Comet iSON discovered in late 2012, was predicted by Susan Lynne Schwenger 06 JUN 2010

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Has the 'comet of the century' fizzled out already?

    Icy ball 15 times brighter than the moon may be impossible to see from Earth when it arrives in our solar system in November

    • Many hope Comet ISON will provide remarkable views later this year
    • It was predicted to have a massive tail and be seen in broad daylight
    • But now astronomers claim the 'comet of the century' may have fizzled out
    PUBLISHED: 11:50 GMT, 30 July 2013 | UPDATED: 06:57 GMT, 31 July 2013

    It was described as one of the most remarkable views any human could hope to see.
    Comet ISON, dubbed ‘the comet of the century’, will visit our inner solar system from November to January,
    with expectations that it could provide spectacular views for the Northern Hemisphere.

    The eagerly anticipated comet could be 15 times brighter than the moon, with a massive tail,
    making it visible even in broad daylight.

    But astronomers due to meet this week to discuss observing plans for Comet ISON may not have much to talk about.
    Scroll down for video

    Comet ISON (centre, with tail) floats against a seemingly infinite backdrop of numerous galaxies
    and a handful of foreground stars in this April 2013 composite image from the Hubble Telescope
    They claim the so-called ‘Comet of the Century’ may be fizzling out.
    ‘The future of comet ISON does not look bright,’ said astronomer Ignacio Ferrin,
    with the University of Antioquia in Colombia.
    Initial data suggested that the comet may prove to be brighter than any comet of the last century.
    It may also end up being its one and only trip to the solar system, as its trajectory may see it plunge
    into the sun in a fiery death.

    In July, the ISON was pictured on the opposite side of the Sun at around 378 million miles away from Earth, travelling at over 50,000 miles per hour Ferrin's calculations, however, show the comet, which is currently moving toward the sun at 16 miles (26 km) per second, has not brightened since mid-January.

    That may be because the comet is already out of ice particles in its body, which melt as the comet moves closer to the sun, creating a long, bright tail.

    Another theory is that the comet is covered in a layer of silicate dust that snuffs out water vapour and other gases that brighten the comet.

    ‘Comet ISON has been on a standstill for more than 132 days ... a rather puzzling feat,’ Ferrin said in a paper submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and posted online at the archival site

    The 'comet of the century' astronomers hope ISON will amaze


    Comet ISON is roughly heading towards the centre of our Solar System.
    It will pass within one million miles of the Sun's surface on 28th November.
    At the time of discovery in September 2012, ISON was over 584 million miles from the Sun

    Images of Comet ISON obtained using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph at Gemini North
    on February 4, March 4, April 3, and May 4, 2013 (left to right, respectively)

    The comet, named ISON after the International Scientific Optical Network that made its discovery,
    was found in September 2012 by two amateur Russian astronomers.

    It is due to pass about 724,000 miles (1.2 million km) from the sun on November 28th.
    If it survives, that is. At that distance, the comet would reach temperatures
    of about 4,900 degrees Fahrenheit (2,700 degrees Celsius) - hot enough to melt lead.

    It may also be pulled apart by the sun's gravity.

    Following its discovery, ISON recalled the excitement of Comet Hale-Bopp, which sailed past the Earth in 1997, appearing as a static-looking smear in the skies across the Northern Hemisphere.
    Scientists believe the comet hails from the Oort Cloud, a cluster of icy rocks that circle the sun about 50,000 times farther away than Earth's orbit.

    Comet Hale-Bopp over Tufa formations in Mono Lake in California. Following its discovery,
    ISON recalled the excitement of Comet Hale-Bopp, which sailed past the Earth in 1997

    Any object orbiting the Sun in a closed loop is given a figure known as ‘eccentricity’ of between zero and one.
    If that orbit is in a circular fashion like our own planet’s, its eccentricity will be close to zero.

    Earth’s eccentricity is around 0.017 which means its orbit is very circular.

    Comet ISON’s eccentricity is 1.000003457 – just ‘over’ one.

