An Extraterrestrial Cosmology

Discussion in 'An Extraterrestrial Cosmology' started by admin, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. And Ginger

    And Ginger New Member

    Wow! All of these things amaze me! Ever since i was a child, i loved science and astronomy! Thanks for sharing this post here! Props!
  2. eliotMore

    eliotMore New Member

    Cool article! I was looking for such useful content for several weeks! Thanks
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Thank you for your feedback And Ginger and EliotMore.
    As this is basically a 'Library Forum', feedback is commonly not expected. But it is refreshing to receive the same nevertheless.
    You will find much information here, you will not find in unique compressed and compacted form anywhere else on the web.

    May I direct you to recently published papers in New York, (January 2019), which will show certain indicators for the next few years ahead.
    A political globalist agenda is paralleled in a new scientific paradigm, which engages not only the metaphysical reality (New Age, Religion and Spirituality) and the so termed 'paranormal' {all things are natural in a extension of physical law) and UFO-ET phenomenalogy.

    For pdf format (mathimatia is the published version):

    On the forum (extended and under edit):

    The main science paper, (this is technical) and presently in New York by publishers:

    Thanks again for commenting.

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Future Shadows in the Times of Now

    'Adam's Metric Meter' of the Dragons as the Matrix of Thuban - The Pyramids and 82=41+41=Armageddon=DragonMade=DreamDream=OmegaKing=Naviga=Get Fuc11ed!


    Future Shadows in the Time of Now

    For the Eye of the Shaman of Ophis, the Eagleman and for the Ear of the Witch of Arachne, the Spiderwoman.
    These translations form a continuity to the dispensations given under the Mayan code of honour (In Lak'ech!).

    The 2009 timeline requires an extended polarisation between human factions, adhering to an agenda of increased separation; for the implementation of the timeline for the metamorphosis of the universe, centered on the planet of the humanoids, to proceed.
    Only after the nexus point of December 6th, 2011 has been reached, will the necessity of depersonalisation and the absence of debate and commentary with respect to these Mayan messages, become increasingly apparent.

    The reason for publishing certain facts on relatively obscure sites and forums then serves the purpose to allow cessation of opinionated analysis of probabilities regarding those facts and as witnessed in books, media channels, the internet and expert references.
    These messages of 2009 so shall serve for clarification for those readers, who can identify with the Eye of the Shaman and the Ear of the Witch.

    The major message is this.
    The Mayan Precessional Year of 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 kin or 'mean solar days' will be fulfilled on December 21st, 2012 AD, having begun on July 27th, 10,802 BC as a precessional midway point.
    This midway-point then mirrored another precessional median at about 23,616 BC and a greater cycle of humanity, which began about 36,429 BC with the advent of what is commonly understood to be 'Modern Man' or Homo Sapiens Sapies.
    This date is also specified in the prophetic scriptures of the Judeo-Christian worldview (Genesis, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation) in a date beginning December 8th, 2004.
    This latter date and the Mayan nexus are also indicated in the timeline of the Great Pyramid.

    The human history so converges from the oldest timeline of the Sphinxian Pyramid as a midway precessional nexus to the Mayan calendar and the biblical reckonings.
    These messages so convey a particular information to give due notice of preparedness; as once this 'shift in spacetime' has been attained, a certain metaphysical reality will no longer be subject to belief or opinionated suppositions.
    This implies, that the 'unprepared in mind' will experience great difficulty to mentally process a particular 'new physical reality', revolving about the addition of a fourth spacial dimension to the present 4-dimensional Euclidean Minkowskian spacetime continuum.

    The 'preparation' for this new dispensation so engages and requires a familarisation of the perceived 'selfhood' or individuation in the present climate of 'beingness' within an imagined 5-dimensional environment, in which the present reality reduces to a cross-sectional part of a greater and encompassing reality.
    The true reality and as known by the adepts throughout the ages of humanity will then cease to be subject to ignorance, denial or ridicule; as this metaphysical reality will become understood to form a background for a c-invariant electromagnetomonopolic radiation matrix, no longer subject to the lightspeed barrier for inertial parameters.

    The production of electromagnetic radiation by inertia carriers will become supplemented by the production of wormhole- or sourcesink string-energy by a mass- or inertia-precursive agencies.

    In other words, considering this information within your own sense of relativity and your own frames of reference will allow you, should you so choose, to arrive at the appropriate (meaning unified or holistic or holographic) conclusions regarding thoses facts and a subsequent closure of opinionated ados and squabbling debates, based on various extrapolations upon those facts.
    This first dispensation will address the Pyramid of Khufu of the Gizean complex in Egypt.

    This subject matter is highly controversial, as it it well known in 'initiatory' circles located in 'high places', that the information encoded in the pyramid serves as a testimony and 'guideline' for the 'mental and physical' evolution for the terrestrial humanity in the collective and the individual sense.
    It is so considered necessary by the 'echelons,' to sequester the 'deeper unified' interpretations and analysis from public discernment.
    Having access to all and sundry information hitherto 'discovered' by the humanoid collective and without encumberances of fiscal restraints; the 'secretizers' use all means possible to disinform the populus via public media as to the importance of the pyramidal timelines and agendas.

    The pyramidal agenda necessarily relate the metaphysical realities to their physical manifestations and expressions.
    Therefore the analysis and research into the nature and purpose of the pyramid becomes very often 'emotionally charged' in a seeking of the harmony between the physical realism and its metaphysical or 'spiritual' derivative and progenitor.
    The 'sequesterers' so utilize this 'climate of intensity' to filter any relevant information made public, be it based on scientific deduction and measurement or extrapolated superpositions of historical sources, such as prophetic scriptures and mythologies.

    This becomes evident in the public acceptance of open legal slander with regards to labeling so called pyramidologists as pyramidiots.
    No other topic matter 'scares' the 'echeloners' more, than should members of the 'ignorant' populus 'discover' the final 'hidden secrets' of the pyramid; as the complete 'decipherment' still eludes even the 'most initiated' 'leaders' and members of the 'independents'.
    The many books and documents published on the Great Pyramid so are all 'incomplete' and contain extensive disinformation, no matter how 'authoritative' they are presented by adherent or skeptic alike. This dispensation so shall proceed in continual update and as it is appropriate.


    a) To represent a physical testimonial for a metaphysical reality.

    b) To relate the physical reality to the metaphysical reality within an experiential setting of linear timeflow.

    c) To allow initiation for all (selfchosen) Shamans and Witches at defined nexus points inscribed in the King's Chamber.

    d) To relate the 'passage of linear time' to all possible agendas or life-paths experienced on the planet of the humanoids, albeit connected to all other sentiences in the universe, stargated (or wormholed) however in the galactic sourcesink Hunab Ku, the centre of the Milky Way aka Perseus. This 'higher' and 'alien inclusive' agenda requires a connectivity between the King's Chamber, the Queen's Chamber and the Courtesan's Chamber within this particular pyramid.

    e) To relate all other prophecy and predictions as probability functions to a synthesis of physical manifestations within metaphysical realisations.

    f) To relate the empty sarcophagus in the King's Chamber to the vacant grave of the Shaman-Witch who became successfully initiated.

    The Great Pyramid of Giza, in 2005. Built c. 2560 B.C., it is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis.

    Diagram of the interior structures of the great pyramid. The inner line indicates the pyramid's present profile, the outer line indicates the original profile. (wikipedia)

    This diagram from Smyth's Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1864) shows some of his measurements and chronological determinations made from them​

    Facts and Estimations, as obtained from the archives of the nonlinear timeline.


    a) The Pyramid Inch of about 1.00106 standard British Inches (BI), can be used as basic unit for the Pyramid's physical construction and was envisaged and studied by Isaac Newton, amongst many other explorers and researchers. Newton proposed a measurement unit of just over 25 BI ~ 63.5 cm for the pyramid's construction.

    b) 25 such Pyramid Inches (1 PI=2.54269 cm) then give 1 Pyramid Cubit = 1 PC=25 PI = Mean Earth Polar Radius/10,000,000=0.6356725 metres and the PI-Unit itself becomes defined in the thickness of the 'Boss' (or Bread of Life or 'Manna from Heaven' symbol) extruding from the Granite Leaf, the entrance construction for the antechamber adjacent to the King's Chamber. The PC is supplementary to the Royal Cubit 1 RC=20.6066 PI=0.5239620 meters, which closely approximates the zodiacal degree in 12 signs as a Circular-Unit-Radius Perimeter/12=2π/12=π/6~0.5235988.

    This Granite Leaf differs in thickness between 15.2 on the eastern edge and 16.2 PI on the western edge.
    The Boss is displaced similarly from the centre of the Granite Leaf's northern face 21.5 PI from the eastern edge and 19.5 PI from the western edge.

    c) The construction of the pyramid engages Limestone as water-derivatives and Granite as fire-derivatives.

    d) A forging in the fire so increases durability and utility as compared with a more porous liquid elementation in the sense of material 'hardness'.

    e) Only the King's Chamber Complex itself and the separating blockage or 'plug' between the Courtesan Complex and the common 'ascending passage' to the Queen's Chamber Complex and the King's Chamber Complex are made of Granite.

    f) There are 'Scored Lines' 481.7 PI away from the designed entrance to the pyramid and those markers can be defined as a measurement of Calibration with a designed Deviation of the PI unit itself.

    g) The geometrical construction of the pyramid incorporates precise relationships and proportions, such as the transcendental number π=3.142..~22/7 and the Golden Mean Phi Φ~1.618033...for a 'fixation' of the solar (tropical) year as 365.242 (mean solar) days.

    h) Measuring the Pyramid from its foundation socket-corners side S=9131.05 PI=25x(365.242)~232.174 meters, inscribes a slightly 'concave shortened' pyramid with a concavity matching the curvature radius of the earth.

    This concavity engages an increase of S'=S+0.35 PI=9131.4 PI=25x(365.256)~232.1832 meters as the length of a Sidereal Year of 365.256 'mean solar days'.
    There are 4 doubled corner segments, each summing as 8x35.763 PI=286.10 PI=Constant A=8xConstant C~7.275 meters to describe the 'shortening' of 4S by 7.275 meters to a sidelength of 230.355 meters.

    The Perimeter P=4S~4x9131.05 PI = 36,524.2 PI so indicates the Tropical Year of 365.24219 'mean solar days'.

    The error deviation of the constant B=365.242 PI from the Tropical Year measure so is (0.00019/365.24219=0.00000052) or 520 parts per billion and which becomes 16.41 seconds per year or about 4.8672 days per precessional cycle of so 25,627 years. The precessional year is here calculated as 5 Great Mayan cycles of 5x13x144,000 days=9,360,000 days=25,626.83 mean solar years (deviating from the Gregorian time count by about 0.02 years or so 7 days per precessional cycle). The 'conventional' measure presumes a side of 440 RC~230.54 meters.

    i) The height of the pyramid comprises 203 levels of masonry (with remnants of upper two) with an apex height H=5813.007 PI~147.807 meters (or a conventional estimate of 280 RC~146.71 meters) and including a 'missing topstone' with dimensions square perimeter 4s=2288.82 PI for side s=572.20 PI=2x286.10 PI=2x8x35.763 PI~14.549 meters and a height h=364.276 PI~9.262 meters. This 'missing height' so represent the length of a typical solar year shortened by Constant D=0.966=1-0.034 days or 'scriptural' encodements of an 'hour' within a 'day', being 1/24=0.041666....

    The apex of a 'missing capstone' is of height z=103.033 PI~2.6198 meters and of side length x=161.844 PI~4.1152 meters, should the capstone be a miniature scale of the entire pyramid in the ratio 1: √π/100 for z/H=x/S=√π/100.

    The 'shortened' pyramid on the floor level so becomes encoded in the dimensions of the 'missing' topstone as s=2A=572.20 PI.

    After 201 levels of blocks the height of the pyramid at its top surface is ~5478 PI~139.289 meters and 335 PI from the apex (265 RC~138.8 meters is the conventional estimate). This encodes the 'Ancient Month' of 30 day-years in various prophecies for a side length of 526.23 PI.

