you go further up, in fact 90% of the Earth’s atmosphere by weight is in the bottom 10 miles (16 km).

    The atmosphere is stratified, that is divided into layers based the bulk properties and behaviours of the air at that altitude. Most familiar of these to us, because we live in it, is the troposphere. Most massive (about 80% of the atmosphere), warmest and most turbulent of the atmosphere’s layers, the troposphere starts at ground level and extends about a dozen kilometres on average above our head. The troposphere is warmed by heat from the Earth’s surface, and as any fule kno warm air rises. This is exactly what happens in the troposphere, great columns of warmer air rise from the surface to higher altitudes cool off and sink down again. Effectively the troposphere is churning like the fluids in a lava lamp, hence its names, derived from the Greek word trope, meaning “turn” or “overturn”. Its turbulent nature means that the upper extent of the troposphere (called the tropopause) varies, over the chilly poles it reaches 9 km (30 000 ft) and a height of 17 km (56 000 ft) at the warmer equator. It is cold up there at the tropopause perhaps −60 °C (−76 °).

    Just to put things into perspective, Mt. Everest’s summit is 8848 m (29029 ft) above sea level and commercial airliners commonly cruise about 10 km (33 000 ft) overhead.


    A diagram showing the layers of the Earth's atmosphere (Image credit: NASA)​

    Rising through the tropopause we come to the second best –known layer of the atmosphere, the stratosphere. The stratosphere encompasses a much greater volume than the troposphere as it extends much further above the Earth, to an altitude of almost 60 km. In the central portion of the stratosphere we find a sub-layer which is without a doubt the best-known layer of the atmosphere: the Ozone Layer.

    Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms (the oxygen molecules in stuff we breathe is made of two oxygen atoms; an extra atom makes a huge difference as ozone is horrendously toxic). Ozone in the stratosphere is made by sunlight. Ultraviolet light (UV) from the Sun rips apart oxygen molecules (made of two oxygen atoms), into individual oxygen atoms. Eager to have company again, these lonely atoms combine with unbroken oxygen molecules to create ozone (heat is released too during all this, so surprisingly the stratosphere is considerably warmer than the upper troposphere). If you think about this for a minute, this suggests that if this goes on all the oxygen molecules are eventually going to be turned into ozone but as ultraviolet light shines on ozone it breaks it up again into a molecule of oxygen and an isolated atom of oxygen. This on-going process creates a layer about 10 to 50 km (33 000 to 160 000 ft) above Earth’s surface where there is a steady concentration of ozone (for a while we humans did our best to put a stop to this, but we have since mended our ways and the ozone layer seems to be recovering). This is all so important because all that UV absorbed in tearing up ozone atoms in the stratosphere does not get to reach the Earth’s surface. If it did, the green hills of Earth would be as barren as the rocky dunes of Mars.

    At the top of the stratosphere, the stratopause, we are in an alien environment: the atmospheric pressure here is only 1/1000 of that at sea level. Even the wispy near-nothingness that is the Martian atmosphere is thicker than this.

    Above the stratopause we have the mesosphere which extends upwards to 80–85 km (50–53 mile) above the surface. This is the most mysterious and poorly understood region on Earth, too high for aircraft and too low for satellites, it is hard to investigate. We do know the air (what there is of it) in the mesosphere gets steadily colder as we rise through it and there are strong east to west winds. This is also the home of red sprites and blue jets, vast and spectacular electrical discharges considered to be meteorologists’ tall tales until a sprite was photographed in 1989.

    Despite its inaccessibility, you can see into the mesosphere any clear night when you watch the bright streak of a meteor. Most meteoroids burning up upon entering the atmosphere meet their ends in the mesosphere. It is also here that clouds of fine ice crystals form the noctilucent clouds observed on some summer nights.

    Rising through the mesosphere, the temperature grows steadily warmer, so much so that the layer above the mesopause is called the thermosphere. It is well named for it is hot up there, in fact the temperature could be as high as 1500 °C (2730 °F). This seems fantastic, how can this be? How come rockets passing through it are not vaporised? Firstly, the rare atoms and molecules of air here are warmed by solar radiation. An energised atom is a fast moving atom; a fast moving atom is a hot atom. The second question is answered by the fact that there is virtually nothing there. The thermosphere is a fine approximation to a vacuum. The gases here are too dilute to transfer any heat to a passing traveller.

    Remote and all but empty, the thermosphere may seem of little interest but a century ago it became of great practical use. Pioneers of radio communications were amazed to discover that their signals (which ought to travel in straight lines) could be received far away, right around the curvature of the Earth. It was as though hundreds of kilometres overhead there was a huge invisible mirror reflecting radio waves around the planet. Indeed there was. This is the ionosphere, a shell of free electrons and ionised gas molecules. This is another product of sunlight, up here the Sun’s rays are powerful enough to tear electrons away from atoms. As the ionosphere is created by the Sun shining on the atmosphere, the extent and density of the ionosphere over a particular location varies with the seasons. For a brief few decades the ionosphere played a vital role in intercontinental radio communications, but today is little used thanks to the ubiquity of communication satellites.

    The thermosphere encountered its first visitor from the surface some time in 1944 in the sleek shape of an A4 (aka V-2) rocket launched from Nazi Germany. Within a decade this first invader had been followed by literally thousands more rockets, and soon rockets (some with people on board) would be going higher still. In the mid-1950s it was decided that we needed a boundary between Earth and space and this would be in the thermosphere. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale declared that this would be at an altitude of 100 kilometres (62 mles) above sea level. This is often called the Kármán Line (named for a Hungarian scientist who calculated that at this altitude a vehicle could not rely on aerodynamic lift to stay aloft).

    The thermosphere ends as you might expect at the thermopause. Where exactly this is varies, being higher in direct sunlight as the Sun’s energy allowing the scarce but fast-moving molecules to rise high above the planet. Depending on the time of day and season the thermosphere can be 500–1000 km over any given location. Most satellites and spacecraft orbit the Earth at these altitudes, and the faint traces of atmosphere do exert a slight drag to the satellite’s motion hence the phenomena of a satellite’s orbit decaying until it falls to Earth (unless it is periodically reboosted to compensate as the ISS is).

    Uppermost of the Earth’s atmospheric layers is the exosphere where the atmosphere gradually turns into outer space. Here there are only the rarest molecules of hydrogen, helium, carbon dioxide and oxygen atoms. They are as much under the influence of the cosmic environment as they are Earth’s and in fact some will escape into space, never to return. Some estimate the exosphere ends about halfway to the Moon.
    I am trying to research misinformation. I would really like to see a video off a first person view of entering outerspace.

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    JesterTerrestrial - Posted Jun 27th 2013



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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Jun 28th 2013

    nice weaving JT

    - lots of views on thuban :)
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    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jun 29th 2013

      On the Fulfilment of Prophecies and the Colours of the Seeing Eyes Now and of 521 Million Years ago

      [11:56:25 AM-Sunday, June 30th, 2013 +10UCT]
      Emeth 141: Illogical, Spock would say
      [11:56:56 AM] Emeth 141: She saw the Shelley pic and responded to this, probing me
      [11:57:06 AM] Emeth 141: I had forgotten her name
      [11:57:45 AM] *** Emeth 141 sent debra in club.jpg ***
      [11:57:58 AM] Emeth 141: Her 40th bd
      [11:58:24 AM] Emeth 141: I cut her out and used her friends image to 'replace' Lassie
      [11:59:01 AM] Emeth 141: It is good you understood the energy streams behind all of this
      [11:59:17 AM] Emeth 141: And it is this, which brings your dreams into it
      [11:59:33 AM] Sirius 17: i still dont understand why you used the friend pic
      [11:59:43 AM] Sirius 17: that made no sense to me
      [11:59:44 AM] Emeth 141: You said you did
      [12:00:12 PM] Sirius 17: i understand what you said about it yes, but not your reason for choosing that specific pic

      [12:00:13 PM] Emeth 141:
      [11:45:12 AM] Sirius 17: yes her communication to you is strange
      [11:45:16 AM] Sirius 17: i see what you mean about lassie ect
      [11:45:57 AM] Sirius 17: it seems to me that the MILD is there with her at times
      [11:46:05 AM] Emeth 141: Excellent, I thought you would

      [12:00:25 PM] Emeth 141: Oh, just because DD KNOWS her
      [12:00:33 PM] Emeth 141: And had physical contact
      [12:00:34 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see
      [12:00:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes my dream was very odd
      [12:00:56 PM] Emeth 141: This is the evolution of the ment-ment into ment-phys like the RokXeia
      [12:00:59 PM] Sirius 17: i have not dreamed of being pregnant in some time now
      [12:01:45 PM] Sirius 17: and you did not look like you in the dream
      [12:01:46 PM] Emeth 141: 'Shelley' is a bridge image for the Logos from Below to the Above
      [12:02:08 PM] Emeth 141: Just as Mitch-Doug MILDs are bridge images from the Above to the Below
      [12:02:28 PM] Sirius 17: you looked like a long haired hippy and were very thin
      [12:02:42 PM] Emeth 141: Until July 4-8 this is 'named' afterwards it is universal with DIY
      [12:02:52 PM] Emeth 141: Thanks
      [12:02:53 PM] Sirius 17: almost looked like Jesus but skinny as hell lol
      [12:03:10 PM] Emeth 141: I wish lol
      [12:03:11 PM] Sirius 17: but it was strange, i knew it was you
      [12:03:19 PM] Emeth 141: My hair is long atm
      [12:03:26 PM] Emeth 141: I am going barber this week
      [12:03:48 PM] Sirius 17: and you had no problems with the legs, in the dream you were walking around fine as if you never had any problem, infact i did not even think about this in the dream.
      [12:03:56 PM] Emeth 141: All DQBees are pregnant Raven
      [12:04:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know
      [12:04:09 PM] Emeth 141: You simply were shown the phys-phys of it
      [12:04:28 PM] Emeth 141: Xeia's pregnancy via Daniel is the ment-phys
      [12:04:38 PM] Sirius 17: i did not understand what it meant that she was carrying the baby after i woke up. in the dream this seemed so natural
      [12:04:56 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, because it is a shared Dragon Baby
      [12:05:03 PM] Emeth 141: A Starhuman core baby
      [12:05:16 PM] Emeth 141: Xeia is its Mother too
      [12:05:32 PM] Sirius 17: but the woman who was your wife in the dream i did not recognize as anyone i knew
      [12:05:40 PM] Sirius 17: she had long blond hair and was very thin too
      [12:05:41 PM] Emeth 141: This is the revisit of DD's delusion of being Virgin Mary Mother
      [12:06:01 PM] Sirius 17: so when she mentioned to Rok about the blonde this made me wonder wtf is going on
      [12:06:12 PM] Emeth 141: It is 'Shelley' in this pic, but looks very different as Mitch and looks different as you
      [12:06:15 PM] Sirius 17: the fair lady
      [12:06:37 PM] Emeth 141: Just as the skinny me is also Doug and James and Rok etc in multiD
      [12:06:37 PM] Sirius 17: is that what she meant by that?
      [12:06:53 PM] Sirius 17: oh oh and i have something to tell you also
      [12:07:05 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, DD mixes all the images up in her self delusion as 'executor of her estate'
      [12:07:09 PM] Sirius 17: this morning while i was talking to rok, james had a very strange dream
      [12:07:16 PM] Sirius 17: he woke up very upset
      [12:07:35 PM] Sirius 17: he would not even talk to me for like an hour
      [12:07:48 PM] Sirius 17: and i said tell me why you are upset hon and he said he couldnt right now, but that he had a bad dream
      [12:07:54 PM] Emeth 141: This is related in the 'comings' into the old human minds
      [12:08:17 PM] Emeth 141: There must be conflict to throw out the old for the new
      [12:09:18 PM] Sirius 17: he dreamed he was an old old man now raising his children. he witnessed himself repeating all the same mistakes with his children and in the dream he knew them but when he woke up he said they were like strangers to him, as they are really because he never spent much time with them in real life. Only the one son David did he play a part in raising.
      [12:09:56 PM] Sirius 17: he said he had curly hair in the dream and a big balding spot on his head
      [12:10:04 PM] Emeth 141: See, what I just said above as the 'changing of the systems'
      [12:10:04 PM] Sirius 17: and he hated how old he was
      [12:10:25 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, the thing with DD is plain old vanity
      [12:10:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes it fits, it was a very strange dream for him
      [12:10:45 PM] Emeth 141: I am too old for her and Rok is younger and AS part of the hex, she wants him
      [12:11:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes the anti is still trying to get rid of you
      [12:11:08 PM] Emeth 141: James is getting this 'used by date' data now from the Logos
      [12:11:13 PM] Sirius 17: replace you
      [12:11:16 PM] Emeth 141: Like your skype headline see?
      [12:11:21 PM] Sirius 17: or replace her with me or someone else in its place
      [12:11:33 PM] Emeth 141: Yes of course, DD feels very much part of the hexcore
      [12:11:50 PM] Sirius 17: skype headline?
      [12:11:58 PM] Emeth 141: The anti has less than a week now to 'live'
      [12:12:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes indeed
      [12:12:22 PM] Sirius 17: telling you its not ready lol
      [12:12:23 PM] Emeth 141: 'Oh death, where is thy sting?'
      [12:12:40 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes that lol i had forgotten about it
      [12:12:59 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, I thought the same thoughts today. Just a few hours ago, I said to myself. Perhaps its time to go
      [12:13:11 PM] Emeth 141: So I was in synchro with James
      [12:13:25 PM] Sirius 17: oh he was so upset Tony
      [12:13:31 PM] Sirius 17: i still dont think he told me everything
      [12:13:34 PM] Emeth 141: So 6 hours ago?
      [12:13:50 PM] Sirius 17: within 30 mins of me talking to Rok and Xeia he woke up
      [12:13:57 PM] Sirius 17: and he had woken up when i got out of bed
      [12:14:03 PM] Emeth 141: Well, how long ago was this?
      [12:14:05 PM] Sirius 17: so the dream happened within 30 mins
      [12:14:14 PM] Sirius 17: umm let me look
      [12:15:54 PM] Sirius 17:
      [3:07 AM] Sirius 17:
      <<< Bizzaro

      i woke up at 10:07 and he woke up about 30 mins later. and wierdly my internet and phone went out just after i said this, then the technician guy came and i was able to comment later around 2:30 or so.
      [12:16:34 PM] Sirius 17: so it is 7:16 pm now
      [12:16:37 PM] Emeth 141: Your time now is 19:00?
      [12:16:43 PM] Emeth 141: mindblend
      [12:17:07 PM] Sirius 17: James told me that the dream seemed to cover an entire lifetime
      [12:17:22 PM] Sirius 17: and that is part of the reason he was so upset
      [12:17:22 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, it would
      [12:17:29 PM] Emeth 141: This is the 'endtimes' see?
      [12:17:37 PM] Sirius 17: he was upset only when he woke up because it did not make sense, the time
      [12:17:40 PM] Emeth 141: It manifests in human fears and such
      [12:18:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes and he fears getting old
      [12:18:17 PM] Sirius 17: but when he mentioned the curly hair, guess who i thought of
      [12:18:18 PM] Emeth 141: So the dream was so 9 hours ago
      [12:18:35 PM] Sirius 17: no about 8.5 or 8 hours ago
      [12:18:43 PM] Sirius 17: he woke up 30 or 40 mins after me
      [12:18:49 PM] Emeth 141: Curly hair? Kirk, the Cook lol
      [12:18:55 PM] Sirius 17: no
      [12:18:58 PM] Sirius 17: i thought of Doug
      [12:19:19 PM] Emeth 141: Well anyway, it syncs with my thoughts of 'being too old now'
      [12:19:21 PM] Sirius 17: i had this image of him in my mind
      [12:19:40 PM] Emeth 141: Well Doug, the Scotsman has any old bodyform as a wave now
      [12:20:04 PM] Sirius 17: and he had kind of curly hair as i remember
      [12:20:05 PM] Emeth 141: It will be up to him and the ET contact how to manifest or hybridize
      [12:20:20 PM] Sirius 17: but weird stuff huh?
      [12:20:22 PM] Emeth 141: I simply dont know the detailed mechanics here
      [12:20:40 PM] Emeth 141: Yes indeed
      [12:20:43 PM] Sirius 17: i seriously lost internet connection after i said bizarro
      [12:20:58 PM] Sirius 17: and i was like what the hell is going on
      [12:21:01 PM] *** Emeth 141 sent BaabsDay.jpg *

    • bb8df108-4fe4-4530-939a-d2f194f39d1a.

