Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Brenda Thyne...
    07 Dec 2022
    Full Moon peaks at 11pm. 1f31d.
    Long Nights Moon. And...it's intense. Hold on. Hang in. Have Faith. Breathe. Ground. Focus...
    We Got This! Light Wins Everytime!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    winter starts in 13 days
    Christmas eve is 16 days away
    Christmas is 17 days away
    New Years eve is 23 days away
    New Years Day is 24 days away - start of 2023
    spring is just a little more than 3 months away LOL
    This is my 8th christmas alone
    ~ be nice to people this time of the year
    for some of us, it is a really weird space in time !!!
    08 Dec 2022


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    08 Dec 2022
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton
    #WasagaBeach #GeorgianBay #ontario #canada
    Burr...Chilly_CHiLLY...32DegreesF...just think a little over 3 months, and, it is spring again :)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    09 DEC 2022
    · (08 DEC 2022 -- 8;32 pm est)

    Good Morning folks.
    How are post-full moon energies treating you?

    I have been sleeping like anything due to weakness & headaches driving me crazy lately.

    (Mars is responsible for headaches).

    What did you RELEASE with Full Moon On Martian Occultism & using the Retrograde Mars Thresholds?

    It's 6 am here in Pakistan & I was making coffee in my kitchen on the first floor & saw the Transiting Luna was very close to the
    window of my kitchen & the view was ecstatically illuminating and I could not resist clicking pictures.

    1f316. ♊︎ 1f316. ° ’ ...

    Interestingly, SURGERIES can be done under 1f316. WANING Lunar 1f316. Cycles...

    A Glorious 1f316. Waning Gibbous Moon 1f316. (Still to be called FULL MOON though) is Opposing the 2640. in ♐︎
    around the which is very very intellectual & expanding the horizons kind of placements & transit. VENUS should
    make this ♊︎ ♊︎ 1f316. 1f316. very Artistically prone towards enjoying adventurism, & Artistic pursuits & endeavors,
    such as Photography, Poetry, Fashion & Music... But be careful about going Overboard with SHOPPING & draining your Finance
    recklessly by buying unnecessary stuff especially SWEETS & Expensive Fashion & Electronic Items...

    Also, within an hour or so, Luna in ♊︎ ♊︎ is about to go into the VOID OF COURSE phase (Idleness & dangerous for
    planning anything important in your life)...

    So in a few hours, Lunar Cycle will hit CANCER - The Crab.

    Anyways, enjoy the gloriously illuminating LUNA in the final phase of ♊︎... Lunkcy shes way away from MARS now (Sigh
    of relief)

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Gemini #astrology #moonlight #moonlovers #moonchild #moonphotography #lunarcycle #mooningemini #fullmoon
    #fullmoonnight #fullmoonritual #fullmoonvibes






    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astronomical clock in the cathedral of Saint John. Besancon, France.
    It has a complex and precise mechanism with over 30,000 parts and 11 moving parts.
    The 57 dials show many parameters: date, time of year, time of day, planetary movements,
    solar and lunar eclipses, solstices, tide hours in the various ports, Easter dates,
    day and night in the various cities.

    Astronomical clock in the cathedral of Saint John. Besancon, France.
    It has a complex and precise mechanism with over 30,000 parts and 11 moving parts.
    The 57 dials show many parameters: date, time of year, time of day, planetary movements,
    solar and lunar eclipses, solstices, tide hours in the various ports, Easter dates,
    day and night in the various cities.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif
    16m · 08 DEC 2022 / 09 DEC 2022

    Astrology Update & Alert For Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo & Pisces

    From 8th DEC - 9th December 2022

    A Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energy with the strong vibrational pull
    by the universe above..

    - Galactic Center points work within 5 Degrees of any planet touching this point.

    ° 2650.

    Here Comes VENUS 2640. Falls Or Conjuncts Galactic Center
    - Dragging Your Sacrificial & Selfless Divine Love Towards The Blackholes
    & Its Exploration To Read What Is Beyond Imagination
    Using The CONSCIOUSNESS Of High Wisdom
    And Arrows Of Philosophies

    : 27 Sagittarius reveals the matters
    which are related to the Important Documents, Siblings, Neighbourhood,
    Vehicles, Small Towns, Small Groups, Hands, etc

    Science has proved that in the heart/middle of the Galactic Center,
    lies the & unknown world & high magnetic pull & with Astrology,
    this PULL is a Vibrational Pull
    using the Divine Downloads straight
    towards the Higher Mind of SAGITTARIUS (9th House)...