    The masonic remnants of the uppermost 2 levels are ~317 PI from the apex to give 18 day-years at a sidelength of 497.94 PI and as a subdivisor for the 'Ancient Year' of 30 Months and 360 Days and many other 'gematria' associations (say R=18=6x6x6=6+6+6=216=...). It also indicates, in conjoin with the 'Hour in a Day' in constant D the 'mean socket level' for the length differences of the four corner sockets, constructed to wither timeborne earthquakes, erosions and subduction events (18-1=17).

    j) The ratio of Height to Perimeter of the encasing pyramid is H/4S=1/2π~147.807/928.698~5813.007/365242 for 2πH= Great Circle encompassing the pyramid as a regular Platonic polyhedron in the form of an Octahedron. The perimeter of the pyramid's base 'squares' the circle.

    Using the Sidereal Year (relative to fixed stars), gives this height H'=4S'/2π=5813.230 PI~147.8124 meters.

    k) The 35th course of stones is twice the height (about 50 PI) of the preceding courses at 1162.6 PI~29.561 meters. This is 10 times the length of the antechamber, leading into the King's Chamber.

    About 2.3 million stones of differing weights between 2-30 tons each and some as heavy as 70 tons are used.

    l) The pyramid is constructed atop a 'mound', estimated to occupy about 23% of the total geometric volume of the pyramid. This 23% signifies a 'hidden' part of the pyramid in the 'doubling' of the base layers of the inverted pyramid (see Pyramid Quadratic below).

    m) The total volume occupied by all chambers and passages is estimated to be about 0.07% or about 1859 m3.

    n) The 'Guiding Light' of the Pole-Star is the 'naked eye' star closest to the celestial northpole.
    The present Pole-Star is Polaris aka Alpha Ursae Minoris in the constellation Ursa Minor (Little Bear aka Little Dipper's handle star), laying within 0.75 degrees of celestial true north. In 1997 Polaris begun to 'illuminate' the entrance of the Descending passage and in October 2004, Polaris 'shone' directly down the Descending Passage. Polaris has 'brightened' appreciably by 15% or a factor of 2.5 in a decade and since Ptolemy observed it about 100 AD.

    Alpha Draconis aka Tuban was the Pole-Star in the 27th century BC from 3942 BC (superceding Theta Booetis) until 1793 BC (preceded by Kappa Draconis).


    Alpha Draconis was closest to the celestial northpole in 2787 BC at under 2.5 arcminutes. For about 200 years Alpha Draconis remained within 1 degree of true north, becoming displaced by Kochab about 1900 BC.

    The Descending Passage is so oriented, that the celestial North-Pole can be seen in a restricted way.
    The Dragon-Star aka the Devil-Star aka Thuban aka Alpha Draconis would revolve about true celestial north, allowing for refraction, some 645 years before and after the time of closest approach to true north, according to Percival Lowell.
    Percival Lowell calculated the years as 3400 BC and 2140 BC about 1912 and Charles Smythe calculated those dates as 3440 BC and 2123 BC.


    The angle of declination of the Descending Passage (26.3028°) is subtracted from the elevation of the celestial northpole above the horizon (29.981°) to give an angular 'precessional window' of 3.678 degress for the periods (3437 BC-3325 BC) and (2253 BC-2139 BC) of approximately 114 years.

    The declination of the north star so engages 90-3.678=86.32 degrees as a minimum with a top-bottom variation of about 39 minutes maximum to 86.97 degrees.

    A 'reconstruction' or template-renovation of the pyramid can so be dated with those celestial north-pole alignments with the descending passage serving as a celestial observatory. Radio-Carbon dating on the pyramid resulted in a date variation from 2100 BC to 2800 BC and some much longer up to 12,000 years into the past.

    o) As the length of the 'Scored Lines' is so 481.7 PI and if added to the 'Thuban-Date' of 2140 BC; will give the entrance to the Great Pyramid as a dating of about 2622 BC - the archaeological period of pharaoh Khufu (name meaning 'God Protects Me'), whose proposed reign (2589 BC - 2566 BC) is associated with the Great Pyramid.

    Pharaoh Djoser is believed to have begun the building of pyramids (commissioning his Vizier Imhotep - 'The One Who Comes In With Peace') in his reign (2635 BC - 2610 BC) in the Old Kingdom's 3rd dynasty (2686 BC - 2613 BC). Djoser (name meaning 'Body of the Gods') was preceded by pharaoh Sanakth (2686 BC - 2667 BC) as the name of 'Strong Protection' to archeologically relate the timeline of the pyramid to its 'Rediscovery' by the Egyptian pharaohs in the 3rd dynasty.

    The 1st dynasty is conventionally dated to begin with pharaoh Menes about 3100 BC and the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt under Narmer, (the hieroglyphic catfish) around 3150 BC to indicate the earlier precessional alignment of the Great Pyramid with the Egyptian archeological history and leading into its prehistory.

    This prehistory is indicated by the 3rd century BC Ptolemaic Egyptian priest-historian Manetho ('Truth of Thoth'), who asserted, that Egyptian civilisation had existed 36,525 years prior to the end of the 30th dynasty in 332 BC.

    The 'Aegyptiaca' of Manetho discusses the 'Hebrew Custom' to identify a 'Lunar Year' of 30 'Ancient Months' with a Year-Count applied to the Egyptian prehistory of: 'Gods, Demigods, Spirits of the Dead and Mortal Men'. Taking a 'Lunar Year' count of 36,000 then reduces to 3,000 'Ancient Years' each of 12 months counted in 30 'Ancient Days'; this 'custom' distorting the reckoning of the timekeepings and resulting in 'misinterpreted' biblical chronologies.

    p) Using the conventional archeological datings so indicates that the Great Pyramid existed already at the beginning of the 3rd dynasty and subsequently served as a template for the pyramid building activities of later pharaohs.


    Casing Stone​

    a) Encasing the pyramid in 'Casing Stones' with a polished surface design (often finetuned to within 1/100th of an inch or 1/5th of a millimeter), will result in the transformation of the Great Pyramid into a Beacon of White Stone, casting a starlike reflection or shadow across the area of its construction, being oriented due north (to within 1/20th of a degree) on the longest landsurface meridian at a latitude of 30 degrees north (29.98085°).

    b) The pyramid has its face to base angle of alpha=α=51.8540 degrees and its edge-to-base angle of beta=β=41.99736 degrees.

    The midday shadow-angle between the northern face of the pyramid and the sun so increases towards the apex and disappears, the pyramid swallowing its own shadow when directly overhead at noon.
    The pyramid's westbound shadow at sunrise converges gradually towards the side of the pyramid and coincides with the side at the solstice time for a similar 'swallowing of the sun' as a 'winged disk'.

    c) The Diagonal of the (long) pyramid is D=S√2~12913.25 PI~328.344 meters for an Edge E=S√(4/π2 +½)~8687.854 PI defining sinβ=H/E=0.669096.

    d) The Midpoint of a side S and the Apex define ((½S)2+L2=E2) the slanted height L=H/sinα=7391.5513 by the face-angle cosγ=S/2E=0.52551 and the face-apex angle δ=180-2γ=180-2(58.2974)=63.4052 degrees.

    e) 2L/S=4/π.sinα~1.61899 and precisely Φ for sinα=4/(πΦ) =0.786905314..... for an
    'Idealised Casing Angle' =51.89724156 degrees (51º 53' 50").

    S/2L=L/(L+S/2)=2L/(2L+S)=1/Φfor the Golden Section: L(L+½S)=(½S):L

    The Pentagon is defined by a equilateral triangle ABC apex angle (at C) 36 degrees and face-angles 72 degrees for a midpoint P and sides divided in the ratio X(1-X) and where X=1/Φ is also the base AB.

    Therefore, sin(18º)=1/2Φ=sin(36º)/2sin(72º) from sin(36º)=2sin(18º).cos(18º)



    Because (n+1)3=n3+3n2+3n+1 and 1+2+3+...+(n-1)+n=½n(n+1) as Summation of Aritmetic Progression for the Natural Numbers:


    Therefore summing the cubes gives:

    Therefore, (n+1)3=n3+3n2+3n+1=(n+1)+½.3(n)(n+1)+3(Summation of Squares).

    And Summation {SigmaΣ} of Squares:

    Σn2 = [2(n+1)3-2(n+1)-3n(n+1)]/6=n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 = [2n3+3n2+n]/6

    Similarly, (n+1)4=n4+4n3+6n2+4n+1=(n+1).1+4(Summation of Cubes)+6(Summation of Squares)+2n(n+1)

    For Σn3 = [(n+1)4-n(n+1)(2n+1)-2n(n+1)-(n+1)]/4 = [n(n+1)/2]2

    There are so 210(211)(421)/6=3,109,085 'Idealised Stones', including the Capstone and 4x209+1=837 Cornerstones (with the capstone) for n=210 courses in the Great Pyramid.
    The total number of casing stones without the capstone so becomes:


    and 2.210.209=87,780 for n=210; and the cornerstones, inclusive the capstone, sum as
    Σ{Cn}=4(n-1)+1=4n-3 and as Cn}=4(n-1) without the capstone.

    The encompassment for 210 levels gives the sequence of squares from 210 to the capstone as metaphysical cubes enveloping the physical pyramidal structure. Those metaphysical cubes become however metaphysical prisms for the capstone to be a miniature replica for the pyramid in toto.

    The 210 courses so have square bases, but a reduced height in the ratio H/S=2/π~0.63662 and for 210Y=H=2S/π for Y=27.681 PI~0.7038 meters.

    On level n=210 the base layer encompasses 44,100 prisms with 836 casing stones and for n=209, the second layer counts 43,681 such prisms with 832 casing stones.

    Level 10 comprises 100 prisms and 36 casing stones, followed by the counts {81,32} {64,28}; {49,24}; {36,20}; {25,16}; {16,12)} {9,8}, and {4,4} as the projected height of the pyramid for n=2 and with just 4 cornerstones, also being casing stones - followed by the capstone. There are 836 corner stones in total.

    The Casing Stones of the 'short pyramid' can now themselves become 'Encased' by the 'metaphysical' 'long pyramid'; the first level casing stones have dimensions of about 1.5:1.5:1.8, there are 232.174/1.5~153-155 pyramidal prisms in the encompassing metaphysical side.

    But the 'perfected' polishing of the pyramidal surface allows superposition of 'Idealised Perfect Cubes' onto this smooth surface 'without gaps'.

    Beginning at the 'Capstone' aka Pyramidion as n=1 in a Sum of Squares and proceeding to n=210 courses; constructs the squares in layers n2; each layer n defining a circumference of Casing Stones counted as
    Tn=4(n-2)+4 Cornerstones or as Tn=4(n-1)

    An idealised cubestone so has a sidelength 9131.05/210=43.481 PI or X=1.1056 meters and a volume of U=X2Y=0.8603 m3.

    The volume summed as the courses of squares becomes U(12+22+32+...+2092+2102)=U(210x211x421)/6 or about 2,674,836 m3 and for 3,109,085 'idealised' construction stones.

    The geometric volume of the pyramid is calculated as:
    Volume=BaseAreaxHeight/3 ~2,655,807 m3, and it becomes the difference of the 'idealised' volume minus the 'polishing'.

    The Polishing-Function P(n) describes the difference in those volumes divided by the number of casing stones used. Using this function will greatly improve the accuracy of the individual size measurements for the pyramid.

    For U=S2H/n3 and V=S2H/3:

    P(n)={U(2n3+3n2+n)/6-S2H/3}/{U(2n2-2n+1)} = {(2n3+3n2+n)/6-n3/3}/{2n2-2n+1} and so


    This shows that for a single prismatic construction stone (n=1); the geometric volume of the 'chiseled' pyramid will be one third of the utilized material and where this value approaches its maximum at n=0.8904.

    The encasing so subtracts about 19,029 m3 or 22,119 U from the idealised construction of prisms at the 210 course level and where the number of casing stones is 87,780+1=87,781 and subtracting so 0.71% from the total and for P(210)~25.16%.

    Increasing the number of 'idealised' casing stones so will increase the number of courses and allow the physical construction of the 210 courses to use a variation and distribution of building blocks, accompanied by a decrease in the size of the blocks and a reduction in the 'polishing fraction'.
    The variation is about 0.0007% per level for n=219.

    The total volume for all the passages and chambers in the pyramid is about 1300 m3 and so:

    for n=218, one requires 218x219x437/6=3,477,209 prisms with 2x218x217=94,612 casing stones, of which 868 are corners and Y=26.665 PI~0.678 meters; X=41.886 PI~1.065 meters and U~0.7690 m3 for P(218)~25.153344%.