      [12:21:10 PM] Emeth 141: This is the most recent update
      [12:21:35 PM] Emeth 141: It is a decoded code
      [12:21:45 PM] Emeth 141: So I dont expect anyone to be able to read it
      [12:22:08 PM] Emeth 141: But you can see I extended the start to December 21st as the great nexus time of the Abba signal from the galactic center
      [12:22:12 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i saw it on your post
      [12:22:19 PM] Emeth 141: I am editing
      [12:22:25 PM] Emeth 141: But it is near ok now
      [12:22:37 PM] Emeth 141: Took me 4 days of intensity
      [12:22:43 PM] Sirius 17: guess what they had to replace to get my internet and phone back?
      [12:22:51 PM] Emeth 141: Modem?
      [12:23:07 PM] Emeth 141: plug
      [12:23:10 PM] Sirius 17: the coaxial cable and splitter from the cable connection to the wall had gone bad
      [12:23:15 PM] Sirius 17: the wires
      [12:23:35 PM] Emeth 141: Yes this is what I meant with plug, the electricity connection
      [12:23:36 PM] Sirius 17: so that is interesting too, i have a new connection see
      [12:23:43 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [12:23:49 PM] Sirius 17: he told me this is why i kept lagging out and stuff
      [12:24:11 PM] Emeth 141: There was a BIG COUP in Oz politics with a new connection now indeed
      [12:24:25 PM] Emeth 141: Wednesday
      [12:24:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes and look at egypt
      [12:25:02 PM] Sirius 17: and now Snowden is trying to bargain with the USA
      [12:25:03 PM] Emeth 141: DD's 'dream' see and why I knew that there was a Logos shift as well in regards to the physicality
      [12:25:11 PM] Emeth 141: I dont like his father
      [12:25:16 PM] Emeth 141: Very suspicous
      [12:25:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is
      [12:25:35 PM] Sirius 17: i dont think he should come back and face trial at all
      [12:25:40 PM] Emeth 141: He is a 'patriot' and I would eschew those anywhere - his father that is
      [12:25:43 PM] Sirius 17: it wont be good
      [12:25:47 PM] Emeth 141: Oh no
      [12:25:54 PM] Emeth 141: It is a trap
      [12:25:57 PM] Sirius 17: it is
      [12:26:04 PM] Sirius 17: and i think the father has been compromized
      [12:26:07 PM] Sirius 17: paid off
      [12:26:15 PM] Sirius 17: they want this kid so bad
      [12:26:31 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [12:26:48 PM] Sirius 17: because they know he still has other bombshells
      [12:26:50 PM] Emeth 141: To make 'examples'
      [12:27:02 PM] Sirius 17: Snowden knows more then what he has told already
      [12:27:13 PM] Sirius 17: he is keeping that to himself as a bargaining chip
      [12:27:22 PM] Emeth 141: His father is worried about wikileaks influence and this tells the story
      [12:27:39 PM] Sirius 17: yes so worried over political correctness
      [12:27:52 PM] Sirius 17: he has no clue that many people think his son is a hero
      [12:28:06 PM] Emeth 141: But anyway, last time DD unblocked me, she reblocked me the next day again
      [12:28:11 PM] Emeth 141: I still see her green
      [12:28:29 PM] Sirius 17: hmm interesting
      [12:28:34 PM] Sirius 17: i have not unblocked her yet
      [12:28:40 PM] Emeth 141: The Xeia-DD connect is strange too and you know what I mean
      [12:28:46 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [12:29:03 PM] Sirius 17: i think Xeia is over reacting again
      [12:29:05 PM] Emeth 141: Xeia did not share with us, that DD contacted her December 21st, see this?
      [12:29:21 PM] Sirius 17: because she unblocked her today and just discovered it
      [12:29:24 PM] Emeth 141: Whilst Rok shared her ramblings straight away
      [12:29:33 PM] Sirius 17: she didnt know
      [12:29:45 PM] Emeth 141: So I see Rok as completely 'above board' regarding his loyalties
      [12:29:49 PM] Sirius 17: she unblocked her after reading Roks dialogue and discovered it
      [12:30:03 PM] Emeth 141: I see, yes, this would explain this
      [12:30:15 PM] Emeth 141: It is easy to 'get suspicious' with old human mindsets, lol
      [12:30:20 PM] Sirius 17: lol
      [12:31:21 PM] Sirius 17: well Xeia reacted again i think, i hope she read what i said and really thinks about it
      [12:31:33 PM] Emeth 141: But Rok can be totally trusted with respect to his interaction with DD, Xeia
      [12:31:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes i agree
      [12:31:46 PM] Sirius 17: and Xeia should know this
      [12:31:51 PM] Emeth 141: Human jealousy memes
      [12:31:58 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [12:32:39 PM] Sirius 17: well and DD always seems to say something in her convos with Rok to goad Xeia
      [12:32:42 PM] Sirius 17: ALWAYS
      [12:32:50 PM] Emeth 141: DD is feeling her age now and the last thing her human nabs mind seeks, is to be with even older men
      [12:32:54 PM] Sirius 17: i figured Xeia would of seen this by now and just laughed it off
      [12:33:20 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, her inability to see through the facades are a little troublesome
      [12:33:40 PM] Sirius 17: DD knows full well that Rok shares everything to Xeia
      [12:33:48 PM] Sirius 17: this is the reason she said anything at all about her
      [12:33:57 PM] Emeth 141: DD wants the hex and is ok with 3 men in it, as long as Rok is her core
      [12:34:09 PM] Sirius 17: yes and WTF is this
      [12:34:14 PM] Emeth 141: So this is WHY she goads Xeia and me
      [12:34:20 PM] Sirius 17: she said to him today though that she is not the fair lady
      [12:34:27 PM] Emeth 141: BS
      [12:34:30 PM] Sirius 17: that his core is someone else
      [12:34:33 PM] Sirius 17: but not Xeia
      [12:34:41 PM] Emeth 141: This is just Shelley or Raven replacing her as DD
      [12:34:48 PM] Sirius 17: you and Xeia disqualify in her mind
      [12:35:01 PM] Sirius 17: and i apparently dont have enough orgasms
      [12:35:04 PM] Emeth 141: She does not understand that Lassie is the true DD and not her nabs ID
      [12:35:05 PM] Sirius 17: hahaha
      [12:35:16 PM] Sirius 17: no she totally misses this
      [12:35:26 PM] Emeth 141: Of course
      [12:35:31 PM] Emeth 141: But she cant let go
      [12:35:43 PM] Emeth 141: Perhaps after July 8th, this changes
      [12:36:02 PM] Emeth 141: My energies come in waves
      [12:36:09 PM] Emeth 141: I have little control now
      [12:36:18 PM] Sirius 17:
      [7:52 AM] Sirius 17:
      <<< [11:17:46] Rok: so Raven will not get swallowed?

      [11:18:07] Debra: She wants to be swallowed, but no-one wants to swallow her.I did find this interesting though, she subconsciously knows i cannot be swallowed

      [12:36:24 PM] Emeth 141: I know this is a 'Logos Coming'
      [12:36:38 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, good point
      [12:37:17 PM] Emeth 141: She knows from the Logos mind, that she has been swallowed by a colossal memeplex
      [12:37:37 PM] Emeth 141: What she does not know, is that an even bigger memeplex has swallowed her 'controller'
      [12:37:50 PM] Sirius 17: oh i am in total amazement here, i really wondered if we would ever hear from DD again and now I know the Logos has this totally. It is amazing to me.
      [12:38:00 PM] Emeth 141: Because she denies JCCJ as a physical reality
      [12:38:08 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, it is
      [12:38:26 PM] Sirius 17: i mean really, did you expect this?
      [12:38:38 PM] Sirius 17: how long have we had her cut off now?
      [12:38:41 PM] Emeth 141: I never let go of Lassie, but like Xeia, I cant really tolerate this mental monstrosity anymore
      [12:38:45 PM] Sirius 17: metaphysically and in every way
      [12:38:49 PM] Emeth 141: In a way I did
      [12:39:13 PM] Emeth 141: Because Lassie is part of the MILD and not at all mindful of DD
      [12:39:22 PM] Emeth 141: It is just a corpse in the cosmic agenda
      [12:39:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the Eagles have gathered
      [12:39:50 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and why I added all those GOT quotes to the post
      [12:39:56 PM] Sirius 17: the Eagle i saw on the beach made me feel this
      [12:39:59 PM] Emeth 141: It is a very deep post and she reacted to it
      [12:40:19 PM] Sirius 17: he just stood there Tony, watching the sun set on an old world
      [12:40:27 PM] Sirius 17: until it was dark
      [12:40:37 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and this is also the impressions I get over MI now
      [12:40:42 PM] Sirius 17: i have never seen an Eagle after dark on the beach or anywhere
      [12:40:49 PM] Sirius 17: it was just bizarre
      [12:41:09 PM] Emeth 141: Eagle=30=Debra=Peace=Baby=Ark=Bread=Bible=...
      [12:41:11 PM] Sirius 17: it was almost pitch black when he flew off
      [12:41:26 PM] Sirius 17: and he flew east
      [12:41:31 PM] Emeth 141: Why this pic of hers staring at the sun is just your Eagle see this?
      [12:41:34 PM] Sirius 17: back into the interior of the land
      [12:41:47 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
      [12:41:53 PM] Sirius 17: she always says in the suns
      [12:42:05 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and also the 'Raven of Noah' who does not return to the ark
      [12:42:36 PM] Emeth 141: 'Her innocent girl' stuff showed her utter mental chaos
      [12:43:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes her whole talk with you and then Rok is just highly strange
      [12:43:16 PM] Emeth 141: The man, she could not get rid off was me of course and then in Shelley's house see and NOT FOC or some other 'guide' of hers
      [12:43:19 PM] Sirius 17: she is not making much sense at all
      [12:43:33 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
      [12:43:41 PM] Emeth 141: Oh, she does to me in the 'spiritual ID' state
      [12:43:50 PM] Sirius 17: when did she talk with you i didn't notice the time markers, was it before she talked to Rok?
      [12:44:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes she makes sense in some of her subconscious statements, but superfically its all mumbo jumbo talk
      [12:44:33 PM] Emeth 141: But she 'disowned' Oxy now lol. And he 'replied' showing off her previous 'support' of his ramblings
      [12:44:43 PM] Sirius 17: and she calls me a parrot, she parroted a bunch of nabs shit to Rok
      [12:44:51 PM] Emeth 141: She stopped talking to me, just as she switched to Rok
      [12:45:00 PM] Sirius 17: oh i had wondered
      [12:45:04 PM] Emeth 141: So it was continuity
      [12:45:16 PM] Sirius 17: she lost interest in you and went to get her digs in Rok
      [12:45:23 PM] Emeth 141: She started with Rok, when drawing to a close with me
      [12:45:28 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [12:45:47 PM] Emeth 141: I could feel her inability to 'break my mental walls'
      [12:46:12 PM] Emeth 141: She said bye even earlier, but then kept rambling on
      [12:46:12 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i could see it
      [12:46:37 PM] Emeth 141: It does not matter what she thinks and does Raven and Xeia
      [12:46:56 PM] Emeth 141: I can feel the 'takeover' of the new memes now
      [12:47:02 PM] Sirius 17: i feel this too
      [12:47:15 PM] Emeth 141: This is very much 'out of our minds and hands' now
      [12:47:28 PM] Emeth 141: I know how my libido goes
      [12:47:34 PM] Sirius 17: what i tried to point out today when i told Rok how completely eaten by the Logos she is
      [12:47:35 PM] Emeth 141: I am not making this up
      [12:47:42 PM] Emeth 141: I agree
      [12:48:07 PM] Sirius 17: this is not natural at all for her to continue on with us like this
      [12:48:13 PM] Emeth 141: It could mean total separation and it does, but how this relates to Lassie as part of everyones MILD atm I dont know
      [12:48:39 PM] Sirius 17: something very deep is going on and it has become so obvious now to me, why i was so astounded at her convo with Rok
      [12:48:52 PM] Emeth 141: IOW there will be 2 Marys fixed in the cores now with the 3rd one dynamic
      [12:49:10 PM] Emeth 141: Mary the Mother and Mary Magdalene. the Lover are fixed now iow
      [12:49:25 PM] Emeth 141: I think you can understand it via this
      [12:49:42 PM] Emeth 141: The 3rd Mary is the 'Wife of Cleophas' remember?
      [12:49:55 PM] Sirius 17: i also thought it was strange that in my dream we were mobile, i dont know if you noticed this, but all my previous dreams we were in fixed houses
      [12:50:03 PM] Sirius 17: this has to mean something
      [12:50:08 PM] Emeth 141: This is 'Doug's Core' as the Leo Healer
      [12:50:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [12:50:25 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, the mobility means the flux of change
      [12:50:39 PM] Sirius 17: it could also mean ships too
      [12:50:47 PM] Emeth 141: It will be ten days to the end starting June 29th see?
      [12:50:50 PM] Sirius 17: i thought of this later in trying to decipher it
      [12:50:52 PM] Emeth 141: The time of the dreams
      [12:51:09 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, i did have a quasi dream here
      [12:51:38 PM] Emeth 141: I saw the lights in flux and could not make up my mind if they were ships or human planes or constructions
      [12:51:44 PM] Emeth 141: This was around that time too
      [12:51:52 PM] Sirius 17: seems you have gone offline or skype is lagging again
      [12:52:14 PM] Emeth 141: This also dovetails with JT's posts
      [12:53:04 PM] Emeth 141: Iow all cores have a twinned sisterhood now as the waveguide and so are 'not yet gods' as per the GOT
      [12:53:32 PM] Emeth 141: The 3rd Mary will make them 'gods' aka allow the starhuman merkabah to manifest in its due time
      [12:53:41 PM] Emeth 141: No I was ok
      [12:54:03 PM] Emeth 141: Lassie is my Mary C
      [12:54:19 PM] Emeth 141: How this physicalises is 'in the stars' lol literally
      [12:55:02 PM] Emeth 141: Could be your connection relapsing
      [12:55:14 PM] Sirius 17: no it was you i checked
      [12:55:28 PM] Emeth 141: I saw you circling
      [12:55:43 PM] Sirius 17: yes you were too i put a test in there
      [12:55:44 PM] Emeth 141: Never mind it is ok now
      [12:56:09 PM] Emeth 141: DD is circling
      [12:56:21 PM] Sirius 17:
      [12:54 PM] Emeth 141:
      <<< How this physicalises is 'in the stars' lol literally