    This means that its presence in our solar system is an event that has never happened before
    and may never happen again.

    If comet ISON survives the encounter, it could take thousands - potentially millions - of years
    before the comet passes back through the inner solar system.

    Spotted in space: Two astronomers from Russia discovered the icy ball,
    pictured here dimly lit against background stars
    Comet ISON is roughly heading towards the centre of our Solar System.

    It will pass within 1.2 million miles of the Sun’s surface on 28th November.

    At the time of discovery in September 2012, ISON was over 584 million miles from the Sun.

    Its average speed throughout July will be 55,405mph.

    It will continue to accelerate steadily until November when it’ll whip around our Sun
    at an astonishing 425,000mph.

    Early data analysis suggests Comet ISON’s size to be around three miles in diameter.
    If ISON doesn’t fizzle out, you could expect to see the comet with the unaided eye
    anywhere between the middle of November until the middle of January 2014.

    Read more:
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Photo Credit:
    The path on Comet ISON into the morning sky for the first two weeks of December 2013.
    Created by the Author using Starry Night

    Will we have a Christmas comet in 2013?
    A close passage of Mars for Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) in the fall of 2013.PHOTO: NASA/JPL

    [​IMG]David Dickinson

    A comet discovery on Sept. 24, 2012 has the astronomical community abuzz concerning its possible appearance
    in our skies at some point in late 2013.

    The comet in question is designated C/2012 S1 (ISON). ISON stands for the International Scientific Optical Network located near Kislovodsk, Russia. Astronomers Artyom Novichonok and Vitali Nevski imaged the comet
    using a 0.4 meter reflecting telescope.

    At magnitude +18 in the constellation Cancer, the comet is not currently much to look at.

    What makes this discovery especially interesting, though, is its relatively large discovery distance coupled
    with its interesting orbital geometry near perihelion – the point at which it will be closest to the Sun
    – in Nov. 2013.

    Comet C/2012 C1 ISON is currently just over 6.6 astronomical units from Earth. In comparison, Hale-Bopp
    was 7.2 astronomical units away during its initial discovery. Jupiter and Saturn have semi-major axes
    of 5.2 & 9.5 A.U.s, respectively.
    Comet Lovejoy as seen from the International Space Station in late 2011. NASA
    So, how bright will Comet ISON get? Well, comets are notoriously fickle beasts.

    One only has to look back at Comet Kohoutek in 1973 to see a great comet that wasn’t.

    Still, other Sungrazers, such as Comet Ikeya-Seki in 1965 and Comet Lovejoy earlier this year,
    made the ranks of the Great Comets.

    Much speculation hinges on if Comet ISON survives its perihelion passage on November 28th2013.

    On this date, Comet ISON will pass within 0.012 A.U.s or just over a 1.8 million kilometres from the Sun.

    Keep in mind, that the Sun itself is about 1.4 million kilometres in diameter.

    The entire comet could simply melt away at those relatively short distances.

    But there is precedent for such a scorching passage: Kreutz sungrazer Comet Lovejoy
    passed only 145,000 kilometres above the photosphere and survived to become
    a great daylight comet in early 2012.
    Comet ISON has an almost parabolic orbit suggestive of an initial visitor to the inner solar system
    from the Oort Cloud.

    This also bodes well for an active and energetic nucleus. Researcher John Bortle also notes similarities
    between the path of Comet ISON and the Great Comet of 1680.

    Interestingly, Comet ISON also passes less than 0.1 A.U. from Mars in late September 2013,
    making it a possible visual target for Mars Curiosity which is currently exploring its new home in Gale Crater.

    To our knowledge, an image of a comet from the surface of another world hasn’t been done before.
    Looking East: Comet ISON on the morning of November 24th, 2014, about an hour before sunrise
    from mid-northern latitudes. Created by the author in Starry Night

    Comet ISON should also reach naked eye brightness (greater than +6 magnitude) as seen from Earth,
    as it crosses into the constellation Leo in September 2013. It will stand about 47 degrees from the Sun
    in the morning sky on October 1st, and passes only 1 degree from Mars and 2 degrees from Regulus
    on October 16th.

