Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    Something to talk about FULL MOON Occurrence In Gemini
    on 7th December 2022 (8th in some countries)...

    Its a just a handful of glimpses i am writing here
    because i have already a very detailed-oriented
    or insightful dedicated post about the full moon
    & her influence on GEMINI, Sagittarius & Virgo/Pisces axis...
    My Argument about FULL MOON IN GEMINI On MARS
    Starts Off with This Phrase:

    Whenever Its About To Release Mental Pressure & Mindful Burden
    Through Frustrative
    Family Members & Unnurtured Motherhood/Childhood
    It Revolves Around Distorting
    Brain With Lack Of Focus...

    "Mental Health Awareness
    & Precautions Of Depression is Associated
    Or Interlinked With
    Mutable Signs, especially Sagittarius, Pisces & Gemini"...

    I tweeted about the usage of POLARITIES of Gemini/Sagittarius
    because it's important to
    fully "RELEASE" the intellectual pressure coming up through
    the Reflection of Gem/Sag
    towards each other due to POLARITIES & that too,
    right in the OCCULTISM of The
    Martian Warrior being Retrograde,
    being handful towards the manifestation process
    while you utilize the Reflection Gemini On Sagittarius
    & Mars being retrograde adds up
    the "inward" energies...

    Inward Energies & Release Is Problematic For Luminaries
    (Sagittarius Sun & Gemini

    Mars puts up internal pressure that causes difficulties for brain activities
    such as the inability to grasp full details or if fed wrongly depression increases…

    The Mutable Depression & Frustration Circumstances & Distorted
    Or Misleaded Minds
    Are Hungry For Antidepressants
    Or Even Go To Extremes While They Overthink….

    Mars Provides Dangerous Consequences For Mutable Signs & Consequences arise
    & mental freedom & Room are essential for Gemini Moons…

    This is where Mutable Reflection or Polarities is very vital to handle
    with care because
    these brains are very fragile & if needed negatively,
    Sagittarius, Pisces, GEMINI & Virgo

    can get massively wrong, even with Suicidal tendencies…

    Actually, FULL MOON in Gemini Is very handy when it comes to releasing
    the Philosophical Pressure using all the grasped details that GEMINI
    normally uses against the enemies that are unsettling the MENTAL Stability
    of TWINS of Gemini through the Nervous Tension which arises
    through the family members, especially when the nurturing Mother
    & influential Siblings (Gemini) not providing natives with full ROOM
    for Mind expansion as they are information hungry & wandering to grasp details
    just to gain more experience but whenever they are pressed or sabotaged (Mentally),
    they are in trouble
    because not getting full MENTAL ROOM to evolve,
    experienced or growth in terms of
    Wisdom, Experimentation
    & sharing their views through proper two-way
    COMMUNICATION which is essential for Gemini Moon….

    In Short;

    Full Moon ♊︎ On 2642. : ☉ ☍ 1f315.2642.

    Intellectual Polarities Help You To Know Yourself, Know the Universe.

    A Reflection of GEM/SAG, Rx-Mars Puts "Inward" Pressure
    Which Is Negatively Consequential For The BRAINY GEMINI
    & Restricts Them From "Mental Growth & Room",
    & wrong utilization of the energies in the appropriate "Manifest & Release"
    process by exploring energies into achievements considering the Stereotypes
    of Gemini &
    Sagittarius 270d.


    Wait for my full-length Article/Post on Full Moon In Gemini Ahead…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. Astro Aatif 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fullmooningemini #fullmoon #fullmoonmeditation #fullmoonritual #Lunatic
    #lunarcycle #lunarmansion #mansionhouse #astrologypost #Astrologer
    #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #tarot #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters

    03 DEC 2022

    & Mermaid “ 1f4a6.1f9dc_200d_2640. 1f9dc_200d_2640.1f4a6. ” , , ° ′
    1f4a6. 1f9dc_200d_2640. The Dual Mermaid Fish Of Pisces Swims Freely Into The Imaginative Water Of Subconscious Territories Of ♓︎ Sweet Pisces ♓︎… 1f9dc_200d_2640. 1f4a6.
    1f4a6. 1f4a6. - - ' '
    Neptune has turned direct but disillusionment & confusion is not over yet to hang in there, because 1f4a6. ♆ ♆ 1f4a6. , immediately after turning direct has gone into a “Post Retrograde Shadow Period”, which will further linger on the Retrograde smokescreens for some more weeks ahead…
    ' ♆ :
    1- Neptune was turned Retrograde back on June 27, 2022, at 25° Pisces
    2- Turned Direct December 3, 2022, at 22° Pisces 39′
    3- Neptune Will finally leave Post-Retrograde shadows on March 24, 2023, at 25° Pisces 27′
    4- Neptune ♆ Will Again Retrograde From 30th June 2023 To 6th December 2023
    This shows that Neptune has yet to travel 3 more degrees (from 22 Pisces to 25 Pisces), before this ❝♆ ♆❞ a.k.a NEPTUNE can come back to his actual sound motion & movements & only that, the linger-on effects can leave us behind with kool, calm & collective subconscious dreams to be converted into the collective consciousness with our efforts to make those dreams a believable “Reality”.
    : Another Opportunity Towards, Mastering & Channelizing Your Subconsciousness & The Realms Associated To Those Subconscious Dreams Through A Bridge & Channel Between A Person & GOD, Another Chance To distract yourself & channel your distractions into Creativity & Positive Escapism & Of Course Create More illusions
    & :
    The Rx Motion of Neptune means the energies & self-deception are going “inward” & because of retrograde, there are high amount of fears of “Rejection” like the outside world will not appreciate what you perceive & build dreams of achieving something in your mind through strong reception & perception about that particular goal or subject. Such as, Artists create such Art which is way too unrealistic to reveal or discuss even with the world outside because people will make fun of that artist for such an unrealistic CREATIVE project…
    , - &    1f4a6.
    This clearly indicates that the problem lies within the EXPRESSIONS of not even the Planet but how the person perceives things at personal levels. Like he`d be more thinking of not showing his SPIRITUAL Activities Or practice to the world outside & he`d be avoiding the congregational activities & participation openly but PRAYING Spiritual is limited to the isolated territories in the quietness, away from the world & nobody knows about his TIL towards which sectarian group or something like, like person`s belief system is limited to his Mind & Heart only…
    But as soon as Planet starts getting DIRECT, First by coming out of Retrograde & then getting fully direct by leaving behind the POST-SHADOWS, he`d be more confident about showing his Dreams, Artistic & Creative Projects as well as his or her belief system to the world openly without fear of getting rejected or rejection for his highly illusioned Or imaginative mind…
    ❝ ❞
    So the alluring, self-deceptive & longing for disillusionment just for the sake of escapism has got direct now & we should be able to channel these energies into a better manifestation process openly without having a fear of “Rejection” for our mystique & idealism through the process because the world comes hard at those who tend to “Dream” big & build castles in the air which from a first glance or faraway, looks ridiculous & unrealistic ideas that creates a person with high amount of escapism & disillusionment in the end… But depends on the person, if he crafts those dreams & illusions into a thought process & channelizes those energies & works hard to chase those dreamy ideas, those castles can really be made & that idealism can convert into an unbelievable reality, without an element of getting disillusioned at all…
    - : , , °
    Although Neptune is Direct but still, the deception of the Linger-On effect is there in the sky to test your patience for some more months (3 months precisely)...
    This creates lingering effects which could be tricky, if not handled well or channel those confusing energies into constructive dreams through Spiritual Practice & consider all reality-check to be taken into account before delving into confusion, and melancholic & depression attacks which are common with SHADOW PERIODS of a Planet on a journey to get back to DIRECT/NORMAL Phase/Shape…
    : The lesson is to avoid getting into ESCAPISM too much that you start to take Drugs in frustration because you`d still be getting criticism & Rejection from the world outside, so thats why you want to escape into the “addictive behaviors” of taking Alcohol/Drugs/Intoxicants Or excessive doses of “Antidepressants” in order to get back your “Serotonin levels” or boosters… Also, POST SHADOWS of NEPTUNE can lead you towards taking Decisions out of some past GUILT or getting extraordinary sweet Sacrificial-PISCES towards those who are supposed to be the DECEPTIVE Channels in society & might take advantage of your Compassions, Charity, Or any Sacrifice you`d love to make to help them by going out of the way… So Avoid unrealistic demands of the needy people coming your way to be fulfilled through ignorant & careless “Submissions”...
    Regards & dont go overboard with love matters & stay grounded & utilize the EARTH Signs & even stay close to those who are always skeptical & keep giving you the advice to avoid harmful forces & deceptive societies to escape the “Emotional & Financial” damage…
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #Neptune #neptuneretrograde #retrogradación #retrogradeseason #retrogradeplanets #neptuneinpisces #neptunedirect #planetsinretrograde #planets #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrology #astrologypost #astrologersofinstagram #astrologymemes #tarot #mysticism #mystical #illusionist #creative #creativity
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    03 DEC 2022
    Astrology For 3rd December 2022
    - Waxing Gibbous Moon Transits 1f483.
    Discordia Principia Goddess 1f483. Active In Sky In Aries
    The Archetypal Goddess Of Discord, Courageous Revenge,
    Instigation, Rebelliousness & Previously Nicknamed Of “”
    a.k.a “ 1f483. - 1f483. ”, active in the sky
    & encouraging the ARIES Waxing Gibbous Moon Towards Violence,
    Charge & Violating The Ceasefire Rules
    To Marshalling Her Riot Troops Once Again
    To Create Disturbance In The World (At Global & Mundane Level)... 1f483. 1f975. 1f525.
    The Waxing Gibbous Moon Conjunct ♁ Eris ♁ Discordia in Aries 2648. At 24° 2648. 03’ Trines Detrimental Mercury In Sagittarius
    & Squares The Pluto Sitting in Capricorn At 270d. ♈︎ ♑︎ 1f60d.
    : 1f31d. ☌ ♁ ° △ ☿

    ♈︎ Is The Favorite Sign Of ERIS Because,
    By Mythology, ♁ Compannied Her Brother aka "ARES" Who Was Known As the GOD OF WARS & ARIES Is an / Sign For Sure & Interestingly, Both Warrior Sister ( ♁) & Brother () Are Retrograde These Days... ( ♈︎ & )...

    The ♈︎ Trines Almost the Whole Stellium Of Sagittarius (By Narrow Or Widen Orbits
    Today) & while sitting or transiting right on ERIS, This ARIES LUNAR CYCLE creates
    an Independent Woman who is trying to rectify the mistakes & wrong deeds done
    towards the oppressed women (Symbolizes with oppressed & poor struggling class of
    society), who are struggling to sustain into the male-oriented societies & fighting for
    their moral & physical survival… So This will create the ongoing struggle (The Nobel
    Fighting Cause) of Discordia MOON & ERIS To Create a difference to sustain the
    pressure of the “Patriarchal system” & maybe due to this rebelliousness & warriors,
    together this BROTHER SISTER a.k.a ERIS & MARS will correct the wrong doings in
    society & will bring space for Women to live in their world of Matriarchal to live life
    according to their will by maintaining high grace, ego & confidence while fighting with
    strongest/manipulative & domineering Males of the family system.

    ♁ In Greek myth was the Goddess of Discord and sister of the God of War a.k.a MARS
    (AREX) (Previously Known As XENA) & By Mythology, Eris was the Goddess of Strife
    and Discord, creates a scenario of violent struggle, & a mere girl who willingly
    accompanied her brother Ares (Mars), the God of War, into the battle.& creates an
    ongoing struggle for a CAUSE…

    Together This Set Of Urgence Towards Violence & Discontentment Gets A Fairplay
    Agreement & Push From The Detrimental Mercury In Sagittarius Through a Sweet “
    △”... (Merc-☿ Floats Around 25° SAG ♐︎ today)...