      yes indeed
      [12:56:22 PM] Emeth 141: In parts, not yesterday
      [12:56:38 PM] Emeth 141: But like James, I feel the job is almost done
      [12:57:01 PM] Emeth 141: So normally we can lie down and die as the normal 'course of humanity'
      [12:57:14 PM] Emeth 141: But we might not be destined for this
      [12:57:18 PM] Emeth 141: But I dont know
      [12:57:30 PM] Sirius 17: well i certainly hope not
      [12:57:40 PM] Emeth 141: BUT I know that the Logos 'likes' the work done
      [12:57:47 PM] Sirius 17: the earth cannot sustain much more
      [12:58:00 PM] Emeth 141: I can sense the change in the 'ethers' as JT would say
      [12:58:15 PM] Sirius 17: i know we would come back in new bodies, so i do not fear death, i fear my childrens future
      [12:58:27 PM] Emeth 141: I agree yes
      [12:58:57 PM] Emeth 141: Without Logos this planet is doomed to a slow disintegration as home of humanity
      [12:59:16 PM] Emeth 141: Nevertheless, the 'job' that had to be done was done
      [12:59:19 PM] Sirius 17: without Logos these children will witness the killing of the planet in toto
      [12:59:22 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [12:59:45 PM] Emeth 141: So ask yourself. To what purpose did those souls incarnate as our children?
      [12:59:53 PM] Sirius 17: i do
      [12:59:55 PM] Emeth 141: To continue the status quo?
      [1:00:08 PM] Sirius 17: the skeptics would say so
      [1:00:15 PM] Sirius 17: this is the way of life
      [1:00:29 PM] Sirius 17: at which i will scream until the very end its not
      [1:00:34 PM] Emeth 141: The skeptics 'believe' in 'progress of materialism'
      [1:00:42 PM] Sirius 17: this is NOT the way of life, not at all
      [1:00:49 PM] Sirius 17: its the path of death
      [1:01:23 PM] Emeth 141: Which is perfectly ok, as long as the metaphysical reality is also accomodated as 'the science of the spirit'. Presently it is not.
      [1:01:27 PM] Sirius 17: and so if the Logos doesn't act soon i am with Rok on this one, just send a kill shot from the sun or blow all the nukes and be done with it
      [1:01:41 PM] Emeth 141: This was the main function of Thuban as a 'pioneering bridge maker'
      [1:01:54 PM] Emeth 141: It won't come to that
      [1:02:06 PM] Sirius 17: no i don't think so either
      [1:02:39 PM] Emeth 141: What is the major 'glue' that holds humanity together, Raven? And I mean in a community sense here.
      [1:03:01 PM] Sirius 17: survival
      [1:03:08 PM] Sirius 17: family
      [1:03:09 PM] Emeth 141: No
      [1:03:31 PM] Emeth 141: It is their 'beliefs' and cultural memeplexes
      [1:03:47 PM] Emeth 141: So it becomes the sense of the 'spirit' and religion
      [1:03:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [1:04:17 PM] Emeth 141: So the cosmic change can ONLY come, if the cultural foundations themselves are changed
      [1:04:29 PM] Emeth 141: And this is the 'End of Prophecy' period
      [1:05:05 PM] Emeth 141: And this Thuban data has indeed achieved in its exile and isolation
      [1:05:23 PM] Sirius 17: i feel this is true
      [1:05:48 PM] Emeth 141: The date is July 8th 15:12 UCT, calculated from the December Solstice December 21st, 11:12UCT
      [1:05:52 PM] Sirius 17: i am no longer the same and can never go back
      [1:06:18 PM] Emeth 141: This is the encoded 'End of Prophecy' as it relates to the old human religions, all of them
      [1:06:19 PM] Sirius 17: oh and on our trip to the coast, guess what James tells me out of the blue
      [1:06:32 PM] Sirius 17: and i have not discussed July 8th or the timeline with him
      [1:06:42 PM] Sirius 17: he said to me it will all be over by the 8th
      [1:06:49 PM] Sirius 17: and i said how do you know this?
      [1:06:56 PM] Emeth 141: He would know of this from the dragon mind Raven
      [1:07:12 PM] Sirius 17: and he said because I know and this is what my spirit is telling me
      [1:07:25 PM] Sirius 17: well it blew me away
      [1:07:44 PM] Sirius 17: so i told him that is what is on the timeline
      [1:07:47 PM] Emeth 141: Even DD knows this is the Truth, not of Emeth as a messenger, but of the Logos of Abba-Baab
      [1:08:10 PM] Emeth 141: Fascinating actually
      [1:08:27 PM] Sirius 17: isn't it
      [1:08:38 PM] Sirius 17: i was pretty floored when he said it
      [1:08:40 PM] Emeth 141: James is with JCCJ, but is not deeply in the calculus of the timeline
      [1:09:08 PM] Emeth 141: His birthday of February 8th is however rather engaged lol and I know why he said this
      [1:09:14 PM] Sirius 17: no but we talked about his Alaska time again and he was on one i tell you
      [1:09:20 PM] Emeth 141: This will blow you away also Raven
      [1:09:26 PM] Sirius 17: we talked non stop, i could not shut him up
      [1:09:41 PM] Emeth 141: Do you want me to let you in on this 'secret'?
      [1:09:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [1:09:58 PM] Sirius 17: well and the number 8 has always been his favorite too
      [1:10:05 PM] Emeth 141: Ok, count the days between February 8th, 2013 and July 8th, 2013
      [1:10:52 PM] Sirius 17: well we did this before and i came up with 150 days
      [1:11:12 PM] Sirius 17: you said 153 i think
      [1:11:17 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and what is the number of days of Noah's Flood?
      [1:11:32 PM] Emeth 141: And what is the number of days of the 'Plague of the Scorpions'?
      [1:11:43 PM] Sirius 17: um 40 days?
      [1:11:50 PM] Sirius 17: oh wait 150
      [1:11:57 PM] Emeth 141: This is an integral major part of this Baab's Day chart
      [1:12:51 PM] Emeth 141: Well lol, you might see, if you closely look, that the 153 days are precisely the days from December 21st, 2012 to the Beginning of the 'Endtimes' as per the 150 days just mentioned
      [1:13:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes it was on his birthday as i remember
      [1:13:44 PM] Emeth 141:

    • Genesis 7:24 - King James Version (KJV)
      24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.

      Revelation 9:1-6
      1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
      2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
      3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
      4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
      5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
      6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

      [1:14:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember the 150, i was confusing it with the 40 days code
      [1:15:06 PM] Emeth 141: Can you understand now, just WHY I am so convinced as to the validity and Logos support regarding those charts?
      [1:15:29 PM] Emeth 141: There are so many, about everyone seeing any of this will fail to make any sense of it
      [1:15:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes i always have understood this and felt the same thing, its too uncanny
      [1:15:49 PM] Emeth 141: But as said, it is a decoded code and is meant to be so
      [1:17:07 PM] Sirius 17: true
      [1:17:48 PM] Emeth 141:

      Luke 10:23
      And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:

      John 12:40

      He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

    • Romans 11:6-11

      6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
      7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.
      8 [According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;] unto this day.
      9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
      10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back always.

      11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

      [1:18:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes and all of our experiences cannot be some coincidence, i just dont see how even our dreams and visions and such can be BS, it all fits, every single one of them
      [1:19:12 PM] Sirius 17: they fit precisely into this timeline
      [1:19:37 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [1:20:03 PM] Emeth 141: So we really do not need to worry anymore about all of this will 'fulfil itself'
      [1:20:16 PM] Sirius 17: no one but us really even understands the depth of this
      [1:20:26 PM] Emeth 141: From July 8th, the Logos is 'in charge', just as Rev.19 says
      [1:20:37 PM] Sirius 17: we have all lived it
      [1:20:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes i feel that
      [1:20:37 PM] Emeth 141: It is mindboggling Raven
      [1:21:00 PM] Sirius 17: it is
      [1:21:04 PM] Emeth 141: Now try to look at this through my eyes; having worked on those codes for 3 decades
      [1:21:54 PM] Sirius 17: freaking skype what the heck is going on
      [1:21:56 PM] Emeth 141: How would your understanding be, 'seeing' the completion of the old cultural memeplex, which has literally RULED the human mind from its beginning so 521 million years ago?
      [1:21:59 PM] Sirius 17: i keep circling
      [1:22:20 PM] Sirius 17: i am going to shut this down and reboot
      [1:22:56 PM] Emeth 141: 521 million years ago, the first LENSES were evolved by nature to allow diffraction grating and so the sense of COLOUR to be added to the terrestrial lifeforms in the way of molluscs and trilobites
      [1:25:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes your whole life has been like this
      [1:25:57 PM] Sirius 17: interwoven with the whole thing
      [1:26:38 PM] Sirius 17: are you still there?
      [1:26:44 PM] Sirius 17: i am sorry i had to reboot
      [1:27:31 PM] Sirius 17: its very strange, only skype does this
      [1:27:46 PM] Sirius 17: FB chat and Oovoo and any other chat never lags like this for me
      [1:30:42 PM] Sirius 17: it seems to be working now
      [1:31:10 PM] Sirius 17: it is so hot and humid here
      [1:34:27 PM] Emeth 141: Yes it is
      [1:34:52 PM] Emeth 141: But you might wish to check out this science of the evolution of the eye as a diffraction grating
      [1:35:09 PM] Sirius 17: yes i dont know what you mean by that
      [1:35:36 PM] Emeth 141: It relates to why certain,lifeforms use luminescence as energy sourcew in the absence of sunlight like deep sea creatures or bugs of the night
      [1:36:08 PM] Emeth 141: Oh see, ultraviolet light has higher energy than optical visible light
      [1:37:11 PM] Emeth 141: Then the energy difference is used by the cells as DNA encoding to use the UV energy as a transformer to lower energy and longer wavelength emitting the left over energy as heat
      [1:37:53 PM] Emeth 141: So the entire structure of the Eye of all lifeforms as a Optical lens is a diffraction grating, like you see on the ammonite skeletons
      [1:38:20 PM] Emeth 141: I will share this and get you references to some recent research
      [1:38:21 PM] Sirius 17: hmm and how does this relate to your point or what are you trying to say
      [1:38:47 PM] Sirius 17: that the starhuman eye is even more evolved?
      [1:39:05 PM] Emeth 141: The excperience of colour allowed previous lifeforms, which could not see, to evolve in a 'jump from the equilibrium'
      [1:39:19 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see
      [1:39:29 PM] Emeth 141: This is Terence McKennas timewave and Jay Gould's 'Punctuated Equilibrium'
      [1:39:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes it allowed for more complex lifeforms to develop
      [1:40:01 PM] Sirius 17: they could better evade predation
      [1:40:16 PM] Emeth 141: So this meant, that the lifeforms before 521 million years ago, could not develop their predatory nature. They were 'soft bellied' and lived in a limited sensory environment without the sense of sight
      [1:41:17 PM] Emeth 141: Exactly and the development of better 'environment sensors' then allowed the soft bellies to become hard bellies in endosymbiosis and the hard bellies began to consume and feed on the soft bellies
      [1:41:28 PM] Emeth 141: The softies could not see, but the hardies could
      [1:41:37 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see yes
      [1:41:42 PM] Sirius 17: makes sense
      [1:41:57 PM] Emeth 141: This is now on a higher evolutiuonary path of the Logos with the starhuman being able to see, but the old humans cannot
      [1:41:58 PM] Sirius 17: they could navigate their environments better to seek better food sources
      [1:42:13 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, they became 'higher dimensional' lol
      [1:42:39 PM] Sirius 17: lol i am thinking of DD and her Eye statements


      [1:44:24 PM] Sirius 17:
      Visual pigments are located in the brains of more complex organisms, and are thought to have a role in synchronising spawning with lunar cycles. By detecting the subtle changes in night-time illumination, organisms could synchronise the release of sperm and eggs to maximise the probability of fertilisation.

