Camelot Poll: The Thuban material, what is it?

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Poll: The Thuban material, what is it?

    Reality escape, misguiden
    Satanisme, possesions1541.7%
    A honest real knowledge1644.4%
    Total number of voters:36 (thomas Tangy siamese Hurricane trigger Chucky Chasm jimmy Trolli arctourist Jester Terrestrial Spacecake Lighter Tbone SuiGeneris plumber Crystal DeVu RAMAN smurfette YEP lexaran anika Stephen Arachne MaryIshtarCreiddylad Rok THE eXchanger Bermanseder Raven zaina magamud Silent Black Bear ashera ZACKUCK blovsi )

    The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31789 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Why not discusse it more clearly, what is it.

    Reality escape?​

    it is an importen questions, becourse what are we dealing with here?
    Are they reality escapers? That hate the reality.
    That they never give a straight answer, is really a problem that would indicate this.

    If it is all light and love as they say it is, then there wouldnt be any problem come to surface would

    Or is there there more to this.


    A very real thing in shamanisme. which is proberly the oldes religion at all
    in human history. Religion is not the right word. Work on, against and with the spirits is what
    shamans does.

    So is it that? it is surely suspective when you look at what they actual are saying.
    since they are praising Satan, entities, connect to other energies.
    Reminds a lot of satanisme.

    My definition on this.

    Not possessed is being completly your own.
    Be free, have your own experiences.
    Maybe other have others definitions they want to share?

    The goal of every shamanistic healing processes.

    There are also other materials that gives an intirely different story than the Thuban material.
    If we really want to make a change, then discusse it. Dont victimize it.
    Becourse then we just play another game.

    Btw, I also have that suspicion, but in order to make a case in a coherent form, I would need other
    to discusse this. I cant do this alone.

    It is to be clear on things that resolve and releases from playing games( to use that term)

    Note votes can be changed

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31843 march 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    I have tried to read through this Thuban material but I keep getting a head ache and am overcome by weariness. This to me is indicative of an evil presence or intent. I had to cross myself after each attempt in order to shake it off. My money is on an evil intent to infiltrate this sight to glean members and to destroy any vestige of good feelings and spirituality here. If we don't respond to their threads and posts maybe they will just go away. They feed on confrontation, don't give them the satisfaction and don't be afraid to call a spade a spade.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31844 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    If we use the term of evil vs good here, I would place it in this way.
    Good, self expression, honesty, resolvement, good ethics
    Evil, alienation, denial of truth, confusion. bad ethics.

    And what are the values here?
    Nothing that lead to resolvement, selfexpression or confirmation of the reality.
    There world is beyond our world, so who knows what game we are buying into.
    Cant really see any good values in that.

    Besides they dont answer any critich at all, they just make the confusion bigger.
    So much for resolvement.

    Dont respect people dignity by copy paste the threads.
    So much for good intention

    The material is a huge amount of informations with very little definitions
    just gives confusions

    The informations is only make belief, nothing that can be confirmed.
    So much for truth.

    So yes I would agree with you on this.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31846 March 28th, 2011
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31848 March 28th, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31849 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    It is what it is.
    Harvest could mean so many things. Again no definitions.
    Besides I have no need to be contacted by angels and demons.

    You guys are not really good at definitions are you?

    I most certainly dont buy into a game I know nothing about, cant be confirmed
    play with our fantasies.
    Cant really see anything good at all, really.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31855 March 28th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    The Thuban material, what is it?.............uuuummm good for a laugh?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31858 March 28th, 2011
    magamud wrote:

    Flexibility with integrity I submit. Faith in god brings about the foundational inner sphere. Holding to this while trusting the river flow of life washes and forges the Memes, emotional engrams and intellectual programming of this reality. The electrical grounding reduces the over stimulation of this incredibly imaginary lexicon of explanation. Baptized in fire or water. This confronts the "Ego" often and keeps it modest so to speak. The ego instinctually fears death and without your conscious mind noticing forges a castle to protect itself. Mired in delusions and hallucinations. Is it any wonder why the psychiatric community diagnose so many schizophrenics. This castle must be entered through the daily syncromysticism offered to you. Explore your shadows and illuminate them. Let them carry you to far off divers places and fear not for your faith will ground you. Time is at hand. You are in a state of flux with death and life. Why not embrace both brothers and sisters. We have already formed the destroyers of atomic paranoid radiation to free ourselves.

    There is no written key or magic bullet that will unlock this awareness. Its a build up of a lifetime of experience and energy.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31859 March 28th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Fohat wrote:
    The Thuban material, what is it?.............uuuummm good for a laugh?

    If one can wade through the gargantuan amount of verbiage, it may be good for a laugh; then one realizes that the time spent is gone forever.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31884 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    ummmm, mumbo jumbo?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31931 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me

    With all due respect, who has determined they are not willing to answer questions?

    My motto in life has been to always question everything, and I have no problem interacting with the Thuban people. They also seem to answer questions when asked as far as I have seen. That does not mean it will be easy to understand the reply, but even Jesus confused the heck out of people and still they willingly follow without question after all this time.

    Just sharing how my experience with them has been. There are others who have also found this to be the case, and likely will not desire to argue as is being baited by so many threads about the Material.

    Why not take (Not saying Tommy or anyone in particular) sincere questions to the thread actually about the material and try no name calling and closed minded insults (Of which there are a multitude of examples)? Because that is not appearing to be the over all intent from what I see.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #31958 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me

    With all due respect, who has determined they are not willing to answer questions?

    My motto in life has been to always question everything, and I have no problem interacting with the Thuban people. They also seem to answer questions when asked as far as I have seen. That does not mean it will be easy to understand the reply, but even Jesus confused the heck out of people and still they willingly follow without question after all this time.

    Just sharing how my experience with them has been. There are others who have also found this to be the case, and likely will not desire to argue as is being baited by so many threads about the Material.

    Why not take (Not saying Tommy or anyone in particular) sincere questions to the thread actually about the material and try no name calling and closed minded insults (Of which there are a multitude of examples)? Because that is not appearing to be the over all intent from what I see.

    I do not have intention of doing so at this time, but any direct response

    to my input on this topic may be subject to being copied elsewhere at a later time. (This is intended to protect the integrity of my words as I am known here on this forum and for no other reason.)

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32000 March 28th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    Yes this is an obvious witch hunt going on here 21st century style, replete with Roman headhunters in disguise. Just like they persecuted Jesus in his time for sharing his insight and gnosis, a similar thing is occurring here. What amazes me is the abject refusal of these people chasing us Thubans around the Camelot forum, to actually adhere to the rules and guildlines set forth on this forum (written by you Tommy) concerning proper conduct. Where are you mods Tommy? And a more important question is why are you allowing them to break all of your forum guidlines and rules and not even say a word about it?

    Or was this quote from you just smoke and mirrors Tommy?
    tommy wrote:
    Brilliant, case closed indeed

    And who were talking about ban's again? (lol, could not help myself)

    Problems are only created in order for us to solve them. This is something I must remind myself very often. The fastest\easiest solution are rarely the best.

    Thank you everyone!

    tommy wrote:

    The bans mentioned in this thread affecting the members referenced has now been lifted.

    Camelot Forum should be and always will be a safe ground to share and discuss information, even if it is considered "controversial". We must remember that if we were to hold the word "controversial" as a taboo then Project Camelot would never have existed in the form we are proud to have shown in the past 5 years. This is a standard we are sworn to uphold, sworn as in our common sense and respect for other human-beings and the core mission of Project Camelot.

    Let me post this for reference:

    "About researchers and whistleblowers :

    We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
    31 December 2008 "

    All the best,


    tommy wrote:

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me

    Now where did you ever get the idea that we Thubans do not expect you to question everything or that we don't do this ourselves? Here is an example below of what I said to MaryIshtar concerning this very thing, read carefully Tommy.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    The good news? I have found that in reading the physics I seem to have formed a mental holographic image from the simple act of scanning over the equations. My understanding of physics and how it works is mostly due to my visual awareness and perception of dimension in space. So I discovered this new automatic skill, which is pretty cool.

    Raven wrote:
    Yes for the less scientifically disciplined reader of this material, scanning over the equations is necessary in order to 'Grok' the full picture. A good visual and semantic foundation of the terminology of science presented will only heighten your understanding. I have spent many hours studying, reading and watching physics videos and its all been worth it. My efforts have paid off and been especially helpful in navigating all the pseudo science myths so many 'new agers' and so called people in the know, try to shove off on the masses.

    It is a sign of high intelligence to be skeptical and thorough with any and all data. We live in an information age and are undergoing a 'tsunami' of data, this is especially true with the internet and forums, where it can be a literal nightmare to sort through and discern fact from fiction. So you are to be commended for your logical rigor.

    So I ask you once again to consider this what I said to you before Tommy and please do clear up the air and moderate your forum members here who seem to have a total disregard for the guidelines which you wrote yourself.

    Specifically these come to mind:

    - Spamming is strictly forbidden, and members who abuse the trust of the list by spamming will be immediately banned, and their Internet Service Provider contacted regarding the nature of the abuse. Using email addresses acquired on the list to spam members privately is also forbidden. Be aware that any discussion of a product or service for sale, or of a website designed to sell products or services, is forbidden, even if you do not directly profit from such a discussion. If you feel that a particular product / service is uniquely related to Project Camelot's work and worthy of discussion, please email a moderator privately before making any statements to the group.
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce

    They really seem to hate the berry berry. I like the little disclaimer where they say they'll post it on another site. GREAT! My pies are reaching into other worlds. I may start charging them too.

    - Discussions that involve drugs and other intoxicating substances, pornography, foul language, racial / sexual / national intolerance, hate speech, politically subversive acts or planning, will obviously not be tolerated.
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Three birds with one stone! Outed!

    Eh? Care to explain or just blowing smoke out your ass?

    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    He's wonderful. I love the little shit turd. Those rat fuckers cut and paste everyone's shit. Go start there. I doubt Tra cut anything of that doofus. He can't write a complete sentence.

    - "Dead text" wastes bandwidth as well as disk space and reading time. When replying to a post, please quote only the previous text that is essential to the reply. This does slightly slow down the speed with which you may respond to a post, but is in consideration of the other members. Every time you respond to a post, your dead-text cleanup job should include all the advertising material at the end of the post which sometimes accumulates. The moderation team may edit or reject posts that violate this guideline. It only takes a few extra seconds but it makes a world of difference in the quality of our presentation.

    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    WHOOO HOOO 1700!!!

    - Personal conversations should be conducted privately. Although the majority of our members are "lurkers" who do not regularly post, do remember that your posts are going out to hundreds of people who may not find private jokes or topics beneficial. Try to keep posts on topic at all times.

    Raven wrote:
    Dear Tommy,

    Now to the Thuban materials, Tony has already stated that his stuff is not copy written and its freeware, so there is no problem with his information being disseminated onto any number of forums or other publicly viewed sites. His reasons for doing this is that he feels that you cannot put a price on information and data that should be shared and given to all. The ptb does this enough, why should he or anyone else involved in the truth movement support their efforts to censor and hide information?

    His reasons for copying the threads he posts in are obvious as we have been banned for as little of an infraction as too lengthy of a post. It takes hours sometimes to respond to questions and then to have the material simply deleted at the push of some mods button is not productive nor fair. We have a right to back up and save this data just as you have the right to save it here on this site. As far as the links go, Tony has said he will remove these and all html tags, we have not had a chance to edit those out. No one else has been moving and saving posts from Camelot except Tony and he is the sole person responsible for the saving of this data on his site.

    So please I ask you to consider all that I have said here and use some common sense when making a decision as to what to do about it. All of us Thubans are extremely pleased that you have shown much intelligence and diplomacy in your decision to unban us all. We only hope that the air can be cleared and we may continue to share our insights and data with any and all who are willing to listen here, common sense prevailing of course.

    Sincerely, Raven

    Thank you, Raven
    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32001 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32002 march 28th, 2011
    hellsound wrote:
    My opinion is that to mearly copy and paste material is down right lazy, it does not display any real understanding of what is written. (If you submitted an essay in that state it would get thrown right back at you).

    To me its no better than someone who quotes reams of biblical text at you without displaying any understanding of what is being said.

    To be honest I personally found the text posted unreadable, lacking any real understanding by the poster by there inablity to precise said information legibly and give meaningful explanations (in words of less than 2000) the biggest turn off ever. In closing this appeared to be no more than pseudo science with the poster(s) getting of on feeling superior as poor stupid mortals were unable to comprehend what was being posted. Arrogance beyound belief.

    My peice of advise, go away, read what you posted, precise what you main points are then come back with a legible concise peice of work which can then be fully expanded on and discussed to some level of intelligence.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32009 March 28th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32018 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    Yes this is an obvious witch hunt going on here 21st century style, replete with Roman headhunters in disguise. Just like they persecuted Jesus in his time for sharing his insight and gnosis, a similar thing is occurring here. What amazes me is the abject refusal of these people chasing us Thubans around the Camelot forum, to actually adhere to the rules and guildlines set forth on this forum (written by you Tommy) concerning proper conduct. Where are you mods Tommy? And a more important question is why are you allowing them to break all of your forum guidlines and rules and not even say a word about it?

    Or was this quote from you just smoke and mirrors Tommy?
    tommy wrote:
    Brilliant, case closed indeed

    And who were talking about ban's again? (lol, could not help myself)

    Problems are only created in order for us to solve them. This is something I must remind myself very often. The fastest\easiest solution are rarely the best.

    Thank you everyone!

    tommy wrote:

    The bans mentioned in this thread affecting the members referenced has now been lifted.

    Camelot Forum should be and always will be a safe ground to share and discuss information, even if it is considered "controversial". We must remember that if we were to hold the word "controversial" as a taboo then Project Camelot would never have existed in the form we are proud to have shown in the past 5 years. This is a standard we are sworn to uphold, sworn as in our common sense and respect for other human-beings and the core mission of Project Camelot.

    Let me post this for reference:

    "About researchers and whistleblowers :

    We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
    31 December 2008 "

    All the best,


    tommy wrote:

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me

    Now where did you ever get the idea that we Thubans do not expect you to question everything or that we don't do this ourselves? Here is an example below of what I said to MaryIshtar concerning this very thing, read carefully Tommy.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    The good news? I have found that in reading the physics I seem to have formed a mental holographic image from the simple act of scanning over the equations. My understanding of physics and how it works is mostly due to my visual awareness and perception of dimension in space. So I discovered this new automatic skill, which is pretty cool.

    Raven wrote:
    Yes for the less scientifically disciplined reader of this material, scanning over the equations is necessary in order to 'Grok' the full picture. A good visual and semantic foundation of the terminology of science presented will only heighten your understanding. I have spent many hours studying, reading and watching physics videos and its all been worth it. My efforts have paid off and been especially helpful in navigating all the pseudo science myths so many 'new agers' and so called people in the know, try to shove off on the masses.

    It is a sign of high intelligence to be skeptical and thorough with any and all data. We live in an information age and are undergoing a 'tsunami' of data, this is especially true with the internet and forums, where it can be a literal nightmare to sort through and discern fact from fiction. So you are to be commended for your logical rigor.

    So I ask you once again to consider this what I said to you before Tommy and please do clear up the air and moderate your forum members here who seem to have a total disregard for the guidelines which you wrote yourself.

    Specifically these come to mind:

    - Spamming is strictly forbidden, and members who abuse the trust of the list by spamming will be immediately banned, and their Internet Service Provider contacted regarding the nature of the abuse. Using email addresses acquired on the list to spam members privately is also forbidden. Be aware that any discussion of a product or service for sale, or of a website designed to sell products or services, is forbidden, even if you do not directly profit from such a discussion. If you feel that a particular product / service is uniquely related to Project Camelot's work and worthy of discussion, please email a moderator privately before making any statements to the group.
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce

    They really seem to hate the berry berry. I like the little disclaimer where they say they'll post it on another site. GREAT! My pies are reaching into other worlds. I may start charging them too.

    - Discussions that involve drugs and other intoxicating substances, pornography, foul language, racial / sexual / national intolerance, hate speech, politically subversive acts or planning, will obviously not be tolerated.
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Three birds with one stone! Outed!

    Eh? Care to explain or just blowing smoke out your ass?

    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    He's wonderful. I love the little shit turd. Those rat fuckers cut and paste everyone's shit. Go start there. I doubt Tra cut anything of that doofus. He can't write a complete sentence.

    - "Dead text" wastes bandwidth as well as disk space and reading time. When replying to a post, please quote only the previous text that is essential to the reply. This does slightly slow down the speed with which you may respond to a post, but is in consideration of the other members. Every time you respond to a post, your dead-text cleanup job should include all the advertising material at the end of the post which sometimes accumulates. The moderation team may edit or reject posts that violate this guideline. It only takes a few extra seconds but it makes a world of difference in the quality of our presentation.

    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    WHOOO HOOO 1700!!!

    - Personal conversations should be conducted privately. Although the majority of our members are "lurkers" who do not regularly post, do remember that your posts are going out to hundreds of people who may not find private jokes or topics beneficial. Try to keep posts on topic at all times.

    Raven wrote:
    Dear Tommy,

    Now to the Thuban materials, Tony has already stated that his stuff is not copy written and its freeware, so there is no problem with his information being disseminated onto any number of forums or other publicly viewed sites. His reasons for doing this is that he feels that you cannot put a price on information and data that should be shared and given to all. The ptb does this enough, why should he or anyone else involved in the truth movement support their efforts to censor and hide information?

    His reasons for copying the threads he posts in are obvious as we have been banned for as little of an infraction as too lengthy of a post. It takes hours sometimes to respond to questions and then to have the material simply deleted at the push of some mods button is not productive nor fair. We have a right to back up and save this data just as you have the right to save it here on this site. As far as the links go, Tony has said he will remove these and all html tags, we have not had a chance to edit those out. No one else has been moving and saving posts from Camelot except Tony and he is the sole person responsible for the saving of this data on his site.

    So please I ask you to consider all that I have said here and use some common sense when making a decision as to what to do about it. All of us Thubans are extremely pleased that you have shown much intelligence and diplomacy in your decision to unban us all. We only hope that the air can be cleared and we may continue to share our insights and data with any and all who are willing to listen here, common sense prevailing of course.

    Sincerely, Raven

    Thank you, Raven

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32118 March 28th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    I haven't seen anything usefull in the material yet and it appears I'm not the only one thinking that it lacks clarity. From what I can gather, it appears to be another form of monoism with all the talk of One. Hasn't this hypothesis been found to be lacking numerous times before?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32119 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    indeed,what use is anything,i would ask!
    someone needs a hug!
    best wishes and happy holidays!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32131 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    I haven't seen anything usefull in the material yet and it appears I'm not the only one thinking that it lacks clarity. From what I can gather, it appears to be another form of monoism with all the talk of One. Hasn't this hypothesis been found to be lacking numerous times before?

    Why dont they use there own forum for this? it is rediculous, Next comes Scientology and get some cheap attentions.

    Is this in Kerry's spirit?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32135 march 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    It already is scientology. Back in the 60's a guy named Roger DeGrimston started a branch of scientology in London. It stated that God and satan and atheism were equal. All were energy ( sound familiar ) each member chose the path they would travel. All the paths led to the same cult.This cult traveled to the US and became the Manson Family, the Son of Sam cult and currently by my research is the Smiley Face cult. This scientology cult was responsible for human sacrifices, child porn and drugs. Scientologists broke into the FBI offices in Washingtom DC and stole the files on their members along with files on politicians, maybe accounting for the weak investigation of their cult that followed.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32136 March 28th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    They do have the right to post here - just like anyone else. Some of their actions would make for a good discussions in an ethics class though.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32138 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    It already is scientology. Back in the 60's a guy named Roger DeGrimston started a branch of scientology in London. It stated that God and satan and atheism were equal. All were energy ( sound familiar ) each member chose the path they would travel. All the paths led to the same cult.This cult traveled to the US and became the Manson Family, the Son of Sam cult and currently by my research is the Smiley Face cult. This scientology cult was responsible for human sacrifices, child porn and drugs. Scientologists broke into the FBI offices in Washingtom DC and stole the files on their members along with files on politicians, maybe accounting for the weak investigation of their cult that followed.

    Make sence that the thuban material is just a branch of Scientology. We cant even discusse with those people. Totally brainwashed people, this forum had become a zoo of dragons, spiders and weird creatures that had forgot what they are.

    Sad really, this forum was great before they came.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32140 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    They do have the right to post here - just like anyone else. Some of their actions would make for a good discussions in an ethics class though.

    If it was my forum, I would just ban them, Is that a problem?

    Where is the point of having them?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32141 March 28th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    Yeah.... thats not going to happen here. If it was your forum I wouldn't have a problem with it either.

    Sometimes its best to leave things out in the open so that the next person coming along can clearly see it.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32143 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    all i've seen so far is that some negative people don't like 'them'
    -whoever they are,but they've done nothing wrong,
    except maybe being so dang annoying by not letting themselves become negative-good for them!
    what's the point of having them,you ask,
    i say what's the point in having any of us-
    it's called a forum,either participate or remain silent-
    i say the more the merrier-
    why is this so hard for some people to accept?
    ah well....i predict soon they'll go away if enough of you make asses of yourselves-hey it's worth a try-

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32145 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    Yeah.... thats not going to happen here. If it was your forum I wouldn't have a problem with it either.

    Sometimes its best to leave things out in the open so that the next person coming along can clearly see it.

    As this thread shows, there are people here that connect them with Satanisme possesions and such.
    Is this not are serious problem, for this forum?
    Does Kerry like to be connected with Satanisme, when people leave this forum and labeled it as satan worchipper.
    If this continues even further I could imagine I would do that as well a lot of other also would do that.
    I see a lot of problem here now that need to be adressed.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32146 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    now they're satanists huh?
    well i've heard bad things about satanism..
    hey thubans,is that what you really are,satanists?
    hopefully we can clear this up!
    i think they're more like gnosticists than satanists-but what do i know-

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32147 March 28th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Ha ha ha! Who voted "honest, real knowledge"?

