Conversations Regarding The Cosmic Changes In Archetypes And Symbols - The Cosmic Baker's Recipes!

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by Allisiam, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 24th 2013


    [23/03/2013 5:05:36 PM] Wyzard97: Here is political turmoil, so I am using 'the climate' to push the issues
    [23/03/2013 5:05:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes good idea
    [23/03/2013 5:05:49 PM] Wyzard97: I am ok
    [23/03/2013 5:06:05 PM] Wyzard97: But have a deadline to fill in forms blah blah March 28th
    [23/03/2013 5:06:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know how those go
    [23/03/2013 5:12:23 PM] Sirius 17: so what else have you been up too?
    [23/03/2013 5:13:06 PM] Wyzard97: Feeling bad all day actually and could not wake up
    [23/03/2013 5:13:20 PM] Sirius 17: you sick?
    [23/03/2013 5:13:26 PM] Wyzard97: There seems to be a volcano in my head
    [23/03/2013 5:13:41 PM] Wyzard97: Sad and worn out for some reason
    [23/03/2013 5:13:51 PM] Wyzard97: Dont let it bother you
    [23/03/2013 5:14:03 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [23/03/2013 5:14:12 PM] Sirius 17: well i empathize
    [23/03/2013 5:14:25 PM] Sirius 17: i have not been too great myself
    [23/03/2013 5:14:30 PM] Wyzard97: It is to do with those 4 days. Hopefully I will feel better by Tuesday
    [23/03/2013 5:15:04 PM] Sirius 17: i got up this morning and got Carla off too school and went back to bed
    [23/03/2013 5:15:21 PM] Sirius 17: i just seem to want to sleep and i feel worn out too
    [23/03/2013 5:15:53 PM] Sirius 17: just blah
    [23/03/2013 5:16:45 PM] Wyzard97: Yes
    [23/03/2013 5:17:15 PM] Wyzard97: Strange times personally
    [23/03/2013 5:17:25 PM] Sirius 17: maybe its the calm before the storm, i dont know
    [23/03/2013 5:17:39 PM] Wyzard97: Like a limbo state and you not really being here mindwise
    [23/03/2013 5:17:54 PM] Wyzard97: Well the world has waited for centuries
    [23/03/2013 5:17:57 PM] Sirius 17: i am heavily disinterested in the world atm yes
    [23/03/2013 5:18:16 PM] Wyzard97: It is corpse like and decaying yes symbolically
    [23/03/2013 5:18:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes, it is all dead
    [23/03/2013 5:18:46 PM] Wyzard97: Battle of survival physically, but mentally passe
    [23/03/2013 5:19:00 PM] Sirius 17: i did read Luzifers mirror again though
    [23/03/2013 5:19:14 PM] Sirius 17: reminds me of the primal energy post
    [23/03/2013 5:20:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes its boring all of it, the news, everything
    [23/03/2013 5:20:13 PM] Wyzard97: TLTR for almost everyone, yet the details of HOW are in it
    [23/03/2013 5:20:37 PM] Wyzard97: The Logos logic
    [23/03/2013 5:20:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes the MATHMATIA
    [23/03/2013 5:22:13 PM] Sirius 17: i do hope we get a burst of energy soon
    [23/03/2013 5:22:16 PM] Sirius 17: something
    [23/03/2013 5:24:36 PM] Sirius 17: i think i will go relax a bit on the couch though sweety, like you i don't feel like talking much today
    [23/03/2013 5:27:59 PM] Wyzard97: Take Care

    [6:11:38 AM-Sunday, March 24th, 2013 - Palm Sunday 2013 - +11UCT]
    Sirius 17:
    [6:11:44 AM] Sirius 17: Les is feeling it too
    [6:21:36 AM] Sirius 17: http://ttp://
    [6:21:50 AM] Sirius 17: like a mini solar system of DNA delivery
    [[4:03:45 PM] Wyzard97: On March 24th is MI's 18th anniversary
    [4:03:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the cyan
    [4:04:17 PM] Wyzard97: PHOENIX=91=Aquaries=Vanity=Sweets etc
    [4:04:25 PM] Sirius 17: 72?
    [4:04:46 PM] Wyzard97: Yes her sunset sunrise stuff in 72=WORLD=MONEY=... etc
    [4:05:07 PM] Wyzard97: I dont know, but I am working on a big new addon atm
    [4:05:39 PM] Wyzard97: Because Debbie is the continuity and my Debbie is definitely still using the 22+22=44
    [4:06:00 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i just thought it was very odd
    [4:06:07 PM] Sirius 17: wondered if you had seen it
    [4:06:19 PM] Wyzard97: It has to do with 613 days added to my birthday and subtracted from December 12th 2014
    [4:06:25 PM] Wyzard97: Very odd
    [4:06:41 PM] Sirius 17: i still don't feel too good
    [4:06:46 PM] Wyzard97: No it is not published yet and will simply be an edit of the Mandala chart
    [4:06:47 PM] Sirius 17: i feel so strange
    [4:06:52 PM] Wyzard97: Yes very
    [4:07:08 PM] Wyzard97: I could not sleep and had a weird night on MI's 18th birthday -'a cosmic coming of age' indeed

    [4:07:26 PM] Sirius 17: i slept ok but woke up in bad back pain
    [4:07:44 PM] Sirius 17: i could barely move
    [4:07:49 PM] Wyzard97: But Debbie's Death is precisely mirrored in a number of birthdays showing that her death was a mirage cosmically
    [4:07:57 PM] Sirius 17: but then i finally got going
    [4:08:14 PM] Sirius 17: oh really? wow that is interesting
    [4:09:02 PM] Wyzard97: Something deep happened in February 1959 when I was 1½ years old
    [4:09:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes can you tell what it is?
    [4:09:27 PM] Wyzard97: Because this becomes exactly 10 years + 3 days to the Image Birthday[
    4:09:46 PM] Wyzard97: I know there was drama but my mind is blocked to an age of so 3
    [4:09:53 PM] Sirius 17: so this birthday stuff just came to you last night?
    [4:10:19 PM] Wyzard97: Now those 10 years become a supermirror 1982-1992 January 7th-8th
    [4:10:54 PM] Wyzard97: So amazingly if you image the lot you get April -87th 2013 to be3 the Rebirth of Debbie and MI etc
    [4:11:08 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:11:13 PM] Sirius 17: omg
    [4:11:17 PM] Wyzard97: Now the chart says the double twin week is March 22nd - April 7th
    [4:11:27 PM] Wyzard97: So all falls into place
    [4:11:46 PM] Wyzard97: And today is Palm Sunday and you have the Phoenix 72 and also 72=36+36=LAW de LAW
    [4:11:49 PM] Sirius 17: wasn't that Jesus's birthday i thought early April?
    [4:11:56 PM] Wyzard97: No today
    [4:11:59 PM] Wyzard97: March 24th
    [4:12:11 PM] Sirius 17: i mean by the molnar coin
    [4:12:43 PM] Wyzard97: This says March 20th and April 18th yes as a lunation of the moons
    [4:13:14 PM] Wyzard97: 29-30 days in between
    [4:13:51 PM] Wyzard97: But March 20th Gregorian is March 23rd Julian
    [4:14:12 PM] Wyzard97: The passion was March 28th Julian. This is not Gregorian
    [4:14:13 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [4:14:46 PM] Wyzard97: It is so 2-3 days different today
    [4:14:54 PM] Wyzard97: Same weekday though
    [4:15:33 PM] Wyzard97: You know sui removed us from core March 20th and readded us again 2 days later yes?
    [4:15:38 PM] Sirius 17: so did you dream anything interesting?
    [4:15:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes i noticed this
    [4:15:46 PM] Wyzard97: Weird stuff no
    [4:15:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes strange
    [4:16:31 PM] Sirius 17: she left Mirror of Twighlight too
    [4:18:00 PM] Wyzard97: I am working on the chart
    [4:18:16 PM] Wyzard97: Something shifted alright
    [4:24:33 PM] Sirius 17: on the chart where you have 11:53 is that am or pm?
    [4:25:37 PM] Wyzard97: UCT and so am
    [4:25:53 PM] Wyzard97: pm would be 23:53
    [4:25:55 PM] Sirius 17: ok i thought so
    [4:26:16 PM] Wyzard97: I better work on it a bit more, so I can send it to you


    Post last edited Mar 25th 2013
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 26th 2013

    [26/03/2013 3:37:43 AM-+11UCT] Sirius 17:
    [26/03/2013 3:38:01 AM] Sirius 17: this guy shared the ark of the covenent photo today
    [26/03/2013 3:38:25 AM] Sirius 17: he just friended me, so i dont know if you can see his wall or not
    [26/03/2013 3:39:26 AM] Sirius 17: i just think it is interesting that people are sharing these things now
    [26/03/2013 3:56:24 AM] Sirius 17:
    [26/03/2013 3:56:33 AM] Sirius 17: what do you make of this ?
    Science News
    ... from universities, journals, and other research organizations

    Speed of Light May Not Be Fixed, Scientists Suggest; Ephemeral Vacuum Particles Induce Speed-Of-Light Fluctuations

    Mar. 25, 2013 — Two forthcoming European Physical Journal D papers challenge established wisdom about the nature of vacuum. In one paper, Marcel Urban from the University of Paris-Sud, located in Orsay, France and his colleagues identified a quantum level mechanism for interpreting vacuum as being filled with pairs of virtual particles with fluctuating energy values. As a result, the inherent characteristics of vacuum, like the speed of light, may not be a constant after all, but fluctuate.
    Illustration: Ephemeral vacuum particles induce speed-of-light fluctuations. (Credit: Image courtesy of Springer)
    See Also:
    Space & Time
    Matter & Energy

    Meanwhile, in another study, Gerd Leuchs and Luis L. Sánchez-Soto, from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Light in Erlangen, Germany, suggest that physical constants, such as the speed of light and the so-called impedance of free space, are indications of the total number of elementary particles in nature.
    Vacuum is one of the most intriguing concepts in physics. When observed at the quantum level, vacuum is not empty. It is filled with continuously appearing and disappearing particle pairs such as electron-positron or quark-antiquark pairs. These ephemeral particles are real particles, but their lifetimes are extremely short. In their study, Urban and colleagues established, for the first time, a detailed quantum mechanism that would explain the magnetisation and polarisation of the vacuum, referred to as vacuum permeability and permittivity, and the finite speed of light. This finding is relevant because it suggests the existence of a limited number of ephemeral particles per unit volume in a vacuum.
    As a result, there is a theoretical possibility that the speed of light is not fixed, as conventional physics has assumed. But it could fluctuate at a level independent of the energy of each light quantum, or photon, and greater than fluctuations induced by quantum level gravity. The speed of light would be dependent on variations in the vacuum properties of space or time. The fluctuations of the photon propagation time are estimated to be on the order of 50 attoseconds per square meter of crossed vacuum, which might be testable with the help of new ultra-fast lasers.Leuchs and Sanchez-Soto, on the other hand, modelled virtual charged particle pairs as electric dipoles responsible for the polarisation of the vacuum.
    They found that a specific property of vacuum called the impedance, which is crucial to determining the speed of light, depends only on the sum of the square of the electric charges of particles but not on their masses. If their idea is correct, the value of the speed of light combined with the value of vacuum impedance gives an indication of the total number of charged elementary particles existing in nature. Experimental results support this hypothesis.

    Journal References:
    1. Marcel Urban, François Couchot, Xavier Sarazin, Arache Djannati-Atai. The quantum vacuum as the origin of the speed of light. The European Physical Journal D, 2013; 67 (3) DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2013-30578-7
    2. Gerd Leuchs, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto. A sum rule for charged elementary particles. The European Physical Journal D, 2013; 67 (3) DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2013-30577-8

    Springer (2013, March 25). Speed of light may not be fixed, scientists suggest; Ephemeral vacuum particles induce speed-of-light fluctuations. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 27, 2013, from /releases/2013/03/130325111154.htm

    [12:06:47 PM-Wednesday, March 27th, 2013 - +11UCT]
    Wyzard97: Raven I am doing your science reply and maths. Let me do this first please and then I chat
    [12:07:31 PM] Wyzard97: It relates to something imortant called the 120Pi approximation
    [12:07:44 PM] Wyzard97: This links the old science to the new science
    [12:08:23 PM] Sirius 17: yes i didn't understand what was behind the article, other then they seemed to of found something
    [12:08:34 PM] Sirius 17: i figured you would know
    [12:20:34 PM] Wyzard97:
    [12:38:19 PM] Sirius 17: [12:07 PM] Wyzard97:
    <<< This links the old science to the new science
    this is what I was thinking, because since the reconfig that maybe they have discovered something new and novel and it is leading them closer to understanding things.
    [12:41:31 PM] Wyzard97: It is actually an old realisation of the creators of quantum mechanics and the Classical Electromagnetism.
    [12:42:31 PM] Wyzard97: The crux is their and any 'measurement system' will by definition remain as an improving approximation of reality, depending on the evolution of the technology used to measure anything.
    [12:42:45 PM] Sirius 17: oh so quantum mechanics predicts this speed of light fluctuation?
    [12:43:25 PM] Wyzard97: The Thuban algorithm and as illustrated in the 'Lucifer's Mirror' treatise, then shows that the fundamental cosmic realism is found in the abstract 'word of the Logos' and not technology.
    [12:43:34 PM] Wyzard97: No
    [12:44:11 PM] Wyzard97: Thuban cosmology prdicts that ALL measurement systems are dependent on something more ancient, namely the 2-dimensional Mathimatia
    [12:44:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is true
    [12:44:44 PM] Wyzard97: The 2D becomes the 11-D of brane cosmology
    [12:45:00 PM] Wyzard97: Ergo the string physics and their relations
    [1:07:06 PM] Wyzard97: Ok I edited
    [1:07:40 PM] Wyzard97: The equations from wiki are too dark in contrast and so I had to 'brighten them'
    [1:08:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes i noticed that
    [1:08:41 PM] Wyzard97: Additional work for the 'wicked ones'
    [1:08:53 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [1:08:59 PM] Sirius 17: you mean us?
    [1:09:09 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, nice quotes from the NT
    [1:09:24 PM] Wyzard97: Thuban Dragon omni-scientists yes
    [1:09:59 PM] Wyzard97: There is much more to all this of course, but I will leave it at that
    [1:10:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes i was looking for a connection in the NT from the GOT and got the Peter reference. There are many others also that relate to the cornerstone. But I really liked this one.

    [1:10:36 PM] Wyzard97: It relates to the ZPE, which is NOT virtual Raven. This is at the core of this
    [1:10:59 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [1:11:32 PM] Wyzard97: The invent the 'virtuality' to explain their observations, but miss the obvious. Namely, that the 'missing energy' is higherD
    [1:12:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes i figured that, i never liked their virtual term either
    [1:12:36 PM] Sirius 17: its ironic they can stretch their imaginations to the virtual yet in the same breath discount the metaphysical
    [1:12:46 PM] Wyzard97: The Magnetic charges are the precursor for the electric charges they CAN measure. They cant measue, but only infer the magnetic charges (the monopolic currents, being 'spiritual')
    [1:12:54 PM] Wyzard97: Exactly
    [1:13:15 PM] Wyzard97: The universe is metaphysical FIRST and then filters into the physical
    [1:14:46 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it seems the fluctuations they are seeing are due to impedence and that makes sense. its a form of resistance. They did say though that this is a THEORY about lightspeed variance. It just seemed strange they would come to this conclusion out of this experiment to me.
    [1:15:32 PM] Wyzard97: You can see this 'resistance definition' even better in realising that there is just one constant, which the 'expert' measure ALREADY as a Cosmic Constant.
    [1:15:34 PM] Sirius 17: I guess I did not understand the experiment
    [1:16:46 PM] Wyzard97: This is the Magnetic Permeability Constant, which they define as precisely 4π/10,000,000 Newton per Ampere squared
    [1:17:20 PM] Wyzard97: Now this definition ONLY WORKS, IF c=300,000,000 meters/second precisely.
    [1:17:35 PM] Wyzard97: Check it on your calculator and you will see this.
    [1:19:25 PM] Wyzard97: So they have those 'impedance issues', because they are unwittingly mixing up a cosmic mensuration lexicon which is integer based (with pi and logarithms though as natural transcendental number constants) with a technology based measurement system
    Vacuum permeability

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from Magnetic constant)

    This article is about the magnetic constant. For the analogous electric constant, see vacuum permittivity.
    The physical constant μ0, commonly called the vacuum permeability, permeability of free space, or magnetic constant is an ideal, (baseline) physical constant, which is the value of magnetic permeability in a classical vacuum. Vacuum permeability is derived from production of a magnetic field by an electric current or by a moving electric charge and in all other formulas for magnetic-field production in a vacuum. In the reference medium of classical vacuum, µ0 has an exact defined value:[1][2]
    µ0 = 4π×10−7 V·s/(A·m) ≈ 1.2566370614...×10−6 H·m−1 or N·A−2 or T·m/A or Wb/(A·m)
    in the SI system of units.
    As a constant, it can also be defined as a fundamental invariant quantity, and is also one of three components that defines free space through Maxwell's equations. In classical physics, free space is a concept of electromagnetic theory, corresponding to a theoretically perfect vacuum and sometimes referred to as the vacuum of free space, or as classical vacuum, and is appropriately viewed as a reference medium.[3][4]
    [1:29:44 PM] Wyzard97: I added the Codata definition from wiki, but would point out, that the units of the magnetic constants are Newton over Current Squared (Ampere). Now the Cosmic wavefunction carries this strange coefficient (hA/2e) as related to the Quantum Hall resistance and the Josephson Junctions and the Conductance quantum.
    [1:30:24 PM] Wyzard97: So this is all 'new physics' related to nanotechnology and quantum computing.
    [1:31:09 PM] Sirius 17: oh cool, yes they have been really discussing quantum computing and nanotech in the science blogs lately
    [1:31:13 PM] Wyzard97: So Thuban crystallizes this Current-Squared Constant, unbeknown so far in the old science from first principles.
    [1:31:40 PM] Wyzard97: But I am not savvy enough to carry this further, but future physicists will certainly be able to do so
    [1:31:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes i was curious about that formula they stated
    [1:32:40 PM] Wyzard97: Its on the forums as TLTR messages
    [[1:33:23 PM] Wyzard97: The Nabsers prefer Keshe BS and Bonacci-Ucadia disinformation
    [1:33:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes much easier to read
    [1:33:59 PM] Sirius 17: don't have to think too much with the general blah blah
    [1:34:25 PM] Sirius 17: Keshe seems to have quite the scheme going as well as FOC
    [1:34:37 PM] Sirius 17: he is getting donations in a nefarious way as well
    [1:34:45 PM] Sirius 17: quasi, psuedo science
    [1:34:54 PM] Sirius 17: sucks them right in like bees to honey
    [1:35:29 PM] Wyzard97: Sadly, yes
    [1:35:44 PM] Sirius 17: even more sad, the truth doesn't sell
    [1:35:48 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [1:36:41 PM] Sirius 17: well this is the era for new religions and schemes if there ever was a good time, its now
    [1:36:52 PM] Wyzard97: Well it is a good time to begin the disassociation from the 'alternatives bogus'
    [1:37:05 PM] Sirius 17: i agree
    [1:37:14 PM] Sirius 17: i am over it
    [1:37:55 PM] Wyzard97: This eternia poster on Moa is all general 'love and light' BS once again, pretending to incorporate real science
    [1:38:36 PM] Wyzard97: No substance matter, yet sucking in the likes of the mods there with 'easy to read verbiage'
    [1:38:58 PM] Wyzard97: Nabsers philosophisings
    [1:39:20 PM] Wyzard97: Even Xeia was impressed by it, lol!
    Commentary by wyzard:
    Well, this relates to the Maxwell Constant of what they term the 'Free Space Impedance' and this is part and parcel of the Thuban reconfiguration of the 'Light Speed Invariance' as the product of the electric permittivity and the magnetic permeability. Impedance basically means Resistance to current-energy flow in the propagation of information.
    It is however NOT the lightspeed 'c' which is subject to a dynamic change under those criteria; but it is the measurement definitions of the standard parameters, such as length and time and mass and the electric charge. As you can read in this article, they mention the electric 'Coulomb' charges as being at the core of the vacuum 'fluctuations'.
    The great fallacy of the 'experts' is just their idea of what those 'virtual particles' (say quark-antiquark or electron-positron couples) are. There are NO 'virtual particles', but there are 'Gauges or Source Particles' and those are all massless as so called 'Godstone Bosons'. This relates then to the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle and the foundations of quantum mechanics in that it is the gauges of the elementary interactions, which are in a constant, but dynamic state of gauge equilibrium. This then is addressed in the models of Supersymmetry and the Equivalence principle between Inertia and Gravita and other such more technical jargonese.
    This is just, what we have discussed in a previous post about the 'God Particle' with the 'Devil particle'. Those are gsuges at the core of the Pre Big bang Cosmogenesis in that the 'Love Photon' (LP) 'gauges' the electromagnetic interaction cosmically and is a long range (or infinite) coupling with gravitation in a 'Graviton gauge', also long range.
    The 'Devil Particle' (DP) is the ancestor of the Graviton though and becomes 'suppressed' in a way, which renders the actual existence of the 'Virtual Particles' unnecessary, except in a well understood quantum mechanics termed Pair-Production. The DP is so the parent of the Higgs Boson, who has mass but the DP is a massless Goldstone Gauge and becomes the 'fifth' fundamental interaction and short range as the Nuclear Physics of the inner atomic structures.
    Because the DP is quantum wise suppressed, the matter dominated cosmos does not require antimatter, with the antimatter actually being the DP in its harmonised and overall balanced energy state between the long range and short range elementary interactions.
    As you can see below in the wiki reference; they use Thuban Science in what they call a 120π-Approximation. In Thuban the electric constant is precisely defined as
    εo=1/120πc and the magnetic constant is precisely defined as μo=c/120π and if you multiply them, you get the Maxwell Constant εoxμo=1/c²=1/(120π)² and in Thuban this then becomes the exact value and NOT an approximation.
    This then relates to a 'Cosmic Calibration' of what length, time and mass etc are in terms of integer constants and not the 'measurements' no matter how sophisicated the technology and precision.

    In particular any advanced cosmic civilization only requires to measure two things to construct an universally applicable cosmology, independent of their idea of what a meter stick or ruler or ticking clock might measure. These two constants are lightspeed 'c' and Planck quantum constant 'h'.
    The Thuban masterconstant algorithm has specified: c=300,000,000 'cosmic meters per cosmic second' and so very slightly larger than the System International (SI) value of Codata used by the terrestrial science as just one arbitrary but selfconsistent measurement system.
    In SI-units: c=299,792,458 SI-meters per SI-seconds. This represents so a 99.9308..% correlation or an 'error deviation' of 0.0692% deviation between a very simple 'cosmic super calibration' and a civilisation particular measurement. But now measuring the quantum constant terrestrial as 6.6260693x10−34 SI-Joule-Seconds and comparing this to the cosmic integer based value of h=1/15x10³² Joule-Seconds; you can calibrate the other 'elementary measurement units' in terms of the Energy as Joules in kilogramsx(meters/seconds) squared.

    The 120π-Approximation so actually shows how the terrestrial mensuration system, which as said is arbitrary can be calibrated and made universal in the partitioning of the speed of light invariance as part of the energy definition of the quantum constant 'h'.


    Impedance of free space
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to: navigation, search
    The impedance of free space, Z0, is a physical constant relating the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields of electromagnetic radiation travelling through free space. That is, Z0 = |E|/|H|, where |E| is the electric field strength and |H| magnetic field strength. It has an exact irrational value, given approximately as 376.73031... ohms.[1]
    The impedance of free space equals the product of the vacuum permeability or magnetic constant μ0 and the speed of light in vacuum c0. Since the numerical values of the magnetic constant and of the speed of light are fixed by the definitions of the ampere and the metre respectively, the exact value of the impedance of free space is likewise fixed by definition and is not subject to experimental error.

    The analogous quantity for a plane wave travelling through a dielectric medium is called the intrinsic impedance of the medium, and designated η (eta). Hence Z0 is sometimes referred to as the intrinsic impedance of free space,[2] and given the symbol η0.[3] It has numerous other synonyms, including:
    • wave impedance of free space,[4]
    • the vacuum impedance,[5]
    • intrinsic impedance of vacuum,[6]
    • characteristic impedance of vacuum,[7]
    • wave resistance of free space.[8]
    Relation to other constants

    From the above definition, and the plane wave solution to Maxwell's equations,
    u. the magnetic constant
    e. the electric constant and
    [​IMG] the speed of light in free space.[9][10]
    The reciprocal of [​IMG] is sometimes referred to as the admittance of free space, and represented by the symbol [​IMG].
    Exact value

    Since 1948, the SI unit ampere has been defined by choosing the numerical value of μ0 to be exactly 4π×10−7 H/m. Similarly, since 1983 the SI metre has been defined by choosing the value of c0 to be 299 792 458 m/s. Consequently
    [​IMG] exactly,
    [​IMG]. This situation may change if the ampere is redefined in 2015. See New SI definitions.

    It is very common in textbooks and learned papers to substitute the approximate value [​IMG] for [​IMG]. This is equivalent to taking the speed of light to be 3×108 m/s. For example, Cheng 1989 states[3] that the radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole is
    [​IMG] [not exact]
    This practice may be recognized from the resulting discrepancy in the units of the given formula. Consideration of the units, or more formally dimensional analysis, may be used to restore the formula to a more exact form—in this case to
    See also

    [26/03/2013 4:22:05 AM] Sirius 17:

    (66) Jesus said, "Show me the stone which the builders have rejected. That one is the cornerstone."

    1 Peter 2:1-25 King James Version (KJV)
    1 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
    2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
    3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
    4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,
    5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
    6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
    7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,
    8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
    9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
    10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
    11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
    12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
    13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;
    14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.
    15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
    16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
    17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.
    18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
    19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
    20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
    21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
    22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
    23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
    24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
    25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

    [26/03/2013 4:28:19 AM] Sirius 17:
    6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
    i like this
    [26/03/2013 11:14:32 AM] Sirius 17:
    Red flowers

    By Barbara Maat in the accidental poet (Files)
    your bare shoulders are a summer fell
    on which my mouth plants fields of red flowers.
    the hours do not disturb us.

    we lie in late grasses
    and drowse the naked afternoon.
    your hands bear the scent of rain.

    shadows graze in arid waves,
    gold pollens fermenting all their spent honey.
    moistures secret the curves of stone.

    the planet falls duskward.
    the sun turns a seer's eye
    to fix us in a knowing gaze.

    [26/03/2013 11:15:18 AM] Sirius 17: One of her best
    [26/03/2013 11:22:07 AM] Sirius 17: lol it was my aunt Pixie's birthday yesterday...she turned 60 my mom said. March 24th .
    [26/03/2013 11:23:25 AM] Sirius 17:
    [2:00:02 PM] Sirius 17: i tried to listen to one of these shows to see what all the fuss was about and discovered Clif has a totally monotone voice and diarreha of the mouth
    [2:00:04 PM] Wyzard97: Her 'sources' are nabs, yet she claims to 'be scientific'
    [2:00:31 PM] Wyzard97: This is imo why she detests us so much
    [2:00:39 PM] Wyzard97: Because we know what real science is
    [2:00:45 PM] Sirius 17: i think i made it a whole 10 mins and i was almost asleep because all he did was talk about how his bot program and math ect were so sophisticated blah blah
    [2:01:08 PM] Wyzard97: I listened to him some 4 years ago. That was enough
    [2:01:18 PM] Sirius 17: he is horrible
    [2:01:47 PM] Wyzard97: I simply did not see any substance, except his 'remote botting' which is run of the mill
    [2:01:56 PM] Sirius 17: its like i have no idea how anyone can listen to his inaccurate BS at all
    [2:02:16 PM] Wyzard97: He is not half as insane as FOC
    [2:02:17 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i thought it did have promise at first
    [2:02:20 PM] Wyzard97: Or Bonacci
    [2:02:31 PM] Sirius 17: because he is trying to surf the collective mind
    [2:02:45 PM] Wyzard97: Yes and this is ok in principle
    [2:02:49 PM] Sirius 17: but his predictions are way off base most of the time
    [2:03:30 PM] Wyzard97: When they talk of bases on Mars and time travelling in parallel worlds and the evil reptoid contacts, they lost me
    [2:03:30 PM] Sirius 17: it would be really cool if he were more objective and likely more accurate
    [2:03:41 PM] Sirius 17: but to make money you know you have to sensationalize it all
    [2:04:53 PM] Sirius 17: its funny we talk about sex and Jesus in the same sentence and people run, but talk about hot kinky martian sex and secret 'sexy' bases on Mars, and other BS, they love that stuff
    [2:06:09 PM] Wyzard97: I dont know about sexy Martians. I could dig them; but they are hypocrites
    [2:06:17 PM] Sirius 17: i can't blame them though, reality on this planet has gotten so supressive and non-conducive to life, they run for those things because its better to live in fantasy then reality at this point, or so it seems.
    [2:06:37 PM] Sirius 17: people are starving for anything novel
    [2:06:50 PM] Wyzard97: It is coming out. Just now your way the courts are discussing law changes to same sex acts
    [2:06:59 PM] Wyzard97: It is cosmic
    [2:07:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes i wondered if you had seen this
    [2:07:34 PM] Sirius 17: the Supreme Court is finally giving ears to same sex couples
    [2:07:39 PM] Sirius 17: its a deadlock though
    [2:07:49 PM] Wyzard97: It will be novel, when they realise that the cosmos is sexually poly in the body and that their 'marriage acts' are all actually superfluous
    [2:08:25 PM] Wyzard97: Just as Jesus said millennia ago. But then they twist his words into dogmatic moralisms
    [2:08:38 PM] Sirius 17: i can tell you what i think will happen is that they will decide to leave the decision to the states....this will be their chicken shit move. And in doing so they will avoid going down in flames from the populous
    yes its all rediculious
    [2:09:38 PM] Sirius 17: interestingly though the argument is deep seeded in our equal rights and constitution
    [2:10:03 PM] Sirius 17: if they had balls they would go ahead and recognize any union
    [2:10:13 PM] Sirius 17: it is constitutionally right
    [2:10:43 PM] Sirius 17: how can they argue against any form of descrimination otherwise
    [2:10:52 PM] Sirius 17: they are in a catch 22 now
    [2:11:08 PM] Wyzard97: Its the religious right
    [2:11:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes they fear the shit out of gay people
    [2:11:33 PM] Sirius 17: they think its a disease that might spread
    [2:11:34 PM] Wyzard97: The fake Jesus worshippers
    [2:11:52 PM] Sirius 17: well helloooo wake the fuck up people, gays have always been here but hiding lol
    [2:12:15 PM] Sirius 17: they think if they deny them that it will go away
    [2:12:20 PM] Wyzard97: Yes and my latest charts show that the cosmos is naturally bisexual
    [2:12:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes and to most intellegent people this is a no brainer
    [2:12:58 PM] Wyzard97: But only cores can manifest the Cosmic Orders. Noncores will remain to be 'sexual gender challenged' in many individual ways
    [2:13:02 PM] Sirius 17: even the NABS people can see this
    [2:13:48 PM] Wyzard97: Well it is an ego-narcissm-thing
    Cosmic ego is divine; human ego is often uncosmically self serving
    [2:15:27 PM] Sirius 17: yes and the fact that homosexuality is coming out of the closet now is portentious to everyone realising that sexuality is not what the relgious right wish it to be, it is evidence that we are bisexual in nature, even though the LGBT community is predjudice themselves when it comes to the opposite sex.
    [2:17:04 PM] Wyzard97: Yes
    [2:17:43 PM] Wyzard97: Many Nabsers are 'chaste and quasi virginal' Raven. I dont have to name names
    [2:17:46 PM] Sirius 17: and yes the cores fix all this fucked identity
    [2:18:00 PM] Wyzard97: Indeed, why it is so hard to core!

