Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif
    34m · 09 DEC 2022

    For 9th December 2022

    Here Come Jovial & Expandingly Pleasurable Transits For The Weekend...

    - 1f3f9.
    & & 1f41f. 1f9dc_200d_2640.

    On 9th December 2022

    1f483. 1f41f. 1f9dc_200d_2640.

    : Faithlessness In Love Matters, Overindulgence In Pleasure Pursuits,
    False Promises, Going Overboard With Luxury Shopping
    & Getting Bankrupt Due To Negligence
    & Gamble

    2650. / 1f483.
    & & ...

    1f483. 2640. & ; “Big Shoutout For Me Today….
    Come Praise Me, Adore Me, Date Me, Like Me, Flirt With Me
    Because of Its A Very Jovial & Luxurious
    Transit Of The Week…”

    The basic dilemma with this stressfully
    harmonious transit is to keep the balance
    between sensual & physical pursuits & a strong tilt
    towards spiritual & religious tilt.

    Because both are DUAL BODY Signs (Sagittarius & Pisces),
    & both Jupiter & Venus tilt from one extreme to another…

    & :

    The danger with this transit is going overboard with overindulgence
    & addictive habits such as Gambling, Overeating, and Making Promises here
    & there with an inability to keep them fulfilled lol funny but can break many hearts
    due to negligence with your commitments & vows which you are unable to fulfill
    due to carefree or too many
    pleasurable ventures…

    Still, it's a wonderful transit where you can fulfill all of the pleasures
    you seek this weekend with an element of adventure & larger than life attitude
    & as JUPITER floats
    through ♓︎ & Venus through ♐︎,
    it could go either way such as going extremely lucky with jackpot
    & lottery winning or get away with persuading the love of your life
    or too many of them
    (balance is the key) because you are feeling very lucky lately
    that you keep throwing the ARROWS of Sagittarius towards many
    targets at a time (Where Targets are symbolism
    of playing along many activities & pleasurable pursuits)...

    The lesson here is to work on the shadow side which is a kind of laziness
    towards financial
    matters & due to this dangerous instinctual negligence,
    you might end up losing a lot of
    cash in a flow of SHOPPING, Gambling,
    Taking Too Much Loan From Banking Channels
    Or Borrowing valuable & Fashion Kits From Expensive Brands Or Friends…

    Which You Will Have To Repay With Heavy Penalty & Karmic Price…
    Also, it can shake up marital life & serious relationships can undergo
    some weird phase of disturbance due to lack of commitment
    & one partner maybe feel edgy & into the cage, but nevertheless,
    it's a temporary feeling & surely defuses in a day or two…

    So hang in there… & Slow down lol as VENUS is Sensuality
    & Physical Touch whereas,
    Jupiter is all about the expansion and everything it touches.

    So yeah control your libido

    Note, it's a short-lived transit as VENUS is going to change signs

    Significantly within a day
    so be careful about the handling of this tricky
    & enchantingly exciting challenging aspect
    especially when both are floating into Anaretic 29 zones…

    Enjoy this flirtatious, jovial & expanding sensational Transits
    but control your
    expenditure & don't go bankrupt, please...