    They've got black holes that can't exist. See
    They've got their physics wrong.
    They've made up their numerology.
    Their religion is a mix of all sorts but they never give the sources.
    I haven't even looked at their maths yet, maybe someone would like to do that for me?

    I'm left wondering who their ET informers are really. The dunces of the galaxy?
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32148 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    arctourist wrote:
    now they're satanists huh?
    well i've heard bad things about satanism..
    hey thubans,is that what you really are,satanists?
    hopefully we can clear this up!
    i think they're more like gnosticists than satanists-but what do i know-

    Look at the statistik, that is what people connect it with.

    Post last edited Apr 8th 2011
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32149 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    scientosophists maybe?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32150 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Take the bull by the horns before he really has controll - and before he is ALLOWED to wreck any more preciouse and beautiful china pieces, and of pricless value, out of the store for good.

    Thanks guys I only go on my gut instinc and heart. In these times we have no other choice as to follow our hearts, we all deal with things as best we can. TRUTH IN THE LOVE OF PURE SOUL

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32152 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i'm not sure black holes exist either,
    i think most everything is debatable...
    theoretically,anything might be possible,if not here then somewhere else....
    look how many different world-views there are,it's silly to argue over which ones are 'false' -they probly all are-think about it....

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32154 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    i'm not sure black holes exist either,
    i think most everything is debatable...
    theoretically,anything might be possible,if not here then somewhere else....

    yes everything is an illusion, where do you think you got that idea from?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32156 March 28th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    Yeah.... thats not going to happen here. If it was your forum I wouldn't have a problem with it either.

    Sometimes its best to leave things out in the open so that the next person coming along can clearly see it.

    As this thread shows, there are people here that connect them with Satanisme possesions and such.
    Is this not are serious problem, for this forum?
    Does Kerry like to be connected with Satanisme, when people leave this forum and labeled it as satan worchipper.
    If this continues even further I could imagine I would do that as well a lot of other also would do that.
    I see a lot of problem here now that need to be adressed.

    I can see how the connection can be made. IMO I see it as slurring all the entities together for this oneness. This is why I see it as a form of monoism.

    Sorry, but I can not speak for Kerry on this subject.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332158 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    [quote="Tbonyandsteak" post=32154]arctourist wrote:
    i'm not sure black holes exist either,
    i think most everything is debatable...
    theoretically,anything might be possible,if not here then somewhere else....

    yes everything is an illusion, where do you think you got that idea from?[/quote

    john lennon said 'nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout'
    i think einstein basically proved that everything we see,hear,touch,taste and smell is in fact illusion,didn't he?
    well,you get the point...
    it's what you want it to be
    so whatcha want it to be?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32159 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    Yeah.... thats not going to happen here. If it was your forum I wouldn't have a problem with it either.

    Sometimes its best to leave things out in the open so that the next person coming along can clearly see it.

    As this thread shows, there are people here that connect them with Satanisme possesions and such.
    Is this not are serious problem, for this forum?
    Does Kerry like to be connected with Satanisme, when people leave this forum and labeled it as satan worchipper.
    If this continues even further I could imagine I would do that as well a lot of other also would do that.
    I see a lot of problem here now that need to be adressed.

    I can see how the connection can be made. IMO I see it as slurring all the entities together for this oneness. This is why I see it as a form of monoism.

    Sorry, but I can not speak for Kerry on this subject.

    The thing is it dosnt really matter if it monoism or not. What matter is the reputation of this forum.
    just look at the threads with them.
    They create only problems for this forum.

    Looking back.
    Steve was farsighted when he banned them

    Well maybe it suppose to happen Avelon got charles and we got Thuban.

    Always when open minded people meets.
    Follow the line

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32160 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i think the word is monism
    not to be confused with pantheism...not to be confused with peterpantheism....

    well-according to bill nothing's more important than public relations...i think kerry and i would beg to differ on that but i can only speak for myself-so anything i say is no reflection on this forum or its reputation or founder's reputation or whatever/////////
    don't y'see,man? it's all about free speech-something that hopefully distinguishes this forum from lesser,and larger forums
    in other words,we need to agree to disagree...but wait!
    our participation here in fact is tacit agreement to disagree-sorry!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32162 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah steve should be a moderator at avalon-tho they apparently are doing okay at the moment as we are here too!
    nothing against steve,it's like i told you,only the lonely can play!
    uh,in other words,yes,i hope i haven't offended anyone just by repeating something someone else says or thinks
    i'm clearly not convinced that the thubans are anything but decent people with perhaps much we might learn if we could open our minds just a crack for a second...but timing is everything and it may be too late-dang it!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32164 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah steve should be a moderator at avalon-tho they apparently are doing okay at the moment as we are here too!
    nothing against steve,it's like i told you,only the lonely can play!

    Do you love Arachne?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32167 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i don't know any of these people but i got nuthin but love for you lot-you're good people and i don't care what anyone says,okay? i see people trying to distance themselves perhaps wisely from a group which is clearly misunderstood and apparently has been smeared and may not deserve the 'reputation' it has...but to me you're all just great sounding-boards-or even conversationalists when you got time-i mean thubans,cubans,i don't care what you call yourselves,see? i'm kinda of the mind that we're all one-namely the camelot forum-until such a time as we leave the group i guess? i wouldn't want anyone to leave,even the most vicious of you--that's a moderator's job and not one i envy-haha
    and then in a larger sense,this is one world,and we're one ultimately....all names and groupings aside
    so do i love arachne-well if you mean the person,or the name,or the idea,ok,sure,i love the good i see in all of you-especially the quieter ones-haha

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32170 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    i don't know any of these people but i got nuthin but love for you lot-you're good people and i don't care what anyone says,okay? i see people trying to distance themselves perhaps wisely from a group which is clearly misunderstood and apparently has been smeared and may not deserve the 'reputation' it has...but to me you're all just great sounding-boards-or even conversationalists when you got time

    The thing about inlove is, it blinds. If they so love us, would they copy paste the thread where there is critich against them?
    Knowingly that it conflicts with ethic and moral?
    When questioned upon it they dont even answer upon that issue?
    Real Love is about responsibillities and respect.
    That confirm what you already are.
    That always reveals the fake saviours.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32171 March 28th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    Good call arctourist; the word is monism - also not to be confused with monotheism.

    I've seen a lot of reactions on the forum from all parties and it was getting to the point that I didn't want to logon. So, yes, the reputation does get hurt. If we kept strictly to the rules then there would have been several long term members as well as the Thubans that should have been disciplined.

    Steve did what Steve thought was right. I not going to give opinions on this.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32172 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Arc you are right we should accept all opinions. The problem arises when people are not upfront with their agenda. That I believe is what set most of the oldtimers , as we have been called, off. Not one of them has addressed my comparing them to the Process Church , since yesterday. They backed off and their silence speaks volumes.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32174 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    Good call arctourist; the word is monism - also not to be confused with monotheism.

    I've seen a lot of reactions on the forum from all parties and it was getting to the point that I didn't want to logon. So, yes, the reputation does get hurt. If we kept strictly to the rules then there would have been several long term members as well as the Thubans that should have been disciplined.

    Steve did what Steve thought was right. I not going to give opinions on this.

    Rules are guidelines, We are the real deal.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32175 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    i didn't say accept all opinions-that would be funny-hahaha
    but yes,tolerate differences of opinion,agendas,well we can only address what comes up...agendas might be many and there might be some bad ones,but at best it's a matter of opinion...silence doesn't necessarily mean anything tho...perhaps they're waiting for more of us to speak up,perhaps they've been temporarily banned again to clear up some misunderstanding-it wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happened.....
    so i'll be careful about making assumptions tho i'm sure everyone in their right mind has to agree with me unless they say otherwise-haha

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32176 March 28th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:
    Had to run out. I bring up that subject because these people , Manson included were members of a satanic cult that embraced the dark side as you suggest. The cult started in England ( of course ) and was called the Process Church. Their belief system was similar to the Thuban material and stated that there is dark and kight and all is equal. etc. etc. It leads to no good so that was what I had in mind when I was posting before but had to go. I must go again on a no-heat call be back tomorrow.
    Watch it with that pie SC its loaded.

    Are you relating to the above post?

    If you are, your perceptions are skewed. Manson was only brought up by you - no-one else. What was stated was that god is both dark and light. It's up to the individual to decide how they use their energy. Healing ourselves will in fact help heal the earth by raising her immune system. Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism. Understanding what is going on is important. It's only when fear is feared that more problems occur. Understanding our own psychology is important if we are to make it through this next phase.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32177 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:

    We'll see. In the meantime why don't you run over there and tell them.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32179 March 28th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:
    First of all I think there is some confusion here.. Run over where and tell who? I don't even know anything about Thuban material other than what I have read about them on this forum. Nothing needs to be told to them if they have the ability to html these sites.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32181 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    This whole light and dark thing is just a promulgation of Aleister Crowley's " Do as thou wilt ". You can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

    Quote: Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism.
    Now you're opposed to dualism? Your whole premise of balancing light and dark is dualism.

    This balancing act that you propose is impossible. You can't live your life on a fulcrum, its too confining. Pick a side and be honest with yourself. Stop using this psycho-babble as a hiding place.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32182 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    First of all I think there is some confusion here.. Run over where and tell who? I don't even know anything about Thuban material other than what I have read about them on this forum. Nothing needs to be told to them if they have the ability to html these sites.

    That was for arctourist.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32183 March 28th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    This whole light and dark thing is just a promulgation of Aleister Crowley's " Do as thou wilt ". You can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

    Quote: Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism.
    Now you're opposed to dualism? Your whole premise of balancing light and dark is dualism.

    This balancing act that you propose is impossible. You can't live your life on a fulcrum, its too confining. Pick a side and be honest with yourself. Stop using this psycho-babble as a hiding place.

    You use the words impossible in your comments... I quote you "This balancing act that you propose is impossible"...(maybe for you). "Pick a side". No more needs to be said here. Look within and "Know Thyself".

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32184 March 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    This whole light and dark thing is just a promulgation of Aleister Crowley's " Do as thou wilt ". You can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

    Quote: Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism.
    Now you're opposed to dualism? Your whole premise of balancing light and dark is dualism.

    This balancing act that you propose is impossible. You can't live your life on a fulcrum, its too confining. Pick a side and be honest with yourself. Stop using this psycho-babble as a hiding place.

    i think i that,there's really no light or dark,but light *and* dark
    after all,ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony,side by side on a piano keyboard,o lord,why don't we,right?
    but the point is there's good and bad in everyone...not so much that people are good or bad...well that's up for debate-

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32190 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    That's true arc but its the degrees of good and bad that we need to keep an eye on.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32215 March 28th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    That's true arc but its the degrees of good and bad that we need to keep an eye on.

    Who says YOU need to keep an (EYE) on anyone??? So it is that saying IS true, "Once a cop always a cop." Good to see you can oink out a few more gasps after you went into retirement there buddy.

    Hence you aforementioned 'apparent' knowledge of pigs!

    You have that same I rule world vibe as the rest of em. I feel sorry for any women in your life too.

    You enjoy arguing with YOU. MERK, Sundance, 'kerry' aka the one with the little k, not the one of Camelot, Lovedancer, Cognitiu, Red, Aura, Cherri, Dan, Arvin, Homer, freethinkingfairy, Soulfire, paradox, ed, eddyan, ... and pretending to hit on 16 year old girls that are not 16 year old girls... have I left any one out? yeah just because I don't really care Birds of a feather... and don't get me started on your little group here. Grow up sicko. It has only bee five years now, you'd think you'd realized he has the benefit of my doubt until ... well, I know what happens, and YOU clearly clueless, as to the nature of certain things. Get a grip. take your bored azz elsewhere, or talk about something that people on Camelot want to see, something relevant, please, lol. You are NOT a real police officer. Get ahold of yourself man. Haha.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32221 March 28th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    They do have the right to post here - just like anyone else. Some of their actions would make for a good discussions in an ethics class though.

    Please review posts on this thread there have been at least 2 disclaimers by people who didn't start the thread... rules by Tommy about this. They need to be told to remove those disclaimers unless they have been given permission to copy this thread or posts...

    I will not post an opinion here unless the reverse disclaimers are removed as will be below their disclaimers...appears this is still an issue.

    This post is not to be copied.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32222 March 28th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    I can really see your true nature MaryIshtarCreiddylad, it shines like a clear red flashing beakon as a reminder to Camelot of how low the standards have been ALLOWED to escolate here of late.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32263 March 28th, 2011
    THE eXchanger wrote:

    it is a sign of respect,
    to quote people,
    when they put something,
    profound online
    ~and, then you choose to share it elsewhere

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32264 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    THE eXchanger wrote:
    it is a sign of respect,
    to quote people,
    when they put something,
    profound online
    ~and, then you choose to share it elsewhere

    Here's one for their forum.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32268 March 28th, 2011
    THE eXchanger wrote:
    the only 'fighting' that occured upon
    The Thuban Threads on the original PA/and, PC
    (project avalon/and, project camelot)
    occurred when
    a certain person (L***H***)
    decided that they knew,
    what was best for another person,
    and, tried to force them,
    to stop following The Thuban Threads
    (that other person, was ME)
    and, to my knowledge
    that was NOT a very good idea
    to try to force another persons will
    upon me, or upon anyone else, for that matter
    that is NOT acceptable behaviour !!!

    L***H*** is NOT, nor, has he ever been
    any type of shamanic healer/or
    spiritual guide to us
    NOT in any way, shape or form

    ~outside of that occurance
    THE THUBAN threads were very well read
    and, were followed by quite a few people
    many of which, did NOT post
    and, eventually, found their way to that group online
    ~that group online was NOT started,
    until after the banning of Tony

    ~there was been very little discord
    experienced as a result of all of those posts,
    also, it might be of interest to know,
    that we have NOT had to ban/or
    even monitor the Thuban forums
    (with the exception of banning the occasional spammer
    who shows up)
    WE NEVER CROSS PROMOTED the two groups, ever !!!

    ~there was also some problems of a private nature
    with a certain member, along with his wife,
    however, that was/and, still is, a private matter
    NOT worthy of a public disclosure.

    ~for those, like myself,
    that were with Project Camelot/and, Project Avalon
    since, the beginning,
    i was the eighth member,
    and, joined approx. 1 week before the gates were opened

    ~there were a lot of very happy times
    shared by many,
    who truly knew,
    that their higher hearts/and, thei higher minds,
    were always a part of avalon/and, camelot

    ~REMEMBER, the way to tear down something real good
    is to divide it, to conquer it

    Hopefully, most people, will be smart enough
    to NOT allow that to happen

    Susan/The eXchanger

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32272 March 29th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    well i don't see any reason why this can't be the best of times,forum-and-otherwise-
    nevermind all the uranium,plutonium,and other radioactive and poisonous substances building up in our brains and hearts.....these is tough times,yikes,and it's like what's next,right?
    anyways! try to make it count,the time we got left on the clock! make it right

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32274 March 29th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    well i don't see any reason why this can't be the best of times,forum-and-otherwise-
    nevermind all the uranium,plutonium,and other radioactive and poisonous substances building up in our brains and hearts.....these is tough times,yikes,and it's like what's next,right?
    anyways! try to make it count,the time we got left on the clock! make it right

    This is the best of times for me. A few others may agree with me.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32276 March 29th, 2011
    THE eXchanger wrote:

    note the master #'s 222, 333, and, 444

    however, 22.2+33.3+44.4 = 99.9
    were is the missing .1% ???

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32279 March 29th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    My mom use to say, 6 to 1 or half a dozen of the other. And then take a kip.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    My Posts
    Posts: 13
    • Jonah - Posted Apr 4th 2011

      plumr2007 wrote:

      This whole light and dark thing is just a promulgation of Aleister Crowley's " Do as thou wilt ". You can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

      Quote: Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism.
      Now you're opposed to dualism? Your whole premise of balancing light and dark is dualism.

      This balancing act that you propose is impossible. You can't live your life on a fulcrum, its too confining. Pick a side and be honest with yourself. Stop using this psycho-babble as a hiding place.

      Good for all you over there.... keeping an open heart helps when dealing with such harsh criticism..... How silly though... you would think having a retired cop as a neh-say-er would be obvious to everyone that TPTB are behind most of the rucuss....

      Post last edited Apr 4th 2011
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32288 March 28th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:

    Debradenslow wrote:
    Had to run out. I bring up that subject because these people , Manson included were members of a satanic cult that embraced the dark side as you suggest. The cult started in England ( of course ) and was called the Process Church. Their belief system was similar to the Thuban material and stated that there is dark and kight and all is equal. etc. etc. It leads to no good so that was what I had in mind when I was posting before but had to go. I must go again on a no-heat call be back tomorrow.
    Watch it with that pie SC its loaded.

    Are you relating to the above post?

    If you are, your perceptions are skewed. Manson was only brought up by you - no-one else. What was stated was that god is both dark and light. It's up to the individual to decide how they use their energy. Healing ourselves will in fact help heal the earth by raising her immune system. Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism. Understanding what is going on is important. It's only when fear is feared that more problems occur. Understanding our own psychology is important if we are to make it through this next phase.

    ON DUALITY - 'Thuban Omni-Science'
    - As published in a mainstream journal:

    Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| March 2011 | Vol. 2 | Issue 2 | pp. xxx-xxx
    Bermanseder, T. Commentary on Michael Cecil’s “Towards A New Paradigm of Consciousness”
    ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
    Published by QuantumDream, Inc.
    The following excerpt from Michael Cecil found in his essay further exemplify the self-consistent and synergized cosmogony of the 'Rosetta Stone of Quantum Physics' in its proper decodements for the 'meanings' of the sayings in the GOT. The following translation of the Dead Sea Scroll 4Q392 and a related verse from Isaiah form the basis for any reader to understand the GOT as the key to existence.

    "[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...]." - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."


    ""Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

    JCER (ISSN: 2153-8212) is a publication in which scientists, philosophers and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the nature, origin and mechanism of consciousness. In doing so, we hope that one day we will be able to arrive at a genuine science of consciousness.

    The current policy at JCER is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication. All papers published by JCER are either subject to open-peer-review (“OPR”) in the same issue of JCER or open to OPR in subsequent issues of JCER. There is also a JCER Forum available for discussing JCER & consciousness related issues.""


    Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Various Aspects of Consciousness Continued
    Table of Contents

    I am One in many and many in One: Physical Consciousness in a Self-conscious Quantum
    Universe, 3rd Dimension of Consciousness beyond the Consciousness of the “Self” and the
    ‘Thinker,’ On the Borderline of Being & Time, On AI: Machine Consciousness

    Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D. & Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
    Editor-at-Large: Gregory M. Nixon, Ph.D.

    ISSN: 2153-8212

    Click here for Thuban Omni-Science. Scroll down for the technical details of a professional mathematical and scientific discourse.

    It's FREE! It is a Journal NOT a book. It is open peer review.
    This is shared here to clarify certain and particular misconceptions. There are NO other agendas, except FREE Data sharing!
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32294 March 28th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    This is the best of times for me. A few others may agree with me.


    Two weeks in a row now I had Triple Coconut Pie!
    The 3 day class I did last weekend was so OMG amazing! lol
    This weekend passed - worked on a film that went as smooth as silk - with none of the stresses that usually accompanies these things, everyone was right into working together as a team mode.

    Must be all the great west coast vibe thing happening....
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32297 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    THE eXchanger wrote:
    it is a sign of respect,
    to quote people,
    when they put something,
    profound online
    ~and, then you choose to share it elsewhere

    That is not what we are talking about here, The thuban people did not do it
    becourse it is out respect.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32298 March 28th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    That's true arc but its the degrees of good and bad that we need to keep an eye on.

    ------------Get a grip. take your bored azz elsewhere, or talk about something that people on Camelot want to see, something relevant, please, lol. You are NOT a real police officer. Get ahold of yourself man. Haha.

    ??? rather restricting of someone's FREEDOM OF SPEECH is it not? rather hypocritical - not surprising though and Very true to form.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32299 March 28th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    This is the best of times for me. A few others may agree with me.


    Two weeks in a row now I had Triple Coconut Pie!
    The 3 day class I did last weekend was so OMG amazing! lol
    This weekend - working on a film went as smooth as silk - with none of the stresses that usually accompanies these things, everyone was right into working together as a team mode.

    Must be all the great west coast vibe thing happening....


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32300 March 28th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Had to run out. I bring up that subject because these people , Manson included were members of a satanic cult that embraced the dark side as you suggest. The cult started in England ( of course ) and was called the Process Church. Their belief system was similar to the Thuban material and stated that there is dark and kight and all is equal. etc. etc. It leads to no good so that was what I had in mind when I was posting before but had to go. I must go again on a no-heat call be back tomorrow.
    Watch it with that pie SC its loaded.

    Are you relating to the above post?

    If you are, your perceptions are skewed. Manson was only brought up by you - no-one else. What was stated was that god is both dark and light. It's up to the individual to decide how they use their energy. Healing ourselves will in fact help heal the earth by raising her immune system. Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism. Understanding what is going on is important. It's only when fear is feared that more problems occur. Understanding our own psychology is important if we are to make it through this next phase.

    ON DUALITY - 'Thuban Omni-Science'
    - As published in a mainstream journal:

    Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| March 2011 | Vol. 2 | Issue 2 | pp. xxx-xxx
    Bermanseder, T. Commentary on Michael Cecil’s “Towards A New Paradigm of Consciousness”
    ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
    Published by QuantumDream, Inc.
    The following excerpt from Michael Cecil found in his essay further exemplify the self-consistent and synergized cosmogony of the 'Rosetta Stone of Quantum Physics' in its proper decodements for the 'meanings' of the sayings in the GOT. The following translation of the Dead Sea Scroll 4Q392 and a related verse from Isaiah form the basis for any reader to understand the GOT as the key to existence.

