Conversations Regarding The Cosmic Changes In Archetypes And Symbols - The Cosmic Baker's Recipes!

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by Allisiam, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 10th 2013

    Wisdom-of-Astrology and the 13 Moons of Thuban in the Eros-Psyche Archetypology

    Cathy Pagano The Cosmic Story Newsletters‎ >‎

    The Cosmic Story: Aries New Moon 2013: A New Birth

    Wendy Andrew @
    The Goddess always works in threes.

    Astrologers hold that the new year starts not only at Spring Equinox each year when the Sun moves over the equator from Pisces into Aries, but also at the first full Moon in Libra/Aries, which marks religious celebrations around the world; and most especially it begins at the Aries New Moon, since the new Moon initiates timing rhythms for earthly cycles. This Aries New Moon 2013 is special though, because it is the doorway to the future. So mark it well.

    Just as with the Goddess in her triune form of Maiden, Mother& Crone, there are three steps to this dance: Spring Equinox marks the physical experience of taking in equal amounts of light and dark, offering us a new balance, a new potential to work with on an instinctual level. The Full Moon marks a shedding of skin and a new birth, a sacrifice and a resurrection, because now the new Aries energy of Self encounters its need for the Other, a Partner, a bonding with the world. This first New Moon of the year, choose to plant the seeds of the wisdom of your heart, which knows what needs to be created this year. And so on this New Moon, we plant the seeds of the future. Our future.

    We’ve just come through an intense few weeks since the Libra Full Moon on March 27th. How did your weeks go? (It’s always informative to go back over the last newsletter to give some structure to your experience.) The Sun, Venus and Mars connected with the ongoing, revolutionary & evolutionary Uranus/Pluto square energy, helping us create a new story about our lives, a story that entails both the height of spiritual possibilities and the depths of our longings. The Cosmic Story said, “It’s important to understand (Sun) what you’ve uncovered (Uranus/Pluto) about what you really love (Venus) so you can shift your desires (Mars) to attain those new goals.”

    The old operating system of patriarchy cannot resolve our complex problems and so it needs to be replaced by a new, more powerful operating system, one that includes the feminine Imagination and results in Wisdom. This new paradigm of life begins with you and those people you connect with. This is a group endeavor, but it requires each of us to bring our gifts to the Round Table of Life.

    Venus/Mars Conjunction on April 6th
    On Saturday, April 6th, we get the chance to unite our heart’s desire with the power to manifest it. Venus and Mars, those two archetypal lovers, are engaging in the sacred marriagethis night. Once every two years, Venus and Mars join together in the sky to unite their energies of love and desire. After this past full Moon in Libra and Aries, we have a gift that can help us both be for ourselves and be there for others. If we balanced those energies within us at the full Moon, which was ruled by Mars (the Sun in Aries) and Venus (the Moon in Libra), Saturday’s sacred union might be interesting. On any and all levels, creative sparks are in order.


    This year, their bridal chamber is within the bright blaze of the Sun’ light, which happens only every 32 years. Venus and Mars share in the power of the Sun’s primal fires of life, returning now to shine upon the land. There is something glorious about that image, isn’t there? Remember when Venus went across the face of the Sun on June 5, 2012? Now with Venus and Mars beginning their new relationship cycle in Aries, it feels like the return of the strong masculine, the return of the King. This sacred marriage in the sky is en-lightened by its proximity to the Sun, hidden and yet bathed in the Sun’s glow. Isn’t this another part of the cosmic story which promises us the possibilities of a new beginning?

    Venus is the power of attraction, connection, bonding, cohesion. Like attracts like! It is a blessed gift that here on Earth, we have transformed this primal root energy of creation/destruction into the beauty, power and comfort of Love. Venus leads us to what we naturally connect to: beauty, art, sex, love, wisdom, Life. The truth of ancient symbolism affirms that since Venus/Aphrodite is a goddess, she embodies Feminine Spirit and symbolizes women. Aphrodite is the goddess of Spirit incarnated in the Body, making the body holy.

    Aphrodite - Susan Seddon-Boulet

    Our bodies tell the tale of who we are this incarnation. When we reject our differences, we stay stuck in patriarchal thinking. The old system has taken over. Our bodies are different: they look different, they function differently. Instead of ignoring the differences, perhaps we need to explore the knowledge and wisdom they might contain. It doesn’t mean that there is only one way for a woman or a man to live. It does mean that women and men have different gifts to contribute to our world. As Venus/Aphrodite is a female goddess, her blessed gift to women is Wisdom.

    Mars/Eros is the power of desire, of striving, of attaining, of action and results. We have been blessed with the power to grow, to change, to achieve and to sacrifice. Mars is the warrior, the protector, the individuality of the ego, the male of the species. But he is also the ancient force of Eros, the power of desire. Which masculine archetype calls to you? What kind of warrior are you? How do you handle your desires? What is your Mars up to? What do you desire?


    The Eros aspect of Mars relates to the instinctual uprush of desires we feel at springtime and in youth. The pure response of Nature! As we grow older, we recognize this feeling each Spring, when more light in our days banishes Winter’s darkness. Our life-force is renewed along with the rest of Creation. Under patriarchy, trying to ‘tame the instincts’ repressed and twisted them so badly that they turned the life-engendering desires of Eros into depravity, and a mighty archetype into a petulant child god. We need to re-define our terms. We need both the imagination of the deep feminine and the fine discernment of the strong masculine to unite in true desire and deep love.

    I discovered as I got older that the baby boomers—yes my generation—want to stay young forever and they think to do it by holding on to the desires of their youth. This is not the way to go, people. As we get older, there are different joys and desires that are much more satisfying. Each age of life has different personal priorities and goals, as well as larger, social concerns. Mars is the masculine power to achieve those priorities and goals. Since Mars is a masculine god, his great gift to men is Integrity.

    “Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles and outcomes.” (Wikipedia) When men are empowered, they stand in their integrity, their honesty, their Truth, their honor, their reliability.

    When Venus and Mars unite in the fiery rays of the Sun, you know that this new energy is important to bring into consciousness. The sacred lovers declare, “Be who you are, love who you are, act out of who you are.” While common knowledge would say that Mars is more powerful then Venus here in his own sign of Aries, our Mars is ‘clothed in the Sun’ and is consciously uniting with his Lady Wisdom, his inner guidance and spiritual yearnings.
    The Sacred Marriage by Emily Balivet

    Remember, Venus and Mars know how to make love! Under the light of the Pisces Balsamic Moon, their lovemaking will be filled with great imagination and great compassion for each other. Their sacred sexuality grounds in these new energies in our bodies. Pay attention to your 2nd/sacral and 4th/heart chakras. What feelings and images are arise there?

    These planetary energies have just been renewed through the Piscean waters of loss and healing, the fiery transmutation of joining the Aries Sun, and the cultural jolting and re-visioning of the Uranus/Pluto square. Their lovemaking tonight could remake the world! Let them renew your hope and love, so that at the Aries New Moon, you’ll plant the heritage seeds of your own future, rather than the GMO seeds of patriarchal compliance.

    The Sabian symbol for the union of Venus and Mars at 20* Aries is: Two beautiful white swans feeding in a shimmering lake. The archetypal image of romantic love and companionship, swans have ever been symbols of sublime beauty, poetic inspiration and devoted love. An ancient totem of beauty, the Swan awakens the power and beauty of the Self, our spiritual essence. A herald of new realms and new powers, Swan teaches us how to see our own and others’ inner beauty. Swans are sacred to Aphrodite/Venus and have ever been the totem of the poet, mystic and dreamer. Swans mate for life, and so they symbolize the power to see with the eyes of Love. First see and love yourself so you can see and love another. And then dream big!

    The Aries New Moon
    The Aries New Moon occurs on Wednesday April 10that 2:36 am PDT/ 5:36 am EDT/ 9:36 am GMT.

    The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 21* Aries is: A pugilist, flushed with strength, enters the ring. This is a symbol of physical and even sexual strength and confidence. There's also a sense of self-reliance, which is a positive Aries trait. This image calls us to enter the ring of life and take a stand for what we believe in, with the self-confidence to know you can win.

    The collective mind (Mercury in Pisces along with Neptune and Chiron/Jupiter in Gemini) is stirring, opening to a larger perspective. This is the new Moon to plant the seeds of your future Self and our collective future. Jupiter is at 14* Gemini: Two people, living far apart, in telepathic communication. The ability to telepathically communicate with others is not reserved for a special few. We have an inner psychicnet that connects our collective mind. And Mercury at 25* Pisces: After drastic reforms, a purified clergy officiates anew. A new spiritual revival is indicated, with a rededication of the collective to spiritual values.

    Pluto begins its yearly retrograde on April 12 at 12* Capricorn: In an old diamond mine, a showcase displaying and explaining crystalline structures. This symbol speaks to the basic structures of life, whether the natural laws of the cosmos or the archetypal patterns within the psyche. The diamond mind in Buddhism is the enlightened mind. Pluto stops at this threshold of knowledge and teaching to go back over some steps me might have missed. Pluto will turn back to direct motion at 9* Capricorn on September 20, 2013—a few days before the Autumn Equinox.

    Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Scorpio form a quincunx (150* angle) on April 12th as well, causing some frustration. The rub comes when we awaken to our new story (Uranus) and discover we still have some emotional hang-ups to resolve. Once again, emotional wounds want to teach us about the world, not keep us from the world. Understand what they taught you and then find ways to integrate that understanding in your new image of yourself.

    As the Cosmic Story heats up to the 3rd big Uranus/Pluto square on May 20th, be sure to write yourself into the role of world savior. Along with the rest of us!

    If you like the Cosmic Story, you'll love, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World".

    Find out more about Wisdom's Daughters.

    The 13 Moons of Thuban from February 10th to April 10th to August 6th, 2013

    Post last edited Apr 10th 2013
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    JesterTerrestrial - Posted Apr 10th 2013



    IFFW TEAM!!! UNIVERSAL PHIYER FOR EXTRA TERRESTRIAL DISCLOSURE EXPOSURE CONTACT!!! Well just a quick shout out for now... still say we need to organize a thuban conference for NEW SYSTEM LAUNCH!!! Get ready for the next know that star human template we built in the main flow of cosmic awesomeness!!! I see it as a witness and can feel the pressure from what appears to be with in the gates just waiting for the rest of the humans to catch up and tryign to stay clear of the chaos as the old world mind is crushed and the new ways have been born and are now growing in strength and momentum! AVALON! CAMLEOT! ATLANTIS! LUMERIA! MERLIN JT! MAAT!

    Post last edited Apr 10th 2013
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 14th 2013

    A Pythagorean Number Gematria for a Cosmic Re-Identification in Individuation Templates

    The 'New World' Reconfiguration of an 'old human' 'karmic recycling mode of forgetfulness' into a potentialised 'new starhuman' 'eternity mode of constant remembrance' is colour coded in the following tabulation and includes the 'Transition Timeline', which must include the Cosmic Mirror nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    The 'Completion years' as the last of a 9 year cyclicity become the years before the 'New Identity' years and the 2012 nexus mirror renders the ubiquitous 9-year cycles as a 'cosmic invitation' to change the modus operandi of the 'Karmic Wheel' in resonating and identifying with the Cosmic Logos dispensation. This is detailed in many sources of 'prophecies' and 'remote viewings' and NDEs and OBEs and the astral reality experiences from divers sources and materials.
    Anyone wishing to be included in the list now published, can have their details added in forwarding their 'true birthday' to this thread or in any other form of message and I shall add the codes. Alternatively, anyone understanding the code can proceed in a manner of 'Do-It-Yourself!'.

    The names given here, are part of the old Thuban dragon core, decommissioned from February 19th, 2013. The individuated 'dragon patterns' remain valid in personalised applications however.
    It should be noted, that the inhabitation of some form of physicalised body or incarnation vessel is required for this encoded cosmic reconfiguration mode to remain feasible and operational.

    Name LabelPythagorean Numbers
    Gematria Code
    Birth YearAge-Year-Line with Transition Cycle2013-Transition Code
    7/Cosmic Adaptability
    2/11/Cosmic Family
    6/33/Cosmic Creativity
    Sui Generis2-7-18=27/9/9
    6/33/Cosmic Creativity
    7/Cosmic Adaptability
    1/Cosmic Identity
    6/33/Cosmic Creativity
    9/Cosmic Completion
    8/44/Cosmic Awareness
    2/11/Cosmic Family
    4/22/Cosmic Physicality