      [1:44:27 PM] Sirius 17: i am reading wiki
      [1:45:13 PM] Emeth 141: Of course and I did hint at that too with the 'All Seeing Eye' and also Brook's obsessions with the 'Thought of Thoth' Nabs
      [1:45:51 PM] Emeth 141: What I am addressing here is deeper than the present physiology Raven.
      [1:46:23 PM] Emeth 141: I am addressing perhaps the biggest biological evolutionary change in the terrestrial life story per se
      [1:46:36 PM] Emeth 141: Many frontier scientists are coming to this conclusion
      [1:47:31 PM] Emeth 141: You see the diffraction gratings of Nature are sought by the most brilliant scientific thinkers on the planet to become new technology, such as nanocomputers and new computer chips
      [1:47:32 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see
      [1:47:47 PM] Sirius 17: true, the nano structure
      [1:48:01 PM] Emeth 141: I will find a video on this for you and it will blow your mind as to the new sciences in the makings here

      [1:48:38 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, they will be ET related, and the ET contact will speed all this up, but the foundations are all already native to the Earth
      [1:49:28 PM] Emeth 141: The beetles that glow in the dark for example, they use specific crystalline structures as diffraction lenses on the microlevel of their body forms to adapt to their environments
      [1:49:38 PM] Sirius 17: god Applesauce just had some weird breathing problem again
      [1:49:56 PM] Sirius 17: i had to give her a hit off my inhaler, she could not breathe
      [1:50:16 PM] Sirius 17: she seems ok now, but it scared me
      [1:50:17 PM] Emeth 141: All of the 'Nature's Mechanics' can be adapted in human technologies and eliminate the old energy sources apart from what nature already utilizes
      [1:51:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes its pretty facinating the science
      [1:57:52 PM] Emeth 141:
      [2:16:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes fascinating this guys research
      [2:16:54 PM] Sirius 17: well and it makes sense, nature is the best teacher as you said
      [2:19:14 PM] Sirius 17: i will go take a shower Tony and be back, i can see your busy doing this
      [2:20:52 PM] Emeth 141: I added a few pics from this video
      [2:21:58 PM] Emeth 141:
      Sirius 17
      [4:15:48 PM] Emeth 141: My retirement should be imminent now
      [4:16:15 PM] Emeth 141: I will talk here, but not much else
      [4:16:29 PM] Emeth 141: I am tired of it all, all this stress
      [4:16:34 PM] Sirius 17: i know dear
      [4:16:51 PM] Sirius 17: but the stress in your life is also a sign of change
      [4:16:52 PM] Emeth 141: One disaster after another, ill health, lost 'loves' etc etc
      [4:17:17 PM] Emeth 141: I am only 56 and healthy except my legs
      [4:17:19 PM] Sirius 17: you were alone there with you and adam for a while and its different now
      [4:17:29 PM] Emeth 141: So I have a few decades of misery left
      [4:17:35 PM] Sirius 17: so evolvement is going on
      [4:17:40 PM] Emeth 141: True
      [4:17:52 PM] Sirius 17: whatever it means it will turn out somehow
      [4:17:52 PM] Emeth 141: But my social interaction is what it is
      [4:18:21 PM] Emeth 141: I know my life was meaningful Raven
      [4:18:38 PM] Sirius 17: it still is and will always be meaningful dear
      [4:18:46 PM] Emeth 141: But more so for my faith in JCCJ than any human satisfactions personally
      [4:18:57 PM] Sirius 17: i hear you
      [4:19:29 PM] Emeth 141: It simply is what it is - my life
      [4:19:46 PM] Sirius 17: maybe in retirement you can be a little selfish and do something for your own happiness though
      [4:20:09 PM] Emeth 141: And from next week other 'people' can go to their heavens and hells without my input or attempt to share information
      [4:20:48 PM] Emeth 141: Happiness is a rather elusive concept dear
      [4:20:55 PM] Sirius 17: it can be yes
      [4:21:05 PM] Emeth 141: I don't seek for it as say Xeia and Rok do
      [4:21:07 PM] Sirius 17: but it is not untenable
      [4:21:15 PM] Sirius 17: even in simplicities
      [4:21:15 PM] Emeth 141: Of course not
      [4:21:37 PM] Emeth 141: But my mind is not human anymore in my perspective, so I seek other 'things'
      [4:21:45 PM] Sirius 17: and you are no quitter, i know deep down you love life
      [4:22:03 PM] Sirius 17: i dont see you laying down to die
      [4:22:11 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, like you 'dying' is deemed unnatural and unneccessary now imo
      [4:22:36 PM] Emeth 141: I want a new body with the same software in it
      [4:22:41 PM] Sirius 17: it seems a joke now really
      [4:22:50 PM] Sirius 17: a sick waste
      [4:22:54 PM] Emeth 141: Indeed
      [4:23:18 PM] Emeth 141: The recoding of the genetics can change all of this
      [4:23:28 PM] Sirius 17: and recycling through will give you a new body, but then where is the evolution in that? over and over
      [4:23:42 PM] Emeth 141: Like many pioneer thinkers know as you linked before also
      [4:24:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it will happen technologically speaking indeed
      [4:24:07 PM] Emeth 141: This is the GOT about the Body 'recreating' the spirit
      [4:24:30 PM] Sirius 17: maybe this is the way it is meant to happen, we figure it out ourselves
      [4:24:35 PM] Sirius 17: how to become immortal
      [4:24:38 PM] Emeth 141: This implies the parentage of Body over Spirit and not vice versa as in the Nirvana belief
      [4:24:53 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, I agree
      [4:24:55 PM] Sirius 17: scientifically
      [4:25:07 PM] Sirius 17: step by step until we understand
      [4:25:20 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and we do as a remnant as encoded
      [4:25:48 PM] Emeth 141: This remnant must be Jesus family and cannot be anything else, as he is the cosmic bodyform of the resurrection from the dead
      [4:26:14 PM] Sirius 17: do you ever think maybe we actually do have to die first, like be in bardo like Jesus was for 3 days?
      [4:26:25 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, this is very possible
      [4:26:40 PM] Emeth 141: But this 'dying' can also be a sleeping transit
      [4:26:42 PM] Sirius 17: to allow the cosmic matrix to reset us like it did Jesus
      [4:26:56 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [4:27:16 PM] Emeth 141: The 'fate' of the witnesses is just this story
      [4:27:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes only how literal are we supposed to take it
      [4:27:50 PM] Sirius 17: i have often wondered about this
      [4:27:55 PM] Emeth 141: You are dead, yet not a corpse as such and not liable for 'corruption' meaning decay
      [4:28:17 PM] Emeth 141: It is also related to the 150 days
      [4:28:34 PM] Emeth 141: Where it says to seek death, but not finding it
      [4:28:42 PM] Sirius 17: and in Matthew 16 he says, one must be willing to loose their mortal life to gain the immortal one
      [4:28:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [4:28:54 PM] Emeth 141: The 150 days are 10 days Raven as one of the manifestoes
      [4:28:59 PM] Emeth 141: 150/15=10
      [4:29:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes as in now
      [4:29:07 PM] Sirius 17: its the 29th here
      [4:29:07 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [4:29:13 PM] Sirius 17: exactly 10 days to the 8th
      [4:29:20 PM] Emeth 141: I am alive dead in transit
      [4:29:31 PM] Emeth 141: With MI being dead alive as my core
      [4:29:48 PM] Emeth 141: You are alive dead with your own MILD as dead alive
      [4:30:04 PM] Emeth 141: As is Xeia and everyone by genetic default
      [4:30:07 PM] Sirius 17: yes, but this body is dead dead
      [4:30:27 PM] Sirius 17: i want it to be live live
      [4:30:42 PM] Emeth 141: But most will be unable to use any of the new 'programming' as this is implemented from the Christ consciousness and not some Nabs version of it
      [4:31:06 PM] Emeth 141: Yes it is the wave-particle duality
      [4:31:24 PM] Emeth 141: No more 'collapse' of the wave- or particle functions
      [4:31:35 PM] Sirius 17: i have felt very tired myself lately, i feel good otherwise, but i want to sleep a lot
      [4:31:53 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, I sleep much more now, than say last year
      [4:31:59 PM] Sirius 17: oh me too
      [4:32:04 PM] Sirius 17: this is not normal for me
      [4:32:13 PM] Sirius 17: i am a notorious insomniac
      [4:32:26 PM] Sirius 17: and this seems to of changed
      [4:32:31 PM] Emeth 141: But I feel so much sexual energy at times, which then seems to move into its own directions
      [4:32:36 PM] Sirius 17: me too
      [4:32:52 PM] Sirius 17: i have been overtaken by it a lot lately
      [4:33:14 PM] Sirius 17: but you know something weird
      [4:33:16 PM] Emeth 141: So when this Shelley thing started I could not stop having sex with her simulcast with Debbie and Doug say
      [4:33:34 PM] Sirius 17: its like my old body cannot handle this energy, i know i need a new one
      [4:33:38 PM] Emeth 141: But then this changes with Debbie fading and Lassie coming in and last night MI in her old bodyform
      [4:33:42 PM] Sirius 17: to fully express what i am feeling
      [4:34:00 PM] Emeth 141: It is all very unhuman and almost weird how those 'desires' change and fluctuate
      [4:34:18 PM] Sirius 17: its cool
      [4:34:18 PM] Emeth 141: But generally i am super eroticized by the female form as such
      [4:35:10 PM] Emeth 141: I see some female and see her cored and her core sharing her with me as I share MILD
      [4:35:35 PM] Sirius 17: so Shelly is like a universal Mitch? if i understood this right, a bridge
      [4:35:40 PM] Emeth 141: Stuff like that, seeming very 'perverted' and not at all like JCCJ as humans would say. A sexual Jesus is a nono in the old world.
      [4:35:52 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
      [4:36:06 PM] Sirius 17: god my dream is uncanny
      [4:36:26 PM] Sirius 17: your wife sort of looked like her but with longer hair
      [4:36:28 PM] Emeth 141: It is Mitch, both individualised relative to just one core of the MI original not the Mary Universalised
      [4:36:39 PM] Sirius 17: and it was not Debbie, so yeah this must be what i was picking up on
      [4:36:50 PM] Sirius 17: and no name was given to me of the wife, she was like just there
      [4:37:01 PM] Sirius 17: a placeholder of sorts
      [4:37:24 PM] Emeth 141: Indeed, your dream was 100% actually the way it manifested
      [4:37:37 PM] Sirius 17: almost as though something new is being created in her with me
      [4:37:43 PM] Sirius 17: like you said the above below thing
      [4:37:51 PM] Emeth 141: Yes Debbie changes place with Lassie as a natural permutation of the 3 Gens
      [4:38:20 PM] Emeth 141: Yes you are using the same energy here
      [4:38:32 PM] Sirius 17: it blew my mind really, when i woke up i was like wtf was that? lol
      [4:38:33 PM] Emeth 141: Shelley=Debbie=Raven=MILD
      [4:38:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes i understand
      [4:38:51 PM] Emeth 141: Only the bodyforms are individualised
      [4:38:56 PM] Emeth 141: It is all the JCCJ
      [4:39:12 PM] Sirius 17: it has to be, how on earth would i of known what you were going through
      [4:39:14 PM] Emeth 141: Why people cant understand the chats
      [4:39:24 PM] Sirius 17: you were not even talking to me these last few days or so
      [4:39:38 PM] Emeth 141: They think through their human conditioned mindsets like Xeia and Rok
      [4:40:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes and we are TLTR
      [4:40:31 PM] Sirius 17: whatever they do read gets filtered yes
      [4:40:43 PM] Sirius 17: even DD did this
      [4:40:51 PM] Sirius 17: when she mentioned about my orgasms
      [4:40:57 PM] Sirius 17: she totally misunderstood that
      [4:41:04 PM] Sirius 17: i knew she had gotten that from my dreams
      [4:41:26 PM] Emeth 141: And if Xeia and Rok are having reservations and difficulties, how 'hopeless' the rest of human minds not even close to this energy
      [4:41:40 PM] Sirius 17: i know, exactly
      [4:41:46 PM] Emeth 141: Yes she read the chats
      [4:42:06 PM] Emeth 141: It is super sexual yes in the cosmic sense
      [4:42:11 PM] Sirius 17: it is
      [4:42:22 PM] Sirius 17: and its a cosmic family, the love is so incredible
      [4:42:25 PM] Emeth 141: Primal and primordial as the entire energy source of reproduction
      [4:42:48 PM] Sirius 17: in my dream it was so natural all of us
      [4:42:56 PM] Emeth 141: Xeia and you know this, but look how differently Xeia filters this, compared to you
      [4:43:01 PM] Sirius 17: there was 0 jealousy
      [4:43:02 PM] Emeth 141: Yet it is of the same origin
      [4:43:34 PM] Sirius 17: yes she filters through her self worth
      [4:43:43 PM] Sirius 17: as did DD see in getting jealous
      [4:43:49 PM] Emeth 141: The potential to abuse this new energy and form of sexual expression is colossal
      [4:43:55 PM] Sirius 17: jealous of what? yourself?
      [4:43:56 PM] Sirius 17: lol
      [4:44:03 PM] Emeth 141: This imo is the reason this was never given to the human mind before
      [4:44:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes that makes sense
      [4:44:24 PM] Sirius 17: its pure
      [4:44:42 PM] Emeth 141: Absolutely, but looks 'perverted' as a sexual lust thing
      [4:45:24 PM] Emeth 141: It is cellular multiplication - the way the cosmos itself reproduces itself in galaxies etc
      [4:46:00 PM] Emeth 141: The dragon orgasms are literally creating the multiverses from the universal seed
      [4:46:05 PM] Sirius 17: what do you make of the gays getting this supreme court decison on to be considered equals in marriage. it almost redefines the marriage concept entirely. i see it as a new template, although still old world, but in its equalization factor, a new world symbol
      [4:46:18 PM] Emeth 141: Abba 'comes' and Baab 'climaxes'
      [4:46:44 PM] Emeth 141: It is old world memeplexes erupting in their self evolutions
      [4:47:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes but it is revolutionary that it is accepted
      [4:47:03 PM] Sirius 17: is what i meant
      [4:47:27 PM] Emeth 141: It is all passe' actually and superficial, but a natural consequence of the 'evolvement' of the old human marriage concept
      [4:47:35 PM] Sirius 17: yes
      [4:47:56 PM] Sirius 17: i see it as evidence that the definitions are changing
      [4:47:57 PM] Emeth 141: Yes revolutionary in the extremum of how far it can be pushed as a cultural memeplex
      [4:48:05 PM] Emeth 141: You see it clearly here
      [4:48:41 PM] Sirius 17: i watched about 10 mins of that alex jones video magmud posted and just thought to myself how ignorant people are
      [4:48:48 PM] Sirius 17: magmud has totally lost it
      [4:49:16 PM] Emeth 141: Also signifying the 'death coup the grace' for the old religions and ecclesiastical laws
      [4:49:53 PM] Emeth 141: His anti Devil stance has awakened his own real devil there Raven
      [4:50:06 PM] Sirius 17: in this video alex talks about how the ptb are trying to subvert the natural order of things and how perverse it is to allow this kind of thinking to happen with the gay people and gay pride ect ect. he sees it as a horrible evil thing.
      [4:50:24 PM] Emeth 141: I dont watch Alex Jones
      [4:50:25 PM] Sirius 17: it was disgusting his ignorance
      [4:50:44 PM] Sirius 17: well i only watched it because i wanted to see where magmuds mindset was
      [4:50:45 PM] Emeth 141: I am getting rather off the 'alternative medias'
      [4:50:57 PM] Sirius 17: i was shocked
      [4:51:06 PM] Emeth 141: Oh sure, but one can take only so much
      [4:51:27 PM] Emeth 141: You would get a headache from it, due to its Logos antipathy
      [4:52:17 PM] Sirius 17: but what alex and the rest of the homophobic crowd doesnt understand is that we are all bisexual in nature and the gayness is the fuckup. they demonize it and go all self rightous about it.
      [4:52:19 PM] Emeth 141: Reading Ucadia or watching Bonacci does this to me - utterly Logos incompatible, except as its antistate necessity
      [4:52:46 PM] Sirius 17: alex even said that it is the ptbs plan to depopulate the earth by turning everyone gay....
      [4:53:28 PM] Emeth 141: Of course Nabsers like DD turn this around and claim that it is 'my incompatibility' with their truth, that causes the repulsion. All this is as it must be for the time being
      [4:54:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes they totally misinterpret all of the signs and symbols
      [4:55:05 PM] Emeth 141: I will end my 'measures of correcting' their ignorances from next week - hopefully
      [4:55:23 PM] Emeth 141: I tried to do this for a long time now
      [4:55:36 PM] Sirius 17: oh i could only handle this video for about 10 mins and i had to shut it off
      [4:55:50 PM] Emeth 141: Let them seek for their heavens and 'new worlds' in their own due manners and courses
      [4:56:02 PM] Sirius 17: it was such a gross misrepresentation of any truth or fact
      [4:56:12 PM] Emeth 141: Including the 'mainstreamers' and the 'alternatives'
      [4:56:21 PM] Sirius 17: and it was then i realized that magmud was in serious shit mentally
      [4:56:35 PM] Emeth 141: They are all in the same boat now imo and not as 'different' as they make out to be
      [4:56:39 PM] Sirius 17: because he takes this crap as gospel
      [4:57:00 PM] Sirius 17: true
      [4:57:03 PM] Emeth 141: When he took lipservice to Osho, I knew his troubles
      [4:57:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes and when he started following Oxy too
      [4:57:26 PM] Emeth 141: Because he was getting into the GOT energy of the true Logos before
      [4:57:41 PM] Sirius 17: he was, but he got scared off by the power of it
      [4:57:54 PM] Emeth 141: Comparing this with Osho's interpretation, will corrupt this energy, just as Paul says in the NT
      [4:57:57 PM] Sirius 17: and the Asha thing i don't think he could come to grips with
      [4:58:08 PM] Emeth 141: No, he could not
      [4:58:19 PM] Emeth 141: He lost 'faith' in Thuban then
      [4:58:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes and he is super homophobic now
      [4:59:12 PM] Sirius 17: its unreal the crap the MOA crowd discusses
      [4:59:31 PM] Sirius 17: i trudged through it a bit just to see what was going on
      [4:59:33 PM] Emeth 141: Oxy has a real messiah complex, hidden as this false humbleness, just as FOC, who believes, that he is the 'New Pope' of the New World
      [4:59:36 PM] Sirius 17: made me sick
      [4:59:40 PM] Emeth 141: And DD believes this too
      [5:00:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw that a long time ago and pointed it out to him
      [5:00:04 PM] Sirius 17: his false humility
      [5:00:17 PM] Sirius 17: he has an agenda with his constitutional thread he has been pushing
      [5:00:36 PM] Sirius 17: i did find it interesting that DD is tiring of his crap though lol
      [5:00:38 PM] Emeth 141: DD's problem is her guru worship of the 'New Laws' without the JCCJ reality
      [5:00:49 PM] Emeth 141: This is a sign of the times
      [5:01:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes she seems to grow weary of the BS
      [5:01:25 PM] Sirius 17: i saw it as a positive
      [5:01:41 PM] Sirius 17: a glimmer of hope
      [5:01:58 PM] Sirius 17: i do feel something awakening in her
      [5:02:14 PM] Sirius 17: but i dont want to say too much, i just observe
      [5:02:17 PM] Emeth 141: DD is messed up with her 'legislative jargon' stuff. Recall, she worked in 'law enforcements'. She simply seeks for familiarities to construct her ideas of a 'New World' and her own sort of cosmology
      [5:02:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes and she felt empowered by FOC with her house and shit
      [5:03:10 PM] Sirius 17: now she talks of bloodlines? didn't you find that weird
      [5:03:28 PM] Sirius 17: and tribes
      [5:03:48 PM] Emeth 141: Oh this is so sickening again in the 'false humility', which is really a messiah complex of monumental proportions
      [5:04:12 PM] Emeth 141: The 'humbleness' is a true human vanity
      [5:04:22 PM] Sirius 17: lol
      [5:04:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes they wear it like a badge
      [5:05:07 PM] Sirius 17: its what makes the organized religions so distasteful to many, hippocracy
      [5:12:58 PM] Emeth 141: Exactly, and this is why I said earlier, that the cultural 'agreement' from the disincarnate state of the human groupsoul family is required to be changed and renewed, before any elementary physical changes can come in through the cosmogenetics
      [5:13:36 PM] Emeth 141: And the main 'glue' holding this cultural memeplex together is the label of religion
      [5:14:19 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see that too
      [5:14:42 PM] Emeth 141: So 'ending the prophecies' of the 'Coming of Messiahs' will indeed 'End the world of old religions' - just as 'prophecied' lol
      [5:14:55 PM] Sirius 17: lol
      [5:15:06 PM] Emeth 141: Point is, that this 'messiah hood' is rather different than envisaged by mainstreamers and alternatives alike
      [5:15:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes something the human mind has never seen or thought of
      [5:16:24 PM] Emeth 141: Jesus is the only one, but this should be assessed and analysed from a more rational and scientific perspective and not a 'religious' one, based on 'unscientific' evaluations. As you know it is the quantum paradox resolved!
      [5:16:47 PM] Emeth 141: It is literally the 'Many as One' being the 'One in the Many'
      [5:17:20 PM] Emeth 141: Even DD and Nabsers know this, but are unable to take this any further, than their mind polluted perceptions allow them to do
      [5:17:44 PM] Sirius 17: well its pretty deep
      [5:18:04 PM] Sirius 17: and cannot really be understood with the human mind
      [5:18:17 PM] Sirius 17: a different set of eyes as you said
      [5:18:21 PM] Sirius 17: are required
      [5:18:23 PM] Emeth 141: You would know, looking how even 'Dragons' cant see deeper than the old human mindednesses
      [5:18:33 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
      [5:18:37 PM] Emeth 141: Exactly!
      Sirius 17

