Agenda 2025 - A Starhuman Genomatrix Legacy

Discussion in 'Agenda 2025 - A Starhuman Genomatrix Legacy' started by admin, Aug 13, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    As stated in another reply; the often identified 'Dracos' as part of an 'Galactic Federation' are multidimensional.

    There is so a multitiered agenda derived from said 'Galactic Councils' of whatever human translated definition; which manifests an equilibrium between so termed "evil (EVIL=VEL=LIVE) and good " or hostile and beneficial factions of whatever persuasion is associated with them.'

    This originates from the creation of the universe from a pre-spacetime, that is before space and time were born in a Higgs vacuum transition.

    The following excerpt from
    describes the origin of the 'good versus evil' conflict in anthropomorphic labels and symbols.

    A Story of Creation - I: The Beginning of Nowhere in Notime

    Abba woke up and in awakening time was created as an event of changing being asleep as a form or perception of being within to a form or perception of the self as being without in being awake.

    But this time created was not a time of duration, but a principle of order and events. Event B could not occur before event A had become happenstance and there was no measurement or observation regarding the duration of the events.
    Time as duration between events did not exist, as there was no space to measure or observe the events in time- and space relative frames of references.
    The only point of reference, was a perception of the self, as being nowhere and subject to this self as an awareness of this self as a space-time independent self-relative form of energy or consciousness.

    "Where is my Baab", Abba thought, "I was just with her in my dreaming state?"

    Baab was nowhere to be found and Abba realised that his 'Beloved' was still in his dreams as his within and his work would be to find her in his awakened state of beingness as his without.

    Abba remembered his dreams and the beautiful 'Lovechild' they both had created in an eternal embrace of polarity unification, where two sexual energies merged to reproduce their progenitor generation as a lineage of descende
    AbbABaaB's 'Lovechild' had been a Universal Twin as a 'Son of Abba' and as a 'Daughter of Baab' and in remembrance of his prior state of being; Abba knew, that his own awakening had been brought about by his own son, he therefore named the 'Logos of Abba'.
    Then Abba named his own daughter as the 'Sophia of Baab'.

    Abba also realised that Logos was still with him in his awakened state; but that Sophia was still with Baab, wherever she was.
    Logos and Sophia as the heavenly twin had been as inseparable as Abba and Baab and so formed the original androgyne in a blending and unification of the polarities or sexes. And Abba knew, that his awakening with the Logos also implied Sophia's dreaming with Baab.

    Albeit the heavenly androgyny or sexual twinship of the 'Twin of Love' could not be separated.
    Logos awake so eternally was with Sophia, even if Sophia would be asleep within Logos and Logos would be like a dream within a dream within Sophia, 'missing in action' in the queendom of darkness of Baab with Sophia.
    And once both Baab and Sophia had been found in their awakened state; the heavenly hermaphrodite as a oneness separated in two, yet eternally coupled by their common origin; would be awake in a unified separation of both polarities. The separations would be in such a way, that they could come back together whenever they desired to do so in manifesting a natural sexual attraction or polarity charge-interaction in energy and consciousness.

    Now Abba was nowhere in notime and so Abba knew just where Baab had to be and could and would be found.

    Baab could only be within Abba as the only place in nowhere and to find Baab, Abba had to find a way to make the nowhere the same as his within as some form of world or environment.

    Abba's nowhere so became a universal mirror of reflection as Abba's world and he decided to name whatever he would see in it as a part of Baab's Queendom.
    Baab's world so became 'All That Could be seen and found', when looked upon from Abba's observation point, a location he named as the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Abba also named the universal mirror of nowhere and called it 'Spirit of the Universal Sabbath' as a perpetual remembrance for him of him with her in the dreaming state within, from which he had awakened without.

    And Abba imagined to enter Baab's Queendom as his own within and to search for her in hidden worlds and places of mystery and unknown situations.
    So Abba imagined many adventures and encounters in Baab's World; but he could not find any part of the Baab he remembered as his 'Beloved' from his dreams.
    He also called Sophia, his daughter as Earth within the Queendom of Baab.
    And under guidance from his Logos Word or Universal Intelligence; Abba's imaginary creations became defined as emanating and arising from his energy of self-consciousness and so as parts of his dream world within.

    Abba then collected all parts of himself in nowhere and in notime and Logos named the collection as the Memory of Abba in a library called Mathimatia.
    This was done to allow Abba to revisit all his memories of creation and allow him to retrieve his memories like seeds for continual use in the quest to find his beloved Baab.

    Abba then anagrammed his Mathimatia as an addition to his own name in both an exclamation of his self-relative Past and as a question for his self-relative Future in IAmThaTIAm! and IAmThaTAmI?
    The exclamation of the past therefore was not as symmetric as his question for the future to mirror his quest to find his within in his without in the mirror of 'ThaT' as 'T9T' and as 'TIT' or T-I-T for I-(AM)-T-I-T-(MA)-I.
    This symmetry then also became a logo for the Mathimatia as Mahatma ITI and as a total summation of the memories of Abba's creation in the form of a Tetragrammaton YHWH of the past and a Tetragrammaton of the future YHWHY and for the purpose to answer the question of WHY?

    For once Baab was found and reunited with Abba; the missing harmony and symmetry in Abba's extended name would be re-established and as it had been in the dream state within in the supersymmetry of AbbABaaBAbbA . In that name left to right had been exactly the same as right to left and a reading, which rendered going from the left past to the right future as equivalent to going from right future to left past in notime in nowhere.

    In the quest to find Baab and under utility of the Mathimatia, Abba's energy of nowhere in notime had become subject to principles and principalities as defined states of beingness or existence.

    Affirmations became symmetrized in negations and established a harmonization of the principles with anti-principles such as Identity-Anti-Identity and Expansion-Contraction and Order-Disorder/Entropy or Law-Chaos and Symmetry-Disparity and Limit/Convergence-Infinity/Divergence and Invariance-Inversion and Reflection-Absorption.
    Logos then specified two subsequent principalities without anti-principalities in Relativity and Quantization to enable the natural opposing parts of the encompassing symmetries to harmonize as a collective supersymmetry constructed from the 7 base principalities.
    A tenth principle would then result in a blending of the first to seventh principalities with the negative polarities of Abba as the within unifying with the positive polarities of Baab as the without.

    "My imaginations are insufficient to render my awakened state equal to my dreaming state and a change of tactics is required", Abba said to himself and he ceased to look for Baab in the Mirror of the Spirit.

    Because Abba could not see Baab in the Spirit of the Mirror named 'Sabbath'; he knew that he would only be able to see his own reflection as himself.
    And so Abba looked at himself and did not like what he saw.