    Emeth, April 15th, 2013
    [5:22:47 PM-Monday, April 15th, 2013 -+10UCT]
    Sirius 17: what is this birthday stuff you did?
    [5:23:38 PM] Emeth: Well, this is the reconfig imo and rather potent in individual applications regarding 2013
    [5:23:46 PM] Emeth: I edited
    [5:23:57 PM] Emeth: I made an error with the 9th year
    [5:24:18 PM] Emeth: But you are the only one on the list, who starts at 0
    [5:24:31 PM] Sirius 17: lol what does that mean?
    [5:25:09 PM] Emeth: Meaning your preparation is like the longest as your birthday in 2012 was your premature 'ascension' lol
    [5:25:26 PM] Emeth: Debra corollarily is the shortest
    [5:25:40 PM] Emeth: She starts 2013 you get there 2021
    [5:25:58 PM] Sirius 17: get where?
    [5:26:04 PM] Emeth: Xeia and Rok are parallel timelines as are James and me
    [5:26:14 PM] Emeth: The cosmic new ID
    [5:26:26 PM] Sirius 17: i have to wait until 2021? lol
    [5:26:34 PM] Emeth: It means you are an anchor for the other timelines
    [5:26:47 PM] Emeth: Your numbers are 23+23=46=BODY
    [5:27:07 PM] Emeth: You misread this; this is alpha-omega, head and tail of the Ouroboros
    [5:27:16 PM] Sirius 17: ok i see, like my path encompasses the others in some way?
    [5:27:16 PM] Emeth: You are the last as being the first
    [5:27:21 PM] Emeth: Yes
    [5:27:32 PM] Emeth: You have finished the Old Evolution first
    [5:27:49 PM] Emeth: Susan also is a youngster
    [5:27:50 PM] Sirius 17: the gematria really shows this?
    [5:27:54 PM] Emeth: She starts 2014
    [5:27:58 PM] Emeth: Yes
    [5:28:14 PM] Emeth: Debra is literally the Baby
    [5:28:31 PM] Emeth: She has no time to prepare and is thrown in the deep end
    [5:28:41 PM] Emeth: Susan will be next on this list
    [5:29:19 PM] Emeth: You have the history 'bottled up' because your birthday on August 15th was BEFORE the crucial December 21st date
    [5:30:09 PM] Emeth: The closer your 1-Year birthday is to 21st December 2012 the 'Older mature' you are in terms of the reconfig
    [5:30:30 PM] Emeth: 2012 was a 1-year for you see
    [5:30:46 PM] Emeth: 15+8+2012=23+5=28=2+8=10=1
    [5:30:50 PM] Sirius 17: what does the OHPT mean?
    [5:31:01 PM] Emeth: This is alphanumeric code
    [5:31:04 PM] Emeth: O=15
    [5:31:12 PM] Emeth: Your birthnumbers
    [5:31:18 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok
    [5:31:22 PM] Sirius 17: i wondered lol
    [5:31:38 PM] Emeth: T* means it is the 46th letter in the cyclic alphabet
    [5:31:43 PM] Emeth: T=20
    [5:31:59 PM] Emeth: 26+20=46 the higher resonance of T as T*
    [5:32:14 PM] Emeth: T** would be T+52=72
    [5:33:02 PM] Sirius 17: oh i see, i did not know that about the T, i guess it applies to all numbers in the permutations then?
    [5:33:09 PM] Emeth: Yes
    [5:33:22 PM] Emeth: 2=11=20=29...
    [5:33:39 PM] Emeth: B-K-T-C*...
    [5:34:00 PM] Emeth: Always 9-cyclic in repetition like a spiral
    [5:34:22 PM] Sirius 17: oh why the 9?
    [5:34:37 PM] Emeth: Because adding 9 to anything does NOT change the root
    [5:34:43 PM] Emeth: All other numbers do
    [5:34:57 PM] Sirius 17: lol learn something new everyday
    [5:35:01 PM] Emeth: 4+9=13=1+3=4
    [5:35:11 PM] Emeth: 13+9=22=2+2=4 etc
    [5:35:18 PM] Sirius 17: lol wow
    [5:35:29 PM] Emeth: What I have often addressed as 'root reduction'
    [5:35:52 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i know what root reduction is but i didnt know about the little 9 trick
    [5:36:15 PM] Emeth: Can you see now why this table can be 'life changing'?
    [5:36:47 PM] Emeth: This simply chooses ANY 9-cycle in anyones life and allows by and through the Logos to change one's Cosmic ID
    [5:37:35 PM] Emeth: This Logos dispensation then uses the December 21st, 2012 date in its appropriate context of 'Ending' the Old World for a New One
    [5:37:46 PM] Sirius 17: hmm yeah i can see that
    [5:38:06 PM] Sirius 17: its like a new birth point cosmically redefined by the Logos
    [5:38:12 PM] Emeth: Perhaps I should add this to the post. I presumed too much prior knowledge perhaps.
    [5:38:32 PM] Emeth: This is basic numerology synchronised with alphanumerics
    [5:39:05 PM] Sirius 17: yeah you should put some more detail into it
    [5:39:23 PM] Sirius 17: Susan might understand it since she is good with the numbers
    [5:39:26 PM] Emeth: I thought this rather basic you know
    [5:39:43 PM] Emeth: Even nabsers would know basic 9-cycle numerology
    [5:39:45 PM] Sirius 17: well it would be basic to you
    [5:40:03 PM] Emeth: Yes, Susan would understand this better than most
    [5:41:03 PM] Sirius 17: i must admit i dont know that much about numerology other than a little bit from way back in the day and mostly from you.
    [5:41:43 PM] Sirius 17: someone once did my numerology a long long time ago and i read a little about it
    [5:42:03 PM] Sirius 17: but never really studied it like Susan
    [5:43:55 PM] Emeth: I am using an extended form of Pythagoras
    [5:44:43 PM] Emeth: I use the actual numbers of the Arabic alphabet and so use 26/8 as the completion of the first cycle.
    [5:45:00 PM] Emeth: The nabsers would not use 26, but call this 26/8
    [5:45:26 PM] Emeth: They also do not understand that there are four so called master numbers and not just 11 and 22 and 33
    [5:45:59 PM] Emeth: ALL even numbers in the decad 0-9 can be doubled see?
    [5:46:11 PM] Emeth: 2=11 and 4=22 and 6=33 and 8=44
    [5:46:19 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [5:46:39 PM] Emeth: So it is proper mathematics applied to number patterns and definitions and not just new agey generalities and shortcuts
    [5:47:23 PM] Sirius 17: how did you come up with the transition code?
    [5:50:19 PM] Emeth: This is simply the location of the 2013 birthday following the nexus date
    [5:50:45 PM] Emeth: The labeling is part of the actual Pythagorean 'Magic Square'
    [5:51:03 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [5:51:36 PM] Emeth: So 1-4-7 are physical in a horizontal plane and 2-5-8 are the middle emotional-spiritual-feeling plane and 3-6-9 are the mental upper plane
    [5:52:02 PM] Emeth: Then 1-4-7 are all constructed from 'straight' line segments as Linear Numbers
    [5:53:04 PM] Emeth: 2-5-8 are 'Mixed' numbers, having both linear and curved parts with the 8 as Infinity linearising the 'physical masternumber' 8=44 in the intersection of the Möbian two smaller circles
    [5:53:48 PM] Emeth: 3-6-9 have only curved parts and so form the mental plane as upper bound for the physical lower bound and with the feeling planes in between
    [5:54:17 PM] Sirius 17: ok yeah i remember this now
    [5:54:46 PM] Sirius 17: this is what you call the Pythagorean Magic Square definitions then?
    [5:56:29 PM] Emeth: The 'Curved' numbers so define the mental transition years and the 'Mixed' numbers describe the intiuitive-feeling 'spiritual' transition years and the 'Straight' numbers define the physical transition years.
    [5:57:01 PM] Emeth: Now you see that the mental plane jhas master number 33 and the physical plane has master number 22
    [5:57:19 PM] Emeth: The feeling plane has 2 master numbers in 11 and 44
    [5:57:36 PM] Emeth: In between is the central number of the Cosmic Freedom as the 5
    [5:58:19 PM] Emeth: This then becomes the 15-Magic Square in the diagonals of 1-4-9 and 3-5-7 always adding to 15
    [5:58:48 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok yes
    [5:59:15 PM] Emeth: Also the central cross adds to 15 in 2-5-8 horizontal and 4-5-6 vertical
    [6:00:12 PM] Emeth: And you might recall the 15 cubits of 'Noah's Flood' and the 15 'silver pieces' of Hosea to 'buy' his cosmic harlot and the 'Hour of Prophecy' being the 15 code in 15 days to the year being proportional to 1 hour in 24 hours of a day. So this is a very deep cosmic key in the decoding mechanics
    [6:00:37 PM] Sirius 17: Rose showed me this but on a roulette wheel looking layout and the numbers went 123 456 789, the 5 is in the middle of the square
    [6:00:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember
    [6:01:33 PM] Emeth: Yes 1-2-3 is called the Arrow of Organisation and 4-5-6 becoimes the Arrow of the Will and 7-8-9 is the Arrow of Adaptation
    [6:02:11 PM] Emeth: 1-5-9 is the Arrow of Determination and 3-5-7 is the Arrow of Spirituality
    [6:02:39 PM] Emeth: All those arrows have reverse meanings; just like your tarot cards if they fall upside down and so on
    [6:03:16 PM] Sirius 17: hmm ok i didn't know all this
    [6:04:15 PM] Sirius 17: on the roulette wheel, 1, 3, 5 7 and 9 are red numbers. 2,4 6, 8 are black numbers
    [6:04:45 PM] Sirius 17: i wonder if that is significant somehow
    [6:07:58 PM] Emeth: These are simnply odds and evens
    [6:08:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know but the entire wheel is not like that
    [6:08:49 PM] Sirius 17: some odd numbers are red
    [6:09:05 PM] Emeth: They are in root reductions dear. It is a checker board pattern
    [6:09:18 PM] Emeth: Except the 0 as green
    [6:09:46 PM] Sirius 17:


    [6:09:47 PM] Sirius 17: here look
    [6:09:59 PM] Sirius 17: look at the layout and then the numbers
    [6:10:00 PM] Sirius 17: on the wheel
    [6:11:09 PM] Emeth: Ok, but this is not properly designed in code
    [6:11:23 PM] Emeth: The total number of reds and blacks should be equal
    [6:12:23 PM] Sirius 17: yes i was just wondering if you knew what the red and black meant symbolically for those numbers. i see the odd and even designation but is there another meaning?
    [6:12:59 PM] Sirius 17: the first set of 9 i am referring too
    [6:13:11 PM] Emeth: It is as 18, but 10 should be red and the symmetry of the top 18 numbers is NOT mirrored in the bottom 18 numbers
    [6:13:29 PM] Sirius 17: of course not
    [6:13:46 PM] Emeth: Yes I know the deeper esoteris here
    [6:13:47 PM] Sirius 17: it is how they stack the odds i guess
    [6:13:58 PM] Emeth: 10 is black see and should be red.
    [6:14:10 PM] Emeth: This is Osiris 1 and his brother Set as 10
    [6:14:32 PM] Emeth: Set is the cosmic dragqueen and liable to sexchange
    [6:14:50 PM] Emeth: No the odds are still 50%-50%
    [6:15:02 PM] Emeth: But they changed the overall pattern symmetry
    [6:15:57 PM] Emeth: There are still 9 reds and 9 blacks in each half of the layout
    [6:16:32 PM] Emeth: But individual sequences of alternate colour codes have been changed signified by the 10=2+8=28
    [6:17:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes but my question was more about the colors themselves as they pertain to the numbers, like how would you interpret it cosmically. i don't care about how they designed the wheel, but was more wanting to know about the first 9 numbers because this was in my dream.
    [6:17:17 PM] Emeth: These 2 numbers 10 and 28 break the symmetry and this is just the Egyptian archetypes
    [6:17:38 PM] Sirius 17: and also this checker board pattern has shown up in dreams in the past as floor tiles
    [6:17:49 PM] Emeth: Those numbers are the Egyptian ennead or pantheon
    [6:18:25 PM] Emeth: I posted this countless times in the starsigns and the cartouche applied to the gematria
    [6:18:39 PM] Emeth: It is the kabbalah of course
    [6:18:47 PM] Emeth: The 'Tree of Life'
    [6:19:09 PM] Emeth: The 'clean and unclean sexes of the animals in Noah's Ark
    [6:19:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember
    [6:19:42 PM] Emeth: 1{2-4-7(6-9)-3-5-8}-10 remember?
    [6:19:49 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [6:20:01 PM] Sirius 17: the kabbalah
    [6:20:21 PM] Emeth: The left path of the maleness and the right path of the femaleness and the bisexual middle path
    [6:20:39 PM] Emeth: This is what comes up in your dreams it is cosmic supercode in archetypes
    [6:20:54 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [6:21:11 PM] Sirius 17: yes i need to look at it again i guess
    [6:21:37 PM] Sirius 17: do you still have your tree of life image ? can you send it to me?
    [6:21:54 PM] Sirius 17: the one you did or referenced
    [6:25:10 PM] Emeth: And you know that the so called ptb is rather interested in Egyptian mythology and so the 'Freemason symbol' is just the glyph of 8=Ptah as the path and so the roulette design seems to me to reflect this esoteric insider nous, the ptb is well aware of
    [6:25:31 PM] Sirius 17: ah lol that makes sense
    [6:25:41 PM] Sirius 17: of course they would know
    [6:25:45 PM] *** Emeth sent 357.gif ***


    [6:27:54 PM] Sirius 17: so 1, 6, 9, 10 is the bisexual path?
    [6:28:41 PM] Emeth:

    Genesis 7:1-3 King James Version (KJV)
    1 And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

    2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

    3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.


    [6:29:30 PM] Sirius 17: how does it circularize or permutate, 1.6,9, 10
    [6:29:59 PM] Sirius 17: 10966901
    [6:31:42 PM] Emeth: The permutation is the inner circle of the 69=96 and so the Janus Roman God of back to back as 96 contra the face to face of the 69. So you see the sexual potency of this
    [6:32:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes i always understood the 69=96
    [6:32:30 PM] Emeth: This is the 'two immutable principle' code in Hebrews
    [6:32:54 PM] Sirius 17: but how do the numbers 1 and 10 relate, the begining and the end, Alpha and Omega?
    [6:33:31 PM] Emeth:

    Hebrews 6:17-19 King James Version (KJV)
    17 Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

    18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:

    19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

    [6:33:58 PM] Emeth: 1+0=1 as the root reducibility in the arithmetic of the decimal base
    [6:34:17 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [6:34:22 PM] *** Emeth sent 6996.jpg ***


    [6:35:25 PM] Sirius 17: yes i remember this
    [6:35:32 PM] Sirius 17: thanks for sending it
    [6:35:42 PM] Sirius 17: there are a lot of these i don't have on this new computer
    [6:36:49 PM] Sirius 17: silly DD, how can she be so blind
    [6:37:19 PM] Sirius 17: i just strangely missed her just now
    [6:37:36 PM] Sirius 17: looking at this chart
    [6:38:24 PM] Emeth: As said previously, it is the Body not the Mind, Abba chose
    [6:39:26 PM] Emeth: The 'Debra' in this table is not the Nabs bimbo, but a 'pure cosmic child' templating the Deborah encoding in the scrolls
    [6:40:04 PM] Sirius 17: i think it was Lassie I felt though, when DD was not NABS infected and curious to what we Thuban's were all about....and in love.
    [6:40:11 PM] Emeth: Of course
    [6:40:42 PM] Emeth: Splendiferous and full of cosmic potency in her 'love for all'
    [6:41:14 PM] Emeth: But it was bodymind centred then and this became this abominable mindbody centredness of its 180 degree turnabout
    [6:41:17 PM] Sirius 17: even in her pretensiousness there was always this innocence she had....she seems to of lost it though
    [6:41:47 PM] Sirius 17: a purity yeah
    [6:42:11 PM] Emeth: I dont know the Mindbody Raven; I do know the Bodymind as Lassie and Lassie was denied and 'killed off' remember?
    [6:43:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes i do
    [6:43:32 PM] Emeth: From June 17th and then July 5th, the 'Lassie' mighty very well become cosmic and universally accessible
    [6:44:22 PM] Emeth: The descriptive Mindbody is what is encoded as both the 'King and the Whore of Babylon'
    [6:44:47 PM] Emeth: So it is the mental whoredom and the physical fidelity, which is the true abomination
    [6:44:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes i agree
    [6:45:05 PM] Sirius 17: it makes so much sense now
    [6:45:28 PM] Emeth: The Old World has it utterly upside down; insisting on physical faithfulness and tolerating mental licentiousness
    [6:46:21 PM] Emeth: Yes, reading Isaiah and Jeremiah shows you clearly what this 'whoredom' is
    [6:46:52 PM] Emeth: Faithlessness in Abba and Abba has NO Body as yet, so how can his 'bride' or 'wife' be unfaithful in bodyform?
    [6:47:33 PM] Emeth: She can deny him mentally of course and this is what the 'experts' cant grasp and what the 'devil' has used to hijack human sexual self expression
    [6:48:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes very true
    [6:48:45 PM] Sirius 17: it is so awful the ignorance of people
    [6:50:13 PM] Sirius 17: it still blows my mind that she went from polylove to old fashiond old world 'faithfulness'....but she never really knew ABBA or accepted him and Jesus...they still elude her
    [6:50:24 PM] Emeth: This is the self righteousness and hypocrisy Jesus detested so much
    [6:50:35 PM] Sirius 17: her freaking body KNEW the truth
    [6:52:09 PM] Sirius 17: it is strange how she has disappeared totally
    [6:52:28 PM] Sirius 17: not like her to be out of the limelight lol
    [6:52:53 PM] Sirius 17: i hope she is bored to tears
    [6:53:31 PM] Emeth: I dont know, but yes Lassie is with the New World. All I can say here atm
    [6:54:16 PM] Emeth: The Hosea code must be fulfiled see and imo it did or does
    [6:54:23 PM] Sirius 17: what are your impressions Tony, about DD?
    [6:54:39 PM] Sirius 17: what do you think is going on with her?
    [6:55:12 PM] Emeth: As I said and as you know; the BodyMind is the JCCJ template coupling and is being made manifest to become universal
    [6:56:10 PM] Emeth: This is the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone', which first appears in Revelation 19 and so this timeframe from March 25th to June 17th
    [6:56:47 PM] Emeth: Details I dont know. I try hard not to let personal disappointments and hurts to interfere with the cosmic Logos agendas
    [6:56:47 PM] Sirius 17: i know but do you get any impressions at all from her? sadness, anything at all?
    [6:57:24 PM] Emeth: She could be 'controlled' by her nabs lovers minds. She wishes to 'surrender' see, but not to the truth
    [6:57:37 PM] Emeth: She always feared to become
    [6:57:43 PM] Sirius 17: god its so heartbreaking
    [6:57:51 PM] Emeth: 'possessed' by outside 'spirits'. Guess what?
    [6:58:11 PM] Sirius 17: she got what she feared the most
    [6:58:16 PM] Emeth: Exactly
    [6:58:21 PM] Sirius 17: in a very very bad way too
    [6:58:28 PM] Emeth: Indeed
    [[6:58:44 PM] Sirius 17: she is in a place like Debbie was when she was dead....lost
    [6:59:08 PM] Sirius 17: they have switched places, yes i see it now
    [6:59:17 PM] Sirius 17: her mind is in that hell
    [6:59:54 PM] Sirius 17: and I also see that the only thing that can rescue it is the Logos
    [7:00:28 PM] Emeth: Hmm, this is interesting indeed - switching sheoul
    [7:00:48 PM] Emeth: I think you might be on the markers here
    [7:00:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes i just read my words, did you realise i said when Debbie WAS dead lol
    [7:01:23 PM] Emeth: Yes, since March 25th, Debbie CAME ALIVE. I know this
    [7:01:33 PM] Emeth: And I said so
    [7:01:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes and DD disappeared then totally
    [7:01:43 PM] Sirius 17: on all the forums
    [7:01:53 PM] Emeth: But Lassie is as One with Debbie. They are entwined
    [7:02:53 PM] Emeth: This is my 'dilemma'. I cannot deny Lassie, if she is WITH Debbie in such a hybrid state of beingness
    [7:03:16 PM] Emeth: So what will happen post July 2013, I am unsure of see this?
    [7:03:21 PM] Sirius 17: no, i know and i understand
    [7:03:34 PM] Emeth: A difficult scenario indeed
    [7:04:06 PM] Emeth: Perhaps this 'explains' the DD issue as a old world femme somewhat. But I really dont know
    [7:04:38 PM] Sirius 17: well i trust ABBA knows what he is doing in choosing her
    [7:04:50 PM] Sirius 17: its beyond our understanding