    1f48b. 2640. 1f48b.
    - This Blackhole Of A Love Is Just The Symbolism With Venus
    Inside The Blackholes (It's much more than that)

    : Find The Answers About How To Bring Balance In Your Love Life
    & One-To-One Relationships
    & Rise Above The Materialism & Worldly Jealousy Instincts

    The Milky way upon the heavens (In Blackholes), Twinkles the Goddess Of Love,
    Jealousy, Beauty, Carrying The Bow 1f3f9. Of Equality, Wisdom, Prophecies
    & Philosophies Of Truth

    Venus's love here means business & to stay connected to the relationships
    for longer periods of time (Longevity), Aphrodite will require equality & for Equality,
    she needs balance & balance comes through believing in a 50/50 role
    within the close relationships & partnerships of course…

    Relationships are based on equality, the ability to find balance & harmony
    within partnerships using the high wisdom of diplomacy,
    and finding the answers of the equilibrium of love through knowledge,
    Sense alert & exploration of truth…

    Venus Transits to the Galactic Center (In the heart of Blackhole),
    she means the business of Finding The Truth..
    It's like a Vibrational Pull from the Universe for this Aphrodite
    To get herself overindulged into matters based on Philosophies
    & Truth-seeking abilities
    & stuff related to wisdom/finding the answers of universe & life using her Conscious
    to download the signs in time & divine guidance, light, rays of hope, high optimism & insights which deal into high wisdom, philosophies & channeling your life to beyond materialism & convert your whole vibrational tilt from worldly desire,
    longing for money, materialism towards the exploration of the GOD`s message
    & ability to sustain into Relationships & find what works best to maintain BALANCE, Harmony to make the Equilibrium of love working towards its longevity…

    The Download this VENUS gets from Divine channels high above
    & farsighted blackhole & universe vibrations is pure, based on divine HEALING,
    dignified in wisdom, exploration &
    philosophies, defined & reaching the next level of horizons
    in finding truth & reconciliation to make your relationships work
    while still maintaining her Mental & Physical Freedom alive.

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. &
    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    The affection with , Venus will still maintain her high fictional &
    expanding mind who can easily drag small matters of love & excitement
    towards the bigger picture & ability to find the answers to justify her concepts & philosophies about love & other matters she is deeply involved into or obsessed with (Sagittarius Venus is just about expanding everything she touches
    with overindulgence with her belief system)... But
    I think the LOVE WOULD STILL be unconditional because around Galactic Center,
    truth, wisdom & prophecies are more important than coming out of relationships
    for the sake of Materialism which is not in the case of Love, Truth & Aphrodites…

    The galactic Centre is currently floating around 27° Sagittarius 9 Minutes,
    & it moves about 1° every 72 years.

    So this means that If you have any personal planets around
    or Ranging from 22 SAGITTARIUS to 0 degrees Capricorn,
    you are definitely intrigued by the GALACTIC CENTER activation
    & you are blessed with this Vibrational Pull & Divine Download
    in your Horoscopes….

    My whole 1f3f9. Sagittarius 1f3f9. Stellium is close to Galactic Center
    & I believe in ASTROLOGY &
    Gaining more knowledge all the time
    than anything else in the world…

    Utilize this energy to bring balance & harmony to your relationships
    which should be based on 50/50 equality using Trust, truth-seeking
    & truth unfolding abilities & make sure there should not is anything hidden
    between you & your partner…

    Enjoy this Transit
    (Venus 2640. & Galactic Center, & SUN has yet to join this Point around
    next week)
    truth-seeking Archer Aphrodite floating inside the BLACKHOLES
    & hope she brings out the TRUTH altogether for the betterment of the world
    & brings

    & you should all rise above materialism as Capricorn Solstice season
    on the edge & especially when Mercury has already ingressed
    into the ambitious & status conscious

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #galactic #galacticcenter #galacticcenterinsagittarius #SagittariusLife #SagittariusSzn
    #sagittariusseason #Sagittarius #Centaurus #centaurusquest #blackhole #universe #vibrationalhealing


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Setting The Pace For 22 Months Of SERIOUS CONFRONTATION:
    07 dec 2022 & 08 dec 2022
    DEC 7/8, 2022
    Gemini Full Moon & Mars Occultation

    View: https://youtu.be/Dl2OZkljF3g

    Tonight, go out and watch the rare spectacle!

    Mars disappearing behind the Moon. Mars charging up the Moon,
    infusing its heat and fire, powering up Earth's satellite, and this right at the moment
    of rebooting and laying the foundations for the next 22-month synodic Mars cycle,
    Earth, Mars and Sun's mutual dance.

    This means Power to the People! Not just for one night but for 22 months to come!

    And once again, what great cosmic orchestration!

    Existence most defintely hasn't given up on us.

    There's no hesitation, we're being pushed to the brink of the abyss.

    Everyone has to feel the pain.

    Literally we are forced into waking up and to come together as one global community!

    It's getting intense, as I've told you months ago!

    With Haumea and Elatus now in Scorpio, Arrokoth expressing through I CHING oracle #61,
    INNER TRUTH, and this together with 2002 AW197's station
    and not to forget all important Mercury now in Capricorn,
    crystallizing our understanding and claiming leadership

    • just to name some of the most prominent characters which are presently spicing up this potent cosmic cocktail . . . ! So even though humanity's majority still is in shock and disbelief over what's happening, just keep doing what you're good at.

      Be loud, draw the line and say NO. COme from your heart, spread love, and above all be patient!

      Mars is still retrograde till January 12, which is the cosmic signature of humanity's struggle
      of coming to terms with what's becoming ever more obvious. ***********

      If you'd like to support my work here's the link to my Patreon account
      ~ https://www.patreon.com/user?u=353882...

      Also you may want to join me on "Celestial Rhythms'"
      so you'll get all my more frequent updates

    • https://www.facebook.com/celestialRhythms/
    • Or join me on Telegram ~ https://t.me/celestialrhythms

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