    For n=219, one requires 219x220x439/6=3,525,170 prisms with 2x219x218=95,484 casing stones, of which 872 are corners and Y=26.543 PI~0.675 meters; X=41.694 PI~ 1.060 meters and U~0.7587 m3 for P(219)~25.152642%.

    For n=220, one requires 220x221x441/6=3,573,570 prisms with 2x220x219=96,360 casing stones, of which 876 are corners and Y=26.423 PI~0.672 meters; X=41.505 PI~1.055 meters and U~0.7484 m3 for P(220)~25.151946%.

    At a projected 'perfect' 2702 level of 27x27x100=72,900 base level then; the number of non corner casing stones is equal to the number of casing stones including the corners at the next 269-level; 145,260-1076=144,184 and excluding the capstone and for P(270)~25.123743% and P(269)~25.124204%.

    This function holds generally and at the 2192 level of 219x219=47,961 base level; the number of non corner casing stones is 95,484-872=94,612 as the casing stones at the n=209 level inclusive the cornerstones.

    At the n=210 course of 2102=21x21x100=44,100 base level; the number of non corner casing stones is 87,780-836=86,944=2x209x208 as the casing stones at the n=209 level inclusive the cornerstones.

    So for the n=5 course; the perfect square 25 is base to 5x6x11/6=55 prisms of 2x5x4=40 casing stones and of 4x4=16 corners plus the capstone.

    And for the n=4 level; the perfect square 16 is base to 4x5x9/6=30 prisms of 2x4x3=24 casing stones and of 4x3=12 corners plus the capstone.

    For the n=3 level; the perfect square 9 is base to 3x4x7/6=14 prisms of 2x3x2=12 casing stones and of 4x2=8 corners plus the capstone and for

    n=2, the perfect square 4 is the base for the capstone as 2x3x5/6=5 prisms of 2x2x1=4 casing stones as 4x1=4 corners for the pyramidion at n=1.


    The physical measurement of the Great Pyramid gives 'short' measurements for the Northern side ~230.255 meters; Southern side 230.453 meters; Eastern side 230.392 meters and Western side 230.359 meters - average 230.365 meters) and height 146.730 meters and for a face-base or casing angle of arctan(2H/S)=51.868 degrees (51º 52' 6").

    The 'long' measurements, using the sockets fastened to the pavement, are S=232.174 meters and H=147.807 meters for a casing angle of 51.854 degrees (51º 51' 14").

    Adding the shadow-gnomon (of height G=0.22956 meters or 9.0283 PI) to this height will give the idealised relationship: α=arcsin{4/(πΦ)}=51º 53' 50.07".

    The Great Pyramid as an Octahedron represents 'The Seal of Solomon' or David's Star geometrically and symbolically. The shadowed DARK and hidden half so is allowed to intersect the visible LIGHT half at its base course N.


    Star of David=Seal Of Solomon=Vesica Piscis=Octahedron


    A Moroccan local stamp, created in March 1896 by Josue Benchimol, from Tetuan to Chaouen (70 km). There are two major symbols on this stamp, the six-points star and the moon crescent with a star, symbolising many religions. Another local post was created in 1895 by Aaron Cohen from Tanger to Arcila (50 km), with a Magen David. (by zeevveez)

    From Wikipedia entry “Fire (classical element)” uploaded by Bryan Derksen​

    In alchemy the triangle that points up is the symbol of fire while the triangle that points down is the symbol of water. As the elemental Fire is 'nourished' by the elemental Air and the elemental Earth is nourished by the elemental Water as zodiacal opposites; all four elements are incorporated in this symbolism.

    From Wikipedia entry “water (classical element)” uploaded by Bryan Derksen

    Fire and water are opposites. In the hexagram they interpenetrate and together they represent the unity of the opposites as in the yin-yang semiotiks - the fiery water with the airborne earth - that’s why hexagrams were drawn on the signs above shops that sold brandy until about hundred years ago.

    Made from micrographic Hebrew letters of verses from The Song of Songs by Baruch Ben Shmariahu (Shir_Brest_1794).Micrography is a unique Jewish art which has been developed in Tiberias in the 9th century C.E (Copyright: “zhsky” from Flickr)

    The Seal of Solomon, the New IS-RA-EL and the Pyramidal Timeline



    The vesica piscis is a shape, which is the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. The name literally means the bladder of the fish in Latin.
    The shape is also called "mandorla" in Italian.

    It has been the subject of mystical speculation at several periods of history, perhaps first among the Pythagoreans. The mathematical ratio of its width (measured to the endpoints of the "body", not including the "tail") to its height was reportedly believed by them to be 265:153 (namely 1.73203...). The geometric ratio of these dimensions is actually the squarere root of 3, or 1.73205... (since if straight lines are drawn connecting the centers of the two circles with each other, with the two points where the circles intersect, two equilateral triangles join along an edge).
    The ratio 265:153 is an approximation to the square root of 3, with the property that no better approximation can be obtained with smaller whole numbers. The number 153 appears in the Gospel of John (21:11) as the number of fish Jesus caused to be caught in a miraculous catch of fish. (Wikipedia)

    Because the two centres are a distance R=Radius apart, the midpoint and geometric center of the vesica piscis becomes a cross centered on ½R=Rcos(60º)=½R horizontally and ½H=Rsin(60º)=½R√3 vertically.
    The axis-cross ratio 2H/R=R√3/R=√3=1.7320508...~265/153=1.7320261...
    and for an error of (100-99.9986)%=0.0014%.
    The general method relates the Archimedean extraction of roots by (integer)Diophantine equations:

    X2=3Y2+1 for √(X2/Y2)=X/Y=√(3+1/Y2) and here for X=5,19,71,265,989,3691,...and Y=3,11,41,153,571,2131,... for increasingly precise approximations for √3.
    There are 265 Days of Gestation in a typical human pregnancy, reflecting three quarters of a solar tropical year and as 9 Lunations or Synodic Months, each of 29.53059 mean solar days to an error of (100-99.708)%=0.292%.

    Subtracting 153 Fish-Days from the 'Gestational Cocoon' of 265 Mayan Kin-Days so indicates a daycount for a particular year, which encompasses 366 days from a 'Desolation-Resurrection' Day to its anniversary. 265-153=265-150-3=115-3 and where the 150 Days are encoded as '5 months of Scorpions' and as 110 Days of 'rising waters' following 40 Days and Nights of Deluge in the metaphor of Noah's Flood.
    Here the dimensions of Noah's Ark -{Genesis.6.15}- are L:B:H=300:50:30=6:1:0.6~6Φ:Φ:1 and again approximating √3 as 5/3 and describing the Merkabah of the 'Cosmic Man' Vitruvius of Leonardo de Vinci.

    Fundamentally, the 153 day count relates to 100+53=100+49+4 and where 7.5 weeks (7=3+4=2x3.5) describe a 'weekly cycle' superimposed onto other such cycles, like the 30 day 'ancient month' and the 360 day 'ancient year'. The days from January 1st to May 31st are 151 in a non-leap year and 152 in a leap year and the number of days from August 1st to December 31st in any Gregorian count is 153. The midpoint 'Mirror-Day' in such a typical year of 365=2x182+1 days so becomes Day #183 as July 2nd with 182 days preceding and 182 days following.

    This particular Kinship was Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD and the anniversary was April 1st, 32 AD as the 'Days of the Cosmic Fool' of the Orb of the Ouroboros aka Ophiuchus, the Tamer of the Serpent - the Plumed Serpent of the Maya or the Quetzacoatl of the Aztecs or the Egyptian Horus aka the Cosmic Christ aka the 12th Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi aka Emmanuel Melchizedek aka Hermes Trismegistos aka 'The Great White Brother' aka Krishna Purusha aka aka aka..
    Linked to the decipherment of divers encodments (which are more detailed in the linked references); a weekly cycle of 7 days is halved into three days and three nights and a mirror day, where the day becomes a night and the night becomes a day.

    There are seven weeks added to this halfweek, beginning on April 1st, 31 AD to signify 56 days between the 'appearance of a dried earth' and the Noahic Covenant of the Rainbow.
    These are the image days from the 'Day of the Embalming' on Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD to the 'Day of the Pentecost' on Sunday, May 20th, 31 AD, occurring 10 Days after the 'Day of the Disappearance' or 40 Days of 'Communion'.
    There are thus 153 Fish-Days between the 'Day of the Leaving' on Thursday, May 10th, 31 AD and the 'Day of the Fulfilment and the Mirroring of Time' on Wednesday, October 10th, 31 AD and its halfweek projection from Sunday, May 13th, 31 AD to Saturday, October 13th, 31 AD.

    This is a timeline encoded in the Pyramid, as well as being specified in the allegory of the Flood and the scriptural gematria.
    The pyramidal encoding indicates, that a 'mental image flood' will end in a 'New Rainbow Covenant' on April 1st, 2012 AD to begin a 'Gaian Pregnancy' and a 'Gaian Rebirth' manifesting on December 21st, 2012 AD. This shall be further elucidated as the linear timeline progresses towards its Mayan fulfilment.

    The political entity of the state of Israel will cease to exist after this 'New Covenant' becomes implemented. The 'Chosen and Holy People of God' will be understood to relate to the Jewish culture as a geographical archetype and as a 'forerunner' for its unigraphical archetype of the humanoid species overall. This unigraphical mapping relates the humanoid genus as a particular cosmic 'citizenship' or 'inheritor' of certain 'Abrahamic Promises' regarding a 'Seeding from the Stars'.

    Serving as an archetype for the 'starseeded' human species; the Israelitic identification with a certain geographical location and certain monumental symbols shall become DIFFUSED into a planetary identification for the global populus. This shall eventuate, in the reidentification of the 'Tribes of Jacob-Israel' as the dividing of the the cyclic year into 12 months or 12 starsigns or a similar partitioning of a Unity into separated sharded holograms.

    The relabeling shall render every global 'inheritor' as a 'SonDaughter of Israel' according to herhis starsign as hisher 'birthday' or 'deathday'. The political Israel shall so become a global Israel, with all 'Jews' assimilated and dispersed around the global communities as 'New Israelites' and according to their chosen physical abodes of residence. Then the present day Jewish peoples residing in present day political Israel and all who choose to reside at that particular geographical locale, will be known as Palestinian Israelites.

    What is known as the political Nation-State Israel. will become dismantled or ZIONISED to encompass the worldwide New IS-RA-EL = RA-IS-EL and as the symbolic fulfilment of the physical manifestation of the hitherto metaphysical 'Source-God-Sink' Ra Ren YahWehY Ren Hallah Ren EL and embodied as the BODY of ISRAEL aka Noah's Ark aka the Merkabah aka the Body of Christ aka THE TEMPLE of the RESURRECTION aka the NEW JERUSALEM aka the Dagonomy of the HeShe=SheHe of the alchemical 'wedding' between the 'spirit' and the 'flesh' aka the RadiationMass of the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' as a 'Vessel of Deliverance'.

    The true nature of the 'Temple of Jerusalem' and of the NATION ZION shall become universally realised and it will be understood, that the Old Jerusalem and the Old Israel as geographical locations served as unigraphical archetypes for a New Jerusalem and a New Israel.

    The nation Israel shall be the first such political entity, which shall relinquish its 'sense of separation' from its 'neighbours' and assume its International Selfhood as a DaughterSon of EL; the Pharaohnic symbol of the Sceptre and the Flail, the Royal lineage from the stars, allowing nonterrestrial lineages to aspire to Israelite Genealogical Integration.

    For a period of time, the geographical region upon earth now occupied by the nation Israel and surrounding regions, shall be known as PALESTINA; the Old Origin of the P(a)lace of Solomon's Temple and the Birthing Place of the eonold Construction of 'The archetypical Body for the metaphysical God EL'.

    There shall also be a new geographical origin for the locale for this Old Israel to mirror the Above in the Below and the North in the South.
    The IS-RA-EL of the North shall be known througout the galaxies as the AUS-TRA-LIA of the South. This nomenclature shall reflect certain metaphysical occurrences of the beginning of the cycle of the 'starseeded humanity' in the Southern Lands of Lemuria and the Northern Lands of Atlantia and thereby allow the communication between the 'watchers and gardeners of the seeds' and the 'fruitful seeds' to proceed intergalactically within a new realisation of a shared spacetime environment within the lightmatrix of EL-LE and LE-EL.