    Note that there’s also a hybrid solar eclipse (i.e. an eclipse that’s annular along part of the track
    and total along another portion) across the mid-Atlantic & Central Africa on November 3rd, 2013
    with the comet is less than 50° degrees away.

    Comet ISON is projected to reach negative magnitudes just days before perihelion of November 28,
    but will be extremely close to the Sun for observation. It will also pass within five degrees of Saturn
    and Mercury and just a degree from +4th magnitude Comet Encke (2P) placed low in the dawn
    on the morning of November 24th.
    The path on Comet ISON into the morning sky for the first two weeks of December 2013.
    Created by the Author using Starry Night

    After a brief dip into the southern hemisphere, the real show may begin. Unlike Comet Lovejoy,
    Comet ISON will be well placed for northern hemisphere observers in mid to late December 2013.

    If it survives perihelion, it may unfurl a magnificent dust tail in the dawn sky as it heads
    through the constellations Serpens Caput, Hercules, and Corona Borealis.

    A comet’s dust tail is swept back from solar wind pressure, and can actually extend in front of its path
    as it journeys back out of the solar system.

    In fact, Comet ISON may still shine at a respectable magnitude +3 on Christmas Day 2013
    and also just might become the great Christmas comet of 2013.

    Incidentally, comets are named after their discoverers and those discoveries are now made by automated surveys
    and satellites as opposed to lone dedicated amateur hunters.

    Hence names like “SOHO” and “LINEAR” that now grace many comets.

    One of my favourites in the bizarre name category was Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock that passed
    only 0.0312 A.U.s from the Earth (just under 12 times the Earth-Moon distance) in 1983.

    And to head off the inevitable “Comet Elenin” hype that seems to follow any bright new comet discovery;
    Comet ISON isn’t a threat to the Earth. It will only pass about 0.4 A.U.s (just over 59 million kilometres)
    from Earth in early January 2014. This is just close enough to provide a good show.

    So, put away those anti-cyanide “comet pills” that your grandparents stashed away
    for the Great Comet of 1910 and enjoy the show.

    Bruce Willis can stay home for this one!

    2013 is already shaping up to be a great year for comets, with Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4)
    set to put on a fine performance in March of 2013 for southern hemisphere viewers.

    It’ll be fascinating to watch the passage of both comets as observations refine their orbits
    and a battery of cameras and telescopes await them, both in space & Earth-bound.

    Read more Articles from David Dickinson
    Twitter.Com/Astroguyz© COPYRIGHT - POSTMEDIA NEWS

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    waiting for ison

    Looking forward to the appearance of Comet ISON in Winter 2013 (and Comet PANSTARRS in March 2013, too!)

    DECEMBER 2013

    VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: These charts are drawn for what is commonly called “mid Northern latitudes”, i.e. the UK, northern Europe and most of the US. If you live outside of that area your opportunities
    to view ISON will be different.

    To find out if you can see ISON from where YOU live, please go to this page of my blog…

    …where you’ll find a fantastic NASA chart giving general guidance, and a number of charts
    I’ve made showing the comet’s visibility from other places, specifically India, Japan and The Philipines, which are the places I’m getting the most enquiries from.

    If you’re still not sure about your ability to see ISON after reading all that, I strongly suggest that you download one of the many available astronomy apps onto your phone,
    which will tell you exactly what you want to know. I recommend some of those on this page of my blog…

    Thanks – and good luck with ISON!

    UPDATE: 20th NOVEMBER 2013

    There are a LOT of charts on this page, and all of them will be useful to you one way or another, I hope.
    But I’m aware that some of you visiting here just want a very quick “Where is it? SHOW me!!” guide
    to where to find the comet, so I’ve come up with some extremely simple charts for you!
    I hope you’ll scroll down the page and see the others, too,
    but in the meantime these should help you until month’s end.