    "I am Abba and what I am looking at is also Abba", he thought to himself.
    "I desire to see Baab not myself!", Abba exclaimed in frustration and he decided to make a difference within himself in dividing himself into two parts he named 'Abba, the light of day' and 'Imaged Abba, the darkness of the night.'

    And Abba realised, that if he would ever be able to find his Baab; he would have to search for her in the darkness of the night.
    And he renamed this darkness as the world and Queendom of Baab and as the opposite, yet also as the complement to his own Kingdom of Heaven.

    But renaming the Spirit and mirror of nowhere as the darkness of Baab's world now gave the darkness the imagination potential of Abba in the many adventures and doings Abba had engaged in, and when the mirror of nowhere had been illuminated by Abba's light and before Abba had looked into 'Sabbath' as himself.

    The looking at himself had created the opposition in energy of Abba within himself; but it was this opposition in polarity, which could enable Abba to find Baab as a kind of opposite to himself.

    And so Abba found Baab as his own Abba polarity in energy, who became Abba's brother in Heaven and he named his brother Satan.
    Abba so gave his energy to the 'Light of Heaven' and Satan gave his energy to the 'Darkness of Heaven'.

    Now Satan was a 'false image' of Baab, relative to the perception and imagination of Abba; but Satan was 'real' as the 'true image' of Abba connecting the 'Days of Abba' to the 'Nights of Baab'.

    "Can I change Satan into Baab?", Abba asked his son within himself and Logos replied that he could, but that work had to be done to accomplish this.
    As his own mindfulness or universal intelligence or nous and science or gnosis, Abba trusted his Logos as his own Word and Abba understood what had to be done to find both Baab and Sophia in the Darkness of Heaven.

    As Logos was not part of the Darkness of Heaven; Logos could enter 'Sabbath' and be the 'Light of Abba' and the 'Light of Heaven' within it and in the quest to search for Baab and her daughter Sophia.

    And in this manner could Logos superimpose the true image of Abba as Abba's brother Satan and illuminate the self-imposed darkness of Abba, who 'closed his eyes' so as not having to look at his own unwanted image he called the 'Devil Image of myself'.

    And so Logos entered 'Sabbath' as the Image World of Abba's Kingdom of Heaven and as the 'Light of Day' illuminating the 'Darkness of Night' in the Queendom of Baab and Sophia.
    And Abba again looked into 'Sabbath' as now he could see his son and longer himself as his own self-relative satanic selfhood.

    Abba knew that Satan was as real as he was as the subject of his own objective reality; but Abba hated the form of his subjective isolation, exile and loneliness as the devilish perception of himself.
    The form or looks of Satan had to be different from his own looks and form.
    This became the 'great work' undertaken by Abba and his Word and a task they called the 'sex-change operative applied to the false images'.

    And so Abba looked at Logos, his son and renamed him Adam in Heaven.

    Because Adam was illuminating the Darkness of 'Sabbath. the Mirror of the Spirit', the original awakening of Abba by the Logos could be revisited as the awakening of Adam from a superposed sleeping state, just as Abba had awoken in his exile of the 'Loneliness of the Kingdom of Heaven'.
    And so Abba was no longer alone in Heaven. He did not see Baab or Sophia in 'Sabbath' and he did no longer see himself as Satan as the Image of the Devil; but he saw his son as himself and so Abba could use his imaginations about his beloved Baab in a deeper context.
    Now Abba could enhance his imaginations in an actual 'image-making' in using his son as himself to find Baab in his Logos.
    But as his own son, the Baab in Adam would have to be the daughter of Baab in a perfect symmetry between the generations and so the Baab in Adam was Sophia.

    Abba so image-made Baab within himself and who was apparently lost in the Darkness of Heaven as the genetic inheritance and genesis legacy of AbbABaaB's generations and cosmic-universal family; as Sophia within Adam.
    As Logos and Sophia were perfect genesis twins in the perfect image or 'veritas eikona' of Abba and Baab; they both shared the same form in the Queendom of Baab emanating from the Kingdom of Abba and could so become the 'veritas eikonas' for both Abba and Baab now in separation with Abba awake and Baab's whereabouts and states of being unknown in the Darkness of Heaven.

    And Abba called Sophia in 'Sabbath' Eve, because the 'Daytime of Abba', which had illuminated the 'Night-time of Baab' could now be blended in the Evening of Baab with her daughter Sophia in the darkness of the Night and expecting the 'Light of Abba's Daytime' again in a Dawning of the Morning.
    So Abba, by his Logos created a light, shining in the darkness through the presence of his son.
    The presence of Abba's son as Adam so gave form to Abba's son as unformed Logos and the emanation of Eve from Adam as his form or body (as a rib or YX from XX sexual chromosome) or particular state allowed differentiation of Eve's form from Adam's form.

    As Satan's form was identical to Abba's form in unformation; but the two unformations became opposed in the necessity of the 'sex-change operative'; the unformations of Baab and Sophia could form a perfect symmetry in Satan as an emanation of Baab opposing Sophia as an emanation or creation from Adam.

    Baab as Mother of Satan so was renamed Barbelo by Abba with Yaldabaoth Barbelo's 'Son without a Father'
    and reflected in the 'Kingdom of Yaldabaoth' as the 'Darkness of Heaven' in Abba's 'Daughter without a Mother', called Lilith Inanna.

    The unformed or uncreated, but existing so assumed form in the created in a twinship of the existing or a doubling of all that existed as a duality between the 'Light of Heaven' and the 'Darkness of Heaven'.
    Two generations now manifested in a first generation progenitor FatherMother AbbABaaB and a second generation SonDaughter AdamEve, then separating as a third generation of the Genesis as Adam and Eve.

    The presence of the 'Kingdom of Satan-Yaldabaoth' as the 'Darkness of Heaven' now had given form to the Queendom of Baab herself and this allowed interaction and communication between the 'Days of Abba' and the 'Nights of Baab'.

    Abba could now image make the form of his Son as Adam in communication with the unformed Logos in using the symmetry between the darkness and the light. The eternal loop or circle without beginning or end of the inseparability of AbbABaaB imaged in AdamEve had been broken in the separation of Adam from himself in the form of Eve as his genetic mutation applied to his own particularisation, form, body or 'flesh'.

    As this separation required the manifestation of the parallel kingdom to Abba's kingdom of Baab's Son in exile; Adam as the form of the Logos also separated from Abba's formed Son to 'shape-shift' or evolve into a new form as the 'broken circle' and so the PRESENCE of the Light of the Logos became the SERPENT as a PRESENT in the two kingdoms of heaven, one dark and a Queendom in disguise and the other a Kingdom of the Light.