    "[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...]." - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."


    ""Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

    JCER (ISSN: 2153-8212) is a publication in which scientists, philosophers and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the nature, origin and mechanism of consciousness. In doing so, we hope that one day we will be able to arrive at a genuine science of consciousness.

    The current policy at JCER is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication. All papers published by JCER are either subject to open-peer-review (“OPR”) in the same issue of JCER or open to OPR in subsequent issues of JCER. There is also a JCER Forum available for discussing JCER & consciousness related issues.""



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    Home > Vol 2, No 2 (2011)
    Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
    JCER (ISSN: 2153-8212) is a publication in which scientists, philosophers and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the nature, origin and mechanism of consciousness. In doing so, we hope that one day we will be able to arrive at a genuine science of consciousness.

    The current policy at JCER is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication. All papers published by JCER are either subject to open-peer-review (“OPR”) in the same issue of JCER or open to OPR in subsequent issues of JCER. There is also a JCER Forum available for discussing JCER & consciousness related issues.

    All individual articles in the online issues are free of charge at the present. You can support JCER by making a Voluntary Purchase of an article which you read and find useful. You can also purchase each PDF Edition of JCER plus bundled PDF Editions from Here and have the same e-mailed to you.

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    JCER Volume 1 Issue 3 (ISBN: 1460918819); JCER Volume 1 Issue 4 (ISBN: 1460919017);
    JCER Volume 1 Issue 5 (ISBN: 1460919130); JCER Volume 1 Issue 6 (ISBN: 1460919319);
    JCER Volume 1 Issue 7 (ISBN: 1460919521); JCER Volume 1 Issue 8 (ISBN: 1460922840);
    JCER Volume 1 Issue 9 (ISBN: 1460925351); JCER Volume 2 Issue 1 (ISBN: 1460927273);
    Pending Release: JCER Volume 2 Issue 2 (ISBN: 1461046777).

    In addition, you can purchase & download each PDF Edition of JCER at Scribd:
    JCER Volume 1 Issue 1; JCER Volume 1 Issue 2; JCER Volume 1 Issue 3; JCER Volume 1 Issue 4 ;
    JCER Volume 1 Issue 5 ; JCER Volume 1 Issue 6; JCER Volume 1 Issue 7; JCER Volume 1 Issue 8;
    JCER Volume 1 Issue 9; JCER Volume 2 Issue 1; JCER Volume 2 Issue 2.

    JCER Volume 2 Issue 2 Is Published: You have the option to read each individual article online free or purchase the PDF Edition or the Print Edition.

    What's in the coming issue of JCER: Coming soon!

    JCER Announces Focus Issue on Self-Transcending Experience (Narrative & Analysis): Call for Papers

    JCER has also announced Focus Issue - Anesthesia & Consciousness: Call for Papers

    Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Various Aspects of Consciousness Continued
    Table of Contents

    I am One in many and many in One: Physical Consciousness in a Self-conscious Quantum
    Universe, 3rd Dimension of Consciousness beyond the Consciousness of the “Self” and the
    ‘Thinker,’ On the Borderline of Being & Time, On AI: Machine Consciousness

    Editors: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D. & Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
    Editor-at-Large: Gregory M. Nixon, Ph.D.

    Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1461046777)

    ISSN: 2153-8212

    Now it also about selling book,
    Nice developement.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32312 March 28th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    This is the best of times for me. A few others may agree with me.


    Two weeks in a row now I had Triple Coconut Pie!
    The 3 day class I did last weekend was so OMG amazing! lol
    This weekend - working on a film went as smooth as silk - with none of the stresses that usually accompanies these things, everyone was right into working together as a team mode.
    Must be all the great west coast vibe thing happening....


    TWISTED! lol
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    The topic has been locked.
    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32338 March 28th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    Tbonyandsteak wrote: Why not discusse it more clearly, what is it.

    Reality escape?​
    it is an importen questions, becourse what are we dealing with here? Are they reality escapers? That hate the reality. That they never give a straight answer, is really a problem that would indicate this. If it is all light and love as they say it is, then there wouldnt be any problem come to surface would it? Or is there there more to this.

    A very real thing in shamanisme. which is proberly the oldes religion at all
    in human history. Religion is not the right word. Work on, against and with the spirits is what
    shamans does.

    So is it that? it is surely suspective when you look at what they actual are saying.
    since they are praising Satan, entities, connect to other energies.
    Reminds a lot of satanisme.

    My definition on this.

    Not possessed is being completly your own.
    Be free, have your own experiences.
    Maybe other have others definitions they want to share?

    The goal of every shamanistic healing processes.

    There are also other materials that gives an intirely different story than the Thuban material.
    If we really want to make a change, then discusse it. Dont victimize it.
    Becourse then we just play another game.

    Btw, I also have that suspicion, but in order to make a case in a coherent form, I would need other
    to discusse this. I cant do this alone.

    It is to be clear on things that resolve and releases from playing games( to use that term)

    Note votes can be changed

    The 'Thuban material' is stuff like this (4 of 18 pages):


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32367 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    now they're satanists huh?
    well i've heard bad things about satanism..
    hey thubans,is that what you really are,satanists?
    hopefully we can clear this up!
    i think they're more like gnosticists than satanists-but what do i know-

    Still haven't heard any response to my call that they are tied to the Process church and satanism. Have you arc? As I said the silence is deafening.

    The topic has been locked.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32368 March 29th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    I still don't get the material.

    Can I get the summary in plain english please?

    The topic has been locked.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32369 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    now they're satanists huh?
    well i've heard bad things about satanism..
    hey thubans,is that what you really are,satanists?
    hopefully we can clear this up!
    i think they're more like gnosticists than satanists-but what do i know-

    Still haven't heard any response to my call that they are tied to the Process church and satanism. Have you arc? As I said the silence is deafening.

    Hi Plumr....This is very confusing...

    I like to think I have an open mind...I'll wait for a response....Thanks!

    The topic has been locked.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32372 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Templar go to the top of page three. It starts there.

    The topic has been locked.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32376 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    That's true arc but its the degrees of good and bad that we need to keep an eye on.

    Who says YOU need to keep an (EYE) on anyone??? So it is that saying IS true, "Once a cop always a cop." Good to see you can oink out a few more gasps after you went into retirement there buddy.

    Hence you aforementioned 'apparent' knowledge of pigs!

    You have that same I rule world vibe as the rest of em. I feel sorry for any women in your life too.

    You enjoy arguing with YOU. MERK, Sundance, 'kerry' aka the one with the little k, not the one of Camelot, Lovedancer, Cognitiu, Red, Aura, Cherri, Dan, Arvin, Homer, freethinkingfairy, Soulfire, paradox, ed, eddyan, ... and pretending to hit on 16 year old girls that are not 16 year old girls... have I left any one out? yeah just because I don't really care Birds of a feather... and don't get me started on your little group here. Grow up sicko. It has only bee five years now, you'd think you'd realized he has the benefit of my doubt until ... well, I know what happens, and YOU clearly clueless, as to the nature of certain things. Get a grip. take your bored azz elsewhere, or talk about something that people on Camelot want to see, something relevant, please, lol. You are NOT a real police officer. Get ahold of yourself man. Haha.

    My goodness what happened to your superior above it all spiritualism Mary. I've never seen you so incoherent. I guess I struck a nerve. First off I am not nor have I ever been a cop or any kind of law enforcement. My name is plumr2007. Guess why? Because I'm a plumber Einstein! I am neither retired or rich , but from your mouth to God's ears. Oh, that's right you don't believe in God just energy. You can get back on your high horse now.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32380 March 29th, 2011
    Phoenix wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    now they're satanists huh?
    well i've heard bad things about satanism..
    hey thubans,is that what you really are,satanists?
    hopefully we can clear this up!
    i think they're more like gnosticists than satanists-but what do i know-

    Still haven't heard any response to my call that they are tied to the Process church and satanism. Have you arc? As I said the silence is deafening.

    Dear plumr2007!

    The reason for not commenting on nonsensical and unwarranted suppositions would be clear to anyone actually perusing or analysing whatever material is the subject of discussion or debate.

    But to clarify; no we are NOT associated with any cults whatsoever and under whatever label they might be operating.
    We are not in any manner affiliated with: scientologists, satanists, religious groups of whatever persuasion or dogma or any other organisation or group. We consider all such groups and organistaions as limiting, as our allegiance is not to any authority whatsoever, except the World Logos as exposited and described in what is colloquially known as the 'Perennial Philosophy'.

    This 'mode of thought' then spans all so called genres of human selfexpression, but is mostly attuned to the so termed 'esoteric' or mystical forms of their more orthodox counterparts.

    To be more precise then; we are in sympathy with the Sufis in the Islamic traditions; we are likewise Gnostics in the Christian traditions; we are alchemists in the hermetic tradition of Pythagoras, Plato, Penrose and Isaac Newton; we are in strong affinity with the native Indian of the Americas and we are in sympathy with the shamans and medicine people of indigenous tribes and peoples around the globe. We are also in harmony with so termed pagan traditions in honouring the natural environment as being a sacred expression of creation on all levels.

    We are buddhistic in many aspects in abhorring violence of all kinds; but we diverge from many of the aforesaid 'traditions' in espousing a nonpossessive expression in terms of human sexuality and the freedom of the individual to express himherself without restrictions as a function of herhis creativity and say the 'Golden Rule'.
    We could so be termed polyamorous and tantric in eschewing or not desiring a passionless nirvana or state of mind not associated with the experience of the human body senses.

    There is much more of course; but it suffices to say, that Thuban philosophy is based on a single manual; the Gospel of Thomas (Nag Hammadi Codex) and a script, which in our understanding was NOT composed by a human mind, but became empowered by the World Logos following the transcension of the human bodyform in a form of advanced wave mechanics in the wave-particle dualism inherent in the quantum theory and its coupling to the holographic nature of the universe.

    Thubans are all souvereign exhumans in self definition and independent of each other without gurus or leaders or any authoritarian hierarchy. In the political sense (we are all apolitical by definition), we are cosmic anarchists and communal sharers.

    Thuban philosophy is orthodox reductionistic science blended with all forms of metaphysics in their 'schools of philosophy' under the auspices of truth, love and peace amongst all. Our statements and messages therefore are always attempted to be founded and based on logical falsifiable deduction and induction, requiring a sound logical underpinning in the languages and semantics of mathematics and the natural sciences and the said metaphysical considerations in a form of an expression of an advanced spirituality.

    Thubans are as diverse as the mainstream populus and reflect the present humans, in that many talents are distributed across the spectra of individual abilities, likes and dislikes.

    Some of us are familiar with the semantics of the sciences and some of us are artists and artesians. One does not have to call oneself a Thuban to be one. Another label for Thuban is StarHuman.
    It will be StarHumans, who will 'invade' the 'old humanity' from within to the without and then return from the without back into the within of the Gaian Cocoon.

    The so called ptb is in possession of a rather similar data base as the Thubans and this is because the ptb has built its worldview and gnosis onto the same manual as the Thubans have.

    This then is the 'mystery' and the connection between the Thubans and the 'powers-that-be', no matter how deep one chooses to explore the 'access levels' of the Luciferian 'pyramids'.

    There are many details on this in the 'The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life' thread on this forum.

    Therefore Thubans are PTB indeed, as they have the same basis as the ptb; the difference being the hierarchical structure of the ptb becoming contraindicated by the individual freedom of the Thubans as the PTB.

    Thuban is a simple name, which can be associated with the Alpha Draconis polar star of 4000 years ago within the Milky way galaxy; is however twice projected into the Inner Spacetime of the Individual cosmic merkabah of the human morphogenetical bodyform AND the Outer Spacetime of the extragalactic cosmology towards the edge of the physical universe as the Mother Mirror in 11 dimensions (of supermembrane theory).

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32381 March 29th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    I read through most of this...I did not pick up much on the Archne post.

    No offense...I'm guessing its above my head.

    The forces of "good" and "evil" taking sides on the battlefield

    The "zealots" versus the non-believers

    The enlightened versus the dark ones

    What side you are on depends on your perception of who you are....

    I can choose to perceive myself as good or I can be evil

    My perception is my is anyone really right besides in their own mind??

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32383 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Thuban is a simple name, which can be associated with the Alpha Draconis polar star of 4000 years ago within the Milky way galaxy;

    So to sum it up you're the remnants of a "cargo culture " left over from the reptilians last visit 4,000 years ago. If your system was so advanced there would have been no need for Jesus to come here and suffer to eradicate the old system that you say you believe was here first. That's geometric logic.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32387 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    This may help:

    The term cargo cult science refers to an analogy between certain fields of research in the sciences, and cargo cults—i.e. the religious practice that has appeared in many traditional tribal societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced cultures. The cults focus on obtaining the material wealth (the "cargo") of the advanced culture through magic and religious rituals and practices.

    The term cargo cult science was first used by the physicist Richard Feynman during his commencement address at the California Institute of Technology, United States, in 1974, to negatively characterize research in the soft sciences (psychology and psychiatry in particular) - arguing that they have the semblance of being scientific, but are missing "a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty".

    The topic has been locked.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32389 March 29th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    This line caught my attention: "Thubans are all souvereign exhumans in self definition...".

    In other words, Thubans are supreme, non human beings because they say so.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32390 March 29th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    The topic has been locked.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32394 March 29th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    We could be considered as what we are physically speaking. animals. We have the ability for higher thinking and doing, well some of us do, and some do not. Depending on where a person is in their lessons, as in life, they could decide to study the higher self. There are many paths to that end, and all are difficult to navigate through since we are in a controlled state. Every system is corrupt in some form or another, it is whether we crack on and inevitably see these corruptions and continue past them.

    Every system of higher learning uses different terminology, adding to confusion, frustration and so on. It is only until we reach a certain point through study of the inside that we can begin to agree on words. There is a universal language in existence that is used for communication within esoteric circles. Takes a lot of study to reach a point where the symbols are read and understood for clear communication to take place.

    With these exoteric circles there is no across the board language. The systems: Thuban, Theosophy and many others are exoteric. It is just a starting point, they may lead to oblivion or to a higher state. depends on the level of corruption. Due to the many different terminologies with basically the same meaning there is tons of confusion. Pick something that makes sense to you as a n individual and stick with it, branch out later on and study more and more, no one system has all the answers.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32412 March 29th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Arachne wrote:

    Some of us are familiar with the semantics of the sciences and some of us are artists and artesians. One does not have to call oneself a Thuban to be one. Another label for Thuban is StarHuman.
    It will be StarHumans, who will 'invade' the 'old humanity' from within to the without and then return from the without back into the within of the Gaian Cocoon.

    So Arachne to be blunt, and I'll use contemporary language, you are telling us that we should embrace being hijacked by beings from Alpha Draconian Star and purged of our soul to feed your need to enter your nirvana / cocoon, based entirely on a book which is based on mythological ancient stories. are clearly delusional if you think we can take any of this information seriously, by propagating this material quite forcefully and deviously, as in this current situation you are only perpetuating your own demise, revealing your true character in this process of a desperate act to survive. This, in my humble opinion, is not a path to enlightenment. I am sorry if my words seem harsh but I too HAVE MY OWN BELIEFS which I hold dear.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32414 March 29th, 2011
    Silent Black Bear wrote:
    Words expressed are there to awaken the subconscious to elevate to higher vibrations... Headaches are that because many remain in a head space... Listen to your heart as the words spoken are beyond the physicality... When something is not understood then it's a lesson to work through... The reactions of non acceptance of what is and isn't, may not be anything else than a whatever, whatever it may mean to discredit the unknown so it's a known...

    Simpleton in non acceptance is the head burying in the sand... There is no wrong or right...

    So to control what is perceived as a wrong to be made into a right, does that become a justification of a deep ignorance of grand proportions of the unknown that is known... Knowing of the unknown... Acceptance is only a reflection of what you want it to be as you are... Love you and all... Silent Black Bear... Xo

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32415 March 29th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    What is your beliefs Sianellen ??

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32424 March 29th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    In fact it is a self-invasion; Plato had an idea of that, and that it would happen some time. There hardly is any other possibility.

    And at this point any alleged or defined "we" must fail.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32429 March 29th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    My beliefs are not the real issue here are they? We are not competing by comparison of belief systems to champion another. I have no wish to say or play a game of duality with you zaina, except, when my time comes I will fully embrace it as another one of my journeys where ever or not it leads me to. My least fear in life is dying I have my own soul to to lead the way!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332431 March 29th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    This line caught my attention: "Thubans are all souvereign exhumans in self definition...".

    In other words, Thubans are supreme, non human beings because they say so.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32433 march 29th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Silent Black Bear wrote:
    Words expressed are there to awaken the subconscious to elevate to higher vibrations... Headaches are that because many remain in a head space... Listen to your heart as the words spoken are beyond the physicality... When something is not understood then it's a lesson to work through... The reactions of non acceptance of what is and isn't, may not be anything else than a whatever, whatever it may mean to discredit the unknown so it's a known...

    Simpleton in non acceptance is the head burying in the sand... There is no wrong or right...

    So to control what is perceived as a wrong to be made into a right, does that become a justification of a deep ignorance of grand proportions of the unknown that is known... Knowing of the unknown... Acceptance is only a reflection of what you want it to be as you are... Love you and all... Silent Black Bear... Xo;Itemid=164#32405

    Nobody's burying their heads in the sand here Black Bear. Check the above threads.
    I am a child of the Light and a physical manifestation of the Light energy. By me.

    Chatroom: Project_Camelot_Portal
    Chatroom: Whistleblower Radio

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32434 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Silent Black Bear wrote:
    Words expressed are there to awaken the subconscious to elevate to higher vibrations... Headaches are that because many remain in a head space... Listen to your heart as the words spoken are beyond the physicality... When something is not understood then it's a lesson to work through... The reactions of non acceptance of what is and isn't, may not be anything else than a whatever, whatever it may mean to discredit the unknown so it's a known...

    Simpleton in non acceptance is the head burying in the sand... There is no wrong or right...

    So to control what is perceived as a wrong to be made into a right, does that become a justification of a deep ignorance of grand proportions of the unknown that is known... Knowing of the unknown... Acceptance is only a reflection of what you want it to be as you are... Love you and all... Silent Black Bear... Xo

    Abbott and Costello said it best.

    Who's on first; whats on second and I don't know is on third. WTF is in the outfield. I hit a grounder to WTF, he throws it to Who. Who tags first and throws it to What. What throws it to I don't know. TRIPLE PLAY!!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32438 March 29th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Is Rumsfeld a Thuban then:

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32441 March 29th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    Silent Black Bear wrote:
    Words expressed are there to awaken the subconscious to elevate to higher vibrations... Headaches are that because many remain in a head space... Listen to your heart as the words spoken are beyond the physicality... When something is not understood then it's a lesson to work through... The reactions of non acceptance of what is and isn't, may not be anything else than a whatever, whatever it may mean to discredit the unknown so it's a known...

    Simpleton in non acceptance is the head burying in the sand... There is no wrong or right...

    So to control what is perceived as a wrong to be made into a right, does that become a justification of a deep ignorance of grand proportions of the unknown that is known... Knowing of the unknown... Acceptance is only a reflection of what you want it to be as you are... Love you and all... Silent Black Bear... Xo

    Abbott and Costello said it best.

    Who's on first; whats on second and I don't know is on third. WTF is in the outfield. I hit a grounder to WTF, he throws it to Who. Who tags first and throws it to What. What throws it to I don't know. TRIPLE PLAY!!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32443 March 29th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    Why you do not think?

    To believe in thinking does not mean to think.

    Post last edited Apr 8th 2011
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32444 March 30th, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    Is Rumsfeld a Thuban then:

    Of course he is.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32448 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    Hmm, ... this track makes me so horney:


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332452 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    Oh, not to forget this one:

    what is the web?
    the primoriial coordinate system
    they did not get it when i wrote that bees navigate quantum fields
    that has many implications
    you cannot exist without these fields...
    they are a layer above
    phase shifted...

    Spider Woman appears in the mythology of several Native American tribes, including the Navajo, Keresan, and Hopi. In most cases, she is associated with the emergence of life on earth. She helps humans by teaching them survival skills. Spider Woman also teaches the Navajos the art of weaving. Before weavers sit down at the loom, they often rub their hands in spider webs to absorb the wisdom and skill of Spider Woman.

    the dream path grid of the rainbow snake...

    ...starting at the central fire.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32453 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    (Matthew 16:13-15)

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32454 March 30th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    Oh, not to forget this one:


    Thanks Ashera....I got such a kick out of the video...T

    Did u catch the part he stepped into the container he was trying to trap it in??

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32456 March 30th, 2011
    YEP wrote:
    Why you do not think?

    To believe in thinking does not mean to think.


    why you think that.........?

    never mind , you don't have to answer.

    thanks for sharing,


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32460 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    GT-Big yoy are quite pricless!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32461 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Quote: So to control what is perceived as a wrong to be made into a right, does that become a justification of a deep ignorance of grand proportions of the unknown that is known... Knowing of the unknown... Acceptance is only a reflection of what you want it to be as you are.

    The underlying meaning of this concept is that there really is no right or wrong. And if we perceive something to be wrong then that's on us.This dangerous concept is not new. It predates Christianity by millenia and is the reason Jesus came to this earth and suffered enough physical pain as was necessary to insure that His message would be remembered through the ages. This is what makes your so called philosophy so very dangerous. It is an excuse for horrible behavior, guised under some inane psycho-babble. It is the reasoning behind many serial killers like Son of Sam and Manson, also followers of this idiocy. You are not in good company. This thinking has no place on this planet.
    I am not without suggestions though. I've got just the place for you. A small planet in our solar system called Iapetus. It is also called The Black Moon of Saturn. Your kind have worshipped Saturn for as long as this nonsense has been around.The Gnostic Christians ( of whom I have traced my ancestry ) knew it as the planet that the anti-christ would come from. In fact the book Space Odyssey had that planet as the destination for the space voyage but Kubrick was made to change it to Jupiter. So good luck and safe passage you won't be missed.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32463 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    Oh, not to forget this one:


    Thanks Ashera....I got such a kick out of the video...T

    Did u catch the part he stepped into the container he was trying to trap it in??