    Eris Has Always Been Active & Prominent In The Charts of Suicidal Attempts,
    Bombings, Riotful Activities, Seeking Revenge At Larger & Mass Scale That Sabotages
    The Country`s Peace & Especially The Mundane Charts Of Big Events Have Always Had
    ERIS Prominence & Her Voice Is Always Heard Through Consciousness She Produces
    Through The Strange Linkage Between “Hopelessness Of Riots, Bombers, Suiciders &
    Sagittarius TRINES ARIES adds fuel of Going Overboard With Optimism But For
    Negative Purpose At Times, Just To Validate Their Own False Belief System & Getting
    Optimistic About What Damage They Are On Their Way To Create, Not For Themselves,
    But For Others & Dont Forget That ARIES Is Cardinal While Sagittarius Is Fire, So Fire
    Creates Trine To Cardinal Sometimes, Creates Disbelieves For Masses While Same
    Disbelief Is A HOPEFUL Adventurism (Misadventures) For The Riots, Bombers & Those
    Creating Chaos & Disarray Within The State Or A Country Through Sabotaging
    Instinctual Activities & Intentions…

    Read the full article on my blog to fully understand the archetypes & utilization process
    of the awareness level of the human psyche & collective consciousness, by using the
    ERIS energies wisely & her influence on today`s Transits in the sky:
    (and, posted below here)

    Moon, ERIS & MERCURY In Sagittarius Helps The Power Dynamics & Take Those Provocative insurgences To The Next Level Through Exaggeration & Bluntness (Jupiter influence), So This Kind Of Collective Consciousness Within The Negative & Depressive Riots Of The Societies Towards Getting Some Hope With Their Negativities That Their Actions Will Bring Some “Golden Apple” To Them If They Are Succeeded In Harming To Others & Getting Martyrdom (Getting Paradise On The Expense Of Their Precious Life)…

    Shakespeare also validates this argument of those negative & brainwashed Philosophical evil-spirit mindsets in society that creates damage, stampede & chaos through their ignorant & dangerous risk-taking & life-giving acts. (Using The Disbelief & Wrong Philosophy Of Their Brainwashed Minds & Applying Through Misadventures Just To Attain GOLDEN APPLE FRUIT Or Paradise Of Their Own Imaginative Belief System & Exaggeration Of Castles In The Air…)
    According to Shakespeare: “more things in heaven and in the earth than are dreamt of in [our] philosophy”
    Sabotaging Peaceprocess & Ceasefire Between Opponents Within A State Or Relationship With Neighboring Countries Will Go Discording Today Due To Provocative Speeches & Breaking The Shackles Through Martian Tongues, Social Media Interactions & Phone Calls/Email Exchange (Moon On Eris Trines MERCURY)​
    This could indicate that we are on edge to create our conscious upheaval & conflicts coming out of the strong speech of SAGITTARIUS MERCURY getting the full hand support from Waxing Gibbous Moon & Discordia/Principia Goddess “ERIS” all the way sitting in ARIES & sending the perfect FIRE TRINE TO SAG Mercury & by using this highly provocative, sarcastic & instigative support, our TONGUE will be blunter, More brutal & more provocative & this can create a lot of discord/disturbance, especially those who are on authorities in countries & could make or break Relationships of Country with other countries (Especially neighboring ones), through the usage of their speeches, documentation process, deals, contract signing & vows they make to support some favorite groups & I am afraid, with ERIS presence, DIPLOMATIC relationships will unsettle & all those efforts to brings Peace between countries will go in vain due to instinctively provocative QUiCK SILVER WARMONGERING TONGUE/TONE/SPEECHES, etc

    Especially when MARS is already sitting in GEMINI & Bring Retrograde, this usage of Tonge, Social Media interactions, email exchange between high ranks, authorities of diplomats/government officials & spokespersons (Media advisors), will be wasting their energies to provocate their enemies overall social media forums & this way they can engage fans, supporters from all over the world into the madness being “Keyboard Warriors – GEMINI MARS” lol & bring more chaos & disagreement between the nations who otherwise, were on verge of signing PEACE AGREEMENTS/CONTRACTS
    Note: ERIS with MERCURY can Sabotage the peace process within the riots & rebels of the state who do not obey the STATE LAWS & try to enforce their own territories within a state.
    Eris will add more fuel to this madness of vengeful rants…
    A Rant Of The Whining Whore… Recognize The Rants & Give Them A Voice Of Terror & Vengetaking Instincts & Make A Statement Of The Presence Of Your Conscious Riots To Create Disturbance In World Today

    An Instigative & Aggressive Inspiration For Psychopaths Carrying Golden Apple To Create Discord & Disturbance In World Through Their Rants Being The Whining Whores..

    Moon Conjunct Eris Creates The StandOut “Feminism Or Feminist Warrior” & a goddess Who is In Search Of Freedom, and Women’s rights, Uses violence & Discontentment & Use It as A Tool Of Her Natural Instinctual Weapon…
    Whenever “ERIS – The Discordia Apple Goddess” is active in SKY, there are riots & violent activities being taken place & its been so often with so many big terror events around the world have ERIS acted through ERIS POINTS ACTIVATION, by somehow (Either through a minor Harmonics, Aspects & difficult major stressful energies), even the Harmonious energies create by ERIS brings “Discontentment, Urgency Towards Revenge Through Riotful Activities globally At Larger Scale…
    Using The Archetypes Of Eris, One Must Develop The Awareness of How To Negotiate The Trust Deficit & Issues Related To Either We Should Trust Or Continue To Suspect Everything Just Like in The Case Of Pluto…
    Moon + Eris In ARIES While Cousin Pluto In Cappy & MERCURY In Sagittarius:

    Channelizing Eris, Pluto, & Other Feminism Into The Betterment Of Society By Playing An Active Bridge Between Discontentment, Disagreement, Violation Of Ceasefire laws, & Resurrection Of The Trust Deficit Built Up In Centuries Between Masses & The Leaders Or Use It To Convert Wars Into Building Trust Between Two Nations & Work On Betterment Of Oppressed Societies & Country People Using The Diplomacy (Only Diplomacy of Eris Opposition Sign A.K.A LIBRA Can Convert War Into Diplomatic Trust To Ensure Peace & Harmony To Avoid ERIS Instigative RIOTS)…

    Usually, the goddesses & archetypes are the channels to open the mindset & become more lenient & flexible towards collective consciousness that involves all the classes of the societies to join as one towards the betterment of the “Human Psyche”…
    In ERIS Case, The Negotiations Or Peace-talks Are Done Through Difference Of Opinion & Discording To Stand Out Warrior For The Womenrights Perhaps? If utilized well & in positive ways… This symbolizes a girl who wants to help her struggling brother using all the archetypes into consideration.
    It depends on a person on how he or she utilizes the archetypes of ERIS – Discordia to eradicate the trust deficit between them & the world they are living in, & to diversify this suffocation, they need to symbolize the WAR, Discontentment & Disarrays Of ERIS & Convert them into Peace Talks, Negotiations & Develop More Trust On State, Country, Joint Family System & The System They Are Struggling To Rectify, Resurrect Through Correction (What is the channel or medium to correct the wrong & convert it into right remains the question mark though & perhaps it remains til very end of the world because lack of awareness & guidance continues to grow in world & wars are happening more than ever before in 2022)…

    The Principia Discord ERIS Glyph: A Conscious Mass Provocative Movement
    Even if you look at the detailed oriented GLYPH of ERIS you will notice why it’s known as “Five Hundred Hands Of ERIS – Or Hands Of Eris”
    The Glyph (Especially Hands Of Eris) Narrates a story of the warrior goddesses & her struggle for a cause but creates CHAOS (Man Made Artificial Chaos), just to validate her point of view which is of course “Discontentment among the family members”
    I can go On & on with this favorite topic of mine but I will stop here for some other configuration built up in SKY ahead by Transits which are triggered through Archetypal goddesses such as ERIS & others…
    Regards & utilize this ERIS – MOON – MERCURY & Pluto Energies wisely & dont create chaos at home & utilize the TRUST & Negotiations To Bring Peace & Harmony…
    With Much Love… [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]Astro Aatif[​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    I can go On & on with this favorite topic of mine but I will stop here for some other
    configuration built up in SKY ahead by Transits which are triggered through Archetypal
    goddesses such as ERIS & others…

    & – – & & & & & …

    With Much Love…
    Astrologer Aatif

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #eris #Principia #discordia #discord #goldenapple #mythology #myth #goddess #goddessenergy #Aries #ariesmoon #zodiac #zodiacpost #horoscope #December2022 #december #asteroid #Ares #GodofWar #God #fortuneteller #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #Sagittarius #sagittariusseason
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ruby Falconer ·

    Art: Nephthys by Katya and Lena Popov

    Ruby Falconer
    December 2, 2022: Neptune Stationary

    Neptune - the mystical realm of magic, imagination, intuition, cosmic consciousness, and illusion

    - is currently stationary in Pisces.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Neptune is allied with Nephthys, dark twin of solar Isis.

    Nephthys is a goddess of the night, also known as the “Veiled Isis.”

    As her story goes, Nephthys is the seducer of her sister’s husband, Osiris.

    They conceive a child

    – Anubis

    – whom she cannot take home because her husband (Set, the Warrior King) will kill him.

    Nephthys abandons her baby, leaving him cold and alone on the desert floor.

    There is a happy ending

    – baby Anubis is rescued by his Aunt Isis

    – but Nephthys becomes the villain of this tale, reviled by

    The image of the abandoning mother strikes a painful chord.

    Yet if we consider carefully, there is a mystery here

    something we do not know.

    Did Nephthys intend to kill her son?

    Or did she know that her sister was nearby and Anubis would be saved?

    Is there a deeper meaning to this story …

    a greater plan we cannot see?

    Abandonment is a wound, one that comes with the experience of life.

    What is lost through this wound is trust.

    What assumptions are you making about a current situation?

    Might there be something hidden behind the veil

    – something you cannot see and do
    not understand?

    Can you trust there is a greater plan?

    During this current station, Neptune is forming a Grand Cross with Mercury aligned with Venus, Ceres, and retrograde Mars.
    This is a strong planetary pattern, saturated by confusion and amplified by Jupiter in a loose conjunction with Neptune and part
    of the Grand Cross. Our current atmosphere is steeped in Neptunian mystery and certainty is elusive.

    Neptune turns direct on December 3 at 7:15 pm EST and will remain direct until June 28, 2023.

    December 2, 2022,

    by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    Art: Nephthys by Katya and Lena Popov

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology;
    Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.

    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #NeptuneStationary #Nephthys

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    04 DEC 2044
    #ASTROLOGY Update
    Predictions For 4th DEC 2022

    A Healing Day For Signs like Sagittarius Aries Leo Gemini Pisces & Virgo

    ☉ ° △ ⚷ - ☉ △ ⚷

    & : Two Centaurs On A Journey To Get Healed
    & Heal The Wounds
    Of The World Through Sheer Knowledge, Wisdom & Philosophies
    Of Life Being The 9th Sagittarius Sun & 1st Quadrant Aries Chiron
    - The Saga Of Father & Son (Outdoor Father &
    Instigative Active & Action-Oriented Son Of Self-Worth,
    To Improve His Self-Image Which Was Once Broken
    Due To Events & Factors He Had No Control over In Childhood Or
    Younger Age)... 270d. 1f3f9.

    & : How Were You Wounded & How Will You Heal?

    : By Expanding The Horizons Being The Half-Human & Half-Horse &
    Focus On Higher-Education, Long Distance Travel, Opening New Horizons By Dreaming
    Big & Of Course “Leaving The Wounds Of Grudges Behind & Focus On Rebuilding The
    Castles & Try To Triumph Them This Time Around With More Intuition, Knowledge &
    Experience That We Have Gained So Far”..