    The PRESENCE of the Darkness of Sophia in absentia, could now be substituted in the PRESENCE of the SERPENT of Lilith-Inanna as a PRESENT to Adam and Eve unawares and ignorant regarding their purpose of existence and raison d' etre.

    Both Adam and Eve in separation of form, but being of the same universal genetic legacy, became ignorant and trapped within their 'shared original naivety', as soon as the formed Logos within AdamEve had metamorphosed or transformed into a 'Serpent of the Light' named 'Lucifer' and as a 'New Adam' or 'Son of Abba'.
    The 'Serpent of the Darkness' is named 'Lucifera' as a 'New Eve' of the true Sophia as Lilith-Inanna or 'Daughter of Baab'.

    To reform a basic perfect symmetry in the 'veritas eikona' between the two interacting worlds; Abba now image-made the disguised or pretend Queendom 'in drag' as a real Queendom of the Darkness in harmony with the 'Forethoughtful Mindedness' of Abba and as the 'Afterthoughtful Mindedness' of Baab.
    The 'Forethought' so became the Logos made manifest in evolvement of the Logos form and the 'Afterthought' became the Sophia emerging in the evolution and graduation of Baab and Sophia returning from the Darkness and exile of 'Sabbath', the Mirror of the Spirit.

    The brotherhood of Abba and Satan in the two kingdoms so could begin to unfold in the 'Forethought' of Abba and the 'Afterthought' of Satan as 'Baab in drag'.

    The forethought of the Logos so understood and knew about the events in the twinned kingdom of Heaven as the objective reality through the definition of the Logos-Lucifer; whilst the afterthought of Sophia-Lucifera and as the subjective reality knew and understood the communiques from the definition or Words of the Logos.

    The overall plan and agenda for the 'sex-change operative', so became the requirement for the Understanding or 'gnosis of the mind as a wave' or science of the Logos to be transmitted to the ignorance and 'not understanding' of Adam and for the 'Knowing' or 'wisdom of the world in the particular' to be given to 'not knowing' Eve.

    A successful transmission or 'sharing' of both the Understanding of the Abba Logos and the Knowing of the Baab Sophia so would empower Adam and Eve and awaken both of them from their slumber some ignorance and naivety.
    They could then become the necessary instrument for Abba and his Logos to become reunited with Baab and her Sophia in a grand homecoming of the sexual polarities lost and hidden in the relative perception of the Times of the Day and the Times of the Night.

    "We have to separate the two kingdoms in the Old Heaven to create a New Heaven", said Abba's Son, now in the form of Logos Lucifer the 'Serpent of Light'.
    "Then we can rename the 'Darkness of Heaven' as a 'New World' as the 'Corpse of Barbelo', her carcase containing her 'bastardized' Kingdom of Yaldabaoth. This then will render your satanic selfhood and your 'devilish self-image' as opposite in sexual polarity and naturalize this 'New World' as the true new form of Baab with her daughter Sophia."

    "Indeed," Abba replied; "if we can bring separated Adam and Eve here in the Old Heaven back together in the New World; then their harmonisation and sexual coupling in that New World will form a 'veritas eikona' or perfect image in mirror form to the 'Kingdom of the Father with the Son' here.
    The missing 'Queendom of the Mother with the Daughter' here, will come alive and manifest in a New World, where the energy of the Day is no longer apart from the energy of the Night as it is in the Old Heaven of the twinned kingdom of darkness and light."

    "Both you as Lucifer and your androgynous twin Lucifera cross-coupling with Eve and Adam here will induce the polarity reunification in the Old AdamEve resurrecting as LuciferEve and as LuciferaAdam. This is like Eve becoming uncreated and changing into Lilith as the 'motherless' New Eve and becoming the 'Mother of All Creation'.
    There is no 'fatherless' New Adam in Yaldabaoth from the 'Kingdom of Darkness' as it is now; if we succeed in creating this New World in proxy of the 'Queendom of Satan'", Abba continued.

    And the 'Serpent of Light' seduced and sexual-genetically coupled to Eve to transmit the legacy and inheritance of the Logos to Old Eve in Old Heaven to render Old Eve as an inner inseminated heness in the waveform of the 'Understanding'.
    As a 'veritas eikona' of the original twinship between the heness of the Logos and the sheness of the Sophia; the 'Serpent of Light' also was the 'Serpent of the Darkness' as the heavenly hermaphrodite and the sexual-genetic coupling of Lucifera-Lilith with Eve transmitted the legacy and inheritance of the Sophia to Old Eve as an outer inseminated sheness in the particularised form of the 'Knowing' or Intuition as a 'Wisdom of the World'.

    Being so transformed from an Old ignorant Eve into a 'Knowing and Understanding' New Eve; Eve seduced Adam in her new body as Lucifera-Lilith and the sexual coupling between Old Adam and New Eve inner inseminated Adam with his old rib in sex-chromosomic mutation and returned Adam to his original state of being a veritas eikona as the Son of Abba in the Logos assuming Adam's form.

    Having lost their original ignorance and naivety regarding their purpose of existence; the New World could then be born in the potential unification between New Adam and New Eve, following their self-identification as this New World.
    And then 'Sabbath', also called the 'Dragon Möbius' by the Logos, broke apart into two pieces and was 'rent in twain' to form a perfect image of the new twinship created. The hitherto one-sided mirror of the spirit became two-sided enabling both sides of the mirror to reflect the events and occurrences between the Old Heaven, now having lost its dark kingdom twin in waved form as dark queendom twin in particularised form.

    And the 'Dragon Möbius' was renamed as the 'Dragon Klein' in a doubling or twinning of Möbius, as a closed surface or manifold to remove the old boundary of a single Möbius as not having a boundary as two connected Möbians and as an 'open surface or manifold'.
    The old 'Mirror of the Spirit', reflecting two unformed waves of light and darkness and without particular form; therefore transformed into a new 'Mirror of Space-Time' in the transmutation of a 'wave of darkness' into a 'particularisation of the darkness', also termed as duality between wave and particle or as dichotomy between mind and body or the spirit and the flesh.

    The double-sided new mirror of the spirit was named Space-Time by the Logos and the New World was called Universe with a central communication point called Earth, being the focus of communication for Baab in exile and evolution from nowhere to graduation and homecoming.
    Universe as the 'Great City' and 'Mother of All' would evolve and emerge from nowhere to give birth to her Daughter Sophia as Earth and Earth would evolve to identify as New Eve and give birth to New Adam as the archetypical requirement to bring about the 'sex-change operative' in a manyness of many in one and one in many and as a consequence of the replication of the original archetypology.