    [2:18:27 PM] Sirius 17: [2:13 PM] Wyzard97:
    <<< Well it is an ego-narcissm-thingthis is why its hard to core
    [2:18:42 PM] Sirius 17: [2:14 PM] Wyzard97:
    <<< Cosmic ego is divine; human ego is often uncosmically self serving

    [2:19:32 PM] Wyzard97: We agree on some things, besides the scrolls
    [2:19:55 PM] Sirius 17: humanity is at the edge of maturation and they are like teenagers not wanting to leave the nest
    [2:20:02 PM] Sirius 17: no one wants to grow up
    [2:20:18 PM] Sirius 17: but our survival depends on it
    [2:20:59 PM] Wyzard97: The collective humanity imo is 50,000 souls as a Cosmic Logos Dispensation
    [2:21:12 PM] Wyzard97: They will have to 'be and live and behave different' from the soul level
    [2:21:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes the scattered remnant
    [2:21:22 PM] Wyzard97: And nabsers cant do this at all
    [2:21:49 PM] Wyzard97: And unlike the Nabsers, we DONT KNOW who or where they are
    Logos knows
    [2:22:09 PM] Sirius 17: yes and it brought a few of us together
    [2:22:13 PM] Sirius 17: we didn't do that
    [2:22:42 PM] Sirius 17: although many separations still exist physically
    [2:22:49 PM] Sirius 17: and mentally
    [2:23:13 PM] Sirius 17: healing has taken place
    [2:23:35 PM] Wyzard97: Yes there is a new 'timeline' since March 22nd-25th
    [2:24:06 PM] Wyzard97: The edited charts show the precise final culmination of the 30 Isaiah New Moon-Sabbath days from March 11th to April 10th
    The red box
    [2:28:12 PM] Sirius 17: Tony do you have a link to it
    [2:28:28 PM] Sirius 17: firefox won't let me book mark the enlargement
    [2:28:46 PM] Wyzard97: Last post on Constitution and also 'blown up on Moa'
    [2:29:17 PM] Wyzard97:
    [2:29:20 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am trying to find the one on moa
    [2:29:27 PM] Wyzard97: Also right here before this message. It might be big enough in the above link
    [2:31:16 PM] Sirius 17: by red box you mean where you did the birthday mirrors?
    [2:35:20 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, there too, but above it. I added it
    [2:35:33 PM] Sirius 17: can you just send it to me please
    [2:35:56 PM] Sirius 17: i can't find the one on MOA and the one on that page of spruz is not recent
    [2:36:05 PM] *** Wyzard97 sent add.jpg ***
    [2:36:21 PM] Wyzard97: It is recent
    [2:36:32 PM] Wyzard97: I make it a little bigger
    [2:36:39 PM] Sirius 17: well its not showing any of the debbie stuff
    [2:38:32 PM] Wyzard97: Look again
    [2:38:52 PM] Wyzard97: Its the first post on that page with two charts
    [2:39:10 PM] Wyzard97: I increased it from 888 to 960
    [2:39:18 PM] Wyzard97: Can you see it in full?
    [2:39:24 PM] Sirius 17: oh where you put image hour and hour in a box is this new?
    [2:39:33 PM] Wyzard97: Yes this is the red box
    [2:40:06 PM] Sirius 17: ok so this spans from March 11th to the 25th
    [2:40:15 PM] Sirius 17: and so now we are in the 'hour' phase
    [2:40:50 PM] Wyzard97: It is the fulfilment of the Babylon codes, Hosea and such.
    The image was the 'Hour' to March 25th and the 'Hour' are March 26th to April 10th, Full Moon to New Moon in the Aries Sun
    [2:40:55 PM] Wyzard97: Yes
    [2:41:10 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok
    [2:41:26 PM] Sirius 17: i am looking at it blown up in paint
    [2:42:00 PM] Wyzard97: Just an add with the codes given beneath it
    [2:42:15 PM] Sirius 17: ok and so the midpoint is the 7th
    [2:42:19 PM] Sirius 17: of this 'hour'
    [2:42:30 PM] Wyzard97: Yes
    It spans as precise Logos timecode count in the 1260 backwards and the 'End of Armageddon' and many confluences
    [2:43:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes good
    [2:45:19 PM] Sirius 17: humm interesting times indeed
    [2:45:48 PM] Wyzard97: Yes as you can see weather wise and politically etc
    [2:46:21 PM] Wyzard97: June 17th and July 5th are a definite 'endtimes'
    [2:46:28 PM] Sirius 17: yes well this supreme court thing is dominating the news over here
    [2:46:44 PM] Wyzard97: How this manifests filtered down is anyones guess though
    [2:46:58 PM] Wyzard97: 'New Laws' see that?
    [2:47:11 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [2:47:32 PM] Wyzard97: It is NOT Nabser times though. There will be no 3 dark days or nonsense like that
    [2:48:08 PM] Wyzard97: There was an interesting ufo pic though, which I consider genuine

    [2:48:20 PM] Sirius 17: well I told James again that this is the end times, now he panics and says he doesn't want to live here in the city anymore, that if i am right then wtf are we doing here. I told him because God put us here and nothing will happen to us that isn't supposed to happen.
    [2:48:34 PM] Sirius 17: oh really, got a link to it?
    [2:49:05 PM] Sirius 17: he got really scared the other day with all the shit on the news i guess
    [2:49:22 PM] Sirius 17: he is watching how insane people are becoming
    [2:50:39 PM] Sirius 17: but i calmed him down, he has some relgious dogma views on what the end of times means and so i tried to show him that it won't be distructive like everyone thinks.
    [2:51:00 PM] Sirius 17: mentally distructive yes, but in a good way
    [2:51:04 PM] Wyzard97: I just added it to the message
    [2:51:26 PM] Sirius 17: added it where?
    [2:51:30 PM] Sirius 17: on spruz?
    [2:52:21 PM] Wyzard97: Could be a cloud, but it is too sharp for me
    [2:52:47 PM] Wyzard97:
    [2:53:44 PM] Sirius 17: oh that is interesting
    [2:54:04 PM] Sirius 17: it appears to be materializing out of cloud or vapor yes
    [2:54:29 PM] Sirius 17: like he caught it as it was materializing, hence the sharpness
    [2:54:39 PM] Wyzard97: yes, it feels fitting to the new 4D spacial fabric-matrix to me
    [2:55:50 PM] Sirius 17: yes and there are two light orbs above and below the formation
    [2:56:07 PM] Sirius 17: doesn't appear to be something on the camera but could be
    [2:56:31 PM] Wyzard97: I am not as 'believing' as you, but unless I am convinced logically otherwise, this 'seems' to be a real 'materialisation'
    [2:57:01 PM] Wyzard97: No not camera lenses. Either a strange cloud form or a ufo
    [2:57:22 PM] Sirius 17: well i am with you on this, i am not fully convinced but it does seem genuine
    [2:57:24 PM] Wyzard97: And clouds are precursive to ufos, as we have said many times
    [2:57:47 PM] Sirius 17: yes why it seems like it is materializing out of this cloud
    [2:57:58 PM] Wyzard97: you tube stuff is so often fake, so it is easily hoaxed in photoshops
    [2:58:01 PM] Sirius 17: and what an odd position for a cloud huh?
    [2:58:22 PM] Wyzard97: Like this crashed ufo in the Japan sea etc. So much disinfo for the nabs believers
    [2:59:53 PM] Sirius 17: well some comments below seem to think its a scratch on the windshield of the plane
    [3:01:29 PM] Wyzard97: It would help if the ufo would move yes
    [3:01:44 PM] Wyzard97: But there are skeptics and there are skeptics
    [3:01:29 PM] Wyzard97: It would help if the ufo would move yes
    [3:01:44 PM] Wyzard97: But there are skeptics and there are skeptics
    [3:02:24 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [3:02:44 PM] Sirius 17: yes i would love to catch something myself with my own eyes
    [3:02:51 PM] Sirius 17: no faking that lol
    [3:29:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i guess if you can't copy paste it and you actually have to think it might be too much work
    [3:29:45 PM] Wyzard97: I mean everyone is related in say 10 generations or so. They 'proved' this mathematically
    [3:29:55 PM] Wyzard97: So the 76th grandfather it utter rubbish
    [3:30:28 PM] Sirius 17: adam and eve as singular individuals is rubbish
    [3:30:38 PM] Sirius 17: no one can trace that not even science
    [3:30:44 PM] Wyzard97: Yes and she believes this
    [3:31:01 PM] Sirius 17: they have deduced that it was a gene pool of around 2000 individuals
    [3:31:16 PM] Wyzard97: Well this is subject to revisions
    [3:31:18 PM] Sirius 17: and this was say 65,000 years ago or so
    [3:31:24 PM] Sirius 17: the first bottleneck
    [3:31:37 PM] Wyzard97: But it was a genepool yes and multiplicity in locations as well
    [3:31:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes they are coming out with new data all the time
    [3:32:03 PM] Wyzard97: Look into the eyes of a monkey and you see humanity
    [3:32:16 PM] Sirius 17: true
    [3:32:19 PM] Wyzard97: Experimenting on them makes my soul cry
    [3:32:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes i agree
    [3:32:36 PM] Wyzard97: Or the bears, seals, whales, dogs etc
    [3:32:54 PM] Sirius 17: the mice are getting the worst of it now
    [3:33:08 PM] Wyzard97: They are smart too yes as are pigs
    [3:33:25 PM] Wyzard97: Yet we eat them as the reptiles we are
    [3:33:41 PM] Sirius 17: yes you saw those 5000 dead pigs in the river in China? turns out it was a big genetic experiment that went wrong
    [3:33:59 PM] Sirius 17: sick shit
    [3:34:21 PM] Wyzard97: So the general extinction line has been crossed already and unless a new world with contact surfaces it will be Mad Max scenarios
    [3:34:50 PM] Sirius 17: i mean i understand they need to experiment, but there are willing humans who would gladly be their guinnea pigs you know and far more effective and faster treatments would be found in our own species
    [3:35:56 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is true, thousands of species go extinct yearly
    [3:36:27 PM] Sirius 17: and its effecting the oceans now too in a very bad way with the over fishing
    [3:36:29 PM] Sirius 17: pollutions
    [3:37:20 PM] Sirius 17: BP and offshore drilling
    [3:37:36 PM] Sirius 17: oh i watched a really good video today on one of my long time heros

    Mike Reynolds and the earthships

    [3:39:16 PM] Sirius 17: you would like this
    [3:39:32 PM] Sirius 17: i have been following his work over the years
    [3:39:52 PM] Wyzard97: I'll add it to the message
    [3:39:56 PM] Sirius 17: i first saw an article on him in Mother Earth News years ago
    [3:40:24 PM] Sirius 17: he builds sustainable housing out of recycled garbage
    [3:40:28 PM] Sirius 17: old tires ect
    [3:40:35 PM] Sirius 17: bottles, plastic and glass
    [3:40:48 PM] Sirius 17: and they are completely off the grid and self sustained
    [3:41:11 PM] Sirius 17: he is famous for his Taos New Mexico community
    [3:41:38 PM] Sirius 17: a visionary that belongs in the new world
    the old world isn't ready for him
    [3:42:19 PM] Sirius 17: but apparently he did get legislation passed to experiment with 'unusual' building materials and designs, but not before he lost almost everything to the fight
    [3:43:11 PM] Sirius 17: years ago i fantasized about owning and building one of these earthship homes
    [3:43:19 PM] Sirius 17: going off grid completely
    [3:43:20 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, well there are a few thousand 'qualifiers' about
    [3:43:42 PM] Wyzard97: To bring them all together is Logos work
    But I will sign off now Raven
    [3:44:11 PM] Sirius 17: well he buiilt a community, a small one of course, but people who saw the truth in his vision
    [3:44:30 PM] Sirius 17: ok hon, well take care
    [3:44:59 PM] Sirius 17: hang in there sweety
    [3:45:12 PM] Wyzard97: You too and look after Carla
    [3:45:26 PM] Sirius 17: yes i am about to send her to bed soon
    [3:45:31 PM] Sirius 17: bandage looks good
    [3:45:36 PM] Sirius 17: its still intact

    Post last edited Mar 27th 2013
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 50

    miii - Posted Mar 30th 2013


    Thursday, March 28, felt odd. But eh, what days do not feel odd? Don't know where to put this exactly, so pardon if it throws anyone off.
    I was in pain but i knew i was playing the pain. I was experiencing the day at the same time watching myself experience it. I could feel my thoughts, my body, my words like a husk. i watched myself wear my body. I came home from work, finally alone, sat and talked it over. Felt that I had left the stage. Yesterday night, and evening. I felt things moving, things put on that were removed. within. but the within was like remembering backwards. I know this sounds nuts I dont know why I keep coming back but it wont let me go.
    Something spoke to me about time. It looks linear but the points align following waves, circular paths intersecting a line...the line being the finite human lining up infinite points unto unity
    I saw myself again, and yes it gets forgotten and comes back. but yesterday i could see my energy, it was manifested more "physically" than ever before. I saw smoke, mists around me, they looked like whisps but then coiled ladders. I waved my hand around to check if was dust seen through sunlight. It moved with my wave. then i held it out and willed the shapes i wanted to express. The mists obeyed my word. I started hearing things. I don't know what or where they came from, but it felt like i hearing things said in different times, past or present i didn't know. I saw faces, bodies, walking around me, they had different bodies and shapes and ages. they were all looking at me but not engaged. faintly i saw them. when i stared back, and our "eyes " net, we greeted each other with the feeling of long awaited return to each other.
    I felt like home is closer, and family reunion is invietable.


    Post last edited Mar 30th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 30th 2013

    miii - Posted 84 Minutes Ago


    Thursday, March 28, felt odd. But eh, what days do not feel odd? Don't know where to put this exactly, so pardon if it throws anyone off.
    I was in pain but i knew i was playing the pain. I was experiencing the day at the same time watching myself experience it. I could feel my thoughts, my body, my words like a husk. i watched myself wear my body. I came home from work, finally alone, sat and talked it over. Felt that I had left the stage. Yesterday night, and evening. I felt things moving, things put on that were removed. within. but the within was like remembering backwards. I know this sounds nuts I dont know why I keep coming back but it wont let me go.
    Something spoke to me about time. It looks linear but the points align following waves, circular paths intersecting a line...the line being the finite human lining up infinite points unto unity
    I saw myself again, and yes it gets forgotten and comes back. but yesterday i could see my energy, it was manifested more "physically" than ever before. I saw smoke, mists around me, they looked like whisps but then coiled ladders. I waved my hand around to check if was dust seen through sunlight. It moved with my wave. then i held it out and willed the shapes i wanted to express. The mists obeyed my word. I started hearing things. I don't know what or where they came from, but it felt like i hearing things said in different times, past or present i didn't know. I saw faces, bodies, walking around me, they had different bodies and shapes and ages. they were all looking at me but not engaged. faintly i saw them. when i stared back, and our "eyes " net, we greeted each other with the feeling of long awaited return to each other.
    I felt like home is closer, and family reunion is invietable.


    Emeth (Hebrew אמת : "truth," "firmness," or "veracity")


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Narnia character
    Major character in
    The Last Battle
    Emeth (Hebrew אמת : "truth," "firmness," or "veracity") is a Calormene character from C. S. Lewis's book The Last Battle (from the Chronicles of Narnia series). As a Calormene, Emeth was raised to follow Tash, the antithesis of Aslan, and did so with an emphatic devotion and loyalty. Nevertheless, Emeth manages to travel to Aslan's paradisaical country after the destruction of Narnia, and is welcomed by Aslan.[1] Because he worshipped a devil and not God, his acceptance has been controversial with some Christians who disagree with Lewis' soteriology.


    Implications in Christian theology

    Further information: Religion in The Chronicles of Narnia
    Aslan's words to Emeth, in which he ratifies the good deeds the latter did even under the name of Tash, are the subject of this controversy.
    I take to me the services which thou hast done to Tash [the false God]... if any man swear by him and keep his oath for the oath's sake, it is by me [Christ] that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him."[1]
    The implication is that people who reflect a righteous heart are to some degree justified, regardless of misbelief. This is a cornerstone of Christian theology: one party cites the Christian paradigm that faith in Christ alone saves, and the other wants to account for the fate of those born and raised into another faith. There has been extensive commentary on the question. In a letter from 1952, Lewis summarized and explained his position:
    I think that every prayer which is sincerely made even to a false god, or to a very imperfectly conceived true God, is accepted by the true God and that Christ saves many who do not think they know him. For He is (dimly) present in the good side of the inferior teachers they follow. In the parable of the Sheep and Goats those who are saved do not seem to know that they have served Christ.[2]
    Lewis cites this view as derived[2] from the parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25:34-40, from Paul's speech to the Athenians in Acts 17:23: "What you now worship as something unknown, I am going to proclaim to you", and from 1 Timothy 4:10: "God, the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe" (all references NIV).
    Lewis encountered[2] one contradiction to this idea in Romans 10:14: "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (TNIV). This is consistent with Paul's doctrine that though God is already with the pagans, they still need to see him revealed. Lewis, however, replied with 1 Corinthians 1:12-13: "One of you says, 'I follow Paul'; another, 'I follow Apollos'; another, 'I follow Cephas'; still another, 'I follow Christ.' -- Is Christ divided?" (TNIV), which he interpreted as indicating the sameness of God regardless of his context.
    Perhaps the strongest support for Lewis' case is found in Romans 2:13-15 (TNIV):
    For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)
    A final reply is found in Jesus' words in John 14:6: "No one comes to the Father except through me" (NIV). However, its interpretation is ambiguous: if Jesus meant that he was an object by conscious faith in whose name a person is saved, this verse would appear to contradict Lewis' argument. However, Jesus could have meant (a) that he alone made salvation possible (i.e., activated it by his death), and/or that (b) as Lewis suggested, some might come to the Father through Jesus who did not at first realize that was what they were doing.

    1. ^ a b Lewis, C.S. The Last Battle. London: Harper Collins, 1956. Chp. 15, in which Emeth recounts his history.
    2. ^ a b c Lewis, C.S. The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume III: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2007. Quotes from pp. 244-245, 163, and 506, respectively.
    Retrieved from ""


    Post last edited Apr 1st 2013

    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE

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    • Jorgelito - Posted Mar 30th 2013

      Hello Miii, I like what appears to be a true summation of things -- home is close and family reunion is inevitable. I wish you well on your passage in what seems to be most interesting if not disconcerting at times.

      Post last edited Mar 30th 2013
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Jorgelito - Posted Mar 31st 2013

    Miii, you might find this amusing . . .


    Post last edited Mar 31st 2013

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    JesterTerrestrial - Posted Mar 31st 2013

    alright got the editor working, have been in the lab working if thats what you want to call it. Just thought id stop by the Thuban forum and say whats good. Life! tongue. That is whats good. The wheels keep going around and like raven said those on the outside of the gate dont get it ! They dont know what they dont know and now they want it! heart. DRAGON MAGIC AND THE UNIVERSAL LOVE PHOTON WILL SMASH YOUR SNAKE MAGIC BE WARNED!!!

    I can feel the outside pressure from with in the gates of Avalon as we rebuild the castle of Camelot!!! AND THE ORIGINAL ROUND LIVES!!!

    Stay tuned... MERLIN JT! MAAT


    There are signs of hope that we are actually close to something spectacular of none other then the usual epic monumental proportions of magic and life force energy that I bring to the table that I build so sorry if things get a little bit wild sometimes but we I am an extra terrestrial I can forgive expect me!!! Not Anonymous Michael Toldnes the JesterTerrestrial Himself grin.

    Anyway...i try to find some time to catch up on the news and gosip around here as i appear to still be unable to conntect to skype for like months now hmmm...

    I hope the crew is ready for the new system launch!!! NEW 2013!!! DRAGON MAGIC!!! OYA!!!

    Post last edited Mar 31st 2013

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    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Apr 2nd 2013

    if you need an invite to chat on skype - just post me your email - thanks ; susan

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 3rd 2013

    Hunab Ku at 1.6 Billion AU versus G.1.9 at 60 AU

    To preempt Nabs a la a form of quasi science-conspiracy kind and as depicted in this youtube disinfo video and masquerading as alternative science, the following Chandra photographs are shared in this message. This diagram of scales from the Nabs site quoted at the end of this post is appropriate and relates to a post of wyzard reprinted here as a correlation between the actual astrophysics, as say emphasized in the ubiquitous 'climate changes' related to the solar cycles and the 5-dimensional metaphysics now underpinning all cosmological models.

    The 'Brown Dwarf' is however near the Center of the Galaxy (the Mayan Hunab Ku) and only appears to be located 60 AUs as in the Nabs diagram below. The Nibiru-Planet X and related Nabs meanderings are similarly distorted facts of real ET-science. All so called terran science so becomes by implication Extra-Terrestrial and is in no requirement of 'alien supremacies' regarding the natural order of cosmic law and jurisprudence.
    According to the Thuban Chronos, the precise timing of this 'Brown Dwarf Supernova Remnant' can be said to be indeed the 'Wormwood - Comet' of Nostradamus and Mother Shipton and many other ancient seers and modern 'remote viewers' as encoded in Revelation as a precise 65=13x5 Baktun count of 65x144,000 'Kin-Days' for 9,360,000 day and night cycles corresponding to 25,626.809...=9,360,000/365.2425 Gregorian or 'Civil Years' as per the contemporary reckoning of time as measured by clocks. This then signifies the true meaning of the December 21st, 2012 solstice in its yearly alignment with the galactic center of Hunab Ku.

    Furthermore, Thuban cosmology then stipulates, that the actual distance between the metaphysical location of Hunab Ku and the Centre of the Earth as metaphysical Gaia Serpentina can be ascertained in the fractal nature of the core algorithm of creation, known as the 'Golden Ratio' or Phi in:
    Φ=1.618033...=½[√5+1]=(Distance between Hunab Ku in G.1.9 and the Sun Rahsol)/(Distance between the local star Rahsol and Gaia Serpentina)=1.6 Billion AU/1 AU
    as the fractal of Phi in 1 part per billion for 3600x24x365.2425x25,626.809...cosmic seconds times 300,000,000 cosmic meters per cosmic second for 242.611...billion billion cosmic meters for 242.611...x1018/1.499x1011 as 1.618 cosmic meters fractalised.

    Because 1 AU in SI is 149,598,000 kilometres for a SI-meter (m) being 0.9983318783 cosmic metres (m*) in lightspeed {c/c*=299792458(m/s)/300000000(m*/s*)=0.999308193 (ms*/m*s)} for a SI-second (s) becoming 0.99902301 cosmic seconds (s*); the scale difference between the cosmic and SI AU measurements as fractals of 1.49942 and 1.49598 respectively and as the ratio 0.9979.. =1/1.0021=m/m* can be taken as the scale separation between the actual galactic centre of the Milky Way and the G.1.9 supernova source in a mensuration calibration between the physics and the metaphysics. This calculates as 0.00344 AU or 516 million metres approximately or as 1.72 light seconds.

    Nabs Extraordinaire - Broadcast on so called 'alternative media', failing and misappropriating deeply encoded logistics in the scrolls of antiquity!
    The 'real planet X' discoveries are addressed here:

    The IRAS Incident

    Many people, including Mr. Hazlewood, claim that NASA actually sighted Planet X in 1983, and it was reported in the Washington Post! The article claims that two scientists named Neugebauer and Houck used the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (called IRAS) and found a Jupiter-sized object a few billion kilometers out from the Sun.
    This turns out not to be the case. Rather than rely on the accuracy of a newspaper article (and you can find out how accurate those are
    elsewhere on this site) I did something that never occurred to the doomsayers: I sent an email to the two astronomers asking what happened back in '83. Gerry Neugebauer replied, and told me the real poop.
    IRAS was designed to look in the far-infrared, well past what our eyes see. At the time, no one was really sure what it would find. To everyone's surprise, several bright point sources were found that did not correspond to anything seen on optical images taken of the same areas. In the press conference, the two scientists said that these objects could be almost anything, from a tenth planet in our solar system to distant galaxies.
    Guess which it turned out to be? Sure enough, much deeper images were taken, and some of the objects were found to be dense gas clouds in our own Galaxy, while others turned out to be very distant galaxies. In fact, these observations heralded the discovery of a new type of object: Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs). These are galaxies in which there is a burst of stars being born. The cocoons of dust in which the stars are enshrouded generates copious infrared, which is what was detected by IRAS. They published these results in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal, and you can even read it yourself.
    So IRAS did not see Nibiru, Planet X, or anything of the sort, despite the claims of the doomcriers. Of course, they now claim that NASA is clamping down on the press for Planet X. The original Post article, they say, was hastily retracted due to pressure from the NASA thugs. Of course, the doomcriers have absolutely no evidence of this (because, of course, this claim is wrong), but they continue to state it as if it is fact. It is nothing of the sort. They like to make claims like this for many reasons: it generates an "us vs. them" mentality, which is great for conspiracies, and it helps sell books and/or videos. But it's wrong at best and a lie at worst.
    A good page with a lot of detail about the IRAS observations is written by Tom Chester, an astronomer on the original IRAS team that found the mystery sources. Straight from the horse's mouth, if you will.
    You can also read more about IRAS and Planet X at the Planet X and the Pole Shift website, which also has a copy of the original Washington Post article.

    Brown Dwarfs

    [Note added January 19, 2003: in this section, I originally mistakenly gave the brown dwarf a visual magnitude of 17, when in fact it's more like 25. This is a factor of about 1600 in brightness. I have made the correction in this section and fixed the math involved. While a factor of 1600 seems like a lot, it doesn't change my argument that if Planet X were a brown dwarf, it would be easily visible to the naked eye.]
    Mr. Hazlewood and many others on the web claim that Planet X is a brown dwarf. As strongly as I can make this claim, this is impossible.
    Why? Because of what a brown dwarf is. We are familiar with stars,
    which are luminous balls of gas that fuse elements in their core. Stars are massive enough that the pressure and temperature in their cores are enough to maintain fusion. Planets are smaller, cooler objects which are, in general, not self-luminous. Planets are bright because they reflect sunlight. Their mass is too small to have fusion in the core.
    A brown dwarf is an object that is somewhere in the netherworld between stars and planets. By definition, a brown dwarf is an object that has a mass less than is needed to sustain fusion, and at the lower mass end they blend into planets. For more detail, you can read my pages about brown dwarfs here and here.
    Brown dwarfs are born hot, since they are formed, like stars, from a collapsing cloud of gas and dust. This process makes a lot of heat, sometimes enough that even a brown dwarf can have fusion in its core, at least for a while. But they cannot maintain that fusion, and eventually cool off.
    A mature brown dwarf glows in infrared. It has a temperature of something like 1000 to 2500 degrees Celsius. An object that hot puts out very little visible light, but gives off more infrared. Not that they're all that bright: they are so faint that the first brown dwarf discovered, named Gliese 229b, eluded detection until 1995! It glows feebly at about magnitude 25 in visible light. That makes it roughly 1/40,000,000th the brightness of the faintest star visible to the unaided eye, and takes a fair sized telescope to see at all.
    However (and this is a big however), Gliese 229b is a long way off: about 18 light years away, or roughly 200 trillion kilometers! If we go with Mr. Hazlewood's claim that Planet X is a brown dwarf, we can assume it is much like Gliese 229b. At a distance of even Pluto's orbit, Planet X would be a billion times brighter, glowing visibly at magnitude 2, making it a relatively bright star! Mind you, as I write this (July 2002) it must be significantly closer to us than Pluto, and proportionally brighter. It would be the third brightest object in the sky (only the Moon and Sun would be brighter). We don't see it, which leads me to the conclusion that it doesn't exist.
    Even if we assume that, somehow, magically, Planet X does not glow in the visible (even though Mr. Hazlewood claims many times in his book that it does indeed glow), it would still reflect sunlight. A brown dwarf has about the same size as Jupiter (due to the way planets behave, piling more mass onto Jupiter won't make it bigger, it'll make it denser). Jupiter is actually the fourth brightest object in the sky, so a reflecting brown dwarf would be similarly bright. However, again, we don't see it.
    Finally, a brown dwarf may be puny compared to a star, but can be very massive compared to a planet. Ms. Lieder claims that Planet X has a mass something like 5 times the Earth's mass, which is more like a normal planet than a brown dwarf. Either way, something this massive plowing through the solar system would be greatly affecting the orbits of the outer planets. However, the planets appear to be just where they should assuming Planet X does not exist.
    Conclusion: Doomsayers claim Planet X is a brown dwarf (or even a massive planet). However, it's not hard to see that there can be no such brown dwarf anywhere near the Earth. Therefore, the claims are wrong.