      Post last edited Aug 22nd 2013
  9. admin

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    Jorgelito - Posted Jun 30th 2013


    Emeth141, I see the timeless story of True Self that self-creates in world -- told in Pearl -- being one and the same as told by devouring dragons and nasty Minotaurs. Thank you. My spirit has been dancing with this.

    Post last edited Jun 30th 2013

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    JesterTerrestrial - Posted Jul 1st 2013







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    thurman - Posted Jul 1st 2013

    Unto thee, O man,
    have I given my knowledge.
    Unto thee have I given of Light.
    Hear ye now and receive my wisdom
    brought from space planes above and beyond.

    Not as man am I
    for free have I become of dimensions and planes.
    In each, take I on a new body.
    In each, I change in my form.
    Know I now that the formless is all there is of form.

    Great is the wisdom of the Seven.
    Mighty are THEY from beyond.
    Manifest THEY through their power,
    filled by force from beyond.

    Hear ye these words of wisdom.
    Hear ye and make them thine own.
    Find in them the formless.
    Mystery is but hidden knowledge.
    Know and ye shall unveil.
    Find the deep buried wisdom
    and be master of darkness and Light.

    Deep are the mysteries around thee,
    hidden the secrets of Old.
    Search through the KEYS of my WISDOM.
    Surely shall ye find the way.
    The gateway to power is secret,
    but he who attains shall receive.
    Look to the LIGHT! O my brother.
    Open and ye shall receive.
    Press on through the valley of darkness.
    Overcome the dweller of night.
    Keep ever thine eyes of the LIGHT-PLANE,
    and thou shalt be One with the LIGHT.

    Man is in process of changing
    to forms that are not of this world.
    Grows he is time to the formless,
    a plane on the cycle above.
    Know ye, ye must become formless
    before ye are with the LIGHT,

    List ye, O man, to my voice,
    telling of pathways to Light,
    showing the way of attainment
    when ye shall be One with the Light.

    Search ye the mysteries of Earth's heart.
    Learn of the LAW that exists,
    holding the stars in their balance
    by the force of the primordial mist.
    Seek ye the flame of the EARTH'S LIFE.
    Bathe in the galre of its flame.
    Follow the three-cornered pathwaay
    until thou, too, art a flame.

    Speak thou in words without voice
    to those who dwell down below.
    Enter the blue-litten temple
    and bathe in the fire of all life.

    Know, O man, thou art complex,
    a being of earth and of fire.
    Let thy flame shine out brightly.
    Be thou only the fire.

    Wisdom is hidden in darkness.
    When lit by the flame of the Soul,
    find thou the wisdom and be LIGHT-BORN,
    a Sun of the Light without form.
    Seek thee ever more wisdom.
    Find it in the heart of the flame.
    Know that only by striving
    and Light pour into thy brain.
    Now have I spoken with wisdom.
    List to my Voice and obey.
    Tear open the Veils of the darkness.
    Shine a LIGHT on the WAY.

    Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,
    speak of the days
    of the Kingdom of Shadows,
    speak of the coming
    of the children of shadows.
    Out of the great deep were they called
    by the wisdom of earth-men,
    called for the purpose of gaining great power.

    Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
    men there were who delved into darkness,
    using dark magic, calling up beings
    from the great deep below us.
    Forth came they into this cycle.
    Formless were they of another vibration,
    existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
    Only through blood could they have formed being.
    Only through man could they live in the world.

    In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
    driven below to the place whence they came.
    But some there were who remained,
    hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
    Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
    but at times they appeared among men.
    Aye, when the blood was offered,
    for they came they to dwell among men.

    In the form of man they amongst us,
    but only to sight were they as are men.
    Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
    but appearing to man as men among men.
    Crept they into the Councils,
    taking forms that were like unto men.
    Slaying by their arts
    the chiefs of the kingdoms,
    taking their form and ruling o'er man.
    Only by magic could they be discovered.
    Only by sound could their faces be seen.
    Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
    to destroy man and rule in his place.

    But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
    able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
    able to send him back to his place.
    Came they to man and taught him the secret,
    the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
    Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
    and cast him forth from the place among men.

    Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
    in a place that is open at times to the world.
    Unseen they walk among thee
    in places where the rites have been said.
    Again as time passes onward
    shall they take the semblance of men.

    Called may they be by the master
    who knows the white or the black,
    but only the white master may control
    and bind them while in the flesh.

    Seek not the kingdom of shadows,
    for evil will surely appear.
    For only the master of brightness
    shall conquer the shadow of fear.

    Know ye, O my brother,
    that fear is an obstacle great.
    Be master of all in the brightness,
    the shadow will soon disappear.
    Hear ye and heed my wisdom,
    the voice of LIGHT is clear.
    Seek not the valley of shadow,
    and LIGHT will only appear.

    List ye, O man,
    to the depth of my wisdom.
    Speak I of knowledge hidden from man.
    Far have I been
    on my journey through SPACE-TIME,
    even to the end of space of this cycle.
    Aye, glimpsed the HOUNDS of the Barrier,
    lying in wait for he who would pass them.
    In that space where time exists not,
    faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles.
    Move they only through angles.
    Free are they not of the curved dimensions.

    Strange and terrible
    are the HOUNDS of the Barrier.
    Follow they consciousness to the limits of space.
    Think not to escape by entering your body,
    for follow they fast the Soul through angles.
    Only the circle will give ye protection,
    save from the claws

    Once, in a time past,
    I approached the great Barrier,
    and saw on the shores where time exists not,
    the formless forms
    of the HOUNDS of the barrier.
    Aye, hiding in the midst beyond time I found them;
    and THEY, scenting me afar off,
    raised themsleves and gave the great bell cry
    that could be heard from cycle to cycle
    and moved through space toward my soul.

    Fled I then fast before them,
    back from time's unthinkable end.
    But ever after me pursued they,
    moving in strange angles not known to man.
    Aye, on the gray shores of TIME-SPACE'S end
    found I the HOUNDS of the Barrier,
    ravening for the Soul
    who attempts the beyond.

    Fled I through circles back to my body.
    Fled, and fast after me they followed.
    Aye, after me the devourers followed,
    seeking through angles to devour my Soul.

    Aye, know ye man,
    that the Soul who dares the Barrier
    may be held in bondage
    by the HOUNDS from beyond time,
    held till this cycle is completed
    and left behind
    when the consciousness leaves.

    Entered I my body.
    Created the circles that know not angles,
    created the form
    that from my form was formed.
    Made my body into a circle
    and lost the pursuers in the circles of time.
    But, even yet, when free from my body,
    cautious ever must I be
    not to move through angles,
    else my soul may never be free.

    Know ye, the HOUNDS of the Barrier
    move only through angles
    and never through curves of space.
    Only by moving through curves
    can ye escape them,
    for in angles they will pursue thee.
    O man, heed ye my warning;
    Seek not to break open
    the gate to beyond.
    Few there are
    who have succeeded in passing the Barrier
    to the greater LIGHT that shines beyond.
    For know ye, ever the dwellers,
    seek such Souls to hold in their thrall.

    Listen, O man, and heed ye my warning;
    seek ye to move not in angles but curves,
    And if while free from thy body,
    though hearest the sound like the bay of a hound
    ringing clear and bell-like through thy being,
    flee back to thy body through circles,
    penetrate not the midst mist before.

    When thou hath entered the form thou hast dwelt in,
    use thou the cross and the circle combined.
    Open thy mouth and use thou thy Voice.
    Utter the WORD and thou shalt be free.
    Only the one who of LIGHT has the fullest
    can hope to pass by the guards of the way.
    And then must he move
    through strange curves and angles
    that are formed in direction not know to man.

