Astrobursts Starting Of: 20 Feb 2023 ~ New Moon To Full Moon Of 07 Mar 2023 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 17, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Phoenix Intuitive Healing
    31m · 19 Feb 2023

    New Moon in Pisces

    Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions.

    Even though they take different paths, their journey is circular,
    meaning they both end up traveling the same waters.

    Their experiences may be different, but ultimately they both arrive at the same destination.

    Pisces is a very spiritual sign, and there is a lot of spiritual wisdom
    to unpack as we reflect on the two fish.

    One fish also represents the light, and the other represents the dark,
    pointing to the necessary journey of navigating both the light and the dark states of life.

    At times we need to journey through the darker, heavier sides of life,
    and at other times, we are invited to enjoy the lightness.

    It seems that duality is very much a part of Pisces energy,
    so perhaps it is not too surprising that under this Pisces New Moon,
    we are being guided to find a balance between holding on and letting go.

    While we may find ourselves struggling between these two states under this energy,
    the Pisces fish show us that at the end of the day,
    no matter the path, we will always land where we need to be.

    This Pisces New Moon falls at 1 degree of the zodiac,
    which is a highly charged degree for new beginnings.

    It seems that finding this balance could open some new doors or perhaps clear a path for us.

    Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so we may also find ourselves reflecting
    on the last 12 months and thinking about where we wish to go from here

    . We may feel the desire to leave the past in the past and to think about ways we can move forward.

    New Moons are always supportive when it comes to finding ways to move forward
    and to bring new inspirations into your life.

    If you feel called, set some intentions under this New Moon
    about what you would wish to fill your life with
    and how you can create some new habits that are more aligned with where you want to be.

    Think of yourself with roots deep into the earth, sure and confident in yourself
    and what it is that you must do.

    But then allow your higher mind and heart to wander to new places,
    to new adventures, and to new ideas.
    Allow your feet to sink into the earth, but your head to move into the clouds.

    Read more at:
    Intuitive Astrology: Pisces New Moon February 2023 - Forever Conscious

    Kelly Jeanne
    2764. This 1f64f.


    Phoenix Intuitive Healing
    right? It’s on point!!!!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Prayers...many people need them
    if you can NOT be caring, or considerate,
    kind and thoughtful,
    perhaps, it could be a good idea,
    to be silent !!!
    "KARMA is a great equalizer !!!
    Nasty iS what Nasty DOES !!!"
    ~susan lynne schwenger @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d
    #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark
    The Journey to: #The13thBridge

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Dale Osadchuk

    9m ·

    2023 Pisces Super New Moon

    19 Feb at 11.06 pm PST- 20 Feb at 2.06 am EST- 7.06 am GMT

    3.06 pm AWST Perth- 6.06 pm AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    When the Sun moved into Pisces on Feb 18 (EST) the Earth entered Virgo.

    They activated the Tarot Constellation of The Hermit, introspection
    and personal integrity.

    The theme is healing, forgiveness, completion, and release (Pisces)
    and mind, body, spirit healing into wholeness (Virgo).

    Virgo is The Hermit, journey within to our inner universe
    and discovering our connection to Source, Pisces is The Moon,
    our journey through Source and connecting with our Soul Wisdom.

    The Hermit carries a lantern which lights the path ahead
    but is looking backwards to the past.

    When we heal the past we ARE ABLE TO FULLY EMBRACE THE FUTURE.

    This will also be the theme for the Pisces New Moon and Saturn’s journey
    through Pisces which begins March 07, 2023.

    Pisces is artistic, sensitive, and empathetic. It is the “poetic soul” longing for Mystical Connection. But it can sometimes be overwhelmed by all the “noise” out there and needs to retreat to rejuvenate. If you feel the need to withdraw for a while during this Moon Cycle be kind to yourself
    and allow time for reflection and inner connection.

    That will also be the theme for the Saturn journey.

    Saturn in Pisces is the opportunity to strengthen your spiritual foundation.

    He will be visiting Pisces until Feb 2026 with a brief entry into Aries (new inspiration)
    May until Sept 2025 because of his retrograde motion.

    He will then return to finish his journey through Pisces until Feb 2026.

    Whatever you experience during this Pisces New Moon cycle
    is a preview to the Saturn journey.

    It might be helpful to journal your experiences during this Pisces New Moon
    to reflect back on during the Saturn in Pisces journey.

    As mentioned it begins March 07, 2023
    and that is also the day of the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon (healing into wholeness).

    This New Moon is at 01 degrees Pisces 22.

    There are 3 planets guiding us.

    Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces 14 (illusion, what is not true, illumination, what is true).

    He is travelling with Venus at 29 degrees Pisces 57 (mystical guidance).

    She enters Aries on Feb 20 at 2.56 am EST and activates our creative imagination and inspiration.

    This is a preview of the Aries New Moon of March 21,2023.

    Although Aries is new beginnings she is offering us the opportunity to heal the past.