    Yepp, too funny.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32466 March 30th, 2011
    Raven wrote:

    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    A Message of Hope

    ty viking for the post
    even as guest i can grab/see the vid url from page info extract. yet not see @ main ;D

    be well

    Hmm seems Rakmeisterr has moved onto this...Love and Oneness, what a concept. But if your still wanting to chase devils and demons in anyone else but yourself, then forget about the video's message, just chuck it in the garbage.
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332479 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    A Message of Hope

    ty viking for the post
    even as guest i can grab/see the vid url from page info extract. yet not see @ main ;D

    be well

    Hmm seems Rakmeisterr has moved onto this...Love and Oneness, what a concept. But if your still wanting to chase devils and demons in anyone else but yourself, then forget about the video's message, just chuck it in the garbage.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332480 march 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    I love the quotes from Einstein, wait a minute didn't he help develop that great instrument of love; The Atom Bomb. Nobody here is opposed to loving one another. You don't get to claim that as your own invention. What I'm saying is , there is right and wrong . Trying to bend that around is a Crowleyism. An end justifies the means and whoever gets hurt then that's their problem. As long as I get mine I can say they should readjust their perceptions so as not to inconvenience me.Its narcissistic and can be dangerously self-absorbed. You need to think this all the way through.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332482 March 30th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    I thought you were a PIE GUY....this is clearly a paint filled ballon..

    Are you branching out??

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332484 March 30th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32486 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    When she chose to be a mirror ,or shall i say a sacrifice

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32490 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32495 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    [quote="ashera" post=32490]triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.

    I think you've got that backwards. Animals search for freedom. That's why it so hard to capture one and keep it confined. Humans search for meaning. Do you people actually think before you respond or is it some cultish knee jerk reaction to start babbling.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332498 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    now they're satanists huh?
    well i've heard bad things about satanism..
    hey thubans,is that what you really are,satanists?
    hopefully we can clear this up!
    i think they're more like gnosticists than satanists-but what do i know-

    Still haven't heard any response to my call that they are tied to the Process church and satanism. Have you arc? As I said the silence is deafening.

    Dear plumr2007!

    The reason for not commenting on nonsensical and unwarranted suppositions would be clear to anyone actually perusing or analysing whatever material is the subject of discussion or debate.

    But to clarify; no we are NOT associated with any cults whatsoever and under whatever label they might be operating.
    We are not in any manner affiliated with: scientologists, satanists, religious groups of whatever persuasion or dogma or any other organisation or group. We consider all such groups and organistaions as limiting, as our allegiance is not to any authority whatsoever, except the World Logos as exposited and described in what is colloquially known as the 'Perennial Philosophy'.

    This 'mode of thought' then spans all so called genres of human selfexpression, but is mostly attuned to the so termed 'esoteric' or mystical forms of their more orthodox counterparts.

    To be more precise then; we are in sympathy with the Sufis in the Islamic traditions; we are likewise Gnostics in the Christian traditions; we are alchemists in the hermetic tradition of Pythagoras, Plato, Penrose and Isaac Newton; we are in strong affinity with the native Indian of the Americas and we are in sympathy with the shamans and medicine people of indigenous tribes and peoples around the globe. We are also in harmony with so termed pagan traditions in honouring the natural environment as being a sacred expression of creation on all levels.

    We are buddhistic in many aspects in abhorring violence of all kinds; but we diverge from many of the aforesaid 'traditions' in espousing a nonpossessive expression in terms of human sexuality and the freedom of the individual to express himherself without restrictions as a function of herhis creativity and say the 'Golden Rule'.
    We could so be termed polyamorous and tantric in eschewing or not desiring a passionless nirvana or state of mind not associated with the experience of the human body senses.

    There is much more of course; but it suffices to say, that Thuban philosophy is based on a single manual; the Gospel of Thomas (Nag Hammadi Codex) and a script, which in our understanding was NOT composed by a human mind, but became empowered by the World Logos following the transcension of the human bodyform in a form of advanced wave mechanics in the wave-particle dualism inherent in the quantum theory and its coupling to the holographic nature of the universe.

    Thubans are all souvereign exhumans in self definition and independent of each other without gurus or leaders or any authoritarian hierarchy. In the political sense (we are all apolitical by definition), we are cosmic anarchists and communal sharers.

    Thuban philosophy is orthodox reductionistic science blended with all forms of metaphysics in their 'schools of philosophy' under the auspices of truth, love and peace amongst all. Our statements and messages therefore are always attempted to be founded and based on logical falsifiable deduction and induction, requiring a sound logical underpinning in the languages and semantics of mathematics and the natural sciences and the said metaphysical considerations in a form of an expression of an advanced spirituality.

    Thubans are as diverse as the mainstream populus and reflect the present humans, in that many talents are distributed across the spectra of individual abilities, likes and dislikes.

    Some of us are familiar with the semantics of the sciences and some of us are artists and artesians. One does not have to call oneself a Thuban to be one. Another label for Thuban is StarHuman.
    It will be StarHumans, who will 'invade' the 'old humanity' from within to the without and then return from the without back into the within of the Gaian Cocoon.

    The so called ptb is in possession of a rather similar data base as the Thubans and this is because the ptb has built its worldview and gnosis onto the same manual as the Thubans have.

    This then is the 'mystery' and the connection between the Thubans and the 'powers-that-be', no matter how deep one chooses to explore the 'access levels' of the Luciferian 'pyramids'.

    There are many details on this in the 'The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life' thread on this forum.

    Therefore Thubans are PTB indeed, as they have the same basis as the ptb; the difference being the hierarchical structure of the ptb becoming contraindicated by the individual freedom of the Thubans as the PTB.

    Thuban is a simple name, which can be associated with the Alpha Draconis polar star of 4000 years ago within the Milky way galaxy; is however twice projected into the Inner Spacetime of the Individual cosmic merkabah of the human morphogenetical bodyform AND the Outer Spacetime of the extragalactic cosmology towards the edge of the physical universe as the Mother Mirror in 11 dimensions (of supermembrane theory).


    so yeah!
    thanks and respect!
    who could possibly have a problem with that-go ahead,step up-this isn't a competition,but if it was i'd win-haha-
    meaning i guess i knew what i was talking about huh?
    but anyway!
    hey arachne/phoenix and all!
    not that i need to know what i'm talking about,or that anyone does or should...necessarily...
    perhaps you've heard of the work of gurdjieff and his other people, ouspensky,maurice nicoll?
    just asking...i never much went out of my way to meet people familiar with the ideas and i've largely sorta abandoned the 'system' just because i'm not a real good student,you might say...
    but i'm pretty familiar with that,and it would be fun to actually be able to speak about this stuff with other people familiar with it...
    i know g. learned a lot from sufis and 'gnostic' sources,and others but it's still largely a mystery where he got what he did and even what he is or was...

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32501 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    [quote="plumr2007" post=32495]ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.

    I think you've got that backwards. Animals search for freedom. That's why it so hard to capture one and keep it confined. Humans search for meaning. Do you people actually think before you respond or is it some cultish knee jerk reaction to start babbling.

    No, animals search for freedom if caged.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32504 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Who started baiting who. I guess you don't like it huh? Then don't do it to others.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32507 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:
    Plumr thinkiing needed here ..just call it a mirror love ,,and you might just get it ,,
    if not ,,i don't charge much for a ,what you call catch up ,,oh hang on ,,for a minuite i was thinking i was anna someone with a small s ,,big SSSS i ate

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32508 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Who started baiting who. I guess you don't like it huh? Then don't do it to others.

    What did I do?


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32510 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Quote: No, animals search for freedom if caged.

    WTF is the difference assh##e!!!!!!!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32511 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Plumr thinkiing needed here ..just call it a mirror love ,,and you might just get it ,,
    if not ,,i don't charge much for a ,what you call catch up ,,oh hang on ,,for a minuite i was thinking i was anna someone with a small s ,,big SSSS i ate

    LOL What the hell are you talking about ? Do you even know? You shouldn't type drunk.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32512 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Who started baiting who. I guess you don't like it huh? Then don't do it to others.

    What did I do?


    Not you the other jackoff arc.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332513 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    well anyway! this is fun! an interactive forum!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332516 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    Quote: No, animals search for freedom if caged.

    WTF is the difference assh##e!!!!!!!

    Hmm, i apply abductive logic; so, nothing bad in what I do. Maybe I came to other conclusions this way, that are possibly not consensual. But this does not say that they are false.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32517 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Thats the problem you people don't know the meaning of logic. Read my other posts. Think first , type later.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32518 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    stay cool!
    anyone can always talk to me privately right?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32519 March 30th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Quote: No, animals search for freedom if caged.

    WTF is the difference assh##e!!!!!!!

    Wow plumr where did you learn to speak demon tongue? Yes and like opinions everyone has one....

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    Griffy Leo
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32521 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    Thats the problem you people don't know the meaning of logic. Read my other posts. Think first , type later.

    Then, please, explain to me what abductive logic is.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32522 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Here is proof of what I'm talking about. This is the result of your type of thinking.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32523 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    [quote="plumr2007" post=32495]ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.

    I think you've got that backwards. Animals search for freedom. That's why it so hard to capture one and keep it confined. Humans search for meaning. Do you people actually think before you respond or is it some cultish knee jerk reaction to start babbling.

    Plumr, you hit the nail on the head before

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32524 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Tralala ,,of course you have to be right ,you have 41 freinds ,,,

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32525 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    Here is proof of what I'm talking about. This is the result of your type of thinking.

    And what has that to do with me? I think you need a therapist.


    P.S.: and I still expect your explanation of abductive logic.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32528 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    on another forum years ago i interacted with a guy called gar.i was a bit of a well i was just having fun-haha..he was,i later learned,a 'gnostic' type thinker or what-have-you-and what impressed me was he was such a good sport...that's really refreshing to see...anyways good job everyone-it's never too late to gain a little ground,as it were,on the old awareness meter-
    i do think it's sweet that most people so far say the thuban material has truth or reflected in the poll-whose idea was that,right?
    .well surely they have a lot of something! they got my respect!
    i would prefer to be liked but like i said before,posting here means you already somewhat agree to disagree-remember!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32530 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    The meaning of abductive reasoning:Abduction is a kind of logical inference described by Charles Sanders Peirce as "guessing".[1] The term refers to the process of arriving at an explanatory hypothesis. Peirce said that to abduce a hypothetical explanation a from an observed surprising circumstance b is to surmise that a may be true because then b would be a matter of course.[2] Thus, to abduce a from b involves determining that a is sufficient (or nearly sufficient), but not necessary, for b.

    For example, the lawn is wet. But if it rained last night, then it would be unsurprising that the lawn is wet. Therefore, by abductive reasoning, it rained last night. (But note that Peirce did not remain convinced that a single logical form covers all abduction.)

    Therefore there was no reason for you to try and "correct" me. You are just being argumentative. I understand what you're trying to accomplish. I'm from the Bronx its not the first time I've been outnumbered. I can last as long as it takes or until I have to go cook dinner for the family ( homemade eggplant parmigiana) . Eat your hearts out.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32532 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Tralala ,,of course you have to be right ,you have 41 freinds ,,,

    Where did I say anything about being right? And why mention friends? What's your point?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32534 March 30th, 2011
    zaina wrote:

    Sorry my good friend ,,my mistake ,,,

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32539 march 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    The meaning of abductive reasoning:Abduction is a kind of logical inference described by Charles Sanders Peirce as "guessing".[1] The term refers to the process of arriving at an explanatory hypothesis. Peirce said that to abduce a hypothetical explanation a from an observed surprising circumstance b is to surmise that a may be true because then b would be a matter of course.[2] Thus, to abduce a from b involves determining that a is sufficient (or nearly sufficient), but not necessary, for b.

    For example, the lawn is wet. But if it rained last night, then it would be unsurprising that the lawn is wet. Therefore, by abductive reasoning, it rained last night. (But note that Peirce did not remain convinced that a single logical form covers all abduction.)

    Therefore there was no reason for you to try and "correct" me. You are just being argumentative. I understand what you're trying to accomplish. I'm from the Bronx its not the first time I've been outnumbered. I can last as long as it takes or until I have to go cook dinner for the family ( homemade eggplant parmigiana) . Eat your hearts out.

    What is bad with arguments? It is the only means to gain conviction, to precise from being to substance. And, I surely did not want to outnumber you.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32540 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:

    OK but I'm still not giving you any eggplant. Sorry If I freaked out too much but I was getting tired of arguing.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32544 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    OK but I'm still not giving you any eggplant. Sorry If I freaked out too much but I was getting tired of arguing.

    I love eggplant Parm--my favorite. Save some for me

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32545 March 30th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Humans are capable of all of this (I think). How do you get to the thought of separating this unity and then identifying each as either human or animal?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32548 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    OK but I'm still not giving you any eggplant. Sorry If I freaked out too much but I was getting tired of arguing.

    Hmm, you would not feed me? Is that some kind of punishment?


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32550 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Humans are capable of all of this (I think). How do you get to the thought of separating this unity and then identifying each as either human or animal?

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32553 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    I am well known for my eggplant. Even my ex wife tells my kids she misses it LOL. The eggplant not me.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32556 March 30th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    I am well known for my eggplant. Even my ex wife tells my kids she misses it LOL. The eggplant not me.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32561 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    i always found eggplant hard to digest...but they are cute aren't they

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32562 March 30th, 2011
    templar wrote:
    Thanks ...used my sword....took me a bit....

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32566 March 30th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.

    Satanists do
    Your in very good company with the NWO then too.
    All the best!
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa, plumr2007

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32567 March 30th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Humans are capable of all of this (I think). How do you get to the thought of separating this unity and then identifying each as either human or animal?

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.


    Okay, generally speaking, humans are capable of believing, thinking, searching for freedom and searching for meaning. So what makes you unique? What lead you to the thought that you're an animal?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32573 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Humans are capable of all of this (I think). How do you get to the thought of separating this unity and then identifying each as either human or animal?

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.


    Okay, generally speaking, humans are capable of believing, thinking, searching for freedom and searching for meaning. So what makes you unique? What lead you to the thought that you're an animal?

    Hmm, such a "generally speaking" I do not accept as qualified argument. I do not know what "all" humans are capable of, but it would be some kind of lowest common determinator. Maybe this is belief and search for freedom.

    Thinking I would not see as a "generally" human capacity, search for meaning not either.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32577 March 30th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    ashera wrote:

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.

    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32579 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    Chakra wrote:
    ashera wrote:

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.

    You do not understand.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32582 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    Your social projections will not help you..., human, all too human, as Nietzsche would have said.

    Post last edited Apr 11th 2011
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32595 March 30th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    They are Nihilists man!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32607 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    plumr2007 wrote:
    They are Nihilists man!

    Nietzsche is not easy to understand, Nihilism does not hit the point.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32617 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    greetings fellow three-brained beings!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32618 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    greetings fellow three-brained beings!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32626 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    greetings fellow three-brained beings!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32631 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    some (in fact all) of us are a little under-developed in one or more of our three brains...
    can anyone name these 3 brains?


    Allisiam commented:

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32000 on March 27th, 2011
    magamud wrote:
    Dear fellows how do you expect to converse with cosmic beings if you do not let go of presumed expectations. Can you not experience the material in neutral relations, allow for yourself to feel how you feel, and process with time, then examine yourself? Weather celestial scribe, demon, angel etc...This is an opportunity to shake your mirror and find out who your really are. You can see for yourself the material is genius. Explore Thuban for yourself trekkers. Cease the witchhunts of old. The harvest is here and now.

    God Luck & Good speed

    Yes this is an obvious witch hunt going on here 21st century style, replete with Roman headhunters in disguise. Just like they persecuted Jesus in his time for sharing his insight and gnosis, a similar thing is occurring here. What amazes me is the abject refusal of these people chasing us Thubans around the Camelot forum, to actually adhere to the rules and guildlines set forth on this forum (written by you Tommy) concerning proper conduct. Where are you mods Tommy? And a more important question is why are you allowing them to break all of your forum guidlines and rules and not even say a word about it?

    Or was this quote from you just smoke and mirrors Tommy?
    tommy wrote:
    Brilliant, case closed indeed

    And who were talking about ban's again? (lol, could not help myself)

    Problems are only created in order for us to solve them. This is something I must remind myself very often. The fastest\easiest solution are rarely the best.

    Thank you everyone!

    tommy wrote:

    The bans mentioned in this thread affecting the members referenced has now been lifted.

    Camelot Forum should be and always will be a safe ground to share and discuss information, even if it is considered "controversial". We must remember that if we were to hold the word "controversial" as a taboo then Project Camelot would never have existed in the form we are proud to have shown in the past 5 years. This is a standard we are sworn to uphold, sworn as in our common sense and respect for other human-beings and the core mission of Project Camelot.

    Let me post this for reference:

    "About researchers and whistleblowers :

    We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
    31 December 2008 "

    All the best,


    tommy wrote:

    I would rather not communicate with any beings that expect me to not "question everything".
    I question my own actions and beliefs all the time..

    But hey, thats just me

    Now where did you ever get the idea that we Thubans do not expect you to question everything or that we don't do this ourselves? Here is an example below of what I said to MaryIshtar concerning this very thing, read carefully Tommy.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    The good news? I have found that in reading the physics I seem to have formed a mental holographic image from the simple act of scanning over the equations. My understanding of physics and how it works is mostly due to my visual awareness and perception of dimension in space. So I discovered this new automatic skill, which is pretty cool.

    Raven wrote:
    Yes for the less scientifically disciplined reader of this material, scanning over the equations is necessary in order to 'Grok' the full picture. A good visual and semantic foundation of the terminology of science presented will only heighten your understanding. I have spent many hours studying, reading and watching physics videos and its all been worth it. My efforts have paid off and been especially helpful in navigating all the pseudo science myths so many 'new agers' and so called people in the know, try to shove off on the masses.

    It is a sign of high intelligence to be skeptical and thorough with any and all data. We live in an information age and are undergoing a 'tsunami' of data, this is especially true with the internet and forums, where it can be a literal nightmare to sort through and discern fact from fiction. So you are to be commended for your logical rigor.

    So I ask you once again to consider this what I said to you before Tommy and please do clear up the air and moderate your forum members here who seem to have a total disregard for the guidelines which you wrote yourself.

    Specifically these come to mind:

    - Spamming is strictly forbidden, and members who abuse the trust of the list by spamming will be immediately banned, and their Internet Service Provider contacted regarding the nature of the abuse. Using email addresses acquired on the list to spam members privately is also forbidden. Be aware that any discussion of a product or service for sale, or of a website designed to sell products or services, is forbidden, even if you do not directly profit from such a discussion. If you feel that a particular product / service is uniquely related to Project Camelot's work and worthy of discussion, please email a moderator privately before making any statements to the group.
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce

    They really seem to hate the berry berry. I like the little disclaimer where they say they'll post it on another site. GREAT! My pies are reaching into other worlds. I may start charging them too.

    - Discussions that involve drugs and other intoxicating substances, pornography, foul language, racial / sexual / national intolerance, hate speech, politically subversive acts or planning, will obviously not be tolerated.
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Three birds with one stone! Outed!

    Eh? Care to explain or just blowing smoke out your ass?

    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    He's wonderful. I love the little shit turd. Those rat fuckers cut and paste everyone's shit. Go start there. I doubt Tra cut anything of that doofus. He can't write a complete sentence.

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Hi there MaryIshtar so nice to see you here. I have another question: What does your name mean?
    Let's share shAll we?;fp=48e89ff3ea888421


    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I'd like to let everyone know I've gotten there many of times with a good bottle of Tequila. Not just any. Don't make that mistake or you'll go the other way. I think that's desecension. And its a bit pricey in todays economy ($65.00), but you can ascend many times.

    The tequila is called Tonala. No need to do any chanting, or worship of any kind. Three shots and BLAME, your in.


    This is your ex mod LITA showing her true colors. Nice choice for a moderator, way to go Camelot!!

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    - "Dead text" wastes bandwidth as well as disk space and reading time. When replying to a post, please quote only the previous text that is essential to the reply. This does slightly slow down the speed with which you may respond to a post, but is in consideration of the other members. Every time you respond to a post, your dead-text cleanup job should include all the advertising material at the end of the post which sometimes accumulates. The moderation team may edit or reject posts that violate this guideline. It only takes a few extra seconds but it makes a world of difference in the quality of our presentation.

    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    WHOOO HOOO 1700!!!

    - Personal conversations should be conducted privately. Although the majority of our members are "lurkers" who do not regularly post, do remember that your posts are going out to hundreds of people who may not find private jokes or topics beneficial. Try to keep posts on topic at all times.

    Raven wrote:
    Dear Tommy,

    Now to the Thuban materials, Tony has already stated that his stuff is not copy written and its freeware, so there is no problem with his information being disseminated onto any number of forums or other publicly viewed sites. His reasons for doing this is that he feels that you cannot put a price on information and data that should be shared and given to all. The ptb does this enough, why should he or anyone else involved in the truth movement support their efforts to censor and hide information?

    His reasons for copying the threads he posts in are obvious as we have been banned for as little of an infraction as too lengthy of a post. It takes hours sometimes to respond to questions and then to have the material simply deleted at the push of some mods button is not productive nor fair. We have a right to back up and save this data just as you have the right to save it here on this site. As far as the links go, Tony has said he will remove these and all html tags, we have not had a chance to edit those out. No one else has been moving and saving posts from Camelot except Tony and he is the sole person responsible for the saving of this data on his site.