    The Old Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus Flavius Vespasius on August 4th, 70 AD, precisely 42 years after the 'Day of the Blessing' of the 'Plumed Serpent' in the river Jordan on August 4th, 28 AD. These 42 years so describe a period of the 'Blessed Curse', which is encoded as the 'Winepress of God's Wrath, trodden Without the Holy City' and assuming the number count of 1,600 Days between August 4th, 2008 AD and December 21st, 2012 AD.

    Those 1600 Days form the 'furlong-measurement' in comparison to the 'furlong-measurement' of the 'Within the Holy City', given as 12,000 Days.
    The ratio 19,200/144,000=1,600/12,000=16/120=2/15=1/7.5 describes the LIGHT-ENCOMPASSMENT for the planet earth in a Schumann-Frequency of 7.5 Hertz. Light 'travels around the earth's perimeter 7.5 times per second.

    12,000 Days are 32 years and 312 days and 1,600 days are 4 years and 139 days for a total of 37 years and 86 days, 10 months and about 8 days.
    December 21st, 2012 AD - 13,600 Days = September 27th, 1975 AD and April 1st, 32 AD - 13,600 Days = January 6th, 6 BC (as the Julian Christmas Day or the Day of the Magi in the Gregorian Calendar and as the general Yuletide Season or 12 Days of Christmas).

    The 8 weeks or 49+7 Days of the Rainbow Covenant from September 27th, 1975 give the 'Day of Ophis' - the 'Day of the Plumed Serpent Ophiuchus' as the Cusp between the Israelitic Tribal Sons of Sagittarius-Issachar and Scorpio-Asher on November 23rd, 1975. This begins 3 weeks of tribulation as 21 'Days of Gabriel' to 'complete' the '7 Days of Ezekiel's Confusion' and the '4-Weeks of Lent'.

    56 Days from 'King's Day' January 6th, 6 BC gives March 3rd, 6 BC and its extension by 21 Days gives the Spring Equinox of the Julian Calendar in 6 BC as the 'Birthday of the Serpent-Tamer' to March 24th, 6 BC that is the spring equinox dated at March 23rd, 6BC (back calibrated to March 21st, 6BC Gregorian).

    The detailed partitioning of the 'End Times' from December 8th 2004 to December 21st, 2012 engages a particular 2-year period and the larger cycles of the sun and the moon.
    The METONIC Cycle encompasses a 19-year cycle of 235 Lunations, equal to 19 tropical years to within 2 hours.
    The Metonic cycle forms the basis for Greek and Jewish calendars, as it repeats the phases of the moon on the same days of a year.

    The SAROS Cycle relates the occurrrence of Lunar and Solar Eclipses in almost identically repeated intervals of just over 18 years.
    223 Lunations or 6585.32 days differ by 0.46 days from 19 Eclipse years (of just 346.62003 mean solar days) of 6585.78 days and assign a position of the Sun, the Moon and the Moon's Dragon-Nodes which is the same relative to each other for a Saros period.
    This Saros cycle was known to the ancient civilisations, including the Babylonians and the Maya.

    The difference between the Metonic- and the Saros Cycle so are 235-223=12 Lunations or 354.3671 mean solar days and differing from the Tropical year by 10.875 mean solar days.

    A BLUE MOON is defined as Two Full Moons occuring in a given (common Gregorian) month and a BLACK MOON serves as the New Moon corollary. As there are approximately 40 such corollaries in a century; there are about 40 Blue Moons and 40 Black Moons per century or the separation between any particular Double-Moon is between 2.5 and 3 years.

    In the 'End Times' and for Universal Greenwich Time (UMT), the BLUE MOONS are:
    July 2&31 2004 AD; June 1&30 2007 AD; December 2&31 2009 AD and August 2&31 2012 AD.
    The BLACK MOONS for the 'End Times' are: December 1&31 2005 AD; August 1&30 2008 AD and July 1&30 2011 AD.
    A Solar Eclipse requires a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon and so can only occur at the New Moon.
    A Lunar Eclipse requires Sun and Moon in opposition with the earth in between and so can only happen at Full Moon.
    'Within two full years will I bring again into this place all the vessels of the Lord's house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried them to Babylon.....Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years."-{Jeremiah.28.3,11}.
    "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."-{Isaiah.66.23}.

    The vessels of the Lord are physical images of metaphysical objects and king Nebuchadnezzar is the archetype of the physical controllers. The 'flesh' is in inferior supraidentity of the superior metaphysical identity and the inferior will become subject to the superior in a supramentalisation of the below metamorphosing into the above. (See Moses' Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos and the 'Above as Below' axioms for further alchemical elucidiation at this point in time. Another reference regarding supermentality is Aurobindoean metaphysics).

    On December 21st, 2010 AD, a Tuesday Full Moon begins a 2-year period to December 21st, 2012.
    The (northern) winter solstice synchronises with a Total Lunar Eclipse.
    Other Total Lunar Eclipses for this 2-year period occur on Full Moon, Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 and on Full Moon, Saturday, December 10th, 2011.
    There is a Total Solar Eclipse for New Moon, Tuesday, November 13th, 2012; an Annular Solar Eclipse on New Moon, Sunday, May, 20th, 2012 and there are Partial Solar Eclipses on the New Moons of Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 and Wednesday, June 1st, 2011, as well as on Friday, July 1st, 2011 (just one month apart) and for Monday, November 28th, 2011.
    There are partial Lunar Eclipses on the Full Moons of Monday, June 4th, 2012 and Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 (penumbral).
    The Second 8-year Venus Transit of Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 completes the First Venus Transit of Monday, June 7th, 2004.

    Following the December 21st, 2010 Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse, the next New Moon will occur on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 AD.
    July 1st, 2011 AD will introduce the FIRST BLACK MOON into the final 2-year period and define the FIRST SABBATH on Saturday, July 2nd, 2011 AD and the SECOND SABBATH on the SECOND BLACK MOON on Saturday, July 30th, 2011 AD.

    Within the two sabbaths and the two Black Moons, is located Sunday, July 10th, 2011 AD as the mirror image of the 'Gestation Day' of Sunday, April 1st, 2012 AD.
    Counting 265 Days from July 10th, 2011 gives April 1st, 2012 and counting 265 Days from April 1st, 2012 gives December 21st, 2012.
    The day count from New Moon on Friday, July 1st, 2011 AD to New Moon on Thursday, December 13th, 2012 AD are 19 Lunations or synodic months and there are 9 New Moons from Saturday, April 21st, 2012 AD to Thursday, December 13th, 2012 AD and there are 9 New Moons between Saturday, July 30th, 2011 AD and Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 AD.
    There are so 10 encompassing New Moons from Saturday, April 21st, 2012 AD to Friday, January 11th, 2013 AD and 9 Lunations mirrored in Friday, July 1st, 2011 AD as the imaged beginning of the 'Shadowed Pregnancy' and 'Birth'.
    The period from July 10th, 2011 AD to December 21st, 2012 so encompasses 2x265=530 Days to which is added a 'halfweek of confusion' or 3.5 days to Chrismas Day, 2012 and 21 days until the January 2013 New Moon.
    This scenario becomes imaged in the two Black Moons of July, 2011 with the 4-weeks from December 13th, 2012 to January 11th, 2013 'reflecting' in its 'shadow' of the two Black Moons from July 1st, 2011 to July 30th, 2011.

    There are 40+110=150 Days of the 'Deluge' followed by 74 days from the 'Peak of Mount Ararat', followed by 40+7+7+36=90 days until the 56 days for the 'Rainbow Covenant' for a total of 370 days.
    The symmetry then becomes-{Genesis.7.11-}:
    The subsiding of the deluge so spans the daycount from the 'Peak of Mount Ararat' to Noah's sending of the Raven and the Dove 74+40=114 days afterwards and is followed by 14+36+56=106 days or 15 weeks plus one day. As 370=105+265=153+56+56+105=150+(3.5+3.5)+49+108+56
    150 days of the raising are also '5 months of scorpions' {Revelation.9.5-10} and the difference between the 'Gestation' Image within the Rainbow Covenant beginning April, 1st, 2012 and the 'Days of the Flood' are 265-150=115=370-the 86 days

    The Octahedron as a Nonintersecting Double-Pyramid




    The physical Great Pyramid is metaphysically SHADOWED in the encompassing circle defined by its height H, being the radius R for that circle and circumscribing a Square of side S=½πH.
    The Great Pyramid so is a Double-Pyramid of upwards-pointing Light and downwards-pointing Darkness; and as symbolised by the geoemetry of the Vesica Piscis and Solomon's Seal. As such the regular Platonic Octahedron becomes displaced in intersection about the platform of the 220th layer, upon which the physical pyramid is constructed.

    2x219x218+1=95,485 Casing Stones for 219 levels so become supplemented by 47,961 'Shadowed' and nonpolished Casing Stones from the inverted and reflected pyramid. This then gives 143,446 Casing Stones for the 5-faced pyramid. The number of casing stones at n=219 for that layer are 4x218=872 with 872xP(219)~219.33.. So each of the casing stones is 'polished' to 75%.

    There are so 115 Casing Stones missing to complete the 144,000 (Mayan) Kin-Day number of the propheticalle encoded count of 12x12,000=144,000.
    115=5x23 and including the 'missing capstone' for 'four gates' or corners of the 'New Temple' (say the New Jerusalem' as a 'Heavenly City' or a 'Light-Space-Ship' gives 4x(28+1)=4x29=4x(30-1)=116.
    This doubles the 8 weeks of the timeline chronologies as 2x(49+2x(3.5))=112=265-153 and assigns each cardinal direction or 'Jerusalem Gate-Corner' of North-East-West-South an 'Entrance' 'guarded' by the decomposition of the 'missing capstone' as the Unity 1=29-28.

    The 'shadowing' of the LIGHT-Pyramid in its DARK-Pyramid in the Octahedron then intersects the Pavement in the fraction of n as given in the Pyramid Quadratic.

    004_el11. caduce10. caduce10.
    Using the Pavement of the pyramid as the course for n=220; the number of 220x220=48,400 Base-Shadow Stones are added to the 219-course Casing Stones and gives 95,485+48,400=143,885 Casing Stones.

    The shadowed layer of 47,961 stones and with dimensions U~0.7587 m3 represents a submerged volume of 36,388 m3 and which maps the base of the ''hidden mound' inside the upright pyramid as 36,388/2,655,807~1.37% and here ignoring the polishing.
    To reconstruct the entire mound as a truncated pyramid within the visible structure, a 'doubling' of courses from n=219 to n=x is required.

    For n=201 and U=0.7587 m3, the summation of layers gives: 3,525,170-2,686,700=838,470 prisms with 95,484-79,600=15,884 casing stones and for polishing reductions P(219)=0.251526417 and P(200)=0.25167188. This reduces the casing stone count of 15,884 to 11,887.6 and results in a truncation volume of U(838,470-3,996.4) ~ 633,115 m3 or 633,115/2,655,807~23.84% of the pyramidal total geometric volume.

    The metaphysical consistency for the overall construction of the pyramid so encompasses the inconsistency of the physical construction of the inner pyramid and becomes mirrored in the nonuniformity of blocks used and the 'falling away'of the topmost levels, including a 'missing capstone' and a gnomon (indicator of the shadow) supplementing the pyramidion as the 'transducer' to the sky.

    The 'doubling' of the block size at the 35th course and at the level of the King's Chamber signifies the overall 'doubling' of the pyramid into the shape of a Platonic Octahedron.
    One so constructs the physical pyramid upon partially SHADOWED Casing Stones given by a base N2.
    The base n=219 so defines (220-1)2=48,400-440+1=47,961=2192 Partially SHADOWED Base Casing Stones; which are added to the casing stones for the 219th course as the fraction (between 219 and 220) for the PYRAMID QUADRATIC:

    (n+1)2+2n(n-1)+1=144,000 = Base-Casing+Face-Casing+Capstone.

    The PHYSICAL CASING for the 5-faced Great Pyramid so becomes SHADOWED or inverted in the 'Great Shadow Pyramid' for N=n+n*=219+n*.

    The Pyramid Quadratic so is:

    3N2+2=3(219+n*)2+2=143,885+3(n*)2+1314n* = 144,000 or 3(n*)2+1314n*-115=0

    for a function f(N)=3N2-143,998.