    Dec 1st: Having rounded the Sun what will ISON do? What will it look like? Will it have an amazing, beautiful tail?
    We can’t know yet. But we know where it will BE – in the east, before dawn.
    On Dec 1st it will lie to the left of the very thin crescent Moon
    (size exaggerated on this next pic to show where it is), Mars and Mercury.
    Dec 3rd: As December gets into its stride ISON could be a striking sight in the pre-dawn sky,
    we just don’t know yet…
    Dec 5th: By now it should be worth looking for Comet ISON in the western sky after sunset, too.
    On the 5th it will lie to the right of the lovely crescent Moon and brilliant Venus.
    It might still be hard to see against the bright twilight tho…
    Dec 5th: earlier that morning ISON will be easier to see, standing above the eastern horizon with its tail
    – if it has one – pointing almost straight up.
    Dec 10th: Definitely worth looking for ISON after sunset now, even though the sky will still be bright
    and the tail will only make a shallow angle with the horizon…
    Dec 13th: ISON **could** be a striking sight in the western sky after sunset now,
    we’ll have to wait and see, but here is where to look for it, whatever it does…
    Earlier that morning ISON will be much easier to see in the east before dawn, with its tail
    – if it has one – pointing straight up from the horizon…
    Dec 20th: ISON higher after sunset by now but probably fading a lot too…
    Dec 25th – at the end of Christmas Day, look for Comet ISON in the north late in the evening,
    its tail pointing up towards thestars of the Big Dipper…
    Dec 25th: before dawn on Christmas Day Comet ISON will be well clear of the eastern horizon,
    above and between the bright stars Vega and Arcturus.

    During December 2013 we should be able to see Comet ISON in both the morning *and* the evening sky.
    I’m not going to show very detailed, or very many, finder charts for December, because hopefully it won’t take much “finding”.

    If you’re looking for it in the morning sky before month’s end you’ll just have to go out, look east before sunrise, and you should see the comet and its tail glowing in the sky right ahead of you.

    After sunset, just look to the west, or the north-west, and you’ll see the comet shining above the horizon in that direction.

    Actually, there’s a slim chance that we will be able to see the comet’s tail, or at least the end of it,
    ALL NIGHT if ISON really puts on a show. If ISON develops a really – and I mean REALLY – long tail,
    even after the head of the comet sets in the west we might, MIGHT see the end of the tail still sticking up
    above the horizon, sweeping across the northern sky as the hours pass until the comet’s head
    reappears above the easterm horizon before dawn.

    But that’s a long shot so don’t bet on it, and certainly don’t say I said it would happen! :)

    How BRIGHT ISON will be as December passes, and how LONG that tail will be, are anyone’s guess,
    but it’s futile (if fun!) to speculate on that yet. Just hope for clear weather in December and plan to be out
    comet-watching every chance you get, because by December ISON will be heading away from the Sun again
    and returning to the icy depths of space.

    Ok, so at the start of the month, getting up very early and looking east, the tail could be stretching up towards
    The Big Dipper…
    Sungrazers are usually brighter and more active after they’ve raced around the Sun, and many experts
    are hoping that ISON will be no different, crossing their fingers that it develops a long, long tail,
    and a broad one too.

    As December begins, will it look like Comet Lovejoy (below, left) or Comet West (centre)
    or Comet McNaught (right)? I can’t wait to find out…!
    Whatever it looks like in December, hopefully by then we’ll all have some magical memories
    of it to look back on in the years ahead.

    So, on December mornings, we’ll be going out, looking east, and hoping to see something beautiful.

    But I think more people will see it after dark in December, just because they’ll already be up and about,
    so I’m going to concentrate on how and where to see ISON after sunset during the month.