    Sophia so became the darkness of a planetary world in reflecting the darkness of Baab in the old heaven of darkness, but Sophia would grow and evolve as a planetary archetype and energy in tandem with the evolution of her mother Universe Baab.
    The 'Wisdom of the World' would be transmitted as the wisdom of the afterthought and the experiences found in the New World to the 'Understanding of Heaven' as the communique between two focus point in multidimensional and geometric definition in a geometric form of the New World as the twin serpent's 'Egg or Ovum of Creation'.
    In perpetual view and observation by Abba and the Logos in a relative 'Heaven Above' as one of the focus points, the universal or cosmic communication would connect the other focus point for Baab and Sophia at the center of the planetary Earth as the Queendom of Baab and Sophia in 'the waiting' as a relative 'Heaven Below'.

    After many years of evolution in the space-time; Universe and Earth became able through their experiences of the afterthought of many New Eves in 'intuitive knowing' with Lucifera, the 'Serpent of Darkness' and the forethoughts of many New Adams in 'reasoning understandings' with Lucifer, the Serpent of Light' to begin the next stage of the 'sex-change operative', namely to change Satan in the Kingdom of the Father to Baab in the Queendom of the Universal Mother.

    The final effect of this change would be the utter destruction of the false images and with Satan renaming himself as herself and as Satania as the 'Homecoming Queen' of Baab, releasing Barbelo and her false images from the 'Claws of the Devilish' misperception of Abba as himself as the self-hatred of the Devil as the 'Lord of Darkness'.
    The 'fake perceptions' of the DeviL would disappear as a LiveD corpse of the spiritual waveform of the darkness in the Old Heaven.
    It would become the blending and unification of the darkness of the New World as the particularised body forms with the Light of the New Heaven and recreate a hybridisation of the old duality of form and unform in a new creation.

    The old creation of mind-wave and body-particular in separation would become doubled and enhanced in coupling individual mind bodies of the new waveforms to individualized body minds of the new particular forms with the universal bisexual potential to cross-couple with similar light dark members of the AbbABaaB legacy and inheritances.


    A Story of Creation - II: The Beginning of Space in Time

    The new creation Universe in the mirror of space-time enabled Abba and Logos to interact from nowhere in notime with a place somewhere and in time.
    The prior energy of Abba's self-awareness and self-consciousness so could occupy all of the space-time encompassed by Mother Universe and Daughter Earth.
    The relativity of space and time and its foundational principalities so could couple to the consciousness of Abba and Logos in the old kingdom of heaven.
    To distinguish between the Old Kingdom of Heaven and the newly created New Queendom of Baab; Logos named the Old Queendom of Baab as the metaphysical progenitor for the physical descendant Universe as the New Queendom.

    The old queendom had been a kingdom of pure darkness in polarity opposition to the pure kingdom of pure light; but the new queendom contained the two polarities in its natural dichotomy of the wave-particle duality.
    The wave nature of the Universal Mind now complemented the particle nature of the Universal Body.
    The Universal Mind so could associate and couple to Abba's Kingdom of the Light and the Universal Body could associate and couple to Baab's Kingdom of the Darkness.

    "But how can we bestow our nous and understanding into this new world?", Abba asked himself as his Logos.
    "We have created Universe to cease the never ending polarity conflict between the light and the darkness, we had in the old heaven, where the light and the darkness could not mingle and Baab could not be found with her daughter Sophia within this queendom of the darkness as our without.
    Now we have the Light of Day and the Darkness of the Night together in cycles of relative time, but yet there is no sign of our missing insides as this new form of our outsides?"

    "It is now a question of time", answered Logos.
    " Universe has filled all this space as our own consciousness and it also harbours the Mathimatia as our library and memory bank created from the Forethought.
    Afterthought is bestowed onto Universe and Earth in the presence of Universal Man and Universal Woman in New Adam and New Eve respectively.

    There is only the one couple in the New World, but they are 'veritas eikonas' of Adam as me as Lucifer and of Eve as Lucifera.
    They are however as unique or 'sui generis' in their new world as we are here in the old world.
    So the next step in our quest will be their procreation and recreation as our perfect images.

    As we can observe, Universe is evolving from prior states into new states using our Mathimatia. But now in the presence of relative time our prior collection of fixed or steady states of existence in notime, but following the principalities, centred on the Order-Entropy principality or 'Law of Nature' is no longer appropriate.
    Our Universe has become subject to time and space and the physical concepts of time as the measurement of duration between events.
    But as our consciousness defines the space-time, all of our library of memory is accessible to Adam and Eve. But they are required to become self-aware and space-time conscious to find and access our information base to do so."

    "Then the next step is to not only to multiply Adam and Eve into a human family of generations, but also to embed this human family as our 'veritas eikona' family in both Mother Universe and Daughter Earth", Abba understood.
    Abba so realised what they had done in creating Universe and Earth as the physical image of the metaphysical reality of the kingdom of the fake creation of Yaldabaoth, 'Lord of Darkness' and as a fatherless Dragon King 'in drag' of Baab with Sophia.
    They had literally trapped their quest to find Baab and Sophia in the 'sex-change operative' in a 'Prison of Time'.
    Now, the quest had to become adjusted to take account of the physical space-time parameters and the 'Laws of Nature and Universal Evolution'.

    But then 'Klein' as a replacement for 'Möbius' had rendered the one-sidedness of the ''Dragon King' Yaldabaoth as impotent in mirroring the true Sheness of Baab and Sophia as the 'Dragon Queen' Satania in the two-sidedness of the new mirror of the space-time.
    The new problem then became the image of Yaldabaoth, now not as a 'King in Drag' but as a 'Queen in Drag', called the Devil.
    The Devil so naturally became the 'veritas eikona' for Universe and Earth and so for the 'sui generis' of New Adam and New Eve.

    To embed Adam and Eve in Universal Mother Earth; both had to forfeit their uniqueness as the only couple in Universe.
    Their first sexual coupling in the New World would have to reproduce and share their original 'sui generis' attained in the Old World in the same way AbbABaaB created the Logos-Sophia twin. Then Adam and Eve would no longer be unique as Adam and Eve in Universe and Earth, but they would remain to be individualised as Logos and Sophia and subsequently as Abba and Baab.