    Orbits and Gravity

    Planet X is claimed to be on an orbit that brings it close to the Sun every 3600 years. Now, if we assume that this orbit obeys the laws of gravity, then we can calculate its distance at any given time. This depends on the math of gravity, which is pretty well understood.
    However, the equations used to figure distance based on orbital velocity are not simple, but I used the method as described by
    Dr. Joseph Gallant, Assistant Professor of Physics at Kent State University, which allows for plug-and-chug solutions. I find that in one year, Planet X must be about 900 million kilometers away from the Earth, give or take a hundred million. This is much closer to Earth than Saturn, and just a bit farther than Jupiter!
    [Note (added July 27, 2002): A small Oops here; when I did this calculation originally, I did it incorrectly, and got a distance too small by about a factor of two (I originally said 550 million kilometers). I have been more careful and got this new number.]
    I have written up detailed notes on how I arrived at this figure: what assumptions I made and how I calculated it. They are on the "Planet X and Orbit Math page. There is a fair bit of math there, but hopefully I have made it clear what I did and why I did it.
    So, Planet X was roughly the same distance to us a Saturn in May 2002, it should have been at least as bright as Saturn and getting brighter by the minute. Saturn is one of the brightest objects in the sky. We see nothing like this, so again I conclude Planet X does not exist.
    Of course, Mr. Hazlewood claims that we do not understand gravity, but that's completely incorrect. We understand gravity well enough to calculate orbits for comets and asteroids and send probes to other planets. If Planet X doesn't obey the laws of gravity as we know them, then it's magic, and then he's wrong anyway.


    Sometimes the science abused by the doomsayers is pretty garbled. Take, for example, this passage from Mr. Hazlewood's book "Blindsided", where on page 11 he quotes a source (anonymous, of course), who says:
    A whole team was contacting every observatory in France -- just sent a message. The Neuchatel observatory got it. They are very excited, wondering if it is a comet or a brown dwarf, through the latest coordinates given. The daughter of the astronomer reports that they suspect a comet or a brown dwarf on the process to becoming a pulsar since it emits "waves."
    To be perfectly blunt, this quotation is just plain silly. First, a comet is easily distinguishable from a brown dwarf using an optical telescope: the brown dwarf appears as a star, while a comet has a distinctly fuzzy appearance. Second, a brown dwarf cannot become a pulsar. A pulsar is formed when a massive star (100 or more times the mass of even the largest brown dwarf) explodes as a supernova. The core collapses, forming a neutron star. This rapidly rotating ultradense object can emit two beams of light like a lighthouse does. We see these beams as rapid pulses, hence the term "pulsar". But a brown dwarf cannot form a pulsar. Third, everything emits waves. A star does, a pulsar does, a comet and brown dwarf do, you do. Anything above absolute zero emits electromagnetic waves, so that statement by Mr. Hazlewood's anonymous mole is particularly weird, and non-informative. In other words, it's meaningless. Even if this informant meant pulses from a pulsar, it's still wrong, since a brown dwarf cannot become a pulsar.
    Incidentally, the Neuchatel Observatory is in Switzerland, not France. Mr. Hazlewood's informant didn't even get that part right.

    1. Deuteronomy 29:18
      Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away this day from the Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood;
    2. Proverbs 5:4
      But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.
    3. Jeremiah 9:15
      Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.
    4. Jeremiah 23:15
      Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.
    5. Lamentations 3:15
      He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood.
    6. Lamentations 3:19
      Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall.
    7. Amos 5:7
      Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth,
    8. Revelation 8:11
      And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

    Updated chart to show the significance of the Oort Cloud and the frequency of related 'cometary visitations relative to the anniversary of the December 21st, 2012 solstice with the solar sunspot cyclicity and a Calendar Calibration of the Maya of 5-Tzolkin in 260x5=1300 Kin or 'civil days' from
    May 26th-27th, 2010 = 13Zip 13Ahau & 14Zip 1Imix to December 16th-17th, 2013 = 18Mac 13Ahau & 19Mac 1Imix
    The 5-dimensional 'New Earth' de Gaia Serpentina timespace matrix (or bubble) will have reached the 63,000 Astronomical Unit marker as a lightyear anniversary of the metamorphosis of the old planet into a starplanet

    Details are in the thread above and in the Constitution thread on this forum

    emeth, April 12th, 2013

    Update on Starplanet Gaia Serpentina's 5-dimensional timespace matrix and the occurrence of 'cometary visitations'

    As the message preceding this update indicates; the above picture (said to be shrouded in an amount of secrecy according to the mentioned Nasa sources) relates to observed and implied changes in the magnetic fields throughout the solar systems of the local starsystem of Rahsol (or Sol as the local Sun, so 8 light minutes or 1 Astronomical Unit (1 AU) of so 150 million kilometres distant from the Earth). As 1 AU is the distance between the Sun Rahsol and the Earth, it takes approximately 150,000,000/300,000=500 seconds or 8⅓ minutes for a light signal travelling at lightspeed 'c'=300,000 km per second to travel the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

    Thuban dragons know, that the multidimensional poleshift of December 21st, 2012 at the centre of the earth allowed a Möbian brane twist of the 4D inertia-mass equivalent 'Black Holed Gaia' to change the operational mode of the old earth into a modus operandi of 'White Holed Inversion' or Reciprocity.
    This in effect changed the previous cosmic identity of Gaia Earth as a cosmic data receiver into that of a cosmic data emitter.

    This update addresses the present status of this data emission in relation to an overall starsystem based mode of information sharing in the extended 4-dimensional space matrix now available for this purpose.

    The 'secrecy' regarding the picture above (presumably from Russian researcher Alexey Dmitriev) is not a big cover up, but certain factions of the 'initiated' know that the changes in the solar system relate to the extended starsystem of Rahsol as a bridging medium to reach the neighbouring starsystem of Proxima-Beta-Alpha Centauri, commonly known as the constellation of the Southern Cross and with Proxima Centauri the nearest star to the local Sun at 4.25 light years or so 268,000 AU's away.

    This can be seen on the pic above as a region between 100,000 and 1,000,000 AUs.
    The so called Kuiper Belt of the 'planetesimals' extends so 100 AU and encompasses all planets in the local solar system, with Pluto at about 40 AU and other trans Neptunian planets and objects referred to as Kuiper Belt objects, then extending to a few hundred AUs.

    The Oort Cloud, from where the comets are said to originate from, then extends the Kuiper region of the local starsystem towards the neighbouring starsystems in a scale from say 10,000 to 20,000 AU.
    The 'secret science of the dragons or starhuman ETs' now knows, that the 4-dimensional expansion of the new starplanetary timespace matrix propagates at lightspeed from the starplanet's centre outwards to share and transmit its data collected in its physical 4.6 billion year history with the greater universe.

    Since December 21st, 2012 then to February 15th, 2013, 56 days measured at the local chronos, have elapsed. This time period signifies a 'New Rainbow Dragon Covenant' between the Starhuman ETs and a small remnant or genomatic stock of the 'Old Earth', meaning the human civilisation in the old data receiving mode of its engulfing 4-dimensional spacetime matrix.

    56 lightdays so calculate the maximum extent of the extended 'bubble atmosphere' of Gaia Serpentina and this number calculates as 56x24x3600=4,838,400 light seconds or 4,838,400/500=9,676.8 AUs.
    Looking at the 'secret chart' , this signifies the 104=10,000 marker and so the 'edge' of the localised Oort Cloud.
    This means, that at lightspeed, the Data history of Gaia Serpentina has now reached the Oort Cloud and the history of the earth in parameters of consciousness evolution and information is now being openly shared and 'processed' by the encompassing 4-dimensional volume defined by this nexus marker of the Rainbow Covenant between Starman and the Creator-Creation monadic dyad exposited elsewhere.
    In terms of the general celestial history of the extended starsystem environment, such as the periodic intersection of comets and meteorites; those occurrences continue as observed and often predicted to great accuracy; all such 'visitations' are however reconfigured in the new Gaian 5-dimensional timespace bubble, whenever this 'new spacial realm' is encountered by the periodic or transiting celestial phenomena.

    The recent 'comets' and meteorites therefore are 'different in energy' (or so called Nabs vibrations), than they would be, if not intersecting the Gaian 'Bubble Volume' of the Starplanet.
    The recent encounters of such comets and meteorites, as well as particular political-socioeconomic and otherwise developments in the 'trickle down' effect into the old perceived 4D spacetime realism of this still quarantined planetary civilisation, should therefore be assessed and analysed with the knowledge of the Thuban dragons herewith shared and disseminated.

    More details about how Old Earth became a New Earth is found here and on related messages.


    The Habanera Song by Maria Callas of 'Carmen' is nice though!

    There is a speculative 'Nemesis Theory', which is scientifically sound, but which describes a 26 million cyclicity, supported by some geophysical evidence like the extinction events upon planet earth (most notoriously the dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago), changing the mesozoic (250 Million - 65 million years) or middle era into the present cenozoic era. Like so many other ideas and proposals, the basic core of this theory has been hijacked by the Nabs wannabes, lacking both basic scientific understanding and rudimentary common discernment.
    For a basic astrophysics information; I highly recommend anyone interested to watch the video shared below.


    Jacob Bryant's Orphic Egg (1774)
    Aristophanes states that Aether was the son of Erebus. However, Damascius says that Aether, Erebus and Chaos were siblings, and the offspring of Chronos (Father Time). According to Epiphanius, the world began as a cosmic egg, encircled by Time and Inevitability (most likely Chronos and Ananke) in serpent fashion. Together they constricted the egg, squeezing its matter with great force, until the world divided into two hemispheres. After that, the atoms sorted themselves out. The lighter and finer ones floated above and became the Bright Air (Aether and/or Uranus) and the rarefied Wind (Chaos), while the heavier and dirtier atoms sank and became the Earth (Gaia) and the Ocean (Pontos and/or Oceanus).[3] See also Plato's Myth of Er.
    The fifth Orphic hymn to Aether describes the substance as "the high-reigning, ever indestructible power of Zeus," "the best element," and "the life-spark of all creatures."[6] Though attributed to the mythological poet Orpheus who lived before the time of Homer, the likely composition of the hymns in the 6th-4th centuries BCE make them contemporary with natural philosophers, such as Empedocles, who theorized the material forces of nature as identical with the gods and superior to the anthropomorphic divinities of Homeric religion.

    Tyche (hypothetical planet)

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Not to be confused with the hypothetical star Nemesis.
    For the asteroid, see 258 Tyche.
    An artist's rendering of the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt (inset)
    Tyche (/ˈtaɪki/) is the nickname given to a hypothetical gas giant located in the Solar System's Oort cloud, first proposed in 1999 by astrophysicists John Matese, Patrick Whitman and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.[1][2] They argue that evidence of Tyche's existence can be seen in a supposed bias in the points of origin for long-period comets. More recently Matese[3] and Whitmire[4] re-evaluated the comet data and noted that Tyche, if it exists, should be detectable in the archive of data that was collected by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.[5][6] However, several astronomers have voiced skepticism of this object's existence.[2][7] Analysis over the next couple of years will be needed to determine if WISE has actually detected such a world or not.[8]


    Matese, Whitmire and their colleague Patrick Whitman first proposed the existence of this planet in 1999,[9] based on observations of the orbits of long-period comets. Most astronomers agree that long-period comets (those with orbits of thousands to millions of years) have a roughly isotropic distribution; that is, they arrive at random from every point in the sky.[10] Because comets are volatile and dissipate over time, astronomers suspect that they must be held in a spherical cloud tens of thousands of AU distant (known as the Oort cloud) for most of their existence.[10] However, Matese and Whitmire claimed that rather than arriving from random points across the sky as is commonly thought, comet orbits were in fact clustered in a band inclined to the orbital plane of the planets. Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter, possibly a brown dwarf, located in the outer part of the Oort cloud.[11][12] They also suggested that such an object might explain the trans-Neptunian object Sedna's peculiar orbit.[13] However, the sample size of Oort comets was small and the results were inconclusive.[7]

    Whitmire and Matese speculate that Tyche's orbit would lie at approximately 500 times Neptune's distance; equivalent to 15,000 AU (2.2×1012 km) from the Sun, a little less than one quarter of a light year. This is still well within the Oort cloud, whose boundary is estimated to be beyond 50,000 AU. It would have an orbital period of roughly 1.8 million years.[14] A failed search of older IRAS data suggests that an object of 5 MJ would need to have a distance greater than 10,000 AU.[5] Such a planet would orbit in a different plane in orientation to our current planet orbits,[15] and probably formed in a wide-binary orbit.[5] Wide binaries may form through capture during the dissolution of a star's birth cluster.[5]

    General size comparison between the Sun, a low-mass star, a brown dwarf, and the planets Jupiter and Earth.
    In 2011, Whitmire and Matese speculated that the hypothesized planet could be up to four times the mass of Jupiter and have a relatively high temperature of approximately 200 K[5] (−73°C), due to residual heat from its formation and Kelvin–Helmholtz heating.[16] It would be insufficiently massive to undergo nuclear fusion reactions in its interior, a process which occurs in objects above roughly 13 Jupiter masses. Although more massive than Jupiter, Tyche would be about Jupiter's size since degenerate pressure causes massive gas giants to increase only in density, not in size, relative to their mass.[a] If Tyche is found, it is expected to be found by the end of 2013 and only be 1–2 Jupiter masses.[19]

    Origin of name

    Tyche (Τύχη, meaning "fortune" or "luck" in Greek) was the Greek goddess of fortune and prosperity. The name was chosen to avoid confusion with an earlier similar hypothesis that the Sun has a dim companion named Nemesis, whose gravity triggers influxes of comets into the inner Solar System, leading to mass-extinctions on Earth. Tyche was the name of the "good sister" of Nemesis.[5] This name was first used for an outer Oort cloud object by Davy Kirpatrick at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center of the California Institute of Technology.[20]
    Ongoing research

    The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope has completed an all-sky infrared survey that includes areas where Whitmire and Matese anticipate that Tyche may be found.[5] On March 14, 2012, the first-pass allsky survey catalog of the WISE mission was released.[21] The co-added (AllWISE) post-cryo second survey of the sky should be released by the end of 2013.[22] This latter second survey may be required to identify proper motion candidates for further follow-up observations. If Tyche was detected by WISE it should be identified soon after the final post-cryo data is released.
    See also


    1. ^ A cold hydrogen-rich gas giant slightly more massive than Jupiter (below about 1.6 MJ) would be larger in volume than Jupiter,[17] but for higher masses, degenerate pressure will cause the planet to shrink,[17] and added mass is compensated for by increasing degeneracy pressure in the planetary core. For example, HD 17156 b is 3 MJ with a radius of 96% of Jupiter and HD 80606 b is 4 MJ with a radius of 92% of Jupiter. Even the brown dwarf COROT-3b (22 MJ) is estimated to be about the volume of Jupiter. After 10 billion years of cooling, large gas giants are all very nearly Jupiter's radius, but more massive objects are slightly smaller.[18]

    More proper Images of G1.9+0.3
    Two Panel
    Jpeg, Tif, PS

    X-ray only-Left
    Jpeg, Tif, , Tif, PS

    Comparison of Chandra X-ray and VLA Radio Images​
    The most recent supernova in our Galaxy has been discovered by determining the age of the supernova remnant known as G1.9+0.3. To determine the age, astronomers tracked how quickly it is expanding, by comparing a radio image from 1985 to a Chandra image taken in 2007. The expansion rate was confirmed with another radio observation with the VLA in 2008. The difference in size between these images gives clear evidence for expansion, allowing the age of the remnant and the time since the original supernova explosion (about 140 years) to be estimated.
    (Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/NCSU/S.Reynolds et al.); Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/Cambridge/D.Green et al.))


    Two Panel
    Jpeg, Tif, PS


    Radio 1985
    Jpeg, Tif, PS

    Radio 2008
    Jpeg, Tif, PS

    VLA Radio Image of G1.9+0.3​
    This is a radio image, from the NRAO's Very Large Array (VLA), of G1.9+0.3, a supernova remnant left behind after a supernova. Clear expansion between this VLA image, obtained in 1985 and a Chandra image obtained in 2007 allowed the time since the explosion to be estimated. This was confirmed with a new VLA image obtained in 2008.
    (Credit: NSF/NRAO/VLA/Cambridge/D.Green et al.)

    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    Location in Milky Way of Other Historic Supernovas​
    This artist's impression shows a view looking down on the Milky Way galaxy. The position of the Sun is shown, as are the approximate positions and names (shown in orange) of historical supernovas. These are stellar explosions that are thought to have occurred in the last 2,000 years and may have been seen by early astronomers. The estimated position of the recently discovered G1.9+0.3 is shown in black. Although the distance to this remnant is uncertain, the angle is accurately known. Note that G1.9+0.3 is the only object that is found in the bulge of the galaxy.
    (Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
    Interactive: Historical supernova remnants in the Milky Way (flash)

    SN Explosion
    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    Illustration of a Supernova near the Galactic Center​
    This artist's impression shows what the supernova explosion that resulted in the formation of the supernova remnant G1.9+0.3 might have looked like. The expanding debris from the supernova explosion is shown in white, including some interaction with the surrounding gas (green). The crowded environment near the center is shown by diffuse gas (red) and dust (brown) as well as large numbers of stars with different masses and colors.
    (Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)​

    Optical Labeled
    Jpeg, Tif, PS

    Optical Unlabeled
    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    Optical Image of Milky Way Galaxy​
    This is a beautiful optical image of the Milky Way galaxy, with the center of the Galaxy in the middle and the position of G1.9+0.3 labeled. This is a mosaic of 51 images that were taken and stitched together by Axel Mellinger, an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer. (Used with permission)
    (Credit: Axel Mellinger, University of Potsdam, Germany)​

    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    Infrared Panoramic image of the Galactic center​
    This panoramic image from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), covering about 3 degrees by about 2 degrees, shows the central region of the Milky Way galaxy. The Galactic center is the bright red spot in the upper right side of the image. The Chandra and VLA composite image of G1.9+0.3 is shown in the lower left. The plane of the galaxy runs from the Galactic center to approximately the lower left corner of the image.
    (Credit: 2MASS/UMass/IPAC-Caltech/NASA/NSF/CfA/E.Bressert)​

    , Tif, PS
    Chandra, VLA & 2MASS Composite image of G1.9+0.3​
    A composite image of X-ray (orange) and radio (blue) data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Very Large Array shows the remains of the supernova remnant G1.9+0.3. The original supernova explosion, the most recent in the Milky Way, was not detected in optical light because it is near the center of the Galaxy and obscured by gas and dust. The yellow and white stars are from a 2MASS infrared image.
    (Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/NCSU/S.Reynolds et al.); Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/Cambridge/D.Green et al.))​

    , Tif, PS
    Chandra X-ray & VLA Radio Composite image of G1.9+0.3​
    This composite image of the supernova remnant G1.9+0.3 combines the Chandra X-ray Observatory image taken in 2007 (orange) with the Very Large Array radio image taken in 1985 (blue) and 2008 (yellow). The difference in size between the images gives clear evidence for expansion, allowing the age of the remnant and the time since the original supernova explosion (about 140 years) to be estimated.
    (Credit: X-ray (NASA/CXC/NCSU/S.Reynolds et al.); Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/Cambridge/D.Green et al.))​

    Jpeg, Tif, PS
    G1.9+0.3 with Scale Bar

    Return to G1.9+0.3 (May 14, 2008)​

    Remains of 140-Year-Old Supernova Discovered
    First of many young supernova remnants?
    By JR Minkel

    G1.9+0.3 is the new youngest remnant (debris cloud) of a supernova in the Milky Way. This composite view combines a 1985 radio image (blue) with a 2007 x-ray image (red), showing the 16 percent spread of the remnant during the interval. Image: X-ray (NASA/CXC/NCSU/S.Reynolds et al.); Radio (NSF/NRAO/VLA/Cambridge/D.Green et al.)
    Astronomers have discovered traces of a star that went supernova about 140 years ago as viewed from Earth*,

    *Clarification (5/15/08): The supernova marked by G1.9+0.3 would have occurred 25,000 years ago, but because of its distance from Earth, the supernova's light would have first become visible 140 years ago.

    around the time of the U.S. Civil War and the publication of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species. The expanding debris cloud, or remnant, known as G1.9+0.3, lies near the center of the Milky Way, about 25,000 light-years from Earth.
    Besides making G1.9+0.3 the youngest supernova remnant known in our galaxy, the finding begins to fill a peculiar astronomical gap. Based on studies of other galaxies, researchers estimate that about three supernovae should pop off per century in the Milky Way. They knew of one recent remnant, Cassiopeia A, which went supernova around 1680 by Earth's watch.

    Researchers first identified G1.9+0.3 as a supernova remnant in 1985, using the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA), a sprawling network of radio telescopes in Soccoro, N.M. They estimated its age at 400 to 1,000 years old, Earth-time.
    More than 20 years later, in 2007, a team observing the remnant via NASA's orbiting Chandra X-Ray Observatory found that it had grown by a surprising 16 percent, implying that the object was younger than they thought. When researchers checked double-checked using VLA, they got the same result, published in twin papers in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
    Despite the supernova's timing, contemporaries of Lincoln and Darwin would have missed it, because dust and gas surrounding the dying star would have blocked the flash of visible light. The expanding gas cloud shines brightly, however, in radio and x-ray frequencies.
    G1.9+0.3 may be the tip of the iceberg. "If the supernova rate estimates are correct, there should be the remnants of about 10 supernova explosions in the Milky Way that are younger than Cassiopeia A," said David Green of the University of Cambridge in England, leader of the VLA study, in a statement. "It's great to finally track one of them down."
    *Clarification (5/15/08): The supernova marked by G1.9+0.3 would have occurred 25,000 years ago, but because of its distance from Earth, the supernova's light would have first become visible 140 years ago.

    The following 'alternative science' is misrepresenting the conventional and tested astrophysical evaluation of G.1.9. As the 'Scientific American' article emphasizes; the G.1.9 remnant did not occur 140 years ago, but rather 25,000 years ago and so indicative of a distance of no less than 25,000 light years or so 1.6 billion AUs

    Is G1.9 our Second Sun?
    G1.9 near Pluto at the Galactic center

    Something is disturbing Pluto and the outer planets at the edge of our solar system and is also affecting our Earth. That object may be G1.9, classified by NASA's Dave Green as a supernova remnant(SNR) which exploded 25,000 years ago but whose signal began reaching us 140 years ago, but suspected by other astronomers to be a red dwarf sun almost twice(1.9) the size of Jupiter now at its perihelion(closest approach) to our own Sun(about 60 AU).
    Why is Nasa so quiet about this object, or so little information on it available? They admit it is an "exceptional object" which they have been hunting for over 50 years but give little other information. It took a team of Spanish astronomers(supposedly) to blow the lid open on what this object may really be, and Russian astronomers to confirm it. Russian space agency head, Anatoly Perminov, is alarmed by the object which he says is dislodging Kuiper Belt objects some of which hit Jupiter in 1994(Shoemaker-Levy) and more currently in July 2009. Contrary to the American story, they believe it is either a brown dwarf sun or a new planet entering our solar system. The Spanish team of astrophysicists add that G1.9 may have planets encircling it.
    G1.9+03 was known as far back as 1984, and 2007 Chandra X-ray observations have shown it to have increased in size by at least 15% between 1985 and 2008 or 0.65% per year, indicating it is either expanding or getting closer to us.
    Wikipedia lists its 2008 coordinates at right ascension 17h 48m 45.4s and declination -27° 10m 06s which equates to a tropical 27°29'33"Sagittarius. G1.9's rate of motion is still unclear, although it no doubt varies significantly from its perihelion to aphelion.
    I used the World Space Telescope to try and locate it but the only really notable star there is 3Sagitarri;HR661, a bright orange star at right ascension 17h 27m 46s and declination -27° 50'. To observe G1.9 I had to click on the imagery section to make it appear. It appears to have been removed/blacked out or pasted. What are those red flames on its side!? Is this a real picture or an artistic rendering? Below are two images of G1.9...

    g19a. g19b.
    It's difficult at this point to tell what G.19 is exactly. There are too many rumours and not enough scientific data on it yet to determine whether it is our Sun's red dwarf binary, or the information is being witheld for some reason. There does seem to be an information void on it -at least here in the West. Hopefully, this situation will change soon, for if G1.9 is our second sun the implications are enormous.

    artist's rendering of G1.9 orbit
    If G1.9 has planets orbiting it, for example, such can slice through our solar system at perihelion, causing tremendous damage. The furthest orbiting body around G1.9(Nibiru?) would be especially disastrous to us as it would probably have enough distance to cross into the inner planet zone where our Earth is.
    Untill, however, more solid informatrion on this mysterious object becomes available, we will just have to hold our breath and wait for more clarification.
    Note: G1.9+03 should not be confused with Gliese 581 which is also a red dwarf but located at RA 15h19m26.8s and declination -07°43'20" or tropical 19°31'20"Sco.

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    Post last edited Apr 12th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 4th 2013

    Scientists home in on mysterious dark matter

    By Robert Evans Posted 2013/04/03 at 5:46 pm EDT

    GENEVA, Apr. 3, 2013 (Reuters) — Scientists said on Wednesday they may be close to tracking down the mysterious "dark matter" which makes up more than a quarter of the universe but has never been seen.

    A final identification of what makes up the enigmatic material would solve one of the biggest mysteries in physics and open up new investigations into the possibility of multiple universes and other areas, said researchers.
    Members of an international team had picked up what might be the first physical trace left by dark matter while studying cosmic rays recorded on the International Space Station, said the head of the Europe- and U.S.-based research project Samuel Ting.

    He told a packed seminar at the CERN research center, near Geneva, the team had found a surge of positron particles that might have come from dark matter.
    In the coming months, he said, the CERN-built AMS particle detector on the space station "will be able to tell us conclusively whether these positrons are a signal for dark matter or if they have some other origin".
    Dark matter, once the stuff of science fiction, "is one of the most important mysteries of physics today," Ting, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 1976 Nobel physics prize winner, has written.
    Sometimes called the sculptor of the universe's millions of galaxies because of the way its gravity shapes their formation, its existence has long been recognized because of the way it pushes visible stars and planets around.
    But efforts in laboratories on earth and in deep underground caverns to find concrete evidence that it is there, and to establish what it is, have so far proven fruitless.
    Ting said it was also possible the surges came from pulsars - rotating neutron stars that emit a pulsing radiation.
    But CERN physicist Pauline Gagnon told Reuters after hearing Ting that the precision of the AMS could make it possible "to get a first hold on dark matter really soon".
    "That would be terrific, like discovering a completely new continent. It would really open the door to a whole new world," said Gagnon, a Canadian physicist on ATLAS, one of the two CERN teams that believe they found evidence of the elusive Higgs particle in the centre's Large Hadron Collider.


    John Conway, a physics professor from the University of California, Davis, working at CERN, said a confirmed discovery would push scientists into uncharted realms of research.
    He said fresh insights could be gained into super-symmetry, a theory that says the current known 17 elementary particles have heavier but invisible counterparts, and dimensions beyond the currently known length, breadth and height, and time.
    Other scientists, especially cosmologists now trying to peer back beyond the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, suggest identification of dark matter could give new clues to whether the universe itself is alone or one of many.
    New research could start at CERN's Large Hadron Collider when the vast machine resumes operations in early 2015.
    The huge subterranean complex running under the Franco-Swiss border at the foot of the Jura mountains was shut down in February to double its power and multiply the millions of "mini-Big Bang" particle collisions it can stage daily.
    Until last week, dark matter was thought to make up around 24 percent of the universe, with normal matter - galaxies, stars and planets - accounting for about 4.5 percent.
    But then the European Space Agency's Planck satellite team reported that mapping of echoes of the early cosmos showed dark matter made up 26.8 percent and ordinary matter 4.9 percent - together the total of the material of the universe.
    The dominant constituent is the non-material "dark energy", as mysterious as dark matter and believed to be the driver of cosmic expansion.
    (Editing by Andrew Heavens)

    Dark matter as elusive as ever – despite space station results

    New observations from experiment on space station confirm a strange antimatter signal but take us no closer to an explanation

    The AMS experiment is situated on the International Space Station. Photograph: Nasa

    The first data from the $2bn Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment on the International Space Station has confirmed a strange antimatter signal coming from space. However, the experiment has not yet collected enough data to allow scientists to determine the source of this antimatter.
    It could be coming from dark matter particles, making this a major breakthrough. Or it could be coming from fast-spinning stellar corpses known as pulsars, making it merely interesting.
    AMS cannot detect dark matter directly but it can detect antimatter, which some theories say will be produced when dark matter particles collide.