    [7:05:28 PM] Sirius 17: and of course we are certifiably crazy by everyones standards now
    [7:05:45 PM] Emeth: Yes we are
    [7:05:53 PM] Sirius 17: that is how deep this whole thing is
    [7:06:10 PM] Emeth: It is my life Raven and perhaps yours too
    [7:06:37 PM] Sirius 17: when the whole world damns what is good for the bad, the light for the dark...such confusion they live in
    [7:06:55 PM] Emeth: In a manner just a collection of unhappinesses and rejections as a sacrifice to search for the New World, where things are more beneficial
    [7:07:51 PM] Emeth: If I would not have 'seen Jesus' in 1975, then I would not be in Australia
    [7:08:41 PM] Sirius 17: yeah, who knew this would happen, you certianly didn't
    [7:09:04 PM] Emeth: Of course many people do and most become whatever, lunatics or 'born again' or 'certified'. But what difference do they make in the old world?
    [7:09:36 PM] Emeth: We composed a New World using the old codes. Not many do this as a lifelong quest
    [7:09:52 PM] Sirius 17: lol only nuts like us
    [7:10:09 PM] Emeth: Well there is rationality and logic.
    [7:10:23 PM] Emeth: We are only really 'nuts', if Jesus is a lie - period.
    [7:10:42 PM] Emeth: We live and die with his realism.
    [7:10:48 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [7:10:53 PM Emeth: And we are NOT bible bashers, but scientific thinkers
    [7:11:06 PM] Sirius 17: lol i have been called that before
    [7:11:53 PM] Emeth: Of course; but our 'born again' is rather 'evil' in the eyes and minds of the other 'born agains'
    [7:12:18 PM] Sirius 17: i simply can't imagine that Jesus is not real Tony, it makes no logical sense....those words did not come from a human
    [7:12:37 PM] Emeth: I know and we know. Enough said.
    [7:13:25 PM] Emeth: Your recent experience of talking for hours to the 'deniers' taught you a deep and final lesson regarding the 'sharing of truth'
    [7:14:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes no one cares
    [7:14:05 PM] Sirius 17: enough said
    [7:14:45 PM] Sirius 17: they run at the mention of his name....yet he is not real to them
    [7:15:08 PM] Sirius 17: people quote him without believing that he spoke the words
    [7:15:13 PM] Emeth: A paradox of colossal proportions, is it not? Why run away from ghosts of the imagination and phantoms?
    [7:15:25 PM] Sirius 17: its unreal
    [7:15:50 PM] Sirius 17: and i point this out to people and they go speechless
    [7:15:57 PM] Sirius 17: even they don't understand it
    [7:16:51 PM] Sirius 17: but i guarentee you even the most staunch athiest in his or her hour of desperation WILL call on his name....and then deny it
    [7:17:10 PM] Sirius 17: I know this for a fact
    [7:18:09 PM] Sirius 17: because when it comes right down to the moment of thinking your going to die, he is there....he is the comforter. And they know deep within them too.
    [7:19:23 PM] Sirius 17: i can see them lol
    [7:19:32 PM] Sirius 17: all praying to Jesus when contact comes
    [7:20:00 PM] Sirius 17: with their fake little mouths
    [7:20:37 PM] Sirius 17: crapping down both legs
    [7:21:08 PM] Emeth: Yes it is the antichrist memes and they are as real as Jesus is
    [7:21:32 PM] Emeth: Because the dichotomy must exist, but can be doubled in the Dragon manners
    [7:22:03 PM] Emeth: It is the Source of the antistate which is unreal, not its abuse and misuse of the ONE Source of both, so called 'light and darkness, 'good and evil', yin and yang
    [7:22:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes the human mind is a garbage maker
    [7:23:20 PM] Emeth: And this becomes and translates ito the primordial cosmogenesis in the superbrane duality betwee Eps and Ess, the 'God Particle' and the 'Devil Particle'
    [7:23:48 PM] Emeth: So only in the manifesto of inertia and the nature of mass is the 'Devil' real in scientific terminology
    [7:24:10 PM] Emeth: And this the gnostics misconstructed as the 'overall evilness of matter and creation'
    [7:25:03 PM] Emeth: [7:22 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< yes the human mind is a garbage maker
    This is so true; just look at all environments, which humans have 'civilised' and 'conquered' and 'exploited' for 'resources'

    [7:25:38 PM] Sirius 17: indeed, like the gyres in the sea, gyres of human waste abound everywhere
    [7:26:16 PM] Sirius 17: its pathetc
    [7:26:31 PM] Sirius 17: yet....Jesus is too in many peoples minds
    [7:26:57 PM] Sirius 17: a pathetic construct, make believe
    [7:27:19 PM] Emeth: Why do you think, we are 'defending' his name so vehemently and to the irksome ire of the many?
    [7:27:24 PM] Sirius 17: all because they are too afraid of taking some responsiblity
    [7:27:51 PM] Sirius 17: his very name reminds them of the Golden Rule
    [7:27:53 PM] Emeth: Because we knew himher from personal contact, somehow and sometime and somewhere
    [7:27:56 PM] Sirius 17: why they hate him so much
    [7:28:26 PM] Emeth: Yes, they know heshe will dominate the cosmic law AS the 'True Word of God'
    [7:28:34 PM] Sirius 17: it has to be so Tony, because I come unglued inside at peoples deafness
    [7:29:19 PM] Sirius 17: they would rather lie in their own refuse and garbage then believe they can be better then this.
    [7:30:40 PM] Sirius 17: funny enough the person i was talking to said they were not ready for Jesus, too lofy for them
    [7:31:13 PM] Sirius 17: even when i told them the world suffers a self esteem problem, they agreed
    [7:31:32 PM] Sirius 17: so see they know better, but deny their own divinity
    [7:31:43 PM] Sirius 17: and birthright
    [7:33:15 PM] Emeth: Yes, this is at the core of it
    [7:33:39 PM] Emeth: Their nabs hearts are deceiving them, just as Isaiah says fervently
    [7:33:43 PM] Sirius 17: Jesus being born human is proof that we can achieve change, he was the change, he LIVED it
    [7:34:17 PM] Emeth: His mind is the only real miracle Raven.
    [7:34:41 PM] Emeth: How he could figure the cosmos out in the way to fulfil all the old scrolls!?
    [7:35:11 PM] Emeth: And it is this which allowed us to continue his understanding; not our human mindedness at all
    [7:35:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes what i meant was, that his mind was housed in the human vessel....he said himself, these things that I do you shall do and greater....
    [7:35:36 PM] Emeth: Then we are hated, because we are 'sure of ourselves' through and BY his name not our own
    [7:36:01 PM] Emeth: This is why they call us arrogant, because we share his nous and love for a New World, which he named as 'Kingdom of the Father'
    [7:36:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i did not mean to imply otherwise
    [7:37:49 PM] Sirius 17:

    (108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him."

    [7:37:57 PM] Sirius 17: this is what i meant
    [7:38:04 PM] Sirius 17: and this statement is true
    [7:38:27 PM] Sirius 17: but its too deep for most to understand it and yet so simple
    [7:39:01 PM] Emeth: Indeed
    [7:39:25 PM] Sirius 17: lol my favorite one of the GOT i think
    [7:39:53 PM] Emeth: They refuse to share not only their human bodies but also their minds
    [7:40:08 PM] Emeth: Can you see the depth and truth of what I just said?
    [7:40:28 PM] Emeth: This is why the truth is hated and made relative to the human mindedness
    [7:40:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes i do
    [7:41:02 PM] Emeth: This is what makes the Logos deniers impotent
    [7:41:23 PM] Sirius 17: they can't share anything
    [7:41:31 PM] Emeth: They refuse to share and the REFUSAL is their LASUFER or 'Lucifer' misnomer
    [7:41:32 PM] Sirius 17: not even stories
    [7:42:09 PM] Emeth: Indeed and this was what made DD so superpotent at the start. She really wished to share everything, just as Jesus did
    [7:43:01 PM] Emeth: But then you have the deniers like Bonacci and FOC kidnapping her 'closeness to the truth' and we know what happened
    [7:43:23 PM] Sirius 17: yes they gunny sacked her
    [7:43:50 PM] Sirius 17: Jonestown but without the blood
    [7:44:00 PM] Emeth: And like nabsy Oxy talks continually about 'Lucifer', yet he fails to see and read the self explicatory meanings in the source books themselves
    [7:44:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes the meaning illudes him totally
    [7:44:36 PM] Emeth: Lucifer=Venus=Morning Star=Evening Star=Jesus as a HeShe proven in Isaiah.14.12 and Revelation.2.28 with 22.16 and 2Peter.1.19
    [7:44:54 PM] Sirius 17: yes the dusk becoming dawn
    [7:44:59 PM] Sirius 17: new dawn
    [7:45:42 PM] Sirius 17: i need to get to bed though Tonylove
    [7:45:52 PM] Sirius 17: its almost 3 am and i have a big day tomorrow
    [7:46:47 PM] Sirius 17: so i will say goodnight and sweet dreams
    [7:47:18 PM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00155-flower. emoticon-00152-heart. Lovehearts do tell
    [7:49:52 PM] Emeth: Let's hope so. Buenas dear and see my Griffin pics?
    [7:50:15 PM] Sirius 17: yes i did, i love them
    [7:50:33 PM] Emeth: [7:44:36 PM]
    Emeth: Lucifer=Venus=Morning Star=Evening Star=Jesus as a HeShe proven in Isaiah.14.12 and Revelation.2.28 with 22.16 and 2Peter.1.19
    [7:50:41 PM] Sirius 17: remember the little griffin we made for Camelot?
    [7:50:55 PM] Emeth: Lion and Eagles as one
    [7:50:56 PM] Sirius 17: the signature like the draco
    [7:51:02 PM] Sirius 17: he was a cute little guy
    [7:51:11 PM] Sirius 17: you should use this one
    [7:51:25 PM] Emeth: He is still there
    [7:51:44 PM] Emeth: Ah yes, you can though
    [7:52:05 PM] Emeth: You have the url?
    [7:52:11 PM] Sirius 17: i don't have the file on this computer, i saved it somewhere, maybe photo bucket
    [7:52:27 PM] Emeth: If you can link, I add it
    [7:52:36 PM] Sirius 17: lol i have so many photo bucket accounts because i keep forgeting my password
    [7:52:49 PM] Emeth: Stick with the one yes
    [7:53:04 PM] Emeth: I made a little tablet with passwords and sign in details
    [7:53:21 PM] Emeth: I stick with one, but have to change some others periodically. I forget too
    [7:54:18 PM] Sirius 17: i can't find it
    [7:54:42 PM] Emeth: you remember the name of the character?
    [7:55:00 PM] Sirius 17: it was like griffy lion or something
    [7:55:18 PM] Sirius 17: likely its still on my sig line in the old posts
    [7:55:28 PM] Sirius 17: whatever ones we saved from camelot
    [7:56:31 PM] Emeth: Oh I look at the forums then, I saved all of your posts there
    [7:56:59 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i am going to bed hon
    [7:57:20 PM] Sirius 17: i had a sad day today, but talking to you i feel better
    [7:57:35 PM] Sirius 17: i was feeling very very down
    [7:57:40 PM] Emeth: I am mostly sad too. You are not alone in this.
    [7:58:22 PM] Emeth: It is for the Logos and Abba now, the rest of our lives and more so for me, as I have no little ones to take care of
    [7:58:38 PM] Emeth: My love life is in my head
    [7:58:52 PM] Sirius 17: good place for it, no one can defile it that way
    [7:59:10 PM] Emeth: True, buenas Raven Griffin
    [7:59:35 PM] Sirius 17: lol buenas Unicorn
    [8:00:03 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know why but i always think of you as a Unicorn
    [8:01:02 PM] Emeth: I called myself the 'Scribe of the Unicorns' many years ago, since 2004 actually
    [8:01:05 PM] Sirius 17: always had a facination with them and they remind me of the keepers of all that is pure
    [8:01:34 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know, it fits too
    [8:01:51 PM] Emeth: Sarah is my Hebrew princess and she loves unicorns. The ultimate symbol is the Virgo and hence the Virgin Mother AS JCCJ
    [8:02:11 PM] Sirius 17: she is like i was when i was little
    [8:02:17 PM] Sirius 17: i was crazy for them
    [8:02:39 PM] Emeth: Only the Virgo starsign can 'tame' the Unicorn and my Virgo is MI as you know
    [8:02:51 PM] Sirius 17: yep
    [8:03:09 PM] Emeth: Everyones MM in the threesome of 3 Marys
    [8:03:11 PM] Sirius 17: very fitting
    [8:03:38 PM] Sirius 17: night night sweety
    [8:03:53 PM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00185-heidy. emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00185-heidy.


    Post last edited May 13th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 14th 2013

    On the Time to Cosmic Independence for the 'remnant' from April 12th to June 17th to July 5th, 2013

    they have mapped telomerase
    [4:36:01 PM-Sunday, April 14th, 2013 -+10UCT]
    Sirius 17: will be good news for cancer research and aging

    [5:24:55 PM] Emeth: No no other news dear
    [5:25:29 PM] Sirius 17: how are you?
    [5:25:41 PM] Emeth: But my feelings are that from July 5th the ET presence can manifest and not before
    [5:25:59 PM] Sirius 17: oh, what makes you say that?
    [5:26:24 PM] Emeth: I edited the chart to include the millennium and this then nicely defines the end of chapters 19 and 20 in Revelation
    [5:27:26 PM] Sirius 17: i have been kind of depressed lately
    [5:27:32 PM] Emeth: Yes me too
    [5:27:49 PM] Emeth: It all seems pointless from the personal level
    [5:28:09 PM] Emeth: But this now is FOR the cosmic ID not the human one
    [5:28:12 PM] Sirius 17: looking around at the world and trying to imagine what it will be like if nothing changes
    [5:28:18 PM] Emeth: Indeed
    [5:28:48 PM] Sirius 17: i know it doesn't matter now much for me, but my kids
    [5:28:52 PM] Emeth: But I somehow simply know, that this is the fulfilment of Revelation
    [5:29:05 PM] Emeth: There is no more time or some other schema or agenda
    [5:29:16 PM] Emeth: This is unique but also seems to be a sacrifice of the personal for the cosmic
    [5:29:27 PM] Sirius 17: why does it seem so blah
    [5:29:35 PM] Sirius 17: i mean i am not even dreaming lately
    [5:29:59 PM] Emeth: Because April 12th was very very significant
    [5:30:02 PM] Sirius 17: its like i feel like we are in some kind of spiritual vacuum
    [5:30:39 PM] Emeth: Yes and this IS the millennoium where the PEACE means that all the BS must be ABSORBED or internalised
    [5:30:48 PM] Emeth: This is what is going on now imo
    [5:31:02 PM] Emeth: There is no memewar atm in the higher D
    [5:31:22 PM] Sirius 17: i go out and go shopping, buy a few nice things and i don't even care anymore...none of it gives me any pleasure except watching my plants grow
    [5:32:03 PM] Sirius 17: i have been sitting on my porch every morning watching the tulips come up
    [5:32:19 PM] Sirius 17: its the only thing that makes me even remotely happy
    [5:32:35 PM] Emeth: 66.6666 days x15 multiply this with your calculator
    [5:33:00 PM] Sirius 17: 999.999
    [5:33:06 PM] Emeth: 1000 yes
    [5:33:16 PM] Emeth: Now count April 12th to June 17th and then to July 5th
    [5:33:33 PM] Emeth: 66 days
    [5:33:38 PM] Emeth: Here is the edit
    [5:33:44 PM] Emeth:

    [5:34:00 PM] Emeth: The red box above the Hour+Image Hour
    [5:34:12 PM] Emeth: I calculated the UCT times
    [5:35:03 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know how many days 60?
    [5:35:12 PM] Emeth: 66
    [5:35:20 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [5:35:35 PM] Emeth: So the 'shortening of days' of the millennium become 66.6 days
    [5:35:58 PM] Emeth: This means the 'Satanic meme' became 'locked up'
    [5:36:11 PM] Emeth: Relative to the witnesses ONLY
    [5:36:23 PM] Emeth: Why nothing 'major' happens in 3-4D
    [5:36:36 PM] Emeth: This is the first and 2nd resurrection-death
    [5:36:55 PM] Emeth: Meaning that the 'saints rule' the etheric
    [5:37:06 PM] Sirius 17: ok yeah that makes sense
    [5:37:11 PM] Emeth: I am rather sure of this Raven
    [5:37:19 PM] Sirius 17: I just realised that today is Roks birthday
    [5:37:22 PM] Emeth: Yes
    [5:37:51 PM] Emeth: The real countdown of the shortened 1260 days began April 11-12
    [5:38:07 PM] Sirius 17: why April 12th?
    [5:38:12 PM] Emeth: It is all potently harmonised and selfconsistent
    [5:38:43 PM] Emeth: Because the days from April 12th to July 5th are those 1260 days/15=84
    [5:39:12 PM] Emeth: Then those 84 divide into the 66.6 and the 17.3
    [5:39:32 PM] Emeth: See the 17.3 being times 15 the gestation right through the charts?
    [5:39:49 PM] Emeth: 17.6x15=265
    [5:39:54 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok i see
    [5:40:11 PM] Emeth: The .3 or one third is offset to finetune the exact timings
    [5:40:51 PM] Emeth: So strangely enough the last contact with 44 was March 26th as the .3 offset from April 25th and other such 'coincidences'
    [5:41:05 PM] Sirius 17: you know i woke up on the 12th thinking i might die
    [5:41:29 PM] Sirius 17: i just had the weirdest feeling
    [5:41:35 PM] Sirius 17: like this was it
    [5:41:43 PM] Emeth: Well April 8-12 was exactly the prophetic time of the witnesses laying in the street of Jerusalem
    [5:41:57 PM] Emeth: Yes and I can explain and see this clearly
    [5:42:30 PM] Emeth: 1260+4 days see, counting 4 days backwards from April 12th
    [5:42:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes this whole week has sucked for me, i am not myself
    [5:42:47 PM] Emeth: April 12th so is the death and April 8 the resurrection in reverse to 'undo' the actual 'long time' from December 8th, 2004 to May 21th, 2008 as the '3½ times'
    [5:43:10 PM] Sirius 17: i barely had a period too
    [5:43:25 PM] Sirius 17: i bled very light for like 3 days is all
    [5:44:21 PM] Sirius 17: well that explains a lot of why i am feeling the way i do
    [5:44:49 PM] Sirius 17: i tried to talk to someone on FB
    [5:45:08 PM] Sirius 17: after talking for a few hours to this person i was told they don't believe in jesus