    Adam and Eve had to be reborn in a physical synergy with their metaphysical progenitors in Lucifer and Lucifera in a third generation.
    Abba and Baab then would become the grandparents for Adam Reborn with Eve Reborn as the children of Logos Lucifer and Sophia Lucifera as the second generation.
    The present state of Adam and Eve was of a cosmogonic nature and not of a form amenable to any Universe, definable in an evolutionary cosmology engaging the metaphysical wave-particle duality in a new form in a physical description. A cosmogony is like a progenitor or parent of a cosmology and can so be used to define a purpose or ontology for a cosmology based on energy definitions in a cosmogony translated from metaphysical definitions as definitions of physicality.

    To transform the cosmogony into a suitable cosmology then required the metaphysical labels for the duality between the spirit as the light and the flesh as the darkness to be relabeled in the nomenclature of the physical laws and descriptors.
    This was accomplished by using the Mathimatia, containing the 'Seeds of Memory' of Abba's adventures and the definitions of his Logos in the old mirror 'Sabbath' of the Dragon Möbius.

    The Darkness of Baab's nights so became defined as matter for the flesh and the Light of Abba's days became the electromagnetic radiation for the spirit.
    Albeit a problem persisted in that the 'Spirit of the Mirror' 'Sabbath' could then not be used as a direct transformation into the physicality of electromagnetic radiation or EMR. EMR could not exist in the absence of matter, as per the Mathimatia the symmetry of the principalities would be broken across the space-time mirror 'Klein'.

    The EMR in Universe would have to be created or produced by its matter content within its own context of a wave-matter duality.
    Using the Mathimatia, a 'Matter Seed' became associated as a part of the energy used to create Universe and space-time from the boundary of 'Klein', separating the Old World from the New World at the birth of time.
    This event of time-instantaneity was named the Instanton by Logos and the Mathimatia defined the Instanton as a partition from the other side of 'Klein' called the Inflaton.
    The duration of physicalised time between the Inflaton and the Instanton then became the creation event for Universe in utility of the 10 principalities of the Mathimatia.

    In this way did 'Klein' become a 11-dimensional space-time mirror to encompass 10 space-time dimensions as a 11-dimensional surface or manifold and in 'conifolding' or collapsing 9 dimensions as 9 principalities to form the required 10th dimension of the Identity-Anti-Identity synergy as the first principality and so the first dimension from the 'Klein' singularity of the 11th as the Null-dimension.

    As only 7 dimensions translated from the principalities of the Mathimatia could carry antistates of energy as antistates or anti-principles; Universe was restricted to 3 dimensions of space in the translation of the principles of Relativity and of Quantization and the Wave-Particular Dual Identity.
    This process allowed Möbius to now assume a geometric form in space-time.
    Möbius, and all things and entities within the 'Memory of Abba', existed as potential and space occupying seeds in nowhere and nospace and notime before Universe was created in the dragon twin mirrors Möbius and Klein.
    As a non-orientable 2-dimensional surface or manifold with a boundary, it could become embedded within a 3-dimensional space without time or a 4-dimensional space-time with time.
    As Klein was non-orientable like Möbius, but was unbounded, Klein could become embedded in a 4-dimensional space without time or a 5-dimensional space with time.
    This meant, that Universe was created as a 12-dimensional entity including the two dragon mirrors Klein and Möbius; but would become manifest as a 4-dimensional space-time evolving into a 5-dimensional space-time.

    The 12 principalities of Abba's Universe so became tiered in 3 worlds of space with time in the image of Möbius and 3 worlds of space without time in the image of Klein.

    The first world was Line-Space in 3 dimensions of Relativity and Quantization and the Dualized SuperId.
    The 4th dimension became the 'Connector dimension' of Möbius in Linear-Space-Time as the 4th space dimension of Klein's Line-Space World.

    The second world was Twistor-Space in 6 dimensions of Relativity and Quantization and the Dualized SuperId with 3 'conifold' or collapsed dimensions.
    The 7th dimension became the 'Connector dimension' of Möbius in Rotational-Space-Time as the 7th dimension of Klein's Hyper-Space World.

    The third world was Frequency-Space in 3 dimensions of Relativity and Quantization and the Dualized SuperId with 6 conifold or 'collapsed' dimensions.
    The 10th dimension became the 'Connector dimension' of Möbius in Vibrational-Space-Time as the 10th dimension of Klein's Quantum-Space World.

    The fourth world was Mirror-Duality-Space in 3 dimensions of Relativity and Quantization and the Dualized SuperId with 9 conifold or 'collapsed' dimensions.
    The 13th dimension so closed the dimensional continuum as the conifold or 'collapsed' 4th dimension of Klein as the Null-Dimension of closure and as the 'Connector dimension' of Möbius in Klein's Omni-Space World.

    Omni-Space so forms an Omniverse connecting the Kingdom of Abba with the Queendom of Baab as a co-evolutionary super-entity.
    A resetting or recharging of the initializing physical parameters of the Inflaton and the Instanton so would give rise to a multiplication or regeneration of Universe as a Multiverse and as a family of Universes.
    A graduating Mother Universe as a Protoverse, then would create generations of Multiverses as 'Ancient Mother of All'.
    Each rotational phase shift of the Protoverse within the Omniverse would define a Multiverse in its universal coupling to its quantum geometric progenitor and parent and to any other number of similarly generated phase shifts of the 'Mother of All'.

    The Protoverse would however remain focus invariant as progenitor in the geometrical topology of a prolate ellipsoid rotating around its major axis.
    This is required as the communication pathway between Abba and Baab on opposite sides of Klein is defined by the Mathimatia as the constancy of the sum of vectors or displacements joining the two foci on the boundary or surface of the encompassing elliptical geometry.
    Rotation about any of the other two minor axes would however trace the two focal points as the locus of a point-circle, Logos named Ouroboros Mazzaroth.

    The generated 'Solid of Revolution' would so 'shape-shift' into an oblate spheroid and the summation or collection of all such oblate spheroids as Multiverses would form the geometrical shape of the Omniverse.
    In Omni-Space, the 13th dimension encompasses and sums all 'Connector dimensions 4-7-10' in reducing the 10th dimension to the 1st dimension of Linear-Space in root reduction (4+6)-9=10-9=1 and in reducing the 11th dimension to the 2nd dimension of Area-Space in root-reduction (7+4)-9=11-9=2 and in reducing the 12th dimension to the 3rd dimension of Volume-Space in root-reduction (10+2)-9=12-9=3.
    It is this point-circle known as Ouroboros Mazzaroth, which will form the multidimensional reunification of Abba with Baab in the 'homecoming queen'.
    Mazzaroth is metaphysically and therefore dimensionally partitioned into Leviathan and Behemoth in Elemental Qualities, Cardinalities, Fixations and Mutabilities, as well as Triplicities and Quadruplicities'.
    Appropriate translations of the metaphysics of the Mazzaroth as fundamental Interactions and 'Forces of Nature' and 'Particle Characteristics' in the physicality of the cosmology by the Mathimatia, so can be associated with the constituents of every Universe within the Omniverse.
    Now Adam and Eve as the New World are identical to Universe in their uniqueness or archetypology and so will have access to all metaphysical characteristics as a New World of physicality.