    But I’ll draw your attention to the view on the morning of December 17th,
    when ISON will have some very welcome and familiar company in the slowly brightening sky…
    Now, the evening sky…
    Below: December 6th, after sunset… ooh look, the Moon and Venus close together nearby too
    … photo time…!
    A little later on the same night… by 6pm the Moon should be displaying some lovely Earthshine…
    Below: the next day, Dec 7th, just after sunset… the Moon and Venus have moved apart a little,
    and the comet is a little higher in the sky…
    …and again, a little later on the same evening…
    Below: December 8th after sunset…
    At this time the comet will be a little higher in the sky each night after sunset.
    This is when it is hoped its tail might really start to develop and become impressive.
    If that’s the case then as I said already, no-one will have to ‘find’ the comet, they’ll just need to go outside,
    look to the west, and there it will be… maybe looking something like this…?…
    (my own artwork, could be right, could be wrong, we’ll see!)
    ..or maybe even, dare we dream, it might look like this..?
    …or maybe a LOT less impressive than that. As I keep saying, we’ll have to wait and see…
    By mid month (below: Dec 15th) the comet will be here after sunset, with Venus bright off to its left…
    By December 20th, and with Christmas approaching,
    the comet will be quite high in the NW after darkness falls,
    heading towards the familiar stars of The Plough…
    And don’t forget it will be visible in the morning sky too: by December 22nd the Comet
    will be close to the globular star cluster M13 in Hercules… telephoto lenses at theb ready, everyone!
    On the 23rd (below) the comet will be here before sunrise, sharing the sky (again) with planets and the Moon…
    By teatime on Christmas Eve (below) the comet will be high in the NW,
    and as darkness falls we’ll see it’s getting close to The Plough – and by now,
    I’m pretty sure it will be so close to the Pole Star that IT WON’T SET AS SEEN FROM THE UK
    AND MID-NORTHERN LATITUDES. That means that you’ll be able to see it shining in the NW after sunset,
    follow it all night as it appears to wheel around the Pole Star, and it will still be in the sky at sunrise…
    At the end of Christmas Day 2013, by the time all the wrapping paper is scrunched up
    and stuffed into bin bags, and the family are fast asleep and snoring in their chairs,
    ready to be woken up for the Dr Who Christmas Special
    (if there IS one, there’d better be!!!), the comet will be high in the NW after sunset…
    …and by midnight, we’ll be looking at it here…
    Can’t wait to take photographs of the comet that night…!
    As Christmas fades away behind us, Comet ISON should still be a splendid sight in the sky after dark
    and all through the night, never setting, so you will be able to spend literally all night gazing at it
    and photographing it if you wish!

    Early risers on the morning of the 27th will be rewarded with a fantastic view…
    the Comet pointing towards the stars of the Plough, with Saturn, the crescent Moon
    and Mars all shining beneath it above the eastern horizon…
    Please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don’t let it be cloudy that morning!!!
    …and then, before we know it, December will be almost over, and 2014 will be on our horizon.
    What memories will we have of ISON by then? How will it look in our sky still?

    As we all prepare to see in the New Year at midnight on Dec 31st 2013,
    will Comet ISON, now heading away from Earth, the best of its encounter behind it,
    and behind us, will it be a prominent naked eye object, or will it need binoculars to be seen properly?
    Whatever it looks like, here is where you’ll find it – high in the north, edging up towards the Pole Star…
    And then, January 2014…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    and, just as we predicted it was at its zenith
    16 - 17 December 2013 in alignment with
    The End of Pacha & Macha Grand Cycle,
    and, The Start of Pacha iNTi Grand Cycle

    Comet Ison to light up morning skies

    in the run-up to Christmas (2013)

    The best time to see Ison in the UK will be the first two weeks of December
    – if it survives a close encounter with the sun

    Stuart Clark
    Monday 25 November 2013

    If it survives an encounter with the sun this week, comet Ison will put on an impressive
    early morning display in the run-up to Christmas.

    But anyone hoping for a Bethlehem-style celestial sign on the big day will be disappointed.

    By then the comet will probably be too faint to see with a naked eye.

    Ison is currently speeding towards a fiery encounter on Thursday, which could destroy it.
    It will pass 720,000 miles above the solar surface, 130 times closer than our planet ever reaches.

    The intense sunlight will heat the comet to about 2,700C, speeding up its evaporation.
    In the past some comets have been seen to vaporise under such an onslaught.