    Forgetting The Shattered Dreams Of Your Sagittarius 9th House & Move On By Focussing
    On Upcoming Urges To Broaden The Horizons Of 9th OVERSEAS Sector Of Sagittarius
    SUN Being the Father Of Your WOUNDED INNER CHILD & Capatalize On How To
    Improve Your Self-Image By Making Connections, Creativity (Sun) & Leadership Qualities
    By An Acting Bridge Being A Guru, Guide Or Teacher To Resurrect The Broken Linkage
    Between Past Wounds & Healing Future Journey Ahead…

    Since both belong to the family of Centaurs, it's like a Philosophical Father Guiding his
    Sons (Symbolical for Humans At a Mundane Level) on How To Heal Other In Order To Get
    Yourself HEALED (Sagittarius/Jupiter Heals Others Rather Than Inward Healing), by
    Guidance & Preaching By carrying the message of the Almighty GOD in the BOW of the
    Centaurs who are in search of TRUTH & here TRUTH is concerned with the Deepest &
    Oldest WOUNDS between Father & SON.

    Because Sun & Saturn both symbolizes FATHER Figure in Astrology so yeah, & Son for the
    ARIES level because 1st House is the first place where we open up our eyes being infants
    who just leaves the WOMB of a mother & struggle for self-identity & personal image in the
    real world scenario & outside (Aries).

    I hope now it makes sense since SAGITTARIUS is the 9th House Teacher & CHIRON
    Belongs To This Centaur Family That Deals InTo Healing, Recognizing WOUNDS…

    Another factor involves here is, SUN is our EGO & SUN Exalts in the ARIES Sign where lies
    the Chiron by Retrogradation process & motion also increases the “Inward Healing”
    where Sagittarius believes in throwing ARROWS OF HEALING at different solutions
    (Finding the targets of TRUTH), so in this case, Sagittarius SUN will really push this
    INWARD CHIRON to seek solutions to get himself “Healed” by HEALING the world
    outside, now you are getting my point? So this way whole WORLD at a Larger scale getting
    HEALING today & recognisation about the OLDES & DEEPEST WOUNDS should be easier
    with 9th HOUSE Wisdom, Long Journeys & OVERSEAS Connections of Sagittarius adds
    more fuel of CAREFREE attitudes about own Wounds because CENTAURS remain too
    busy in the outer world to think about their own wounds & getting melancholy about
    them. Not at all, Sagittarius have ZERO time for Self-Rants lol
    we Centaurs just keep getting WOUNDED & HEALING themselves/ourselves
    through gaining knowledge, and
    wisdom through the experimentation process…

    & Chiron in ARIES is no exception,
    in fact, ARIES CHIRON will give more power to Sagittarius
    to ground themselves & think of “inward healing”
    because CHIRON is retrograde in ARIES & Retrograde Transits are all
    about “Self Consciousness & inward Superstition”...

    Note: CHIRON is immortal & he will remain WOUNDED till the very end of this World
    (At least in your subconsciousness if we consider him a mythological wounded healer
    who remains WOUNDED himself but spreads healing to the world
    being an immortal teacher, guide centaur)...

    In Search Of Mental & Physical Freedom,
    You Need To bring Back Those Memories of
    those Who Gave You Wounds When you were way too young
    to anticipate to avoid the external & internal factors busy sabotaging
    your innocent years...

    This is the day to recognize your WOUNDS through outdoor & intellectual activities
    (Spreading The Message) because ARIES believe in ACTION being instinctively
    pioneering towards Self-recognition & gain back confidence starting from the day
    when ARIES CHIRON finds the solutions to confront the authorities
    who have given them enough
    WOUNDS in past to restrict their personal growth (1s House)...

    Just be aware of the few hours of LUNAR CYCLE Transit
    over the "Eris 1f483. - The Discordia
    Principia" Goddess of chaos,
    then you are ready to go into deep zones of the oldest wounds
    & find the answers using wisdom & philosophies/Religion
    to resurrect & HEAL those

    For Personal Readings & Predictions,
    Feel Free To Send Me DM For Pricing & Schedule...

    With Much Love…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #chironretrograde #chiron #woundedhealer #wounds #healing #healinghearts
    #healingjourney #healingenergy #woundstowisdom #sagittariusseason #Sagitario #Sagittarius #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #Astrologer #astrology #zodiac #zodiacsigns


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif
    1h ·

    Astrology Update:
    Predictions For Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Aquarius & Scorpio Signs

    1f316. 1f316. 2649.

    Here comes the Lunar Cycle hitting the most stable, stubborn,
    possessive & her Exalted sign 2649. “Taurus” 2649. .. 270d. 1f64c. 1f316. 1f49e.

    : 1f316. 1f316.
    . -

    Exalted Placements if not handled correctly/wisely,
    can create some damage for sure,
    especially while creating stressful energies
    with the fixed signs transits...

    1f316. - 2649.

    It is the best time to relax & enjoy the luxurious & cozy lifestyle
    by eliminating the action-
    oriented ARIES Sign & leaving the smokescreens of RAM behind.

    Time to enjoy the EARTHIEST reliability & stability in your life
    through proper nurturing coming through
    Food, Sensuality & other luxuries of life…

    & :

    Avoid Over-indulgence To fully utilize this Lunar Cycle
    just avoid getting “overindulgence”
    in matters that lead towards Obesity,
    Sensual Pleasures, & other Venusian activities that lead you towards
    losing your worldly possessions because when the LUNA
    creates 0 Deg Conjunctions with the Destabilizing URANUS
    & Destiny Gate of RAHU (Caput Draconis)
    ahead after around 15 to 20 hours range from now on
    (Luna travels 13 deg per day mind you),
    she will be crossing ⛢ & ☊ by then
    & then she will simultaneously create
    90 deg stressful energies with the serious, structured
    & disciplined/strict Teacher
    “ ” which is also
    or still Floating into the -
    zones these days (Until January 26, 2023)
    so there could bring some troublesome transition phase
    in SKY & in your life (As above - so below theory), because what happens is,
    if you abuse the powers & stabilities of the EXALTED placements,
    the surely haunts you by the surprising elements
    ( ), so there you could get into trouble
    like Separative influences could arise within your most desiring
    & sensuality based PLEASURE activities
    (Or anything you were intended to go overboard with,
    either money, sensual/sexual activities
    Or overeating being the sweet tooth & getting overweight
    issues or stomach upsets because LUNA will then enter in ahead)...
    So always keep in mind that everything you do inside Lunar Cycles,
    is not going to last longer because SHE changes Signs, Moods
    & attitudes & as she passes through SAT-♄, URA-♅,
    Pluto, Chi-⚷ (By Minor) & South Node By Opposition,
    the KARMIC results are surely FELT
    deep inside out (Psychologically)...