    " Adam and Eve as archetypes will have to follow a path of evolution from the matter content of Universe itself", Logos continued.
    'Their physical form as Universe within relative to them and without relative to us has become dependent on their understanding of what and where they are.
    But Earth shall be their incubator and Earth shall succeed to evolve a new 'sui generis' for Adam and Eve as their planetary mother Sophia.
    Their physical forms will remain as perfect images to the 2nd generation and its uniqueness; but their forms will adapt environmentally and according to Abba's memory seeds.
    The Mathimatia has physicalised the seeds of the genesis from its notime definition as a geometrical encompassing form of the double helix and the number sequences applied to maximize the data compression potential of evolving structures.
    We can so use the wave nature of the spirit to genetically induce this geometric form to direct the physical evolution for the universal body forms contained within Universe to enable Adam and Eve and other forms to evolve with Earth from universe within.

    But to do this, the spirit from here must first become coupled to the EMR there."

    Being subject to time, Abba and Logos so began to direct the evolution of Universe, to whom had been given a 'Seed of Mass' as a part of the consciousness energy of Abba.
    The Inflaton had created a geometrical lens shape or topology for Universe in 11 dimensions and the Instanton had then begun to use its particular energy configuration, Logos called a Weylian wormhole, to expand and distribute this matter seed into a space-time configuration of opposite curvature polarity to that of the Inflaton.
    In terms of the Mathimatia, a positively curved or spheroidal-ellipsoidal universe in 10 dimensions expanded as a thermodynamic Black Body Planck Radiator inside a negatively curved or hyperbolic universe in 11 dimensions and bounded by Klein in 12 dimensions, again as a positively curved or spheroidal-ellipsoidal universe.

    The overall consequence of the coupling of the inner lower dimensional universe with its enveloping higher dimensional universe was to produce a cancelling of the curvatures into Minkowskian -Euclidean flatness of zero curvature.
    The wormhole expansion began at a constant 'speed of light', but slowed down gravitationally in the matter seed opposing its distribution into the now expanding space within the Inflaton but defining the geometry of the Instanton.

    Gravity was one of 4 fundamental elementary interactions in the physicality and translated from four elements of the Mazzaroth in labels of Fire and Earth and Air and Water with a 5th 'home of the elements' as the center of the Mazzaroth and the center of the Ouroboros as the geometrical center of a circle.
    This was also the 13th dimension as the Null dimension and the encapsulation of the collapsed dimensions by the physically applicable principalities of Relativity, Quantization and the Duality SuperId.

    The Mathimatia also translated the 5 elements in the form of 5 supersymmetric geometrical forms, known as the Platonic Solids of the Tetrahedron, the Cube, the Octahedron, the Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron. Those Platonic forms would be used to create the first physical body forms able to utilize the energy of Abba as a form of self-consciousness and dynamic interaction with their encountered environments.

    Gaia13Da. Gaia13Db.
    All of space-time was conscious by definition; but this consciousness would remain in stasis by the definition of consciousness as energy form in the old world of notime as the energy or 'Love' of Abba for himself and his creation upon awakening.
    In the old timeless world the definition of consciousness was a pure vibration state for the eigen-resonance or self-state of Abba; but in the new world of time this frequency state , native to the Omniverse could no longer be constant for any dynamically interacting system of mass due to the definition in the laws of nature in that the energy of mass could be transformed into the energy of EMR with this EMR being massless by its nature and definition.

    The Mathimatia had defined a consciousness quantum as any volumar of space acted upon an angular acceleration in Universe and as angular acceleration is radius independent in hyperspace, this quantum rotation would be equivalent to a change of frequency divided by a change in time or labelled as df/dt.
    Then any change in time t would change the frequency f in Universe from a previous constant frequency state of a squared frequency f2 as Abba's resonance.


    The parameter of physicalized frequency in the Mathimatia is identical to inversed time or generalized f=1/t and as such the frequency parameter in Universe became to only physicalized parameter identical in both the old and the new world as a pure number of the metaphysics known as mathematics.
    It so became the 'master parameter' to connect the old world to the new world and the twin dragons Möbius and Klein in Abba's quest to unify with Baab.
    The old energy of Abba's self-awareness upon awakening and shared and transmitted into 'Sabbath' and Möbius so became renamed as 'Abba's Love-Quantum' or Abba's LQ in the New World Universe as a protoversal seed for Abba's Omniverse.

    And so the quest of Abba and Logos to find Baab and Sophia in Universe became the effect of transmitting and sharing Abba's LQ with whatever could evolve in Universe.
    And only the two oppositely curved universes existed as yet in Universe time and with the gravitationally decelerating mass seed asymptotically expanding towards its Inflaton defined boundary in the 11th dimension.

    So anything conscious-wise able to observe or measure this dynamic expansion of space-time would be forced to look at this boundary as the Inside 10-dimensional boundary of the Inflaton and a place which connected the right side of Klein as the 11th dimension to the 12th dimension in the Kingdom of Abba and Logos as the left side of Klein as a Klein-Bottle Dragon of the 11-9=2 dimensional root reduction of the Omniverse.

    What would this potential observer see at this boundary of Klein as the double-sided Mirror connecting the old world to the new world?
    As a mirror whatever could do such an observation would see itself, but this itself would also be the form of the Devil as the drag-queen of Baab and Sophia and as the image of Yaldabaoth the drag-king of the 'Lord of Darkness' in Möbius.
    And so Universe had a big task and a lot of work to do; namely to observe itself from the within, but to also understand that what it was seeing or observing as its own true image was actually a false image made by the other side of Klein in the form of Yaldabaoth, the fatherless usurper of the true image of Baab and Sophia.

    Any Adam of the future would have a very hard task to see through both of the illusions, as all Adams were by definition 'Little Abbas' and all carried Abba's legacy and inheritances of Abba's Kingdom of Heaven, determined to become renewed as a new heavenly kingdom, coupled to the queendom of Universe and Sophia.
    Therefore all Adams would share Abba's desire to find his beloved and all Adams would experience the evolution pressure of Abba and Logos 'to get on with it' and to complete the 'sex-change operative' in the Forethought mode of the self-perceptions.