    The antimatter signal that AMS has confirmed was first announced in 2008 by researchers using another space-based detector. The PAMELA satellite (Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics) was a multinational collaboration between Russia, Italy, Germany and Sweden. It was launched in 2006 and is still collecting data.
    PAMELA discovered more positrons, the antimatter counterpart of the electron, than researchers were expecting. It spotted one positron for every 100 electrons but astronomers were expecting around one positron for every 10,000 electrons.

    AMS has confirmed this excess to an unprecedented level of precision but its results can hardly be called the first hint of dark matter.
    The experiment's principal investigator, Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, says the evidence collected so far "supports the existence of dark matter but cannot rule out pulsars". He could quite easily have said that sentence round the other way.
    The results so far have nothing new to say about the source of the antimatter.
    AMS, like PAMELA before it, works by detecting naturally occurring particles in space called cosmic rays. The spacecraft's detectors identify the particles according to their energy and electrical charge.
    Since launch in 2011, AMS has registered some 30bn particle detections. The total number of positrons identified by AMS is more than 400,000, making it the largest number of positrons directly measured from space. Although there are hints of new information in the data, the scientists would not be drawn on their possible meaning until they have more.

    The experiment will continue to collect some 16bn cosmic rays per year for as long as the International Space Station remains operational. So, really the message is that this work is just the beginning.
    And dark matter remains as elusive as ever.
    Stuart Clark is the author of The Day Without Yesterday (Polygon)
    • This article was amended on 4 April 2013 to make it clearer that antimatter particles are a possible signature of dark matter

    Scientists home in on mysterious dark matter

    Updated Thu Apr 4, 2013 7:39pm AEDT
    Photo: An image from Hubble Space Telescope shows ring of dark matter in a galaxy cluster. (NASA: Reuters)

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    Map: Switzerland
    An international team of scientists may be close to tracking down the mysterious dark matter which makes up more than a quarter of the universe but has never been seen.
    Experts at the CERN research centre in Switzerland say a final identification of what makes up the enigmatic material would solve one of the biggest mysteries in physics and open up new research into the possibility of multiple universes and other areas.
    Samuel Ting, who headed the research team, says they picked up what might be the first physical trace left by dark matter while studying cosmic rays recorded on the International Space Station.
    He has told a packed seminar at CERN, near Geneva, that the team found a surge of positron particles that might have come from dark matter.
    He says in the coming months, the CERN-built AMS particle detector on the space station "will be able to tell us conclusively whether these positrons are a signal for dark matter or if they have some other origin".
    Professor Ting, a Nobel physics prize winner from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says dark matter "is one of the most important mysteries of physics today".

    'Whole new world'

    Sometimes called the sculptor of the universe's millions of galaxies because of the way its gravity shapes their formation, dark matter's existence has long been recognised because of the way it pushes visible stars and planets around.
    But efforts in laboratories on earth and in deep underground caverns to find concrete evidence that it is there, and to establish what it is, have so far proven fruitless.
    It would really open the door to a whole new world.
    Physicist Pauline Gagnon

    Professor Ting says it is also possible the surges came from pulsars - rotating neutron stars that emit a pulsing radiation.
    But CERN physicist Pauline Gagnon says the precision of the AMS could make it possible "to get a first hold on dark matter really soon".
    "That would be terrific, like discovering a completely new continent," she said.
    "It would really open the door to a whole new world."
    Dr Gagnon was on one of the two CERN teams that believe they found evidence of the elusive Higgs particle in the centre's Large Hadron Collider last year.

    'Dark energy'

    Physics professor John Conway, who works at CERN, says a confirmed dark matter discovery would push scientists into uncharted realms of research.
    He says fresh insights could be gained into super-symmetry, a theory that says the current known 17 elementary particles have heavier but invisible counterparts, and dimensions beyond the currently known length, breadth and height, and time.
    Other scientists, especially cosmologists now trying to peer back beyond the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, suggest the identification of dark matter could give new clues to whether the universe itself is alone or one of many.

    New research could start at CERN's Large Hadron Collider when the vast machine resumes operations in early 2015.
    The huge subterranean complex running under the Franco-Swiss border at the foot of the Jura mountains was shut down in February to double its power and multiply the millions of "mini-Big Bang" particle collisions it can stage daily.
    Until last week, dark matter was thought to make up around 24 per cent of the universe, with normal matter - galaxies, stars and planets - accounting for about 4.5 per cent.
    But then the European Space Agency's Planck satellite team reported that mapping of echoes of the early cosmos showed dark matter made up 26.8 per cent and ordinary matter 4.9 per cent - together the total of the material of the universe.
    The dominant constituent is the non-material "dark energy", as mysterious as dark matter and believed to be the driver of cosmic expansion.

    Commentary by emeth:

    The terran astrophysicists have now moved away from their particle accelerator tunnels and machinery to search for the 'elusive particle of cosmic consciousness' in the 'outer space', where of course the absence of an atmosphere negates the 'particle pollutions' found closer to the surface of the earth. Anyone reading the news releases will see, that this absence of 'earthbound interference' by other elementary particle energies was the signature of positrons as decay products of cosmic rays and which are the antimatter form of the fundamental electron.

    As the following repostings from the Thuban libraries show, the 'interference' in the extra-terrestrial space derives just from those 'Cosmic Rays' which are themselves considered rather mysterious cosmic constituents. So the elusive 'dark matter' particles are derivatives of the likewise mysterious gamma rays and so should also be related to the even more mysterious 'dark energy'.
    The dragons know however, that all this 'mysteriousness' relative to the summation of energies seen, measured and observed by the pundits relates to the ubiquituous presence of cosmic consciousness, embedded in the existence of space just by itself.

    So it is not the Higgs Boson, for which the Rest-Mass-Photon or RMP as the gauge 'Particle of Consciousness' and so AS the 'Dark Matter gauge' is its 'parent' or progenitor; which is at the core of the universal energy structure; but it is this space inherent 'light-energy' often misnamed as 'spirituality' and which should be better understood as a 'Space Awareness'.
    The Nabs misnomer of 'spiritual vibrations' so can be relabeled in proper omni-scientific nomenclature as 'Electromagnetic Monopolar Radiation' or EMMR to distinguish it from the mass produced ElectroMagnetic Radiation or EMR of common utility.

    As time is a quasi dimensionality of multi-dimensional space, the spacetime matrices all must be inherently coupled and related to this 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy' in their elementary forms of what this 'space consciousness' is in terms of its fundamental physics. This same elementary physics then will show the way into its ontological origins in what is commonly understood as metaphysics or the hyperscience of the multidimensional cosmology.
    The increasing technical nous of the scientific apparatus of terran science is pushing the elementary displacement scale of measurement ever closer to the actual 'size' of the origin of the universe and which as Dragons know, is the LovePhoton of Creation aka the supersymmetric electromagnetic monopolar gauge of the colour- or magnetocharges of the 12-D cosmos manifesting and experiencing itself in its root-reduced 3-D universe of spacial measurements.

    This elementary cosmic parameter can also be described and 'nabs - and mainstream hijacked' as the elementary wormhole physics which undrpinned the 'creation ex nihilo'; the appearance of the universe from the void 19.1 billion years ago, but at a timeframe which is lightpath measured as 13.8 billion years in the lower dimensional setup of the observations and in their inferred and evaluated measurements for the model building and the construction of the theoretical models and hypotheses.
    The 'Dark Matter' particle of Thuban is the RMP or RestMassPhoton and it is necessitated from first principles in the gauge physics of the wormhole itself. The 'experts' already know that the Standard Model (of which the Higgs Boson as derivative of the RMP) requires a 'fifth gauge' - reminiscent of the 5 elements of the Chinese astrology and similar metaphysically related exloration and explanation systems (also exemplified in the gematria and the Kabbalah).

    The Standard Model so stipulates a 'Unifier for the nuclear interactions' and the ground based 'dark matter' searches are centred on finding so called WIMPS or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles as supersymmetric partners of the weak nuclear interaction, responsible for the physics of radioactivity.
    So the weak and strong nuclear forces are complemented by a 'mediator' to preserve elementary symmetries and this 'mediator' is well known to dragons as the RMP as the 'Dark Matter' of the Origins and the Cosmogenesis.
    The three nuclear interactions or 'forces' are short range and are restricted by the waveform extent in particularisation of the base constituent of the gauges and which are partial to the size of the common electron and its mirror antipartner of the positron, measured by the AMS particle detector.
    The long range or 'infinite' forces are of course gravitation and the electromagnetism of the mass-induced or lower dimensional kind.

    The long range symmetry so harmonises itself, but with a remnant quantum spin asymmetry, which MUST be harmonised (or neutralised) by the short range interaction (gauges).
    In particular the gravitation gauge is double and opposite the spin of the EMR and as in the nuclear forces, the strong gauge (called gluon) is parallel the EMR gauge, the weak gauge cannot be neutralised without the RMP.
    This is a well known, but underpublished fact of the Standard Model.
    The RMP has a chirality polarisation which is always aligned to the doublespin of ther gravitation gauge (called graviton).

    This is why the nabsers relate their antigravity ideas to alien technology in parallel worlds and other such gobbledegook.
    But because the RMP is polarised just as the electron in ordinary beta decay of the neutron is polarised; the weak interaction becomes 'harmonised' not in the 'seen and measured physics' of the mass parametric universe; but becomes supersymmetric in the coupling of a 'suppressed' weak interaction gauge, which was responsible and causative for the creation of the physical cosmos in a prior 'breaking of symmetry'. It is this 'suppression' of the 'weak gauge' in physical manifestation, which is the core reason for the absence of cosmic antimatter and the mainstream idea of the 'Virtual Particle Matrix' as the background stage for the so called 'Dark Energy' and the Zero-Point-Energy or ZPE and similar labelings.

    This prior 'disharmonisation' is what many metahysical accounts describe as the 'fall of the sefirots' or the 'fall of man' or the 'casting out of Lucifer' or similar; but which can be more encompassingly understood as 'The Birth of Gravity', from a hitherto dull and massless and superharmonised Uni-Verse.
    The details to this Genesis of Genesis have been made public at various places on this forum and elsewhere; but some introductory mainstream information in regards to Cosmic Rays and its extension by the Dragon omni-science are republished in this message and follow this commentary.

    Emeth, April 5th, 2013

    The following commentary relates to a partially Nabs, but partially sound: 'LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING ~ "The Relationship to Gaia"

    This live channelling was Given in Mt. Shasta, California Saturday, April 24, 2010'
    hwhich can be found here:​

    Things You Don't Expect – Gamma Energy

    There is another thing that is related that is yet to be understood by science. There are other sets of instructions to Gaia, which come from a place you don't expect.

    There's a lot of energy hitting the earth, a tremendous amount in the form of gamma energy. Science wonders where it's coming from, but it remains elusive. They realize that it's cosmic and coming from space. The truth is that it's coming from the center of the galaxy, but it appears to be coming from everywhere. That's because the main attribute of this kind of energy is that it is not 3D.

    Therefore, it has quantum [multidimensional] attributes that do not carry a "location" or place of origin with it. This is difficult to explain, but things in a true quantum state are everywhere, entangled in a universal soup of being "one" with everything. Therefore, you can't say "it comes from there." There is precedent in science for this, so it is not all that strange to a physicist reading this.

    This is powerfully derived in the Thuban brane physics; which shows that the 'Cosmic Rays; are indeed the hierarchies of the superbrane classes.

    The Elementary Cosmic Ray Spectrum

    The elementary Cosmic Ray Spectrum derives from the transformation of the Planck-String-Boson at the birth of the universe.

    The following tabulation relates those transformation in energy and the modular duality between the distance parameters of the macrocosm of classical spacetime geometry and the microcosm of the quantum realm.

    String-Boson.............Wavelength(λ)............Energy (hc/λ)................Modular Wavelength....Significance

    1. Planck-Boson...........1.2x10-34 m.........1.6 GJ or 9.9x1027 eV........8.0x1033 m...Outside Hubble Horizon Limit
    2. Monopole-Boson.....4.6x10-32 m.........4.3 MJ or 2.7x1025 eV.......2.2x1031 m...Outside Hubble Horizon Limit
    3. XL-Boson.................6.6x10-31 m.........303 kJ or 1.9x1024 eV........1.5x1030 m....Outside Hubble Horizon Limit

    4. X-K-Boson transit....8.8x10-28 m..........227 J or 1.6x1021 eV..........1.1x1027 m....2πRHubble11D
    5 .X-K-Boson transit....1.0x10-27 m..........201 J or 1.2x1021 eV...........1.0x1027 m....2πRHubbleHorizonLimit
    6. CosmicRayToe........1.9x10-27 m...........106 J or 6.6x1020 eV..........5.3x1026 m......2πRHubble10D

    7. CosmicRayAnkle.....2.0x10-25 m............1.0 J or 6.2x1018 eV..........5.0x1024 m......Galactic Supercluster Scale
    8. CosmicRayKnee(+)..1.0x10-22 m............0.002 J or 1.24x1016 eV.....1.0x1022 m.....Galactic Halo(Group) Scale
    9. CosmicRayKnee(-)...6.3x10-22 m............0.3 mJ or 2.0x1015 eV........1.6x1021 m......Galactic Disc(Halo) Scale
    10.CosmicRay..............1.4x10-20 m.............0.002 mJ or 1.4x1013 eV...7.1x1019 m....Galactic Core Scale

    Lower Cosmic Ray energies then become defined in standard physics, such as supernovae, neutron stars and related phenomena, engaging electron accelerations and synchrotron radiation.

    7. represents the ECosmic-Boson aka superstring class IIA as a D-brane attached open string dual to the (selfdual) monopole string class IIB and where the D-Brane or Dirichlet-Coupling in both cases becomes the 'intermediary' heterotic (closed loop) superstring HO(32).
    It is the HO(32) superstring, which as a bosonic full-quantum spin superstring bifurcates into the subsequently emerging quark-lepton families as the K-L-Boson split into Proto-DiNeutronic Ylemic NeutronMatter.
    The Ylem then manifests the massless Higgs Bosonic precursor as a scalar 'Neutron-Boson' (10), which then becomes massinductive under utility of the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity, relating gravitational mass to inertial mass.

    It are supersymmetric double neutrons which bifurcate into the observed mass content in the universe and not a decoupling matter-antimatter symmetry.
    The primordial neutron beta-decay so manifests the nucleon-lepton distinction in the decoupling of the strongweak nuclear interaction, mediated by the electromagnetic alpha-interaction hitherto unified with the omega-gravitational interaction. This primordial ylem radioactivity manifests the bosonic string class IIB as a monopolic masscurrent as a D-brane interaction in modular duality to the transformation of the selfdual magnetic monopole to the bi-dual electromagnetic cosmic rays at the ECosmic energy level.
    The monopole class is chiral (selfdual) and the Ecosmic class is nonchiral (bi-dual); from this derives the nonparity of the spacial symmetry aka the CP-Violation of the weak nuclear interaction, related to neutrino flux as monopolic superconductive currentflows.

    As the heterotic classes are all 'closed looped', the elementary particles of the standard models emerge from the HE(64) class coupled to the HO(32) class in the inflationary string epoch.

    8. depicts the Weyl-Boson of the Big Bang Planck-singularity of the Weyl-Geodesic of relativistic spacetime as the final 'octonionised' string class HE(8x8).
    9. modulates the experimentally well measured 'knee' energy for Cosmic Rays as the distribution flux of high-energy protons as the primary particle in the 2π-factor. The wormhole radius is 10-22 m/2π for a Halo-(DarkMatter)-Radius of 2πx1022 metres.
    10. is the massless ancestor of the Higgs-template and defined through the Weyl-String-Eigenenergy E*=kT*=hf*=m*c2 =1/e*=1/2Re c2.
    The scale of (10) emerges from the holographic principle as 2π2R*3.f*2=e* for R*=h/(2πm'c)=1.41188..x10-20 m for a Compton Energy of E'=m'c2=2.2545..x10-6 J or 14.03 TeV, which serendipitously is the maxium energy regime for which the LHC is designed.

    The SciAm article below from 1998 links to the above in clarification of the questions raised. Cosmic Rays at the Energy Frontier
    These particles carry more energy than any others in the universe. Their origin is unknown but may be relatively nearby

    by James W. Cronin, Thomas K. Gaisser and Simon P. Swordy
    Tony B.

    The Experimental Evidence for the Superstrings is observed indeed every day in the laboratories of the astrophysics around the globe.


    The Life of a Cosmic Ray

    Cosmic Rays
    at the Energy Frontier

    These particles carry more energy
    than any others in the universe.
    Their origin is unknown but may be
    relatively nearby

    by James W. Cronin, Thomas K. Gaisser and Simon P. Swordy
    Roughly once a second, a subatomic particle enters the earth's atmosphere carrying as much energy as a well-thrown rock. Somewhere in the universe, that fact implies, there are forces that can impart to a single proton 100 million times the energy achievable by the most powerful earthbound accelerators. Where and how?
    Those questions have occupied physicists since cosmic rays were first discovered in 1912 (although the entities in question are now known to be particles, the name "ray" persists). The interstellar medium contains atomic nuclei of every element in the periodic table, all moving under the influence of electrical and magnetic fields. Without the screening effect of the earth's atmosphere, cosmic rays would pose a significant health threat; indeed, people living in mountainous regions or making frequent airplane trips pick up a measurable extra radiation dose.

    Perhaps the most remarkable feature of this radiation is that investigators have not yet found a natural end to the cosmic-ray spectrum. Most well-known sources of charged particles--such as the sun, with its solar wind--have a characteristic energy limit; they simply do not produce particles with energies above this limit. In contrast, cosmic rays appear, albeit in decreasing numbers, at energies as high as astrophysicists can measure. The data run out at levels around 300 billion times the rest-mass energy of a proton because there is at present no detector large enough to sample the very low number of incoming particles predicted.
    Nevertheless, evidence of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays has been seen at intervals of several years as particles hitting the atmosphere create myriad secondary particles (which are easier to detect). On October 15, 1991, for example, a cosmic-ray observatory in the Utah desert registered a shower of secondary particles from a 50-joule (3 x 1020 electron volts) cosmic ray. Although the cosmic-ray flux decreases with higher energy, this decline levels off somewhat above about 1016 eV, suggesting that the mechanisms responsible for ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays are different from those for rays of more moderate energy.
    In 1960 Bernard Peters of the Tata Institute in Bombay suggested that lower-energy cosmic rays are produced predominantly inside our own galaxy, whereas those of higher energy come from more distant sources. One reason to think so is that a cosmic-ray proton carrying more than 1019 eV, for example, would not be deflected significantly by any of the magnetic fields typically generated by a galaxy, so it would travel more or less straight. If such particles came from inside our galaxy, we might expect to see different numbers coming from various directions because the galaxy is not arranged symmetrically around us. Instead the distribution is essentially isotropic, as is that of the lower-energy rays, whose directions are scattered.

    Supernova Pumps
    Such tenuous inferences reveal how little is known for certain about the origin of cosmic rays. Astrophysicists have plausible models for how they might be produced but no definitive answers. This state of affairs may be the result of the almost unimaginable difference between conditions on the earth and in the regions where cosmic rays are born. The space between the stars contains only about one atom per cubic centimeter, a far lower density than the best artificial vacuums we can create. Furthermore, these volumes are filled with vast electrical and magnetic fields, intimately connected to a diffuse population of charged particles even less numerous than the neutral atoms.
    This environment is far from the peaceful place one might expect: the low densities allow electrical and magnetic forces to operate over large distances and timescales in a manner that would be quickly damped out in material of terrestrial densities. Galactic space is therefore filled with an energetic and turbulent plasma of partially ionized gas in a state of violent activity. The motion is often hard to observe on human timescales because astronomical distances are so large; nevertheless, those same distances allow even moderate forces to achieve impressive results. A particle might zip through a terrestrial accelerator in a few microseconds, but it could spend years or even millennia in the accelerator's cosmic counterpart. (The timescales are further complicated by the strange, relativity-distorted framework that ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays inhabit. If we could observe such a particle for 10,000 years, that period would correspond to only a single second as far as the particle is concerned.)
    Astronomers have long speculated that the bulk of galactic cosmic rays--those with energies below about 1016 eV--originate with supernovae. A compelling reason for this theory is that the power required to maintain the observed supply of cosmic-ray nuclei in our Milky Way galaxy is only slightly less than the average kinetic energy delivered to the galactic medium by the three supernova explosions that occur every century. There are few, if any, other sources of this amount of power in our galaxy.
    When a massive star collapses, the outer parts of the star explode at speeds of up to 10,000 kilometers per second and more. A similar amount of energy is released when a white dwarf star undergoes complete disintegration in a thermonuclear detonation. In both types of supernovae the ejected matter expands at supersonic velocities, driving a strong shock into the surrounding medium. Such shocks are expected to accelerate nuclei from the material they pass through, turning them into cosmic rays. Because cosmic rays are charged, they follow complicated paths through interstellar magnetic fields. As a result, their directions as observed from the earth yield no information about the location of their original source.
    By looking at the synchrotron radiation sometimes associated with supernova remnants, researchers have found more direct evidence that supernovae can act as accelerators. Synchrotron radiation is characteristic of high-energy electrons moving in an intense magnetic field of the kind that might act as a cosmic-ray accelerator, and the presence of synchrotron x-rays in some supernova remnants suggests particularly high energies. (In earthbound devices, synchrotron emission limits a particle's energy because the emission rate increases as a particle goes faster; at some point, the radiation bleeds energy out of an accelerating particle as fast as it can be pumped in.) Recently the Japanese x-ray satellite Asca made images of the shell of Supernova 1006, which exploded 990 years ago. Unlike the radiation from the interior of the remnant, the x-radiation from the shell has the features characteristic of synchrotron radiation. Astrophysicists have deduced that electrons are being accelerated there at up to 1014 eV (100 TeV).
    The EGRET detector on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has also been used to study point sources of gamma rays identified with supernova remnants. The observed intensities and spectra (up to a billion electron volts) are consistent with an origin from the decay of particles called neutral pions, which could be produced by cosmic rays from the exploding star's remnants colliding with nearby interstellar gas. Interestingly, however, searches made by the ground-based Whipple Observatory for gamma rays of much higher energies from some of the same remnants have not seen signals at the levels that would be expected if the supernovae were accelerating particles to 1014 eV or more.
    A complementary method for testing the association of high-energy cosmic rays with supernovae involves the elemental composition of cosmic-ray nuclei. The size of the orbit of a charged particle in a magnetic field is proportional to its total momentum per unit charge, so heavier nuclei have greater total energy for a given orbit size. Any process that limits the particle acceleration on the basis of orbit size (such as an accelerating region of limited extent) will thus lead to an excess of heavier nuclei at high energies.
    Eventually we would like to be able to go further and look for elemental signatures of acceleration in specific types of supernovae. For example, the supernova of a white dwarf detonation would accelerate whatever nuclei populate the local interstellar medium. A supernova that followed the collapse of a massive star, in contrast, would accelerate the surrounding stellar wind, which is characteristic of the outer layers of the progenitor star at earlier stages of its evolution. In some cases, the wind could include an increased fraction of helium, carbon or even heavier nuclei.
    The identity of high-energy cosmic rays is all but lost when they interact with atoms in the earth's atmosphere and form a shower of secondary particles. Hence, to be absolutely sure of the nuclear composition, measurements must be made before the cosmic rays reach dense atmosphere. Unfortunately, to collect 100 cosmic rays of energies near 1014 eV, a 10-square-meter detector would have to be in orbit for three years. Typical exposures at present are more like the equivalent of one square meter for three days.
    Researchers are attacking this problem with some ingenious experiments. For example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has developed techniques to loft large payloads (about three tons) with high-altitude balloons for many days. These experiments cost a tiny fraction of what an equivalent satellite detector would. The most successful flights of this type have taken place in Antarctica, where the upper atmosphere winds blow in an almost constant circle around the South Pole.
    A payload launched at McMurdo Sound on the coast of Antarctica will travel at a nearly constant radius from the Pole and return eventually to near the launch site. Some balloons have circled the continent for 10 days. One of us (Swordy) is collaborating with Dietrich Müller and Peter Meyer of the University of Chicago on a 10-square-meter detector that could measure heavy cosmic rays of up to 1015 eV on such a flight. There are efforts to extend the exposure times to roughly 100 days with similar flights nearer the equator.

    Across Intergalactic Space
    Studying even higher-energy cosmic rays--those produced by sources as yet unknown--requires large ground-based detectors, which overcome the problem of low flux by watching enormous effective areas for months or years. The information, however, must be extracted from cascades of secondary particles--electrons, muons and gamma rays--initiated high in the atmosphere by an incoming cosmic-ray nucleus. Such indirect methods can only suggest general features of the composition of a cosmic ray on a statistical basis, rather than identifying the atomic number of each incoming nucleus.
    At ground level, the millions of secondary particles unleashed by one cosmic ray are spread over a radius of hundreds of meters. Because it is impractical to blanket such a large area with detectors, the detectors typically sample these air showers at a few hundred or so discrete locations.
    Technical improvements have enabled such devices to collect increasingly sophisticated data sets, thus refining the conclusions we can draw from each shower. For example, the CASA-MIA-DICE experiment in Utah, in which two of us (Cronin and Swordy) are involved, measures the distributions of electrons and muons at ground level. It also detects Cerenkov light (a type of optical shock wave produced by particles moving faster than the speed of light in their surrounding medium) generated by the shower particles at various levels in the atmosphere. These data enable us to reconstruct the shape of the shower more reliably and thus take a better guess at the energy and identity of the cosmic ray that initiated it.
    The third one of us (Gaisser) is working with an array that measures showers reaching the surface at the South Pole. This experiment works in conjunction with AMANDA, which detects energetic muons produced in the same showers by observing Cerenkov radiation produced deep in the ice cap. The primary goal of AMANDA is to catch traces of neutrinos produced in cosmic accelerators, which may generate upward-streaming showers after passing through the earth.
    In addition to gathering better data, researchers are also improving detailed computer simulations that model how air showers develop. These simulations help us to understand both the capabilities and the limitations of ground-based measurements. The extension to higher energies of direct cosmic-ray detection experiments, which allows both ground-based and airborne detectors to observe the same kinds of cosmic rays, will also help calibrate our ground-based data.

    Rare Giants
    Cosmic rays with energies above 1020 eV strike the earth's atmosphere at a rate of only about one per square kilometer a year. As a result, studying them requires an air-shower detector of truly gigantic proportions. In addition to the 1991 event in Utah, particles with energies above 1020 eV have been seen by groups elsewhere in the U.S., in Akeno, Japan, in Haverah Park, U.K., and in Yakutsk, Siberia.
    Particles of such high energy pose a conundrum. On the one hand, they are likely to come from outside our galaxy because no known acceleration mechanism could produce them and because they approach from all directions even though a galactic magnetic field is insufficient to bend their path. On the other hand, their source cannot be more than about 30 million light-years away, because the particles would otherwise lose energy by interaction with the universal microwave background--radiation left over from the birth of the cosmos in the big bang. In the relativistic universe that the highest-energy cosmic rays inhabit, even a single radio-frequency photon packs enough punch to rob a particle of much of its energy.
    If the sources of such high-energy particles were distributed uniformly throughout the cosmos, interaction with the microwave background would cause a sharp cutoff in the number of particles with energy above 5 x 1019 eV, but that is not the case. There are as yet too few events above this nominal threshold for us to know for certain what is going on, but even the few we have seen provide us with a unique opportunity for theorizing. Because these rays are essentially undeflected by the weak intergalactic magnetic fields, measuring the direction of travel of a large enough sample should yield unambiguous clues to the locations of their sources.
    It is interesting to speculate what the sources might be. Three recent hypotheses suggest the range of possibilities: galactic black-hole accretion disks, gamma-ray bursts and topological defects in the fabric of the universe.
    Astrophysicists have predicted that black holes of a billion solar masses or more, accreting matter in the nuclei of active galaxies, are needed to drive relativistic jets of matter far into intergalactic space at speeds approaching that of light; such jets have been mapped with radio telescopes. Peter L. Biermann of the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy in Bonn and his collaborators suggest that the hot spots seen in these radio lobes are shock fronts that accelerate cosmic rays to ultrahigh energy. There are some indications that the directions of the highest-energy cosmic rays to some extent follow the distribution of radio galaxies in the sky.
    The speculation about gamma-ray bursts takes off from the theory that the bursts are created by relativistic explosions, perhaps resulting from the coalescence of neutron stars. Mario Vietri of the Astronomical Observatory of Rome and Eli Waxman of Princeton University independently noted a rough match between the energy available in such cataclysms and that needed to supply the observed flux of the highest-energy cosmic rays. They argue that the ultrahigh-speed shocks driven by these explosions act as cosmic accelerators.
    Perhaps most intriguing is the notion that ultrahigh-energy particles owe their existence to the decay of monopoles, strings, domain walls and other topological defects that might have formed in the early universe. These hypothetical objects are believed to harbor remnants of an earlier, more symmetrical phase of the fundamental fields in nature, when gravity, electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces were merged. They can be thought of, in a sense, as infinitesimal pockets preserving bits of the universe as it existed in the fractional instants after the big bang.
    As these pockets collapse, and the symmetry of the forces within them breaks, the energy stored in them is released in the form of supermassive particles that immediately decay into jets of particles with energies up to 100,000 times greater than those of the known ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. In this scenario the ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays we observe are the comparatively sluggish products of cosmological particle cascades.
    Whatever the source of these cosmic rays, the challenge is to collect enough of them to search for detailed correlations with extragalactic objects. The AGASA array in Japan currently has an effective area of 200 square kilometers, and the new Fly's Eye HiRes experiment in Utah will cover about 1,000 square kilometers. Each detector, however, can capture only a few ultrahigh-energy events a year.
    For the past few years, Cronin and Alan A. Watson of the University of Leeds have been spearheading an initiative to gather an even larger sample of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. This development is named the Auger Project, after Pierre Auger, the French scientist who first investigated the phenomenon of correlated showers of particles from cosmic rays. The plan is to provide detectors with areas of 9,000 square kilometers that are capable of measuring hundreds of high-energy events a year. A detector field would consist of many stations on a 1.5-kilometer grid; a single event might trigger dozens of stations.
    An Auger Project design workshop held at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in 1995 has shown how modern off-the-shelf technology such as solar cells, cellular telephones and Global Positioning System receivers can make such a system far easier to construct. A detector the size of Rhode Island could be built for about $50 million. To cover the entire sky, two such detectors are planned, one each for the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
    As researchers confront the problem of building and operating such gigantic detector networks, the fundamental question remains: Can nature produce even more energetic particles than those we have seen? Could there be still higher-energy cosmic rays, or are we already beginning to detect the highest-energy particles our universe can create?