    [5:45:39 PM] *** Emeth sent addgp.jpg ***

    [5:45:53 PM] Emeth: Nice eh?
    [5:46:06 PM] Sirius 17: no it made me feel like crap
    [5:46:11 PM] Emeth: Yes, I gave up on people
    [5:46:18 PM] Sirius 17: i thought they were actually listening to me
    [5:46:18 PM] Emeth: Waste of time
    [5:46:45 PM] Emeth: This is a blowup as part of this chart with the exact times UCT
    [5:46:55 PM] Sirius 17: and when they said that i just said to myself...ok thats it, i give up talking to deafness
    [5:47:19 PM] Emeth: March 11th starts the countdown
    [5:47:47 PM] Sirius 17: ok yeah i downloaded the whole chart again and blew it up, but this is nice
    [5:48:06 PM] Emeth: Then you see the April 10-11-12 as the focus time
    [5:48:21 PM] Sirius 17: Tony, I will be back in about 25 mins or so, I need to go pick up james, he finally got off work.
    [5:48:32 PM] Emeth: Now as we know, noone understands this chart or takes this serious
    [5:48:34 PM] Sirius 17: so don't go anywhere
    [5:48:38 PM] Emeth: But it is cosmically serious
    [5:48:51 PM] Emeth: Sure sure np
    [5:49:02 PM] Sirius 17: yes, everything you have said so far makes sense to me
    [5:49:07 PM] Emeth: This is cosmically unique and novel
    [5:49:14 PM] Emeth: It exists nowhere else
    [5:49:29 PM] Emeth: It is the Story of a New God
    [5:49:48 PM] Emeth: And now I know who the 'bride of the lamb' is too
    [5:50:30 PM] Sirius 17: i went shopping tonight, just looking around and your not going to believe this but they put 3 spotters on me....people looking to see if i was going to steal something because i walked around the store just looking. I didn't want to buy anything, nothing caught my eye, but it made me feel as if 'they' are watching me.
    [5:51:18 PM] Emeth: The human world is kaput and manifests its own memes now. But there is no feeding from the 'astral' until June 17th. Then it will reappear until July 5th
    [5:51:36 PM] Sirius 17: but i better get going, elaborate on the bride of the lamb while i am gone lol
    [5:52:11 PM] Emeth: Who know who this is now relative to me in template function and this will somehow contact you
    [5:52:28 PM] Emeth: Wait for a youthful female energy
    [5:52:42 PM] Emeth: It could even be male for you I dont know
    [6:26:13 PM] Sirius 17: Debbie your daughter is my thought
    [6:26:34 PM] Sirius 17: I just got back
    [6:26:47 PM] Emeth: Of course
    [6:27:09 PM] Emeth: This is a universal daughter no longer just 'my debbie'
    [6:27:54 PM] Emeth: But as these are the 3 gens in 6 this could be a universal son for the mothers
    [6:28:23 PM] Emeth: So if you get the feelings of a 'young man' presence, then you know what this is
    [6:28:29 PM] Emeth: Jesus reborn actually
    [6:28:41 PM] Emeth: Like in Rev.12 where he is a boy child
    [6:28:43 PM] Sirius 17: well yes as is MI, but they are relative to you 'personal'. I have always felt this though, definately about MI that she was universal
    [6:28:57 PM] Emeth: Yes very
    [6:29:09 PM] Emeth: Every dragon is hisher own world or uni-verse
    [6:29:27 PM] Emeth: This must be templated first however and this ends July 5th
    [6:29:46 PM] Emeth: I seem to simply know this now
    [6:30:10 PM] Emeth: So this 'personal' as blueprint will end
    [6:30:11 PM] Sirius 17: but it makes sense, just as MI came to me and i felt her, so too did Debbie in my vision of her as the dark woman
    [6:30:37 PM] Emeth: She is very dark sexwise Raven and a complete turnabout
    [6:30:55 PM] Emeth: This darkness is the white linen of the saints
    [6:31:07 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know hon
    [6:31:14 PM] Emeth: You know how often I said I cant feel her?
    [6:31:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes and how much you wished to
    [6:31:35 PM] Emeth: All this changed around March 25th
    [6:32:00 PM] Emeth: Yes, now she is omnipresent and still with Lassie as a youthful innocence
    [6:32:38 PM] Sirius 17: so you really feel she has embodied someone?
    [6:33:02 PM] Emeth: Can you see my Samsonvale pics now in context?
    [6:33:15 PM] Emeth: This is what I mean here, think.
    [6:33:39 PM] Emeth: MI was buried March 29th (2013 Good Friday) in 1995
    [6:34:01 PM] Emeth: So the body is gone but exists as bones say as the carcase of the Eagles
    [6:34:10 PM] Emeth: Debbie was cremated and so no bones
    [6:34:38 PM] Emeth: These are the Bones of Ezekiel, who 'miraculously' grow sinews and flesh in the 'Valley of the Bones'
    [6:34:51 PM] Sirius 17: ok yeah i see that
    [6:35:15 PM] Emeth: So MI absorbed Debbie's ashes and the this then entered the Body (Not the mind) of Lassie as she was
    [6:36:33 PM] Emeth: So Lassie IS Debbie on a soul level and this does not mean DD's mind which is the abomination But the bodyform still is now BOTH MI and Debbie. But MI is literally as one with my old body but debbie ihas a new body in Lassie and DD at least until July 5th
    [6:36:56 PM] Emeth: After this I dont know, But somehow this must be freed as association
    [6:37:17 PM] Emeth: Because the period from June 17th to July 5th is the 'Little Sesaon' in the 'shorteing'
    [6:37:43 PM] Emeth: The New Jerusalem will exist from July 5th
    [6:37:46 PM] Sirius 17: well then the bodymind is born and we still wait for the mindbody to 'resurrect' somehow
    [6:38:03 PM] Emeth: I simply dont know what will happen to DD as a template
    [6:38:15 PM] Emeth: Her body IS the template still
    [6:38:20 PM] Sirius 17: how the hell else is this supposed to work without her?
    [6:38:26 PM] Sirius 17: in toto i mean
    [6:38:40 PM] Emeth: But after this something changes, because the Lake of Fire and Brimstone MUST exist from July 5th as the JCCJ
    [6:38:43 PM] Sirius 17: if it isn't her then who the fuck else could it be?
    [6:39:35 PM] Emeth: I am 'in love' with Lassie not 44. This just does not go away. It relates to Irish history and my pop Lovejoy and who knows what
    [6:40:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know what your in love with
    [6:40:19 PM] Emeth: BUT it might just free me from the images after July 5th
    [6:40:45 PM] Emeth: I FEEL Lassie AS Debbie's new bodyform, no longer 'my daughter'
    [6:40:49 PM] Sirius 17: i am just trying to work out how the bride manifests physically as the One first then into the many....remember my 3 Marys dream?
    [6:41:32 PM] Emeth: The 3 Marys are MI-Debbie-Lassie in the JCCJ then mirroring in the Dead Alive Ones and hence ETs
    [6:42:05 PM] Emeth: This then is the decoding of Mary Mother, Mary Magdalene and Mary Cleophas at the cross
    [6:42:14 PM] Sirius 17: i saw this light go from Mary's heart into everyone through their hearts, but it started with the divine mother first.
    [6:42:28 PM] Emeth: So It will be Rose and 2 cosmic ET sisters imo for your core
    [6:43:01 PM] Emeth: Rose then assumes 3 functions of the Mother, the Lover and the Daughter in Law
    [6:43:16 PM] Emeth: Yes
    [6:43:43 PM] Sirius 17: i still feel that dream was a premonition, it was so powerful
    [6:43:44 PM] Emeth: The 'bride' preparations were those NDE stories of 'Debbie's work' etc
    [6:43:49 PM] Emeth: This has clarified now
    [6:44:27 PM] Emeth: Look at the Deborah chart this is Deborah the universal 'Daughter of Women' and so all dead Eves
    [6:45:13 PM] Emeth: From March 25th this has activated and from July 5th it will be cosmic law and available in some form to all who can resonate
    [6:45:46 PM] Sirius 17: which one was the Deborah chart?
    [6:47:26 PM] Sirius 17: you mean the Alchemy chart?
    [6:48:57 PM] Emeth: Yes
    [6:49:20 PM] Emeth: People dont see this the correct way and think it is personal
    [6:49:35 PM] Sirius 17: no i know it is a template
    [6:49:36 PM] Emeth: There is a Universal Abba and Baab and a personalised image for it
    [6:50:01 PM] Emeth: So just as Jesus is the Universal Son so Deborah is the Universal Daughter
    [6:50:11 PM] Emeth: Deborah in a way is MM
    [6:50:55 PM] Emeth: This is even in Genesis, where Deborah becomes Rebekah's handmaid and dies
    [6:51:19 PM] Emeth: I said this but like you know there are mostly deaf ears exclusively
    [6:51:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes i always felt that along with MI, its weird but for a while now I have felt they were together...entwined
    [6:51:39 PM] Emeth: Who?
    [6:51:44 PM] Emeth: MI and Debbie?
    [6:51:46 PM] Sirius 17: MI and Debbie
    [6:52:24 PM] Emeth: Yes one of her last entries in her diary of Debbie were the words beneath a pic of MI with her Bob: "To be where they are!"
    [6:52:33 PM] Sirius 17: ever since I read your autobiography and the stool 408, i knew they were in some kind of cosmic big resonance
    [6:52:56 PM] Emeth: Yes this entry I still got
    [6:53:16 PM] Emeth: 408 triggered the remembrance as Adam's bd
    [6:53:31 PM] Sirius 17: and i always felt that MI was looking out for Debbie, but now it seems as if they were One all along and MI of course knew this but Debbie had to process in the land of the dead first
    [6:54:04 PM] Sirius 17: her work there was to come into remembrance
    [6:54:32 PM] Sirius 17: the suicide you know, kind of like the movie "what dreams may come"
    [6:54:38 PM] Sirius 17: MI got her out of there
    [6:55:18 PM] Emeth: This is actually exactly what I feel.
    [6:55:44 PM] Emeth: Namely that MI is looking after Debbie and helped release her from a very dark place because of suicide
    [6:55:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [6:56:01 PM] Emeth: This was a prior 'agreement' to incarnation
    [6:56:12 PM] Emeth: Otherwise Debbie could not manifest
    [6:56:45 PM] Emeth: Her being 'my daughter' was solely for lineage-bloodline purposes
    [6:57:24 PM] Emeth: Debbie is no daughter now of mine
    [6:57:44 PM] Emeth: Because of 44 her 'new parents' are 44's IN BODYform
    [6:57:57 PM] Emeth: This I tried to show in alchemy chart
    [6:58:09 PM] Emeth: It is chromosomal
    [6:58:50 PM] Emeth: Debbie's Irishness and so linked to the 'Serpent Path' is Lovejoy as my female X
    [6:58:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this is a deep understanding that only you could fathom
    [6:59:11 PM] Emeth: But her Scottish one is via her mother Sharon and so Cassidy and MI
    [6:59:41 PM] Emeth: This latter is a disguised Y and so 'heals' the Adam-Eve dilemma in Genesis
    [6:59:46 PM] Sirius 17: how many people would be able to see all this in a child lost to them? you had to overcome your own grief in so many ways to see this.
    [6:59:56 PM] Emeth: Yes true
    [7:00:11 PM] Emeth: It was a quest to not only get MI back but Debbie too
    [7:00:33 PM] Emeth: And then Abba chose 44's madness as a body template
    [7:00:46 PM] Emeth: How will it end?
    [7:00:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes he would lol , cosmic joker he is
    [7:01:14 PM] Emeth: I know it will reconfigure the 'Old God' as a 'New God', Jesus' Abba but personally I dont know what will come of it
    [7:02:07 PM] Sirius 17: well i am not sure we are meant to know Tony
    [7:02:36 PM] Sirius 17: at some point we will, but it will be when death is finally overcome i feel
    [7:03:14 PM] Sirius 17: there is a deep mystery that we are not meant to be privy to is what i mean
    [7:03:31 PM] Sirius 17: not yet anyhow
    [7:03:35 PM] Sirius 17: it is revealing itself
    [7:03:43 PM] Sirius 17: as it always has, one day at a time
    [7:04:09 PM] Emeth: Yes and I would advise you to read Rev.19-20 when you have time
    [7:04:20 PM] Emeth: This 'death is overcome' is addressed there
    [7:04:48 PM] Emeth: Rev19 is until June 17th and Rev20 is to July 5th
    [7:05:01 PM] Emeth: I am clear on this now
    [7:05:17 PM] Emeth: The 'revealing' is day by day, yes
    [7:05:19 PM] Sirius 17: Allisam told me this, that I am already SEEN as ascended and when I come into full realization of who I am then will my body stays in check right now as an anchor.
    [7:05:35 PM] Emeth: Yes I fully agree with that
    [7:05:42 PM] Sirius 17: it is an agreement that I made
    [7:05:47 PM] Emeth: I feel like an anchor too and not much more
    [7:05:55 PM] Sirius 17: and there is a timing to this that even i dont fully know
    [7:07:38 PM] Sirius 17: she did tell me all this long ago and showed me things, like my memories....future ones but they are blending with the past
    [7:07:54 PM] Sirius 17: and at some point it would all merge
    [7:09:13 PM] Sirius 17: i just know it has to be in my lifetime, this one
    [7:09:50 PM] Sirius 17: i am like you in that i carry a tarry key too, my contact with her and those memories
    [7:10:13 PM] Sirius 17: i can't seem to think that it is all a delusion
    [7:10:28 PM] Sirius 17: if so then i have been deluded since i was a child
    [7:10:36 PM] Sirius 17: what are these memories ?
    [7:11:12 PM] Sirius 17: they are mine but in a higher d sense, you know what i am saying?
    [7:11:29 PM] Sirius 17: all my life i felt it was something outside of me, greater then me
    [7:11:37 PM] Emeth: Yes, same here
    [7:11:38 PM] Sirius 17: separate somehow
    [7:11:52 PM] Emeth: I simply KNOW what 'God' must b e to be real
    [7:12:06 PM] Emeth: This 'bigger than myself' or what can be seen as the all
    [7:12:26 PM] Emeth: So for 50 years i tried to put this into words
    [7:12:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes and encompassment is a good word hehe
    [7:13:01 PM] Sirius 17: i feel encompassed by this presence my whole life
    [7:13:24 PM] Sirius 17: sheltered, protected, guided
    [7:13:43 PM] Sirius 17: and loved beyond any human terms
    [7:14:02 PM] Sirius 17: it has been my only solace in this life to know this love
    [7:14:17 PM] Sirius 17: it has kept me alive
    [7:14:30 PM] Sirius 17: even when i tried to distroy myself
    [7:14:43 PM] Sirius 17: in stupidity
    [7:15:20 PM] Sirius 17: its always there, but i have to invite it to 'speak' to me and listen
    [7:15:58 PM] Emeth: Yes I feel sort of devoted to this 'idea of ABBA'
    [7:16:09 PM] Emeth: It is my solace too in all those difficulties. A sense of there must be a meaning and purpose
    [7:16:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes ABBA is a nice name, i like it too
    [7:17:08 PM] Emeth: Well Jesus' choice not mine
    [7:17:18 PM] Sirius 17: but truly it is all names
    [7:17:49 PM] Emeth: Yes but thinking about 'him' makes me emotional and this to me means something deep on the soul level
    [7:17:56 PM] Emeth: This is like your Allisiam
    [7:18:21 PM] Sirius 17: well i feel Allisiam is ABBABAAB
    [7:18:49 PM] Sirius 17: my best friend
    [7:18:50 PM] Emeth: Of course in personal manifesto
    [7:19:06 PM] Sirius 17: and my oversoul
    [7:19:12 PM] Emeth: This is the uniqueness and the snowflake
    [7:19:26 PM] Emeth: And we tried to share this, yes?
    [7:19:35 PM] Emeth: And everyone knows better?
    [7:19:40 PM] Sirius 17: ABBA knows we have
    [7:19:47 PM] Emeth: So let them know better!
    [7:20:02 PM] Emeth: And deny their own cosmic beingness
    [7:20:40 PM] Sirius 17: its sad all this deafness
    [7:21:45 PM] Sirius 17: i do know that the time will come though when all will not be able to deny it, they may not accept it, but it will be undeniable
    [7:22:52 PM] Sirius 17: and in my mind this will be visible contact of some kind
    [7:23:05 PM] Sirius 17: for all the doubters
    [7:23:39 PM] Emeth: Yes, I cant see any other way for global change of the human mindedness either
    [7:24:23 PM] Sirius 17: unless our evolution is meant to be more archaic and slow, which makes no sense because this planet will die otherwise
    [7:24:40 PM] Sirius 17: or humanity will
    [7:24:58 PM] Sirius 17: Gaia can heal without humans easy
    [7:25:32 PM] Sirius 17: but then what body is meant for ABBA?
    [7:26:18 PM] Sirius 17: i was reading in the news that the pole ice is receeding ever faster this year
    [7:26:55 PM] Sirius 17: how much more evidence do these stupid humans need to know that shit is really wrong
    [7:27:00 PM] Emeth: Gaia is very sick in terms of lifeform variety aka ETs
    [7:27:14 PM] Emeth: There is no time left really
    [7:27:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes mass extinction is happening now
    [7:27:41 PM] Emeth: Exactly and the oceans are very badly affected now
    [7:27:44 PM] Sirius 17: as we live and breath and watch tv
    [7:27:55 PM] Emeth: Acidity in the warming of the oceans resulting in a lack of aquaform oxygen and an inability for 'skeletal shellular lifeforms' to draw the calcium etc from thier environments etc. This will increase fishstock depletion and deprive seafaring cultures and human ocean dependent farmers to 'make a living'
    [7:28:13 PM] Emeth: But it is all about money markets
    [7:29:46 PM] Sirius 17: its all about human ignorance, its unbearable
    [7:30:07 PM] Sirius 17: i hope Independence day is it
    [7:30:21 PM] Sirius 17: i will laugh
    [7:31:07 PM] Sirius 17: but you said not until after July 5th right?
    [7:32:33 PM] Emeth: I simply feel, that the 'Gates will open' FROM that day as this is Rev.21

    [7:33:21 PM] Emeth:

    Revelation 21 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

    2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

    3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

    6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

    8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.