    At the Pisces New Moon she is sextile (new opportunities)
    the Goddess Hygeia (health and healing) at 25 degrees Capricorn 24 (society)
    and Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn 15 (release and transformation).

    In Esoteric Astrology Pluto is the Soul Centered ruler of Pisces
    and will be active during the Saturn in Pisces journey.

    On March 23, 2023 Pluto will enter Aquarius (awakening cosmic consciousness)
    until June 11, 2023 when he retrogrades back into Capricorn (healing and transformation of society).

    We will explore that closer to the shift.

    The 3rd planetary guide for Pisces is Jupiter
    (the traditional ruler before Neptune was discovered).

    He is at 09 degrees Aries 57 (expansion and growth of our new inspired vision)
    travelling with Chiron, the healer, at 13 degrees Aries 25 (healing core wounds).

    At this New Moon they are sextiled (new opportunities)
    by Mercury at 12 degrees Aquarius 48 (cosmic messages and new ways of thinking).

    Mercury is trine (ease and flow) Mars at 15 degrees Gemini 50 (healing duality and uniting in love).

    Chiron, the healer, is sextile Mars (new opportunities for spiritual action).

    In the Northern Hemisphere our Animal Totem guides for Pisces are Cougar (spiritual power)
    and Wolf (who guides us on our path of transformation).

    They will be the guides for Saturn in Pisces in the Northern Hemisphere.

    For the Earth in Virgo we are guided by Brown Bear (introspection, healing, and the healer).

    In the Southern Hemisphere Bear is the guide for this Pisces Moon cycle and the Saturn in Pisces journey.

    For all of us the Clan Mother who guides Pisces is Weighs The Truth.

    She is the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of Justice. She teaches us how to use personal integrity to find healing solutions.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).
    At this Pisces Moon cycle we have a hint of new inspired beginnings.

    But remember the theme of this Moon cycle is healing, forgiveness, completion, and release to make room for the new.

    That is also the theme for the Saturn in Pisces journey. “When one door closes, another opens”.
    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me e-mail at if you have requested an astrological telephone session I will be in touch soon.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Ana Maria Gonzalez · ·

    Stay in the magic of the present moment
    Allow your Light to dissolve all darkness...
    Happy Night and Happy dreams!! < 2728.
    Native Wolf Spirit 1f43a.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chanda Sparkles
    18 FEB 2023

    Welcoming In Pisces 2653.

    The sun will enter the water sign of the mystic today (Saturday 2-18-23)

    At 5:34PM EA / 4:34 CEN / 6:34 PAC / 9:34PM UT

    This Pisces season is the initiation of where we will see spirit come
    into form over the next 2.5 years.

    Our higher consciousness is ignited by the Sun in Pisces.

    Our compassions come fourth to reveal the subconscious existence
    of our universal self within the flesh suite.

    Mercury, the now softer winged messenger will be the first planet
    to enter the last sign of the zodiac on March 2nd, 2023.

    It’s brilliant how the cosmos are aligning our intellect & communications first
    before the universe ushers in Saturn on March 7th, 2023
    the same day as the full moon in Virgo!

    This is played to perfection like a Beethoven symphony exclusively put on by Source. 

    Love is absorbed like a sea sponge. Bringing spirit to matter.

    Blazing our intellect with creativity.

    Releasing the old way, the old karma becomes dissolved.

    Oh yes, this Pisces Season is MOST DEVINE 2747.

    But still, in order to cast our sails away from the storms
    we must embody our truest essence of self.

    Riding the rainbow vortex to ascend
    and accept all that is IS us. We are allllll of it.

    When the Sun is in Pisces we are reminded that we are boundless infinite beings of light.

    Affirm: “I am a boundless infinite BEing of Light.”

    The Sun will enter Aries on Equinox March 20th, 2023.

    Following will be the long awaited entrance of Pluto into Aquarius March 23rd, 2023.

    Walk in the light & spread the sparkle

    Chanda Sparkles 2747.

    Incredible Pisces photo by Enzo's Artwork

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Northern lights in the sky
    over Murmansk region, Russia

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    19 FEB 2023
    Wasaga Beach, viewing Blue Montain,
    Georgian Bay, ontario, canada
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    1h ·

    # Update: NEW MOON IN PISCES & VENUS Ingresses Into ARIES

    This PISCES SEASON is not coming slowly as 20th February is a big day
    because, Just when we have NEW MOON energies occurring in the Pisces sign,
    Aphrodite Aka VENUS is also going to change the sign today...

    About 2.30 hours are remaining until we have a thrilling
    & fun-loving VENUS Ingress Into the ARIES sign
    & this Ram Karen Or Aphrodite is going to stay or transit
    in the sign of Aries until March 16th, 2023
    & this VENUS transit into ARIES will affect fire signs
    & cardinal for the whole season of PISCES...

    This is going to be interesting ...

    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #Venus #venusinaries #venusinpisces #newmooninpisces #PiscesSzn #pisces2023 #astrologypost

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Crescent Moon inside the Greek temple
    Photographer: Elias Chasiotis
    Location: The Temple of Poseidon, Greece

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