    Further Reading
    Introduction to Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Physics. Pierre Sokolsky. Addison-Wesley, 1988.
    Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics. Thomas K. Gaisser. Cambridge University Press, 1990.
    High Energy Astrophysics, Vol. 1. Second edition. Malcolm S. Longair. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
    Cosmic Ray Observations below 1014 eV. Simon Swordy in Proceedings of the XXIII International Cosmic Ray Conference. Edited by D. A. Leahy, R. B. Hicks and D. Venkatesan. World Scientific, 1994.

    The Authors
    JAMES W. CRONIN, THOMAS K. GAISSER and SIMON P. SWORDY work on both the theoretical questions of how cosmic rays are created and the practical problems inherent in detecting and analyzing them. Cronin, a professor of physics at the University of Chicago since 1971, earned his master's degree from the university in 1953 and his doctorate in 1955. In 1980 he shared the Nobel Prize with Val L. Fitch for work on symmetry violations in the decay of mesons. Gaisser, a professor of physics at the University of Delaware, has concentrated on the interpretation of atmospheric cosmic-ray cascades; he earned his doctorate from Brown University in 1967. In 1995 Gaisser spent two months in Antarctica setting up cosmic-ray detectors. Swordy, an associate professor at Chicago, has been active in cosmic-ray measurement since 1976. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Bristol in 1979.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Dawn of Space and Time in a Selfconscious Quantum Universe
    Mayan Water-Science and Antigravity in Dragon-Space

    From Jennifer Eve: Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendover) (Nov 15, 2010)​

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from beyond the veil from your Guide, blessed in the LOVE, the little serpent is continually sending to you all from his exile in the 2nd dimension of the MATHIMATIA!
    In this message you will find illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged the mental ponderings and philosophisings of many Mayas in exile.
    I shall share the foundation for a new science, given to your planet NOW in principles; followed in physical manifestation after Gaia has left her cocoon and transmutated into Serpentina, the PlanetStar radiating the Dark Light of the unified-cosmic-energy-field and as elementary antiradiation.
    This message so shall explain the physical science behind what is called antigravity by your Gaian scientists.
    Any of you, who can grasp the basics of this new science for the new earth, would be in a position to understand the importance of water on your planet.

    The properties of water are well known to you and the Mayan Omni-Science of water is also understood in its basic manifestos by you all.
    Water has four phases as Icy Solid, as Aquatic Liquid, as Gaseous Vapour and as ionised Plasma.
    Water as Ice is the only known nonmetallic substance which expands in the liquid- to solid phasechange at 0 degrees Celsius.
    When there is Low atmospheric pressure, then CLOUDS often form, depending on vapour saturation levels and the presence of winds as updrafts and a general gradient between regions in the earth's atmosphere. Therefore rains fall and cyclones might form from saturated CLOUDS, accompanied by 'drops in temperature'.
    When there is High atmospheric pressure, the CLOUDS often dissolve corollarily.

    Now your Gaian physics understand this in the Energy relations, which give the physical behaviour of 'Ideal gases' and also how this relates to quantum statistical eigenstates in the Laws of Thermodynamics.
    The formulations relate Pressure P to Volume V to Temperature T, coupled to certain proportionality constants in: {Energy E=PV=nRT=kT} in its basic expression and where Pressure P=Force/Area and Energy=Force.Displacement=Work.

    Then it is easy to see, that for a constant temperature T, a drop in Pressure will require an increase in Volume and so the Gaian scientists know, that an increasing Volume of quantum selfstates comprising this volume will mean that there is less pressure as a kinetic energy of say molecular collissions within that expanded volume.
    And dropping the temperature decreases the energy E=PV, as say in the cooling of a substance and the heating of a substance will increase its thermodynamic temperature, then understood as an increase in the molecular kinetic energies.

    Allow me now to propose to you something extraordinary and some of you may now exclaim: "Of course!"; whilst others will shake their heads in disbelief and say: "This cannot be!".
    Many of the reports of your media about 'Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs' and related things are directly related to the Mayan Omni-Science of water and to CLOUDS.
    Have you wondered, as to why some spaceships are said to have emerged from the oceans and some 'cigar-shaped' motherships are said to 'hover' at some distant locations against the skies?
    Have you wondered about the 'saucer shapes' of the smaller UFOs flitting about and sometimes said to depart with a seeming hyperaccelerated manouverability?
    Why do you think, that so many of you are enthralled with certain TV-Series about travelling into outer space in the 'Star Trekking' and the 'Star Wars' and the 'Independence Days'?

    Now the skeptics amongst you say: "Oh yes, but this is all fantasy and make-belief. A supergigantic starship like portrayed in Independence Day, a quarter the size of the moon, could never exist in close proximity to the earth, as the gravity of the thing would disturb the orbits of the earth and the moon and so forth. And the warpspeeds are also pure imagination, as the c-invariance disallows any physical object to accelerate beyond the speed of light."
    And the skeptics are well justified of course - in the manner of the laws of Physics as applicable in the Minkowski spacetime.

    So I am authorised to share this with you now.
    There is a way to NEUTRALISE the gravitational field of a planet or a star RELATIVE to particular locations in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.
    This takes the form of a GRAVITATIONAL SHIELD around such a location defined by its Volume encompassing its inertia. This shield then ISOLATES the volume, say of a Dragonian Starship from the surrounding UNAFFECTED spacetime and in a UTILITY of the ZERO-POINT- or VACUUM-ENERGY (ZPE), known as VORTEX-POTENTIAL-ENERGY or VPE by the Omni-Science of the Maya, who are the Dragons of the StarHumanity.

    As an effect from this, the 'Cigarshaped Motherships' FLOAT or HOVER in such VPE-Bubbles, and in a RESONANCE-SELFSTATE of this ZPE; the latter which is misidentified by Gaian science as the Heisenberg Matrix of VIRTUAL ENERGY.
    There is nothing VIRTUAL about this ZPE. The reason as to why Gaian science cannot USE this FREE ENERGY effectively, is because it cannot 'TAP' the VPE for lack of entering its RESONANT ENERGY FIELD.
    So it is like your well understood concept of DENSITY but with a novel twist.

    Your Gaian science applies Inertial Mass to the famous Energy equation: {E=mc2=PV}.
    The Dragon's Omni-Science QUANTISES both the Mass m and the Volume V and so becomes enabled to REWRITE the hyperspace expression for Einsteins famous equation as: {E=e*h2}.
    This looks like a simple equation indeed; but the entire higher dimensional physics, inclusive the foundations for the Gaian M-theory are embodied in its simplicity.
    I have obtained permission to show you the derivation for this equation and so I shall do so, knowing that some of you are not very fond of mathematics.
    A better rewriting of the Dragon's equation is: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.
    This shows, that Einstein's E=mc2 is applied in Dragon-Science to Quantize inertial mass m as msinksource=mss.
    Simply said, any mass m is N-quantized as {m=N.mss=N.hfss/c2}.

    Using Einstein's equation with the Planck equation {E=hf} for the quantisation of energy in the quantum state for massless photons of frequency f and where h is the Planck Constant, then gives the expression above.
    Generally and most fundamentally then; the Dragon-Energy describes the Einstein-Planck energy relation in its QUANTUM SELFSTATE and DEFINES a MASS-FREQUENCY {fsinksource=fss} as INTRINSIC MINIMUM Eigenfrequency for INERTIA.

    Most significantly, the secret of M-theory on Gaia and the understanding of the Maya, is the concept of Modular Duality applicable to the parameters of the superstring eigenstates.
    Using Modular Duality, the sinksource winding superstring of minimum Secondary Energy Ess and frequency fss becomes the inverse energy eigenstate for the sourcesink vibratory superstring of maximum Primary Energy Eps and frequency fps.

    Those parameters are embodied in the unity expressions as Coupling-Constants: {Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2}.
    There is a great deal to this expression e* in the Dragonian Energy; such as how a particular form of it relates to the Serpentine Electron and how it relates to the superconductive magnetoelectricity, which defines the VPE.

    It shall suffice for now, to state, that e* is the PRECISE Inversed Primary SourceSink Energy Quantum Eps and so {E*=Eps=1/e*=hfps} and for a particular resonance formation in {e*=Electron-Diameter times c2}.
    And so we have: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

    The only different part to Gaian science in the Mayan omni-science so becomes the nature of the modular duality applied to the frequency modulation between the minimum winding superstring and the maximum vibratory superstring.
    In isolation, both have units of inverse time or Hertz; but in the supermembrane coupling Eps.Ess the frequencies cancel and in the supermembrane coupling Eps/Ess the Planck Constants cancel to give the squared frequency as the inverse of a SQUARED TIME.
    But this SQUARED TIME DEFINES the RESONANT EIGENSTATE of the ZPE of Gaian science as the VPE of Dragon omni-science and namely as the MAXIMUM for AWARENESS aw=df/dt, maximised as awmax=fps2.

    Now awareness aw is an ANGULAR ACCELERATION, independent on the radius as normal dimension and so the antigravitational Forceshield relates directly to the postulates of General Relativity.
    As our Mayan seed Albert Einstein so eloquently showed to you: The Presence of a Gravitational Field acting downwards is INDISTINGUISHABLE from an ACCELERATING Forcefield acting upwards.
    So Gravitation becomes translated into a geometrical spacetime curvature in terms of accelerations.
    When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it NEUTRALISES the Gravitational FIELD of that planet in calibrating its utilised VOLUME quantised in terms of the VPE as a MACROQUANTUM.

    This can only be done IN RESONANCE!
    The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to INFLATE to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.
    The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

    Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.
    For any Volume {V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken)2=Volume/time2}.

    This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(h.fps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single: {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

    The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then DEFINES the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {Rcompton=h/(2π.mcompton.c)}.

    A Compton-mass {mcompton=h/(2π.Rcompton.c)} then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pcompton=mcompton.c=h/λcompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.
    The Compton-mass calculates as mcompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.
    This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).
    Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

    The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.
    Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

    The RMP is always lefthanded and so antisymmetric to the weakon gauge boson of the weak nuclear interaction, which is always righthanded (as a so called W-minus) in its defining quality for the antineutrino of matter, coupling to a lefthanded electron in the natural foundation for radioactive beta decay in the parity symmetries in the nuclear physics.
    The RMP is intrinsically massless as a spininduced precursor for the 'GOD-Particle' aka the Higgs-Boson, the LHC is hoping to discover at the 14 TeV quantum energy.

    There is a spin-coupling in the Unified-Field-OF-Quantum Relativity (UFO-QR), which couples the lefthanded spin of the RMP as the 'dark matter particle' to the massless gauge of the weak interaction - the Antiradiation gauge for the winded superstring Ess.
    As the Ess gauge is always righthanded, the spins cancel and allow a MASSIVE Higgs Boson to become created from the VPE Energy-Inertia-Induction as a spinless restmass inducer or scalar for the subsequent particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.
    I shall elaborate on those topics another time if so appropriate, but some of you may perceive that the so called 'problems' in quantum gravity and the unification between quantum field theory and the relativities is found in the appropriate omni-science of the Maya and the correct interpretation of the Heisenberg matrix of the ZPE.
    A new fundamental ratio, namely {V*/Vsq=4π/hc3 or Rrmp/rps=Cuberoot[4π/hc3]=887.11336} so crystallises in the physics of the Dragons.

    The Inertia expression {EDragon=e*.h2=mss.c2 or E*.e*=1} for the Square of the Action h in units Energy. Time becomes modulated in modular duality tps.tss=1=fss.fps and where the INSTANTENUITY OF TIME as the INSTANTON NOW specifies the NOW-Time tss in the End of the INFLATON of the de Broglie phase acceleration.
    This then manifests the Quantum-Dragon-Bang and the Beginning of Space and Time as known and understood by Gaian science.
    The expression {hc3} is rendered dimensionless by a finestructure of Planck's Constant h, the Action Constant, in the expression {h=λps/e*c=λps/Electron-Diameter.c3} for {hc3=λps/Electron-Diameter=1.8x10-8}.

    But I shall now end this mathematical discourse. It was authorised to be given and the formulations above are elementary prerequisites for a new serpentine science to become implemented following the upheavals in the next few years ahead and awaiting the exiled Maya on Old Earth Gaia, which is also the OLD JERUSALEM.
    But I shall give an indication as how to use the above formulas in a practical example.
    Assume a Star Trek Crew of say 50 with average inertia 70 kg and equipment load of say 10,000 kg wishes to board a Starship Enterprise of Volume 100x50x20=100,000 cubicmeters.
    The Resonant Energy Awareness is fps2=df/dt=Density.(c/h)2.[NV/NM] and where NV and NM depict the quantisation numbers for the mass M to be 'inflated' to the volume V.
    The Density as M/V calculates as (10,000+50.70=13,500)/100,000=0.135 kg/m3.
    NV=V/V*=1055/5.55..x10-59=1.8x1063 and NM=M/mss=13,500/2.469x10-81=5.4675x1084.

    Resonance so is finestructured as ENTROPY PRMUTATION STATES and as: (0.135)(2.025x1083)(1.8x1063/5.4675x1084)=9x1060.
    Now changing any of the parameters of Inertia and Volume, even to the size of the universe itself, will always relate as HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE of the minimum quantum of the Inflaton and so whatever volume specified can be INFLATED at the RESONANT Eigenstate to that volume.
    Similarly, any inertial mass specified, will in resonance, allow quantum-inflation to modify the specified mass via the mass-eigen frequency quantum definition under modular duality between Eps, the primary sourcesink and Ess, the secondary sinksource through and by frequency modulations.
    Away from Resonance, df/dt=awareness as an angular spin acceleration, must decrease and so the VPE or ZPE can no longer be utilised in a downwards frequency transformation.
    This is akin the EVAPORATION of water molecules in CLOUDS, the CLOUD Formation seemingly dispersing into nothingness, say under the supply of Energy in the form of heat, say the radiation from the sun.
    To 'get out of resonance' so implies either a 'disappearing' relative to the 'switching off of the gravity shield' and an accompanying hyper-acceleration or 'warp-drive' AS the de Broglie tachyon inflation; or is manifested as a 'thinning out' or a 'losing of texture' with the gravity shield 'switched on', but a 'slow down' of the awareness df/dt in the reducing sense.

    The above scenarios apply to spacetime as the 4-dimensional 'Light-matrix' of Heisenbergian Uncertainty definition.
    In this spacetime, a 'drifting' or UFO speed is effected by the application of an Awareness-Force {Faw=aw.hv/c2} from within the 'VPE-Bubble' and as a consequence of a natural extension for Newton's Second Law for momentum change {Force F=d(mv)/dt}.
    In Dragon-Space of 4 spacial dimensions, the timeparameter becomes superfluous and the awareness df/dt is automatically assigned the resonant eigenstate awmax=fps2.
    After Gaia has given birth to its superposed Dragon-Universe; PROJECTED onto the seedling Minkowski spacetime; the travelling between 3 spacial dimensions and 4 spacial dimensions will be much easier to accomplish and so become rather prevalent and a natural occurrence.

    Furthermore, the resonant eigenstates for the starhumans as Dragonised old humans shall allow the old human bodyforms to become HYBRID Energy-Selfstates as RMP-Quantum INDUCTIONS and as the universal blending and synthesis of relatively STATIC RADIATION FIELDS coupled to MASS.
    This will be known as DUALISED RADIATIONMASS BodyMinds-MindBodies, the immortalisation of hitherto mortal bodyforms, unable to implement their higher dimensional DNA as the LightBodies Shadowed to the Body-DNA in 3 dimensions.
    This shall also fulfil the many prophecies in the 'Holy Books', which then shall become artifacts in museums; being succeeded by new composed books telling the stories of an evolving starhuman race of Dragons.

    IAmWhoIAm! - Sirebard Beardris!

    Shared by Susan Serafina from other sources​

    Post last edited Apr 6th 2013
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    My Posts
    Posts: 2163

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 6th 2013

    samsonvale. necropolis.
    mi-tomb. mariainfinity.
    goldsscrubview_5300w. samcem_5287w.

    Matthew 24:27-29 - King James Version (KJV)
    27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
    29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

    Hebrews 3:16-18
    16 For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
    17 But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?
    18 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not?

    Ezekiel 43:6-10
    6 And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me.
    7 And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.
    8 In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.
    9 Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever.
    10 Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.

    Jeremiah 19:7
    And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them that seek their lives: and their carcases will I give to be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

    emeth, April 7th, 2013

    Biggest solar flare of the year knocks out radio transmissions

    NASA on alert for more after-effects of geomagnetic storm to satellites and spacecraft.

    April 11, 2013 12:35 PM PDT

    Massive solar flare captured as it erupts at 3:16 p.m. EDT on April 11, 2013.
    (Credit: NASA/SDO)

    Early this morning the sun erupted, sending billions of solar particles into space at over 600 miles per second, raising the prospect of solar radiation storms above the Earth, according to NASA. A spokesman said the resulting emissions sparked a short-lived radio communications blackout on Earth. The radio disruption has since subsided. The appearance of the strongest solar storm of 2013 is part of an increasingly common sight as astronomers say this is connected to the sun's 11-year activity cycle. More intense solar eruptions are expected later in the year.

    Emeth, April 12th, 2013
    Post last edited Apr 12th 2013

    Eros, Psyche and Hedone in the Logos timeline from March 25th, 2013
    [4:49:30 PM-Saturday, April 6th, 2013 -+11UCT]

    Wyzard97: Yes and I said this before. He understands mentally but can see no praxis
    [4:49:31 PM] Sirius 17: nourishment
    [4:50:02 PM] Sirius 17: even if nothing happens and life goes on as it goes on, we are here for a reason
    [4:50:12 PM] Sirius 17: even in suffering lessons are learned
    [4:50:16 PM] Sirius 17: the soul never forgets
    [4:50:30 PM] Sirius 17: and its not all suffering
    [4:50:54 PM] Sirius 17: but it can be i guess, depends on perspective
    [4:51:17 PM] Sirius 17: what if even suffering is divine?
    [4:51:29 PM] Sirius 17: has to be, god made it all
    [4:51:53 PM] Sirius 17: of course its not preferable to happiness
    [4:52:21 PM] Sirius 17: but this then becomes the souls journey to find out how to make more happiness for itself
    [4:52:29 PM] Sirius 17: experience is experience
    [4:52:36 PM] Sirius 17: light or dark, good or bad
    [4:52:47 PM] Sirius 17: to the eternal soul
    [4:53:05 PM] Sirius 17: we change clothes often
    [4:53:07 PM] Wyzard97: Yes and what are the lessons after realising the GOT?
    [4:53:39 PM] Sirius 17: well that you don't forget
    [4:53:56 PM] Sirius 17: i remembered something of my past this lifetime
    [4:54:01 PM] Sirius 17: i remember where i come from