    So please I ask you to consider all that I have said here and use some common sense when making a decision as to what to do about it. All of us Thubans are extremely pleased that you have shown much intelligence and diplomacy in your decision to unban us all. We only hope that the air can be cleared and we may continue to share our insights and data with any and all who are willing to listen here, common sense prevailing of course.

    Sincerely, Raven

    Thank you, Raven
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Post last edited Apr 12th 2011
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32658 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Have not read the whole thread yet. Will at some point. I just want to know what is a Thuban and can I eat it. If not I will just let the higher powers continue fighting. While I try to continue to survive on this lower plane of existence I call home.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32659 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    there's 3 kinds of food...the first being food,of course...then there's air...then the third,and finest,is called 'impressions'
    that's the true meaning of the saying that we cannot 'live by bread alone'

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32661 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Thanks arctourist. I like learning new things..........So your saying I can eat it right. Thuban with teriyaki sauce sounds good. Oh and to everyone out there excuse my ignorance. I will read up on what the Thuban material is eventually. Just having a laugh right now. I so enjoy entertaining myself.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32663 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i have to entertain myself too much -haha
    yes there's people from the thuban group here who will gladly tell you about what it's about,to me it sounds sound,and maybe even extraordin'ry! but i'm certainly not qualified to tell you much that way
    others will try and cast a negative light on the material and the group ,i wouldn't listen much to them unless they have something better if y'know what i mean?
    at the very least,there's tons of great material already posted,not much of which i can really grasp-but nevermind what i say-like i said,i'm not qualified -

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32665 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    I listen to everyone's "Secret" knowledge. Borrow what I like, discard what I do not. But I never join any groups. I can make up my own damn mind lol. Absolutes are so boring. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle. But so often groups clutch on to the little piece they hold. Failing to see the entire puzzle. Do not know if the Thubans fall in that category. Like I said do not know enough about them.............PEACE

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32718 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    looks like a thread has been removed...that's a shame that you would let an ex-moderator ruin a thread like that..
    ah did lita a favor so good for her,but that isn't right.....what we have is an ex-moderator making it harder for the existing moderators to do their job..but like i said,i can only speak for myself...haha

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32719 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    I'm glad they removed it.. Shows they are "awake and aware"... Awesome job guys... proves you truly are "moderating". After CrystalChi's comment I would have removed it too!!!!!!!!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32720 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    I seriously doubt a moderator removed it. Maybe the OP removed it, I don't know.

    All I do know is the last time a thread was removed, by moderators, there was more screaming and bitching than I thought was possible to generate.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32721 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    The mods pretty much had to remove it, once it went from at least pretending to be discussion, to nothing but attacks.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32722 March 30th, 2011

    arctourist wrote:
    the whole thread huh? you think that's cool?
    well i didn't start the thread,but that's not the way you deal with something like that...that's like punishing everyone for one person's bad behavior-collective i said on the thread that's gone,no one is compelled to participate or even read a thread,and one person shouldn't be allowed to ruin a thread like that,just because they used to be a moderator...
    the thread wasn't the problem,in fact there was no problem outside of the mind of one person who set out to ruin the thread for everyone just seems wrong to me...
    what's next,right?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32723 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    I seriously doubt a moderator removed it. Maybe the OP removed it, I don't know.

    All I do know is the last time a thread was removed, by moderators, there was more screaming and bitching than I thought was possible to generate.

    Unless this forum is supposed to be like the wild wild west lol. I did not even really read the rules before I started posting oops. If it is supposed to be the wild west then dammit mods.......JK lol.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32724 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32725 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    the whole thread huh? you think that's cool?
    well i didn't start the thread,but that's not the way you deal with something like that...that's like punishing everyone for one person's bad behavior-collective i said on the thread that's gone,no one is compelled to participate or even read a thread,and one person shouldn't be allowed to ruin a thread like that,just because they used to be a moderator...
    the thread wasn't the problem,in fact there was no problem outside of the mind of one person who set out to ruin the thread for everyone just seems wrong to me...
    what's next,right?

    I understand free speech and I agree with you for the most part but the entire thread was based on the fact that someones name really meant whore. I mean besides a very few posts it was not really a scholarly discussion. Especially at the point it was removed by whomever. The mods or the OP.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32726 March 30th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    well,, to tell you the truth> all were acting like babys on the whore threads,, so the as of now the whore threads are tucked away untill tommy can sort that mess out
    it was really getting very stupid on all sides
    not to mention them are bout the most ugly sheep ive ever seen
    Mod Squad
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32727 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    the offenders-if there were attacks,should be dealt with on an individual basis,as their posts,but to close and hide a whole thread is just not cool-i wasn't attacking anyone,i was even polite-what do you mean 'nothing but attacks'?
    who was not polite-well i guess now we aren't allowed to see what really happened,yeah good job guys!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32728 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    the whole thread huh? you think that's cool?
    well i didn't start the thread,but that's not the way you deal with something like that...that's like punishing everyone for one person's bad behavior-collective i said on the thread that's gone,no one is compelled to participate or even read a thread,and one person shouldn't be allowed to ruin a thread like that,just because they used to be a moderator...
    the thread wasn't the problem,in fact there was no problem outside of the mind of one person who set out to ruin the thread for everyone just seems wrong to me...
    what's next,right?

    Arctourist seriously, the only one who is being punished is you! Because that is your belief system. The mods are doing their jobs fantastically... remember the signature disclaimer by the OP that created the original post... Glad she now has no control huh?.... Bigger picture here than just you buddy! Hundreds of people read these things and that is what is taken into consideration... All of us - not just you as an individual! Not only that but the original OP had the disclaimer to post it "wherever".... Read before you post anything that can be carried into the wind!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32729 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?

    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32730 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    the offenders-if there were attacks,should be dealt with on an individual basis,as their posts,but to close and hide a whole thread is just not cool-i wasn't attacking anyone,i was even polite-what do you mean 'nothing but attacks'?
    who was not polite-well i guess now we aren't allowed to see what really happened,yeah good job guys!

    My nothing but attacks statement was not directed at you arctourist. You conducted yourself admirably. IF anything you were attacked not an attacker.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32731 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?

    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    Well Tangent actually I have.. PM me and I'll tell you who I am!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32733 March 30th, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Humans are capable of all of this (I think). How do you get to the thought of separating this unity and then identifying each as either human or animal?

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.


    Okay, generally speaking, humans are capable of believing, thinking, searching for freedom and searching for meaning. So what makes you unique? What lead you to the thought that you're an animal?

    Hmm, such a "generally speaking" I do not accept as qualified argument. I do not know what "all" humans are capable of, but it would be some kind of lowest common determinator. Maybe this is belief and search for freedom.

    Thinking I would not see as a "generally" human capacity, search for meaning not either.


    I do not classify, or generalize.
    Hmm, such a "generally speaking" I do not accept as qualified argument

    ??? Which one? Do you generalise to get to the thought that you are an animal or do not accept generalisation as a qualified argument???

    So far all I have been able to deduce from your responses is that you have generalised a few capacities of human nature to come to the thought that you are an animal. You have then admit that you do not know what the capacities of humans are (I do not know what "all" humans are capable of..) and also reject generalisation. Where is the rational thought process behind this?

    For the third time... What lead you to the thought that you're an animal?

    Are you able to show me this thought process or are you just trolling?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32734 March 30th, 2011

    arctourist wrote:

    well i guess that's the way it goes-i just wish people could see exactly what i said because that alone made the thread worthwhile-not to mention everyone else's thoughts,maybe with a few exceptions..
    funny there was no problem until lita ,the ex-moderator had to come in with a bunch of insults and profanity,attacking not only myself and the person who'd started the thread but also having insulted quite a few people in the first 15 pages since yesterday...
    i just think it should be clear,no one did anything wrong,or if they did,we should be allowed to know who,and what,don't you think?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32736 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?

    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    Well Tangent actually I have.. PM me and I'll tell you who I am!

    DD hope you read this. Wow just wow. I can not believe you blocked me just because I accepted someone else as a friend. Like I discussed with you and others I wanted to gather information about the rift in the forums. If you want to heal the rift you have to get to know everyone involved. I am a positive person who will be friends with anyone who acts in good faith. Still thank you for the kind words before you blocked me. I really do appreciate them. It is just sad that you let something trivial get in the way of being friends. I sincerely hope that you are forever happy and healthy. Instead of blocking me you could of explained your position. Au Revoir.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32737 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Arctourist what world are you living in? This had nothing to do with Lita... this post was alive after her fact... CrystalChi was the reason! Stop whining and say something important.. Do you know anything "real important"?..... If so - say so!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32738 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Well for the record! I blocked you because you are not even aware of the friends you are choosing!... This is the only message for you.. Not that I am better.. but I am "careful" and not "willy nilly"... You are new remember? I am not!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32739 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32740 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32741 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32742 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    Ok I can respect your argument. I was just confused. You said you were a peacemaker. I thought you would understand how to go about doing that. I will check out the poster that you recommended. I also consider myself an army of 1. I guess the crux of our disagreement is the fact that you put supreme importance on the act of clicking a digital button to make someone your friend. Thinking that the very act of doing so some how taints ones soul. But like I said I respect your argument. I understand. This will be all I say on this matter. I do not want to be one of those posters. Causing further rifts. The universe does not need more drama lol....................PEACE AND LOVE FOREVER!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32743 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    Ok I can respect your argument. I was just confused. You said you were a peacemaker. I thought you would understand how to go about doing that. I will check out the poster that you recommended. I also consider myself an army of 1. I guess the crux of our disagreement is the fact that you put supreme importance on the act of clicking a digital button to make someone your friend. Thinking that the very act of doing so some how taints ones soul. But like I said I respect your argument. I understand. This will be all I say on this matter. I do not want to be one of those posters. Causing further rifts. The universe does not need more drama lol....................PEACE AND LOVE FOREVER!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32744 march 30th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Bruce Lee:

    "I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged.
    I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.
    I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation.
    Fortunately for me, my selfknowledge has transcended that and I have come to
    understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized.
    I am happy becourse I am growning daily and I am honestly not knowing, where the
    limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery.
    I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank
    of fortitude.

    Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself.
    Do not go out and look for a succesfull personality and dublicate it."

    When all the crap is removed and really difine what the Thuban material actual are saying.
    I find it very anti living, anti life and very conceptualized.

    Look like the same old story about anti life, suicidal vs having, apreciate and love the life
    also called evil vs good.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32745 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    Ok I can respect your argument. I was just confused. You said you were a peacemaker. I thought you would understand how to go about doing that. I will check out the poster that you recommended. I also consider myself an army of 1. I guess the crux of our disagreement is the fact that you put supreme importance on the act of clicking a digital button to make someone your friend. Thinking that the very act of doing so some how taints ones soul. But like I said I respect your argument. I understand. This will be all I say on this matter. I do not want to be one of those posters. Causing further rifts. The universe does not need more drama lol....................PEACE AND LOVE FOREVER!

    I do not "disagree". I just made a choice. There is a difference! Your challenge, I can see early on is picking your "friends" carefully! Look at those in your life! Are there any you would like to "move on from"... This is my point! I choose them for their authenticity! This is my motto!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32747 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    And clicking a button is just as powerful as saying "you are my friend"... By that statement alone is telling me volumes about you! When you click your online banking statement to pay a bill it is equally the same as saying "I do"!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32749 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    Ok I can respect your argument. I was just confused. You said you were a peacemaker. I thought you would understand how to go about doing that. I will check out the poster that you recommended. I also consider myself an army of 1. I guess the crux of our disagreement is the fact that you put supreme importance on the act of clicking a digital button to make someone your friend. Thinking that the very act of doing so some how taints ones soul. But like I said I respect your argument. I understand. This will be all I say on this matter. I do not want to be one of those posters. Causing further rifts. The universe does not need more drama lol....................PEACE AND LOVE FOREVER!

    I do not "disagree". I just made a choice. There is a difference! Your challenge, I can see early on is picking your "friends" carefully! Look at those in your life! Are there any you would like to "move on from"... This is my point! I choose them for their authenticity! This is my motto!

    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol. I do pick my friends extremely carefully. This is a forum. Not real life. In real life I only have a hand full of really good friends. More like family. In chicago we say we do not have friends. Only family associates and enemies. I reiterate this is a forum. You seemed cool. I thought we could chat some. The only way to chat privatly on this forum is through the private messages. I did not know you placed so much importance on clicking the friend button. And now I can not chat with you privately because you banned me. Its the real life friends that are important to me. And now I will never know if you could of been one of them. Oh well. Live and learn. This is my very last message on this. I do not like airing my dirty laundry in public for all to see lol. I am embarrasing myself again lol. So please do not pretend to know me based on something I said in a forum. I do not to presume to know you. People are extremely complex creatures.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32752 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32755 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)

    Uh oh I did post a part of a copywrited song in one of the songs I posted. I will not do it again. Mods can delete that one titled outro ( it only has like a verse on it) if they want to...........PEACE

    And of course if that was not a subtle warning just ignore what I said lol. As I walk away non chalantly whistling a tune know one knows.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32756 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?

    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    In response, yet not directed at any particular individual.
    I am actually O.K. with that as It had already served it's purpose in bringin to Tommy's attention what was said, and it was dealt with by Tommy appropriately. I was going to message Tommy to see if he would remove it because it became clear the the ones who started that situation were not realizing they made fools of themselves, and it just kept getting uglier.

    And since Steve is apparently really still quite active here I would not have expected the thread to stay up for long. Because it does not do Camelot justice to see grown adults sink so low. I am glad it was removed. Lol. This forum is for information sharing, and discussion.

    You can call me whatever you want. I chose the name I chose because I do NOT accept the establishment brainwashed view of that being, OR many others. You know why? Gnosis. It (the established stories)is a political ploy, and I will leave it at that. Everyone knows that anyway. Plus I guess you could really call a person a whore who is celibate right? Name or no name... the name just exposed how people are sooner. I like the name, as it is but a human label. I am actually a born again Christian and have been for ten years. But I do not accept the politically controlled version of it because I know the story personally quite well. So you all can see I really really really do not care at all what any person has to say about me. There is much more out ther to see in Creation than human ugliness. Though we'd have to look beyond the plastic and oil filled oceans and toxic dump landfills and ravaged forests, etc. etc. etc... To see it.

    Basically I did it because I wanted to let you expose your collective false love and light crap, and hipocracy after seeing how the Thuban people were ganged up on. It is not O.K. to treat other people like crap. and you can play your little take things out of context games and do whatever. It does not effect me as I know better and so do others.

    Good day all you all knowers.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332757 March 30th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)
    yea and then there is > posting about selling/promoting drugs or Porno on the forum is cause for banishment
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32759 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Chaska108 wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)
    yea and then there is > posting about selling/promoting drugs or Porno on the forum is cause for banishment

    Hey Chaska108 I also wrote a line in one of my poems in thread titled stuff i wrote. About selling weed in case the economy crashes. I just want to clarify if that is promoting a drug. Specificaly this line

    but if shit hits the fan people will always need weed so ill purchase weight
    so when the government owns you
    im gonna be slangin herb as a cure for bird flu

    I just want to know if that is a violation of the policies and terms and conditions of the forum. If so I wont post anything like it again. Thanks in advance

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32760 March 30th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Chaska108 wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)
    yea and then there is > posting about selling/promoting drugs or Porno on the forum is cause for banishment

    Hey Chaska108 I also wrote a line in one of my poems in thread titled stuff i wrote. About selling weed in case the economy crashes. I just want to clarify if that is promoting a drug. Specificaly this line

    but if shit hits the fan people will always need weed so ill purchase weight
    so when the government owns you
    im gonna be slangin herb as a cure for bird flu

    I just want to know if that is a violation of the policies and terms and conditions of the forum. If so I wont post anything like it again. Thanks in advance

    >I dont see that is not trying to solicit drug sales via this forum
    and should have said,, you will be trading or exchanging weed for food or toilet paper other items of worth when the economy crashes you cant sell it cause money is worth nothing,
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #327761 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)

    Uh oh I did post a part of a copywrited song in one of the songs I posted. I will not do it again. Mods can delete that one titled outro ( it only has like a verse on it) if they want to...........PEACE

    And of course if that was not a subtle warning just ignore what I said lol. As I walk away non chalantly whistling a tune know one knows.

    Karmicacid... You are way too honest! We would never have known! Trust yourself... Stop being so honest! Or is it Naive? Hmmm.. We are all naive you know!... You are learning.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32763 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.

    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to.

    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)

    Uh oh I did post a part of a copywrited song in one of the songs I posted. I will not do it again. Mods can delete that one titled outro ( it only has like a verse on it) if they want to...........PEACE

    And of course if that was not a subtle warning just ignore what I said lol. As I walk away non chalantly whistling a tune know one knows.

    Karmicacid... You are way too honest! We would never have known! Trust yourself... Stop being so honest! Or is it Naive? Hmmm.. We are all naive you know!... You are learning.

    I am just honest. I am not naive trust me. I grew up in a very tough neighborhood in Chicago. I grew up extremely fast. I just do not believe in lying. In grade school i saw someone get his head caved in with a brick and die while my mother tried to help him. I have seen people get shot. It is a big part of why i spout so much peace and love now. I know the evil men can do. I have not seen my mother in years she just up and left and my father is a drug addict. I strive to live my life right.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32764 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Okay... I know we are all naive. That is okay though because we are learning! No-one can tell you what to do I know... but since you speak these words I can only share with you my insight... Take it for what it's worth. Have you tried to find your mother?... I would expend some energy on that part of your life... This is part of the healing work and we all have healing work to do! Even if you never find her you can always say "I set my intentions to heal this part of my life".... You are not alone! Love You.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32765 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Okay... I know we are all naive. That is okay though because we are learning! No-one can tell you what to do I know... but since you speak these words I can only share with you my insight... Take it for what it's worth. Have you tried to find your mother?... I would expend some energy on that part of your life... This is part of the healing work and we all have healing work to do! Even if you never find her you can always say "I set my intentions to heal this part of my life".... You are not alone! Love You.

    I know where she is. She is married to some guy in north carolina now. I also know she has had another child. A daughter. So I have a sister I have never seen. Sometimes I want so much to see my mom again. Other times I am just filled with hate for her. I know she is a big block in my mental make up that I have to heal. I just do not know what to do. And I am not brave enough to face her. I consider myself a tough bastard. But whenever I think of my mother I cry. She is the only person I have ever shed tears over. I do not even know why I am telling people this. I guess you are right I am too honest. Probably too honest for my own good.

    Oh and right now I just want to say sorry for hijacking this thread on the Thuban material. I still dont even know what it is lol.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332767 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    The mods pretty much had to remove it, once it went from at least pretending to be discussion, to nothing but attacks.

    Just how long do you think I was attacked by the Thubans.. how much is a person supposed to take from them...mainly because I was a mod who only went by the rules.. they didn't just attack here they copied posts to their forums and other forums as well and it is still happening... please tell me how would you feel... that they can attack but when I come back just telling the truth over the last week of what they are doing I am still the worst person in the world... well I am over it.. have you seen some of Mary's posts in other threads.. but then I don't know you so maybe your 1 of them.. so won't matter

    Arc shut your mouth for once...

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332768 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    The mods pretty much had to remove it, once it went from at least pretending to be discussion, to nothing but attacks.

    Just how long do you think I was attacked by the Thubans.. how much is a person supposed to take from them...mainly because I was a mod who only went by the rules.. they didn't just attack here they copied posts to their forums and other forums as well and it is still happening... please tell me how would you feel... that they can attack but when I come back just telling the truth over the last week of what they are doing I am still the worst person in the world... well I am over it.. have you seen some of Mary's posts in other threads.. but then I don't know you so maybe your 1 of them.. so won't matter

    Arc shut your mouth for once...

    CrystalChi I did not mean to seem harsh. To tell the truth I have no idea what they said to you at all. The only example I had was seeing your post attack them. Like I have said a lot of times today I am new. I am just of the mindset that we should all just get along. And I am not one of anything. I have said in this thread that I do not even really know what the thuban material is. I am just pro stop everyone fighting......PEACE

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32769 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    ah-yeah,because i've been polite and you haven't,i should shut up-haha
    i'm sure glad you're not a moderator anymore!
    because i do like everyone else here-
    i'd like everyone to see what you said to me before that thread was miraculously disappeared...
    what was that you called me? i'd like everyone to see that whole thread so they can see how you are!
    but i'm not mad at you..i feel sorry for you

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32773 March 30th, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    their name says it all THUBAN=4+8+6+2+1+6=27=9

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32774 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    arctourist and crystalchi you should just ignore each other. As i have said multiple times I do not know the whole story or what was said to who in the past. And I also understand that eventually enough becomes enough. We are all human. Well at least I think so lol. You can never tell in a forum like this. Somebody has to turn the other cheek sometime. We are all playing in this little sandbox together. Hate each other silently or something. Not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to get everyone to get along...........PEACE

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32775 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    Arctourist, you have gone from coming here because you were banned x2 at Avalon, you carried on here hoping they would read what you said here to get back in there and then you said stuff here that made them ban you again for what you said here.. half the time you didn't make sense at all.. nobody wanted to talk to you, and finally you were banned here. Then you got back in after bad mouthing us from Mists of Avalon.

    Now you have aligned yourself to the Thubans. You have bad mouthed me here and yu wonder why I now give you a hard time... and you feel sorry for too funny really.

    Just to make it clear once again, when I was a mod here I acted by the rules of the forum. ..noting more nothing less, got abused for doing so and put up with it.. I left of my own accord as I believed the same thing as the Admin Steve, he had the sense to never come back here, I did because the good people here were having a hard time when the Thubans were let back in here..along with Arctourist,

    This forum is ot about all of this crap, nothing the Thubans bring has anything to do with the way Camelot forums should be... please everyone tell me what Camelot is about... not dragons and personal dogma..