    List ye, O man, and heed ye my warning:
    attempt not to pass the guards on the way.
    Rather should ye seek to gain of thine own Light
    and make thyself ready to pass on the way.

    LIGHT is thine ultimate end, O my brother.
    Seek and find ever the Light on the way.

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 1st 2013


    {Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin}
    (10) Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes."

    1. Isaiah 66:1
      Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?
    2. Lamentations 2:1
      How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, and cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger!
    3. Matthew 5:35
      Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
    4. Matthew 22:44
      The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
    5. Mark 12:36
      For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

    Emeth, July 2nd, 2013

    Post last edited Aug 22nd 2013
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Jul 3rd 2013

    Logos Conversations on the Endtimes, Mayan Vayebs and Millenniums

    [5:16:39 PM- Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 +10UCT] Sirius 17: they even said that the northwest will have less then average rainfall for the season
    [5:17:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes of course, but it doesn't make it any less tragic, its fairly rare for these kinds of accidents, these guys are super trained
    [5:17:46 PM] Sirius 17: they got caught in a 50 mile an hour wind shift
    [5:25:58 PM] Sirius 17:

    [5:26:18 PM] Sirius 17: gotta love the music on that video lol
    [5:36:14 PM] Hades 88: if u live in an earthquake area, keep away from the water?
    [5:36:20 PM] Hades 88: what is the relation?
    [5:36:30 PM] Hades 88: tidal wave?
    [5:36:39 PM] Sirius 17: the relation is to the Thuban timeline
    [5:37:00 PM] Sirius 17: and no i do not expect a tsunami or tidal wave or EQ
    [5:37:05 PM] Sirius 17: a mental one yes lol
    [5:37:14 PM] Hades 88: if u live in an earthquake area...keep away from the earthquake
    [5:37:34 PM] Sirius 17: yes that is such a nice general statement
    [5:38:45 PM] Sirius 17: i just thought it was interesting that this guy has similar dates supposedly decoded from the bible, although the video doesn't explain how they got these dates, other then some secret the Rabbis know.
    [5:40:34 PM] Hades 88: they do mention the bible
    [5:56:06 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:56:16 PM] Sirius 17: Xeia might find this interesting
    [5:56:59 PM] Sirius 17:

    [6:05:44 PM] Sirius 17:
    here you go Tony, nassims latest theory
    [6:10:52 PM] Sirius 17:

    [6:11:31 PM] Sirius 17: makes me wonder if he actually did read any of your stuff
    [6:14:14 PM] Sirius 17: if you have already seen this i am sorry
    [6:16:59 PM] Emeth 141:
    [6:17:10 PM] Emeth 141: I had a quick look and the maths seems ok
    [6:17:28 PM] Emeth 141: However he did nothing 'revolutionary' here
    [6:17:57 PM] Sirius 17: i wondered if you think he has gleaned any ideas from you
    [6:18:04 PM] Emeth 141: He uses the well known (for about 80 years) escape velocity and applies it to the Black Hole Schwarzschild
    [6:18:12 PM] Emeth 141: No
    [6:18:22 PM] Emeth 141: He read Bekensteins paper
    [6:18:31 PM] Emeth 141: About the Holographic bounds
    [6:18:46 PM] Emeth 141: And put the basic old formulas together
    [6:18:50 PM] Sirius 17: yeah first time i had really seen him talk about holographic stuff
    [6:19:09 PM] Emeth 141: The silly nabsers make a big fuss about 'new cosmology'. It is no such thing
    [6:19:33 PM] Emeth 141: Look closely and you'll see the Einstein mass-velocity relation
    [6:19:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see how he worked Einsteins equations into it
    [6:20:08 PM] Emeth 141: Haramein has very silly ideas, such as that the sun does not really rotate about the galactic centre and such stuff
    [6:20:16 PM] Emeth 141: This would contradict Einstein
    [6:20:51 PM] Emeth 141: Here he tries to 'improve' on Einstein and the 'peer review' is all fringe science, linked to his own 'resonance project'
    [6:21:15 PM] Sirius 17: i wonder what he is on about with this formula of his though? is he really after a new theory of physics or is he just full of it?
    [6:22:03 PM] Emeth 141: If 'physical review letters' published or publishes this, it is because it is all old well known physics put together using the holographic theory. But I doubt they would consider this and he is using a proxy publisher
    [6:22:13 PM] Emeth 141: Basically full of it
    [6:22:32 PM] Emeth 141: His Schwarzschild proton is utter bogus and you see here, he does not mention it
    [6:23:05 PM] Emeth 141: I get a you tube for you where he messes up the physics
    [6:23:19 PM] Sirius 17: so no one in the physics world really takes him seriously then?
    [6:23:35 PM] Emeth 141:
    [6:23:53 PM] Emeth 141: This is NOT a 'real peer review' but sounds like the real thing, just as I suspected
    [6:24:10 PM] Emeth 141: It is quasi science Raven
    [6:24:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes it looks like a science publication
    [6:24:25 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [6:24:29 PM] Emeth 141: Physical Review Letters or Nature is the real thing
    [6:25:31 PM] Sirius 17: he must be making a lot of money off his seminars and such i guess
    [6:26:03 PM] Emeth 141: On closer look, this 'editotial board' has or seems to have real physicists on it
    [6:26:23 PM] Emeth 141: But as said, the paper reads ok to me anyway, but is no new thing
    [6:27:15 PM] Emeth 141: He uses the Planck units ok and this is just algebra anyhow
    [6:27:44 PM] Emeth 141: He does NOT bring in his quack ideas but simply puts known and accepted mainstream premises together
    [6:28:04 PM] Emeth 141: I have not looked at this in detail, so I cant comment or critisize it in depth atm
    [6:28:21 PM] Sirius 17: ok, well it looked new to me
    [6:28:56 PM] Sirius 17: i noticed his use of plank units ect and so thought maybe something he saw in your work influenced him to go down this path
    [6:29:19 PM] Sirius 17: figured i would bring it to your attention incase you had not seen it
    [6:29:25 PM] Emeth 141:

    [6:29:40 PM] Emeth 141: Like here it has suddenly become 'Haramein's String theory'?
    [6:29:48 PM] Emeth 141: See the egomania?
    [6:32:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw it from the first video i linked
    [6:33:01 PM] Sirius 17: the hyper commercialism
    [6:33:27 PM] Sirius 17: my concern was that he may of plagerized you and not given you any credit
    [6:34:28 PM] Emeth 141:

    [6:34:31 PM] Emeth 141: Nono and I am not worried about anyone using Thuban data anyhow
    [6:35:00 PM] Emeth 141: But look at this and you will see the quasi science behind the 'cover ups' of using accepted science jargon
    [6:35:17 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i think you showed me this before
    [6:35:22 PM] Sirius 17: the vortex thing
    [6:35:29 PM] Emeth 141: I did similar calculations on the Planck units years ago, yes
    [6:35:40 PM] Emeth 141: They are buried in the posts, I guess
    [6:36:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know you have, why i was concerned
    [6:36:19 PM] Sirius 17: but i don't understand the math enough to know what he is deriving
    [6:36:32 PM] Emeth 141: This stuff here relates to this argument we had on Moa. This chick posting this nonsense from some 'Indian professor' aka aka in Einstein bashings
    [6:36:57 PM] Emeth 141: Keshe is similar and it is rather old in some of the 'Walter Russell' ideas
    [6:37:39 PM] Sirius 17: yes keshe seems completely bogus to me
    [6:38:16 PM] Sirius 17: but these guys are profiting off the naive and gullable NABS people
    [6:38:22 PM] Sirius 17: it pisses me off
    [6:38:53 PM] Sirius 17: while you starve
    [6:39:12 PM] Emeth 141: Lol, I dont mind
    [6:39:19 PM] Sirius 17: i know dear
    [6:39:20 PM] Emeth 141: I am like Moses recall?
    [6:39:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes , let them all drown in their self importance
    [6:39:44 PM] Emeth 141: He was a bad speaker and needed 'his brother' Aaron to talk to the people - as a story and symbol only and not as 'real historical personages'
    [6:40:26 PM] Emeth 141: Nassim is persistent and does good work in bringing science into the spiritual movements
    [6:40:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes but if its pseudo science and not valid then he is lying to himself and others
    [6:40:55 PM] Emeth 141: But he is ego driven and fails to behave like a 'real scientific philosopher'
    [6:41:08 PM] Emeth 141: He is Nabs basically, yet smart with excellent insights
    [6:41:40 PM] Emeth 141: This paper must have come from his 'failure' of the Schwarzschild Proton see?
    [6:41:45 PM] Emeth 141: He learned something
    [6:42:28 PM] Sirius 17: yes but maybe like keshe he seeks to profit off his BS
    [6:42:40 PM] Emeth 141: I dont know and dont judge
    [6:42:55 PM] Emeth 141: I critisize the maths and the science and leave it at that
    [6:42:57 PM] Sirius 17: i would like to think he is a serious researcher
    [6:43:05 PM] Emeth 141: To a point
    [6:43:31 PM] Emeth 141: But look closely and you see, that he cant take real science critique, dismissing them as 'conspiracies'
    [6:43:37 PM] Sirius 17: i like susskind, at least he can call BS on himself lol
    [6:43:37 PM] Emeth 141: This tells the story
    [6:43:51 PM] Emeth 141: Susskind is real yes
    [6:45:04 PM] Sirius 17: but i could see in that symposium that all of them live in their reclusive worlds and hardly agree on their out of the box ideas. at least they do share a fundamental agreement on the physics part though, which i can appreciate.
    [6:45:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes Keshe is the same, anyone who critques him is caught up in their 'paradigm' as they call it
    [6:45:56 PM] Emeth 141: There are many real scientists, who are fed up with the governmental sticks and the status quo as the money system
    [6:46:11 PM] Emeth 141: Many wish to do science for science's sake and not as budget tools
    [6:46:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes they are all fucked by money and funding
    [6:46:22 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [6:46:40 PM] Emeth 141: So alternative symposiums and groups spring up; but they all follow scientific rigour
    [6:47:07 PM] Sirius 17: you would think that if anyone was going to revolt it would be the scientific community first, one would hope anyhow
    [6:47:23 PM] Emeth 141: This paper has no flaws in the basic concepts see, but all his 'discoveries' are already well known and discussed in the science forums
    [6:47:42 PM] Emeth 141: Whilst the Schwarzschild Proton is just bogus
    [6:48:22 PM] Sirius 17: i have been having strange dreams lately
    [6:48:58 PM] Sirius 17: its getting intense, how about you?
    [6:49:38 PM] Emeth 141: Look at this; do you think this is Nabs or science?
    [6:49:47 PM] Emeth 141:

    [6:50:18 PM] Sirius 17: nabs
    [6:50:28 PM] Sirius 17: nibiru in the title gave it away
    [6:50:33 PM] Emeth 141: Of course
    [6:50:51 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i have seen this one before too lol
    [6:51:11 PM] Emeth 141: I am getting close to the end of the hunted haunting I guess
    [6:51:20 PM] Sirius 17: rediculous
    [6:51:29 PM] Sirius 17: a miracle happened lol
    [6:51:38 PM] Emeth 141: You will not see the nibiru ideas 'passing the reviews'
    [6:52:36 PM] Sirius 17: well i decided to paruse the AV2 forum tonight, since i had not visited it for a while
    [6:53:18 PM] Sirius 17: its amazingly like MOA, boring as hell for the most part, just more posters so its prolific bordom
    [6:53:59 PM] Sirius 17: so that is where i came across the Nassim stuff
    [6:54:32 PM] Emeth 141:
    [6:55:02 PM] Sirius 17: BS like this...
    [6:55:03 PM] Emeth 141: Again, look at the addresses. All are actually universities except Haramein and some Egyptian fellow
    [6:55:15 PM] Sirius 17: just scan the first post lol
    [6:55:40 PM] Emeth 141: This is why it is so hard to get published. Unless you work from a uni address you are considered quack
    [6:55:54 PM] Emeth 141: Nassim got lucky lol
    [6:56:15 PM] Emeth 141: But he is 'nabs famous' see and this might have helped him
    [6:56:58 PM] Sirius 17:
    Default Re: An Oxymoron – Abduction by Harmless ETs
    Quote Posted by sirdipswitch (here)
    It is as I keep saying... If they come in Ships, don't trust them.
    You need to post again, your post count is currently 'the mark of the beast'

    [6:57:00 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [7:07:29 PM] Sirius 17:

    [7:07:36 PM] Sirius 17: i missed this
    [7:09:10 PM] Emeth 141: I lost internet for a while
    [7:09:46 PM] Emeth 141: I dont know and dont trust you tube
    [7:10:09 PM] Sirius 17: well it was in 2010 anyhow
    [7:10:15 PM] Sirius 17: but up here in seattle
    [7:10:21 PM] Emeth 141: The Egypt and the Phoenix seem to be related to the timeline, as is the Snowden symbol
    [7:10:33 PM] Emeth 141: Apart from this I dont know and dont care anymore
    [7:10:48 PM] Sirius 17: James Gilians ranch is here too someplace, i have often thought of going there and hanging out to see if i could see anything
    [7:11:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes i understand and feel the same
    [7:11:26 PM] Emeth 141: As said I really do feel my work and raison d'etre is over next week
    [7:11:38 PM] Emeth 141: I will mind my own business from then on
    [7:12:09 PM] Emeth 141: Let the Harameins and Bonaccis bring in the new world
    [7:12:21 PM] Sirius 17: well i hope that includes still talking with us
    [7:12:29 PM] Emeth 141: I talk here yes
    [7:13:02 PM] *** Emeth 141 sent BaabsDay.jpg *