    [4:54:05 PM] Wyzard97: I added this video to my last post
    [4:55:13 PM] Sirius 17: faith way drive lol
    [4:55:20 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i read about this
    [4:55:31 PM] Sirius 17: ironic the name of the street
    [4:56:12 PM] Sirius 17: i am not afraid to die, i just think its BS that we do
    [4:56:21 PM] Sirius 17: seems unecessary
    [4:56:59 PM] Sirius 17: and like you , I know Jesus was real, what happened to him was a quantum event
    [4:57:00 PM] Wyzard97: Hybridization is the destiny - just when is the question
    [4:57:30 PM] Sirius 17: i have seen it in dreams, visions, so clear....just as clear as all those NDEs
    [4:58:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes all the signs
    [4:59:34 PM] Sirius 17: does God want to die? The creator is life, wtf is this death shit?
    [4:59:44 PM] Sirius 17: its an abborition
    [4:59:59 PM] Wyzard97: Matthew.24 what else can it be - 'unless the days be shortened, no flesh be saved etc.'
    [5:01:03 PM] Wyzard97: If this is just business than usual, I really dont know
    [5:01:36 PM] Sirius 17: yes and NK is wratcheting up the game
    [5:01:55 PM] Sirius 17: its more then rhetoric now i think
    [5:02:17 PM] Sirius 17: in a way it seems a cry for help
    [5:02:38 PM] Sirius 17: from a nation with a political leadership too proud to admit defeat
    [5:02:50 PM] Sirius 17: so they want to end it all and go out in a blaze of glory
    [5:03:02 PM] Wyzard97: They are symbolising the general state of the political mind
    [5:03:06 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:03:12 PM] Sirius 17: the division
    [5:03:17 PM] Sirius 17: north vs south
    [5:03:41 PM] Wyzard97: The people in power knowing they have sold out the 'constituency' etc
    [5:04:01 PM] Wyzard97: Armageddon of the Mind
    [5:04:15 PM] Wyzard97: As we said for 2 years now
    [5:04:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes and i think its his family that is behind this... i mean this young kid is partying with Dennis Rodman? what does he know of war
    [5:05:04 PM] Wyzard97: ?
    [5:05:23 PM] Wyzard97: Dennis Rodman?
    [5:05:38 PM] Wyzard97: Some US moron
    [5:05:57 PM] Wyzard97: You mean the NK
    [5:06:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes he visited the NK and hung out with Kim Un
    [5:06:14 PM] Sirius 17: the kid
    [5:06:30 PM] Wyzard97: Ok so who is DR?
    [5:06:46 PM] Sirius 17: famous basket ball player here in the US
    [5:06:48 PM] Sirius 17: he is nuts
    [5:06:51 PM] Wyzard97: I see
    [5:07:01 PM] Wyzard97: He got into NK?
    [5:07:09 PM] Sirius 17: Kim Jong Un is a big fan of American anything
    [5:07:21 PM] Sirius 17: yeah he was there as his guest a few weeks ago
    [5:07:51 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:08:11 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:08:19 PM] Sirius 17: Rodman is a freak lol
    [5:08:37 PM] Sirius 17: he has been a spectical here in the US for a while
    [5:09:42 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:09:59 PM] Sirius 17: he is known for being outlandish
    [5:10:24 PM] Wyzard97: This is pure weirdness
    [5:10:39 PM] Wyzard97: A black US player with Kim Un
    [5:11:00 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:11:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes and a cross dressing one no less lol
    [5:11:11 PM] Wyzard97: Mental Armageddons ok. All old rules are 'superceded '
    [5:11:23 PM] Sirius 17: Kim Jong Un loves him
    [5:11:43 PM] Wyzard97: Well I dont know that
    [5:11:55 PM] Wyzard97: This is bizarre however
    [5:12:27 PM] Wyzard97: He is a dragqueen?
    [5:12:31 PM] Sirius 17: i just saw a news blurb on CNN that said some embassys are considering pulling out of NK
    [5:12:43 PM] Sirius 17: more or less yes, he is outlandish
    [5:12:44 PM] Wyzard97: To be expected
    [5:13:02 PM] Sirius 17: this is how he has branded himself
    [5:13:08 PM] Sirius 17: extravagant
    [5:13:43 PM] Sirius 17: he has an enormous fan base though of people who love him because he is a rebel
    [5:22:26 PM] Sirius 17: oh wow all those dead fish in Rio De Janeiro
    [5:22:40 PM] Sirius 17: watching this video
    [5:25:40 PM] Sirius 17: Tony was March 14th significant on the timeline, that is when NK said it would nuke the USA
    [5:25:56 PM] Sirius 17: when they started all this war talk
    [5:27:08 PM] Wyzard97: The March of Ides started the 'Ceasar assassinations' on the ptb scale imo
    [5:27:36 PM] Wyzard97: March 15th and this was also the pope conclave recall?
    [5:27:45 PM] Sirius 17: ahh yes
    [5:27:56 PM] Wyzard97: They elected Francis March 13-14th
    [5:27:57 PM] Sirius 17: just so weird all of this
    [5:28:13 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [5:28:16 PM] Wyzard97: AE birthday
    [5:28:33 PM] Sirius 17: yes that too
    [5:28:47 PM] Wyzard97: One Rock = Ein Stein
    [5:29:03 PM] Wyzard97: So this is gematria coded to the GOT
    [5:29:20 PM] Wyzard97: And Cephas as Peter
    [5:29:48 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [5:30:35 PM] Sirius 17: all these fish and sea creature beachings.....and people still think its business as usual
    [5:30:49 PM] Sirius 17: baseball size hail???
    [5:31:45 PM] Wyzard97: Yes and catsized rats and giant mosquitoes
    [5:32:04 PM] Wyzard97: Mutations apparently, from toxic environments
    [5:32:22 PM] Wyzard97: And people dont care
    [5:32:40 PM] Sirius 17: are tornadoes common to australia?
    [5:33:01 PM] Wyzard97: No, there are some in the north called cyclones
    [5:33:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes those rats are disgusting
    [5:33:10 PM] Wyzard97: But not further south
    [5:33:21 PM] Sirius 17: but where this tornado hit, was that a rarity?
    [5:34:01 PM] Wyzard97: They are common in the tropics but not south of the tropic of capricorn
    [5:35:00 PM] Sirius 17: ah ok yes they said they are rare in Victoria
    [5:38:55 PM] Wyzard97: Yes Victoria is very south
    [5:39:24 PM] Wyzard97: They got snow there, not so in the north
    [5:41:40 PM] Sirius 17: lol wth i didn't know about this mudslide on Whidbey Island, that is like across the puget sound from me as the crow flys
    [5:46:42 PM] Sirius 17: yeah wow, the weather sure is getting a lot more intense this year
    [5:47:01 PM] Sirius 17: nothing like what has been seen before
    [5:47:18 PM] Sirius 17: these fish die offs are disturbing as hell
    [5:47:36 PM] Sirius 17: the manatee in FL, there are not many left anyhow
    [5:49:51 PM] Wyzard97: Extinction Events
    [5:50:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes and humanity seems too stupid to realize we are next on the chopping block
    [5:50:53 PM] Sirius 17: if shit doesn't change
    [5:51:22 PM] Wyzard97: This is the point, if change in human affairs is required, then how?
    [5:51:42 PM] Sirius 17: we have had very heavy rains this winter and hardly any snow
    [5:51:53 PM] Wyzard97: Business and money trading economics wont change anything
    [5:52:16 PM] Sirius 17: exactly, why we keep saying it must be something enormous to get peoples attention
    [5:52:22 PM] Sirius 17: the Logos
    [5:52:54 PM] Sirius 17: it has to be so earth shattering and novel that everyone pulls their heads out of their asses
    [5:52:59 PM] Wyzard97: The timeline says April 7th will start the last mirror of the 1335=89 days to the end
    [5:53:06 PM] Wyzard97: Past this, I dont know
    [5:53:20 PM] Wyzard97: July 4th-5th 2013
    [5:53:26 PM] Wyzard97: Independence Day
    [5:53:38 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this is the building of the Ark right
    [5:53:55 PM] Wyzard97: If I were to say anything, then I would 'invade' on that day just as in the movie
    [5:54:14 PM] Wyzard97: The Ark is being deconstructed April 7th to 14th
    [5:54:31 PM] Wyzard97: April 7th is the reverse of Noah going into the ark
    [5:54:55 PM] Wyzard97: Actually a spread April 5th-8th and so this is now
    [5:56:09 PM] Sirius 17: lol leave it to ABBA to be ironic like that, yes Independence Day would be cool
    [5:56:20 PM] Wyzard97: There is the May period and this is critical in view of Iran-Israel
    [5:56:41 PM] Wyzard97: This movie made the ETs hostile
    [5:57:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes as most of these kind of movies do
    [5:57:12 PM] Sirius 17: i watched prometheus the other day
    [5:57:19 PM] Sirius 17: what a stupid movie
    [5:57:26 PM] Sirius 17: i found it free on the web
    [5:57:38 PM] Wyzard97: I never saw it, but this would be another corruption of the Greek mythos
    [5:58:53 PM] Sirius 17:
    [5:59:05 PM] Sirius 17: oh it was rediculious
    [5:59:11 PM] Sirius 17: nice graphics and CGI though
    [5:59:11 PM] Wyzard97: The oldest sources are the best and then one can extrapolate from them, like Hesiod in the Greek
    [5:59:29 PM] Sirius 17: this is futuristic
    [5:59:50 PM] Wyzard97: Bs imo
    [6:00:08 PM] Wyzard97: Modern morals and values placed on something misunderstood
    [6:00:20 PM] Sirius 17: and its exactly what the NABS people believe that some ancient superior race of beings like the annunaki came and created us then left
    [6:00:25 PM] Wyzard97: But yes the technology is cool
    [6:00:46 PM] Wyzard97: The storylines are getting worse from bad
    [6:00:47 PM] Sirius 17: can you see the video in that link?
    [6:00:55 PM] Sirius 17: just click play to see if it works
    [6:01:22 PM] Wyzard97: Yes
    [6:01:28 PM] Sirius 17: oh good
    [6:01:33 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i won't spoil it for you
    [6:01:48 PM] Sirius 17: you might like it
    [6:02:19 PM] Sirius 17: i was bored and looking for movies and found that free site
    [6:03:13 PM] Sirius 17: i watched the Hobit the other day, but i bought that DVD. Pissed me off. Apparently they are going to make 3 movies out of the Hobbit story....stupid hollywood
    [6:03:33 PM] Sirius 17: they could of done the story in one long epic movie
    [6:04:11 PM] Sirius 17: but i love Tolkien anyhow, so I wanted to see it
    [6:04:24 PM] Sirius 17: more New Zealand lol, i love the scenery
    [6:05:01 PM] Wyzard97: So she gives birth to an octopus!
    [6:06:54 PM] Sirius 17: did you fast forward?
    [6:07:00 PM] Sirius 17: cheater lol
    [6:07:23 PM] Sirius 17: she gives birth to some alien hybrid cross
    [6:07:42 PM] Sirius 17: that ends up looking like creatures from Alien
    [6:11:26 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, this is what it reminded me of - the Alien films
    [6:11:38 PM] Wyzard97: Little to do with Hesiod though
    [6:11:43 PM] Wyzard97: More scifi
    [6:13:05 PM] Wyzard97:
    [6:14:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes it is scifi
    [6:14:19 PM] Wyzard97:
    [6:16:47 PM] Wyzard97: The film makers could have made a much more intricate movie from this theogony, than some scifi offshoot of Alien
    [6:17:11 PM] Wyzard97: But it is a form of TLTR as TLTWatch
    [6:17:29 PM] Wyzard97: No deeper thought required if you focus on special effects
    [6:17:51 PM] Sirius 17: yes well they steal all the old names in their attempt to reinvent the stories
    [6:18:02 PM] Sirius 17: with more gore and glitter
    [6:18:32 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, see that only Hope was left in Pandora's Box?
    [6:18:39 PM] Wyzard97: This is scriptural
    [6:18:52 PM] Sirius 17: yes, i have a set of greek myth tarot cards
    [6:19:02 PM] Sirius 17: the star is pandora
    [6:19:19 PM] Wyzard97: This is a main thread in Paul's letters
    [6:19:30 PM] Sirius 17: of course the star traditionally symbolizes hope
    [6:19:45 PM] Sirius 17: but i liked these cards and how it tied in the greek myths
    [6:20:51 PM] Sirius 17: http://ttps://
    [6:22:28 PM] Sirius 17: i have had a mythic tarot deck now for years
    [6:23:32 PM] Sirius 17: when i first saw them i was facinated with the imagry on them
    [6:23:38 PM] Sirius 17: the colors
    [6:24:14 PM] Sirius 17:
    [6:24:23 PM] Sirius 17: someone gave me a Thoth deck and i gave it away lol
    [6:24:28 PM] Wyzard97: I dont see numbers on those cards
    [6:24:29 PM] Sirius 17: i never liked it
    [6:26:03 PM] Sirius 17: no they don't have numbers, just the words and symbolic images for like the 4 of pentacles you will see 4 pentacles on the card , ect
    [6:26:08 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, the Thoth one is too New Agey
    [6:26:28 PM] Sirius 17: i started with the rider waite deck
    [6:26:31 PM] Wyzard97: Well, I would write the numbers on them
    [6:26:32 PM] Sirius 17: at 15
    [6:27:02 PM] Wyzard97: Devil=15 as example
    [6:27:27 PM] Sirius 17: you mean number them from 1-78 or what?
    [6:27:40 PM] Wyzard97: Major Arcana 0-21 mainly
    [6:27:42 PM] Sirius 17: oh the major arcana
    [6:28:00 PM] Sirius 17: yes well i know the order of them, the path anyhow
    [6:28:16 PM] Sirius 17: the fool is usually 0
    [6:28:28 PM] Sirius 17: the last is the world
    [6:29:21 PM] Wyzard97: yes
    [6:29:40 PM] Wyzard97: 0/22 and 21
    [6:29:45 PM] Sirius 17: my favorite card for years was the hermit
    [6:30:23 PM] Sirius 17: then i fell in love with the Empress
    [6:30:35 PM] Sirius 17: because of the mythic deck
    [6:31:43 PM] Sirius 17: she is symbolized by Demeter
    [6:31:47 PM] Sirius 17: earth mother
    [6:32:32 PM] Sirius 17: i like Temperance and Strength too
    [6:33:34 PM] Sirius 17: and I like how she put the 3 fates in this deck as the wheel of fortune lol
    [6:35:28 PM] Sirius 17: The Hanged man is Prometheus
    [6:36:38 PM] Sirius 17: and oddly enough in almost every reading i have done, the hanged man shows up
    [6:37:25 PM] Sirius 17: i do a layout of a double pyramid
    [6:38:05 PM] Sirius 17: the top is consciousness the bottom is subconscious and the left is past and right is future
    [6:38:31 PM] Sirius 17: the center line of cards is the present reading from left to right, past present future
    [6:38:45 PM] Sirius 17: i made up the layout years ago
    [6:40:24 PM] Wyzard97: Yes similar to what i did with Egyptian cartouche
    [6:40:31 PM] Wyzard97: 25 cards there
    [6:40:51 PM] Sirius 17: 22 cards is the layout, i just counted lol then i usually add some daath cards and continue this until i feel its time to stop
    [6:41:31 PM] Sirius 17: so it looks like a diamond shape, the bases of the pyramids meets in the center line
    [6:42:27 PM] Sirius 17: the first card is what the querent is focused on the most and the last card is the outcome that is hidden
    [6:44:38 PM] Sirius 17: i have not read tarot cards in a few years now
    [6:44:45 PM] Sirius 17: the last reading i did was for Denise
    [6:45:52 PM] Sirius 17: i was supposed to read Roses...but we never got together to do it, something always came up
    [6:46:03 PM] Sirius 17: i did read hers a long time ago though
    [6:46:21 PM] Sirius 17: which is very weird
    [6:46:30 PM] Sirius 17: because I saw James come into her life
    [6:46:37 PM] Sirius 17: i didn't know it was him at the time
    [6:46:47 PM] Sirius 17: but i knew a younger man would come into her life
    [6:47:25 PM] Sirius 17: hmm it was the king of cups i saw and pentacles and the knight of cups
    [6:47:49 PM] Sirius 17: she laughed at me lol
    [6:49:09 PM] Sirius 17: the first time i met her we were all at the bar at work and i was reading palms and she stuck hers out
    [6:49:20 PM] Sirius 17: told me here read mine
    [6:49:30 PM] Sirius 17: i saw she would have another grandchild
    [6:49:34 PM] Sirius 17: she laughed then too
    [6:49:51 PM] Sirius 17: she had 3 more after that, a little boy and twins
    [6:50:33 PM] Sirius 17: she loved her grandchildren
    [6:52:28 PM] Sirius 17: i miss her
    [6:53:22 PM] Sirius 17: you know of all the people i knew in Wendover, i felt like i could trust her
    [6:53:26 PM] Wyzard97: Rose=Eros=Sore=57=Birth=Moon=Gemini=... yes
    [6:53:47 PM] Sirius 17: and she was funny as hell some of the things she would say
    [6:54:22 PM] Sirius 17: i am crying lol
    [6:56:31 PM] Sirius 17: how very strange the Moirai weaved fate through our lives
    [6:56:39 PM] Sirius 17: mine and hers
    [6:57:03 PM] Sirius 17: Grandmother Spiderwoman
    [6:59:32 PM] Sirius 17: ROSE=EROS=ORES...ORES OF LOVE AND ROSES
    [6:59:59 PM] Sirius 17: O RES ROSE
    [7:01:22 PM] Wyzard97: You are sensitive today
    [7:01:42 PM] Sirius 17: yeah...i started my period a few days ago
    [7:02:25 PM] Sirius 17: we did mirrors today in physics
    [7:02:36 PM] Sirius 17: optics and objects
    [7:02:48 PM] Sirius 17: got me thinking lol
    [7:03:03 PM] Sirius 17: i even stood in front of the mirror today in my bathroom
    [7:03:23 PM] Sirius 17: looking at my right hand in the mirror
    [7:04:24 PM] Sirius 17: then i thought of james
    [7:04:42 PM] Sirius 17: as the true image
    [7:04:45 PM] Sirius 17: of myself
    [7:04:58 PM] Sirius 17: the one in the mirror still fakes me out with the left lol
    [7:05:56 PM] Wyzard97: Yes it is you in higherD taking the form of you in lower D
    [7:05:58 PM] Sirius 17: we are studying light
    [7:07:10 PM] Sirius 17: the professor is a cool guy though
    [7:07:13 PM] Sirius 17: down to earth
    [7:07:29 PM] Sirius 17: kind of shy nerdy type
    [7:07:34 PM] Sirius 17: super smart
    [7:07:46 PM] Sirius 17: thinks faster then he can talk though
    [7:08:58 PM] Sirius 17: so yeah we set up experiments then we have to write observational discriptions and diagrams and discuss hypothesis
    [7:09:16 PM] Sirius 17: its one experiment after another
    [7:09:43 PM] Sirius 17: drawing, writing, talking lol
    [7:09:52 PM] Sirius 17: observing
    [7:09:59 PM] Sirius 17: its actually a fun class
    [7:11:18 PM] Sirius 17: we set up a mirror today along a piece of paper marked with a dot and observed the dot in the mirror from different angles and then used yard sticks to trace out the angles on the paper from line of sight to image in the mirror
    [7:11:33 PM] Wyzard97: Yes lenses and interference patterns
    [7:11:35 PM] Sirius 17: then we took the mirror away and extended those lines
    [7:11:52 PM] Sirius 17: to show that where they cross is where the image is
    [7:12:45 PM] Sirius 17: then we drew an X on the paper some distance from the dot and repeated it​

    [7:13:20 PM] *** Wyzard97 sent nemesistyche.jpg *

    [7:13:38 PM] Wyzard97: There is Eros-Psyche myth embedded now
    [7:13:46 PM] Wyzard97: As you mentioned Rose=Eros
    [7:13:49 PM] Sirius 17: then we had to define the operational definition in steps
    [7:14:23 PM] Wyzard97: They had a daughter called Hedone
    [7:14:49 PM] Wyzard97: From this comes 'hedonism' but in the original it is all benevolent and not narcisstic
    [7:15:06 PM] Sirius 17: Hah, nice I love it
    [7:15:21 PM] Sirius 17: yes Hedonism....good stuff
    [7:15:43 PM] Sirius 17: i like how you have all the greek myth in this one
    [7:16:07 PM] Wyzard97:
    [7:16:20 PM] Wyzard97: This is a rather poignant story
    [7:17:23 PM] Wyzard97: This is actually the 'Bride of the Lamb' in Revelation 19. as the reformed Babylon
    [7:17:29 PM] Wyzard97: You might be able to see this
    [7:18:38 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [7:18:47 PM] Sirius 17: i figured as much
    [7:18:59 PM] Sirius 17: you know I named one of my dogs Eros
    [7:19:14 PM] Sirius 17: my avatar on FB is a pic of me and him when i was a child
    Psyche is arrayed in funeral attire, conveyed by a procession to the peak of a rocky crag, and exposed. Marriage and death are merged into a single rite of passage, a "transition to the unknown".[11] Zephyr the West Wind bears her up to meet her fated match, and deposits her in a lovely meadow (locus amoenus), where she promptly falls asleep.

    [7:20:44 PM] Sirius 17: lol sounds familar

    [7:27:17 PM] Sirius 17: He then takes his case to Jupiter, who gives his consent in return for Cupid's future help whenever a choice maiden catches his eye. Jupiter has Mercury convene an assembly of the gods in the theater of heaven, where he makes a public statement of approval, warns Venus to back off, and gives Psyche ambrosia, the drink of immortality,[15] so the couple can be united in marriage as equals. Their union, he says, will redeem Cupid from his history of provoking adultery and sordid liaisons.[16] Jupiter's word is solemnized with a wedding banquet.

    [7:27:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes this is very true
    [7:28:00 PM] Wyzard97: Yes I am going to add this wiki to a post
    [7:28:07 PM] Sirius 17: Jupiter is also another name for Zeus too right?
    [7:29:51 PM] Wyzard97: Yes the Roman Jupiter is the Greek Zeus; Mercury is Hermes and Venus is Aphrodite
    [7:30:23 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i thought so, Jupiter, Jove...Zeus
    [7:33:51 PM] Sirius 17:
    The tale thus lent itself to adaptation in a Christian or mystical context. In the Gnostic text On the Origin of the World, the first rose is created from the blood of Psyche when she loses her virginity to Cupid.[30] To the Christian mythographer Fulgentius (6th century), Psyche was an Adam figure, driven by sinful curiosity and lust from the paradise of Love's domain.[31] Psyche's sisters are Flesh and Free Will, and her parents are God and Matter.[32] To Boccaccio (14th century), the marriage of Cupid and Psyche symbolized the union of soul and God.[33]

    [7:34:11 PM] Sirius 17: wow yeah lots of deep stuff here
    [7:42:18 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, why I decided to share
    [7:42:37 PM] Wyzard97: Revelation 19 has started since March 25th
    [7:43:45 PM] Sirius 17: why does this name seem familar?[
    7:47:27 PM] Wyzard97: Perhaps as the Apollyon-Abaddon of Revelation 9
    [7:47:57 PM] Wyzard97: The 'King of the Abyss' and not related to this cleric of the fifth century
    [7:48:56 PM] Wyzard97:

    Revelation 9:11
    And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

    [7:49:44 PM] Sirius 17: hmm well i found his name in that wiki link of cupid and psyche
    [7:50:18 PM] Wyzard97: Yes and this would be only peripherally related in the names
    [7:50:56 PM] Wyzard97: Well you can construct the theogony as Apollyon being the 'serpentine disguise' of Eros himself

    [7:52:06 PM] Sirius 17: hehe true
    [8:03:17 PM] Wyzard97:

    Revelation 19:6-9 King James Version (KJV)
    6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

    7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

    8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

    9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

    [8:03:50 PM] Wyzard97: See how this correlates the various accounts of the classical scribes in the Eros-Psyche storyline?
    [8:03:57 PM] Sirius 17: yes very much
    [8:04:24 PM] Sirius 17: Psyche was clothed in fine robes and a banquet was prepared
    [8:04:35 PM] Sirius 17: same symbols
    [8:04:40 PM] Sirius 17: archetypes
    [8:05:02 PM] Sirius 17: and people think the Bible is BS
    [8:05:19 PM] Wyzard97: 'Psyche as the old whore Babylon becomes transformed into a 'Cosmic Pleasure Seeker' in the daughter of Eros and Psyche called Voluptas in Roman (voluptuous) and the Greek Hedone of the 'Hedonism'
    [8:05:19 PM] Sirius 17: its the clearest version of the true story
    [8:05:45 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [8:06:12 PM] Sirius 17: what do you make of this eternia disappering Tony?
    [8:06:50 PM] Wyzard97: Then the 'clever-dumb human moralisers' made the Hedona as a selfserving pleasure seeking harlot of the Devil, corrupting the actual cosmogony as Hedone healing the rift between the Day-Night sunrise-sunset Adam-Eve mythology of fantasy heaven
    [8:07:31 PM] Sirius 17: yes i see how it was bastardized
    [8:07:47 PM] Sirius 17: hmm eterinas last post was March 25th
    [8:07:51 PM] Sirius 17: very odd
    [8:07:55 PM] Wyzard97: This is why the New World is polyamorous as 'cosmic pleasure seeking' and no longer the monogamous possessiveness, which becomes 'cored' in a naturally divine bisexuality
    [8:09:53 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this was obvious in the Psyche Eros tale
    [8:10:49 PM] Wyzard97: Yes, I can no longer comment on eternia dear, as this is completely in the hands of the Logos now
    [8:11:29 PM] Sirius 17: sure, i just wondered what you thought
    [8:11:53 PM] Wyzard97: But if you look at this Chaos chart you can see the synchronisation of the bible with the Greek Mythology as appropriate in this present time setting
    [8:12:16 PM] Sirius 17: yes i do, i really like this new chart
    [8:12:28 PM] Wyzard97: I simply dont know. I do know that Debbie has manifested in a body in template function though.
    [8:13:06 PM] Wyzard97: Who or where this bodymind might be, I dont know for sure anymore. I simply have to observe and wait and hope like everyone else
    [8:13:32 PM] Sirius 17: yeah we can only wait for some kind of confirmation or physical sign
    [8:14:18 PM] Sirius 17: i am going to go to bed sweety
    [8:14:27 PM] Sirius 17: my back is hurting me sitting here
    [8:14:33 PM] Sirius 17: and i am sleepy
    [8:15:17 PM] Sirius 17: take care of yourself and I am glad Adam is ok

    [8:15:21 PM] Wyzard97: Male Eridanus with Female Nyx becomes the divided Chaos as 'Darkness and Confusion' in the Genesis.1 and then manifests and switches sexual polarity in their son of the Night as Aether of the Light and their Daughter of the Night becoming the Day in Hemera. And this later in the generations manifests in many forms, including the left-right dualisms between Hephaestus+Hermes-Aphrodite-Ares+Zeus manifesting the divine androgyne in Hermaphroditus and also Harmonia from the 'starred' Eris as daughter of the original Nyx=Night. It is all interwoven, but shows what the original meaning of the Greek mythos tried to convey. All the ancient sources then got parts of this intent right and parts became confused and corrupted. Yet the older sources remain the most appropriate to retell the Adam-Eve dilemma in the Hebrew Genesis in the Torah aka the OT.

    Eros and Psyche
    Main article: Cupid and Psyche
    Psyche Revived by the Kiss of Love (1793) by Antonio Canova

    The story of Eros and Psyche has a longstanding tradition as a folktale of the ancient Greco-Roman world long before it was committed to literature in Apuleius' Latin novel, The Golden Ass. The novel itself is written in a picaresque Roman style, yet Psyche retains her Greek name. Eros and Aphrodite are called by their Latin names (Cupid and Venus), and Cupid is depicted as a young adult, rather than a child.[7]
    The story tells of the struggle for love and trust between Eros and Psyche. Aphrodite was jealous of the beauty of mortal princess Psyche, as men were leaving her altars barren to worship a mere human woman instead, and so she commanded her son Eros, the god of love, to cause Psyche to fall in love with the ugliest creature on earth. But instead, Eros falls in love with Psyche himself and spirits her away to his home. Their fragile peace is ruined by a visit from Psyche's jealous sisters, who cause Psyche to betray the trust of her husband. Wounded, Eros leaves his wife, and Psyche wanders the Earth, looking for her lost love. Eventually she approaches Aphrodite and asks for her help. Aphrodite imposes a series of difficult tasks on Psyche, which she is able to achieve by means of supernatural assistance.
    After successfully completing these tasks, Aphrodite relents and Psyche becomes immortal to live alongside her husband Eros. Together they had a daughter, Voluptas or Hedone (meaning physical pleasure, bliss).
    In Greek mythology, Psyche was the deification of the human soul. She was portrayed in ancient mosaics as a goddess with butterfly wings (because psyche was also the Ancient Greek word for 'butterfly'). The Greek word psyche literally means "soul, spirit, breath, life or animating force".

    [8:15:33 PM] Wyzard97: Buenas Raven and take care
    [8:15:56 PM] Sirius 17: Buenas Tonylove
    [8:16:07 PM] Sirius 17: (heart)(F)(heart)

    Cupid and Psyche

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    Psyche and Amor, also known as Psyche Receiving Cupid's First Kiss (1798), by François Gérard: a symbolic butterfly hovers over Psyche in a moment of innocence poised before sexual awakening[1]
    Cupid and Psyche is a story from the Latin novel Metamorphoses, also known as The Golden Ass, written in the 2nd century AD by Apuleius. It concerns the overcoming of obstacles to the love between Psyche (/ˈsaɪkiː/, Greek: Ψυχή, "Soul" or "Breath of Life") and Cupid (Latin Cupido, "Desire") or Amor ("Love", Greek Eros), and their ultimate union in marriage. Although the only extended narrative from antiquity is that of Apuleius, Eros and Psyche appear in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC. The story's Neoplatonic elements and allusions to mystery religions accommodate multiple interpretations,[2] and it has been analyzed as an allegory and in light of folktale, Märchen or fairy tale, and myth.[3]
    Since the rediscovery of Apuleius's novel in the Renaissance, the reception of Cupid and Psyche in the classical tradition has been extensive. The story has been retold in poetry, drama, and opera, and depicted widely in painting, sculpture, and even wallpaper.[4]
    In Apuleius

    The tale of Cupid and Psyche is placed at the midpoint of Apuleius's novel, and occupies about a fifth of its total length.[5] The novel itself is a first-person narrative by the protagonist Lucius. Transformed into a donkey by magic gone wrong, Lucius undergoes various trials and adventures, and finally regains human form by eating roses sacred to Isis. Psyche's story has some similarities, including the theme of dangerous curiosity, punishments and tests, and redemption through divine favor.[6] As a structural mirror of the overarching plot, the tale is an example of mise en abyme. It occurs within a complex narrative frame, with Lucius recounting the tale as it in turn was told by an old woman to Charite, a bride kidnapped by pirates on her wedding day and held captive in a cave.[7] The happy ending for Psyche is supposed to assuage Charite's fear of rape, in one of several instances of Apuleius's irony.[8]
    Although the tale resists explication as a strict allegory of a particular Platonic argument, Apuleius drew generally on imagery such as the laborious ascent of the winged soul (Phaedrus 248) and the union with the divine achieved by Soul through the agency of the daimon Love (Symposium 212b).[9]
    The story

    Psyche Honoured by the People (Baroque, 1692–1702) by Luca Giordano
    There was once a king and queen,[10] rulers of an unnamed city, who had three daughters of conspicuous beauty. The youngest and most beautiful was Psyche, whose admirers went so far as to neglect the proper worship of the love goddess Venus and instead prayed and made offerings to her. It was rumored that she was the second coming of Venus, or the daughter of Venus from an unseemly union of the goddess and a mortal. Venus is offended, and commissions Cupid to work her revenge. Cupid, however, falls in love with the girl and desires to possess her for himself.
    Although her two humanly beautiful sisters have married, the idolized Psyche has yet to find love. Her father suspects that they have incurred the wrath of the gods, and consults the oracle of Apollo. The response is unsettling: the king is to expect no human son-in-law, but rather a dragon-like creature who harasses the world with fire and iron and is feared by even Jupiter and the inhabitants of the underworld.
    Psyche's Wedding (Pre-Raphaelite, 1895) by Edward Burne-Jones
    Psyche is arrayed in funeral attire, conveyed by a procession to the peak of a rocky crag, and exposed. Marriage and death are merged into a single rite of passage, a "transition to the unknown".[11] Zephyr the West Wind bears her up to meet her fated match, and deposits her in a lovely meadow (locus amoenus), where she promptly falls asleep.
    The transported girl awakes to find herself at the edge of a cultivated grove (lucus). Exploring, she finds a marvelous house with golden columns, a carved ceiling of citrus wood and ivory, silver walls embossed with wild and domesticated animals, and jeweled mosaic floors. A disembodied voice tells her to make herself comfortable, and she is entertained at a feast that serves itself and by singing to an invisible lyre.
    Psyche Lifted Up by Zephyrs (Romantic, ca. 1800) by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
    Although fearful and without sexual experience, she allows herself to be guided to a bedroom, where in the darkness a man she cannot see makes her his wife. She gradually learns to look forward to his visits, though he always departs before sunrise and forbids her to look upon him, and soon she becomes pregnant.
    Violation of trust

    Psyche's family longs for news of her, and after much cajoling, Cupid, still unknown to his bride, permits Zephyr to carry her sisters up for a visit. When they see the splendor in which Psyche lives, they become envious, and undermine her happiness by prodding her to uncover her husband's true identity, since surely as foretold by the oracle she was lying with the vile winged serpent, who would devour her and her child.
    Psyche Showing Her Jewelry to Her Sisters (Neoclassical, 1815–16), grisaille wallpaper by Merry-Joseph Blondel
    One night after Cupid falls asleep, Psyche carries out the plan her sisters devised: she brings out a dagger and a lamp she had hidden in the room, in order to see and kill the monster. But when the light instead reveals the most beautiful creature she has ever seen, she is so startled that she wounds herself on one of the arrows in Cupid's cast-aside quiver. Struck with a feverish passion, she spills hot oil from the lamp and wakes him. He flees, and though she tries to pursue, he flies away and leaves her on the bank of a river.
    There she is discovered by the wilderness god Pan, who recognizes the signs of passion upon her. She acknowledges his divinity (numen), then begins to wander the earth looking for her lost love.
    Amore e Psiche (1707–09) by Giuseppe Crespi: Psyche's use of the lamp to see the god is sometimes thought to reflect the magical practice of lychnomancy, a form of divination or spirit conjuring[12]
    Psyche visits first one sister, then the other; both are seized with renewed envy upon learning the identity of Psyche's secret husband. Each sister attempts to offer herself as a replacement by climbing the rocky crag and casting herself upon Zephyr for conveyance, but instead is allowed to fall to a brutal death.
    Wanderings and trials

    In the course of her wanderings, Psyche comes upon a temple of Ceres, and inside finds a disorder of grain offerings, garlands, and agricultural implements. Recognizing that the proper cultivation of the gods should not be neglected, she puts everything in good order, prompting a theophany of Ceres herself. Although Psyche prays for her aid, and Ceres acknowledges that she deserves it, the goddess is prohibited from helping her against a fellow goddess. A similar incident occurs at a temple of Juno. Psyche realizes that she must serve Venus herself.
    Venus revels in having the girl under her power, and turns Psyche over to her two handmaids, Worry and Sadness, to be whipped and tortured. Venus tears her clothes and bashes her head into the ground, and mocks her for conceiving a child in a sham marriage. The goddess then throws before her a great mass of mixed wheat, barley, poppyseed, chickpeas, lentils, and beans, demanding that she sort them into separate heaps by dawn. But when Venus withdraws to attend a wedding feast, a kind ant takes pity on Psyche, and assembles a fleet of insects to accomplish the task. Venus is furious when she returns drunk from the feast, and only tosses Psyche a crust of bread. At this point in the story, it is revealed that Cupid is also in the house of Venus, languishing from his injury.
    Psyche's Second Task (Mannerist, 1526–28) by Giulio Romano, from the Palazzo del Tè
    At dawn, Venus sets a second task for Psyche. She is to cross a river and fetch golden wool from violent sheep who graze on the other side. These sheep are elsewhere identified as belonging to the Sun.[13] Psyche's only intention is to drown herself on the way, but instead she is saved by instructions from a divinely inspired reed, of the type used to make musical instruments, and gathers the wool caught on briers.
    For Psyche's third task, she is given a crystal vessel in which to collect the black water spewed by the source of the rivers Styx and Cocytus. Climbing the cliff from which it issues, she is daunted by the foreboding air of the place and dragons slithering through the rocks, and falls into despair. Jupiter himself takes pity on her, and sends his eagle to battle the dragons and retrieve the water for her.
    Psyche and the underworld

    The last trial Venus imposes on Psyche is a quest to the underworld itself. She is to take a box (pyxis) and obtain in it a dose of the beauty of Proserpina, queen of the underworld. Venus claims her own beauty has faded through tending her ailing son, and she needs this remedy in order to attend the theatre of the gods (theatrum deorum).
    Psyché aux enfers (1865) by Eugène-Ernest Hillemacher: Charon rows Psyche past a dead man in the water and the old weavers on shore
    Once again despairing of her task, Psyche climbs a tower, planning to throw herself off. The tower, however, suddenly breaks into speech, and advises her to travel to Lacedaemon, Greece, and to seek out the place called Taenarus, where she will find the entrance to the underworld. The tower offers instructions for navigating the underworld:
    The airway of Dis is there, and through the yawning gates the pathless route is revealed. Once you cross the threshold, you are committed to the unswerving course that takes you to the very Regia of Orcus. But you shouldn’t go emptyhanded through the shadows past this point, but rather carry cakes of honeyed barley in both hands,[14] and transport two coins in your mouth.
    The speaking tower warns her to maintain silence as she passes by several ominous figures: a lame man driving a mule loaded with sticks, a dead man swimming in the river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead, and old women weaving. These, the tower warns, will seek to divert her by pleading for her help: she must ignore them. The cakes are treats for distracting Cerberus, the three-headed watchdog of Orcus, and the two coins for Charon the ferryman, so she can make a return trip.
    Everything comes to pass according to plan, and Proserpina grants Psyche's humble entreaty. As soon as she reenters the light of day, however, Psyche is overcome by a bold curiosity, and can't resist opening the box in the hope of enhancing her own beauty. She finds nothing inside but an "infernal and Stygian sleep," which sends her into a deep and unmoving torpor.
    Cupid and Psyche (1639–40) by Anthony van Dyck: Cupid finds the sleeping Psyche
    Reunion and immortal love