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #sagittariusseason #Sagitario #Sagittarius #pisces #jupiter #venussquaresjupiter
    #venusinsagittarius #astrology #astrologypost #astrologersofinstagram #astrologymemes
    #astrologyreadings #lovestory #flirt #gambling #APHRODITE #goddess #VENUS #golddigger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    Astrology Update & Predictions: 11th Dec - 13th Dec 2022
    Here Comes The Lunar Cycle Shift In Energies…
    1f316. - 1f981.
    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.
    Dramatic Moves & Rants, Craves For Attention, Center Of Attraction, High Spirits, Self-Creativity, Confidence, Showmanship, Generosity, Warm & Passionate Nature Towards Achievements & Love For Children.
    & : - 1f316.
    This 5 number in Zodiac Circle shows the high talents of a native such as Powerful sports, Rockstars with Ego-Driven, Passionate Human nature… A strong & compassionate love for Children & also makes a high Erotic Charisma in his nature & wherever he goes, will definitely attract an audience who could be attracted Or drawn to him magnetically & physically…
    1f338. 1f338. & & 1f981. 1f338. 1f338.
    Energies For 2.5 Days Ahead…
    . : Triggers LEO, Taurus, Scorpio & Aquarius
    ᴏɴ December 11ᴛʜ December Gibbous ᴍᴏᴏɴ °’ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀꜱ °ʟᴇᴏ ♌︎
    - Dec 13th 90° Squares Rahu-☊ in TAURUS ♉︎ AT 11°♌︎10
    - Dec 13th 90° Squares Ketu-☊ in Scorpio ♏︎ AT 11°♌︎10
    - Dec 13th 60° Sextiles Mars In GEMINI ♊︎ AT 14°♌︎17’
    - Dec 13th 90° Squares URA-♅ in TAURUS ♉︎ AT 15°♌︎37’
    - DEC 13th 180° Opposition SATURN ♄ In AQUA ♒︎ AT 20°♌︎45’
    - DEC 13th 120° Trines Sun In Sagittarius ♐︎ At 21°♌︎36’
    4- Dec 14th 0° Conj Fixed Star Regulus In ALPHA LEO Around VIRGO ♍︎ At 20° LEO Or 0°Virgo08’ (Since Regulus has ingressed Virgo around 2012 but the REGULUS Degree Would Still Remain 29 Anaretic LEO)...
    It's a time to come before or in front of the Public & project yourself as a very talented & creative Artist they have ever seen & you can shine on the Center stage formula which definitely requires appreciation & acknowledgment for showcasing your creative work such as Artists like Singers, Painters & Other Media Actors/Actresses.
    Today, all you want for a whole month is the limelight, showcasing your Artistic work & getting appreciated by the audience through the sheer creativity of the 5th House…
    Negatively, It might be some Melancholic & Isolative times ahead with an element of danger of getting SEPARATION from closed circles, people you usually get along with & even in close relationships such as Marital Life will go in stressful times, because this influence of the FIXED Lunar Cycle in LEO Opposing The Saturn In Another FIXED Aquarius,...
    & while traveling through the FIXED sign LEO will be triggering the Squares & Opposition to the rest of Fixed Signs such as Saturn in Aquarius, Rahu & Uranus In Taurus & Scorpio (First Dragon`s Tail), Taurus (Rahu) & to Sensitive Aquarius (Saturn) brings about emotional rhetoric due to Rigidity & Stubborness in Belief-System, Personal Values & Possessiveness Or even Jealousy factors which leads a person towards craves attention so badly that they can become “Attention seekers” for nothing & overly-possessive about worldly desires, possessions & even for the People they are close to, & demand constant attention from the people around them all the time with an element of being impatient for the appreciation & this can push people away because of high clinginess &inability to SHARE Personal belongings, & even Creativity will be kept safe/away from people & also the botheration which they can bring due to their attention seeking instincts might be hard to handle & control at times because of the High Rigidity/Stubborness & Fixed Belief & Values system that includes the whole Family & puts their stakes at risk as they might be losing many close allies due to this rigid nature ahead…
    Around 12th December to 13th December (Initial Hours) traveling at 11°10’ Degrees & minutes, this Fixed FIERY LION will Trigger the Fixed Squares to the Rahu Head At 11°TAU10’ In Taurus & Ketu Tail In SCORPIO At 11°SCORPIO10’...
    This indicates that the urge to establish spiritual and emotional connections with others is there but also with discontentment and disagreement because you might be lacking sensitivity and this can ignite clashes within your family system ahead, so, there can be tensions between members of your family. You need to be careful in this regard because Lunar Cycle in LEO will create negative influence/energies with RAHU & KETU respectively that will trigger TAURUS/SCORPIO Polarities & those Fixed Axis will go on high stakes of Ego Clashes & Struggle in Families will be likely to occur to due to difficulties in showing FLEXIBILITIES & of course will make natives at home, a very egoistic and short-tempered; especially when things go wrong and you are not getting enough recognition, appreciation & acknowledged for your creative efforts in every field of life/profession.....
    Also, Around 13th December 202 while traveling through the final DECAN OF LEO, activates the Polarities between Luna In LEO & SATURN In Aquarius At 20°LEO45’...
    After one hour this Gibbous MOON in LEO at 21°35’ create a FIRE TRINE with The Sun in Final Decans Of Sagittarius At 21°Sagittarius35’ which will help diminish the stressful MOON SQ SATURN influence & help you improve your personal relationships & bring Harmony & Nurturance at domestic structure & environment, be it couples & within Parents, the bond should improve...
    Regards, stay blessed you all & enjoy this LEO Lunar Cycle ahead for 2.5 days until the 17th when She will ingress into VIRGO later on…
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #moon #lunarcycle #Lunatic #Leo #lions #lioness #mooninleo #leomoon #astrologymemes #astrology #astrologersofinstagram #astrologypost #mooncycle #mansion #mansionhouse #moonmagic #moonrise #tarot #zodiac #horoscope #predictions

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    13 DEC 2022

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