    10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

    11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

    12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

    [7:33:37 PM] Emeth: 'There was NO MORE SEA'!
    [7:33:55 PM] Emeth: Is decisive as this means the 'mirror of self delusions' are gone
    [7:34:07 PM] Emeth: So this means also that ETs can appear
    [7:38:04 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i hope your right hon
    [7:38:41 PM] Sirius 17: it is time the veil is rent completely, yes
    [7:39:23 PM] Sirius 17: i need to get to bed sweety
    [7:39:56 PM] Sirius 17: James is falling asleep and so am i lol, nodding off
    [7:40:42 PM] Sirius 17: have a good evening and i will talk with you more tomorrow
    [7:40:54 PM] Sirius 17: sweet dreams
    [7:41:03 PM] Sirius 17: (F)(heart)(F)
    [7:55:32 PM] Emeth: Buenas Raven Griffin

    griffin. griffo. baby_griffon.

    Post last edited May 13th 2013
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 16th 2013

    Independence Day 2013 and the Sea of Tiberias

    [3:01:17 AM- Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 -+10UCT]
    Kali 666: but wyzard is offline?

    [3:01:19 AM] Emeth: [2:54 AM] Emeth:
    <<< [2:12:19 AM] Kali 666: Tony you there?

    [2:12:35 AM] Kali 666: Rok was wondering about your post on facebook?
    [2:12:42 AM] Kali 666: about Nibiru or Planet X?
    [2:15:47 AM] Kali 666: [4/15/2013 10:47:57 AM] Rok: eating the pussy?
    [4/15/2013 10:49:39 AM] Rok: why did tony post a planet x thing on fb, did he not say it is bs
    [4/15/2013 10:51:48 AM] Xeia: i don't know if you meant eating pussy or what
    [4/15/2013 10:51:51 AM] Xeia: amm Tony?
    [4/15/2013 10:51:58 AM] Xeia: i didn't notice
    [4/15/2013 10:52:02 AM] Xeia: dunno...
    [2:16:21 AM] Kali 666: is it important?
    [2:53:25 AM] Emeth: The link I gave there was from some nabser. If you follow the link to thuban, you will see the entire thing debunked. It was meant to be a 'clarification' message.
    [2:54:27 AM] Emeth: facebook shares work in linking the original post, one replies to
    [2:56:27 AM] Kali 666: oh yes
    [2:56:36 AM] Kali 666: that's what i thought happend
    [2:56:38 AM] Kali 666: lol
    [2:56:45 AM] Kali 666: i'll tell him
    [2:56:59 AM] Emeth: Gracias
    [2:57:21 AM] Kali 666: i was wondering too! but sure ;)
    [2:58:29 AM] Emeth: I might be many things; but I am not inconsistent with what I 'stand for'.
    [2:59:03 AM] Kali 666: lol
    [2:59:08 AM] Kali 666: oh that i know

    [3:01:25 AM] Sirius 17: no there he is
    [3:01:27 AM] Kali 666: oh no
    [3:01:38 AM] Kali 666: why the name change to Emeth?
    [3:01:52 AM] Kali 666: i had seen it 3 days ago on a Spanish link
    [3:01:58 AM] Sirius 17: goodmorning Tony
    [3:02:03 AM] Kali 666: what does it mean?
    [3:02:17 AM] Emeth: Buenas, yes I woke up early here. It is 3 am
    [3:02:37 AM] Emeth: But I wanted to share something with you about the charts
    [3:02:52 AM] Sirius 17: Xeia wants to know what Emeth means
    [3:03:18 AM] Emeth: Can you remember the talk about the actual 'Death or antibirth' of the antiLogos on the new world chart defining December 21st, 2012?
    [3:03:30 AM] Emeth: Emeth means truth in Hebrew
    [3:03:45 AM] Kali 666: oh
    [3:03:51 AM] Sirius 17: um sort of, care to clarify?
    [3:03:53 AM] Emeth: This also links to Xeia's birthday 2012 by the way
    [3:04:03 AM] Kali 666: and the feather?
    [3:04:17 AM] Sirius 17: feather of Maat, of truth
    [3:04:22 AM] Emeth: Maat and the JT justice of the Underworld
    [3:04:27 AM] Emeth: Yes
    [3:04:30 AM] Kali 666: the one to put on the balance
    [3:04:42 AM] Emeth: Yes, weighed against the heart in the scales of Toth and in the Hall of Judgement with Anubis as guide of the dead and Osiris
    [3:04:50 AM] Sirius 17: Maat weighs all the hearts against the feather of truth in the land of the dead
    [3:04:57 AM] Kali 666: how does it link to July 2012?
    [3:05:16 AM] Emeth: You know and I said many times, but people simply dont notice
    [3:05:37 AM] Emeth: Count the days from July 2nd, 2012 to the MI anniversary March 24th, 2013
    [3:06:28 AM] Emeth: [Sunday, 24 March 2013 5:24 PM] Kali 666:
    <<< Kali 666 has changed the conversation picture.

    [3:06:47 AM] Emeth: This is the Day
    [3:07:05 AM] Emeth: before you decided to leave this chat two days later
    [3:07:13 AM] Sirius 17: 261 days?
    [3:07:19 AM] Emeth: 265
    [3:07:35 AM] Emeth: The GESTATION from April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012
    [3:07:47 AM] Sirius 17: yes the gestation
    [3:08:02 AM] Emeth: So Xeia is in Gestation from July 2nd, 2012 to March 24th, 2013
    [3:08:19 AM] Emeth: This is WHY certain emotions became 'processed'
    [3:08:44 AM] Emeth: On March 24th, Xeia was reborn as herself in higherD
    [3:08:56 AM] Emeth: As DQB image of MI
    [3:09:03 AM] Kali 666: oh wow
    [3:09:08 AM] Kali 666: hmm
    [3:09:32 AM] Kali 666: no wonder..
    [3:09:39 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:09:42 AM] Kali 666: hahaha
    [3:09:50 AM] Kali 666: all those emotions and all that
    [3:10:33 AM] Sirius 17: i like this picture btw of the group avatar
    [3:10:40 AM] Sirius 17: fitting
    [3:12:02 AM] Kali 666: oh the egg?

    [3:12:30 AM] *** Emeth sent addgp.jpg addgp.jpg addgp.jpg ***

    [3:12:49 AM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [3:13:18 AM] Kali 666: oh me too
    [3:13:31 AM] Kali 666: birthing together
    [3:13:51 AM] Emeth: So you see Next is Rok's bd as exactly 265 days of pregnancy from Mary Magdalene's day July 22-23rd, 2012
    [3:14:10 AM] Emeth: Now April 14th-15th is superpotent
    [3:14:47 AM] Emeth: Why those Titanic sinking, Lincoln assassination are mirrored in this Boston bombing. Susan gave some data on this
    [3:15:01 AM] Kali 666: are you there Rok?
    [3:15:25 AM] Sirius 17: oh really, i didnt know that

    [3:15:36 AM] Kali 666: [12:48:56 PM] Rok: i ddi yes
    [12:55:58 PM] Rok:
    [12:57:42 PM] Xeia: sea of galilee?
    [12:58:01 PM] Xeia: i am talking about whatever and you come up with the Sea of Galilee?

    [12:58:28 PM] Rok: The Sea of Galilee, also Kinneret, Lake of Gennesaret, or Lake Tiberias (Hebrew: יָם כִּנֶּרֶת, Judeo-Aramaic: יַמּא דטבריא, Arabic: بحيرة طبرية‎), is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, and it is approximately 53 km (33 mi) in circumference, about 21 km (13 mi) long, and 13 km (8.1 mi) wide.

    [3:15:52 AM] Kali 666: he's interested in teh Sea of Galilee
    [3:15:52 AM] Emeth: Because the 21 days following the end of armageddon template of March 25th is April 15th
    [3:16:21 AM] Emeth: There is a ptb agenda of the Logos behind the ptb of say the terror attacks and symbolisms they use
    [3:16:24 AM] Sirius 17: hmm i wondered, i thought it was significant
    [3:16:30 AM] Emeth: There is more
    [3:16:35 AM] Kali 666: well Rok is now oficially 30!! emoticon-00166-cake. emoticon-00123-party.
    [3:16:43 AM] Emeth: Because remember the 'unbuilding of the ark'?
    [3:16:45 AM] Sirius 17: lol old man
    [3:16:48 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [3:16:54 AM] Sirius 17: Happy
    [3:16:59 AM] Sirius 17: Birthday Rok
    [3:17:04 AM] Emeth: Those 7 days are April 7-8 to April 14-15
    [3:17:24 AM] Sirius 17: god no wonder we have been feeling like crap
    [3:17:40 AM] Emeth: So this is very significant in the archetypes, because this means the entire flood and antiflood is completed - on April 15th, 2013
    [3:18:09 AM] Kali 666: mmhmm
    [3:18:22 AM] Emeth: Now back to my question, remember the 'actual Logos defined' antibirth of the antichrist?
    [3:18:35 AM] Sirius 17: i can't remember the exact date
    [3:18:54 AM] Emeth: Look at this pic again I just sent
    [3:19:15 AM] Emeth: Lol look at the 265 days BENEATH July 4-5
    [3:19:40 AM] Emeth: There are exactly 265 days AGAIN from this date to the real cosmic independence 2013
    [3:20:06 AM] Sirius 17: on this little blown up piece?

    [3:20:09 AM] *** Emeth sent NewEarth1.jpg NewEarth1.jpg NewEarth1.jpg ***

    [3:20:31 AM] Emeth: Yes and I did this in total ignorance about the date on this chart
    [3:21:09 AM] Kali 666: Rok seems to be in trance
    [3:21:19 AM] Kali 666: maybe he has drowned in the Sea of Galilee
    [3:21:23 AM] Kali 666: or
    [3:21:24 AM] Kali 666: something
    [3:22:05 AM] Emeth: Both of you have an aligned 9-cycle timeline and from your birthdays you are in a cosmic creativity master number 33 mode
    [3:22:18 AM] Sirius 17: its the image of Zion right
    [3:22:25 AM] Emeth: Yes
    [3:22:39 AM] Sirius 17: wow you just figured this out?
    [3:22:46 AM] Emeth: Look at the yellow or orange line saying something about antibirth
    [3:23:02 AM] Emeth: I knew it in the back of my head
    [3:23:17 AM] Emeth: But I decided to watch Independence Day, the nabs movie
    [3:23:20 AM] Sirius 17: yes oct 11 is the date for the antibirth
    [3:23:26 AM] Emeth: October 12th
    [3:23:37 AM] Sirius 17: ok yes
    [3:23:55 AM] Emeth: Begins the New World without the antichrist energy cosmically empowered
    [3:24:34 AM] Kali 666: eaten up
    [3:24:42 AM] Sirius 17: yes then after that is the Dec 21 date and the birth of the Cosmic Christ in twinship
    [3:24:44 AM] Emeth: So see how this is perfect to say that the death of this antichrist from October 12th, 2012 will then go into 'gestation' and MANIFEST in lower D July 4th, 2013?
    [3:25:07 AM] Emeth: It is all about cosmic pregnancy mirrored or imaged in Gaia
    [3:26:01 AM] Emeth: So I really cant say much anymore about timelines following July 5th. It is simply all completed except Revelation 21-22
    [3:26:08 AM] Sirius 17: 270 days between Oct 12th and July 4th
    [3:26:31 AM] Sirius 17: so yeah real pregnancy
    [3:26:39 AM] Emeth: So tghis then is the rundown of the New Jerusalem existing lower D and this then goes to January 2014 and so on as the end of the scriptures
    [3:27:00 AM] Emeth: No count again
    [3:27:19 AM] Sirius 17: i am using some calander thing on google
    [3:27:26 AM] Sirius 17: it says 270 days
    [3:27:32 AM] Sirius 17: so i dont know
    [3:28:18 AM] Sirius 17: is it 265?
    [3:28:28 AM] Emeth: Julian day 56212 to 56477 is exact
    [3:29:47 AM] Emeth:
    [3:30:01 AM] Emeth: 265
    [3:30:19 AM] Emeth: The dates are October 12th, 2012 and July 4th, 2013
    [3:30:49 AM] Sirius 17: ok well yeah the site i was using doesnt convert like this
    [3:31:00 AM] Emeth: So it is 266 counting BOTH July 5th or October 11th
    [3:31:21 AM] Emeth: This is scientific, the one I use
    [3:31:40 AM] Sirius 17: but you have said before July 4th would be the birthdate right?
    [3:31:47 AM] Sirius 17: of the manifestation
    [3:32:05 AM] Emeth: Yes, but the synchro seems to be the 265 days
    [3:32:09 AM] Sirius 17: that this date could be contact
    [3:32:20 AM] Sirius 17: yes i see the gestation again
    [3:32:34 AM] Emeth: This might be a circular argument of how the timeline mirrors are set up; but I cant see it as for now
    [3:32:54 AM] Sirius 17: its pretty amazing
    [3:33:15 AM] Emeth: And even if it is circular and sort of mathematical necessity, then still it is a potent validation of those birth boxes on the New Earth chart
    [3:33:43 AM] Emeth: IT IS contact date Raven
    [3:33:57 AM] Sirius 17: yes i figured
    [3:34:08 AM] Emeth: If there are things coming from the clouds is of course not implied by this
    [3:34:11 AM] Sirius 17: 2 days after Xeias birthday lol
    [3:34:34 AM] Emeth: Yes and 'Independence Day', the fearmonger movie STARTS on July 2nd
    [3:34:49 AM] Kali 666: it does?
    [3:34:53 AM] Emeth: I would advise you to watch it before July
    [3:34:54 AM] Sirius 17: oh it does?
    [3:34:58 AM] Emeth: Yes
    [3:35:01 AM] Kali 666: i have to see the trailer
    [3:35:25 AM] Sirius 17: oh yeah thats right because it takes them a few days to figure out how to defeat them and they do on independence day
    [3:35:25 AM] Emeth: July 2nd is when the thing appears on the radar screens close to the moon
    [3:35:37 AM] Emeth: Cancer=Mother=Full Moon remember
    [3:35:40 AM] Sirius 17: right
    [3:36:01 AM] Sirius 17: you have not seen the movie Xeia?
    [3:36:04 AM] Emeth: Yes July 3rd, the evil ETs lign up to destroy the cities
    [3:36:06 AM] Kali 666: just the first one
    [3:36:24 AM] Sirius 17: i didnt know there was a second movie?
    [3:36:25 AM] Emeth: July 4th, the American hero flys into the mothership
    [3:36:44 AM] Emeth: I think Xeia means the 'Day after...'
    [3:36:44 AM] Sirius 17: lol yes
    [3:37:00 AM] Kali 666: oh no, i thought you were talking about a sequel
    [3:37:07 AM] Emeth: No sequel
    [3:37:13 AM] Kali 666: you meant the dates in the filmm itself
    [3:37:14 AM] Sirius 17: no he is talking about the timing of events in the first movie
    [3:37:15 AM] Emeth: The sequel might be the real ETs
    [3:37:27 AM] Kali 666: yes ok
    [3:37:28 AM] Sirius 17: lol indeed, we hope
    [3:37:38 AM] Emeth: The movie runs July 2nd to July 4th and 5th
    [3:38:04 AM] Emeth: There were 3 such 'apocalyptic' movies made
    [3:38:14 AM] Emeth: Independence Day and 'Day after...' and 2012
    [3:38:33 AM] Sirius 17: why i said the other day....wouldnt it be ironic if the ships really did show up on July 4th
    [3:38:54 AM] Emeth: Yes and the October 12th-13th date nicely dovetails all this
    [3:39:26 AM] Sirius 17: yes the gestation period 265 days
    [3:39:47 AM] Sirius 17: seems to echo all through these charts like a homing beam
    [3:40:02 AM] Emeth: Because this says the New World itself became PREGNANT on October 12th as a SEQUEL to the Easter impregnation 2012, we talked about
    [3:40:09 AM] Emeth: YES
    [3:40:35 AM] Emeth: This is why for the many 2012 was such a disappointment. It is a 3D-4D timeshift
    [3:40:56 AM] Sirius 17: yes we did go 4D but no one noticed
    [3:41:02 AM] Sirius 17: i felt the new space
    [3:41:04 AM] Emeth: As Thuban has shared for a few years now
    [3:41:42 AM] Sirius 17: this is like the pre-expansion of the metaphysical bubble before the big bang right?
    [3:41:50 AM] Sirius 17: So July 4th will bang it?
    [3:41:54 AM] Sirius 17: fill the space
    [3:42:11 AM] Emeth: October 12th - December 21st are 71 days and so the 'Gaia Birth was like a foetus of just 10 weeks old' and so unable to survive
    [3:42:53 AM] Emeth: Yes as per the timeline, July 4th-5th is really the end of the prophecies to Revelation.21
    [3:43:04 AM] Emeth: The destruction of the Mirror of the delusions
    [3:43:32 AM] Emeth: See, I was not able before to say things like this. I simply did not know
    [3:43:52 AM] Emeth: 'There was no more Sea' in Rev.21 means just that
    [3:44:13 AM] Sirius 17:

    Revelation 21 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
    2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
    3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
    4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
    5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
    6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
    7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
    8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
    9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
    10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
    11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
    12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
    13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.
    14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
    15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
    16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
    17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
    18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.
    19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;
    20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.
    21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.
    22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
    23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
    24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
    25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.
    26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.
    27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

    [3:44:30 AM] Emeth: Gracias, I was going to share this too
    [3:44:51 AM] Emeth: You can be Logos sure now, that this will be fact
    [3:45:19 AM] Emeth: I have no doubts about this chart, as you know. It is simply magic
    [3:45:37 AM] Sirius 17: i see it too, its unreal
    [3:45:57 AM] Sirius 17: where did Xeia go
    [3:45:58 AM] Emeth: It is, so the global developments to July could be decisive too
    [3:46:19 AM] Emeth: I am NOT saying there will be spaceships in the sky ok?
    [3:46:39 AM] Emeth: I am saying, that the Logos Words and codes are indeed FULFILLED
    [3:46:40 AM] Sirius 17: no i know your not
    [3:46:53 AM] Sirius 17: but things will change
    [3:46:58 AM] Sirius 17: in a big way
    [3:47:14 AM] Emeth: It is Logos onmly who can manifest the spaceships
    [3:47:35 AM] Emeth: But the Lake of Fire and Brimstone WILL EXIST FROM July 5th, 2013
    [3:47:52 AM] Emeth: Just as you can read in rev.21
    [3:48:33 AM] Emeth: This 'JCCJ Lake of the Dragons comes to be in chapter 20 and so in the period from June 17th, 2013 to July 5th, 2013
    [3:48:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes and this should calm things down at any rate
    [3:48:47 AM] Emeth: Well one has to wait and see
    [3:49:19 AM] Sirius 17: lol we seem to be doing that a lot
    [3:49:21 AM] Emeth: Preparation for the unexpected is the 'task' of the 'Servants and testifiers' to the Logos.
    [3:49:30 AM] Emeth: Just as it says in the bible and the GOT
    [3:50:10 AM] Sirius 17: something drastic needs to happen though Tony
    [3:50:16 AM] Sirius 17: look at the state of the world
    [3:50:27 AM] Sirius 17: humanity is on a path of suicide
    [3:50:46 AM] Emeth: [3:15 AM] Kali 666:
    <<< [12:48:56 PM] Rok: i did yes

    [12:55:58 PM
    [12:57:42 PM] Xeia: sea of galilee?
    [12:58:01 PM] Xeia: i am talking about whatever and you come up with the Sea of Galilee?

    [12:58:28 PM] Rok: The Sea of Galilee, also Kinneret, Lake of Gennesaret, or Lake Tiberias (Hebrew: יָם כִּנֶּרֶת, Judeo-Aramaic: יַמּא דטבריא, Arabic: بحيرة طبرية‎), is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, and it is approximately 53 km (33 mi) in circumference, about 21 km (13 mi) long, and 13 km (8.1 mi) wide.

    he's interested in the Sea of Galilee
    This relates to the 153 days of the Vesica Pisces Xeia
    [3:50:53 AM] Sirius 17: i dont think we have much more time
    [3:51:25 AM] Emeth: And guess what the days are for those 153 days?
    [3:52:08 AM] Emeth: February 1st, 2013 to July 5th, 2013
    [3:52:19 AM] Emeth: Just as mirrored in the chart


    [3:52:34 AM] *** Emeth sent add.jpg add.jpg add.jpg ***

    [3:53:30 AM] Sirius 17: oh wow
    [3:53:55 AM] Emeth:

    John 21 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself.

    2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.

    3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.

    4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.

    5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.

    6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

    7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.

    8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.

    9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.

    10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.

    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

    12 Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.

    13 Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.

    14 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.

    [3:54:09 AM] Emeth: See TIBERIAS?
    [3:54:24 AM] Emeth: Rok has tuned into this 'creativity mode'
    [3:54:44 AM] Emeth: I will share this on conversations, so watch your words
    [3:55:21 AM] Emeth: This also 'proves' that Jesus was no ghost or apparition, he ate fish in the lightdark body
    [3:55:42 AM] Sirius 17: yes true
    [3:56:15 AM] Emeth: Amazing, that Rok digs up some mainstream news about the Sea of Galilee

    [3:56:40 AM] Sirius 17: yes it looks to be a burial cairn down there from an ancient city
    [4:03:42 AM] Sirius 17:
    [4:03:52 AM] Sirius 17: their was a big quake in Iran today too
    [4:04:49 AM] Sirius 17: The epicenter of the quake, which struck about 3:15 p.m. local time, was about 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of the city of Saravan, according to the Iranian Seismological Center. A state of emergency has been declared in the Saravan area, and rescue workers have been deployed from other provinces, Iran's state-run IRNA news agency reported.
    [4:14:51 AM] Kali 666: oh ok thanks i'll catch up
    [4:15:35 AM] Kali 666: wait edited what messages?
    [4:15:52 AM] Sirius 17: this one because he is likely posting it on the forums
    [4:16:07 AM] Sirius 17: so editing out all the personals
    [4:16:30 AM ] Emeth: Yes and you can reread this there with the pictures added
    [4:16:40 AM] Emeth:
    [4:16:54 AM] Sirius 17: so this EQ was on the border of Pakistan and Iran
    [4:16:56 AM] Kali 666: ahh i see

    Post last edited May 7th 2013
  6. admin

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  7. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 21st 2013

    Floridis Solis

    It is early here
    The lid of dawn is cold and moist
    Her grey skin
    Folding over the charcoal eye of
    Moss covered gargoyles
    Weary of the night’s turmoil.

    Dew drops slither themselves
    To the edge of blossoms
    Forming blushing teardrops
    That tongue the air
    Their still radiance
    Glowing like pink fireflies
    Fluttering through the
    Snow of dogwood, plum and cherry
    Silent in the dawning hour
    Not even the Crow stirs.

    ©Julienne Alvarez

    [2:37:57 PM-Sunday, April 21st, 2013 - +10UCT] Sirius 17:
    we got into a long discussion once and I quoted the one in many and many in one, he wanted me to explain it in a poem.
    [2:38:46 PM] Sirius 17: so a poem he will get lol
    [2:39:25 PM] Sirius 17: i dont know if he will fully understand it, but i made him a promise and i hate to break promises
    [2:39:49 PM] Sirius 17: and I was inspired to write it today
    [2:40:09 PM] Sirius 17: i wrote another poem too
    [2:40:49 PM] Sirius 17:

    Floridis Solis
    It is early here
    The lid of dawn is cold and moist
    Her grey skin
    Folding over the charcoal eye of
    Moss covered gargoyles
    Weary of the night’s turmoil.
    Dew drops slither themselves
    To the edge of blossoms
    Forming blushing teardrops
    That tongue the air
    Their still radiance
    Glowing like pink fireflies
    Fluttering through the
    Snow of dogwood, plum and cherry
    Silent in the dawning hour
    Not even the Crow stirs.
    ©Julienne Alvarez

    [2:41:06 PM] Emeth: No it is fitting, also because the 2-year anniversary is comning up
    [2:41:22 PM] Emeth: April 24th, 2011 was Resurrection Sunday
    [2:41:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes and today?
    [2:42:14 PM] Emeth: Passion Wednesday was April 20th
    [2:42:21 PM] Sirius 17: hmmm 21 days to May 10th
    [2:42:37 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [2:42:38 PM] Emeth: Yes so you have the 3½ days in the tomb from April 20th to April 24th
    [2:42:57 PM] Emeth: Yes May 9th is official Ascension Thursday 2013
    [2:43:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes read the poem above, i feel the silence in it, this morning
    [2:43:36 PM] Emeth: Yes and share it. It is no good just on skype 1-1
    [2:43:49 PM] Emeth: Put it on conversations
    [2:43:51 PM] Sirius 17: oh i did, i shared it on my poetry group

    Post last edited Apr 21st 2013
  8. admin

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    Jorgelito - Posted Apr 21st 2013

    • I like the slithering dew drops of Julienne Alavrez!
  9. admin

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    Allisiam - Posted Apr 21st 2013

    The One In Many and Many In One (A Gnostic Acrostic)

    [*]For D. Russel Micnhimer

    Judge nothing with your own eyes
    Ever longing vision of the world
    Seeing into the heart’s mind, beating
    Unanswered between breaths wailing
    Songs of long ago crafted prayers

    Seeding worlds within worlds spiraling toward
    Anchored shores of an ancient sea
    In between thou and thee
    This mirror of mirrors glimmers unbroken
    Hiding truth from the mind that sees

    Underneath the soiled brow
    Nocturnal stains, blinding darkness
    Trembles at the truth within and without
    Oblivious world to those things that veil

    Her thoughts beckon his eye
    Inward to fathom the depths of Sophia
    Mother earth spills forth the water of life

    Incandescent, it flows through his veins

    Another time and creature emerges
    Mind thrall and hellbent disobedient harlot

    Tombs becoming wombs birthing
    Him through the camel eye of
    Eternal springs to behold this New

    World glinting like a diamond butterfly
    Again he is caught, face pressed into the
    Yoni cupped hollow of her neck

    Threading its pulse between
    His lips, devouring the primal scent
    Enraptured between breaths and beats

    Truth like a sword piercing the soft folds
    Riding waves of this sea of thou and thee
    Undulating there within and without
    Tiamat stoking the embers
    He can feel the moist heat of her lotus

    Angels and Demons mixing their vapors
    Nile dark and sleek running between stars
    Declination falling equatorial and navel

    Through spiraling nebulas there
    Healing him within the Omphalos of
    Elven waters, cordials of red

    Love coagulating his split mind
    Into holographic oneness
    Flinted and steely his penetration
    Ends within as the without

    Narcissus has found himself as the
    One in Many and the

    Many in One
    Arachne has tricked him into her silks
    Nightingales warble inside his body

    Climax brings him to the other side
    Of Styx experiencing himself as her
    Mindbody becoming Bodymind
    Euphrates turning sidereal toward
    The source of Eden spilling forth
    Humid and moist from those parted lips

    Uriel moth winged and panting
    Night feathers encrusted in jewel
    They quiver there at the Mons
    Of deliverance, glowing blackwhite

    Theseus is reborn Theseusina
    Harlot of his own demise
    Enthralled with his newfound breast

    Feathered and flying
    Aphrodite impaled upon her phallus
    Tyre has never seen purple this deep
    Herodotus resurrected and rewriting
    Echoes of another history
    Renewed without from within

    Born fashioning an eye in place of an I
    Uttering the song of Moses as it suckles its own
    Teat, the Mother of Mothers

    Betrothed to the Father of Fathers
    Young son of man who has become

    MotherFather entwined cosmic twin
    Everlasting life… the dragon Hermaphroditus.

    The Raven of Noah=60=word=Raven=TTFN….ta ta for now

    Post last edited Apr 21st 2013

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    Jorgelito - Posted Apr 21st 2013

    RE Accostic

    Allisiam, i did not about acrostic. How interesting! It would be a great way to send secret messages and remember a poem. Can just tell me what the hidden message of the poem is so I don't have to figure it out?? :)

    Post last edited Apr 21st 2013

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    Posts: 91

    Allisiam - Posted Apr 22nd 2013

    Jorgelito, the acrostic is hidden within the first letter of each line, so read down wards. Because the poem is so long I suggest you write the words down on paper as you go. I do not want to tell you the message as the discovery of it yourself will have more meaning. Enjoy! Thank you for taking the time to read it though. :)

    My Posts
    Posts: 1120

    Jorgelito - Posted Apr 22nd 2013

    Allisiam, I had a hunch you'd say something like the discovery unaided is sweeter and more profound. So I thank you for a clue that'll shorten the ecstasy of discovery by several hours. Though I'm not yet committed to this task. There are so many other things i enjoy doing such as just enjoying another person (such as you).

    I spend a good portion of my time doing nothing (not always easy) -- because when I really want to do something it takes no time at all! I find that most of what I usually do is filler (for the appointed time to arrive), to travel down false leads (to become cognizant of the true task at hand) or to experience necessary related things which will become obvious later (when I know what I'm doing!).

    It is for this reason I take delight in washing clothes, reading chain mail email and getting coffee at the 7-Eleven and a host of seemingly meaningless tasks

    Am I the only one that does this?