    So I blew a fuse, too bad. people also might ask why the admin and mods have been allowed to be treated in such a bad way around here. That the mods and admin could be abused in this way for weeks on end and it is still happening.. all I can say is you don't like what I said and how I said it.. well seeing I am just a member here now tough.... I shouldn't have to keep putting up with this ex mod crap... period.

    Arc when you were acting like an idiot before we knew you were not that stupid. ..we were waiting for the real you to start.. and you didn't disappoint.

    So now that this forum has disintegrated into the form that it is in now...nothing worth being here for, I was trying to keep Camelot the way it was guess I failed.

    Just going to go do my blog and check out my own Thubans I too have kept copies of the abuse.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32776 March 30th, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    Karmic Acid i agree with your post :turn the other cheek: i respectfully suggest you do a bit more research into what has happened to Camelot/avalon forums . imho a planned attack is being played out,here is beginning to look like avalon,i don't see any truth.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32777 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    karmicacid with due respect, me not taking to Arctourist suits me if he had stopped his abuse of me weeks ago...please before you say anything on this topic make yourself aware of what it is about.. then you have the right tell tell me what you have.. yes same sandbox... big forum...

    There are attempts being made to bring this place down... while you make yourself aware I have posted both as Lita and Crystal Chi..
    Start down in Et's forums... then maybe you can tell me what I should do.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32779 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Ok I will take everybodys advice and stop directly commenting on things until I am fully aware of what is going on. Multiple people have told me there is a war going on in this forum. I am just trying to gather as much info as possible to try to put an end to the conflict. United we are strong divided we fall. I am just a big believer in everyone getting along. Now I do not think we have to hold hands and sing kumbaya. Just have a mutual respect for varying ideas and life style choices. No matter what we believe in we all bleed red. I have some expieriance with mediating between warring gangs on the southside of chicago. You know thugs with guns. I did not think trying the same thing on the camelot forum would be more difficult lol. I got a lot of reading to do. Just to point out I am on nobodys side. Only PEACE. I mean i even had the mods take down my SOME STUFF I WROTE post. But I am not complaining about that. I did not agree but I am not attacking them. Only defended myself in private. I understand why they did it. And hopefully they will put it back up. If not it is there forums. We all just need to get along and have some civility towards each other.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32780 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    karmicacid I can understand why you want to end the conflict, but with due respect not sure that is your job.

    We didn't have this kind of thing before, now we do... happy reading, so if you want to research to create peace... then good... you can start with MaryIshtar and Arctourist, I just don't wish to read anymore bad mouthing about myself on this and other forums where they take it..hey maybe you can stop them doing that for a start.
    OK out of here.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    332781 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    arctourist and crystalchi you should just ignore each other. As i have said multiple times I do not know the whole story or what was said to who in the past. And I also understand that eventually enough becomes enough. We are all human. Well at least I think so lol. You can never tell in a forum like this. Somebody has to turn the other cheek sometime. We are all playing in this little sandbox together. Hate each other silently or something. Not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to get everyone to get along...........PEACE

    Karmicacid, you're really new and I seriously don't doubt you're not on any "side." I mostly agree with your sentiments, yet it's been rough around here lately. I personally think jmj nailed it.

    It's too bad you just joined PC now; if you had been here a month ago, or a few months or even five months ago, you would have seen a forum much more like the one you would like to participate in. Also much more like I enjoyed participating in.

    If you want some idea, check out the "Secret of Extraterrestrial Life" thread. I'm not saying don't read it all if you want to (although it's extremely long), but the outline of the problem starts about page 13-14 and concludes on page 23.

    You won't see any of Steve's posts (former Admin) because when he left due to this schism, he completely deleted his account which included all his posts. People may vehemently disagree with his decisions, but he did not communicate disrespectfully to anyone on that thread.

    Unfortunately, I think the links he provided to the other forums specifically dedicated to the Thuban material went along with his posts. The forums I'm aware of are BirthofGaia and cosmosdawn.

    There have been other tangentially related threads here (like this one), but that is where the divide really started. And as an aside, there are 2 other moderators who have tendered their resignations also (I'm not sure of their reasons), but for whatever reason those resignations haven't been resolved yet.

    If you'd like to get an idea of what this forum was like before all this, read some of the old threads.

    So basically sorry, you came in at a bad time. But your peaceful energy and open-mindedness -- and yes, your honesty too for sure -- is very welcome.

    "The Thuban Material, what is it?" indeed. I don't think we can blame problems on any material, but its introduction and promotion has definitely been a turning point for this forum.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32782 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    triggsie69 wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    See, I do not see myself as human, but as an animal.

    I am open to any disproof.


    I'm open to any proof.

    How did you get to the stage of thinking that you are not human but an animal?

    Because humans are believers, and I do not believe. I think. Then, humans search for freedom, I search for meaning.


    Humans are capable of all of this (I think). How do you get to the thought of separating this unity and then identifying each as either human or animal?

    I do not classify, or generalize. I only said that I am an animal...., if others like me exist, I do not know.


    Okay, generally speaking, humans are capable of believing, thinking, searching for freedom and searching for meaning. So what makes you unique? What lead you to the thought that you're an animal?

    Hmm, such a "generally speaking" I do not accept as qualified argument. I do not know what "all" humans are capable of, but it would be some kind of lowest common determinator. Maybe this is belief and search for freedom.

    Thinking I would not see as a "generally" human capacity, search for meaning not either.


    I do not classify, or generalize.
    Hmm, such a "generally speaking" I do not accept as qualified argument

    ??? Which one? Do you generalise to get to the thought that you are an animal or do not accept generalisation as a qualified argument???

    So far all I have been able to deduce from your responses is that you have generalised a few capacities of human nature to come to the thought that you are an animal. You have then admit that you do not know what the capacities of humans are (I do not know what "all" humans are capable of..) and also reject generalisation. Where is the rational thought process behind this?

    For the third time... What lead you to the thought that you're an animal?

    Are you able to show me this thought process or are you just trolling?

    I pointed out clearly that I meant your generalizations. Must I poke your nose? I do not accept your reversion, it is subjective - do not play pingpong with me.

    Did I say that I favour "rational" thought processes as generating truth?

    What makes you sure that you can get what I mean by deduction?

    Read my thread of argumentation back, think, then come with questions.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32786 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    greetings fellow three-brained beings!


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32787 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    there's 3 kinds of food...the first being food,of course...then there's air...then the third,and finest,is called 'impressions'
    that's the true meaning of the saying that we cannot 'live by bread alone'

    Physical and psychical survival... two existential processes "we" are involved in, aye. One almost can say "two realities"...


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32789 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    arctourist and crystalchi you should just ignore each other. As i have said multiple times I do not know the whole story or what was said to who in the past. And I also understand that eventually enough becomes enough. We are all human. Well at least I think so lol. You can never tell in a forum like this. Somebody has to turn the other cheek sometime. We are all playing in this little sandbox together. Hate each other silently or something. Not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to get everyone to get along...........PEACE

    Karmicacid, you're really new and I seriously don't doubt you're not on any "side." I mostly agree with your sentiments, yet it's been rough around here lately. I personally think jmj nailed it.

    It's too bad you just joined PC now; if you had been here a month ago, or a few months or even five months ago, you would have seen a forum much more like the one you would like to participate in. Also much more like I enjoyed participating in.

    If you want some idea, check out the "Secret of Extraterrestrial Life" thread. I'm not saying don't read it all if you want to (although it's extremely long), but the outline of the problem starts about page 13-14 and concludes on page 23.

    You won't see any of Steve's posts (former Admin) because when he left due to this schism, he completely deleted his account which included all his posts. People may vehemently disagree with his decisions, but he did not communicate disrespectfully to anyone on that thread.

    Unfortunately, I think the links he provided to the other forums specifically dedicated to the Thuban material went along with his posts. The forums I'm aware of are BirthofGaia and cosmosdawn.

    There have been other tangentially related threads here (like this one), but that is where the divide really started. And as an aside, there are 2 other moderators who have tendered their resignations also (I'm not sure of their reasons), but for whatever reason those resignations haven't been resolved yet.

    If you'd like to get an idea of what this forum was like before all this, read some of the old threads.

    So basically sorry, you came in at a bad time. But your peaceful energy and open-mindedness -- and yes, your honesty too for sure -- is very welcome.

    "The Thuban Material, what is it?" indeed. I don't think we can blame problems on any material, but its introduction and promotion has definitely been a turning point for this forum.

    I am kind of sad I came here now to. I guess I am naive. In real life I am surrounded by such negativity and violence and blind obediance. I thought this would be a place with like minded people that get along. I understand now that know matter what I say people will argue or tell me to butt out because I am new. I guess they are partially right. And human nature is human nature is human nature. That is cool. I will stick to just posting in the arts and entertainment section. Just reading and lurking in the other sections. I hope everyone wins there conflicts. The only way for us to truelly win is for all of us to win. We all have to reach our own heaven or hells or lack of heaven and hell if that is what you believe in. Multiple realities exist for a reason. Those that crave darkness pain and imprisonment should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want freedom and happiness and joy should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want nothingness should get nothingness. Whatever you believe in you should get a reallity were your beliefs are true. I guess I just want everyone to get what they want. I am naive after all. So I wash my hands of being a peacemaker because i just relized that if what you want is conflict you should get it. Have fun. May you all be happy or sad whichever you choose forever and always............PEACE

    signed Erik (my real name I fear nothing least of all death) the depressed loser living in a world of confusion. Wanting to only dance forever under a moon lit sky to a song only i can hear keeping pace with the rhythm of the wind. Hopefully I can find a reallity were that is true.....................PEACE PAIN LIFE DEATH all sides of the same coin.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32791 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    arctourist and crystalchi you should just ignore each other. As i have said multiple times I do not know the whole story or what was said to who in the past. And I also understand that eventually enough becomes enough. We are all human. Well at least I think so lol. You can never tell in a forum like this. Somebody has to turn the other cheek sometime. We are all playing in this little sandbox together. Hate each other silently or something. Not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to get everyone to get along...........PEACE

    Karmicacid, you're really new and I seriously don't doubt you're not on any "side." I mostly agree with your sentiments, yet it's been rough around here lately. I personally think jmj nailed it.

    It's too bad you just joined PC now; if you had been here a month ago, or a few months or even five months ago, you would have seen a forum much more like the one you would like to participate in. Also much more like I enjoyed participating in.

    If you want some idea, check out the "Secret of Extraterrestrial Life" thread. I'm not saying don't read it all if you want to (although it's extremely long), but the outline of the problem starts about page 13-14 and concludes on page 23.

    You won't see any of Steve's posts (former Admin) because when he left due to this schism, he completely deleted his account which included all his posts. People may vehemently disagree with his decisions, but he did not communicate disrespectfully to anyone on that thread.

    Unfortunately, I think the links he provided to the other forums specifically dedicated to the Thuban material went along with his posts. The forums I'm aware of are BirthofGaia and cosmosdawn.

    There have been other tangentially related threads here (like this one), but that is where the divide really started. And as an aside, there are 2 other moderators who have tendered their resignations also (I'm not sure of their reasons), but for whatever reason those resignations haven't been resolved yet.

    If you'd like to get an idea of what this forum was like before all this, read some of the old threads.

    So basically sorry, you came in at a bad time. But your peaceful energy and open-mindedness -- and yes, your honesty too for sure -- is very welcome.

    "The Thuban Material, what is it?" indeed. I don't think we can blame problems on any material, but its introduction and promotion has definitely been a turning point for this forum.

    I am kind of sad I came here now to. I guess I am naive. In real life I am surrounded by such negativity and violence and blind obediance. I thought this would be a place with like minded people that get along. I understand now that know matter what I say people will argue or tell me to butt out because I am new. I guess they are partially right. And human nature is human nature is human nature. That is cool. I will stick to just posting in the arts and entertainment section. Just reading and lurking in the other sections. I hope everyone wins there conflicts. The only way for us to truelly win is for all of us to win. We all have to reach our own heaven or hells or lack of heaven and hell if that is what you believe in. Multiple realities exist for a reason. Those that crave darkness pain and imprisonment should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want freedom and happiness and joy should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want nothingness should get nothingness. Whatever you believe in you should get a reallity were your beliefs are true. I guess I just want everyone to get what they want. I am naive after all. So I wash my hands of being a peacemaker because i just relized that if what you want is conflict you should get it. Have fun. May you all be happy or sad whichever you choose forever and always............PEACE

    signed Erik (my real name I fear nothing least of all death) the depressed loser living in a world of confusion. Wanting to only dance forever under a moon lit sky to a song only i can hear keeping pace with the rhythm of the wind. Hopefully I can find a reallity were that is true.....................PEACE PAIN LIFE DEATH all sides of the same coin.

    Hmm, one should not forget that most of "us" live in simulations of reality, that defaces the original script.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32792 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32795 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    arctourist and crystalchi you should just ignore each other. As i have said multiple times I do not know the whole story or what was said to who in the past. And I also understand that eventually enough becomes enough. We are all human. Well at least I think so lol. You can never tell in a forum like this. Somebody has to turn the other cheek sometime. We are all playing in this little sandbox together. Hate each other silently or something. Not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to get everyone to get along...........PEACE

    Karmicacid, you're really new and I seriously don't doubt you're not on any "side." I mostly agree with your sentiments, yet it's been rough around here lately. I personally think jmj nailed it.

    It's too bad you just joined PC now; if you had been here a month ago, or a few months or even five months ago, you would have seen a forum much more like the one you would like to participate in. Also much more like I enjoyed participating in.

    If you want some idea, check out the "Secret of Extraterrestrial Life" thread. I'm not saying don't read it all if you want to (although it's extremely long), but the outline of the problem starts about page 13-14 and concludes on page 23.

    You won't see any of Steve's posts (former Admin) because when he left due to this schism, he completely deleted his account which included all his posts. People may vehemently disagree with his decisions, but he did not communicate disrespectfully to anyone on that thread.

    Unfortunately, I think the links he provided to the other forums specifically dedicated to the Thuban material went along with his posts. The forums I'm aware of are BirthofGaia and cosmosdawn.

    There have been other tangentially related threads here (like this one), but that is where the divide really started. And as an aside, there are 2 other moderators who have tendered their resignations also (I'm not sure of their reasons), but for whatever reason those resignations haven't been resolved yet.

    If you'd like to get an idea of what this forum was like before all this, read some of the old threads.

    So basically sorry, you came in at a bad time. But your peaceful energy and open-mindedness -- and yes, your honesty too for sure -- is very welcome.

    "The Thuban Material, what is it?" indeed. I don't think we can blame problems on any material, but its introduction and promotion has definitely been a turning point for this forum.

    I am kind of sad I came here now to. I guess I am naive. In real life I am surrounded by such negativity and violence and blind obediance. I thought this would be a place with like minded people that get along. I understand now that know matter what I say people will argue or tell me to butt out because I am new. I guess they are partially right. And human nature is human nature is human nature. That is cool. I will stick to just posting in the arts and entertainment section. Just reading and lurking in the other sections. I hope everyone wins there conflicts. The only way for us to truelly win is for all of us to win. We all have to reach our own heaven or hells or lack of heaven and hell if that is what you believe in. Multiple realities exist for a reason. Those that crave darkness pain and imprisonment should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want freedom and happiness and joy should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want nothingness should get nothingness. Whatever you believe in you should get a reallity were your beliefs are true. I guess I just want everyone to get what they want. I am naive after all. So I wash my hands of being a peacemaker because i just relized that if what you want is conflict you should get it. Have fun. May you all be happy or sad whichever you choose forever and always............PEACE

    signed Erik (my real name I fear nothing least of all death) the depressed loser living in a world of confusion. Wanting to only dance forever under a moon lit sky to a song only i can hear keeping pace with the rhythm of the wind. Hopefully I can find a reallity were that is true.....................PEACE PAIN LIFE DEATH all sides of the same coin.

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32796 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    arctourist and crystalchi you should just ignore each other. As i have said multiple times I do not know the whole story or what was said to who in the past. And I also understand that eventually enough becomes enough. We are all human. Well at least I think so lol. You can never tell in a forum like this. Somebody has to turn the other cheek sometime. We are all playing in this little sandbox together. Hate each other silently or something. Not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to get everyone to get along...........PEACE

    Karmicacid, you're really new and I seriously don't doubt you're not on any "side." I mostly agree with your sentiments, yet it's been rough around here lately. I personally think jmj nailed it.

    It's too bad you just joined PC now; if you had been here a month ago, or a few months or even five months ago, you would have seen a forum much more like the one you would like to participate in. Also much more like I enjoyed participating in.

    If you want some idea, check out the "Secret of Extraterrestrial Life" thread. I'm not saying don't read it all if you want to (although it's extremely long), but the outline of the problem starts about page 13-14 and concludes on page 23.

    You won't see any of Steve's posts (former Admin) because when he left due to this schism, he completely deleted his account which included all his posts. People may vehemently disagree with his decisions, but he did not communicate disrespectfully to anyone on that thread.

    Unfortunately, I think the links he provided to the other forums specifically dedicated to the Thuban material went along with his posts. The forums I'm aware of are BirthofGaia and cosmosdawn.

    There have been other tangentially related threads here (like this one), but that is where the divide really started. And as an aside, there are 2 other moderators who have tendered their resignations also (I'm not sure of their reasons), but for whatever reason those resignations haven't been resolved yet.

    If you'd like to get an idea of what this forum was like before all this, read some of the old threads.

    So basically sorry, you came in at a bad time. But your peaceful energy and open-mindedness -- and yes, your honesty too for sure -- is very welcome.

    "The Thuban Material, what is it?" indeed. I don't think we can blame problems on any material, but its introduction and promotion has definitely been a turning point for this forum.

    I am kind of sad I came here now to. I guess I am naive. In real life I am surrounded by such negativity and violence and blind obediance. I thought this would be a place with like minded people that get along. I understand now that know matter what I say people will argue or tell me to butt out because I am new. I guess they are partially right. And human nature is human nature is human nature. That is cool. I will stick to just posting in the arts and entertainment section. Just reading and lurking in the other sections. I hope everyone wins there conflicts. The only way for us to truelly win is for all of us to win. We all have to reach our own heaven or hells or lack of heaven and hell if that is what you believe in. Multiple realities exist for a reason. Those that crave darkness pain and imprisonment should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want freedom and happiness and joy should get a reallity were that is true. Those who want nothingness should get nothingness. Whatever you believe in you should get a reallity were your beliefs are true. I guess I just want everyone to get what they want. I am naive after all. So I wash my hands of being a peacemaker because i just relized that if what you want is conflict you should get it. Have fun. May you all be happy or sad whichever you choose forever and always............PEACE

    signed Erik (my real name I fear nothing least of all death) the depressed loser living in a world of confusion. Wanting to only dance forever under a moon lit sky to a song only i can hear keeping pace with the rhythm of the wind. Hopefully I can find a reallity were that is true.....................PEACE PAIN LIFE DEATH all sides of the same coin.

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.


    Post last edited Apr 15th 2011
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32802 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    I ALSO CONCURE WITH SPACECOWBOY'S PLAN OF ACTION! wholeheartedly have a nice day!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32804 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    sianellen wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    BINGO baby!
    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32805 March 30th, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    sianellen wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    I ALSO CONCURE WITH SPACECOWBOY'S PLAN OF ACTION! wholeheartedly have a nice day!

    You do not know what, where, or who I am.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32808 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    sianellen wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    BINGO baby!

    YOU MISSED A BIT - too quick on that copy/paste babe!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32809 March 30th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    To Remain 'On Topic' - What is the Thuban Material?

    It is about the Human Mind Interacting with the Cosmic Consciousness.
    Here is a further excerpt from a professional journal, in which this 'Thuban material' is published and universally accessible.

    And yes, this is no copy paste and is in fact the original material written and authored by me.
    And no, there is no copyright issue as I have permission from the publishing board of the journal.


    Now my friends and colleagues here on this forum - and indeed, I call all of you my friends, supporters and detractors alike - I am well aware that the professional language of the above requires a familiarity with the semantics and so will be eschewed by anyone not familiar with scientific nomenclature and the wordings.

    But the MEANING of all this is what is manifesting here in the sometimes 'heated' debate and discussion in an open access forum.
    Contributors like MaryIshtar, Ashera, Raven, Arachne and magamud 'talk' the language of the technicalities above and the detractors, feeling uncomfortable or threated by this information likewise contribute magnificently towards the 'Self Awakening' not only of the human group consciousness coupled to the planetary consciousness called Gaia; but to a reconfiguration of the cosmos itself.

    Most of you will be able to follow the words written under subtitle 3:
    3. Physical Consciousness Coupled to the Mind of the Universe

    I thank all of you for your contributions and participation in this thread, started by tbonysteak.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32810 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    ashera wrote:
    sianellen wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    I ALSO CONCURE WITH SPACECOWBOY'S PLAN OF ACTION! wholeheartedly have a nice day!

    You do not know what, where, or who I am.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32811 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    ashera wrote:

    sianellen wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    I ALSO CONCURE WITH SPACECOWBOY'S PLAN OF ACTION! wholeheartedly have a nice day!

    You do not know what, where, or who I am.


    I can honestly say Not personnaly, why, have you any more NEW ensightful information you would like to add add share here today, then please do so!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32816 March 30thy, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    ashera wrote:

    OH - MY! quite creative - Let's see, remember to add a little seasoning - also I could be a little on the tuff on the old nashers - a bit grizzley side! We tend to go a little chewy at 50 or so being one of the old timers - wouldn't like to see you with tooth ache - especially as dentistry is expensive these days. Thanks for sharing the film klip Love Marlon Brando, marvlouse actor you know. Have a nice day.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32818 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    To Remain 'On Topic' - What is the Thuban Material?

    On topic:

    The Thuban material is, that was a question not an invitation to put more of yur material in another thread.
    I gave up reading any of it, after the aggressive behavior started. I don't have to read anymore of it after the attitude of those posting it and pretending to ask questions about it so it continues...