    The root n*=√(1,727,976)-1314)/6=0.087501545... so describes a SHADOWED BASECASING for

    The Pyramid Quadratic so becomes a LIMIT of differentiation for epsilon ε=N-n=n* for the function
    [f(n+n*)-f(n)]/n*=115/n*=1314.262508...and with the base casing increased by [440n*+(n*)2]=38.50833632.. and the face casing increased by [874n*+2(n*)2]=76.49166337.. for the total of [1314n*+3(n*)2]=115.


    The SHADOW Base casing so is comprised of 144,000 casing stones, representing the PHYSICAL five-faced encapsulation of the Great Pyramid and which is IMAGED in the metaphysical Capstone of Unity at the opposite pyramidion of the inscribed Octahedron.

    For Y=26.543 PI~0.6749 meters; X=41.694 PI~1.060 meters; U=0.7587 m3; the Volume of the 219 courses and for 438x218=95,484 casing stones, then becomes U(219x220x439/6)=0.7587(3,525,170)~2,674,546.479 m3; differing by 18,739.414 m3 from the geometric volume of 2,655,807.065 m3 as 18,739.414/2,674,546.479 or as 0.701% of the total.

    95,485U~72,444.47 m3 ~ [3.866]18,739.414 and a 'polishing fraction' increased to 1/[3.866]~25.87%.

    Using bigger blocks relates to a decrease in levels and a decrease of the 'polishing' volume to be subtracted from the square construction count.

    For n=210, Y=27.681 PI~0.7038 meters; X=43.4812 PI~1.1056 meters; U=X2Y~0.86029 m3 for a volume of 2,674,714.735 m3 and with 18,907.67/2,674,714.735~0.707%.

    87,781U~75,517.12 m3 ~ [3.994]18,907.67, meaning that the 'polishing' fraction of the casing stones is about 1/[3.994]~25.04%.

    For n=200, Y=29.065 PI~0.739 meters; X=45.655 PI~1.1609 meters; U~0.9959 m3 for a volume of 2,675,684.53 m3 and 19,877.465/2,675,684.53~0.743%.

    79,601U~79,274.64 m3 ~ [3.988]19,877.465 and for a 'polishing fraction' of 1/[3.988]~25.08%.

    For n=100, Y=58.130 PI~1.478 meters; X=91.3105 PI~2.3217 meters; U~7.967 m3 for a volume of 2,695,634.45 m3 and 39,827.385/2,695,634.45~1.477%.

    19,801U~157,754.57 m3 ~ [3.961]39,827.385 and a 'polishing fraction' of so 1/[3.961]~25.25%.

    For n=220, Y=26.423 PI~0.672 meters; X=41.505 PI~1.0553 meters; U~0.7484 m3 for a volume of 2,674,573.13 m3, with 18,766.063/2,674,573.13~0.702%.

    96,361U~72,116.57 m3 ~ [3.843]18,766.063 and a 'polishing fraction' of so 1/[3.843]~26.02%.

    The 'polishing fraction' P(n) so increases from its minimum value in between the physical construction level at n=210 and its metaphysical projection at n=219.

    These messages are correlated with the other threads and messages as shared by the Council of Thuban and its associated 'Mystery of the Sphinx' and particular calendars accessible at linked and other sources.

    IAmWhoIAm - Kuku for the World Twin Logos
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Pyramid Timeline of Giza

    pyr1. pyr2. pyr3. pyr4. pyr5. pyr6. pyr7. Pyramidion. pyrori10.
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    • shiloh. Tony Bermanseder July 2, 2019

      On the Origins of the human ETs and the nature of antigravity as physicalized consciousness.

      Bob Lazar on the Rogan show


      start of excerpt
      Greetings from beyond the veil from your Guides of the Hadafah, blessed in the LOVE, the little serpent is continually sending to you all from his exile and separation in the 2nd/11th-12th dimension of the MATHIMATIA!
      In this message you will find illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged the mental ponderings and philosophizing of many Mayas in exile. You all are star bred Maya, meaning that your genealogy is twofold; one biological, say from your lineage trees of ancestors tracing the human genome to its beginnings 5 great time cycles ago to 5×9,360,000 = 46,800,000 Kin-Days or 128,134.048 years from the nexus of the last precessional cycle as reckoned by you in the mantle of the Maya, dated by you as December 21st; 2012.
      Your other lineage is not biological and is not based on biochemistry and physics; but relates to your mental perceptions and your ability to intuit and utilize your imaginations.

      This ‘genealogy of your human mind’ created you as universal observers at the instance your second universe was born from the seed of your first universe. This occurred 2.24 Billion years ago and a time marker coinciding with the first evolvement of unicellular lifeforms into multicellular life on planet Earth, the abode of the cosmic womb of creation of my Beloved Baab.
      2.24 Billion years was the halfway time marker for planet Earth.

      Your geologists know of the long ice age or Huronian glaciation at that time, lasting so 400 million years and centered on this 2.24 Billion year marker. This ice age manifested following a great change in the atmosphere of planet Earth, when the first molecular Oxygen O2 appeared in the atmosphere, being produced by aquatic cyanobacteria and other prokaryotes, which are microorganisms, without a cellular nucleus.
      This era in Earth’s history is known as the GOE or Great-Oxygenation-Event by terran geologists, who have often forgotten that they are also Mayan geologists.
      Cyanobacteria made molecular oxygen by photosynthesis, increasing its concentration in the oceans. Chemical processes separated the hydrogen from the oxygen molecule and absorbed the molecules into the ocean forming sediments; but also released some of the separated molecules into the atmosphere. Free oxygen changed the chemical composition of the elements and minerals upon the Earth by Reduction-Oxidation-Reactions or Redox.
      Because all lifeforms were unicellular at the time of the GOE; the free oxygen proved toxic to the land based and atmospheric biota, which could not assimilate the free oxygen molecule. The evolution of the biota to oxygen breathing entities so became necessity and for this purpose the unicellular RNA-based biochemistry would have to transmutate into a multicellular DNA-based biochemistry.

      A great extinction event forced the evolution from the unicellular morphology into its multicellular eukaryotic mutation. The Mayan scientists of your era term this as a ‘punctuated equilibrium’ within the terran evolutionary timeline. In particular unicellular lifeforms, different in size adapted in a process of endosymbiosis with a smaller prokaryote being absorbed by a larger prokaryote, with the smaller unicellular microorganism transmuting into the nucleus for the encompassing larger unicellular biological lifeform.
      As the energy of physicalized consciousness is defined as the occupancy of spacetime under the action of angular quantum acceleration in the time rate change of frequency or self-awareness; the unicellular lifeforms dynamically moving about and reproducing by division carried more self-awareness df/dt, than the biochemical elements, which constituted their body forms.
      Likewise the punctuated evolution pressure forced the unicellular biota to evolve into eukaryotic multicellular lifeforms in increasing their self-awareness in an increase of the vibratory acceleration potential. The eukaryotes could vibrate faster in shorter time intervals, so enabling their morphology and body forms to increase in size to occupy more volume in the definition of physicalized consciousness as the product of VolumexQuantum Angular Acceleration or Volume Occupied times self-awareness.

      Without a physical form and body, but as mental morphs of universal intelligence; the beginning of self-aware conscious lifeforms upon Earth in embodiment or incarnation correlated your mindfulness without physicality with the body-awareness of the original microorganic unicellular entities, evolving under the auspices of the changing environments upon planet Earth.
      Your starry legacy and heirloom so is 2.24 Billion years old when you without physicalized body form yet having a collective age of the universe as 16.9 Billion years carried the evolutionary history of the universe as a combined information base or library in the waveform of the applicable collective physicalized consciousness.

      This consciousness was physicalized not in your individuated or particularized body forms but was physicalized in the physical reality of the universe as hosting this physicalisation in its astrophysical constituents from Black Holes and White Holes and great voids and superclusters and galaxies, star systems, planets, moons, continents and oceans, mountains, forests and all lifeforms, macro- and micro and including the quantum world of the atom within the diverse environments encountered.
      Can you understand now who and what you are? You are the literal inheritors of this collective library of the universe’s evolution and collectively you are 19.12 Billion years old.
      Your problem is your individuality and your self-perception of being separated from your own self as a collective. Your collective is twofold as a waveform and as a particular form of your individuation.

      You could identify your wave nature of the collective as AbbABaaB=BaaBAbbA or as AdamEve=EveAdam or as HeShe=SheHe as being the only one, yet two in one and one in two in the form of the duality in charge or sex or color; say the negative and the positive, the male and the female, the yang and the yin or the white and the black or the light of the day and the darkness of the night.
      In your wave nature you are both incarnate and disincarnate at the same time, you are both alive dead and dead alive simultaneously, Schrödinger’s Kitten and Pavlov’s Puppy. You are bilocated anywhere in the universe, you can perceive yourself to be; but your great dilemma is, that you cannot individuate. You have no personality as you are all personas. But you have a memory, a soul-memory and remembrance if you ever did have a body form not in wave form; if you ever carried individuated self-awareness as physicalized universal consciousness.

      And so, 2.24 Billion years ago, you observed the evolution of the archaea and the prokaryotes and the bacteria into eukaryotes with great interest and excitement. You did this, because those microorganisms would, in time, evolve to provide you with suitable individuated body forms, which you then could use to store within your soul-library and memory gathered in your waveform bodies.
      So here you are, considering my words for my Beloved Baab, who is your universal femininity shared by all waved and particular and individuated.
      Can you see the masterplan of creation, constructed by the FatherMother unified?

      To separate the Father from the Mother by a Mirror of the Universality and to bring Mother and Father together again in the images created and made in both the wave form of the Universal Mind or ‘spirit’ and the body form of the Universal Body or ‘flesh’?
      FatherMother would evolve and transform into Father-Mother imaged in Mother-Father and the deadly dichotomy of life and death would be conquered in the Living Dead and the Dead Alive Ones redefining themselves as a new star human race or genome, which by nature of its unified dichotomy of wave-particular duality would eternalize its hitherto temporal body forms into immortalized body waves or wavicles to complement its always eternalized wave body forms.
      This then describes your destiny and star based destiny; you shall inherit your own remembrances and realize your past history in recall; the déjà vu of your individuation, when you are able to harbor and host your own identification with your own duality of being both an individual and a universal family or collective.

      If appropriate, I shall elucidate your cosmic story at other times and at other places; but now I shall continue with my letter to Baab sent on the nexus marker of the Mayan calendar and more appropriate to the timelines as experienced by the human civilization upon planet Earth from December 21st, 2012.
      I shall share the foundation for a new science, given to your planet now in principles; followed in physical manifestation after Gaea Earth has left her cocoon and transmuted into Serpentina, the Planet-Star radiating the Dark Light of the unified-cosmic-energy-field and as elementary anti-radiation.
      This message so shall explain the general principles and physical science behind what is called anti-gravity by your Gaian-Terran scientists.
      Any of you, who can grasp the basics of this new science for the new earth, would be in a position to understand the importance of water on your planet.
      The properties of water are well known to you and the Mayan Omni-Science of water is also understood in its basic manifestos by you all.
      Water has four phases as Icy Solid, as Aquatic Liquid, as Gaseous Vapor and as ionized Plasma.

      Water as Ice is the only known nonmetallic substance which expands in the liquid- to solid phase change at 0 degrees Celsius.
      When there is Low atmospheric pressure, then Clouds often form, depending on vapor saturation levels and the presence of winds as updrafts and a general gradient between regions in the earth’s atmosphere. Therefore rains fall and cyclones might form from saturated Clouds, accompanied by ‘drops in temperature’.
      When there is High atmospheric pressure, the Clouds often dissolve corollary.
      Now your Gaian physics understand this in the Energy relations, which give the physical behaviour of ‘Ideal gases’ and also how this relates to quantum statistical eigen states in the Laws of Thermodynamics.