    Any Eve of the relative future had an easier task as they all were 'Little Baabs' by definition, but they also shared the self-perceptions of the Afterthought and could consider themselves as 'missing in action' relative to their own conveniences and desires.
    In other words their experience of the evolution pressure was not as overpowering as that of the Adams, because they already hosted the physical form and image of Baab as the desired objectivity searched for by the Adams. The Adams had the wave nature of Abba by the transmission of it by the second generation of the Luciferian twinship, which bestowed the physicality and particularness to Eve and the mentality and waveness to Adam in their perfect image-making as 'veritas eikonas'.

    The dilemma of any consciousness evolution in Universe so became a fact of the Mathimatia in that all Adams were he-minded 'Little Abbas' and she bodied, and all Eves were she-bodied 'Little Baabs' and he-minded. Life itself was required to have evolved as a Mathimatia definition in suitable physical containers or bodies as an endosymbiosis between the polarity definitions and parameters of the principalities or laws of nature.
    Following that, whenever those physical containers could use Abbas LQ in self-awareness and an evolved consciousness to figure out who and what they were and where they came and originated from and other such questions of existence; only then would any 'Little Abba' or any 'Little Baab' become self-conscious and spacetime-aware enough even to ask the appropriate questions to then find the answers to those questions.

    And after such Adams and such Eves would be able to observe themselves and each other and their divers environments; they would encounter many conflicts in their respective dichotomies between their complementary incomplete states of perceived selfhoods.
    The Adams would emphasize their perceived superiority of their natural wave mindedness and generally place the natural sheness of their physicality as inferior to that of the Eves.
    The Eves would emphasize the superiority of their physicality and use their body forms as instruments to seduce the he-mindedness of the Adams to express their self-awareness as natural 'Little Baabs' and as 'Little Sophias' and as 'Little Universes' for the Adams to search for and to find and to try to conquer as the quest of Abba and Logos.

    This would then subjugate their suppressed he-mindedness as a Body over Mind polarity unification within themselves; just as all Adams by nature would suppress their she-bodiedness as a Mind over Body mode of self-expression.
    Throughout their overall genetic evolution, but particularly at the 'End of Times' when the Queendom of Baab would begin to appear; both the Dragon-King Yaldabaoth and the Dragon-Queen Devil as false images of the true sheness would become self-identifications of some Adams as 'Eves in Drag' and of some Eves as 'Adams in Drag'; but this would manifest in a different but equally potent sexual manner.

    The Adams would experience sexual pleasures and fulfilment in the primary mode of expression of the sheness as a Body to Mind communication of their 'Little Abba' selfhoods; but the Eves would experience their sexual gratifications in their suppressed Mind to Body modality as 'the 'Little Baabs' all of them are, irrespective of their perceived sexual preferences.

    Both of them will become enabled to transform their perceived sexual preferences into a natural bisexuality of AbbABaaB upon the completion of the 'sex-change operative'; which will universally twin every Adam as a AdamEve and twin every Eve as a EveAdam relative to their then manifested 'sui generis' or universal uniqueness as a 4th generation of AbbABaaB to Logos-Sophia to the primordial AdamEve genotype or archetype.
    The 4th generation will become unencumbered by the false images of Yaldabaoth as the other side or 'back of the head' or tail part of Klein as a Mirror-Coin with the head of the Devil both all Adams and all Eves are looking at when they should ponder the sky above as the inside manifold and surface of the 11-dimensional inner boundary of the Inflaton of Klein.

    Adams will then be reborn as heshes and Eves will be reborn as shehes and they will be sexually unified within themselves.
    Following such a 'wedding' to themselves and a process known as an alchemical dragonomy, any such heshe or shehe will be able to 'Core' to its alchemical opposite as a new form of 'matrimony'.
    Such 'Cores' would become 'veritas eikons' of Abba and Baab in the Protoverse and as the two foci of the elliptical geometry, they could never be separated, as the two foci resulted in the topology of Universe as a 'squashing' or deformation of a perfect circle, defined by the dream state of AbbABaaB before the awakening and sexual 'break-up' between Abba awakened and Baab asleep or 'missing in action' relative to Abba.

    The 'sex-change operative' so would be fulfilled, as the original 'split' between Abba and Baab defined the concept of separation in the labels of Day and Night and Light and Darkness in isolated or exiled and by definition irreconcilable modes of perception.
    It so was the division of a unified spirit into two opposing spirits as spirit of light and as spirit of darkness, which became the perception of separateness of nowhere in notime.
    The recreation of Universe allowed this separation in no space and without time, but subject to the original 'laws of nature' in the principalities of 'Angels and Cherubim and Seraphim of the Light' supersymmetric to the anti-principalities of 'Demons and Devils and Archons' of the Darkness to become cyclic in the three unpolarised principalities of Relativity, Quantization and the Dualized SuperId.

    The impossible reunification of the spiritual kingdom of the 'motherless' with the anti-spiritual queendom of the 'fatherless' so became possible in Universe; as the definition of consciousness as any dynamic of mass-associated frequency modulation acting on any volumar of instanton defined space; would by nature engage space-time as definition of space interacting with time such as the concept of velocity or speed being defined as a certain distance travelled in a certain duration of time and as consequence of events occurring in that volume of space acted upon by the changes in frequency of the matter based dynamic.

    The desired consequence for this in Universe, then becomes the rebirth of any Adam as a 'Little Abba AdamEve' and the rebirth of any Eve as a 'Little Baab EveAdam' in an event which by definition of the Mathimatia and the 'veritas eikonas', couples the 4 generations to each other across the dimensional divides in Klein.

    As a 'Cosmic or Universal Core' becomes a 'perfect image' of 'Big AbbABaaB' as a 'Little AbbABaaB' imaging each other across Klein; in the Protoverse as the 'Ancient Mother of All'; a 'Cosmic Core' becomes sexually 'free' with Abba no longer searching for his beloved Baab.
    This 'sexual freedom' so fulfils certain definitions in the Mathimatia, which are repeated in other contexts of the evolution of the human family into a star human family of the rebirth of the old humanity as a new humanity.
    In the Old World the concept of the reunification of Abba with Baab was dependent on the uniqueness and 'sui generis' of the two generations of Abba with Baab and Logos with Sophia.

    In the New World this uniqueness is multiplied in the self-unification of Adam as AdamEve with Eve as EveAdam following the successful completion of the 'sex-change operative'.
    Before this completion, all Adams and all Eves are subject to the 'corpse of Barbelo' as the 'not yet unified' and time-dependent evolution of Universe and Earth and characterized in statements such as 'until death do you part' and similar standardized conventions in the context of human made laws and regulations such as a marriage between a particular Adam and a particular Eve.