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32819 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    My appolegies dear ashera for ruffling a few hairs but, we tend to fool around here for light entertainment - we do try to acomodate every aspect here, I think you'd still enjoy Marlon Brando especially now you've had a taste of our little workshop projects lol.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32822 March 31st, 2011
    templar wrote:
    You know I'm kind of new here so...
    ...I've got through a lot of this
    I can have a different perspective on things

    Can't we all just exist together??

    Isn't what is going on here a reflection of the outside ...screwed up world.

    Just full of mis-communications and mis-understandings.

    You stepped on me so I'll attack you....You said something unkind to my buddy so I'll jump on you.

    Isn't that kind of like TROLL behavior??

    It's only human to want to help friends and like minded folks...I get that

    What I don't get is: Why can't we just discuss this constructively and reach a conclusion that everyone wins with??

    The elder members of PC think that an outside force is "invading" and the need to be re-pulsed.

    The "invaders" think they have a right to be Tommy\Kerry have affirmed...They do.

    Just like me....

    Can't the Thuban Material just have a separate forum...tucked away so folks can go there to share??
    And anyone who wants to share...just go there and share.

    And folks in the main forum just share like they always have.....and everyone wins.

    Isn't protecting something with all your might just end up killing what you cared for in the first place?

    When I harbor so much animosity....doesn't it really only

    This is a test......Tolerance

    Well anyways....Thanks!!!


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32824 March 31st, 2011
    ashera wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    ashera wrote:

    sianellen wrote:

    This is a great forum, but we have a serious bug infestation at the moment. What they do is piss all over which attracts more bugs.

    ashera wrote:

    The problem is that people do not want to know - Thuban to and fro. Many are satisfied with the projections they are trapped in, without even perceiving that. And, even more, they mix that up with the core of their very being.

    But one cannot start to precise from there, it will just produce more illusions, feeding the simulation, keeping the eternal feedback loop running.

    Take a good look at yourself ashera in the mirror of illusion before judging a beautiful, dynamic unique colection of HUMAN beings who will always shine in their grace and creative nature whilst you have your 5 minutes of glory.

    I ALSO CONCURE WITH SPACECOWBOY'S PLAN OF ACTION! wholeheartedly have a nice day!

    You do not know what, where, or who I am.


    I can honestly say Not personnaly, why, have you any more NEW ensightful information you would like to add add share here today, then please do so!

    Hmm, I have lots of information, even if I do not use this term, since I codify from the redundant realm (in fact the one that shelters information, if one wants to follow Shannon*s line of argumentation).

    I met the Thubans very late, even if I know Tony quite long, since 2003 I think. But when we learned to know each other, I already was very far in my process.

    I developed independently, and still do that; it is just me and my "dialogue" with the environment. This started very early since I did not fit into anything. So I developed what I called my "wrinkle in time", where I hid, later blowing that up to some kind of amniotic sac.

    At a certain point, I was 14, I vanished to a counter-earth, where I grew up in fact, the "womb" in which I became.

    Parallely I started to study, communication and religion sciences (anthropology and psychology of religions), philosophy, ethnology, sociology, prehistory, and a whole lot more. Finally I specialized in the field of cognition, semiotics, and anthropology, studying the evolution of culture, and mainly media and mediality (from medium) - in the broad sense of the term. I am Ph.D. and M.A.

    I am an independen thinker.

    Hoping that you can accept this as starting point.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32848 March 31st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    CrystalChi wrote:
    Arctourist, you have gone from coming here because you were banned x2 at Avalon, you carried on here hoping they would read what you said here to get back in there and then you said stuff here that made them ban you again for what you said here.. half the time you didn't make sense at all.. nobody wanted to talk to you, and finally you were banned here. Then you got back in after bad mouthing us from Mists of Avalon.

    Now you have aligned yourself to the Thubans. You have bad mouthed me here and yu wonder why I now give you a hard time... and you feel sorry for too funny really.

    Just to make it clear once again, when I was a mod here I acted by the rules of the forum. ..noting more nothing less, got abused for doing so and put up with it.. I left of my own accord as I believed the same thing as the Admin Steve, he had the sense to never come back here, I did because the good people here were having a hard time when the Thubans were let back in here..along with Arctourist,

    This forum is ot about all of this crap, nothing the Thubans bring has anything to do with the way Camelot forums should be... please everyone tell me what Camelot is about... not dragons and personal dogma..

    So I blew a fuse, too bad. people also might ask why the admin and mods have been allowed to be treated in such a bad way around here. That the mods and admin could be abused in this way for weeks on end and it is still happening.. all I can say is you don't like what I said and how I said it.. well seeing I am just a member here now tough.... I shouldn't have to keep putting up with this ex mod crap... period.

    Arc when you were acting like an idiot before we knew you were not that stupid. ..we were waiting for the real you to start.. and you didn't disappoint.

    So now that this forum has disintegrated into the form that it is in now...nothing worth being here for, I was trying to keep Camelot the way it was guess I failed.

    Just going to go do my blog and check out my own Thubans I too have kept copies of the abuse.

    honestly lita?
    -honesty would be nice coming from you..
    you were never abused- and most certainly not by me....
    you,on the other hand,were way out of line last night
    and if that stunt you pulled last night wasn't abuse i don't know what is! ...and i have copies of that so i suggest you don't talk to me anymore and then everything will be fine-that is if you want to stay on this forum please consider that a polite warning
    now then...sorry everyone,i had to set the record straight-i feel better now tho still just a little disappointed but i think everything will be just fine from now on,,,\

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32867 March 31st, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    Templar wrote:

    You know I'm kind of new here so...
    ...I've got through a lot of this
    I can have a different perspective on things

    Can't we all just exist together??

    Isn't what is going on here a reflection of the outside ...screwed up world.

    Just full of mis-communications and mis-understandings.

    You stepped on me so I'll attack you....You said something unkind to my buddy so I'll jump on you.

    Isn't that kind of like TROLL behavior??

    It's only human to want to help friends and like minded folks...I get that

    What I don't get is: Why can't we just discuss this constructively and reach a conclusion that everyone wins with??

    The elder members of PC think that an outside force is "invading" and the need to be re-pulsed.

    The "invaders" think they have a right to be Tommy\Kerry have affirmed...They do.

    Just like me....

    Can't the Thuban Material just have a separate forum...tucked away so folks can go there to share??
    And anyone who wants to share...just go there and share.

    And folks in the main forum just share like they always have.....and everyone wins.

    Isn't protecting something with all your might just end up killing what you cared for in the first place?

    When I harbor so much animosity....doesn't it really only

    This is a test......Tolerance

    Well anyways....Thanks!!!


    You are welcome here, but before you judge us too harshly it is fair to say, on behalf of all of us here and I MEAN EVERY SINGLE MEMBER, that we may seem to be something we are not. Remembering this works on both sides of any given coin. I, therefore, suggest to you for your own peace of mind, go back into our older threads, pre the Thuban and Charlse threads, to judge our behavioural and work ethics at Project Camelot between our members, THE OLD-TIMERS, we were labelled with of late, but this title now stands quite affectionately to our credit. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF and hopefully you will see the truth before a dark veil was cast over our community. Listen to your own heart, be true to yourself and the truth will always find you.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32872 March 31st, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    With the changing energies in our atmosphere people can get a little tense, unnerved, loony. Important to stay grounded, meditate, deep breath..whatever, just realize things are hectic for now and people can and will dive off the deep end into an empty pool.

    Do not judge by the cover of the book alone, read a few pages first. If you are unaware, best not to assume something..causes a lot of grief I now know. Ask. I know that I am not able to bite people though a computer screen, no harm can come. I am not even getting into the whole black magic scenario here.

    I have not come across people on this forum that are that uptight just yet, I doubt any of them are sitting around with a voodoo doll of me poking it with a rusty nail chanting die you curious bastard. So when in doubt ask them up front, private messaging exists here, and if a person is rude so be it. You know then and there they are either going through some trouble, or just don't like you personally. No big deal, lots of people here, and lots of information here and everywhere.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32877 March 31st, 2011
    templar wrote:
    sianellen wrote:

    You are welcome here, but before you judge us too harshly it is fair to say, on behalf of all of us here and I MEAN EVERY SINGLE MEMBER, that we may seem to be something we are not. Remembering this works on both sides of any given coin. I, therefore, suggest to you for your own peace of mind, go back into our older threads, pre the Thuban and Charlse threads, to judge our behavioural and work ethics at Project Camelot between our members, THE OLD-TIMERS, we were labelled with of late, but this title now stands quite affectionately to our credit. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF and hopefully you will see the truth before a dark veil was cast over our community. Listen to your own heart, be true to yourself and the truth will always find you.


    Hi Sian.....I've been watching for a while b4 I jumped into the FRAY.

    I feel like I know each of you from reading as a guest everyday.

    I hope I did not come across as judgmental for that was not my intention.

    I have purely selfish motives...I really like it here and I want to not add to the FRAY but make things better.

    In speaking for yourself....Don't you think things can be worked out so everyone wins....

    And can't we move above the present chaos and try to be nice and tolerant?

    Thank you very much for your response!


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32878 March 31st, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Fohat wrote:
    With the changing energies in our atmosphere people can get a little tense, unnerved, loony. Important to stay grounded, meditate, deep breath..whatever, just realize things are hectic for now and people can and will dive off the deep end into an empty pool.

    Do not judge by the cover of the book alone, read a few pages first. If you are unaware, best not to assume something..causes a lot of grief I now know. Ask. I know that I am not able to bite people though a computer screen, no harm can come. I am not even getting into the whole black magic scenario here.

    I have not come across people on this forum that are that uptight just yet, I doubt any of them are sitting around with a voodoo doll of me poking it with a rusty nail chanting die you curious bastard. So when in doubt ask them up front, private messaging exists here, and if a person is rude so be it. You know then and there they are either going through some trouble, or just don't like you personally. No big deal, lots of people here, and lots of information here and everywhere.

    Uh Oh I say as I slowly put away my Fohat Voodoo doll before I can start to chant something lol

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32924 March 31st, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    every one loves Spam¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!

    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32945 March 31st, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Bruce Lee:

    "I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged.
    I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.
    I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation.
    Fortunately for me, my selfknowledge has transcended that and I have come to
    understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized.
    I am happy becourse I am growning daily and I am honestly not knowing, where the
    limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery.
    I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank
    of fortitude.

    Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself.
    Do not go out and look for a succesfull personality and dublicate it."

    When all the crap is removed and really difine what the Thuban material actual are saying.
    I find it very anti living, anti life and very conceptualized.

    Look like the same old story about anti life, suicidal vs having, apreciate and love the life
    also called evil vs good.

    Just like to add
    If you wish to understanding mindcontrolling and brainwashing, just look at abusal relations between the abuser and the victims.
    The keywords here are dignity/alienation, the make belief/inbox people, the victims surplus of his energy/resolvement, role creation/free, kind of values which is what beam of light your focus you life on.

    The Thuban materials have all the keywords confirmed btw.
    The interresting about Bruce Lee he had the right Philosophy to break free.
    He was a man that knew, what really was going on in our sociaty.

    His last movie that he made, had the name.
    "The game of death"
    Interresting enough.


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32946 March 31st, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    karmicacid I can understand why you want to end the conflict, but with due respect not sure that is your job.

    We didn't have this kind of thing before, now we do... happy reading, so if you want to research to create peace... then good... you can start with MaryIshtar and Arctourist, I just don't wish to read anymore bad mouthing about myself on this and other forums where they take it..hey maybe you can stop them doing that for a start.
    OK out of here.

    So is this the reason why My thread was deleted? Not that I mind, because I have copies.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    I said:
    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Crystalchi said:
    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    I then say:
    I do believe this clearly demonstrates hate speech. So who is supporting it? She is an ex mod behaving like this and is still here? I think that speaks volumes. But hey I just came here to share and learn. Thank you very much.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32949 March 31st, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?

    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    In response, yet not directed at any particular individual.
    I am actually O.K. with that as It had already served it's purpose in bringin to Tommy's attention what was said, and it was dealt with by Tommy appropriately. I was going to message Tommy to see if he would remove it because it became clear the the ones who started that situation were not realizing they made fools of themselves, and it just kept getting uglier.

    And since Steve is apparently really still quite active here I would not have expected the thread to stay up for long. Because it does not do Camelot justice to see grown adults sink so low. I am glad it was removed. Lol. This forum is for information sharing, and discussion.

    You can call me whatever you want. I chose the name I chose because I do NOT accept the establishment brainwashed view of that being, OR many others. You know why? Gnosis. It (the established stories)is a political ploy, and I will leave it at that. Everyone knows that anyway. Plus I guess you could really call a person a whore who is celibate right? Name or no name... the name just exposed how people are sooner. I like the name, as it is but a human label. I am actually a born again Christian and have been for ten years. But I do not accept the politically controlled version of it because I know the story personally quite well. So you all can see I really really really do not care at all what any person has to say about me. There is much more out ther to see in Creation than human ugliness. Though we'd have to look beyond the plastic and oil filled oceans and toxic dump landfills and ravaged forests, etc. etc. etc... To see it.

    Basically I did it because I wanted to let you expose your collective false love and light crap, and hipocracy after seeing how the Thuban people were ganged up on. It is not O.K. to treat other people like crap. and you can play your little take things out of context games and do whatever. It does not effect me as I know better and so do others.

    Good day all you all knowers.

    Once again. Just so no one can say they missed it.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32953 March 31st, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Bruce Lee:

    "I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged.
    I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.
    I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation.
    Fortunately for me, my selfknowledge has transcended that and I have come to
    understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized.
    I am happy becourse I am growning daily and I am honestly not knowing, where the
    limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery.
    I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank
    of fortitude.

    Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself.
    Do not go out and look for a succesfull personality and dublicate it."

    When all the crap is removed and really difine what the Thuban material actual are saying.
    I find it very anti living, anti life and very conceptualized.

    Look like the same old story about anti life, suicidal vs having, apreciate and love the life
    also called evil vs good.

    Just like to add
    If you wish to understanding mindcontrolling and brainwashing, just look at abusal relations between the abuser and the victims.
    The keywords here are dignity/alienation, the make belief/inbox people, the victims surplus of his energy/resolvement, role creation/free, kind of values which is what beam of light your focus you life on.

    The Thuban materials have all the keywords confirmed btw.
    The interresting about Bruce Lee he had the right Philosophy to break free.
    He was a man that knew, what really was going on in our sociaty.

    His last movie that he made, had the name.
    "The game of death"
    Interresting enough.


    The Thubans people dosnt want to understand what we say, That is part of there game, like the heavy copy paste materials with no meaning.
    To take our surpluses energies away that inflicts our natual dicernment.

    Bruce Lee answer to reconnect to that natural dicernment was his
    water Philosophy


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32963 March 31st, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Bruce Lee:

    "I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged.
    I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.
    I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation.
    Fortunately for me, my selfknowledge has transcended that and I have come to
    understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized.
    I am happy becourse I am growning daily and I am honestly not knowing, where the
    limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery.
    I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank
    of fortitude.

    Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself.
    Do not go out and look for a succesfull personality and dublicate it."

    When all the crap is removed and really difine what the Thuban material actual are saying.
    I find it very anti living, anti life and very conceptualized.

    Look like the same old story about anti life, suicidal vs having, apreciate and love the life
    also called evil vs good.

    Just like to add
    If you wish to understanding mindcontrolling and brainwashing, just look at abusal relations between the abuser and the victims.
    The keywords here are dignity/alienation, the make belief/inbox people, the victims surplus of his energy/resolvement, role creation/free, kind of values which is what beam of light your focus you life on.

    The Thuban materials have all the keywords confirmed btw.
    The interresting about Bruce Lee he had the right Philosophy to break free.
    He was a man that knew, what really was going on in our sociaty.

    His last movie that he made, had the name.
    "The game of death"
    Interresting enough.


    The Thubans people dosnt want to understand what we say, That is part of there game, like the heavy copy paste materials with no meaning.
    To take our surpluses energies away that inflicts our natual dicernment.

    Bruce Lee answer to reconnect to that natural dicernment was his
    water Philosophy


    The Water Course Way

    Post last edited Apr 15th 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?
    #32969 March 30th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    You know I'm kind of new here so...
    ...I've got through a lot of this
    I can have a different perspective on things

    Can't we all just exist together??

    Isn't what is going on here a reflection of the outside ...screwed up world.

    Just full of mis-communications and mis-understandings.

    You stepped on me so I'll attack you....You said something unkind to my buddy so I'll jump on you.

    Isn't that kind of like TROLL behavior??

    It's only human to want to help friends and like minded folks...I get that

    What I don't get is: Why can't we just discuss this constructively and reach a conclusion that everyone wins with??

    The elder members of PC think that an outside force is "invading" and the need to be re-pulsed.

    The "invaders" think they have a right to be Tommy\Kerry have affirmed...They do.

    Just like me....

    Can't the Thuban Material just have a separate forum...tucked away so folks can go there to share??
    And anyone who wants to share...just go there and share.

    Hi Templar,

    I've been meaning to reply to you on a number of occasions as some of your posts have either made me laugh out loud or had a serious (sirius?) question to them. So, in response to your above questions...

    Thuban do have their own site but it seems nobody goes there. From their actions I have observed here, they have to invade other sites that are awake, aware and open enough to give them a fair chance to explain their philosophy - even though it is clear in forum rules that this site is not for the presentation of personal philosophies.

    They then copy the conversation they have back on their site, to make it look like there's something happening there OR to create traffic. This is then liberally added with their followers self-applauding comments.

    They tell us not to investigate it because it would be too much for us 'children':

    "If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.";Itemid=164#25481

    I investigated the area that raised the most questions for me, the black hole in the middle of the planet.
    I find out it is ALL NONsense.

    This is their picture:

    I investigated their rather short explanation that it was to do with the Schwarzchild radius. The Schwarzchild radius does not take into account the energy field - so their physics are wrong.;Itemid=164#25536 filmed and published a presentation from a real physicist about black holes, this March 2011 - Janna Levin is a professor of physics at the University of Columbia: The Sound the Universe Makes.

    Seeing as the black hole is the main premise for their white hole which, according to them, is attracting ETs from all over the universe to catch some information... this white hole, if it could even come into existence, which it can't, would be the size of a peanut.

    Note from the presentation that even our sun couldn't become a black hole because it is too small.

    And that's just the start of the non-sense in the Thuban material.

    Arachne tells us earlier in this thread that their 'Gnosis' comes from all over the place including shamanism. They have not published a single source of their material except where there are biblical references for us to check the veracity so none of this is verifiable.

    They then used incorrect numerology (a=1, z=26) This does not follow ANY of the schools of numerology.

    With regards to Tony Bermanseder's maths, I have just spent some time and gone to some pains to find something that has been 'peer' reviewed (by 'peer' I mean other mathematicians) I had to scroll quite a long way down to find something short. I hope this is easy to understand:

    Jim Whitescarver <jim@x abp="10626">wrote:
    Hey Tony,

    I hate to rain on your parade, but while you and George use
    abstractions that might be good analogies to reality, I am compelled to be the
    information police and call them mathimagical fantasies that go beyond science.
    We were taught that these things were real, but we were misled.

    Mathimagical fantasies... Source:

    I have presented a very high-level summary of what the Thuban crew hope to have us believe in so strongly. I have done my research based on their statements and my own curiosity. I hope this saves you a lot of time and research.
    They have been given the podium of free speech and, all credit to them, they have indeed presented some new science where no science has ever been before.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    <jim@x abp="10648">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32979 March 30th, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    it is whatever you make of it untill you ignore them all/incl them useless posts in the gazillionfold.
    and thus stop feeding them your energy. and time. and let them do their talk to themselfs that choose to play the a-b a-b-c. get tired and meaningless when noone is watching is it. just with a child.
    and them normal folks, indeed wont take all SHIT you throw at them.
    nor will i.
    but than again, which point of the ones i made in like 10 threads on your BS threads by now, have you gotten into. none exactly. yes folks its that simple.
    and yes new ones will unwillingly fall into the trap.
    SO MODS/ADMINS you know what you should do since your doing absolutely nothing.
    give them a subthread under :dragons and snakes with love and ego: and let them play in their kindergarten all alone, and not infesting this hole forum.


    but i can skype kerry also and ask how she looks at it all. she would laugh i think just like i am now.
    oh 1 more add. since you wanna know what is it,


    ~ Llove & Sound ~


    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
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    <jim@x abp="10719">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32982 March 30th, 2011
    Trollie wrote:
    Thanks yet again.
    <jim@x abp="10746">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #32983 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    karmicacid I can understand why you want to end the conflict, but with due respect not sure that is your job.

    We didn't have this kind of thing before, now we do... happy reading, so if you want to research to create peace... then good... you can start with MaryIshtar and Arctourist, I just don't wish to read anymore bad mouthing about myself on this and other forums where they take it..hey maybe you can stop them doing that for a start.
    OK out of here.

    So is this the reason why My thread was deleted? Not that I mind, because I have copies.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    I said:
    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    I then say:
    I do believe this clearly demonstrates hate speech. So who is supporting it? She is an ex mod behaving like this and is still here? I think that speaks volumes. But hey I just came here to share and learn. Thank you very much.

    I see the game you play here MCLad... re-posting here what was said by CrystalChi from the other Forum... Tells me you like playing the "black sheep"... Well just to let you know... Any post you create from this point forward I will not even read and any post you respond to of mine I will not even read nor respond to... I choose not to engage you at all. I know it's more mature to just not even tell you what I am telling you but I'm telling you because now I see your game around here and re-posting in this Forum for everyone to see makes you no different than the original person posting it! Two sides of the same coin... Conduit Closing.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33007 March 30th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    Templar wrote:
    You know I'm kind of new here so...
    ...I've got through a lot of this
    I can have a different perspective on things

    Can't we all just exist together??

    Isn't what is going on here a reflection of the outside ...screwed up world.

    Just full of mis-communications and mis-understandings.