    Regards, & enjoy this luxurious, Cozy, foody,
    & bodily sensual & pleasurable transit
    along with the Heavy Sagittarius Stellium
    including SUN, VEN & Mercury..

    This ♉︎ Exalted & Venusian ♉︎
    LUNAR CYCLE should also ease the Mutable pressure
    we are currently receiving through
    the Mercury & Venus stressful energies
    *Squaring* to Neptune in Pisces & opposing MARS
    in Gemini In Pisces these days… 270d. 1f64c. 1f316. 1f49e.

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #moonintaurus #taurusmoon #lunarcycle #Lunatic #Exaltation #exaltedmoon #bull #horoscope #horoscopetoday #zodiacsigns #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyreadings
    #Astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #tarot #healing #bullyingawareness #moon #moonlight


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    05 DEC 2022

    : ♉︎
    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. ♉︎ 1f402. 1f402. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    ☌ ☌ ☊

    : Freedom & Revolt into relationships through mood swings, uncertainties, disruption with strong urges to break free
    from the conventional living system & disrupt within nurturing family

    Currently, Taurus ♉︎ Lunar Cycle is Transiting Disruptive Uranus & RAHU In Taurus (Right in the middle of these two bodies), &
    these few hours are a pure FOCUS on your pure" & " activation when it comes to
    "" & High Mood Swings which is kind of contradictions for this "Exalted Lunar Cycle" because it's usually very
    emotionally stable with high endurance levels & always find comforts...

    But one thing, & combination provides Taurus to eliminate or at least minimize their basic trait of being CLINGY
    towards "Possessions & Assets" & the people they care about is always kind of CLING to them & consider them as their SENSUAL
    PLEASURABLE Possession & something they always capitalize on... Right?

    : The Distractions Coming From Elsewhere So I Am Not Staying At Home Anymore,
    & i am gonna disappear through
    detachment for some hours…

    It's A Time to revolt from clingy relationships towards inward feelings,
    & I'd probably be loving myself only & today, I love myself
    more today with humanitarian priorities rather than remain lazy
    in my nurturing territories any longer.

    Uranus will push this exalted Luna to break free from toxicities
    & restrictive energies which are coming through the stressful
    energies & angles, coming from Saturn sitting in Aquarius.

    Uranus will surely provide some excitement & electricity to this
    serious & melancholic/saddened mood today.

    If authorities are suppressing you or oppressing you through their remorselessness
    & harsh attitude, Uranus will help you to confront them by taking a break & going elsewhere…

    Also, this ton of energizing aspects/energies emerging in the sky right now
    allows us to make sacrifices in personal relationships
    (With clingy relatives & family members) for the sake
    of our own individualization process (i often talk about it in my articles),
    which force us to achieve the Artistic Recognition using our high “intuition”
    & original lifestyle & different profession…

    Dragon`s Head ☊ & Uranus combination demands this Exalted Gibbous Moon
    to improve our connection to open up our life
    path by developing more contact with influential WOMEN in society

    (They could be artists, overseas educational units, or some
    Art Galleries organizers, or interior designers)...

    Handle these short-lived disruptive energies wisely & add some excitement
    to defuse the heavy gloomy picture coming through
    the Square between Taurus & Aquarius today
    (Uranus, Moon Rahu & Saturn respectively)...

    Focus on building ties with overseas

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #uranus #uranusintaurus #UranusRetrograde #rahu #NorthNodeinTaurus #moonconjuncturanus #moonsquaresaturn
    #saturninaquarius #Saturn #lunarcycle #Taurus #sagittariusseason #revolt #rebel

    1 Comment

    • Elizabeth Anne
      Sounds very familiar.
      I did this back in 1986/87.
      Left a marriage and family situation my home country
      to follow my soul path. Been quite a ride. .....

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Nikki Davenport ·


    Astrotweet: We are riding gently in “The Sailing Boat” sacred geometry today.
    Mercury square Jupiter, Ceres sextile Pallas Athene, Moon sextile Jupiter
    and conjunct Sedna enables us to focus on a specific goal with peaceful concentration.
    Last plenilune of the year tomorrow!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    Astro Aatif


    #Astrology Predictions For #Sagittarius #Gemini #Virgo #Pisces #Libra #Aquarius
    Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energy…

    1f31d.2642. ° ⚵ 2653. .
    Here comes the 1f31d. Full illuminated Moon 1f31d. Occurring Right On Mars In Gemini At 16° 264a. 01’

    Full Moon`s Release In Gemini Is Based On the Release Of An Emotional Rhetoric With
    Impulsively Instigative Actions Leading Towards, Arguments Within the Family, & Clashes
    & Regretful Consequences That Disturbs The Whole Family Nurturing System Tonight…

    & : Where Questioning, Wandering & Curious
    Minds Want To Know Everything New While Using The Tremendous Amount Of
    Expressions (Both By Facial & Hands)…

    : Shoulders, arms, hands, respiratory system,
    bronchial tubes, lungs, nervous connections for Sensor and motor skills, blood capillaries
    (exchange system).

    Surgical operations are not recommended during the Full Moon!