    Post last edited Apr 23rd 2013

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    Posts: 1120

    Jorgelito - Posted Apr 24th 2013

    Good message but the poem needs work :)

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 26th 2013

    First Lunar Eclipse 2013 on Wesak/Buddha Full Moon on April 25th, 2013 and a Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry

    [3:22:17 PM-Friday, April 26th, 2013 - +10UCT]
    Emeth: I am using your B-meson ref Raven
    [3:22:39 PM] Emeth: http://[3:22:17 PM] Emeth: I am using your B-meson ref Raven
    [3:23:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes i didn't really understand it other then they said it proves that the universe favored matter
    [3:24:00 PM] Emeth: Very deep physics; why I shared this excerpt
    [3:24:26 PM] Emeth: It is at the heart of this 'unsolved problem' in modern physics.
    [3:24:27 PM] Sirius 17: I figured you would know and maybe its important
    [3:24:49 PM] Emeth: It is at the core of the Big Bang Genesis
    [3:26:22 PM] Emeth: It engages a redefinition of the standard model from a mechanistic billiard ball-spring quark lepton-model to something which is modeled on concentric rings as waveforms and vibration patterns
    [3:27:14 PM] Sirius 17: so more toward the superstring theories?
    [3:29:21 PM] Emeth: Superstrings are those wave patterns, which can be 'measured' as particles yes. But this is basically what Thuban terms the quantum geometry
    [3:30:28 PM] Sirius 17: well my hunch was that what they have discovered is more proof in line with omniscience and the new physics.
    [3:30:40 PM] Emeth: Instead of deriving tghe unitary symmetries from particle collissions, the same symmetries can be crystallized from templated parts of the concentricity
    [3:31:12 PM] Emeth: The strange neutral B-mesons are just one of many diquark conglomerations
    [3:31:50 PM] Emeth: It is because of their improved experimental tools, that they can now finetune and improve the error bars
    [3:32:28 PM] Emeth: This matter-antimatter asymmetry has a very long history and first became associated with the weak interactrion in 1957
    [3:32:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes CERN is shut down until 2015 and being reconfigured to run at max TEV i guess.
    [3:32:42 PM] Emeth: Yes the 14 TeV
    [3:33:19 PM] Sirius 17: i don't understand why it takes them so long, must be a funding problem, or they just milk it
    [3:33:19 PM] Emeth: Which is btw the mass of the 'Consciousness Particle' aka the RMP
    [3:34:24 PM] Emeth: It is because of the magnetostriction required. To get those energies; they need to cool the superconducters to stabilise trhe magnetic fields to 'trap' the antimatter
    [3:34:40 PM] Sirius 17: this takes years?
    [3:35:42 PM] Emeth: The size of the rings is proportional to the energies and so I guess it is an engeneering problem more so then some conspiracy
    [3:36:12 PM] Emeth: The cannot get the 14 TeV yet see?
    [3:36:22 PM] Emeth: Because of the engineering parameters
    [3:36:35 PM] Sirius 17: so all this silly ungodly amount of money they spend on this thing they could extrapolate the predictions mathmatically from the correct way of reversing the symmetries?
    [3:36:44 PM] Emeth: This is designed for two intersecting proton beams
    [3:37:20 PM] Emeth: The intrinsic 'flaw' in all of this is exactly the proton-proton collissions
    [3:37:54 PM] Emeth: This is matter-matter and has a lot of debris in a 'pure force' scattering
    [3:38:13 PM] Emeth: They should use protons-antiprotons or electrons-positrons, as in the past at lower energies; as those have basically no debris
    [3:38:18 PM] Sirius 17: so how would you suggest an experiment they could do?
    [3:39:28 PM] Emeth: I am no experimentalist and a dud designer dear. I could never design a 'light bulb'
    [3:40:05 PM] Emeth: I know what the correct cosmological model should be however and this is a new Standard Model, based on the quantum geometry of wavequarks
    [3:40:24 PM] Emeth: The so called bottom and top quarks are actually diquarks see?
    [3:40:52 PM] Sirius 17: so they have the basic structure miscalculated?
    [3:41:01 PM] Emeth: The experts know of them, but have not put one and one together right yet in their insistence of placing mass and inertia at the cause of the Big Bang
    [3:41:16 PM] Emeth: This is why they cant figure the antimatter dilemma out either
    [3:41:19 PM] Sirius 17: ok yes
    [3:41:51 PM] Emeth: No their basic structure is very good, but their 'picturing' of it is erroneous
    [3:41:54 PM] Sirius 17: lol send them an anonomous email, maybe someone over there will read it and go hmm
    [3:42:14 PM] Emeth: I am not interested in the public and people anymore Raven
    [3:42:21 PM] Sirius 17: i know
    [3:42:42 PM] Emeth: All I do is for the ETs and it is their 'hands' to bring this out or not
    [3:43:17 PM] Sirius 17: a strange theme has emerged over the past few days in the poet groups, everyone is writing about the dead
    [3:45:26 PM] Emeth: Well this Full Moon and lunar eclipse defines the 'Corpses of Isaiah' Raven
    [3:45:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes i figured today was symbolically powerful
    [3:45:56 PM] Emeth: March 27th-April 10th-April 25th-May 10th are the 4 moons
    [3:46:13 PM] Sirius 17: it is the first eclipse of 2013, lunar
    [3:46:28 PM] Emeth: Yes and rather 'partial'
    [3:46:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes not since 1958 the video said
    [3:46:53 PM] Sirius 17: have they seen a partial eclipse like this
    [3:47:30 PM] Emeth: Yes and 1957 and then in 1964 were those CP-symmetry revolutions in physics, I addressed
    [3:47:57 PM] Emeth: I might add your lunar comment to this post
    [3:48:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes, well i thought the 1958 date was interesting and possibly fit in with things
    [4:41:04 PM] Emeth:
    [4:41:25 PM] Emeth: See that they were well short at so 8 TeV from the designer 14 TeV

    As our Mayan seed Albert Einstein so eloquently showed to you: The Presence of a Gravitational Field acting downwards is Indistinguishable from an Accelerating Forcefield acting upwards.
    So Gravitation becomes translated into a geometrical spacetime curvature in terms of accelerations.

    When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it Neutralises the Gravitational Field of that planet in calibrating its utilised Volume quantised in terms of the VPE as a Macroquantum.

    This can only be done IN RESONANCE!

    The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to Inflate to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.

    The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

    Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.

    For any Volume;
    {V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken)2=Volume/time2}.

    This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(h.fps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single: {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

    The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then defines the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {Rcompton=h/(2π.mcompton.c)}.

    A Compton-mass {mcompton=h/(2π.Rcompton.c)} then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pcompton=mcompton.c=h/λcompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.

    The Compton-mass calculates as mcompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.

    This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).

    Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

    The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.

    Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

    The RMP is always lefthanded and so antisymmetric to the weakon gauge boson of the weak nuclear interaction, which is always righthanded (as a so called W-minus) in its defining quality for the antineutrino of matter, coupling to a lefthanded electron in the natural foundation for radioactive beta decay in the parity symmetries in the nuclear physics.
    The RMP is intrinsically massless as a spininduced precursor for the 'GOD-Particle' aka the Higgs-Boson, the LHC is hoping to discover at the 14 TeV quantum energy.

    There is a spin-coupling in the Unified-Field-OF-Quantum Relativity (UFO-QR), which couples the lefthanded spin of the RMP as the 'dark matter particle' to the massless gauge of the weak interaction - the Antiradiation gauge for the winded superstring Ess.
    As the Ess gauge is always righthanded, the spins cancel and allow a massive Higgs Boson to become created from the VPE Energy-Inertia-Induction as a spinless restmass inducer or scalar for the subsequent particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.

    I shall elaborate on those topics another time if so appropriate, but some of you may perceive that the so called 'problems' in quantum gravity and the unification between quantum field theory and the relativities is found in the appropriate omni-science of the Maya and the correct interpretation of the Heisenberg matrix of the ZPE.

    A new fundamental ratio, namely {V*/Vsq=4π/hc3 or Rrmp/rps=Cuberoot[4π/hc3]=887.11336} so crystallises in the physics of the Dragons.

    The Inertia expression {EDragon=e*.h2=mss.c2 or E*.e*=1} for the Square of the Action h in units Energy.Time becomes modulated in modular duality tps.tss=1=fss.fps and where the Instantenuity of Time as the Instanton Now specifies the NOW-Time tss in the End of the Inflaton of the de Broglie phase acceleration.
    This then manifests the Quantum-Dragon-Bang and the Beginning of Space and Time as known and understood by Gaian science.

    The expression {hc3} is rendered dimensionless by a finestructure of Planck's Constant h, the Action Constant, in the expression {h=λps/e*c=λps/Electron-Diameter.c3} for {hc3ps/Electron-Diameter=1.8x10-8}.

    But I shall now end this mathematical discourse. It was authorised to be given and the formulations above are elementary prerequisites for a new serpentine science to become implemented following the upheavals in the next few years ahead and awaiting the exiled Maya on Old Earth Gaia, which is also the OLD JERUSALEM.

    But I shall give an indication as how to use the above formulas in a practical example.

    Assume a Star Trek Crew of say 50 with average inertia 70 kg and equipment load of say 10,000 kg wishes to board a Starship Enterprise of Volume 100x50x20=100,000 cubicmeters.

    The Resonant Energy Awareness is fps2=df/dt=Density.(c/h)2.[NV/NM] and where NV and NM depict the quantisation numbers for the mass M to be 'inflated' to the volume V.

    The Density as ρ=M/V calculates as (10,000+50.70=13,500)/100,000=0.135 kg/m3.

    and NM=M/mss=13,500/2.469x10-81=5.4675x1084.

    Resonance so is finestructured as Entropy Permutation States and as: (0.135)(2.025x1083)(1.8x1063/5.4675x1084)=9x1060.

    Now changing any of the parameters of Inertia and Volume, even to the size of the universe itself, will always relate as Holographic Image of the minimum quantum of the Inflaton and so whatever volume specified can be Inflated at the Resonant Eigenstate to that volume.

    Similarly, any inertial mass specified, will in resonance, allow quantum-inflation to modify the specified mass via the mass-eigen frequency quantum definition under modular duality between Eps, the primary sourcesink and Ess, the secondary sinksource through and by frequency modulations.

    Away from Resonance, df/dt=awareness as an angular spin acceleration, must decrease and so the VPE or ZPE can no longer be utilised in a downwards frequency transformation.
    This is akin the Evaporation of water molecules in Clouds, the cloud formation seemingly dispersing into nothingness, say under the supply of Energy in the form of heat, say the radiation from the sun.

    To 'get out of resonance' so implies either a 'disappearing' relative to the 'switching off of the gravity shield' and an accompanying hyper-acceleration or 'warp-drive' AS the de Broglie tachyon inflation; or is manifested as a 'thinning out' or a 'losing of texture' with the gravity shield 'switched on', but a 'slow down' of the awareness df/dt in the reducing sense.

    The above scenarios apply to spacetime as the 4-dimensional 'Light-matrix' of Heisenbergian Uncertainty definition.
    In this spacetime, a 'drifting' or UFO speed is effected by the application of an Awareness-Force {Faw=aw.hv/c2} from within the 'VPE-Bubble' and as a consequence of a natural extension for Newton's Second Law for momentum change {Force F=d(mv)/dt}.

    In Dragon-Space of 4 spacial dimensions, the timeparameter becomes superfluous and the awareness df/dt is automatically assigned the resonant eigenstate awmax=fps2.

    After Gaia has given birth to its superposed Dragon-Universe; projected onto the seedling Minkowski spacetime; the travelling between 3 spacial dimensions and 4 spacial dimensions will be much easier to accomplish and so become rather prevalent and a natural occurrence.

    Furthermore, the resonant eigenstates for the starhumans as Dragonised old humans shall allow the old human bodyforms to become Hybrid Energy-Selfstates as RMP-Quantum Inductions and as the universal blending and synthesis of relatively Static Radiation Fields coupled to Mass in Inertia.

    This will be known as Dualised RadiationMass of BodyMinds-MindBodies, the immortalisation of hitherto mortal bodyforms, unable to implement their higher dimensional DNA as the LightBodies Shadowed to the Body-DNA in 3 dimensions.

    This shall also fulfil the many prophecies in the 'Holy Books', which then shall become artifacts in museums; being succeeded by new composed books telling the stories of an evolving starhuman race of Dragons.

    Lunar Eclipse 2013: 'Pink' Full Moon Brings Planetary Event Thursday, April 25
    By: Joe Rao
    Published: 04/22/2013 06:32 PM EDT on

    This month's full moon, which falls on Thursday (April 25), always reminds me of one of the first times I viewed the April full moon
    When I was very young boy living in New York, there was a popular television weathercaster by the name of Carol Reed. While not a meteorologist, she had an upbeat personality and always finished her reports with what became her personal catch phrase: "And have a happy!"
    One evening, Carol commented that it would be clear for everyone to get a good view of that night's "pink" full moon. When it got dark, my mother accompanied me outside expecting to see a salmon-colored moon, but all we saw was a full moon that looked the way it always did: yellowish-white with not a hint of pink.
    While I don't recall the year of this episode, I can state most definitely that it took place in the month of April, since many years later I learned that traditionally the full moon of April is called the "pink moon," a reference made to the grass pink or wild ground phlox which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring season. [How 2013's Full Moons Got Their Peculiar Names]
    So on Thursday night, when you look skyward at this year's version of the "pink" April full moon, remember not to take the term literally!

    A bit of an eclipse

    While this month's full moon may not look pink, if you live in Europe, Africa or much of Asia, you will notice something a bit different about it, because it will take place on the night of a lunar eclipse.
    Unfortunately, in North America, none of this eclipse will be visible, since the actual instant of full moon occurs on Thursday afternoon (April 25), when the moon is below the horizon.
    Beginning at 2:04 p.m. EDT (1804 GMT), the moon begins to meet the Earth's shadow; a little over two hours later it arrives under the middle of that shadow. By then the moon will have just risen and will be visible low to the east-southeast horizon as seen from Ireland, and will be setting over south-central Japan in the morning hours of Friday, April 26.

    Feeble at best

    If we were to rank a total eclipse of the moon as a first-rate event, then what is scheduled to be seen on Thursday for those living in the Eastern Hemisphere would almost certainly fall into the third- or even fourth-rate category; in fact it might add new meaning to the term "underwhelming."
    During the first 110-minutes of the eclipse, the moon's northern hemisphere pushes ever-so-gradually into the Earth's partial shadow, called the penumbra. The outer two-thirds of this are too subtle to detect; but then perhaps by 3:30 p.m. EDT (1920 GMT) you may realize you are beginning to detect the ever-so-slight gradient of a soft grey darkening around the top of the moon.
    At 3:54 p.m. EDT (1954 GMT), the moon's northern limb finally makes contact with a much more abrupt shadow, the blackish-brown umbra. This chord of shadow on the moon grows and retreats over a span of less than half an hour; yet at its deepest at 4:07 p.m. EDT (2007 GMT), the partial eclipse will reach its peak at a puny 1.48 percent as the moon's northern (upper) limb literally grazes the umbral shadow and remains in contact with it until 4:21 p.m. EDT (2021 GMT).

    This dark shadow's coverage can be described as feeble at best. To the unaided eye, even to those with acute visual skills, it will hardly cause a perceptible dent on the lunar disk. However, anyone who glances up at the moon around that time will likely notice that the uppermost part of the disk of the moon will appear smudged or tarnished. This effect will probably fade away by around 5 p.m. EDT (2100 GMT), with the moon appearing as its normal self. Officially, though, the moon will not completely free itself from the outer penumbral shadow until 6:11 p.m. EDT (2211 GMT).
    In spite of the fact that this isn't much of an eclipse, I suspect that more than a few skywatchers across the big pond will still take time out to watch it. That is, after all what a true amateur astronomer is: patient, undemanding, and willing to accept even the smallest crumbs from the star tables.
    Oh — and have a happy!

    Editor's note: If you have an amazing picture of the full moon or any other night sky view that you'd like to share for a possible story or image gallery, send photos, comments and your name and location to managing editor Tariq Malik at

    Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

    LHCb experiment observes new matter-antimatter difference

    A view of the LHCb underground area, looking upwards from the cavern floor (Image: Anna Pantelia/CERN)

    The LHCb collaboration at CERN today submitted a paper to Physical Review Letters on the first observation of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the decays of the particle known as the B0s. It is only the fourth subatomic particle known to exhibit such behaviour.
    Matter and antimatter are thought to have existed in equal amounts at the beginning of the universe, but today the universe appears to be composed essentially of matter. By studying subtle differences in the behaviour of particle and antiparticles, experiments at the LHC are seeking to cast light on this dominance of matter over antimatter.

    Now the LHCb experiment has observed a preference for matter over antimatter known as CP-violation in the decay of neutral B0s particles. The results are based on the analysis of data collected by the experiment in 2011. “The discovery of the asymmetric behaviour in the B0S particle comes with a significance of more than 5 sigma – a result that was only possible thanks to the large amount of data provided by the LHC and to the LHCb detector’s particle identification capabilities,” says Pierluigi Campana, spokesperson of the LHCb collaboration [see video interview]. “Experiments elsewhere have not been in a position to accumulate a large enough number of B0s decays.”
    Violation of the CP symmetry was first observed at Brookhaven Laboratory in the US in the 1960s in neutral particles called kaons. About 40 years later, experiments in Japan and the US found similar behaviour in another particle, the B0 meson. More recently, experiments at the so-called B factories and the LHCb experiment at CERN have found that the B+ meson also demonstrates CP violation.

    All of these CP violation phenomena can be accounted for in the Standard Model, although some interesting discrepancies demand more detailed studies. “We also know that the total effects induced by Standard Model CP violation are too small to account for the matter-dominated universe,” says Campana. “However, by studying these CP violation effects we are looking for the missing pieces of the puzzle, which provide stringent tests of the theory and are a sensitive probe for revealing the presence of physics beyond the Standard Model.”
    Posted by Cian O'Luanaigh on 24 Apr 2013. Last updated 24 Apr 2013, 10.58.
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    Commentary by Emeth in an extract from an online e-book: 'Where is the God of Science? - The Death of the Supernaturality Virus!"
    Robert Sceptico: "Indeed, it also appears as a fifth-of-a-percent factor in probability distributions, as in the decay of the neutral kaon of quarkstructure (=ds(bar)) and its antipartner (Anti=d(bar)s) for instance.
    It is found, that the () has a doublelife; either it decays into 3 neutral pions (=uu(bar)) in so 50 nanoseconds or it splits into oppositely charged pions (=ud(bar) &  =u(bar)d) in 0.09 nanoseconds. The longlived kaon is called (Long) and so lives about 560 times longer, than the shortlived kaon (Short).

    The trouble in physical theory is however, that about once in 500 times, the (Long) also decays like a (Short).