    Over the weekend the comet received a sudden boost in its brightness, making it easily visible to the naked eye.
    After a disappointing few months, its intensity shot up by a factor of around six on Saturday, delighting stargazers
    and scientists.

    The unexpected outburst also raised fears that it was breaking up. However, it is now clear that the comet
    is "still keeping it together", according to Alan Fitzsimmons, of Queen's University, Belfast.

    Comet Ison was discovered on 21 September 2012 by astronomers using the international scientific
    optical network (Ison) telescope near Kislovodsk, Russia.

    Like all comets, it is a ball of ice and dust left over from the formation of the solar system.
    Although no one can predict what will happen during its encounter with the sun, John Brown,
    at the University of Glasgow, has made a study of sungrazing comets and points out that Ison
    will not be passing as close to the sun as comet Lovejoy did in 2011.

    Lovejoy skimmed 85,000 miles above the solar surface.

    It survived, but with very little of its 0.3-mile-wide nucleus left.

    Ison is estimated to be two miles wide, and its evaporating ices have already created a tail
    that stretches 8m miles through space.

    "I'm not a gambling man but if I had to bet a fiver, I'd say Ison will survive,' said Brown.

    Comet Ison's projected position throughout December. Graphic: Guardian

    Even if the majority of the comet emerges, fragments could still be blasted off.
    This would lead to a much more spectacular tail for skywatchers to see in December's sky.

    For the next few days it will be lost from view in the glare of the sun, although spacecraft will monitor its passage.

    For viewers on Earth, the best time to start looking will be in the first and second weeks of December.

    By then the tail should be extremely well developed and Ison will appear as a ghostly fan shape
    in the pre-dawn sky.

    The comet will also be visible in the western sky at sunset.

    It will be more difficult to spot at this time, however, because the tail is horizontal and immersed in the twilight.

    Better to set the alarm clock and rise early, when it will be visible in a truly dark sky.

    Fitzsimmons will be watching for both professional and personal reasons.

    "How Ison behaves now will reveal its chemical and physical composition," he says,
    "But personally I'd just love to see another bright comet over the UK.
    It's been 16 years since the last one, comet Hale-Bopp, and it's about time for another."

    Comet C/2012 S1 aka Comet iSON was discovered and named in late 2012,
    by Vitali Nevski (Виталий Невский,Vitebsk, Belarus)
    and Artyom Novichonok (Артём Новичонок,Kondopoga, Russia)

    BUT, it was actually predicted by Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger
    (formerly, &
    back on 06 June 2010, where she said...

    "That a comet will come to mark The End of The Grand Cycle
    (of Macha & Pacha of 9,360,000 days)
    ...and, will be at its zenith on 16 Dec 2013"

    Susan Lynne Schwenger Predicted 06-JUNE-2010

    COMET C/2012 S1 aka Comet iSON was NOT discovered
    until 21st September 2012,
    and, absolutely NO other person on earth,
    predicted any type of comet at this time !!!

    Back in 1984, Susan Lynne Schwenger also stated,
    "The change in The Grand Cycle, would occur in alignment
    with The Last Full Moon in the month of December,
    in the year of 2013", and, "it would be in alignment with

    The 360-365-366 Day Calendar, which is known in indigenous circles,
    as, The Six (6) Season x Sixty (60) Day Calendar
    aka The Ancient Year aka The Calendar Round
    aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar
    which is still utilized by The First Nations & Native American Tribes
    on Turtle Island, and, is simply modified to fit with the current civil calendar
    known as The Gregorian Calendar."

    This would show that:
    The End Date of The Grand Cycle would fall on December 16th, 2013,
    which is the day before the last full moon in December.

    This would also show that:
    The Start Date of The Grand Cycle would fall on December 17th, 2013,
    which is the day of the last full moon in December.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger was given information in a Native American Ceremony
    on 01 & 02 May of 2010, and, she shared this information with Tony Bermanseder,
    and, the two of them calibrated The Mayan Tzolkin Calendar of 260 days,
    to The Current Civil Calendar known as, The Gregorian Calender.

    Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger have worked together
    between 2008 to 2010, calibrating The Mayan Tzolkin Calendar
    (of 260 days) to The Current Civil Calendar aka The Gregorian Calendar
    and, were able to prove that the dates of 16 Dec 2013, and, 17 Dec 2013 where accurate,
    and, were indeed the 'real' dates of the change of The Grand Cycle.

    Tony Bermanseder was able to take this information,
    and, further align & integrate the information into his own project,
    which is related to the importance of numbers, dates, and, the bible codes.
    His work can be found on


    COMET iSON, formally known as C/2-12S1
    Photo Credit: NASA

    Comet ISON, formally known as C/2012 S1,
    was a sun grazing comet discovered on 21 September 2012
    by Vitali Nevski (Виталий Невский,Vitebsk, Belarus)
    and Artyom Novichonok (Артём Новичонок,Kondopoga, Russia)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger said:
    Yellowstone is NOT looking good...
    today is an 17/aug/2018 = 8/8 in 11 , or 25/7 in 11
    Still praying that The Mother Earth is gentle when she blows !!!

    ANOTHER big comet is coming,
    NO NAME is ever given to them,
    til they are actually seen,
    we predicted COMET ISON - in alignment with 16/17 December 2013
    to mark the change in grand cycles, and, to usher in The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi
    back 06 jun 2010

    This comet will come in alignment with
    the last new or no moon cycle,
    ending 22 December 2018
    Full Moon
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    12 August 2018


    ALONG WITH PROOF we are in a 12d - 12 level universe​
    Apparently there is a comet coming in december 2018

    Just a few short days after the Geminid meteor shower peaks on December 13, star gazers will be treated to a special appearance by Comet 46P/Wirtanen — hailed as the brightest comet to light up the sky in 2018, according to Comet Watch. First spotted 70 years ago from the Lick Observatory in California, Comet 46P passes by our planet once every 5.4 years. But this year’s flyby promises to be particularly memorable. Here’s why.


    The icy space rock will be making a very close approach to our planet in 2018,
    coming within 7.1 million miles (11.5 million kilometers) of Earth
    — or about 30 times the distance between Earth and the moon,
    notes EarthSky.

    Judging by comet standards, this is a particularly close encounter.

    By comparison, Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner — which is about to make an important entrance
    on September 10, as the Inquisitr recently reported — will be passing at five times the distance,
    approaching at 36.4 million miles (58.6 million kilometers) of Earth.

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Comet 46P/Wirtanen
    Comet 46P/Wirtanen is a short-period comet with an orbital period of 5.4 years. The comet is relatively small in size with an estimated diameter of just 1.2 kilometers. The object was the original target for ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft but the launch window was missed so 67P/Churymov-Gerasimenko was Rosetta’s target in the end.

    Comet 46P/Wirtanen was discovered by Carl A. Wirtanen in 1948 at the Lick Observatory, California via photographic plate. The plate was exposed on 17 January 1948 during a stellar proper motion survey at the observatory. It took over a year before the object was recognised as a short-period comet due to a lack of observations.
    Hyperactive Comet

    46P belongs to a small family of comets that boast a higher level of activity than expected for their nucleus size. They emit more water vapor than they should. This is one of the reasons for added interest in this regular visitor to the proximity of Earth’s orbit .
    2018 Perihelion

    The next perihelion passage of comet Wirtanen will be on 16 December 2018 when it will pass 0.078 AU (7,220,000 mi) from Earth. The icy space rock is expected to reach magnitude 3. This is the brightest prediction of known and future passes of this comet. This is also currently the brightest prediction for all comet passes in 2018 unless a new discovery is made after time of writing (we can but hope!).
    Observing opportunities [Updated October 2018]