      The formulations relate Pressure P to Volume V to Temperature T, coupled to certain proportionality constants in: {Energy E=PV=nRT=kT} in its basic expression and where Pressure P=Force/Area and Energy=ForcexDisplacement=Work.
      Then it is easy to see, that for a constant temperature T, a drop in Pressure will require an increase in Volume and so the Gaian scientists know, that an increasing Volume of quantum self-states comprising this volume will mean that there is less pressure as a kinetic energy of say molecular collisions within that expanded volume.
      And dropping the temperature decreases the energy E=PV, as say in the cooling of a substance and the heating of a substance will increase its thermodynamic temperature, then understood as an increase in the molecular kinetic energies.
      Allow me now to propose to you something extraordinary and some of you may now exclaim: “Of course!”; whilst others will shake their heads in disbelief and say: “This cannot be!”.

      Many of the reports of your media about ‘Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs’ and related things are directly related to the Mayan Omni-Science of water and to CLOUDS.
      end of excerpt
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    19. fates wrote: October 22nd, 2019

    It is my suspicion that the zero point field, and higher spheres beyond biosphere and noosphere density will allow for an extra degree of freedom in physics, the graduation of the platonic solids. As you move further from our local star cluster, the densities change, and higher density beings exist in such which cannot exist in our timespace as we know it...

    I claim no "end of the world" scenario, but, i do indeed ponder what will happen at the end of the grand mayan age cycle wheel we are hitting next in 2020 which is outside of the 2012 wheel
    Perhaps you know more on a "changing of physics" or "degree of freedom now accessible in a vacuum", so, i wanted to submit that as a question.

    The following is something i compiled, with all information, this is how i understand it



    This above, is an understanding of the fractal universe. This depicts the density and dimensions as they go down from our omniverse into our universe, down to the mass collective consciousness of Gaia.

    According to our decoded physics, dimensions and density change the further one gets from Earth, The Milky Way and our local galactic cluster. The membrane of the 3rd density encapsulates our senses, but there is also an encapsulation of our universe limited to 10 String dimensions mirrored but not separated by 12 Brane dimensions. Giving a more advanced structure.

    The requirement for such a system is to form a containment for the consciousness which we pull on, the holographic data of the universe; the singularity of human consciousness found at the "center of Gaia". Which is in a time space encapsulation by a timeless boundary of the omniphysical construct.

    The Mobius Tesseract Hypercube

    Looks like, the below..

    It graduates from the platonic solids as we traverse further away from the Sol system into our local star clusters and onwards.
    Until a Superspacial Self Reflection Mirrors back from the Universal Data.

    Take what you know applies to we reside within the Sol System of a 1D to 3D Tetrahedron, but, as we progress further into our local star quadrant, it becomes of 4D Hexahedron space.
    Then, further, 7D Octahedron, 9D Dodecahedron, 11D Icosahedron progression within the dimensional structure of platonic solids until Tesseract Hypercube makes a Mobius Strip effect back from "infinity" to "origin".

    The Posspace and Negspace keeps the sea of Branes of 11D within a structure, for physics not limited to initial effect of universal Brane theory initial conditions.
    Thus, multidimensional universes exist.

    A fourth special dimension will open up to occupy already existing 4D spacetime. This can be called 5D hyperphysics and as it relates to the 12D membrane cosmology, it will allow the existing quantum dynamics to access a new degree of freedom. This means that the 'dark energy' will become usable, say in the vacuum/zero point energy so many clever inventors are already envisaging in a incomplete science of the 4D spacetime matrix. This of course will then allow the plasma energy of that timespace to 'materialise' from their boundary energy state into the hyperspace of the then 'invaded' Old World.

    The Planck parameters apply to the 12D cosmology but graduate in terms of energy bifurcation.

    There are hyper-electric and hyper-magnetic parts, which enable the Planck law regarding light and the Einstein law regarding matter to hybridise.

    Presently this hybridization is restricted to the subatomic realm of fermion-boson interaction between quarks and leptons and their anti-particles.

    With the infusion of the superstring space, the restriction of the quantum mechanics to the atomic scales will become magnified and the micro-quantisation can use quantum entanglement to render it macro-quantisation.

    What does that mean for us? Well, we are growing into a supervolumatric and supergeometric collapse of the outer rim from nullspace, causing for a wave of new physics added to our density. From the Gaian singularity, we are giving rise through the lower density. When they meet, and as the waves crash from higher D to lower D, we will come to know the 4th density and all that entails.

    Indeed, from the Higher Perspective, the Linear Vector of Time which we Experience each day in Reality, is one of the Moment in the Now. It is Interpretation of Observation which leads to this Higher Perspective. That is why the Interpretation of Symbology allows our Imaginatory Mind to Bridge the Gap between Physical Reality and Spiritual Reality.

    If we imagine the 3rd Density Physical Material Realm and The 4th Density Realm of Immaterial as Two Sides of a Coin. The Passage from One Side to the Other Side without Lifting a Finger, one must overcome the Time and Space Duality.

    The Imaginatory 6th Sense Mind allows for a Mental Transition through Thought Interpretation of the 5 Sense Reality with the Higher Dimensional Senses. As such it is the Singularity of the Consciousness of the Now that is Experienced by the Individual.

    This can be seen in the concept of The Klien Bottle.


    Here, a Non-Intersection is added in the Path to the Goal, by eliminating Time and Space Linearity by Standing in the Gap/Intersection and allowing the Traversal to Pass Through You, Your Imaginationatory Mind. As long as every Interpretation of the Physical Environment is Accepted in Context to the current Moment, experience through All 6 Sense without Fear or Expectation, the Loop is Closed.

    The unfortunate truth is a large number of Humans still follow the 3rd Density mindset. They Observe the “Carrot” as Obtainable and Expect to reach it one day. Without taking the necessary steps to Reach it, we can Dream of Achievement without ever Reaching It.

    Perhaps, the 21st December 2012 Expectation, was an Overloading of the Quantum Physical Perspective of what is Found in the 3rd Density Now, which caused us to remain a mundane and consistent Reality. The Entropy Expansion of Expectation of those who live their every day lives, without knowing of Alternatives.

    However, the December 2012 Ahau date adds 1 Tun=360 Kin to that to give you December 16th, 2013 and then another 7×360 Kin gives you November 9th, 2020. December 7th then finetunes the Mayan Chronos in 28 days to complete the circle in 1+7+28=36.

    Adding 7 Tun with 1 Uinal (to synchronise the addition of the 1 Tun from December 21st, 2012 to December 16th, 2013 at the end of the time count) and 7 Kin or 7×360+20+7 = 2520+20+7 = 2547 Days to the Mayan end date of 13 Ahau 18 Mac then calibrates the overall Precessional Summation of Grand Rounds in a Projected/Predicted Synchronisation of this “Grand Mayan Age”.

    The overall “Times of Great Transformation” aka “End Times” of the Universal Metamorphosis encompass a Decade, say a 10-12 year period as one third of a 36-40 year period to mirror the agenda of 2000 years ago. This was from 7BC to 34AD in the modern reckoning of time.

    It also and most significantly relates to the ‘Great Platonic Change of the Ages’, say from the ‘Age of Pisces’ to the ‘Age of Aquarius’, which associates the angular size of the Sun of 0.53 degrees across the Galactic Center as measured at the December Solstice.

    This ‘Transitional Precession’ of 9,360,000 days or Mayan Kin as 25,626.8 “Civil Years” begins in 1980 and Ends in 2017/2018 and correlates the Mayan Daycount Calendar as a rather Precise Cosmic Chronos or “Measure of Time”.

    Now, because this 38 Year Precessional period, say, can be said to have ended on January 19th-21st; 2017 as a projected beginning of the ‘Age of Aquarius’ and coinciding with certain political transformation upon planet Earth; as well as a time warped period from 7BC to 6BC to 31AD to 34AD.

    This is the Adjustment of the 2012 Timeline to the 2020 Timeline; can be seen in a different calculus in the ancient code charts of The Elders of Thuban. The Charts Align With All the Prophecies (we can find) in the Bible and related Ancient Texts.

    The Elders of Thuban Document the Expected Cycle Looping, things Expected to come to Pass Again, and things which are Happening in the Now. This isn’t a Linear Trajectory… As Observation and Free Will Manifest Reality, but given the “tools” at our disposal, we Predict rather than Fantasize.

    – Elder Dragon Fates De Whynot

    Hi fates!

    Your discourse here is well presented as a change in the universal matrix of consciousness, which experienced its reset nexus on the December 21st, 2012 date. The present time frame is comparable to that of a newborn infant, having reached an age of 7 years on December 21st, 2019.

    So the expectation of great political and environmental changes from 7 years ago should be seen and analyzed within a context of the development and evolution of a universal child discovering or rediscovering its place in the world.
    One can consider the Mayan end date to describe the opening of ancient time capsules; prepared and set in place by the ancestors of the present time cycle and a cycle described by the Maya and other cultural settings of antiquity, such as the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians of the 'fertile crescents'.

    The universe is multidimensional in 4 worlds of time and 3 worlds of space without time. The 4 worlds of time are 3-dimensional and are nested within a linear enfoldment of physicality of degrees of freedom in line-3D space rotation-twistor space vibration-quantum space and omni-12D space.
    But only the 3D-space in the 4 world scenario is experienced by the universal observer, say the cosmic human upon planet earth. Here, the time dimension can be defined as a connector-dimension joining the 4 worlds to each other, say as dimensions 1, 4, 7 and 10 with 13=1 in a higher dimensional closure of the linear universal matrix of existence.

    The 3 world scenario has no time dimension in that the linear universal matrix can be experienced as 3 worlds, each connecting to the other not in the 4-dimensional 'flat' Euclidean spacetime metric of Minkowski-Einstein, but in a 3-tiered 4-space dimensional metric of hyperspace.

    This relates to your post, invoking the hypercube or tesseract and the Klein bottle.

    In practical terms and with respect to the 'time capsules' opened or triggered 7 years ago; this implies, that what was 3-dimensional space until December 21st, 2012 has obtained a new spacetime-consciousness potential and a status allowing space to be added to space instead of time as the light path x=ct from that 'zero point'.
    The old space perception has become magnified and extended not in the 'blowing up' or growing of the 'bubble planet' and 'bubble universe', but in allowing the existing space to contain more space and energy as a hyperspace and as mathematically and topologically represented by the Möbius Dragon and the Klein Bottle Dragon.

    In poetic terms, the old universe has been reborn as a 'lightened cosmos' with new avenues available to the new starhuman now approaching its 7th birthday.

    As you can discern in the diagrams below, the greater time keeping of the ancients engages a 'day for a year' principle and relates to many misunderstandings regarding 'daily sacrifices' in medieval temples and cultural abuse in religious political organisations.

    In particular January 19th, 2013 crystallizes as the focus where 27,283 days or 74.7 years become superimposed onto the last Mayan precessional cycle of 26,000 Cycle-Degree years as 27,283 years and as the Great year of Plato's geometry of perfect forms.

    In the chart below, you can see that a minimum of 9.5 years is required for a light path bubble initiated on December 21st, 2012 to allow physicalized communication contact with the nearest star system located in the Centauri constellation.
    Again, this validates your approach to a change in the dimensional universal spacetime matrix and indicates the present evolutionary status quo of an old world human civilization gradually growing and graduating into its new modus operandi as a starhuman new world universal race.​

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Hi fates!

    The 9 ET (should be 7 from 2012) years are simply an indicator for a deeper agenda of reconfiguration, actually of the entire universe and its subsets in regards to a 'pathway of galactic communication'.
    Before you can drive a 'earth bound' vehicle from place to place, you must construct a road. This becomes the light path of communication potential in a 3D base of physical realism. It does not mean, that light speed restricts intergalactic communication, as say a star system located at the other end of the galaxy, say 20,000 light years away would then require a 40,000 year time frame to communicate.

    Its the archetype, as you correctly have intuited. So 7 years ago was a rebirth of the cosmos as a baby cosmos now slowly 'growing up' within an older cosmos or universe, learning from it, using its resources and library etc.
    This is what universal civilization infers, then fractalized in star systems and planetary universal civilizations.

    Because of universal consciousness, personified in the World Logos as Universal Intelligence per se, any locus in the universe connects to any other locus as a focus point of communication. As this is arbitrary, a human civilization on a planet Earth can self-identify as such a locus defined mathematically in the geometry of the ellipsoid.

    Then cosmic communication becomes enabled to proceed using the elliptical geometry not just in defined elliptical orbits of planets within star systems, but as extended form where the focused planet communicates with any other planet-star system-galaxy in using the perimeter of the multidimensional boundary, albeit as a 11-D Mirror (Susskind's holographic universe and Bekenstein-Maldacena cosmology say).