    You stepped on me so I'll attack you....You said something unkind to my buddy so I'll jump on you.

    Isn't that kind of like TROLL behavior??

    It's only human to want to help friends and like minded folks...I get that

    What I don't get is: Why can't we just discuss this constructively and reach a conclusion that everyone wins with??

    The elder members of PC think that an outside force is "invading" and the need to be re-pulsed.

    The "invaders" think they have a right to be Tommy\Kerry have affirmed...They do.

    Just like me....

    Can't the Thuban Material just have a separate forum...tucked away so folks can go there to share??
    And anyone who wants to share...just go there and share.

    Hi Templar,

    I've been meaning to reply to you on a number of occasions as some of your posts have either made me laugh out loud or had a serious (sirius?) question to them. So, in response to your above questions...

    Thuban do have their own site but it seems nobody goes there. From their actions I have observed here, they have to invade other sites that are awake, aware and open enough to give them a fair chance to explain their philosophy - even though it is clear in forum rules that this site is not for the presentation of personal philosophies.

    They then copy the conversation they have back on their site, to make it look like there's something happening there OR to create traffic. This is then liberally added with their followers self-applauding comments.

    They tell us not to investigate it because it would be too much for us 'children':

    "If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.";Itemid=164#25481

    I investigated the area that raised the most questions for me, the black hole in the middle of the planet.
    I find out it is ALL NONsense.

    This is their picture:

    I investigated their rather short explanation that it was to do with the Schwarzchild radius. The Schwarzchild radius does not take into account the energy field - so their physics are wrong.;Itemid=164#25536 filmed and published a presentation from a real physicist about black holes, this March 2011 - Janna Levin is a professor of physics at the University of Columbia: The Sound the Universe Makes.

    Seeing as the black hole is the main premise for their white hole which, according to them, is attracting ETs from all over the universe to catch some information... this white hole, if it could even come into existence, which it can't, would be the size of a peanut.

    Note from the presentation that even our sun couldn't become a black hole because it is too small.

    And that's just the start of the non-sense in the Thuban material.

    Arachne tells us earlier in this thread that their 'Gnosis' comes from all over the place including shamanism. They have not published a single source of their material except where there are biblical references for us to check the veracity so none of this is verifiable.

    They then used incorrect numerology (a=1, z=26) This does not follow ANY of the schools of numerology.

    With regards to Tony Bermanseder's maths, I have just spent some time and gone to some pains to find something that has been 'peer' reviewed (by 'peer' I mean other mathematicians) I had to scroll quite a long way down to find something short. I hope this is easy to understand:

    Jim Whitescarver <jim@x abp="10911">wrote:
    Hey Tony,

    I hate to rain on your parade, but while you and George use
    abstractions that might be good analogies to reality, I am compelled to be the
    information police and call them mathimagical fantasies that go beyond science.
    We were taught that these things were real, but we were misled.

    Mathimagical fantasies... Source:

    I have presented a very high-level summary of what the Thuban crew hope to have us believe in so strongly. I have done my research based on their statements and my own curiosity. I hope this saves you a lot of time and research.
    They have been given the podium of free speech and, all credit to them, they have indeed presented some new science where no science has ever been before.

    Love and light,

    Dear smurfette!

    Thank you for your intensive effort to websearch my humble self to discover some 'hidden dirt' or skeletons in the cupboards. Please dont exhaust yourself too much in your efforts of doing so.

    Well, so you are ready to discuss 'real science'?
    Your references to Jim Whitescarver and 'Zeus' Fitzie Fitzgerald are a little presumptious; because those two do in fact run a few forums and one of of those; Jim more so than Fitzie has had quite a few science- and philosophy based arguments with me on the forums.

    For example your 'great discovery' of Jim, who is NOT a professional mathematician by the way and runs a yahoo forum called Quacks Anonymous, besides one termed Information Physics; rests on our heated disagreement about the Neo-Platonic worldview espoused by Roger Penrose of Oxford.
    See sweet smurfette; I am a Platonist of the old school, as far as those labelings go and Jim is opposed to it, vehemently I would say. And by the way the George mnetioned in your 'great discovery' is George Ryazanov, a renown Russian physicist and friend of mine; who now is in Jerusalem and i have not heard from him for a while. Nevertheless, if you would care to search further and deeper, you will find certain amicable correspondences between one physicist to another and even if this is not on the CNN news or the tabloids you seem to consult to learn your science from.

    Therefore then Jim Whitescarver's refence to 'magimatics' - it's a jibe against the Platonists!
    But then you are indeed an expert of taking things out of context my darling daughter.

    Fitzgerald has used my expertise for years to further his own agenda, which, as he knows, i could not support to the extent he wished me too. Why, because i am far more conservative in the 'real science' and its methodology, than he is. Nevertheless he likes my input in his forum, as you can see in the introductory message, calling upon me by name.

    QUOTE begin:
    "Look at
    this one! . . Extraordinarly lenghty time exposure from NASA's Hubble space telescope produced this new picture of the spectacular Sombrero galaxy Messier 104. . . 50, 000 light years across. . . 28 million light years from earth. . . You get the very best at this site including mathematical physicist Tony Bermanseder who will actually converse with you about the very latest science.

    Welcome to a THEORY of EVERYTHING

    Web Page Click Here

    You may not find all the answers here - - but at least you will leave confused on a higher level about more important things.


    I actually am a moderator on one of Jim's forums and moderate a number of others in the theoretical-physics genre.
    Of course you would have seen those but not considered those of any importance.

    So sweetheart, it was good you listend to the TED lecture by a real astrophysicist. Guess what i am one too and know what Janna Levin is talking about and it is NOT what you are talking about.

    So let us stop beating about the bush and talk 'real science' and astrophysics. Are you up to it?
    Below are some equations in the context of other published work I put on this thread.

    It delves into physical conssciousness and the underpinning black Hole physics of all feasible cosmologies about at the moment.
    Did you listen to young Jake on rakmeisterR's thread or Mary's he is into them as well.

    But if you dont like the Black Holes, let us debate the recent discovery of the Protonic halo, which I commented upon here:

    Or if the 5D-Kaluza Klein cosmology is more to your liking; we can debate the 'NONSENSE' using this critique on the Haramein-Rauscher paper as a background.

    Well or some other subject in physics; which you find worthy debating.

    But Smurfette; please attempt to use facts or at least good arguments and propositions to the debate and try to eschew your futile attempts to discredit me or the Thuban OmniScience, which by the way is simply an extended form of the science you are trying hard to understand a little.

    So will you comment on the below? Choose any part or any equation or ask someone else, who you might believe to know what 'real science' is.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    <jim@x abp="11008">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33011 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    karmicacid I can understand why you want to end the conflict, but with due respect not sure that is your job.

    We didn't have this kind of thing before, now we do... happy reading, so if you want to research to create peace... then good... you can start with MaryIshtar and Arctourist, I just don't wish to read anymore bad mouthing about myself on this and other forums where they take it..hey maybe you can stop them doing that for a start.
    OK out of here.

    So is this the reason why My thread was deleted? Not that I mind, because I have copies.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    I said:
    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Crystalchi said:
    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    I then say:
    I do believe this clearly demonstrates hate speech. So who is supporting it? She is an ex mod behaving like this and is still here? I think that speaks volumes. But hey I just came here to share and learn. Thank you very much.

    LOL! That is brilliant. Maryishtar, I was really pissed off that your WHORE threads got pulled. There was so much beautiful material in there. We still had so much more ground to cover. You are truly what you are.

    Thank you Maryishtar for re-posting this complete ass whipping you took by CC. Amazing that you would want to do that, but it was amazing that you started two seperate WHORE threads around your name.

    This has been a good day.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33013 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    SC, Maybe we can start again, I especially enjoyed the great research by Sirius blue.

    Let's hold off on the pies too fattening.

    PS: I also enjoyed the reference to "Smurfettes" yet again
    Kettle Black???

    <jim@x abp="11203"><jim@x abp="11204">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33018 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SC, Maybe we can start again, I especially enjoyed the great research by Sirius blue.

    Let's hold off on the pies too fattening.

    They're in both hands and in luanch mode. I've had a couple of beers today, aim is off. Definetly holding off don't want to waste them. Especially the berry berry. Hey, my college english teacher came her and read me. She sent me an email:

    "SpaceCowboy, I have an issue with your berry berry pie. Calling it berry berry doesn't make it any berry'er. It's like saying, "That person is very, very ugly." The extra very doesn't make the person look any uglier. Hath I not taught you anything?"

    I guess not.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33013 March 30th, 2011
    Trolli wrote:
    SC, Maybe we can start again, I especially enjoyed the great research by Sirius blue.

    Let's hold off on the pies too fattening.

    PS: I also enjoyed the reference to "Smurfettes" yet again
    Kettle Black???

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    333018 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SC, Maybe we can start again, I especially enjoyed the great research by Sirius blue.

    Let's hold off on the pies too fattening.

    They're in both hands and in luanch mode. I've had a couple of beers today, aim is off. Definetly holding off don't want to waste them. Especially the berry berry. Hey, my college english teacher came her and read me. She sent me an email:

    "SpaceCowboy, I have an issue with your berry berry pie. Calling it berry berry doesn't make it any berry'er. It's like saying, "That person is very, very ugly." The extra very doesn't make the person look any uglier. Hath I not taught you anything?"

    I guess not.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33048 March 30th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:

    A. Thuban do have their own site but it seems nobody goes there. From their actions I have observed here, they have to invade other sites that are awake, aware and open enough to give them a fair chance to explain their philosophy - even though it is clear in forum rules that this site is not for the presentation of personal philosophies.

    They then copy the conversation they have back on their site, to make it look like there's something happening there OR to create traffic. This is then liberally added with their followers self-applauding comments.

    They tell us not to investigate it because it would be too much for us 'children':

    "If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.

    I investigated their rather short explanation that it was to do with the Schwarzchild radius. The Schwarzchild radius does not take into account the energy field - so their physics are wrong. The Sound the Universe Makes.

    Seeing as the black hole is the main premise for their white hole which, according to them, is attracting ETs from all over the universe to catch some information... this white hole, if it could even come into existence, which it can't, would be the size of a peanut.

    With regards to Tony Bermanseder's maths, I have just spent some time and gone to some pains to find something that has been 'peer' reviewed (by 'peer' I mean other mathematicians) I had to scroll quite a long way down to find something short. I hope this is easy to understand:

    Jim Whitescarver <jim@x abp="11439">wrote:
    Hey Tony,

    I hate to rain on your parade, but while you and George use
    abstractions that might be good analogies to reality, I am compelled to be the
    information police and call them mathimagical fantasies that go beyond science.
    We were taught that these things were real, but we were misled.

    Mathimagical fantasies... Source:

    Thank you for your intensive effort to websearch my humble self to discover some 'hidden dirt' or skeletons in the cupboards. Please dont exhaust yourself too much in your efforts of doing so.

    Don't want me looking too hard, Tony?

    Well, so you are ready to discuss 'real science'?

    What? With you?

    Your references to Jim Whitescarver and 'Zeus' Fitzie Fitzgerald are a little presumptious; because those two do in fact run a few forums and one of of those; Jim more so than Fitzie has had quite a few science- and philosophy based arguments with me on the forums.

    For example your 'great discovery' of Jim, who is NOT a professional mathematician by the way and runs a yahoo forum called Quacks Anonymous, besides one termed Information Physics; rests on our heated disagreement about the Neo-Platonic worldview espoused by Roger Penrose of Oxford.

    Is that how you treat all your 'friends', Tony?

    Plato, now is it? That's not mentioned in the many names when you answered your 'friend' Jim. You do mention Euclid and I see you mention Einstein! But you haven't understood Einstein's comments with regards to the Schwarzschild radius... maybe you haven't heard of the Hadamard disaster?

    I am a Platonist of the old school,

    You're not from ANY school Tony, except the school of nonsense.

    as far as those labelings go and Jim is opposed to it, vehemently I would say.

    waffle, waffle...

    And by the way the George mnetioned in your 'great discovery' is George Ryazanov, a renown Russian physicist and friend of mine; who now is in Jerusalem and i have not heard from him for a while.

    I didn't 'mention' ANY George. Your 'friend' Jim did.

    Nevertheless, if you would care to search further and deeper, you will find certain amicable correspondences between one physicist to another and even if this is not on the CNN news or the tabloids you seem to consult to learn your science from.

    It seems you don't know and don't recognise where I got my science from? Hm... well that would explain why we have such wildly differing views then.

    Therefore then Jim Whitescarver's refence to 'magimatics' - it's a jibe against the Platonists!
    But then you are indeed an expert of taking things out of context my darling daughter.

    It wasn't out of context at all. That was the full email from beginning to end. Hang on... Here's a screenshot:

    Fitzgerald has used my expertise for years to further his own agenda, which, as he knows, i could not support to the extent he wished me too. Why, because i am far more conservative in the 'real science' and its methodology, than he is. Nevertheless he likes my input in his forum, as you can see in the introductory message, calling upon me by name.

    Feelings of inadequacy here, Tony?
    Feel you need to tell me how friendly you are with who? Someone who 'used your expertise' to 'further his own agenda'? And you 'could not support'?

    Friendly guy, aren't you Tony.
    Wafting smells of paranoia in that sentence too.

    QUOTE begin:
    "Look at
    this one! . . Extraordinarly lenghty time exposure from NASA's Hubble space telescope produced this new picture of the spectacular Sombrero galaxy Messier 104. . . 50, 000 light years across. . . 28 million light years from earth. . . You get the very best at this site including mathematical physicist Tony Bermanseder who will actually converse with you about the very latest science.

    image link goes to:

    Still trying to attract traffic to your Thuban site, Tony?
    See point A above.

    You may not find all the answers here - - but at least you will leave confused on a higher level about more important things.

    I'll pick my own sources, thank you. I don't need to 'leave confused on a higher level'... ha ha ha! Whatever that means.

    I actually am a moderator on one of Jim's forums and moderate a number of others in the theoretical-physics genre.
    Of course you would have seen those but not considered those of any importance.

    That's your 'good friend' Jim, the non-mathematician with a forum for Quacks?
    Is that why you feel the need to share your 'science' here?

    So sweetheart, it was good you listend to the TED lecture by a real astrophysicist. Guess what i am one too and know what Janna Levin is talking about and it is NOT what you are talking about.

    Oh lush, you are a mathematician, physicist, astrophysicist, with wafts of self-delusion, paranoia and general loathing of your own friends. I don't understand why you need to come on so strong with me?
    Why aren't women falling at your feet?

    So let us stop beating about the bush and talk 'real science' and astrophysics.

    I'm not sure that's the bush you are talking about, is it?

    But if you dont like the Black Holes...'ll show me your etchings instead?
    I've got no problem with black holes, except the black holes of a certain someone's mind.

    ...we can debate the 'NONSENSE' ...


    Sorry, I think I said, I can't debate maths but I'll happily go find more 'peer reviewed' comments...
    Oh, shame, they are the only comments that exist on your work.
    Must admit, it was hard peeling through it all, there seemed to be a fair few EDITS in there.

    But if others wish to see where I started, I found that snippet from... I presume it is as professional as you make it out to be?

    Quantum Relativity - - M Theory+
    We invite mathematical physicists to look at Tony Bermanseder's mathematical posts. . Comments from ALL mathematical String Theory physicists welcomed. . Here's a String ...

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    <jim@x abp="11594">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33063 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreidylad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    karmicacid I can understand why you want to end the conflict, but with due respect not sure that is your job.

    We didn't have this kind of thing before, now we do... happy reading, so if you want to research to create peace... then good... you can start with MaryIshtar and Arctourist, I just don't wish to read anymore bad mouthing about myself on this and other forums where they take it..hey maybe you can stop them doing that for a start.
    OK out of here.

    So is this the reason why My thread was deleted? Not that I mind, because I have copies.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    I said:
    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    I then say:
    I do believe this clearly demonstrates hate speech. So who is supporting it? She is an ex mod behaving like this and is still here? I think that speaks volumes. But hey I just came here to share and learn. Thank you very much.

    I see the game you play here MCLad... re-posting here what was said by CrystalChi from the other Forum... Tells me you like playing the "black sheep"... Well just to let you know... Any post you create from this point forward I will not even read and any post you respond to of mine I will not even read nor respond to... I choose not to engage you at all. I know it's more mature to just not even tell you what I am telling you but I'm telling you because now I see your game around here and re-posting in this Forum for everyone to see makes you no different than the original person posting it! Two sides of the same coin... Conduit Closing.

    I felt it much more appropriate DD from myspace five years ago who looked a LOT like st(...)with a nice purple wig on who knows bunny locket who stole some work from a friend of mine... To stand up for myself being slandered in such a way by your friends to stand up for myself politely, and in accordance with the forum rules rather than to behave the way your children have...

    Peace, OH and as I said to you oh, I don;t know five years ago AND yesterday the conduit as you say it was closed way back when. You and your friends have played this game on many fiorums, as well as at a U I attended, and thus tried to suppress my speech by shaming me into submission. I keep trying to ignore you and interact with nice people who are friendly and have honor and decency and this same thing happens each time. You don't bother me and neither do your groupies. That is assuming you are not just DD. which you are lucky I am leaving it at that so you can continue to make your millions by making up false stories and causing pain to others. So you and yours, have a nice life. I am not protecting you, bu I want you to back off as I also have a right to exist. I have stuck up for you for the last time. Goodbye you and your groupies. I will ignore your further commentaries from all of you numerous profiles. Believe it or not the world does not revolve around you. Though it could have if you would have been more honorable, and shown a bit of integrity.

    I am not above an apology when I feel I have wronged someone, but I know I am correct.

    I have nice things to talk about. So have a nice time with you loaded god complex love.

    You are gonna have to change things a lot before you come crying back to me again. I won't tolerate this kind of treatment from anyone as I would not do it to anyone. You know of what I speak. You are better than this.

    I hold no grudge against you. You are how you are and I accepted that a LONG time ago. But I DO have a right to have peaceful interactions on a public forum just like you. Unless you actually own this website (?) I will remain so long as I feel that there is even one person who might learn something helpful from me.

    OH and I DO see a HUGE difference in the two posts below.

    I said:
    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Crystalchi said:
    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    I then say:
    I do believe this clearly demonstrates hate speech. So who is supporting it? She is an ex mod behaving like this and is still here? I think that speaks volumes. But hey I just came here to share and learn. Thank you very much.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    <jim@x abp="11701">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33074 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    <jim@x abp="11753">

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33075 March 30th, 2011
    Crystal wrote:
    Thank you for re posting what I said I didn't save it the first time..

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33076 March 30th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Hey look guys I am
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33078 March 30th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33079 March 30th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    great to see you back as lita again
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    333086 March 30th, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Thank you Chaska good to be me again
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33088 March 30th, 2011

    DeVu wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Hey look guys I am

    She's back in the saddle again!!!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33093 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?



    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33094 March 30th, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    Hey look guys I am

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33096 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?



    What do "smurfs" or "smurfette" have to do with the Thuban material? Why do you keep referencing them in answer to SiriusBlue?

    The context sounds pejorative. Is this true?

    [*Bold emphasis mine]

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33098 March 30th, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.

    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?



    What do "smurfs" or "smurfette" have to do with the Thuban material? Why do you keep referencing them in answer to SiriusBlue?

    The context sounds pejorative. Is this true?

    [*Bold emphasis mine]

    I love smurfette! Whatever it might sound like to you.

    Papa Smurf
    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33099 March 30th, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?


    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33102 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?


    I am wondering if she would be willing to post the PM she sent me to explain what reptiles are and how she knows about the subject? LOL. I was nice enough not to.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33104 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?



    What do "smurfs" or "smurfette" have to do with the Thuban material? Why do you keep referencing them in answer to SiriusBlue?

    The context sounds pejorative. Is this true?

    [*Bold emphasis mine]

    I love smurfette! Whatever it might sound like to you.

    Papa Smurf

    What do these references mean, Tony? And how are they connected with the Thuban philosophy? That's what I asked, and respectfully. Not whether you love smurfette or not.

    Forget my interpretation of the context -- fair enough. I'm asking you to elucidate.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33106 March 30th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Yes Mary we are too nice in a general sort of a sense; but that comes with the job and work one has come to do.
    So cheers to to ones on the Mount of Zion.

    Sweet Love to you

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33107 March 30th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?


    Hi hi hi hi...

    Do you know who the Smurfette is?

    And as to science... well, when CERN had their blowout with the LHC, someone was sent to tell me what had happened... Did they not inform you? Go figure.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33108 March 30th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Think about it tangent. Or ask smurfette, she knows.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33109 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Think about it tangent. Or ask smurfette, she knows.


    I have thought about it, and I don't see the connection. I've conceded that a pejorative may not be the case.

    I'm asking for a simple, honest answer. I'm not going to ask someone receiving a term/title/label why another person is using that particular term/title/label.

    I am asking the sayer, not the sayee.

    Simple and rational. Is that a problem?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33111 March 30th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah hey guys'n'dolls!
    who are the smurfs-?

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it?

    #33112 March 30th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Thank you for your reply smurfette!
    It was as I expected.

    Once you have familiarised yourself with the language of science, then it might be appropriate for you to engage in meaningful discussions about science or mathematics or related disciplines; rather than your innuendoes and suppositions.
    You may start with Newton's Law of Motion...1--2--3.
    Or watch young Jake or go to the schools of the smurfs after kindergarten.

    Keep on surfing; who knows what you may find? An evil dragonmaster perhaps?


    I am wondering if she would be willing to post the PM she sent me to explain what reptiles are and how she knows about the subject? LOL. I was nice enough not to.

    That's because I told you I'd never seen one, not by smell, whiff, scale or claw?
    Trying to make a big deal out of nothing?
    I'm not talking about reptiles here, are you? Again?

    Care to share what you know? Have you decided to open up yet?
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Post last edited Apr 27th 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016

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