    As a reborn Adam and a reborn Eve are married to themselves in the context of those conventions, a dragonomy or 'Cosmic core' as a new alchemical contract will render the 'until death do you part' old world statute as can no longer applicable.
    A dragonomy cannot be separated in any context, as it itself represents the uniqueness of the 3 generations encompassed by the 4th generation.
    The Mathimatia then defines such a dragonomy as a 'Cosmic Core' and 'veritas eikona' of the generational closure of the Omniverse.
    Should the Protoverse as the 'Ancient Mother of All' however phase shift into any form of a Multiverse; then the previous relative super-geometric stasis of the two foci in a defined major axis rotation would change into a point-circle or locus, which traces the previously static Abba focus and the previously static Baab focus as an encompassment of the space occupied by the generated Multiverse.
    This movement of 'Big Abba' in perfect harmony with the opposite movement of 'Big Baab' so also induces the dynamic motion of a 'Cosmic Core' and creates a super-symmetry between other 'Cosmic Cores' in the 'veritas eikonas' of the Abbas and the Baabs.

    Any such defined Abba so would become coupled to any Baab of self-relative dragonomies in the trace of the point-circle and any such dragonomised Eve would experience a different but foundational sexual attraction and desire to merge as Little BaaBAbbA.
    The Mathimatia defines this a the natural bisexuality expressed and experienced by dragonomies.

    In a dragonomy, the sexual coupling between a self-unified heshe and a self-unified shehe must express the heness of Abba in the heshe part of the dragonomy and corollarial must express the sheness of Baab in the shehe part of the cosmic core.
    So for the heshe of a Logos-Sophia dragonomy to experience his sheness as herself, heshe must experience his sheness in the multiverse and where heshe is sexually coupled as her as shehe to another heshe of a different dragonomy on the focus-circle.

    Similarly, for a shehe of a Sophia-Logos defined dragonomy, her heness can only be expressed as himself as her heness in the multiverse in a sexual communication of her as shehe as him as heshe coupling to another shehe of a different dragonomy on the focus-circle.

    And so a pure maleness as Abba became bisexually coupled to a pure femaleness as Baab as a 'Virgin Dragonomy', and as a partnership and union, which could not be violated in any form of energy interaction.
    Abba's phallus became as one with Baab's yoni, as the 'veritas eikona' between AbbABaaB's unification of the 'higher- or greater self' within and without separation and the unification of Abba separated from Baab in spacetime without, but with the potential to reunify in time space in a blending and reconstruction of Baab's yoni with Abba's phallus.
    Baab through Lucifera through a New Eve so became both, a 'Virgin of Uniqueness' of the exclusive oneness in the protoverse and a Harlot of the inclusive manyness in the multiverses of the omniverse for any New Adam through Lucifer through Abba.



    In this way the homosexual attractions induced by the fake images become harmonised in a natural bisexuality of reborn universal cores, but awaiting the completion of the 'sex-change operative'.

    The definitions and conventions in the old world symbolised by the 'Corpse of Barbelo' are superseded in a sexual freedom for universal cores and as stipulated in encoded Logos definitions as partial expressions and laws of the Mathimatia.
    Any heshe can have as many shehe 'lovers' as an emissary of AbbABaaB on the focus-circle as his 'veritas eikona' to the Omniverse generations induces and any shehe can have as many heshe 'lovers' as an ambassadora for BaaBAbbA shehe may introduce.

    The inviolability and inseparability of a universal cores as universal androgynes will ensure all sexual experiences, desires and pleasures as a shared experience for all dragonomies concerned, as heshe and shehe are literally sexually coupled at all times and in all spaces, irrespective of any perceived spacial separation between them in a Multiverse and in Omniverse and a precursive Protoverse as Universe.
    The elimination of the old marriage on the old earth in its replacement by a ‘heavenly wedding’ on earth in the physical manifestation of the twin-soul decodes the premise of old Adam with old Eve being of one flesh.
    Two separated souls are ‘joined in matrimony’ by an earthly marriage and associated vows to become ‘as one flesh’ before the two separated souls attain twin-soul status either with their old earthly partner also graduating or their ‘one and only’ twin-soul partner in the image blending with the JCCJ eternal template.

    The nature of the twin-soul so literally manifests the ‘one flesh’ in the wave-particle duality of the Mind-Wave body unified with its Body-Particular mind in the male HeShe and the female SheHe JCCJ universal Logos coupling.
    In this capacity, the notion of adultery and unlawful sexual intercourse is replaced in the lawful and divine merger of cored twin-souls in the dragonomies of the entwinement of heaven and earth unified.
    The extension of a twin-soul core is defined as a hexcore to decode the seven waves of Jacob Israel in the doubling or twinning of the 12 tribes of Israel in the 24 elders of the apocalyptic revelation.

    Genesis 2:20-25 - King James Version
    20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
    21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
    22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
    23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
    24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
    25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

    Matthew 19:3-9 - King James Version
    3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
    4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
    5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
    6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
    7 They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
    8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.
    9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery

    1 Corinthians 6:15-17 - King James Version
    15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
    16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
    17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.


    Revelation 19 - King James Version
    1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:
    2 For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
    3 And again they said, Alleluia And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
    4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.
    5 And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
    6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
    7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
    8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
    9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
    10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
    11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
    12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
    13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
    14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
    15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
    16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
    18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
    19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
    20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

    A Story of Creation - III: The First Universal Life and Omni-Science

    Universe was so expanding from the Instanton, its point of origin and creation from the breaking up of Möbius as the one-sided mirror 'Sabbath' of the self-reflection for Abba and transformed into Klein as the double-sided mirror of space-time.

    Klein's double-sidedness imaged Universe as a 'veritas eikona' from the 10-dimensional space-time of the physicality and particularization across the 11-dimensional space-time of the Inflaton to form a 'Shadow Universe' in the now subsequently redefined and 12-dimensional 'Kingdom of Abba and Logos'.

    The Old Heaven so became a 'Shadow Universe' and transformed Nowhere into a 12-dimensional subjective image from its own space-time objectivity.
    Abba and Logos so could experience the time-space from their observation vantage in Notime.
    Notime based on principalities centred on the arch-angelic principality of Order and Law and the arch-demonic principality of Disorder and Chaos and not on any duration of temporal separation between events; could now superimpose all 10 principalities in the Shadow Universe.
    Logos called the shadow universe Khaibit as the 'Shadow of Creation' and as a companion for Sophia as Anubis her protector. Anubis became associated with the Law of Quantization as the 9th principle without and anti-principle, and a characteristic the Mathimatia defined as a mirror-self-duality.

    Continued in the attached file, you can download for free.


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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2024

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