    Meanwhile, Cupid's wound has healed into a scar, and he escapes his mother's house by flying out a window. When he finds Psyche, he draws the sleep from her face and replaces it in the box, then pricks her with an arrow that does no harm. He lifts her into the air, and takes her to present the box to Venus.
    He then takes his case to Jupiter, who gives his consent in return for Cupid's future help whenever a choice maiden catches his eye. Jupiter has Mercury convene an assembly of the gods in the theater of heaven, where he makes a public statement of approval, warns Venus to back off, and gives Psyche ambrosia, the drink of immortality,[15] so the couple can be united in marriage as equals. Their union, he says, will redeem Cupid from his history of provoking adultery and sordid liaisons.[16] Jupiter's word is solemnized with a wedding banquet.
    With its happy marriage and resolution of conflicts, the tale ends in the manner of classic comedy[17] or Greek romances such as Daphnis and Chloe.[18] The child born to the couple will be Voluptas (Greek Hedone), "Pleasure."
    The Wedding of Cupid and Psyche

    The Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche (1517) by Raphael and his workshop, from the Loggia di Psiche, Villa Farnesina
    The assembly of the gods has been a popular scenario for both visual and performing arts, with the wedding banquet of Cupid and Psyche a particularly rich occasion. Apuleius describes the scene in terms of a festive Roman dinner party (cena). Cupid, now a husband, reclines in the place of honor (the "top" couch) and embraces Psyche in his lap. Jupiter and Juno situate themselves likewise, and all the other gods are arranged in order. The cupbearer of Jove (Jupiter's other name) serves him with nectar, the "wine of the gods"; Apuleius refers to the cupbearer only as ille rusticus puer, "that country boy," and not as Ganymede. Liber, the Roman god of wine, serves the rest of the company. Vulcan, the god of fire, cooks the food; the Horae ("Seasons" or "Hours") adorn, or more literally "empurple," everything with roses and other flowers; the Graces suffuse the setting with the scent of balsam, and the Muses with melodic singing. Apollo sings to his lyre, and Venus takes the starring role in dancing at the wedding, with the Muses as her chorus girls, a satyr blowing the aulos (tibia in Latin), and a young Pan expressing himself through the pan pipes (fistula).
    The wedding provides closure for the narrative structure as well as for the love story: the mysteriously provided pleasures Psyche enjoyed in the domus of Cupid at the beginning of her odyssey, when she entered into a false marriage preceded by funereal rites, are reimagined in the hall of the gods following correct ritual procedure for a real marriage.[19] The arranging of the gods in their proper order (in ordinem) would evoke for the Roman audience the religious ceremony of the lectisternium, a public banquet held for the major deities in the form of statues arranged on luxurious couches, as if they were present and participating in the meal.[20]
    Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (ca. 1773), jasperware by Wedgwood based on the 1st-century Marlborough gem, which most likely was intended to depict an initiation rite (Brooklyn Museum)
    The wedding banquet was a favored theme for Renaissance art. As early as 1497, Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti made the banquet central to his now-lost Cupid and Psyche cycle at the Villa Belriguardo, near Ferrara. At the Villa Farnesina in Rome, it is one of two main scenes for the Loggia di Psiche (ca. 1518) by Raphael and his workshop, as well as for the Stanza di Psiche (1545–46) by Perino del Vaga at the Castel Sant' Angelo.[21] Hendrick Goltzius introduced the subject to northern Europe with his "enormous" engraving called The Wedding of Cupid and Psyche (1587, 43 by 85.4 cm),[22] which influenced how other northern artists depicted assemblies of the gods in general.[23] The engraving in turn had been taken from Bartholomaeus Spranger's 1585 drawing of the same title, considered a "locus classicus of Dutch Mannerism" and discussed by Karel Van Mander for its exemplary composition involving numerous figures.[24]
    In the 18th century, François Boucher's Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (1744) affirmed Enlightenment ideals with the authority figure Jupiter presiding over a marriage of lovely equals. The painting reflects the Rococo taste for pastels, fluid delicacy, and amorous scenarios infused with youth and beauty.[25]
    As allegory

    Psyche in the grove of Cupid, 1345 illustration of the Metamorphoses[26]
    The story of Cupid and Psyche was readily allegorized. In late antiquity, Martianus Capella (5th century) refashions it as an allegory about the fall of the human soul.[27] For Apuleius, immortality is granted to the soul of Psyche as a reward for commitment to sexual love. In the version of Martianus, sexual love draws Psyche into the material world that is subject to death:[28] "Cupid takes Psyche from Virtue and shackles her in adamantine chains".[29]
    The tale thus lent itself to adaptation in a Christian or mystical context. In the Gnostic text On the Origin of the World, the first rose is created from the blood of Psyche when she loses her virginity to Cupid.[30] To the Christian mythographer Fulgentius (6th century), Psyche was an Adam figure, driven by sinful curiosity and lust from the paradise of Love's domain.[31] Psyche's sisters are Flesh and Free Will, and her parents are God and Matter.[32] To Boccaccio (14th century), the marriage of Cupid and Psyche symbolized the union of soul and God.[33]
    Classical tradition

    Apuleius's novel was among the ancient texts that made the crucial transition from roll to codex form when it was edited at the end of the late 4th century. It was known to Latin writers such as Augustine of Hippo, Macrobius, Sidonius Apollinaris, Martianus Capella, and Fulgentius, but toward the end of the 6th century lapsed into obscurity and survived what was formerly known as the "Dark Ages" through perhaps a single manuscript.[34] The Metamorphoses remained unknown in the 13th century,[35] but copies had begun to circulate in the mid-1300s among the early humanists in Florence.[36] Boccaccio's text and interpretation of Cupid and Psyche in his Genealogia deorum gentilium (written in the 1370s and published 1472) was a major impetus to the reception of the tale in the Italian Renaissance and its dissemination throughout Europe.[37]
    One of the most popular images from the tale was Psyche's discovery of a naked Cupid sleeping, found in ceramics, stained glass, and frescos. Mannerist painters were intensely drawn to the scene.[38] In England, the Cupid and Psyche theme had its "most lustrous period" from 1566 to 1635, beginning with the first English translation by William Adlington. A fresco cycle for Hill Hall, Essex, was modeled indirectly after that of the Villa Farnesina around 1570,[39] and Thomas Heywood's masque Love's Mistress dramatized the tale to celebrate the wedding of Charles I and Henrietta Maria, who later had her withdrawing chamber decorated with a 22-painting Cupid and Psyche cycle by Jacob Jordaens. The cycle took the divinization of Psyche as the centerpiece of the ceiling, and was a vehicle for the Neoplatonism the queen brought with her from France.[40] The Cupid and Psyche produced by Orazio Gentileschi for the royal couple shows a fully robed Psyche whose compelling interest is psychological, while Cupid is mostly nude.[41]
    Orazio Gentileschi exposed the erotic vulnerability of the male figure in his Cupid and Psyche (1628–30)
    Another peak of interest in Cupid and Psyche occurred in the Paris of the late 1790s and early 1800s, reflected in a proliferation of opera, ballet, Salon art, deluxe book editions, interior decoration such as clocks and wall paneling, and even hairstyles. In the aftermath of the French Revolution, the myth became a vehicle for the refashioning of the self.[42] In English intellectual and artistic circles around the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the fashion for Cupid and Pysche accompanied a fascination for the ancient mystery religions. In writing about the Portland Vase, which was obtained by the British Museum around 1810, Erasmus Darwin speculated that the myth of Cupid and Psyche was part of the Eleusinian cycle. With his interest in natural philosophy, Darwin saw the butterfly as an apt emblem of the soul because it began as an earthbound caterpillar, "died" into the pupal stage, and was then resurrected as a beautiful winged creature.[43]

    In 1491, the poet Niccolò da Correggio retold the story with Cupid as the narrator.[44] John Milton alludes to the story at the conclusion of Comus (1634), attributing not one but two children to the couple: Youth and Joy. Shackerley Marmion wrote a verse version called Cupid and Psyche (1637), and La Fontaine a mixed prose and verse romance (1699).[45]
    William Blake's mythology draws on elements of the tale particularly in the figures of Luvah and Vala. Luvah takes on the various guises of Apuleius's Cupid: beautiful and winged; disembodied voice; and serpent. Blake, who mentions his admiration for Apuleius in his notes, combines the myth with the spiritual quest expressed through the eroticism of the Song of Solomon, with Solomon and the Shulamite as a parallel couple.[46]
    Cupid and Psyche (1817) by Jacques-Louis David: the choice of narrative moment—a libertine adolescent Cupid departs Psyche's bed with "malign joy"[47]—was a new twist on the well-worn subject[48]
    Mary Tighe published her poem Psyche in 1805. She added some details to the story, such placing two springs in Venus' garden, one with sweet water and one with bitter. When Cupid starts to obey his mother's command, he brings some of both to a sleeping Psyche, but places only the bitter water on Psyche's lips. Tighe's Venus only asks one task of Psyche, to bring her the forbidden water, but in performing this task Psyche wanders into a country bordering on Spenser's Fairie Queene as Psyche is aided by a mysterious visored knight and his squire Constance, and must escape various traps set by Vanity, Flattery, Ambition, Credulity, Disfida (who lives in a "Gothic castle"), Varia and Geloso. Spenser's Blatant Beast also makes an appearance. Tighe's work influenced English lyric poetry on the theme, including two poems by William Wordsworth called "To a Butterfly," and the Ode to Psyche (1820) by John Keats.[citation needed]
    William Morris retold the Cupid and Psyche story in verse in The Earthly Paradise (1868–70), and a chapter in Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurean (1885) was a prose translation.[49] About the same time, Robert Bridges wrote Eros and Psyche: A Narrative Poem in Twelve Measures (1885; 1894).
    Sylvia Townsend Warner transferred the story to Victorian England in her novel The True Heart (1929), though few readers made the connection till she pointed it out herself.[50] Other literary adaptations include The Robber Bridegroom (1942), a novella by Eudora Welty; Till We Have Faces (1956), a version by C.S. Lewis narrated by a sister of Psyche; and the poem "Pysche: 'Love drove her to Hell'" by H.D. (Hilda Doolittle).[51]

    William Adlington made the first translation into English of Apuleius's Metamorphoses in 1566, under the title The XI Bookes of the Golden Asse, Conteininge the Metamorphosie of Lucius Apuleius. Adlington seems not to have been interested in a Neoplatonic reading, but his translation consistently suppresses the sensuality of the original.[52] Thomas Taylor published an influential translation of Cupid and Psyche in 1795, several years before his complete Metamorphoses.[53] A translation by Robert Graves appeared in 1951 as The Transformations of Lucius Otherwise Known as THE GOLDEN ASS, A New Translation by Robert Graves from Apuleius, published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York.
    Folklore and children's literature

    Pan and Psyche (1872-74) by Edward Burne-Jones
    Bruno Bettelheim notes in The Uses of Enchantment that the 18th-century fairy tale Beauty and the Beast is a version of Cupid and Psyche. Motifs from Apuleius occur in several fairy tales, including Cinderella and Rumpelstiltskin, in versions collected by folklorists trained in the classical tradition, such as Charles Perrault and the Grimm brothers.[54] In the Grimm version, Cinderella is given the task of sorting lentils and peas from ash, and is aided by birds just as ants help Psyche in the sorting of grain and legumes imposed on her by Venus. Like Cinderella, Psyche has two envious sisters who compete with her for the most desirable male. Cinderella's sisters mutilate their own feet to emulate her, while Psyche's are dashed to death on a rocky cliff.[55]
    Thomas Bulfinch wrote a shorter adaptation of the Cupid and Psyche tale for his Age of Fable, borrowing Tighe's invention of Cupid's self-wounding, which did not appear in the original. Josephine Preston Peabody wrote a version for children in her Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew (1897).
    Performing arts

    In 1634, Thomas Heywood turned the tale of Cupid and Psyche into a masque for the court of Charles I.[56] Lully's Psyché (1678) is a Baroque French opera (a "tragédie lyrique") based on the 1671 play by Molière, which had musical intermèdes by Lully. Matthew Locke's semi-opera Psyche (1675) is a loose reworking from the 1671 production. In 1800, Ludwig Abeille premièred his four-act German opera (singspiel) Amor und Psyche, with a libretto by Franz Carl Hiemer based on Apuleius.
    Psyche et L'Amour (1889) by Bouguereau
    In the 19th century, Cupid and Psyche was a source for "transformations," visual interludes involving tableaux vivants, transparencies and stage machinery that were presented between the scenes of a pantomime but extraneous to the plot.[57] During the 1890s, when tableaux vivants or "living pictures" were in vogue as a part of vaudeville, the 1889 Psyché et l'Amour of Bouguereau was among the artworks staged. To create these tableaux, costumed performers "froze" in poses before a background copied meticulously from the original and enlarged within a giant picture frame. Nudity was feigned by flesh-colored bodystockings that negotiated standards of realism, good taste, and morality.[58] Claims of educational and artistic value allowed female nudes—a popular attraction—to evade censorship.[59] Psyché et l'Amour was reproduced by the scenic painter Edouard von Kilanyi, who made a tour of Europe and the United States beginning in 1892,[60] and by George Gordon in an Australian production that began its run in December 1894.[61] The illusion of flight was so difficult to sustain that this tableau was necessarily brief.[62] The performer billed as "The Modern Milo" during this period specialized in recreating female sculptures, a Psyche in addition to her namesake Venus de Milo.[63]
    Frederick Ashton choreographed a ballet Cupid and Psyche with music by Lord Berners and decor by Sir Francis Rose, first performed on 27 April 1939 by the Sadler's Wells Ballet (now Royal Ballet). Frank Staff danced as Cupid, Julia Farron as Psyche, Michael Somes as Pan, and June Brae as Venus.[64]
    Writer David Benullo was responsible for a low-budget movie, titled "Cupid", in which a perversion of the Cupid/Psyche myth was used to create a serial killer character (1997).
    Psychology and feminism

    Viewed in terms of psychology rather than allegory, the tale of Cupid and Psyche shows how "a mutable person … matures within the social constructs of family and marriage".[65] In the Jungian allegory of Erich Neumann (1956), the story of Psyche was interpreted as "the psychic development of the feminine".[66]
    Cupid and Psyche has been analyzed from a feminist perspective as a paradigm of how the gender unity of women is disintegrated through rivalry and envy, replacing the bonds of sisterhood with an ideal of heterosexual love.[67] This theme was explored in Psyche's Sisters: Reimagining the Meaning of Sisterhood (1988) by Christine Downing,[68] who uses myth as a medium for psychology.
    James Hillman made the story the basis for his critique of scientific psychology, The Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology (1983). Carol Gilligan uses the story as the basis for much of her analysis of love and relationships in The Birth of Pleasure (Knopf, 2002).
    Fine and decorative arts

    The story of Cupid and Psyche is depicted in a wide range of visual media. Psyche is often represented with butterfly wings, and the butterfly is her frequent attribute and a symbol of the soul, though the literary Cupid and Pysche never says that she has or acquires wings. In antiquity, an iconographical tradition existed independently of Apuleius's tale and influenced later depictions.[69]
    Ancient art

    On this fragment from a sarcophagus used in the early 4th century, Cupid and a butterfly-winged Psyche frame a portrait of the deceased, carried on an eagle with a cornucopia and spilling basket of fruit[70] (Indianapolis Museum of Art)
    Some extant examples suggest that in antiquity Cupid and Psyche could have a religious or mystical meaning. Rings bearing their likeness, several of which come from Roman Britain, may have served an amuletic purpose.[71] Engraved gems from Britain represent spiritual torment with the image of Cupid torching a butterfly.[72] On sarcophagi, the couple often seem to represent an allegory of love overcoming death.[73]
    A relief of Cupid and Psyche was displayed at the mithraeum of Capua, but it is unclear whether it expresses a Mithraic quest for salvation, or was simply a subject that appealed to an individual for other reasons. Psyche is invoked with "Providence" (Pronoia) at the beginning of the so-called Mithras Liturgy.[74]
    In late antiquity, the couple are often shown in a "chin-chuck" embrace, a gesture of "erotic communion" with a long history.[75] The rediscovery of freestanding sculptures of the couple influenced several significant works of the modern era.
    Other depictions surviving from antiquity include a 2nd-century papyrus illustration possibly of the tale,[76] and a ceiling fresco at Trier executed during the reign of Constantine I.[77]
    Modern era

    Cupid and Psyche (1867) by Alphonse Legros, criticized for rendering female nudity as "commonplace"
    Works of art proliferated after the rediscovery of Apuleius's text, in conjunction with the influence of classical sculpture. In the mid-15th century, Cupid and Psyche became a popular subject for Italian wedding chests (cassoni),[78] particularly those of the Medici. The choice was most likely prompted by Boccaccio's Christianized allegory. The earliest of these cassoni, dated variously to the years 1444–1470,[79] pictures the narrative in two parts: from Psyche's conception to her abandonment by Cupid; and her wanderings and the happy ending.[80]
    Cupid and Psyche is a rich source for scenarios, and several artists have produced cycles of works based on it, including the frescoes at the Villa Farnesina (ca. 1518) by Raphael and his workshop; frescoes at Palazzo del Tè (1527–28) by Giulio Romano; engravings by the "Master of the Die" (mid-16th century); and paintings by the Pre-Raphaelite Edward Burne-Jones (in the 1870s–90s).[81] Burne-Jones also executed a series of 47 drawings intended as illustrations for Morris's poem.[82] Cupid and Psyche was the subject of the only cycle of prints created by the German Symbolist Max Klinger (1857–1920) to illustrate a specific story.[83]
    Psyche Abandoned (1795) by Jacques-Louis David
    The most popular subjects for single paintings or sculpture are the couple alone, or explorations of the figure of Psyche, who is sometimes depicted in compositions that recall the sleeping Ariadne as she was found by Dionysus.[84] The use of nudity or sexuality in portraying Cupid and Psyche sometimes has offended contemporary sensibilities. In the 1840s, the National Academy of Art banned William Page's Cupid and Psyche, called perhaps "the most erotic painting in nineteenth-century America".[85] Classical subject matter might be presented in terms of realistic nudity: in 1867, the female figure in the Cupid and Psyche of Alphonse Legros was criticized as a "commonplace naked young woman".[86] But during the same period, Cupid and Psyche were also portrayed chastely, as in the pastoral sculptures Psyche (1845) by Townsend and Cupid and Psyche (1846) by Thomas Uwins, which were purchased by Queen Victoria and her consort Albert, otherwise keen collectors of nudes in the 1840s and 50s.[87]
    Portrayals of Psyche alone are often not confined to illustrating a scene from Apuleius, but may draw on the broader Platonic tradition in which Love was a force that shaped the self. The Psyche Abandoned of Jacques-Louis David, probably based on La Fontaine's version of the tale, depicts the moment when Psyche, having violated the taboo of looking upon her lover, is abandoned alone on a rock, her nakedness expressing dispossession and the color palette a psychological "divestment". The work has been seen as an "emotional proxy" for the artist's own isolation and desperation during his imprisonment, which resulted from his participation in the French Revolution and association with Robespierre.[88]


    Post last edited Apr 7th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 8th 2013

    The Original OM in OMMO=MOOM=ISIS=ISSI+SIIS=28|82 of MAN=NN=1441

    [5:22:07 AM-Monday, April 8th, 2013-+10UCT]
    Sirius 17:
    [5:22:26 AM] Sirius 17:
    Now, armed with more sophisticated data from a satellite mission observing the cosmic microwave background -- a faint glow in the universe that acts as sort of a fossilized fingerprint of the Big Bang -- Cramer has produced new recordings that fill in higher frequencies to create a fuller and richer sound. (The sound files run from 20 seconds to a little longer than 8 minutes. See link at bottom of article.)

    Secret Universe - The Hidden Life Of the Cell from pbbes on Vimeo.

    The Sound of the Big Bang

    Planck Version (2013)
    John G. Cramer
    Professor of Physics
    University of Washington
    Seattle, WA 98195-1560

    Temperature variations of the cosmic background radiation as measured by Planck. Red indicates high temperature and blue low temperature.
    I'm a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Washington in Seattle. About 10 years ago, when the WMAP data on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) became available, I did a Mathematica calculation to produce "the sound of the Big Bang", I wrote an Alternate View column published in Analog Science Fiction/Fact Magazine about it (see AV-122 in the May-2003 issue of Analog), and I put it online, where it received a great deal of attention. I have decided to do the same thing with the new data from the ESA's Planck Mission analysis of the CMB, which analyzes the temperature variations of the cosmic microwave background into angular frequency components or multipoles. The new frequency spectrum goes to much higher frequencies than did the WMAP analysis, and therefore offers a more "high-fidelity" rendition of the Sound of the Big Bang. The Planck multipole spectrum looks like this:


    It was not as easy to use the data this time because, while the WMAP group provided an easy-to-find table of multipole strengths from their analysis, the Planck group has set up an arcane system of data archives and ".fit" files that, after several hours of effort, I was not able to penetrate to obtain the data I wanted. Therefore, I had to capture the needed multipole strengths from the above graph itself, mousing each data point, reading coordinates, and converting these to multipole values and strengths. Because of the jitter at low frequencies, I decided to use the fit values (green line) for L<50 rather than the actual data points.
    The Sound of the Big Bang simulation includes three important effects: (1) The multiply peaked frequency spectrum measured by Planck is made into a single sound wave (monaural, not stereo) by the process described above; (2) According to the Planck analysis, the emission profile of the cosmic background radiation peaked at 379,000 years and dropped to 60% intensity at 110,000 years before and after the peak emission time. The simulation represents the first 760,000 years of evolution of the universe, as the emitted CBR rises and falls in intensity following the Planck profile; (3) The universe was expanding and becoming more of a "bass instrument" while the cosmic background radiation was being emitted. To put it another way, the expanding universe "stretches" the sound wavelengths and thereby lowers their frequencies. To account for this effect, the program shifts the waves downward in frequency to follow the expansion in the first 760 thousand years of the universe. How fast the universe initially expanded depends on what cosmological model is used. I decided to follow the predictions of the flat-space Robertson-Walker metric with zero cosmological constant. That model predicts that the radius of the universe grows as time to the 2/3 power (R ~ t2/3). Therefore, instead of the component sine waves varying as (frequency x time), they vary as (frequency x time1/3) to implement the cosmological Doppler shift. The sound frequencies used in the simulation must be scaled upward by a huge factor (about 10 to the 26 power) to match the response of the human ear, because the actual Big Bang frequencies, which had wavelengths on the order of a fraction of the size of the universe, were far too low to be heard by humans (even had any been around).
    I made .wav files from the simulation with playing-time duration of 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 seconds. These may be downloaded here, along with the Mathematica notebook that produced the .wav files and the data file of the Planck multipole spectrum:
    I recommend the 100 second version, but you can choose for yourself. These audio files can be downloaded and used for any purpose, provided the text "(c) John G. Cramer - 2013" is used in text related to the file. References to my website, my Analog Columns, and my two hard science fiction novels Twistor and Einstein's Bridge are also encouraged and would be appreciated.
    John G. Cramer
    March 29, 2013

    The effect is similar to what seismologists describe as a magnitude 9 earthquake causing the entire planet to actually ring. In this case, however, the ringing covered the entire universe -- before it grew to such gargantuan proportions.
    "Space-time itself is ringing when the universe is sufficiently small," Cramer said.
    In 2001, Cramer wrote a science-based column for Analog Science Fiction & Fact magazine describing the likely sound of the Big Bang based on cosmic microwave background radiation observations taken from balloon experiments and satellites.
    A couple of years later that article prompted a question from a mother in Pennsylvania whose 11-year-old son was working on a project about the Big Bang: Is the sound of the Big Bang actually recorded anywhere?
    Cramer answered that it wasn't -- but then began thinking that it could be. He used data from the cosmic microwave background on temperature fluctuations in the very early universe. The data on those wavelength changes were fed into a computer program called Mathematica, which converted them to sound. A 100-second recording represents the sound from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang until until about 760,000 years after the Big Bang.

    [5:28:15 AM] Sirius 17:
    [5:53:22 AM] Sirius 17: hehe it sounds pretty cool
    [5:53:54 AM] Sirius 17: of course this is a simulation, but its neat anyhow. Looks like this professor teaches at UW here in Seattle.
    [5:54:51 AM] Sirius 17: His computer program is called Mathmatica lol
    [5:57:33 AM] Sirius 17: http://ttp://
    [5:57:40 AM] Sirius 17: this is interesting too
    [6:02:55 AM] Sirius 17: http://ttp:// f
    found this link on the article above. It talks about Aspartic acid being responsible for left handed amino acids and they say it is the primordal 'Eve' of all left handedness in them.
    [6:28:26 AM] Sirius 17:
    [6:28:57 AM] Sirius 17: lol sorry, i just love to read. I hope you enjoy these links
    [6:29:55 AM] Sirius 17: They are saying in the one above that the primordal soup theory is out because of recent research they have done on volcanic vents deep in the ocean.
    [6:30:48 AM] Sirius 17: That life evolved out of gases and chemiosmosis
    [6:31:50 AM] Sirius 17: They base this theory on what they know about ATP production apparently.
    [6:33:00 AM] Sirius 17: The team focused on ideas pioneered by geochemist Michael J. Russell, on alkaline deep sea vents, which produce chemical gradients very similar to those used by almost all living organisms today -- a gradient of protons over a membrane. Early organisms likely exploited these gradients through a process called chemiosmosis, in which the proton gradient is used to drive synthesis of the universal energy currency, ATP, or simpler equivalents. Later on cells evolved to generate their own proton gradient by way of electron transfer from a donor to an acceptor. The team argue that the first donor was hydrogen and the first acceptor was CO2.

    Science News
    ... from universities, journals, and other research organizations

    New Research Rejects 80-Year Theory of 'Primordial Soup' as the Origin of Life

    Feb. 3, 2010 — For 80 years it has been accepted that early life began in a 'primordial soup' of organic molecules before evolving out of the oceans millions of years later. Today the 'soup' theory has been over turned in a pioneering paper in BioEssays which claims it was the Earth's chemical energy, from hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, which kick-started early life.

    In rejecting the soup theory the researchers turned to the Earth's chemistry to identify the energy source which could power the first primitive predecessors of living organisms: geochemical gradients across a honeycomb of microscopic natural caverns at hydrothermal vents. These catalytic cells generated lipids, proteins and nucleotides which may have given rise to the first true cells. (Credit: Photograph by Dudley Foster from RISE expedition, courtesy of William R. Normark, USGS)

    Textbooks have it that life arose from organic soup and that the first cells grew by fermenting these organics to generate energy in the form of ATP. We provide a new perspective on why that old and familiar view won't work at all," said team leader Dr Nick lane from University College London. "We present the alternative that life arose from gases (H2, CO2, N2, and H2S) and that the energy for first life came from harnessing geochemical gradients created by mother Earth at a special kind of deep-sea hydrothermal vent -- one that is riddled with tiny interconnected compartments or pores."

    The soup theory was proposed in 1929 when J.B.S Haldane published his influential essay on the origin of life in which he argued that UV radiation provided the energy to convert methane, ammonia and water into the first organic compounds in the oceans of the early earth. However critics of the soup theory point out that there is no sustained driving force to make anything react; and without an energy source, life as we know it can't exist.

    "Despite bioenergetic and thermodynamic failings the 80-year-old concept of primordial soup remains central to mainstream thinking on the origin of life," said senior author, William Martin, an evolutionary biologist from the Insitute of Botany III in Düsseldorf. "But soup has no capacity for producing the energy vital for life."

    In rejecting the soup theory the team turned to the Earth's chemistry to identify the energy source which could power the first primitive predecessors of living organisms: geochemical gradients across a honeycomb of microscopic natural caverns at hydrothermal vents. These catalytic cells generated lipids, proteins and nucleotides which may have given rise to the first true cells.

    The team focused on ideas pioneered by geochemist Michael J. Russell, on alkaline deep sea vents, which produce chemical gradients very similar to those used by almost all living organisms today -- a gradient of protons over a membrane. Early organisms likely exploited these gradients through a process called chemiosmosis, in which the proton gradient is used to drive synthesis of the universal energy currency, ATP, or simpler equivalents. Later on cells evolved to generate their own proton gradient by way of electron transfer from a donor to an acceptor. The team argue that the first donor was hydrogen and the first acceptor was CO2.

    "Modern living cells have inherited the same size of proton gradient, and, crucially, the same orientation -- positive outside and negative inside -- as the inorganic vesicles from which they arose" said co-author John Allen, a biochemist at Queen Mary, University of London.
    "Thermodynamic constraints mean that chemiosmosis is strictly necessary for carbon and energy metabolism in all organisms that grow from simple chemical ingredients [autotrophy] today, and presumably the first free-living cells," said Lane. "Here we consider how the earliest cells might have harnessed a geochemically created force and then learned to make their own."

    This was a vital transition, as chemiosmosis is the only mechanism by which organisms could escape from the vents. "The reason that all organisms are chemiosmotic today is simply that they inherited it from the very time and place that the first cells evolved -- and they could not have evolved without it," said Martin.
    "Far from being too complex to have powered early life, it is nearly impossible to see how life could have begun without chemiosmosis," concluded Lane. "It is time to cast off the shackles of fermentation in some primordial soup as 'life without oxygen' -- an idea that dates back to a time before anybody in biology had any understanding of how ATP is made."

