Communism-communist-socialism-socialist~ 100,000,000~one Hundred Million Killed In 100 Years !!!

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Exposing the Global Elite & New World Order Project
    June 4, 2022
    Bio-digital Convergence:
    The Deep State’s Plan to Tie Everyone
    to the AI Control Grid Physically.

    Through various benevolent sounding think tanks
    and corporate PR outfits, the Oligarchy-Big Tech Alliance
    is now laying the groundworks for the next stage
    of their long-planned Technocratic Dictatorship,
    in which all living souls on this planet
    are physically connected to the AI-driven control grid
    that should prevent any form of dissent from ever succeeding.

    You have seen these scenarios played out
    in various science fiction movies
    which are really meant to preprogrammed
    and precondition the mind to mitigate
    for potential aggressive reactions in response
    to a massive shock once the beast is fully operational.

    Director General Kristel Van der Elst, says it all:

    “In the coming years, biodigital technologies
    could be woven into our lives in the way
    that digital technologies are now.

    Biological and digital systems are converging,
    and could change the way we work, live,
    and even evolve as a species.

    More than a technological change,
    this bio-digital convergence may transform
    the way we understand ourselves
    and cause us to redefine what we consider human
    or natural.

    Bio-digital convergence may profoundly impact
    our economy, our ecosystems, and our society.

    Being prepared to support it,
    while managing its risks with care and sensitivity,
    will shape the way we navigate social
    and ethical considerations,
    as well as guide policy
    and governance conversations.

    Guided by its mandate, Policy Horizons Canada
    (Policy Horizons) intends to start
    an informed and meaningful dialogue
    about plausible futures for bio-digital convergence
    and the policy questions that may arise.

    In this initial paper, we define
    and explore bio-digital convergence
    – why it is important to explore now,
    its characteristics, what new capabilities
    could arise from it,
    and some initial policy implications.

    We want to engage with a broad spectrum
    of partners and stakeholders
    on what our bio-digital future
    might look like,
    how this convergence might affect sectors
    and industries,
    and how our relationships with technology,
    nature, and even life itself could evolve.”

    They’re not hiding their intentions anymore.

    The gene editing CRISPR technology
    is already being promoted and implemented
    via the mRNA “vaccines”,
    the disastrous outcome of which
    is just beginning to emerge,
    although the media is not talking about it.

    Bio-digital convergence is the interactive combination,
    sometimes to the point of merging, of digital
    and biological technologies and systems.

    Policy Horizons is examining three ways
    in which this convergence is happening.

    Digital technology can be embedded in organisms,
    and biological components can exist as parts
    of digital technologies.

    The physical meshing, manipulating,
    and merging of the biological and digital
    are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology,
    each functioning in the tangible world,
    often with heightened capabilities.

    Robots with biological brains and biological bodies
    with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer
    and brain-machine interfaces.

    The medical use of digital devices in humans,
    as well as digitally manipulated insects
    such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts,
    are examples of digital technology being combined
    with biological entities.

    By tapping into the nervous system
    and manipulating neurons,
    tech can be added to an organism to alter
    its function and purpose.

    New human bodies and new senses of identity
    could arise as the convergence continues.

    This type of bio-digital convergence emerges
    when advances in one domain generate
    major advances in the other.

    The coevolution of biological and digital sciences
    and technologies enables progress in each domain
    that would be impossible otherwise.

    This could lead to biological and digital technologies
    that are developed as integrated
    or complementary systems.

    Complex living systems
    – bacteria, fungi, plants,
    and animal life including humans
    – are increasingly subject to examination
    and understanding
    by digital tools and applications
    such as machine learning.

    This deeper understanding,
    enabled by digital technologies,
    means that biology is subject to influence
    and manipulation that was not possible a few years ago.