    Comet Wirtanen is currently at visual magnitude 10 making it observable in modest sized backyard telescopes. The comet will however gradually brighten further through 2018.
    Throughout the summer months, the comet has moved from Aquarius in to Cetus brightening to magnitude 12 by the end of August. Wirtanen then dipped further South where the icy rock currently struggles to rise above 20 for observers at any location above 50 deg latitude (Northern Europe or Northern United States and Canada).
    Throughout the Autumn, the comet will begin to increase in brightness quite considerably but sinks ever lower as it reaches the midway point between Fornax and Sculptor making observation difficult for observers above 50 degrees in latitude.
    Things begin to improve through November after a dramatic U-turn moving swiftly North through Eridanus towards Taurus. This is where the comet will reach closest approach on 16 December 2018, right at the point when positioned between the Pleiades and Hayades clusters. From here on in, the comet remains in a much more favourable position for northern sky observers high up in the sky by after sunset.
    46P Wirtanen Visualisation

    Finder Charts

    01 October 2018 – 30 November 2018

    46p1-300x191. 46p1_neg-300x191.
    Click images to enlarge
    01 Oct – 30 Nov (Zoomed Versions)

    46p2-300x250. 46p2_neg-300x250.
    Click images to enlarge
    01-14 December 2018

    46p3-300x202. 46p3_neg-300x202.
    Click images to enlarge
    14-30 December 2018

    46p4-300x207. 46p4_neg-300x207.
    Click images to enlarge

    Associated Meteor Shower

    A meteor shower was forecast by Mikhail Maslov, a Russian forecaster using computer models of crossings of comet Wirtanen’s debris stream. He predicted four crossings in total between December 10th and 14th, 2012. Even though, the comet had passed close to the Earth’s orbital plane on many occasions in the past, Earth has not run directly in to the comet’s debris streams before. Although the shower was overshadowed by the coinciding Geminid meteor shower, Maslov’s prediction proved correct.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    who predicted Comet Ison in June 2010,
    for December 16/17, 2013
    has again been the only person to predict
    a comet for December 2018 :)


    The comet will reach perihelion at 1.7 au in 2018 December. I
    t was much brighter than expected when observed by JJ Gonzalez
    in early October and already 10th magnitude.

    Yellowstone is NOT looking good...
    today is an 17/aug/2018 = 8/8 in 11 , or 25/7 in 11
    Still praying that The Mother Earth is gentle when she blows !!!

    ANOTHER big comet is coming,
    NO NAME is ever given to them,
    til they are actually seen,
    we predicted COMET ISON - in alignment with 16/17 December 2013
    to mark the change in grand cycles, and, to usher in The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi
    back 06 jun 2010

    PREDICTION 8) That a comet will come to mark the end of the grand cycle
    and, will be at its zenith on 16 Dec 2013 ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    - Predicted 06-JUNE-2010 (comet was NOT discovered until 2012)
    - Predicted 06-JUNE-2010


    This comet will come in alignment with
    the last new or no moon cycle,
    ending 22 December 2018
    Full Moon
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    12 August 2018
    POST 260


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The comet will reach perihelion at 1.7 au in 2018 December.
    It was much brighter than expected when observed by JJ Gonzalez
    in early October and already 10th magnitude...
    we predict another one around 10/11 FEB 2019
    - susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    interesting 3 comets, we predict all 3 comets

    Comet 2018 Y1 Iwamoto from this morning.

    The comet is now just between its closest proximity to the sun (Perihelion)
    on 7 February and its closest proximity to the earth (Perigeum) on 13 February.

    The coma has increased enormously, the ionic tail is very thin and slightly bluish.

    In the upper right corner of the image, the bar galaxy NGC 3664, 65 million light years away,
    can be seen.

    To the right of it, the tiny galaxy NGC 3664A can also be seen
    (both together form a linked gravitational system).
    (1) 72 x 60 sec Borg 125/810mm with Pentax K1 MarkII at ISO6400
    (2) 72 x 60 sec RASA 11" with ASI 071 (unitity gain)
    (3) 2 x 30 x 60 sec Hyperstar 14" with ASI 1600 (green and blue filter in monochrome)

    2019-02-09 Tenerife 1180 m a.s.l.


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