    [7:13:22 PM] Sirius 17: yes the fires in prescot AZ i felt were a symbol, i saw you post with the got quote on the fire
    [7:13:30 PM] Emeth 141: I did more work on this and you see how James 8's are offset by the 150 code and all the moons
    [7:13:43 PM] Emeth 141: I really feel this is the end of my decoding works
    [7:14:11 PM] Emeth 141: There is no more I can do now and feel 'authorised' to do so
    [7:14:22 PM] Emeth 141: It would be speculations, like the nabsers
    [7:15:24 PM] Sirius 17: i have been having really strange dreams, its like i am in another world
    [7:15:32 PM] Sirius 17: and when i wake up i am disoriented
    [7:15:35 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, I am not surprised
    [7:15:48 PM] Sirius 17: it is getting intense
    [7:15:56 PM] Emeth 141: This Egypt thing is also highly symbolic in the standoff between the new and the old
    [7:16:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes i feel that too
    [7:16:15 PM] Emeth 141: This deadline passed and no military action see?
    [7:16:26 PM] Sirius 17: something huge is happening i know this is it
    [7:16:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes thankfully
    [7:16:46 PM] Sirius 17: i do not want more bloodshed
    [7:16:47 PM] Emeth 141: So there should be no major thing physical next week, but a kind of symbolic resolution
    [7:16:50 PM] Sirius 17: i am so sick of it
    [7:17:02 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and I think this is how it will evolve
    [7:17:33 PM] Emeth 141: But again, the world lies in turmoil in its money worship and will not change by itself or from within
    [7:17:52 PM] Sirius 17: the world is so crazy now it has to become unbearable for everyone, we cannot continue on like this
    [7:17:53 PM] Emeth 141: The within is the decoding and the end of the scriptural prophetic power of the words
    [7:18:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes and my dream was like this last night
    [7:18:33 PM] Emeth 141: So it will be our indepencence days from tomorrow
    [7:18:38 PM] Sirius 17: the world within becoming without
    [7:18:43 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [7:19:10 PM] Emeth 141: global manouvers and revelations like the Snowden thing
    [7:19:18 PM] Sirius 17: i was getting huge downloads all night and i felt seriously in another world
    [7:19:37 PM] Emeth 141: It is good that you seem to be getting this
    [7:19:39 PM] Emeth 141: I dont
    [7:19:53 PM] Emeth 141: I feel the mental pressure easing however
    [7:19:54 PM] Sirius 17: you dont what?
    [7:20:12 PM] Emeth 141: I dont get the feelings of new worlds. I am like Rok here
    [7:20:46 PM] Emeth 141: The shifts are mental iow and not physical
    [7:20:47 PM] Sirius 17: no i dont believe you are that skeptical
    [7:21:10 PM] Emeth 141: Only a real contact can change anything
    [7:21:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes of course, but the mental shift is huge i feel it
    [7:21:19 PM] Emeth 141: I agree
    [7:21:36 PM] Emeth 141: But this is not enough to change the physicality matrix
    [7:22:02 PM] Sirius 17: no i know, we need contact
    [7:22:21 PM] Sirius 17: i feel things are starting to bleed through though
    [7:22:35 PM] Emeth 141: And for this we can only wait for
    [7:22:55 PM] Emeth 141: But you understand my position yes?
    [7:23:06 PM] Emeth 141: I am simply living my life with the waveforms now
    [7:23:37 PM] Emeth 141: I did what I came to do iow
    [7:23:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know and i like you dont expect much to change suddenly
    [7:24:08 PM] Sirius 17: but i feel that it might lol
    [7:24:14 PM] Emeth 141: I just dont know wrt scriptures
    [7:24:25 PM] Emeth 141: This is the end of chapter 19
    [7:24:34 PM] Emeth 141: There is still 20-21-22
    [7:24:42 PM] Sirius 17: and so i am either really feeling things or i am nuts
    [7:24:59 PM] Emeth 141: If this is just mental new jurisdiction or real ufos or whatever, I dont know
    [7:25:07 PM] Emeth 141: There are no more timelines
    [7:25:44 PM] Emeth 141: I just hope JT is not going to be too disappointed if his starcruisers fail to show up
    [7:25:59 PM] Sirius 17: has DD said anything to you since the other day?
    [7:26:02 PM] Emeth 141: No
    [7:26:12 PM] Emeth 141: She is still green though
    [7:26:33 PM] Sirius 17: i think JT will be ok, he seems to be grounding a bit
    [7:26:47 PM] Emeth 141: If you look the pic you see the 10 days as you mentioned the other day
    [7:27:00 PM] Emeth 141: June 29th began them
    [7:27:16 PM] Emeth 141: It is in blue
    [7:27:43 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see it
    [7:28:15 PM] Emeth 141: I would say, that those 10 days define some global news
    [7:28:39 PM] Emeth 141: Those fires, Snowden and Egypt and whatever happens between now and July 8th
    [7:28:40 PM] Sirius 17: oh for sure
    [7:29:07 PM] Sirius 17: i am feeling contact is imminent
    [7:29:15 PM] Emeth 141: But if this is ok, then then the 'old heavens' will open from July 9th
    [7:29:26 PM] Emeth 141: What I just said
    [7:29:43 PM] Emeth 141: How physical this is, I cant say or even image as yet
    [7:29:54 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [7:30:04 PM] Sirius 17: it is turning inside out
    [7:30:04 PM] Emeth 141: Frustrating and annoying
    [7:30:31 PM] Sirius 17: i cannot define it either but i know what i feel, call it a big gut feeling
    [7:30:33 PM] Emeth 141: But the work is done and the 'staff' has been given back to the Logos from whence it came
    [7:31:01 PM] Emeth 141: I said 2 years ago, that the DQBees are the manifestors, not the Blueys
    [7:31:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember
    [7:31:18 PM] Emeth 141: Perhaps I was right
    [7:31:32 PM] Sirius 17: you were
    [7:31:41 PM] Emeth 141: Why you femmes get the dreams more so than the guys
    [7:31:53 PM] Emeth 141: Olga's too
    [7:31:54 PM] Sirius 17: James is dreaming now too
    [7:32:03 PM] Emeth 141: The femme part yes
    [7:32:20 PM] Sirius 17: what do you make of Olgas last dream?
    [7:32:58 PM] Sirius 17: she seems to be having really epic dreams
    [7:32:59 PM] Emeth 141: Typical transition dream - metamorphosis and confrontation between old and new. Like Xeia's dad and mom
    [7:33:34 PM] Emeth 141: Foreboding destruction, which then arrives in unexpected ways
    [7:34:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes my dream the other night about the death switch, it was not really forboding, but it was like i gained an understanding
    [7:34:24 PM] Sirius 17: a knowing that its a fake
    [7:34:31 PM] Emeth 141: The Cairo square could have become a Tiannamon square see, but did not?
    [7:34:47 PM] Emeth 141: Yes this is related to this
    [7:35:12 PM] Emeth 141: The death switch as a self destruct button in the collective sense and the individual sense
    [7:35:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it is not Logos
    [7:35:35 PM] Emeth 141: It is antiLogos
    [7:35:51 PM] Emeth 141: 'I am not a divider am I?', as stated in the GOT
    [7:35:57 PM] Sirius 17: i understood in the dream that this is what the war is about
    [7:36:03 PM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [7:36:07 PM] Emeth 141: See this saying of Jesus was not denying the division, but asking on it
    [7:36:11 PM] Emeth 141: This is potent
    [7:36:39 PM] Emeth 141: Like the Tetragrammaton of asymmetry harmonising as the Pentagrammaton
    [7:36:51 PM] Emeth 141: "I Am That I Am!" is a statement
    [7:37:00 PM] Sirius 17: and then the dream last night was like the turning inside out of the thought, death goes within and doesnt get expressed
    [7:37:10 PM] Emeth 141: It is asymmetric as the "Am" is before the "I"
    [7:37:27 PM] Emeth 141: The pentagrammaton is a true mirror about the H=THat
    [7:37:36 PM] Emeth 141: I Am That Am I ?
    [7:37:41 PM] Emeth 141: And is a question
    [7:37:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [7:38:00 PM] Emeth 141: I Am That! .....Am I?
    [7:38:15 PM] Emeth 141: This is the GOT of the 'dividing Jesus'
    [7:38:43 PM] Emeth 141: A clue noone ever saw as far as I know
    [7:39:18 PM] Sirius 17: not likely
    [7:39:32 PM] Sirius 17: who can see the twin
    [7:39:36 PM] Emeth 141:
    [7:37 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< and then the dream last night was like the turning inside out of the thought, death goes within and doesnt get expressed

    Yes and this would become a new dna switch gate suddenly opening up

    [7:39:56 PM] Emeth 141: Telomerase antennas and such details
    [7:40:24 PM] Emeth 141: The antennas dont shrink, but regrow
    [7:40:43 PM] Sirius 17: the dream indicated to me that the switch will be deactivated
    [7:41:00 PM] Emeth 141: Would be nice indeed
    [7:41:09 PM] Sirius 17: so instead of a death switch it will be a life one and repeat
    [7:41:26 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and you see right there how this manifests
    [7:41:41 PM] Sirius 17: but something dies or becomes unmanifest
    [7:41:44 PM] Emeth 141: As a biological self repair function and no miraculous BS
    [7:42:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes of course the science is there
    [7:42:09 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [7:42:12 PM] Sirius 17: lizards
    [7:42:21 PM] Emeth 141: Salamanders
    [7:42:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes, some can regenerate
    [7:42:47 PM] Sirius 17: and now they find they can even regenerate neurons
    [7:43:05 PM] Sirius 17: so everything they thought was not possible is becoming possible
    [7:43:42 PM] Emeth 141: Indeed
    [7:43:55 PM] Emeth 141: Neurons are 'my personal' problem
    [7:44:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes and these can be healed
    [7:44:20 PM] Emeth 141: My brain really feels like that of a young man
    [7:44:45 PM] Sirius 17: mindbody connection is super powerful as you know
    [7:44:47 PM] Emeth 141: I cant see myself getting Alzheimer's etc or mentally deteriorating
    [7:45:04 PM] Sirius 17: good i cant either
    [7:45:26 PM] Emeth 141: But my non neuronal soma cells require an overhaul
    [7:46:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes and after the 8th you will not be bound by the disease anymore
    [7:46:23 PM] Emeth 141: So get the totipotents moving to begin the mendings
    [7:46:31 PM] Emeth 141: I hope so
    [7:46:53 PM] Sirius 17: me too babe
    [7:47:02 PM] Emeth 141: October 12th, 2012 is July 5th, 2013 and is 265 days of pregnancy apart
    [7:47:14 PM] Sirius 17: but i will say goodnight for now sweety
    [7:47:27 PM] Sirius 17: it is late here and i can't sit in this chair anymore
    [7:47:30 PM] Emeth 141: So I just recalled, DD left Thuban October 9th, 2012; which was Xeia's birthday 2013
    [7:47:43 PM] Emeth 141: Good night Julienne
    [7:48:20 PM] Sirius 17: what does that mean?
    [7:48:42 PM] Emeth 141: It might relate to the 10 days, as she talked on the 29th and not henceforth
    [7:49:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes i dont expect you will hear from her until the 8th
    [7:49:22 PM] Sirius 17: or after, just my feeling
    [7:49:31 PM] Emeth 141: I dont know
    [7:49:50 PM] Sirius 17: oh she will make an appearance
    [7:49:53 PM] Emeth 141: She has not blocked me, but this perhaps because I mentioned this in the last post
    [7:50:24 PM] Sirius 17: no need to block you anymore
    [7:50:30 PM] Emeth 141: The 'judgement' is July 5th UCT
    [7:50:46 PM] Emeth 141: This is relatively clear to me
    [7:51:17 PM] Emeth 141: Then the '1000 years as a day' are just after
    [7:51:39 PM] Emeth 141: They are dynamic of course also as 66.666 days as 1000/15
    [7:52:07 PM] Emeth 141: But sometime July 5th to 8th must be the start of 19
    [7:52:26 PM] Emeth 141: Then I dont know, as there are no dates encoded
    [7:52:51 PM] Emeth 141: You can mirror the long times and this is different for the Dove and the Raven
    [7:53:04 PM] Sirius 17: well this could be in the blink of an eye then or take some time, i dont know either
    [7:53:17 PM] Emeth 141: Dove ends December 21st, 2012 and Raven around January 31st, 2014
    [7:53:50 PM] Emeth 141: There is time until December Solstice 2014
    [7:54:10 PM] Emeth 141: But all of this is not encoded directly in the scriptures see. They are projected images of completions
    [7:54:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes but this should be weaning time right?
    [7:54:29 PM] Emeth 141: Hmm not really
    [7:54:39 PM] Emeth 141: The weaning is from December 21st, 2012
    [7:54:51 PM] Emeth 141: Now
    [7:55:13 PM] Sirius 17: ok then why does the Raven keep going?
    [7:55:56 PM] Emeth 141: This depends on when the 1000 days began relative to the gnosis events
    [7:56:29 PM] Emeth 141: The Raven disappears, whilst the Dove returns before disappearing
    [7:56:51 PM] Emeth 141: March 28th, 2010 +1000 = December 21st, 2012
    [7:57:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes but what are you counting as my gnosis date though, May 15 2010 or May 10 2011?
    [7:58:31 PM] Emeth 141: I have to check this on a long time mandala
    [7:58:44 PM] Emeth 141: I think it relates to the "Mary Assumption" too
    [8:02:09 PM] *** Emeth 141 sent work.jpg *