    For example, gene sequencing combined
    with artificial intelligence (AI) leads
    to understanding genetic expression,
    which is then used to alter existing organisms
    to create organic compounds in new ways
    or even entirely synthetic organisms.09
    The CRISPR/Cas approach
    and other new gene editing techniques
    would have been impossible without the evolution
    of digital technology and bioinformatics.

    Advances in digital technologies have helped
    the advancement of the bio-digital.

    We also see a greater understanding of biology,
    which is fueling progress in the field
    of biological computing.

    Neural nets – computer systems that are designed
    based on biological brains
    – are an example of how biological understanding
    is shaping digital technology.

    There is also a blurring between what is considered
    natural or organic and what is digital, engineered,
    or synthetic.

    For example, biosynthetic vanilla is created
    using ferulic acid, eugenol,
    and glucose as substrates,
    and bacteria, fungi, and yeasts
    as microbial production hosts.

    Although it does not come from a vanilla plant,
    under both U.S. and EU food legislation, its production
    from “microbial transformations of natural precursors”
    allows it to be labelled as a “natural flavoring”.

    A third form of bio-digital convergence involves a shift
    in perspective that could reshape our framing
    and approach to biological and digital realms,
    facilitating the blending of the two.

    As we continue to better understand and control
    the mechanisms that underlie biology,
    we could see a shift away from vitalism
    – the idea that living and nonliving organisms
    are fundamentally different
    because they are thought
    to be governed by different principles.

    Instead, the idea of biology as having predictable
    and digitally manageable characteristics
    may become increasingly common as a result
    of living in a bio-digital age.

    Any student of biology today will have grown up
    in a digital world and may consciously
    or subconsciously apply that frame of reference
    to bioinformatics and biology generally.

    From a digital perspective, we see a potential shift
    in the opposite direction. Computing began
    as a means of producing predictable, replicable,
    and relatively simple outcomes.

    As digital technology became more complex
    and connected, the system began to mimic
    the characteristics of the biological world,
    leading to the notion of technological ecosystems.

    Biological models are also being used to
    develop digital tools,
    such as AI based on neural nets.

    In summary, the document says that
    “Bio-digital convergence is opening up
    strikingly new ways to:

    change human beings
    – our bodies, minds, and behaviors
    change or create other organisms
    alter ecosystems
    sense, store, process, and transmit information
    manage biological innovation
    structure and manage production and supply chains”

    They are selling this idea with concepts
    like democratization, decentralization,
    and… reliance on big data?

    Democratization For example, mail-order bioengineering
    or CRISPR kits allow biohackers to purchase
    and practice genetic alteration at home.

    A range of relatively affordable online consumer options
    include a USD “Genetic Design Starter Kit”
    allowing a novice to insert a gene into a jellyfish
    to make it glow from the comfort of their kitchen table.

    Another CRISPR kit allows purchasers
    to make genome edits in bacteria that can reproduce
    for 159 USD. A third “molecular biology
    and genetic engineering” starter kit
    costs less than 170 USD.52

    Decentralization This includes the ability
    to create food and engineer meat
    without the need for arable land.54 Lab-grown meat
    —cells that develop to produce muscle cells
    and cultured meat in a monitored environment
    —could be a game changer in decentralizing
    multiple industries
    from farming to shipping…

    Reliance on Data This defeats the first two selling points
    because it’s the Corporatocracy which has full control
    of the data, and not the people it is selling the idea to.

    Gone are the republics in the service
    of the people that made them.

    It should be clear by now that no government
    can protect the people from the insatiable greed
    of the corporate overlords and their masters.

    Government officials, elected or otherwise,
    are grossly unqualified to understand what’s about
    to happen due to their dependency towards
    the Men of Science, who are already conscripted
    to the corporate established science clubs with perks,
    plaques and pedophiliacs.

    In that setup, the government officials can easily
    wash their hands of any culpability
    from their willful complacency in their sworn duties
    to protect and uphold the interests of the people.