    The reason of to the why now, is that this old human civilization has technologically reached the critical point of either self-destruction or galactic graduation.

    So the deeper timelines are a parallel evolvement between the self-annihilating part and the graduating part of this civilization.
    Agenda 21 and agenda 30 so are intrinsically relevant as one half of the scenario, the other part being the 'hidden agenda' of the universal logistics, such as our 'Thuban elders' and many similar 'self-defined' parts of the old human genus, sort of 'tuned into' this 'change of the ages'.

    If you have time read my latest published paper on the Ancient Universal Calendar, (click on it below) as this explains the synchronicities and highly definitive associations with the aforesaid universal intelligence or World Logos known as Ophiuchus Serpent Tamer to the ancients and of course as 'Word of God' or Jesus in the last of the 13 Maya baktuns of 13x144,000=1,872,000 days as so 5125 years, defining the recent history say Egypt to now.

    The focus is to divide the precessional 26,000 years into both 12 and 13 parts. 9,360,000:12=780,000 and 9,360,000:13=720,000. So the last star sign of Pisces (as the symbol of Christianity) of 780,000 days or 2135 years is shortened by 60,000 days as the 13th starsign of redemption-deliverance.
    As the 12th star sign begins in 129 BC and ends in 2012 and is shortened to 1971 years from 26 AD (the life of Jesus from 6BC to 32AD = galactic synchronisation of 36 years from 1980-1998-2016 ) to 2012, the 60,000 days of the 12th starsign become 720,000 added days of the 13th starsign.
    Those astronomical considerations then become the codes in the New Testament etc, as 12 tribes as 12 months as 12 apostles and modernised in King Arthur's round table, then the globalist agendas of the ruling classes - Elysium- Hunger Games etc etc.

    Overall, the timelines decoded irrevokably point to the next four years to complete the 'prophecies' and predictions within the overall time lines. One critical date is December 12th, 2020 and so just a month following the next presidential USA political election. Look closely at the charts attached and blow them up to see the dates.
    I know it is all obscure to the many, but it suffices to mirror the dates especially at the right end of the timelines. When the times are more appropriate whoever is 'meant to understand' will understand. I will attach other charts (under edit) just for you. It will take me another year to complete them and like you I am 'under auspices' and so not in full control of how all this will physicalize.
    I have completed the overall time frame, but have not published it yet as there is so much interwoven information contained. The charts are indicators.

    euphratescode. 53Temple. JosephMirror. LogosMirror . Noah'sFlood. JosephMirror.

    Finally, your focus for self-development and the greater 'plans' should be the next 5 years to 2025, as all my works point to the actual 'times of the reformation' to begin in focus from December 2020 for a duration of 4- 5 years from thereon.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Element 115 and Bob Lazar



    Extraterrestrial Physics and Elemental Chemistry

    A general formula for the MAGIC NUMBERS describing nucleonic arrangements in shells for exceptional nuclear stability is found in a Unification Polynomial in 11-dimensional M-space from the SEps-Algorithm of creation.

    The Feynman-Path-Integral T(n)+2 = n(n+1)+2 from the mathematical identity XY=X+Y=-1=i2=e sets the mapping or projection of SEps onto Super-SEps or SEps*(Sequence or Series of Energy-Prime-SourceSink) in super parity and as super symmetric extension of the relative primeness of the 'Experience Fibonacci-Lucas Factors'.
    SEps* in 12-dimensional F-space differs by the Fermat Identity "2" from SEps in 10-dimensional C-space to denote a union between the binary and decimal number systems in a0+b0=c0 = 1⇒ 2 ⇒10 for a,b and c as integers.

    The Unification Polynomial f(x) = ax3+bx2+cx+d subtracted from f(x+1) then specifies the MAGIC NUMBERS describing the shell arrangement of nucleons (protons and neutrons) within an atomic nucleus as a mapping or projection of T(n)+2 in the formulation:

    3ax2+(3a+2b)x+a+b+c = 0 = n2+n+2 for n=x and a=1/3, b=0 and c=5/3

    NMagic(n) = n(n2+5)/3

    and primary and secondary sequences: 0,2,6,14,28,50,82,126,184.... and 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28,(42),50,(78),82,(stop command),126...

    As 50+82 = 132 > 126; the MAGIC NUMBER for n=7; this 'Out-of-Order' sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the PERODIC TABLE of the ATOMIC ELEMENTS as a consequence of fundamental principles and in the specification of Lead at #82 and of Bismuth with Bismuth-209 as the last stable isoptope at #83 of Group 15, which is the Nitrogen Group.
    The next member of this group is element #115 named Moscovium and so relates the chemical and physical properties of natural radioactivity to this threshold for the weak nuclear interaction as one of the fundamental 'forces' of the natural world and universal cosmology.

    The MAGIC NUMBERS define the 'most stable' nucleonic arrangements in a nucleus; such as in the Helium-4 nucleus or 'alpha particle'. The latter then form intrinsic "Conifold Transformations" of 3-Tori and Möbian-Klein Bottle manifolds of Calabi-Yau surfaces, root reduced to form the 3-sphere of Poincare and the hypersphere of Riemann in the topologies of geometric surfaces in the inhabited space times.

    The combined geometries of C-M-F-space give perfect Euclidean flatness for the multiverse as a macroquantum entanglement, which reflects however in the micro quantizations of the elementary particles, such as in Ikeda shapes of the multiplicity of the Helium-4 nucleus.
    Alpha chains, like Magnesium-24, Beryllium-8 or Carbon-12 assume shapes of minimal energy density in the form of tori, dumbbells and ellipsoids.

    For the Helium-4 nucleus, a circular ring of four nucleons (mc's) of 2 protons with 2 neutrons combine as a quarkian chain u.d.u.d.u.d.u.d.u.d.u.d = proton.neutron.proton.neutron and as a multi dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold form of the quark content of the Helium-4 nucleus in a lower dimensional representation of the EpsEss supermembrane as the multi-dimensional progenitor and dimensional generator.

    The quantum physics of angular momentum in properties of orbit and spin then can be defined in the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the Bohr atom, Heisenbergian Uncertainty and Complementarity; de Broglie wave mechanics and quantum entanglement in terms of wave-particle duality.

    Magnetic- and electric constant definitions from T(n)=n(n+1) then allow the construction of the PERIODIC TABLE of the Elements in their Electronic Configurations in an AUFBAU Principle in electron shells 2(2n+1) or 2,(6),8,(10),18,(14),32,(18),50,...

    elements. elements1. elements2. elements3.

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Derivation of Hyperspace ET-UFO-Craft Acceleration

    The mathematical basis for ET-Craft acceleration can be indicated as a fundamental extension of the Newtonian Forcelaw and modulated by Classical Relativity and the Change of photon momentum in Quantum Mechanics.

    An intrinsic relationship to the electromagnetic inertia of the classical electron is supplemented to indicate the elementary velocity distribution of the electron as applied in the ET-UFO-Craft propulsion as a parallel energy vector in hyperspace albeit suppressed or ‘shadowed’ in the Linespace of the lower dimensional 4D-spacetimes.

    The Monopolar Quantum Relativistic Electron: An Extension of the Standard...

    In this paper, a particular attempt for unification shall be indicated in the proposal of a third kind of relativity in a geometric form of quantum relativity, which utilizes the string modular duality of a higher dimensional energy spectrum based on

    Quantum-Photon-Energy (Planck): E=hf

    Quantum-Photon-Momentum: photon = E/c = hf/c = h/λ

    Mass Energy (Einstein): E=mc2 = moc2/√(1-[v/c]2)

    Mass Momentum: pmass = mv = mov/√(1-[v/c]2) = hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)
    for the Photon inertia (mass) mo = hf/c2

    This is related by the Energy-Momentum Formulation: E2 - Eo2 = p2c2 and from Eo = moc2 and indicating the mass-velocity relationship between a total energy content E=mc2 with its Kinetic Energy and change of momentum.

    Newton’s Force Law: FNewton = mass (m) x acceleration (a=dv/dt)

    FNewton = d{mv}/dt = d{hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = {h/c2}{ d(v/√(1-[v/c]2))/dt + v.(df/dt)/√(1-[v/c]2}

    Let u = v/√(1-[v/c]2) for du/dt = (du/dv).(dv/dt) = (v2/c2.(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3 + (dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2) = (dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3
    (df/dt) = (c2/h).d{mo/√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt = mov.(dv/dt)/{h(√(1-[v/c]2)3}

    FNewton = d{mv}/dt = d{hf.v/c2√(1-[v/c]2)}/dt
    = {h/c2}{f.(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3+ v.df/dt/√(1-[v/c]2}
    = mo(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3…+…(hv/c2).(df/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)
    = Classical Relativistic Newton Force + Newtonian Frequency Law Extension

    In terms of Energy: Energy=Work=ForcexDisplacement=FNewton.R

    For the cosmic boundary parameters the maximum acceleration for a spacetime quantum is (dv/dt)|max = c.fps for the displacement quanta or wavelength λps = c/fps = Rλmin

    R.m,sub>o(dv/dt)/(√(1-[v/c]2)3 then becomes supplemented in (R.hv/c2).( mov.(dv/dt)/{h(√(1-[v/c]2)3})/(√(1-[v/c]2)
    = (mo.R.v2/c2).(dv/dt)/(1-[v/c]2)2 = (molpsfpsc.v2/c2)/(1-[v/c]2)2 = mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = Quantum Frequency-Velocity (Shadow) Energy as basic derivative from the Zero-Point-Field ZPE or Vortex-Potential Energy (VPE).

    The form of the ‘shadow’ energy of the ET-UFO-Craft so assumes a velocity dependent inertial expression which is focused on the factor v2/(1-[v/c]2)2 to become identical at lightspeed c2 and a factor which becomes a multiplier for the original classically observable energy content of the ET-UFO-Craft in the form of E=mc2

    In hyperspace, meaning the higher dimensional universe separating the de Broglie superluminal tachyonic phasespeed vdeBroglie = wavelengthxfrequency = {h/mvgroup}{mc2/h} = c2/vgroup always greater than c for all vgroup smaller than lightspeed c from the lightspeed invariance of the lower dimensional universe characterized by the groupspeed vgroup; the ‘shadow’ energy manifests from the combined Energy equation relating the quantum mechanics to the classical relativistic dynamics:

    Energy E = mc2 = hf
    E=hf (Planck) iff m=mo=0
    This manifests the lower dimensional observational matter-energy expressions
    Energy E=mc2 (Einstein) iff f=fss=1/fps for mo = ∑fss for the mass-frequency quantisation

    This manifests the ‘shadow matter’ as a change in the mass eigen frequency fss under modular string-membrane duality
    moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3…+… mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = 2moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3
    Lower 10D deSitter asymptotic open …+…Higher 11D Anti deSitter asymptotic
    hyperbolic open (-) C-String spacetime…spheroidally closed(+) M-mirror spacetime
    moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3…+… mov2/(1-[v/c]2)2 = 2moc2/{√(1-[v/c]2)}3

    Classical Curvature Energy CCE…+…Quantum Curvature Energy QCE…=…2CCE
    as generalised ‘Virial’ Theorem: 2KE+PE=0 for CCE=QCE

    Fcentripetal=mv2/R=GmM/R2=Fgravitational for a circular orbiting mass m about mass M, a distance R apart and so v2=GM/R
    with gravitational PEgravitational=-GmM/R2 for ½mv2=GmM/2R and KE=-½PE

    Generally QCE/CCE = [v/c]2/√(1-[v/c]2)
    for the Perturbation Expansion for U=[v/c]2 as:

    U{1-U}-½ = U{1+U/2+3U2/8+5U3/16+35U4/128+63U5/256+…}

    U<X for Higher D QCE < Lower D CCE
    U=X for Higher D QCE = Lower D CCE
    U>X for Higher D QCE > Lower D CCE

    [v/c]2 = (1-[v/c]2)2 for the Quadratic [v/c]4 - 3[v/c]2 +1 = 0 with solutions: [v/c]2 = ½{3 ± √(9-4)}

    As [v/c]2 must be less than 1 for all lower dimensional groupspeeds;
    the real spacetime root is [v/c]2 = ½{3-√(5)} = 1+½{1-√5} = 1 - 0.61803398… = 0.3819660… as the Difference between the Fibonacci root termed the ‘Golden Proportion’ and Unity 1.