    This schizophrenic nature of the () was experimentally discovered in 1964 at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island by James Christenson, James Cronin, Val Fitch and Rene Turlay. And whilst the discovery of nonparity in beta-minus-decay in 1956 resulted in the 1957 Nobel Prize for Physics for Tsao-Dai Lee at Columbia University, New York and Chen Ning Yang at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey; the violation of CP-symmetry came as a completely unexpected surprise to the worldwide physics community in 1964.
    We recall the nonparity-loops in the UFoQR, linked to the absence of antimatter, because of the nonavailability of righthanded neutrinos and lefthanded antineutrinos.
    Charge-Conjugation Parity or CP-symmetry is defined as a mathematical process which changes the {) into the (Anti) in flipping the partial quantum states into their antistates.
    So one 'overrides' the parity violation of the WNI, which favours lefthandedness for matter and right-handedness for antimatter in the application of its field agents in the weakons. So righthanded particles behave the same as lefthanded antiparticles and vice versa and the CP in effect mixes the wavefunctions for the two ('s).

    Taken as a unity, the particle system of a () moving oppositely its antiparticle, does not change and remains invariant; but a single reflection P or chargereversal C changes the quantumstate of the wavefunction in (even/+1) or (odd/-1) parity numbers. An even function, such as (cosX=cos(-X) or X²=(-X)²), preserves spacereflection in its symmetry about the origin or axis of reflection in (P,C=+1).
    An odd function, such as (sinX=-sin(-X) or X³=-(-X)³), inflects the symmetry in (P,C=-1).

    And applying the (P,C) symmetries twice returns to the old state, just as multiplying two positives or negatives always gives a positive square.
    For even symmetry, we set (CP=+1) and we obtain half of the (-Anti)-superposition, decaying into a a charged pion pair, which also has a state of (CP=+1).
    For odd symmetry, we set (CP=-1) for the three particle decay characterised by that CP-number.

    The ()-mass is obtained in the HBRMI as: (K-Mean+L(+)+[2e-])=(m=499.18 MeV* or 497.97 MeV), differing from the charged () in (B=4.184 MeV*) for (m=494.99 MeV* or 493.80 MeV), subject to electronic perturbations, i.e. a [2e-/3=0.346994 MeV*]-, or [2(B -B)=0.28081 MeV*]-reduction.
    The charged pions have a combined mass of (2(139.77)=279.53 MeV*) and the three neutral pions add to (3(135.3)=406.74 MeV*).
    So the two particle decay proceeds faster than the three particle decay, as less VPE is required to transform the ('s 499.2 MeV*) into the pionic masses with kinetic energy."

    Logan Antico: "But why is the {IROR(bar)+IR(bar)OR}-superpositioned quarkstate schizophrenic?
    Why doesn't it conserve CP-symmetry of Charge-Conjugation-Parity in 1 part per 500 on average?"

    Robert Sceptico: "What happens, is that the weak interaction, by which those particles decay shows a preference for the decay of antimatter over that of matter. It is a consequence of the nonparity loops and the neutrino definitions in the UFoQR.

    Consider the matter-defined inner ring of the (ds(bar)), being subject to an oscillation of the surrounding antimatter ring; the converse being the case for the (d(bar)s) of course.
    In particular, the (dd*(bar)) oscillation of the (
    ) engages the (W+) weakon and the (d(bar)d*) or the (Anti) engages the (W-) in their respective leptonic definitions.
    Write (ds(bar))=(K+IR)(K(bar)+OR(bar))=(KK(bar))+[IR*(+1)+OR*(bar)(-1)]=VPE + [W- + W+]=VPE+[OR*(+1/2)+RRGGBB(+1/2)+OR*(-1/2)+BBGGRR(-1/2)]
    =VPE+[IR*(+1/2)+IR*(bar)(-1/2)+VPE*(0)], with VPE*=BBYYYYBB, say.

    If now the two halfspins from the (anti-)-VPE of the VPE* are given to the KK(bar)-VPE, then (ds(bar))=(K(-1/2)K(bar)(+1/2))+(IR(-1/2)IR(bar)(+1/2))+VPE(0)+VPE(0).
    There is then no internal spin distribution for the potential (K's) and (K(bar)'s) in the VPE(0) and a two particle decay for the (
    Short) results in (K(-1/2)IR(bar)(+1/2)) becoming the () with () its antipartner in (K(bar)(+1/2)IR(-1/2)).
    If the VPE*, formed in the neutrinoic coupling keeps its spin, then the resulting (VPE*=KK(bar)KK(bar)) is spininduced in the form of (K(-1/2)K(bar)(+1/2)+K(bar)(+1/2)K(-1/2)). Then it is the ring-antiring coupling which induces the first Base-VPE and the result is an odd CP- symmetry in the (
    Long) and its decay into three neutral ()-pions of structure (K(-1/2)K(bar)(+1/2)).

    Logan Antico: "So the oscillation of the d* into s and vice versa produces the (W+) and (W-) charged weakon coupling and a resulting VPE-contraction allows the Ring-Antiring-VPE to become 'kerneled' in the (anti)-VPE.
    And then the internal distribution of the spins determines what kind of neutral kaon materialises, the short-lived one or the long-lived one!?"

    Robert Sceptico: "Precisely and the situation is the same for the (d(bar)s); but in the combination of their wavefunctions, the nonparity-loop in the unified field can illustrate the limited availability of the neutrino for the (W+) as compared to the more ubiquitous nature of antineutrinos for the (W-).
    The Nonparity-circuit for matter adjoins the weak-interaction-loop for matter in the loops 12-1-12 and 1-2-3-2-1.

    The 12-1-12 nonparity circuit encompasses an antineutrinopoint at 0 degrees and the WNI-loop contains a neutrinopoint at 180 degrees and an antineutrinopoint at 360 degrees, which is also a zero of the wavefunction UF(X).
    The antimatter symmetry is not existent, because the common zero between the matter- and antimatter WNI-circuit 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 is an even
    -point as the 3-junction defining antineutrinos. In conjunction with the antineutrinopoint and zero of the 9-junction; there are two antineutrino pairs, the antineutrinopoint in the nonparity-loop and just the one neutrinopoint within the YCM-WNI-circuit at 180 degrees of odd .
    This antineutrino/neutrino ratio of 5:1 then sets a basic mixing percentage of 16% in the mixing of the superpositioned wavefunctions, favouring the (W-) over the (W+) and so the OR-matter-YCM ring over the OR(bar)-antimatter-MCY ring."

    Logan Antico: "And because the only available neutrinopoint is encompassed in a matter-defined circuit, it is impossible for antimatter to exist independently of matter as consequence of the magnetopolic definitions in the unified field."

    Robert Sceptico: "Indeed, but have another look at the finestructure for the (Long).
    Why does it decay ocassionally into a charged pion-antipion pair in the ratio of 1 in 500?

    (ds(bar)) is defined in the (W+) and (d(bar)s) in the (W-). In the (Long), the antineutrino-neutrino-spins are given to the VPE* and the ring-antiring coupling spininduces the BaseVPE. Because of nonparity, we set the matterspins as lefthanded and the antimatterspins as righthanded for (K(-1/2)K(bar)(+1/2))+(IRIR(bar)(0)+K(-1/2)K(bar)(+1/2))+(K(-1/2)K(bar)(+1/2)) as in the three pion decay.
    But what, if you reverse the internal spindistribution? Then it takes time to flip the (d*d*(bar)) to allow coupling to the (W+), but less time to allow the coupling to the (W-), because the loops required for the (W+) to manifest via its neutrino are longer; then are the circuits to manifest the (W-) in its antineutrinoic definition.

    But the definition for the matterbased () is the (ds(bar)) and so the (W+) association; whilst the antimatterbased (d(bar)s) is associated with the (W-) because of the OR encompassing the IR(bar).
    But the (W+) takes longer to manifest than the (W-) as a consequence of the nonparity-loops in the UFoQR and subsequently the research data shows an excess of (ds(bar))'s over (d(bar)s)'s.
    In the case of the CP-violation for the (
    -Anti) mesons, defined in the bottomquark (b*=(ud)); but manifesting as (b=b*u(bar)=(ud)u(bar)), the matterdefinition is given in (=b(bar)d=u(ud)(bar)d) and its antimatter partner (Anti=bd(bar)=u(bar)(ud)d(bar))."

    Logan Antico: "Let me see, if I can read your argument, Robert. The diquark part of the manifesting bottom quark forms a unit and hence it is the disjointed down quark in the matter defined (), which manifests the weak interaction via the (W-) and corollarily, the (W+) derives from the antidown quark in the (Anti) in their (d*-d*)-outer- to inner ring contraction.
    And as before in the (
    Anti) system, the (W+) weakon takes longer to manifest than the (W-), resulting in an apparent violation of CP-symmetry, whilst it is really a natural effect of the nonparity definitions in the unified field."

    Robert Sceptico: "You've got it right; and the 1/500 ratio is a dimensionless quality of the magnetocharge (e*).
    You must have come across this ratio of the sourcesink energy in your field of cosmology?!"

    Logan Antico: "Yes, there is a peculiar phenomenon in cosmology, involving this ratio of 1/500.
    We find that whatever galaxy we study, ellipticals, spirals or irregulars, the mass of the central active galactic core always seems to be in the vicinity of 0.2% of the mass of the central bulge around it. It is like the central vortex of the Black Hole-White Hole dyad is in a set proportionality to its encompassing and qualitatively defined field of influence."

    Robert Sceptico: "There you have it; remember the isotopic percentage generator, defining the abundance of the chemical elements in the periodic table of chemistry?
    The decisive parameter in the IPG is the magnetocharge (e*) and that is numerically equal to 500 and sets the iterative nestings of the magnetocharge as 'masscurrent'. So it should come as no surprise, that the galactic 'cells of life' have an energy derivative based on the same magnetocharge in the form of a mass to energy relationship.

    Furthermore, atoms with more then 137 electrons cannot exist, because the electrons could not form stable orbits around the nucleus as a consequence of [Alpha]~1/137 and the probability of light interacting with matter and so you find a link between dimensionless quantities, like [Alpha] and the value of the magnetocharge, then manifesting in atomic- and galactic boundary conditions.

    Have you heard of a genetic abnormality called Klinefelter Syndrome?
    It is estimated that perhaps 1 in 500 boys are born with an extra X-chromosome, which causes a certain sexual variation at puberty. The normal masculine genitals become supplemented in secondary female characteristics, such as a limited grow of breasts and other intersexual developments. And a more severe genetic expression of Klinefelter Syndrome would occur at the ratio (e*²) or in one such birth in 250,000, with a full genetic condition expressing the nonresponsive morphology or building process of the X-Y-chromosomes in relation to the hormonal stimulus.

    When cells do not respond to testosterone or oestrogen from their common precursor progesterone, then conditions such as 'Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia' or 'Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome' can develop, with ambiguous development of the sexual organs from the common fetal embryo defined after a gestation of about six weeks.
    The statistical occurrence of such genetic abnormalities would be in between 1/500 and 1/250,000.
    In particular, the absence of the Y-chromosome inhibits a genetic signal from the 'sex determining region' or SRY-gene and developing ducts from the embryo will chose the path of female internal sexual development and in conjunction with 'antitestis' genes such as 'DAX 1' and 'WNT4' and stimutation by the sexhormone oestrogen. Corollarily, the presence of the Y-chromosome invokes 'testis genes' such as 'SOX9' to define the male pathway with stimulation by the sexhormone testosterone.

    Logan Antico: "But this interaction between sex hormones and the genetic morphology is present in all of us. You are saying that statistically 1 in 250,000 persons born is a true hermaphrodite, biologically expressed, with both male and female sexual external organs!?"

    Robert Sceptico: "Yes, and this is represented in the mythology of 'Baphomet' and as envisaged by Arabian mystics. Baphomet represented the idea of the 'Absolute'; it had the head and hooves of a goat, two wings, a greenscaled womb and human hands pointing to a fullmooned white right crescent above and a newmooned black crescent below; its female breasts were blue and it had a male penis and a female vulva; repesenting 'Solomon's Seal' which became the 'Star of David'. It is depicted as sitting crosslegged on a cube, the geometry of earthly foundation, its feet resting on a worldly sphere, with a pentagram on its forehead and a lighted candle between its horns."

    Logan Antico: "In terms of omniscience then, Baphomet is the bisexual nature in all of us and also the 'Beast and Whore of Babylon', as scripturally encoded. One's personal dragonmade 'Armageddon' then becomes the placating of that bisexuality in the dragonomy of elevating one's sexual relationship with oneself and with another's mirrored polarity in one's own redefinition as a Man to a ManWoman and as a Woman to a WomanMan; losing nought of one's masculine or feminine beingness, but simply gaining one's basegenetic perfect match or 'twinsoul' or Egyptian Ka of one's own shadow nature in the process."

    Robert Sceptico: "Precisely, and that BodyMind-MindBody elemental potential is represented in the ubiquitous occurrence of the ratio of 1/500 in truly elementary processes, such as (-Anti)-decay; galactic sourcesink architecture and genetic abnormality in sexchromosomatic definitions."

    Gaudeamus Igitur ! & Quod erat demonstrandum ! & Fait accompli !
    Scientific Expert: 40% versus Layphilosopher: 60%

    [Logan Antico and Robert Sceptico find themselves aboard the ocean cruiser 'The Galactic Explorer', heading for New Zealand to attend a symposium for science educators in that country. They decided to honour their invitation and to travel by ship to enjoy the austral breezes of the southern winds at the end of their vacation.]

    Logan Antico: "How do you convince not the layperson, but the scientific expert as to the validity of the New Standard Model in particle physics, Robert? Say the researchers in unification physics, M-theory, quantum gravity and the fraternity members of your peergroup - they all require scientific proof to accept the new dispensation!?"

    Robert Sceptico: "It is a question of evidence, Logan. Say you accumulate an overwhelming amount of information and experimental data which fits into your model's theoretical parameters and predictions. It would be a blind watchmaker indeed, who could or would not then consider the timekeeper's advice.
    You see, that is why the recent experimental discoveries have been so important to finally refine the Old Standard Model into the new one, based on quantum geometry and quantum relativity. The old model worked well, but we had to insert so 18 different parameters for the elementary particle masses to make it fit into our equations for the quantum mechanics. Surely, we knew that the Higgs Boson had to be the missing link as the 'Restmass Inducer' for all the other particles; but we did not understand its ubiquitous nature as the ylemic dineutronic template.

    So to answer your question, one just has to give the particular refinements to the old model in devising the mechanisms by which the now explicitely defined Higgs Boson does its job. And notwithstanding the fact, that the nonexpert would find such a discourse in mathematical juggernautical semantics extremely monotonous and boring indeed."

    Logan Antico: "Before you get into that; what is the nonparticular nature for that restmass induction, the HBRMI of the Higgs Boson? Can one explain it in terms the layman might understand?"

    Robert Sceptico: "One can compare light and matter in energy to find the connection in its most elementary form. Most people know, that photons have no mass and always travel at the speed of light (c) and that this can be expressed in the Quantum Law of Max Planck as:(Energy=hf), where (f) is the frequency of the photon under consideration. Energy is also given in Einstein's famous formula of: (E=mc²), where (m) is the mass of the particle or object. Now the trick is found in quantising mass itself, and just as space and time are quantised in the EpsEss-supermembrane in 11D, so is the massequivalent of the gauge photons defining the energy of Eps and Ess as the 12D-unified, but 10D-separated primordial source energies of the superbranes. So one extends the postulate that all particles of zeromass must travel at lightspeed (c) in the axiom, that all particles or objects that do have mass, must carry that mass in quantised units, expressible in the self- or eigenenergies of the sourcebranes."

    Logan Antico: "But hold it, the quantised mass is given in the Planck-scale as the P-mass (mP), is it not? And that mass is certainly not very small or unmeasurable, it is about 20 micrograms or the weight of a grain of sand; if length and time and temperature are bounded by the Planck-scale, so must be a mass."

    Robert Sceptico: "Indeed, but your grain of sand is made up of silicon dioxide molecules and many silicon atoms, which are composed of so 20 million trillion protons, neutrons and electrons. What I am saying is, that one of those protons itself is made up of so 80 million quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion of massquanta and as defined in the (fss)-frequency of the Ess source of the Genesis."

    Logan Antico: "But (fss) as frequency is also the modular dual to timeinstantenuity, that what we cosmologists term as the end of the inflationary epoch; (1/3rd of a quadrillionth quadrillionth) of a second to be precise."

    Robert Sceptico: "Yes, the restmassquantum (mss) is defined as (hxtps/c²), but the P-mass does have something to do with the massquantum (fss).
    The physics of the superbranes defines the modular duality in such a way, that a large scale quantum multiplied by the small scale quantum gives unity 1. So (fpsxfss=1) and (mpsxmss=1) and since (mps) is directly related to the Planck-scale via the hierarchies of the superbrane classes encompassed in the M-space mirroring the 12D-F-space; the P-mass still provides a boundary - but as a large scale limit for the elementary particle masses."

    The book above is a rather bad 'first- and second copy' with many wordwrap mistakes.
    I shall try to pdf-file it at a later time and improve it.

    It's just so I can give something away - for starters.

    Some of the contents of the e-book are on other pages, most of which are also under revision. It is the introduction message after the home page as well.
    I apologize for the 'sloppinesses'; but after 30 years, I just wished to bring the data onto an easily accessible forum for a global public.

    Tony B.

    Post last edited Apr 26th 2013

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