Astro Aatif ~ Astrology Nugget For August 2022 & September 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    1h ·
    15 Sep 2022

    Astrology For September Transits - 16th Sep 2022
    The Mutable Madness continues - Clash Of The Virgo & Gemini
    The distinctive cosmic energies
    for the Mutable flighty Red-Warrior 2642. In ♊︎ Twinned Gemini ♊︎
    Squaring To The Detailed Oriented Aphrodite (Venus) 2640. in ♍︎ Maiden Virgo ♍︎
    Here comes the most anticipating & thrilling transit of this "Virgo Season" so far,
    & a transitory meeting in the sky today (For the nice adventurous/juicy weekend ahead)...
    Twinned ♊︎ Mars 2642. 90 Degrees Square To Maiden ♍︎ Venus 2640.
    The Appropriation For The Airy Gemini Squares Earthy Virgo:
    "She always takes it with a heart of stone
    'Cause all she does is throw it back to me
    I've spent a lifetime Looking for someone
    Don't try to understand me Just simply do the
    Things I say...."
    Themes & Energies: Seduction, Chase/Thrill Involves Critiques
    Flirtatiousness Through Verbal & Communicative Skills Which Drive People Crazy
    While Socializing In The Different Social Media Apps, Groups, Or Sites That Require High Sense
    Of Selecting Appropriate & Flighty Words such as Twitter, Facebook & Even Instagram
    If we stick to the basics of Astrology then we can easily connect the dots with this Aspect/Transit in the sky right now
    This aspect is all about flirting, Sex, Love, Chase, Thrill & Brings Excitement in love but since its a square,
    some kind of stressful events & tension is also there though
    Mars In Gemini ♊︎ seduces through words, verbal communication & flighty flirtatiousness
    by connecting to many crushes/partners at a time through different social media apps…
    It possesses a quicksilver tongue that cuts you through the words & high wit, and this way,
    this Mars can easily flirt with flighty words, storytelling & other ideas of seducing the partners
    through intentional schemes & manipulation/seduces with the game of “Words” & Typing (Keyboards)
    Or even long & Never-ending Phone Calls…
    Whereas, Ven 2640. in Maiden ♍︎ Virgo ♍︎ believes in finding love through the looks, details
    & bodily postures because this Venus in VIRG is very “Tangible” indeed that requires
    a lot of perfection because you can actually make a move
    to touch this Aphrodite (Venus) because basically, Ven in VIR deals into matters of;
    “Touch Me Not Until You Are Not Bodily Perfect”
    So this Earthy Venus is very “Sensual” indeed because Virgo, Taurus & Capricorn (The Earth element)
    are very very sensual indeed but with Virgo, there is a strong feeling & sense of “Discrimination”
    is also involved due to being critique, Perfectionist & Selective towards the partners this APHRODITE
    chooses to open with Or flirt/sex & hence its a “Mercurial Sign”,
    so she's very very Moveable & could be nervous as flighty indeed…

    Together they both (Mars in Gem ♊︎ & Venus In Vir ♍︎) give a good complement
    of verbal communicative skills to seduce & get seduced by each one (Vice-Versa) very well,
    despite the fact that, it's a 90-degree stressful SQUARE angle.
    Complements are there, but with the factor of “Inconsistency” as well because what happens is,
    Mars is very action-oriented & he makes this Venus very very thrilled by chasing partners
    & this makes high competition between Lovers & Couples, causes a lot of stressful events
    such as losing interest quickly because chasing down target is either too easy or too difficult
    to sustain the action of “Chase” & Thrill.. & once the thrill is gone, they lose the target
    & switch on to another adventure of love & flirting around.

    Actually, the Game of luck with Mars Squares Venus is not permanent & depends on the Outcome
    & that outcome Or conclusion of Love is based on the individual`s personal likes, dislikes, or desired interests.

    Like if you know that outcome will not going to be in your favor, you will move on quickly
    & bored of that person you cannot chase in the end, because the “Results” & Outcome will be selected
    & chosen only by you & not the Destiny/Fate of the relationship….

    Regards, & enjoy this thrill & chase into love & sexual ventures ahead until this Aspect is intact in the SKY ahead.

    I hope your weekend will be very flighty, flirtatious & chatty around
    & you`d be making many many friends & turn them into affairs simultaneously.

    Why not? I mean, after all, this Mars is all about “Multitasking”
    & connecting with many people as much as it can over Social Media as well as high socialization
    around in the society you live in.

    So seduce people through your WORDS & Quicksilver tongue lol

    & do not forget a nice balanced compliment is being given to you
    by the LIBRA MERCURY (Also a very socializing aspect)...
    Astrologer Aatif
    #marsingemini #Gemini #mutablesigns #mutable
    #venus #venusinvirgo #Virgo #VirgoSzn #astrology #astrologyposts #astrologyreadings#tarot #tarot #thriller #Thrilling #adventures #lovechallenge #lovelife #chaseinlove #LoveTheGame #GameOfLove #seduction #seductive #seduce #wordsofwisdom #flirting #FlirtFridays

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · 38m ·

    Astrology predictions For the Weekend..
    16th September 2022
    Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus, Pisces & Sagittarius Alert!!
    The distinctive cosmic energies for the Mutable flighty Red-Warrior 2642. In ♊︎ Twinned Gemini ♊︎
    Squaring To The Detailed Oriented Aphrodite (Venus) 2640. in ♍︎ Maiden Virgo ♍︎ 270d. 1f60d. 1f975. 1f57a. 1f483. 1f3c3_200d_2640. 1f3c3.

    Here comes the dilemmatic, Exciting, Thrilling, Flirtatious & Mutable Transit For Weekend
    2642. in Twinned 264a. 90° Square 2640. In Maiden 264d.

    Themes: Seduction Through Words, Flirty Ideas, Longer Talks, Chasing Lovers On Social Media & Perfection
    Seduction, Chase/Thrill Involves Critiques
    Flirtatiousness Through Verbal & Communicative Skills Which Drive People Crazy While Socializing

    In The Different Social Media Apps, Groups, Or Sites That Require High Sense Of Selecting Appropriate

    & Flighty Words such as Twitter, Facebook & Even Instagram

    Twinned ♊︎ Mars 2642. 90 Degrees Square To Maiden ♍︎ Venus 2640.

    The Appropriation For The Airy Gemini Squares Earthy Virgo:

    “She always takes it with a heart of stone
    ‘Cause all she does is throw it back to me
    I’ve spent a lifetime Looking for someone
    Don’t try to understand me Just simply do the Things I say….”

    Mars In Gemini ♊︎ seduces through words, verbal communication
    & flighty flirtatiousness by connecting to many crushes/partners at a time
    through different social media apps..

    Whereas, Ven 2640. in Maiden ♍︎ Virgo ♍︎ believes in finding love through the looks, details & bodily postures
    because this Venus in VIRG is very “Tangible” indeed that requires a lot of perfection
    because you can actually make a move
    to touch this Aphrodite (Venus) because basically,
    Ven in VIRGO deals into matters of;

    “Touch Me Not Until You Are Not Bodily Perfect”

    Read the full article here:

    Regards, 270d. 1f60d. 1f975. 1f57a. 1f483. 1f3c3_200d_2640. 1f3c3.

    Astrologer Aatif


    Astrology For September Transits – 16th Sep 2022The Mutable Madness continues – Clash Of The Virgo & Gemini

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