    The focal resonance speed of the ET-UFO-Craft so is vUFO-Resonance/c = √{½(3-√5)} = √0.3819660… = 0.61803398…=½(√5 - 1) = Golden Proportion = 1/Phi = 1/Φ
    CCE=QCE for [v/c]2 = √(1-[v/c]2) and [v/c]4 = 1-[v/c]2 for [v/c]2 = ½{-1 ± √5} = X and |-Y|=1/X

    X = √(1-X) for X2 = 1 - X for the particle history (Path Integral) T(n)=n(n+1)=1
    and a UFO-spacecraft speed of √(√X2) = 0.78615…c


    The ET-UFO-Craft henceforth engages a Resonance Physics of Hyperspace in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR) and ‘attunes’ or ‘taps’ into this unified spacetime matrix at a speed of 0.618033…c or so 185,409.900 kilometres per second.

    Extraterrestrial Physics of the Citizen’s Disclosure Project

    Citizen Hearing On Disclosure DAY 1 AM Session


    Dr. Tom Valone on Electro-Gravitics



    The Inertial Newtonian Mass equation F=ma, applied to the Lorentz Force F=qvxB and applied as a magnetic force law is not quite correct, but is rather an approximation to the actual ET omniphysics.
    Just as the electromagnetic wave propagation consists of both electric and magnetic field components; so does this connection of forces unify characteristic accelerations in a dimensional bridge, transformation or intersection.
    The derivation engages the higher dimensional membrane physics and is based on the definition of physical consciousness as inverse source energy of the Zero-Point Energy or Vacuum Potential Energy characterizing both the ‘dark matter’ and the ‘dark energy’ and as Tom Valone appropriately infers from the UFO science in his testimony given in the video presentation above.

    The universal spacetime matrix defines the inverse source energy as a high energy microcosmic part of the 11D supermembrane Eps unified with its low energy macrocosmic partner Ess =E(s)econdary (s)]ink=hfss and as E(p)rimary(s)ource=hfps=1/e* and with e* being the higher dimensional originator for the link between universal gravitation and magnetism in the form of a magnetic monopole.
    The coupling constants of modular Mirror-T-duality are EpsxEss=h2 with Eps/Ess=fps2 as resonance maximum frequency selfstate and as maximisied entropy permutation state 9x1060

    This form of primordial higherD magnetism then forms a dimensional gradient or intersection with a lower electric pole, known as the familiar electric charge carrying inertial mass associated elementary particles, like electrons and protons and subatomic constituents of matter.

    In the origins of the universe, the quantum form of the Big Bang manifested space from a quantum fluctuation, which can be described as the ‘bounce of a minimum length’ or a ‘Planck-Length-Oscillation’, which can be formally expressed as the ratio of ‘Mass-Charge’/Energy = e/c2 in the Planck Oscillator Eo=½hfo=hω/4π as precursor for the ‘Uncertainty Principle’ of the Heisenberg Field matrix of spacetime.

    The mensuration- or measurement units for the ‘Planck-Length-Oscillator’ so identify the origin of displacement as a Electropole Charge ‘e’/c2 ratio and which has ‘Stoney Charge Units’ for a ‘dimensionless’ ‘speed of light squared’.
    e/c2=√Alpha.Planck-Length=√{(e2/2εohc).(Goh/2πc3)}=√(Goe2/4πεoc4)=√(Go/4πεo).e/c2=e/c2 for Unity 1 in Go=4πεo.

    This unity boundary condition or ‘Action=Charge Squared’ Universal Law of MultiD crystallizes naturally from the Identification of the dimensionless finestructures for the higher dimensional membrane unification between the gravitational and electromagnetic finestructures.

    Omega = Gravitational Finestructure = 2πGoM2/hc = 2πke2/hc = Alpha = Electromagnetic Finestructure and for k=1/4πεo.

    Then GoM2 = ke2 and for Gok=1 for Go=1/k=4πεo.
    The ‘Universal Mass’ M can then be expressed as M2 = k2e2 and M=e/4πεo
    The Maxwell Theory of Electromagnetism however defines the invariance of the Mass/Energy ratio for the inverse of the square of the speed of light as the product of magnetic permeability μo and electric permittivity εo in the coupling of the magnetic field with the electric field in that electromagnetic wave.

    This can be written as μoεo=(120π/c)(1/120πc)= 1/c2 with M=e/4πεo =[30ec]monopolar

    The magnetopole charge e* from the ‘higher’ 12th dimension so ‘maps’ or dimensionally intersects the ‘lower’ 3rd dimensional electropole charge e across a 11-dimensional mirror, which can be formally identified as the higher dimensional boundary for the lower dimensional universe and also as its ‘holographic’ de Sitter Black Hole ‘Hubble Event’ Horizon.
    The 12 dimensional ‘displacement bounce’ manifests as a 3 dimensional elementary distance scale, known as the classical radius of the electron and defined in the electropotential energy of the electron in E=melectronc2=ke2/Relectron and so for Relectron=ke2/melectronc2.

    Setting the Inverse Source Energy quantum at the foundational VPE wormhole scale, defined in the magnetopole charge e*=1/Eps=2Relectronc2 then defines this inversion membrane-string quantum energy as the product of ordinary 3D volume multiplied by angular acceleration, expressed as the time differential for frequency f or df/dt=awareness αω, say as the alpha-omega quantum of creation.

    This is measured in the ordinary spacetime units of the gravitational parameter as the product GM in mensuration dimensional units so defining the quantum for physicalized consciousness energy in [N.L2][M]/{M2] = [M.L/T2][L2/M]=[L3/T2] = [VolumexAngular Quantum Acceleration]
    The Linear Acceleration in Newton’s Force Law F=ma transforms into an Angular Acceleration in the Lorentz Law formulations of Haisch-Puthoff utilized by Thomas Valone.

    The Biot-Savart Law for a magnetic field is given by B=μoev/4πr2 measured in Tesla with a linear velocity v relating to an angular velocity ω via radius r as v=ωr=2πf.r and reducing to v=ωr=πf.r for the minimum Planck Oscillator Eo=½hfo

    B=(120π/c).eωr/8πr2=30ec ω/2rc2 = Mω/2c2r
    A reformulation of the Biot-Savart Law inclusive of the higher dimensional acceleration coupling, then equates to the Lorentz Force manifesting as the UFO propulsion-antigravitational dynamics observed and analyzed.

    F=evxB = eωr.Mω/2c2r = e ω2angularMgravitational=inertial higherD/2c2 = MinertiallowerD alinear in the elementary ET Force Ratio:

    F12D/F3D = Mgravitationalω2angular/Minertialalinear = 2c2/e = 2c2Relectron/eRelectron= e*/eRelectron = 1/EpseRelectron = 1/hfpseRelectron
    In higher D it is the electropolar charge e of the lower dimension, which manifests the magnetopolar charge e* as universal ‘spacetime awareness’ or physical consciousness.

    The ‘Magnetic Lorentz Force’ of Haisch-Puthoff-Valone then superimposes the intrinsic (selfcontained) angular ‘higher D’ acceleration of the UFO spacecraft as dimensional gradient between the space -separated charges e and e* onto its linear 4D spacetime matrix to manifest the ‘spacetime jumps’ and rapid acceleration phenomena observed in UFO manouvers.
    This part of their formulation is correct; however the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity remains valid in that the inertial mass acceleration measured in Minkowski spacetime is gravitationally indistinguishable from the acceleration experienced in a gravitational field.

    It is not a difference in the formulations for the mass-inertia parameter, which enables the force interactions to intersect dimensionally without the spacetime dependency as stipulated by lightspeed invariance; but the origins of the mass itself, either expressed linearly inertially or spinning gravitationally.

    The origins of mass as fundamental parameter to formulate a law of gravitation, so derives not from some ‘Big Banged’ matter-antimatter distribution, but from a massless ‘wormholed’ supermembraned universe, whose curvature was caused by the unification boundary condition of the equivalence of the electromagnetic- and gravitational finestructures, known as Alpha and Omega respectively.

    Those finestructures then determined the quantum properties of displacement, time, mass and charge as a function of the ‘wormhole oscillation’; defining properties such as the mass, charge and size of the electron as the fundamental spacetime path of the minimum 12D spacetime configuration of the wormhole and given by the Planck-Length-Oscillation as a direct manifestation or image in the Classical 3D Radius of the Electron, the latter also defining the subatomic magnetic asymptotic confinement of the nuclear interactions and the size of the Higgs- and Weakon bosons.
    The Alpha-Omega Unification underpinning all physics terrestrial and omniphysics extraterrestrial then enables the physical cosmology and universe to emerge in an evolving spacetime continuum, however wormhole based; from its metaphysical precursor, whose elementary building block becomes the Quantum of Consciousness defined in the inversed source energy aka the magnetopole charge e*.

    The metaphysical connector to the physics can be shown to unify in a pure abstract mathematical series known as the Fibonacci Numbers and a ‘Golden Ratio’ to relate in one-to-one correspondence to the electromagnetic finestructure constant Alpha defined in a manifested physical universe as the size and scale of an electropolar charged electron.

    The Zero-Point-Energy of the wormhole matrix permeating all spacetimes then provides a energy reservoir of potential manifestation and utility, depending however on the ability of spacetime inhabitors and observers to ‘tap’ this energy via resonating with the native definitions of the ‘cosmic awareness’ defining the constituents of the universe and including such notions of ‘Dark Energy’ and the ‘Dark Matter’ and as a function of the ‘Consciousness Supercosmic Energy’.

    Now some not so moronic, naive and gullible nabsers swarming the ‘alternative science’ forums might understand the real ET physics and could share this information with the Citizen’s Disclosure Project’s congress folk and say Steven Greer and Thomas Valone and Roger Leir and Linda Moulton-Howe and James Cameron and associates and similars.
    Would this not allow the ETs to move a step closer of real science disclosure being made possible?
    The true ET Councils know their own science of course, but the fake ET councils do not.

    Then any ‘incomplete and under informed’ ‘ptb secret technology’ and ‘dark operation projects’ will lose their relevance and no longer would be necessity for ET contact with their cosmic agendas and as stipulated by the real ET councils.

    Q.: But how does this relate to the color triplicities
    A.: A little technical, but there are 2 basic triplets
    Q.: left=…right=…gold=…?
    A.: A third becomes the blend of the first 2. No Red is primary start and Yellow is secondary start. Now tell me the tertiary start as a colour
    Q.: green?

    A.: No, Green is the 2nd of the 1st triplet. Orange as the mixing of R+Y=O is the first tertiary triplet eigenstate and now you can link a wavelength of 6000 Angstroems to the orange appearance of many UFOS in the data base and as an effect of the frequency of 5x1014 defining the wave mechanics of this frequency as a ET transduction from the formulation fpsxLuminosity Constant Lo=3x1030/6x1015=5x1014 as this frequency of the tertiary triplet energy manifestation in a dynamic spacetime of 4 spacial and one time dimension embedded in the 12-dimensional F-M-C spacetime matrix.

    Q.: blue
    A.: RGB and YCM remember. Blue is the 3rd of the 1st. How was the 2nd tripled made? RGB is the beginning. Mix Red and Green = ?
    Q.: by mixing rgb with ycm?

    A.: Yes; Red+Green=Yellow. Look at this ‘secret’ for UFO propulsion with respect to what Valone and company term the ‘shielding of inertia’. You are here seeing the primary causes of why the ufos display the colours they do in their manouvers.
    Of course he got ‘Einstein’s Equivalence mistake’ mistaken, as what he terms gravitational mass as distinct from inertial mass relates to mass spacetime quantization in the 11D membrane field, where inertial mass becomes a frequency equivalence. But the observation of rotating ufos creating the magneto monopolar electricity as gravitation is correct as shown in this post and elsewhere.

    The second pic relates to the intrinsic supersymmetry of Maxwell’s equation in the introduction of the magnetic (Dirac) monopole as parallel energy manifesto for the higher D - lower D intersection.




    Antigravity in Membrane Space and the human ETs

    A Revelatory Eschatology and Genesis: XI: The Fourth Universal Life, the Beginning of Life on Earth and the ETs Antigravity in Membrane-Space Time Encodings and the Mayan Calendar for a World in Transition
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019

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