    What we have are Corporate States in the service
    of the bloodlines and emerging big tech oligarchs
    who are exploring new ways of establishing
    full spectrum dominance.

    What this small clique is doing is to capitalize
    on their grossly successful COVID19 globalist coup
    and establish a biologically built-in system
    of totalitarian control that defeats
    any future lawful measures
    against their unwarranted power.

    What could possibly go wrong if we give
    all these powers to the Corporate Deep State
    by submitting ourselves without question,
    like most of us are doing now
    with mRNA gene editing injections?

    What could be the future of our children
    when this is all fully operational?

    The irony of limited intelligence is that
    when it reaches its peak level of satisfaction,
    it will seek after the destruction of man itself
    because it has nowhere else to go.

    Being able to mess around with people’s lives
    is the greatest aphrodisiac these sociopaths can have.

    There was never any need to enhance the physical nature
    of our body through digitization.

    All it takes to improve the quality of life is
    to release all of the longevity technologies
    that are long suppressed by Big Pharma
    and greedy bureaucrats, in the last 120 years.

    It is therefore our task to do something
    within the ambit of our skill sets to neutralize
    these sinister plans before they go fully operational.

    It may not be in all cases that the science is bad,
    but surely the people implementing
    and controlling it for their own advantage are.

    You can actually participate in the global efforts
    to cripple the Deep State organized criminal cabal's ability
    for genocide, while enjoying healthcare freedom
    at the same time, by boycotting Big Pharma for good.
    operation lock-step
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Leland Reibling
    June 7, 2022 at 6:22 AM ·

    A closer look at how drugs sales men,
    politicians and media tricked most people
    into taking experimental injections with countless deadly side effects.



    The Canadian PSYOP — an exercise in behaviour modification techniques

    Was the federal government involved in 'shaping' the beliefs and actions of Canadians during COVID-19?Rebel News: Tell...

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    MAYBE WW2 never ended ? @13linesofspirit

    McCarthy was 100% correct which is why his testimony before Congress
    was considered a "witch hunt" by his fellow politicians.

    Should have taken him seriously

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    #invest in #vintagebooks
    ~they will only become #rare and #scarce !!!
    #todays #book #section is stuffed full of #trash !!!


    This isn’t just a “Gay Agenda” this is a Marxist “color” revolution wrapped in a civil rights hoax.

    Flags are the tool for national identification.

    This is an enemy occupation.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    02 July 2022
    Canada News

    The more millionaires and billionaires there are, accomplished by the creation, production, trade,
    and delivery of values that people need and want, the richer, the happier, the more generous,
    the more robust against natural life challenges we all become.

    The more egalitarianism (“equity”) that is imposed, the poorer,
    the more vulnerable, the more resentful, the more conflict ridden,
    envious, dog-eat-dog, the more cannibalistic we all become.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Marxism: "You Will Own NOTHING and Be Happy"
    In response to Globalist Marxism, it is time to develop parallel economies

    Substack @ RWMaloneMD
    Please share widely, and enjoy the US independence day holiday. A celebration of the gift which, once obtained, must be forever defended.
    Marxism: "You Will Own NOTHING and Be Happy"
    In response to Globalist Marxism, it is time to develop parallel economies

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Resetting our food system ???

    A #RockefellerFoundation document from 2020 outlines an ambitious plan to transform America’s food system using the COVID crisis as the pretext. The document, called “Reset The Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” was released shortly after the #WorldEconomicForum (#WEF) announced its Great Reset agenda months after COVID was declared a national emergency. “While Covid-19 and the resulting economic downturn made the negative consequences of the food system worse and more obvious, the pandemic did not create them and its end will not solve them. Covid-19 has, however, increased both the imperative and the opportunity to address these flaws and limitations once and for all. Now is the moment to transform the U.S. food system,” the document states. The document goes on to say that the U.S. food system must be seized and reorganized in the name of “social justice,” “environmental protection” and “fairness.”
    Read more

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