    Commentary by emeth, regarding the science news release above:
    As can be investigated in the following treatise, the 'primordial soup' idea is indeed replaced by a rather more intricate and purposefully mannered model.
    Yes, the Universe is indeed 'designed' in a way, which synthesisizes the present evolutionary nexus or timeframe in a synthesis of the past and the future. The designer is however BOTH, a creator energy independent from this linear 'flow of time' from past to the future AND the cocreating 'cosmic offspring' or inheritors, finding themselves in incarnated individualisations within this linear confinement of cosmic experience.

    The biochemical osmosis and mitosis as described in the article above has even more elementary precursor or ancestor in the actual disparity or asymmetry in the weak nuclear interaction. It is from this nonparity at the subatomic level of energy, that a natural order of 'information sharing' manifested itself in the Nabs hijacked 'sacred geometry' of the Fibonacci cosmomechanics, which becomes actually descriptive for a maximisation of 'data compression' in its fivefolded symmetries of the Pentagon, Penrose tiling patterns and shechtmanite quasicrystals and many other derivatives.

    Regarding Cramer's cosmology model, using the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric of Euclidean flatness will distort the Radius-Time proportionality {Lightpath=LightspeedxTime} to stipulate the 'Hubble Constant' and the 'Decoupling-recombination' timeframe , when the universe changed from EMR opaqueness to transparancy. It was then, that the first free protons and electrons and neutrons could nucleosynthesise in the cosmic alchemy and transfiguration of the primordial chemical elements, such as hydrogen, Helium, Lithium and their more massive fusion elements of the atomic table and electron configurations.

    Cramer nicely posits the applicability of the Cosmic Doppler Shift for the non necessity of fiddling with the relativistic doppler equation to relate the recessional velocities of the expanding spacetime metric to the Hubble frequencies and so the actual 'Age of the Universe' as the inverse of the Hubble-Frequency as the Hubble-Time.

    This can be seen by the interested and informed reader in the recent WMAP 'reset' of the Hubble constant from so 72 Hubble units (km/Mpc.s) to 67 Hubble units, which supposedly changed the age of the universe from 13.7 billion years to 13.8 billion years in an increase of 100 million years.
    And the inverse of 72 Hubble units is indeed 72/(3.26x1000 lightyears)=1/2.33x10-18 Hertz or 4.3x1017 seconds as 13.6 billion (civil) years; but the 'refined' value of 67.15 km/Mpc.s gives 1/2.18x10-18 = 4.6x1017 seconds as so 14.5 billion years and not 13.8 billion years as said in the public mainstream releases.

    The discerning reader of the mainstream news, so can calculate the time variant as 13.8/14.5=0.95(45), which is the scale of a two standard deviation 'confidence interval' of the statistical mathematical analysis used by the astrophysicists and the cosmological model builders. The 'error function' for a cosmology observed and measured at the present time so indicates a 96% matching between the maximised 10D linearised asymptotic universe and its 11D cyclic 'envelope' or multidimensional encompassment.
    Now using R~ t0.95 instead of Cramer's and the mainstreams R~ t0.66 then 'adjusts' the true age of the universe in so 19.1 billion years to the 'refined' 'Nodal' Hubble Age of 19.10.95 ~16.5 billion years and as stipulated in the message below as a 16.9~19.10.9545 ~16.7 billion year cyclic universe, born in a Quantum Big Bang at Weyl Time and following not preceding a Brane-String epoch from Planck Time.

    Planck reveals an almost perfect Universe
    21 March 2013

    Acquired by ESA’s Planck space telescope, the most detailed map ever created of the cosmic microwave background – the relic radiation from the Big Bang – was released today revealing the existence of features that challenge the foundations of our current understanding of the Universe.
    The image is based on the initial 15.5 months of data from Planck and is the mission’s first all-sky picture of the oldest light in our Universe, imprinted on the sky when it was just 380 000 years old.
    At that time, the young Universe was filled with a hot dense soup of interacting protons, electrons and photons at about 2700ºC. When the protons and electrons joined to form hydrogen atoms, the light was set free. As the Universe has expanded, this light today has been stretched out to microwave wavelengths, equivalent to a temperature of just 2.7 degrees above absolute zero.

    This ‘cosmic microwave background’ – CMB – shows tiny temperature fluctuations that correspond to regions of slightly different densities at very early times, representing the seeds of all future structure: the stars and galaxies of today.
    According to the standard model of cosmology, the fluctuations arose immediately after the Big Bang and were stretched to cosmologically large scales during a brief period of accelerated expansion known as inflation.
    Planck was designed to map these fluctuations across the whole sky with greater resolution and sensitivity than ever before. By analysing the nature and distribution of the seeds in Planck’s CMB image, we can determine the composition and evolution of the Universe from its birth to the present day.

    Planck’s anomalous sky

    Overall, the information extracted from Planck’s new map provides an excellent confirmation of the standard model of cosmology at an unprecedented accuracy, setting a new benchmark in our manifest of the contents of the Universe.
    But because precision of Planck’s map is so high, it also made it possible to reveal some peculiar unexplained features that may well require new physics to be understood.
    “The extraordinary quality of Planck’s portrait of the infant Universe allows us to peel back its layers to the very foundations, revealing that our blueprint of the cosmos is far from complete. Such discoveries were made possible by the unique technologies developed for that purpose by European industry,” says Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA’s Director General.

    “Since the release of Planck’s first all-sky image in 2010, we have been carefully extracting and analysing all of the foreground emissions that lie between us and the Universe’s first light, revealing the cosmic microwave background in the greatest detail yet,” adds George Efstathiou of the University of Cambridge, UK.
    One of the most surprising findings is that the fluctuations in the CMB temperatures at large angular scales do not match those predicted by the standard model – their signals are not as strong as expected from the smaller scale structure revealed by Planck.

    Asymmetry and cold spot

    Another is an asymmetry in the average temperatures on opposite hemispheres of the sky. This runs counter to the prediction made by the standard model that the Universe should be broadly similar in any direction we look.
    Furthermore, a cold spot extends over a patch of sky that is much larger than expected.
    The asymmetry and the cold spot had already been hinted at with Planck’s predecessor, NASA’s WMAP mission, but were largely ignored because of lingering doubts about their cosmic origin.
    “The fact that Planck has made such a significant detection of these anomalies erases any doubts about their reality; it can no longer be said that they are artefacts of the measurements. They are real and we have to look for a credible explanation,” says Paolo Natoli of the University of Ferrara, Italy.
    “Imagine investigating the foundations of a house and finding that parts of them are weak. You might not know whether the weaknesses will eventually topple the house, but you’d probably start looking for ways to reinforce it pretty quickly all the same,” adds François Bouchet of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris.
    One way to explain the anomalies is to propose that the Universe is in fact not the same in all directions on a larger scale than we can observe. In this scenario, the light rays from the CMB may have taken a more complicated route through the Universe than previously understood, resulting in some of the unusual patterns observed today.

    “Our ultimate goal would be to construct a new model that predicts the anomalies and links them together. But these are early days; so far, we don’t know whether this is possible and what type of new physics might be needed. And that’s exciting,” says Professor Efstathiou.

    New cosmic recipe

    New cosmic recipe

    Beyond the anomalies, however, the Planck data conform spectacularly well to the expectations of a rather simple model of the Universe, allowing scientists to extract the most refined values yet for its ingredients.
    Normal matter that makes up stars and galaxies contributes just 4.9% of the mass/energy density of the Universe. Dark matter, which has thus far only been detected indirectly by its gravitational influence, makes up 26.8%, nearly a fifth more than the previous estimate.
    Conversely, dark energy, a mysterious force thought to be responsible for accelerating the expansion of the Universe, accounts for less than previously thought.

    Finally, the Planck data also set a new value for the rate at which the Universe is expanding today, known as the Hubble constant. At 67.15 kilometres per second per megaparsec, this is significantly less than the current standard value in astronomy. The data imply that the age of the Universe is 13.82 billion years.
    “With the most accurate and detailed maps of the microwave sky ever made, Planck is painting a new picture of the Universe that is pushing us to the limits of understanding current cosmological theories,” says Jan Tauber, ESA’s Planck Project Scientist.
    “We see an almost perfect fit to the standard model of cosmology, but with intriguing features that force us to rethink some of our basic assumptions.

    “This is the beginning of a new journey and we expect that our continued analysis of Planck data will help shed light on this conundrum.”

    [11:39:24 AM-Friday, March 22, 2013 -+11UCT] Sirius 17: what do you make of these anomolies they have detected?
    [11:43:15 AM] Wyzard97: I have calculated, that their measured Hubble Constant should be 66.9 from the 'nodal' correct value of 58. Looks like they are getting closer. They say it is now 67.15 and much better, than their old 72
    [11:43:55 AM] Sirius 17: so you think they are getting more accurate?
    [11:44:21 AM] Wyzard97: The universe is 'directional' bec ause it must be a toroidal ellipsoid conceptually and not a perfect sphere
    [11:44:57 AM] Sirius 17: so this is causing the tempurature fluctuations? Do they think it is a sphere?
    [11:45:15 AM] Wyzard97: In terms of new technology of course; but their basic Big bang Theory and Inflation is still flawed, because they do not see the lightpath intersecting itself
    [11:46:29 AM] Wyzard97: The temperature fluctuation relates to what Temperature is as a kinetic energy distribution and so this becomes the inflation mechanics of the brane cosmos BEFORE the inertial classical universe and not after
    [11:48:06 AM] Wyzard97: Until they deviate from their 'mass rules' universe, they will get better and better approximations of a linearly expanding universe, which is acting strangely the further back they extrapolate the time
    [11:48:49 AM] Sirius 17: yes i guess this shot is at 380 thousand years after TBB
    [11:49:16 AM] Sirius 17: or so they say, i dont know how they determine that
    [11:49:30 AM] Wyzard97: This is because the 'singularity' had a temperature-kinematics confined to small volumes in hyperspace and this temperature is a function of energy density
    [11:50:26 AM] Wyzard97: Now if you use energy density as mass function, then you get those 'singularity' equationms, which appear physically untenable - ergo the Big bang bashers
    [11:51:12 AM] Wyzard97: You must use the 'energy density' as ZPE or 'Dark Energy' before there was any mass in the form of elementary particles like protons, neutrons and electrons
    [11:51:57 AM] Wyzard97: It is called recombination; it means that the universe as a 'energy furnace' changed from opaqueness to transparency
    [11:52:22 AM] Sirius 17: well they released this shot today, i thought it was interesting anyhow, i knew you would know what it meant
    [11:52:50 AM] Wyzard97: The 'light' as EMR could from then on 'escape' its own 'darkness'
    [11:53:39 AM] Wyzard97: I never liked their Hubble Constant and knew it was much too high
    [11:53:51 AM] Sirius 17: oh i see, so the light emerged out of the darknes cool
    [11:54:06 AM] Wyzard97: Using the cyclic cosmology you have 58 but this is its minimum
    [11:54:25 AM] Wyzard97: Its maximum is actually the LP, the God Frequency
    [11:54:42 AM] Sirius 17: hehe yes of course it would have to be
    [11:55:16 AM] Wyzard97: So superpositioning the linearity they believe in, makes the Hubble Constant oscillate between maximum and minimum every 16.9 billion years
    [11:55:43 AM] Sirius 17: the heartbeat of the universe
    [11:56:18 AM] Wyzard97: Then using the cyclic age of 19.1 billion yhears from the minimum of 16.9 Billion years you have the 2.2 billion year coordinate increasing the 58.0 to 66.9
    [11:56:29 AM] Wyzard97: And this is just what they got as 67.15
    [11:57:04 AM] Wyzard97: All their measurements are however still 'wrong' as thy are presupposing a linear expansion of the cosmos


    [11:57:27 AM] Wyzard97: So this new Hubble constant might be a fluke or coincidence
    [11:57:54 AM] Wyzard97: But perhaps it is good. I am not that good in working their models
    [11:58:50 AM] Wyzard97: My work is actually just a 'rough overall view' itself and subject to many refinements
    [11:59:45 AM] Sirius 17: yes well it seems to support the standard model well though
    [12:00:56 PM] Sirius 17: so explain this to me again, the expansion occured metaphysically first right? and then the big bang occured filling the envelope in linearity? Am i seeing this right

    [12:01:39 PM] Wyzard97: No not metaphysically. It was a real spacetime creation, but without any matter
    [12:01:58 PM] Sirius 17: ok so it was not matter defined
    [12:02:16 PM] Wyzard97: Recombination means, that the photons can separate from the massive particles from a energy plasma state
    [12:02:25 PM] Wyzard97: So technically, this is all ok
    [12:02:48 PM] Wyzard97: They KNOW, that matter was coupled to light, before the first Hydrogen atoms could form in 'recombining' previously 'plasma souped' protons and electrons, due to the energy-temperature drop
    [12:03:24 PM] Wyzard97: What they dont understand is that there was a higher form of EMR, the monopolic kind which does NOT require inertia to create the EMR
    [12:03:32 PM] Sirius 17: and then it became separate at what point like how many seconds or time into the big bang ?
    [12:03:42 PM] Wyzard97: This is why I called it Monopolic EMR or EMMR
    [12:04:02 PM] Wyzard97: At the inverse of the LP frequency
    [12:04:14 PM] Wyzard97: This is defined as the Time Instantenuity
    [12:04:56 PM] Wyzard97: It is the reciprocal of 3 Thousand Million Billion Trillion Hertz
    [12:05:26 PM] Wyzard97: This is also the mass eigen frequency or self vibration as the 'Devil Particle'
    [12:05:52 PM] Sirius 17: its what holds matter in stasis right? the standing wave
    [12:05:54 PM] Wyzard97: It is the technical definition of spirit and 'love'
    [12:05:58 PM] Wyzard97: Yes
    [12:06:20 PM] Sirius 17: without it we would not have bodies
    [12:06:20 PM] Sirius 17: without it we would not have bodies
    [12:07:28 PM] Sirius 17: how are you today btw?
    [12:07:35 PM] Sirius 17: i am feeling better today
    [12:08:09 PM] Sirius 17: decided to go get some pots and i transplanted my Japanese maple and some other plants into them
    [12:08:29 PM] Sirius 17: i felt inspired to plant lol
    [12:10:15 PM] Sirius 17: my baby maple is starting to bud so i wanted to get it into a bigger pot so it will have girth growth and be healthy. all my plants were screaming at me to get them into bigger pots, they had packed root balls.
    [12:10:26 PM] Wyzard97: I edited the time chart to crystallize the '70th week' a bit better
    [12:10:44 PM] Wyzard97: This 'Last week' begins today and fully calibrates Easter 2013
    [12:10:48 PM] Sirius 17: oh i have not looked at it today
    [12:11:16 PM] Sirius 17: i was thinking a lot about MI today and Rose and the birthday coming
    [12:11:43 PM] Wyzard97: March 22nd 2013 maps December 24th, 2012 and so this aligns the December Solstice 2012 with the March Equinox 2013
    [12:12:17 PM] Sirius 17: oh nice


    About 52,000 years ago, the mental evolution of a particular cosmic species, namely that of the Homo Sapiens or 'Wisdom Keepers' began.
    This mental evolution followed a very long timeline of evolving a suitable bodyform or morphology for this 'destined wisdom keeper genus' embedded in a subspace of the cosmic superspace and which began at the halfway nexus timemarker so 2,200 million years ago on the planet then known by the universal sentiences as Gaea, the focus of the Cosmic Mother of Baab for the Cosmic Father Abba.
    Baab is the 'Gate' or 'Bridge' for the superuniverse to share information and intercourses of divers kinds with the fractal subuniverse.

    But this is an interwoven and engaging story and shall be shared here on this forum for the one and only physicalizable reality as authorized by the Laws of Nature and the creator-creation monad and under the auspices and jurisprudence of the World Logos aka the 'Word of GodDog or AbbaBaab' themselves.
    So anyone reading this data transmission and finding it relevant to hisher own idea of what this is all about, is free to share and copy this information as shehe finds appropriate.
    There will be no copyright or restrictions, because any attempt to 'edit' or 'change this information' in self-relativity will encounter the Natural Cosmic Lawfulness of this data and from December 21st, 2012 at 11:53UCT; the legislative validity of this information will become subject to the executive function of the supercosmos and the jurisprudence of the creators, authors, producers and directors of this data stream code named the 'Freedom of Thuban' banning the falseness of old mistranslations of proper natural lawfulness enforcable by and in the definitions of the Laws of the Cosmic Nature.

    2,200 million years ago, the toxicity of the earth's atmosphere or gaseous envelope changed in its geophysical evolution and constitution in allowing the primordial prokaryotic cellular lifeforms (bacteria like geometric forms lifeinduced by magnetopolar currentflows) to begin oxygen breathing lifeforms to evolve from the 'no nucleus' cellular lifeform into its nucleated eukaryotic multicellular morphology in an evolutionary mechanism termed endosymbiosis.
    Multicellular organisms left the aquatic liquid environments of the primordial oceans formed in the self evolvement of Gaea as a cosmic consciousness vessel and as the destined 'Universal Mother' for all interterrestrial and extraterrestrial lifeforms and intelligences.

    After 8 minutes the Sun will get its first data feedback of the history. Then 13 minutes later, the solar system itself will send its solar absorbed data all over the place, back to the sun and the earth and to each other and also out of the starsystem to travel to the nearest starsystem and the intersteller spacetime, reaching The Centauri starsystem in 2017 and the Sirius starsytem in 2021 at lightspeed data propagation.
    All the planets will take less than 20 minutes after the New Gaia birth to 'talk to each other'. It will be like a web exploding AS the New Solar System with Gaia Serpentina its Mother. The planetary sentiences, often called 'Venusians' or the ETs of Saturn or whatever so shall become triggered into activities. This will manifest as a 'UFO' or perhaps a more extensive starship action for whatever ETs are present in this starsystem now. Because they will receive the data of history like a superdownload in and of the entire starsystem freely shared in the 'New Space' propagated and defined by the 'bounce back' signal of the birthing signal of Starplanet Gaia Serpentina This signal will take the form of a wavepropagation emitted from the starplanet and will be known technically as a tertiary Emission spectrum of a Dark Star and more colloquially as the 'Dark Energy' of a Starplanet, manifesting and being able to transmit its own 'History of Consciousness Evolvement and Emergence'.


    This video above and as presented represents pure NABS, but it has the basic idea spot on. But Venus and Mercury will NOT disappear they will receive data and grow in enhancements of their data base as in regards to their own evolution, the evolution of this particular focused starsystem and the overall cosmic evolution from the birth of consciousness, so 2.2 billion years ago. Superposed upon this is the cosmogenesis of the universe beginning so 19 billion years ago and following a 'birth of timespace' in a era technically known as the inflationary epoch of the cosmology. This inflationary epoch preceded and did not follow the so called Quantum Big Bang as espoused by the contemporary database of understanding and model of terrestrial cosmology.

    So the Sun will NOT become a 'Red Giant' but it will add to its database magnanimously. The Sun will grow as a data volume.

    The MENTAL evolution of the 'stewards' of the future starplanet so began with the end of the basic PHYSICAL evolution of 'Wisdom Man' as the 'Cosmic Genus of Humankind' at the 52,000 'year' count in the past and became 'midpointed' or Mirrored in a precise date of Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC in this particular calendrical count of days and nights and as 9,360,000 days from Friday, December 21st, 2012.

    Mayan date: - = 3 Kayab 4 Ahau = Julian Day: -6903717.5 = Saturday, March 1st, 23615 BC
    Mayan date: = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau = Julian Day: 2456282.5 = Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD (+ 9,360,000 Kin)
    Mayan date: = 18 Mac 13 Ahau = Julian Day: 245642.5 = Monday, December 16th, 2013 AD (+360 Kin)

    In terms of the anthropological history of the human genus, the period of Homo Sapiens culminated with the emergence of a bodily evolved form of the hitherto multispecied Homo Sapiens typology in a classification of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Historically, then the multispeciated form of 'Early Man' became focused on this particular type, with other derivatives of the genetic diversification becoming extinct, say as the Neanderthal lineages, themselves sharing a common ancestry in the Homo Erectus diversifications. This period of the 'mirror time' for the evolutionary shift is often NABS associated with genetic manipulation or 'seeding' by benevolent and/or malevolent extraterrestrial sentiences, which are then theorized to have planted the human genotype as either a 'harvestable energy source' or as a form of intergalactic experiment of genetic engeneering.

    The ET engagement with the hitherto multispeciated Homo Sapiens genotype was electromagnetic energy induction, incorporating however a monopolar vector from a higher dimensional vantage point.
    The 'visitations' of the ET lifeforms so manifested in a direct influx of the 'lifeforce' into the conception biology of the multispecied Homo Sapiens. Only what is known as the Cro Magnon derivative received this electromagnetomonopolar 'manipulation' of its nucleotidal sex-chromosomatic genetic encoding. Biologically, this simply repeated the earlier endosymbiosis of the prokaryotic unicellular lifeforms becoming enabled to evolve into multicellular lifeform units, which could eventually differentiate sufficiently to produce morphogenetic bodyforms of all the kingdoms of fauna and flora and culminating in the reptilian, pecylosaurian-paramammalian and mammalian lifeforms, which could reproduce and multiply in particular environmentally adapted forms.

    The 'interference pattern' magnetopolically inducted into the Homo Sapiens genome, so changed the Physical Evolution timeline for the 'steward children species' upon Gaea into a Mental Evolution timeline, then manifesting and developing as the 'mentality' and 'self contemplation' of Homo Sapiens Sapirns aka 'Cro Magnon Man'.

    The mechanics of the 'magnetpolic current induction' is related to the science of quantum mechanics and its relationship to Gravitation and can be discerned on the technical messages from the Thuban database. It will suffice here to state, that the 'omnipresence' of the creator-creation dyad manifests as the most fundamental energy ingredients as the basic constituents of the physicalised universe. In brief, the creator monad manifests as a minimised displacement scale and so allows a maximisation of its energy in quantum form and a real science the Nabs deceivers term 'vibrations of the love and the light'. It is a frequency modulation in fact, but the 'tuning' of this cosmic quantum energy relates to an inherent quality of the superuniverse as the embedding medium of the lower dimensions in a higher structure, reflected in triplicities and quadruplicities and decoded in a cosmic form of astrology in terms of qualities and identities of cosmic elements and such labellings.

    The creator's monad is universally coupled in what is known as modular duality in a higher dimensional string-brane theory manifesting its omniphysics in 13 dimensions of interwoven timespaces. The creator's Abba-Monad of high frequency and small spacial extension then becomes 'dual' to the creation's Baab-Monad of low frequency and large spacial displacement.

    Abba's energy is then mirrored in the quantum scale of wormhole singularities and at the one and only true 'Love Frequency' of 3 Thousand Million Billion Trillion Cycles per cosmic second with a characteristic 'mass-eigen' or 'matter characteristic' Baab energy on the scale of the Galactic Cells, such as the Perseus-Milky Way 'male galaxy' coupled to its female partner of the Andromeda galaxy. Technically, this is decribed as the innermost foundations of Membrane-Theories of the Mother as Mystery as Magic as Membrane as Matrix or as Mary Magdalene. This labels of a multidimensional cosmology in 10 negatively curved spacial dimensions mirrored in the 11th dimension of positive curvature to effectively allow a hypergeometric doubling or twinning of the universe as a protoversal seedling spacetime in a 12 dimensional supercontinuum matrix of wormhole (aka Lovephoton) distributions, with the 13th dimensions allowing recircularisation.

    This then is the Ourobos of the serpent swalling its own tail or the Cosmic Dog chasing the same of the linearly and asymptotically expressed dynamics of the subplenum or the worlds of the lower dimensions becoming and evolving towards their highest dimensional self expression. The 10th dimension becomes the 1st linespace and the 11th the area-manifold space of the 2nd and the 12th the 3rd volume space of the commonly experienced 4-dimensional (flat Euclidean) spacetime, with the timedimensions being 'swallowed' or absorbed in the 13th dimension of this recircularisation. Time connector of temporality or bridges between dimensional fractals then again revisit or are the origin of the endosymbiosis allowing unicellular lifeforms like bacteria to multiply in their multicellular restructuring in morphogenetic reconfiguration.

    a4metmph. metamorphosis.

    The endosymbiosis of all lifeforms so can be shown to derive from the most elementary of Nature's Laws, such as the parity violations on the quantum level of the 'weak nuclear interaction', the force of radioactivity; whose nonparity or asymmetry results in the chiral differentiation in crystalline geometries as precursor for the magnetopolic lifeinduction related to consciousness as a particylar physical energy interaction and as the righthandedness (or clockwise dextrorotary) of the deoxyribonic sugars in the life-defining genomes upon Gaia and conjugatively mirrored in the lefthandedness (or anticlockwise levorotary) of the amino acids forming proteins. Deeper analysis and research shows how this relates to other fivefolded symmetries derived from a Nabs infected 'Sacred Geometry of Life' in the Fibonacci Codes and the manifestoes of Penrosian tiling patterns, the Curtis DNA Helix as a form of back to back decagons as twinned pentagons and in the chemistry of shechtmanite quasicrystals.

    The 'magnetopolic lightcurrent life induction' as the speculated upon 'origin of life' so is retraced to the nucleosynthesis of the chemical elements following the temperature evolution of the universe as a whole in the first minutes following the creation of the universe in the Quantum Big Bang and following an acceleration aka a Gravity defining inflationary epoch lasting until the first singularity wormhole (this is the Little Serpent of the Elders of the Council of Thuban) could manifest the energy distribution of this Inflationary era as a 'false spacetime matrix vacuum'.

    This is technically known as a de Broglie Phasechange and is characterised by the implementation in executive function of the World Logos of the lightspeed barrier as the lower dimensional cosmology of the invariance of lightspeed 'c' and the tachyonic 'higher dimensional' de Broglie phasespeed of the group velocity which must always exceed lightspeed 'c' , but is bounded by the phasespeed of the de Broglien matterwave which defined the 11-dimensional universe into which the 10-dimensional universe could expand into as the terrestrially known astrophysics of the universal protoseed as a decelerating gravitationally relativistic spacegeometric Black Body Planck Radiator embedded in a 4-dimensional hyperspherical spacetime curvature energy matrix as a holographic universe selfexistant as a 3-dimensional surface manifold.

    Then 2.2 billion years ago and 16.9 billion years after the Quantum Big Bang, this expansion of the lowerD universe attained or reached its own mirror bound of the higherD inflationary hyperaccelerated expansion from its wormhole singular selfstate and so could for the first time in the cosmic histor self-reflect on its own 'running away of the creation' from her creator of the 'Little Serpent'.
    This expansion at the 16.9 billion year marker is defined in the 'Invariance of the light velocity' and becomes the Nabs polluted 'Cyclic Universe' of Brahma by the nivana enthusiasts and related genres of misguided constructions of the human mental vanity expositions and explorations.

    The 10D universe is however asymptotic and expands at a slowing expansion rate and so can never reach the 11-D Mother Mirror in any dimension lower than the 'Logos guided lightpath' of the original constant expansion of the Quantum Big bang aka the Little Serpent's wormhole, which technically becomes a particular energy spectrum defined by the Love photon frequency and is known as a Heterotic Supermembrane class 8x8=64 also named HE(8x8) by the global string-membrane physics community and labeled EpsEss in the Thuban literature.

    In terms of the impending immediate 'graduation' of a small remnant part of the global populus of the 'Old Human genotype', albeit extended to all of humanity in a timeshift of mental affiliations to the 'New Physics' of the reconfiguration; the endosymbiosis of theis quantum mechanics manifests in a precise resonance physics to the encompassing timespace of the superuniverse also known as the omniverse of the 13 dimensional selfclosure in dimensional continuity. The Nabs favoured terminology of 'density' is only partially applicable to this 'New World' but is appropriate in the idea, that the 'new space of the ascension' is in fact superposed onto the existing sppacetime matrix which is the 3rd dimension of the volume measurements.

    In particular the Nabs notion of the independence of the individual from the laws of the superuniverse and the self will of the individual in stating that the 'kingdom of God' is WITHIN and implying that no affiliations with the WITHOUT are required, is grossly erroneous.

    This resonance physics of the 'graduating class' requires harmonisation WITHIN the unified body or merkabah of the superuniverse, which is no less or more than the encoded and mysterious 'ChristBody of the Resurrection'. Subsequently and in logical deduction, any reader or 'old human' who disbelieves in this physical resurrection event of a standard 'flesh and blood' individual bodyform, albeit ensouled or conceived as and by the World Logos in terms of the authority of the preinflationary existence of the metaphysical cosmogenesis, cannot engage its multicellular merkabah construction to resonate with the superuniverse as fact of this disbelief of actually Living WITHIN this 'Body of the Resurrection'. The omniverse so cannot bestow its own bodysense dispensation to such non believers and the Logos deniers and antichrists, who not only deny this resurrection event of an advanced quantum wavemechanics engaging the wave-particle dualism of the heterotic supermembrane EpsEss, but even deny the physical istorical reality of the World LogosTwin JCCJ, can in no way participate to pioneer the 'New World' metaphysically manifested at the birthday of the 'New World'.

    The 'Kingdom is indeed WITHIN the superuniverse in 12 dimensions aka the 'Lion of Judah' or the 'Lamb of God', but remains trapped there in the individual until the World Logos is spewed out of the old human bodyform into the WITHOUT.

    This is shared in decoded form, for the first time in the human history as such, in explanation and description from the 'Gospel of Thomas Didymos' (Lambdin translation) below.

    Emeth, April 8th, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015

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