    It is never a good idea to operate 5 days before or after a Full Moon when the body fluids
    are at their highest and overt drainage can take place. Things will return back to normal
    eventually but much later than would be desired so this is why one should wait for this
    kind of Lunar cycle to get over or pass you by without creating damage while you are
    undergoing major surgeries..

    : -

    1- Sun At 16°Sag01’

    2- Neptune At 22°Pis38’

    3- Juno At 15°Pis38’

    4- Mars At 16°Gem07’

    5- Moon At 16°Gem01’

    : The Mutable is identified with the cadent houses and signifies
    submission, mediation, and mutation.

    & : The Inward & Group Confliction & Different
    Interests Push & Pull Differently

    Full Moon at °’ Falls On 2nd Decan Of Gemini which ranges from °-° & this
    decan range is ruled by “VENUS” so this is a very finely creative/sensual Full MOON
    indeed & that too, falling on a Mars adds more fuel & fire of Mars to this VENUS Ruled
    Mercurial Moon… interestingly, SUN in Sagittarius at °’ & this Degree Falls on the
    2nd Decan of Sagittarius as well & which is also Ruled by the ❝❞ & Opposing Mars As
    it's with Full Moon in GEMINI… lol Do you see the connection? Lol, both FULL MOON &
    MARS are ruled by VENUS if we go by Dean's theory & maths, it's weird & crazy energy...

    [ , ]       1f4a6.

    A Reflection of GEM/SAG, Rx-Mars Puts “Inward” Pressure Which Is Negatively Consequential For The BRAINY GEMINI & Restricts Them From “Mental Growth & Room”, & wrong utilization of the energies in the appropriate “Manifest & Release” process by exploring energies into achievements considering the Stereotypes of Gemini & Sagittarius

    Actually, FULL MOON in Gemini Is very handy when it comes to releasing the Philosophical Pressure using
    all the grasped details that GEMINI normally uses against the enemies that are unsettling the MENTAL
    Stability of TWINS of Gemini through the Nervous Tension which arises through the family members,
    especially when the nurturing Mother & influential Siblings (Gemini) not providing natives with full ROOM
    for Mind expansion as they are information hungry & wandering to grasp details just to gain more
    experience but whenever they are pressed or sabotaged (Mentally), they are in trouble because not getting
    full MENTAL ROOM to evolve, experienced or growth in terms of Wisdom, Experimentation & sharing their
    views through proper two-way COMMUNICATION which is essential for Gemini Moon….

    The Number Game: Number 16 Gemini

    The number 16 indicates the matters which are related to the Mother, motherly, home, public, crowd, water,
    property, family, nurturing, feminine, emotion, household, etc

    The Sabian Symbol OF 16°-17° Gemini:


    We all have to release the illusions and distractions of youth at some point as we come up against life’s hard
    knocks, and this process investigates everyone. We have to find the authentic and unique expression of our
    core values and creative angle on things. Through this, we learn both how to overcome difficulties, and see
    how exactly to adapt our aim to align with a bigger, more realistic vision. However, the real game is not so
    much what we achieve in material terms but what we gain in terms of consciousness of self. A developed
    person has a great deal of self-awareness.

    16°-17° Gemini describes the ability for preparation through proper focus & concentration over details &
    small matters, participation in debates, conversation, & intellectual socializing & only through preparation,
    only then, the mind is able to prepare for every new situation with proper STRATEGY which is required for
    the upcoming crisis development that demands channel MIND to connect the dots with everything
    systematically & intellectual…

    The Luminary Polarity Between Sagittarius & Gemini Creates A Nice Balance & Quest For Information,
    Knowledge, Experience & Wisdom Together By Helping Each other Out By Feeding The Something Missing
    At Opposite End…

    Where Lower Mind Stresses Out The Higher Mind & Creates Differences & Depression…

    Gemini/Sagittarius Luminary Reflection & Polarities: One is Jupiter & the other is Mercury & together they
    create a pearl of intellectual wisdom that is based on information, and high philosophies while keeping the
    curiosity at its peak but that said, Sagittarius is often fed up by the constantly coming queries…

    Gemini Full Moon & Sagittarius Sun Saga: This intellectual polarity between the restless & split Mind of
    Gemini ( loves to ask questions which are often based on Trivia out of their natural curiosity and instinctual
    hungry mind while the opposite Sagittarius thinks that Gemini is feeding too much information & stuff
    which they already know, but still have to make some research for the validity because seeing is believing
    otherwise, Sagittarius will further exaggerate the ideas coming through Gemini mind (Without the proper
    search attached to that information) & this way, they both enjoy highly intellectual mental pursuits and the
    quest for knowledge, wisdom through experimentation.

    Themes Of Full Moon On Mars: The Paradise Of Wisdom & Restlessness

    Appetite For Information & Communication Because, If Not the Body, it is The Mind Who Is Always “ON GO”
    While Participating In Debates, Chatting, Long Conversations, Storytelling Instincts, and Discussing
    Scandals, The Curiosity Is Based On FUN, Gossiping, & Enjoying The Life With Different Kind Of
    Interactions & Socializing Just To Keep The Mind Of GEMINI FULL MOON Intact, Excited & Away From
    Boredom/Monotonous… Also Feed Your Information-Hungry Mind With What Serves Your Agenda &
    Hunger Of Information Because Gemini Creates A Large Communication Network & Invites Everyone To
    Bring Juicy Stories & Load of Infomation, Experiences, and Storytelling & This Way She Generates Immense
    Gossip(Be careful about the negative & shallow gossiping though, otherwise this FULL MOON can lead you
    into conspiracies & scandalous communication & connections, especially on social media forums & apps) &
    Chatty Stuff Which Is An Essential Juice For This Information-Hungry Full Moon

    The coalition of the Moon and Mars will be equivalent to that of fire and water. Each will strive to subdue the
    other, the outcome being ebullition, evaporation, steam, conversion into an aeriform state, in the latter
    case; in the human organism, effervescent mental activity, displays of angry feeling, dispersal and dissipation of brain force, eruptive conditions.