    [8:03:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes it was the 15th for me but the 16th for you
    [8:03:29 PM] Emeth 141: This chart says May 9th
    [8:03:37 PM] Emeth 141: For your 1000 days
    [8:03:44 PM] Emeth 141: But this is long time see
    [8:03:54 PM] Sirius 17: you used my vision date to start it
    [8:04:12 PM] Emeth 141: All this changed on December 21st, when Xeia's millennium ended and the long time became short time
    [8:04:16 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [8:04:27 PM] Emeth 141: Xeia's was March 28th, 2010
    [8:04:39 PM] Emeth 141: Yours was May 16th then you said
    [8:04:52 PM] Emeth 141: So simply add the difference to December 21st
    [8:05:11 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [8:05:18 PM] Emeth 141: This chart then is a long time projection
    [8:05:43 PM] Emeth 141: 3+30+16=49 see yery potent as the 7 weeks
    [8:06:03 PM] Emeth 141: So your endtime comes forward by the 7 weeks of Daniel
    [8:06:10 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok
    [8:06:29 PM] Emeth 141: If you use the May 16th date and not the May 9th, 2011 date
    [8:07:08 PM] Emeth 141: December 21st, 2012 + 49 = February 8th, 2013
    [8:07:36 PM] Sirius 17: james birthday lol
    [8:07:49 PM] Emeth 141: Hmm and this coincides with the exact daycount to July 8th amazingly
    [8:08:08 PM] Emeth 141: So your 1000 days end on James' birthday
    [8:08:23 PM] Sirius 17: if you go by the may 16th date
    [8:08:29 PM] Sirius 17: right?
    [8:08:35 PM] Emeth 141: But I dont know if you can use the May 16th date as substitute for May 10th
    [8:08:41 PM] Emeth 141: Yes
    [8:08:46 PM] Emeth 141: MI's birthday
    [8:08:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember
    [8:09:01 PM] Sirius 17: of course i did not know this then
    [8:09:21 PM] Emeth 141: I recall of mentioning those 7 weeks before though as the difference between Xeia and you
    [8:09:53 PM] Emeth 141: But it feels as this is your millennium
    [8:10:20 PM] Emeth 141: It started May 15th-16th 2010 and ends February 8th, 2013
    [8:10:36 PM] Emeth 141: It then IS indeed within the prophecy
    [8:10:59 PM] Emeth 141: And the May 10th date becomes a projection past the prophetic time
    [8:11:23 PM] Emeth 141: To January 30-31st 2014
    [8:11:42 PM] Emeth 141: Also there is something else Raven
    [8:11:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes what?
    [8:12:16 PM] Emeth 141: The days between May 15th 2010 and May 10th, 2011 are the TIME of the prophecy as 360 days
    [8:12:36 PM] Emeth 141: And not the Haab or civil year of 365 days
    [8:12:37 PM] Sirius 17: oh wow i did not know that
    [8:12:53 PM] Emeth 141: The entire code uses a Year=360 days
    [8:13:07 PM] Sirius 17: why does it leave out the 5 days?
    [8:13:30 PM] Emeth 141: Because it is a circle count of degrees of the zodiac as the 12 tribes etc
    [8:13:38 PM] Emeth 141: It relates to Egypt
    [8:13:40 PM] Sirius 17: oh yes i remember now
    [8:13:49 PM] Sirius 17: do the 5 days also relate to the 5 trees?
    [8:14:03 PM] Emeth 141: Thoth played checkers with Ra to gain 5 days
    [8:14:14 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, they would
    [8:14:22 PM] Emeth 141: But there are many many associations
    [8:15:04 PM] Sirius 17: also Tony in my dream last night i was shown the number 41 and 4.1
    [8:15:10 PM] Sirius 17: what does that mean?
    [8:15:45 PM] Emeth 141: The 12+1 as the 4 beasts around the throne
    [8:15:48 PM] Sirius 17: i kept seeing 41 and 4.1 and various anagrams of 1 and 4
    [8:15:58 PM] Emeth 141: Each beast has 6 wings to make the 24 elders
    [8:16:37 PM] Emeth 141: Yes the 4x3=12 is the zodiac in cardinality, fixidity and mutability of the elements
    [8:17:03 PM] Emeth 141: 41=DAVIDA the female David and AMIND or MINDA
    [8:17:11 PM] Sirius 17: what is 4.1?
    [8:17:18 PM] Emeth 141: 41=KING=OMEGA=DREAM
    [8:17:47 PM] Emeth 141: 4.1 relates to all the 104 codes of Jerusalem
    [8:17:52 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [8:18:04 PM] Emeth 141: If you look at the chart I encoded 14.4 days as the crucial timeshift
    [8:18:21 PM] Emeth 141: And as the Sealing of the 12x12=144 of course
    [8:18:42 PM] Emeth 141: Your 4.1 could be a truncation of 14.4
    [8:18:48 PM] Emeth 141: Dreams do this
    [8:19:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes i dont know, but 41 kept morphing into 4.1
    [8:19:07 PM] Emeth 141: Sorry, 14.4 hours not days
    [8:19:30 PM] Emeth 141: D.A = A.D
    [8:19:43 PM] Emeth 141: Second Coming AD from BC
    [8:19:50 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [8:19:55 PM] Sirius 17: well makes sense
    [8:20:00 PM] Emeth 141: You mean you saw the point
    [8:20:03 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:20:23 PM] Emeth 141: It means the division as a tenth then
    [8:20:27 PM] Emeth 141: Just as I said
    [8:20:32 PM] Sirius 17: i didnt think anything of it until i remembered just now, it did not make sense to me
    [8:20:35 PM] Emeth 141: 150/10=15
    [8:20:57 PM] Emeth 141: The 'tenth part' of the 'Great City' is the 70 weeks collective
    [8:21:25 PM] Emeth 141: It becomes 49/15 = 3 days 6 hours 24 minutes
    [8:21:49 PM] Emeth 141: You have both 150/15=10 and 150/10=15 as the 'Hour'
    [8:22:35 PM] Emeth 141: Those 3 days 6 hours 24 minutes becomes the crucial end time after the 'judgement'
    [8:22:48 PM] Emeth 141: And so the time from July 5th to July 8th
    [8:23:12 PM] Sirius 17: hmm well i had better get to bed dear, i am getting sleepy. so it relates to the 3 1/2 days time also?
    [8:23:41 PM] Emeth 141: Yes but this is all interwoven and you should check the chart to get the details
    [8:23:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes i keep thinking about this 3 1/2 days
    [8:23:58 PM] Emeth 141: It is partial to that, but not identical
    [8:24:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes i will have a look at it tomorrow
    [8:24:29 PM] Sirius 17: i am sure i will dream something more tonight
    [8:24:42 PM] Sirius 17: they seem to be revealing something in sequence
    [8:24:58 PM] Emeth 141: You millennium ending on James bd is potent imo and relates to his 'mentioning' the 8th
    [8:25:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes i realize that now
    [8:25:40 PM] Emeth 141: I added this after thinking about it as a now integral part of that chart
    [8:25:43 PM] Sirius 17: i was confused though with the 10th date you used or the 9th rather
    [8:26:15 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and I tried to adjust, but it became a 2 day 'spread' because of the leap year Raven
    [8:26:29 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes i recall you saying something about that
    [8:26:47 PM] Emeth 141: 366 days in 2012 messed with the week-day cycles in the cyclicities of the 2 years as 730 days and the 4 years as 1461 days
    [8:26:52 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [8:27:02 PM] Sirius 17: i had forgotten about the leap year
    [8:27:45 PM] Emeth 141: Using the 16th so actually resolves all this
    [8:27:48 PM] Sirius 17: well i will say goodnight dear, thank you for talking with me about this though
    [8:27:54 PM] Emeth 141: Buenas dear
    [8:28:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am less confused too
    [8:28:20 PM] Emeth 141: All the charts of 2012 are ok
    [8:28:22 PM] Sirius 17: but the may 10th date must mean something too
    [8:28:39 PM] Emeth 141: But they do not consider the 'shortening of days' of Matthew
    [8:28:57 PM] Emeth 141: Oh it comes up naturally in the main mandala timeline
    [8:29:22 PM] Sirius 17: well and it was the date we formed the 3 some chat
    [8:29:37 PM] Emeth 141: Yes and it must relate to DD in some way
    [8:30:06 PM] Emeth 141: All those charts did effectively converge on December 21st, Raven
    [8:30:07 PM] Sirius 17: yes it could
    [8:30:23 PM] Emeth 141: The new thing is the short time and this does end next week
    [8:30:43 PM] Emeth 141: and runs its year to the December solstice as 'new jurisdiction'
    [8:30:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [8:31:15 PM] Emeth 141: Susan's date is again 5 days short see?
    [8:31:25 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [8:31:30 PM] Emeth 141: December 16th-December 21st, 2013
    [8:31:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember her talking about the vayeb days
    [8:31:53 PM] Emeth 141: She makes too much of it, I think, but maybe not
    [8:31:56 PM] Emeth 141: I dont know
    [8:32:11 PM] Sirius 17: and then this was how she got the moon stuff
    [8:32:17 PM] Emeth 141: Those are not vayebs
    [8:32:30 PM] Emeth 141: She got the moon stuff from me in the calculations
    [8:32:40 PM] Sirius 17: well she called them celebration days or something
    [8:32:44 PM] Emeth 141: She got the native calendars from whereever and this was her excellent work actually, correlating all of this
    [8:33:02 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i know she got them from you, but she also tied in the native memories too
    [8:33:16 PM] Sirius 17: with the moons and their ceremony
    [8:34:05 PM] Sirius 17: anyhow, maybe something gets revealed then, a new world event anyhow
    [8:34:40 PM] Sirius 17: buenas hon
    [8:34:53 PM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00185-heidy. emoticon-00152-heart.
    [8:34:58 PM] Emeth 141: Yes buenas
    [8:35:07 PM] Emeth 141: I am checking when the vayebs are
    [8:35:08 PM] Sirius 17: and sweet dreams to you too
    [8:35:15 PM] Emeth 141: Not likely
    [8:35:25 PM] Sirius 17: you never know
    [8:49:09 PM] Emeth 141: 0-1-2-3-4 Vayeb 2013 are
    [8:50:24 PM] Emeth 141: March 28th to April 1st
    [8:51:07 PM] Emeth 141: This was Easter Wednesday to Easter Monday amazingly and so Crucifixion Wednesday to Resurrection Monday
    March 27th, 2013 = = 19 Cumku 9 Cib
    March 28th, 2013 = = 0 Vayeb 10 Caban
    March 29th, 2013 = = 1 Vayeb 11 Etznab
    March 30th, 2013 = = 2 Vayeb 12 Cauac
    March 31st, 2013 = = 3 Vayeb 13 Ahau (1 Tzolkin or 260 days before December 16th, 2013 = = 18 Mac 13 Ahau as 360 days from December 21st, 2012 = = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau)
    April 1st, 2013 = = 4 Vayeb 1 Imix
    April 2nd, 2013 = = 0 Pop 2 Ik

    [9:20:01 PM] Hades 88: just read there is something going on with gravity...evidence to back this up is grand prix tiers exploding and wimbledon tennis playes falling on the ground
    [9:20:44 PM] Hades 88: and yesterday when i took a shit it went str8 down too
    [9:20:59 PM] Hades 88:
    [10:12:24 PM] Hades 88: Tony do u have any expectations for july 5-8 ?
    [10:13:16 PM] Emeth 141: In a mindful sense yes and in a global sense symbolically in some way
    [10:13:30 PM] Hades 88: just that?
    [10:13:46 PM] Emeth 141: So watch how this Snowden exile and Egypt resolve themselves
    [10:13:54 PM] Emeth 141: This should indicate something
    [10:14:05 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, just that
    [10:14:24 PM] Hades 88: should i expect for it to be resolved in an unpredictable and suprisingly optimistic manner?
    [10:14:47 PM] Emeth 141: But from this time onwards a 'new heaven and new earth' will exist imo in all realities
    [10:14:55 PM] Emeth 141: No
    [10:15:09 PM] Emeth 141: Now in a timeless and spaceless setting yes
    [10:16:00 PM] Emeth 141: But as we still exist in a timed space, whatever this new laws are, will follow their own timespace
    [10:16:11 PM] Emeth 141: meaning that this is a kind of hybrid
    [10:16:51 PM] Hades 88: meaning ther are no guarantees + and and all expectations should be warranted
    [10:16:56 PM] Emeth 141: So let me say, that I would not be surprised if extraordinary events do begin to happen
    [10:17:26 PM] Emeth 141: In my position, it would be foolishness to expect anything Rok
    [10:17:34 PM] Hades 88: am no not warranted, wrong word
    [10:17:51 PM] Emeth 141: But there are grandchildren and disowned creatures all around the planet
    [10:18:10 PM] Hades 88: yes what i wanted to say...that nothing should be expected
    [10:18:21 PM] Emeth 141: You read like you said all expectations are voided
    [10:18:29 PM] Emeth 141: Which is ok in a sense
    [10:18:51 PM] Emeth 141: No warranties lol
    [10:19:05 PM] Emeth 141: Your English is very good
    [10:20:08 PM] Emeth 141: Nabs Kerry above, yes it is funny how deluded they are now looking for tennis players falling over or slipping
    [10:20:23 PM] Emeth 141: To justify their own delusions
    [10:21:10 PM] Hades 88: it is actual-factual, gravity is acting up...can u imagine the trouble taking a wont be just wind now to pay attention to
    [10:22:31 PM] Emeth 141: The fabric of the universe is gravitational Rok, so gravity acting up demands a change in its laws and this is a cosmic phenomenon, which some believe can be localised
    [10:23:30 PM] Emeth 141: Now to do this requires a manipulation of the spacetime matrix aka the socalled zero-point energy of the 'free energy' nabsers
    [10:23:52 PM] Emeth 141: This is well understood by the mainstream, but not by the 'alternativers'
    [10:24:03 PM] Hades 88: kerry cassidy can manipulate time space matrix?
    [10:24:11 PM] Emeth 141: In her dreams lol
    [10:24:55 PM] Emeth 141: What I am saying is, that gravity is a cosmic constant and not subject to the whimsicalities of whoever
    [10:25:12 PM] Hades 88: imagine her superimposing "i am a jag, i am a jag, i am a jaguar..." all over
    [10:25:28 PM] Emeth 141: To manipulate it, the physics must be very potent and tap the origins of it all
    [10:25:30 PM] Hades 88: yes gravity cant change if it does...the entire solar system would be affected
    [10:25:40 PM] Emeth 141: Nabser are not likely to 'tune in', despite their 'dreamtimes'
    [10:26:22 PM] Emeth 141: A frightening prospect to envision the nabsers to 'create their own realities' indeed
    [10:26:42 PM] Emeth 141: They would fuck up the universe into chaotic subsystems
    [10:27:31 PM] Emeth 141: To change gravity AS one of the 4 fundamentals, all 4 must accomodate this change
    [10:27:50 PM] Emeth 141: This is the underpinning supersymmetry the nabsers haven't got a clue about
    [10:28:12 PM] Emeth 141: And this includes Keshe like quasi scientists
    [10:28:26 PM] Emeth 141: There are actually 5 and this is the secret
    [10:28:48 PM] Emeth 141: The 5th is this so called 'consciousness' as a physical parameter of spacetime
    [10:29:02 PM] Emeth 141: The real 'Unified Field' of Einstein and the science pioneeers
    [10:30:13 PM] Emeth 141: So iow if you change gravity as a longrange fundamental interaction, the longrange electromagnetic interaction must also change in a symmetry
    [10:31:03 PM] Emeth 141: Then there are 2 shortrange nuclear interactions which micro-macro couple to both gravity and electromagnetism and they so also change to preserve the symmetry laws
    [10:31:11 PM] Hades 88: well the 3d would fall apart if one or the other is changed too much...
    [10:31:33 PM] Emeth 141: The 5th is the 'hidden' one and this is required to preserve the overall spin neutrality
    [10:32:07 PM] Emeth 141: Yes, and all this is well understood even by basic physicists and scientists, but eschews the nabsers and wannabes
    [10:32:31 PM] Emeth 141: College Grade Physics on the border to University
    Sirius 17

    Post last edited Aug 22nd 2013

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