    Sociably Connecting To Someone Intellectual & Highly Curios Ideas-Driven Flexible Mentor, Guide &
    Healer, Who Could Guide You To Make Adjustments In Your Mindset Which Is Today, Based On A Very
    Flighty Thought Process With Inconsistency In Follow Up With Appropriate Action To Pursue Your Goals Towards Logic Conclusion, That Are Usually Fluctuate With Diversion of Mind At The Very End.

    Also, if you utilize the energies & guidance of wise people today, it can bring fruitful financial activity by
    channelizing your ideas & thoughtfulness into constructive actions of “Multitasking” & doing two
    professions Or Jobs simultaneously which results in generating “Multiple Source Of Income” & prove out to
    be very beneficial for you & your family.

    Be careful not to go overboard with any speculative investments out of the spontaneous & reckless decisions
    due to MARS influence on Moon which is usually very PUSHY, Hasty & makes Bold decisions just for the
    sake of Action-Orientation of displaying your power or attorney in the family, but in the end often brings
    regrets & embarrassments due to fluctuations & loss in stock market Or quick loss in MONEY (Especially
    Gemini Ruled business such as Transportation, Vehicle sale purchase & relying on SIBLINGS heavily
    through investments & giving them your hard-earned money which they could manipulate later on)…

    Full Moon On Mars Squaring JUNO!!!

    Coming Back to the T-Square pattern & formation in the sky including Mars, Full Moon (Both Luminaries) &
    Juno In Pisces: Juno Being The Apex Body In This T-Square…

    Themes Of Mutable T-Square Considering JUNO: Tears & Regrets When Opportunities & Chances Are Gone
    Regarding Personal Relationships Due To Lack Of Self-Sacrificing Instincts Due To High Ego,
    Individualisation & Personal Priorities Such As Mental Freedom & Indeciveness Mainly Because Of Lacking
    Into Decision Making Rigidit (Mutable T-Squares)…

    This Retrograde MARS will Push Goddess Of Marriage In Two Perspectives, Firstly, he will push her towards
    getting in & out in Relationships just for the sake of connectedness & a forceful Marriage which takes place
    as a result of “Spontaneously”.. Secondly, This Full Moon On Martian Occultism, Squaring Goddess Juno
    will not allow her to settle down in Relationships with a constant threat for their relationships in terms of
    external pressure or a conflicts which might arise due to “Jealousy”, lack of commitment, improper
    communication or coming out of Relationships through DIVROCE because of Conspiracies &
    Misunderstandings… Eitherway, the results could be damaging & dangerous for the Mental Health of any
    SPOUSE Or between Husband & Wife with inability to compromise in order to make a compromise for the
    Relationship`s “Longevity”.

    So this Mutable T-SQUARE between Luminaries, Mars & JUNO involvement is a tough task for Couples &
    those who are in already troublesome relationships & struggling with the reconciliation process which is
    required for the JUNO to work because she wants to stay in a relationship for the sake of compromisation
    process but the problem is, Sagittarius/Gemini & Pisces points are unaware of the actual problem or if they
    know it, they simply dont have SOLUTION for the problems, or at least or perhaps they have too many
    options & solutions & hard times capitalizing on one SOLUTION to keep things going on or come to the
    conclusive reconcile process to bring PEACE into their problematic relationships…

    So unawareness of the problems with lack or too many options & solutions for problems creates further
    frustrations for the Retrograde Mars which is a key point in this mutable configuration in the sky to
    manifest the energies into the construction process of peace or reconciliation process to take place if they
    want to be in Relationship… But this way, tension, and stress will further increase & brings more depression
    because SUN-MARS opposition with Moon & Juno squeezing in between creates inward stress & tension that
    natives & couples cannot cope with which result in depression & suicidal tendencies to emerge or arises
    which is dangerous for mental health (if they continue to end their lives to get rid of the problems,
    depression & frustrations creating high stress to the natives or at least one of them who is suffering from
    depression because he or she was the one who wanted to continue with all self-sacrificial instincts)…

    In this Full Moon whole configuration & Presence Of Moon, Sun, Mars & JUNO Marriage
    Significator, the Compressed LUNA Under Martian Influence seems to be the faster-moving
    planet & since she rules the 3rd it indicates that it is a group of people that will be in conflict with
    you. So Focus Should Be Avoid the Group Of People Who Are Creating Distress & Chaos In Your
    Relationship By Creating Differences Through Conspiracies, Gossips To Bring Separation Or Even
    Divorce, Due To Gemini Mars Presence, & Depression & Frustration Might Get Exceed Due To
    Misunderstandings Due To Either Lack Of Communication Of Flow Of Misconceptions & Too
    Many Talkies…

    A lesson with this FULL MOON On Mars with JUNO involvement is, to remain peaceful & write down the
    solutions to the problems creating stress & problems for you in your relationships & focus on the one
    solution from them & dont allow your mind to stay distorting, avoidance of facts & figures, ignoring the
    problems for too long & dont linger on things… Focus on reliable advice taking or guides to guide you
    through the reconciliation process which is essential for your mental health today…

    Juno’s Relationships & intimate associations often require harmony and collaboration as she wants to
    remain in relationships for the sake of longevity, commitment & sacrifice…

    Regards & utilize these energies wisely & dont rush to the conclusive things or dont remain caught into too
    many or storm of ideas which can cause further damage because of “inward depression & stress” which is
    emerging because of Gemini/Sagittarius polarities & especially MARS triggering more frustration &
    instigative VERBAL ABUSE or clashes that could create disturbance to the nurturance of the whole domestic
    family members… Also, Couples who are facing difficulties continuing with their relationships or
    problematic ties lately through confusion, external or internal interference & misunderstandings, may need
    to seek counsel, Astrologers & even psychiatrists on how to resolve their differences.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    #Gemini #fullmoon #fullmoonenergy #fullmoonvibes #geminimoon #lunarcalendar
    #lunarcycle #horoscope #horoscopedaily #horoscopesigns #zodiac #zodiacsigns
    #zodiacpost #sagittariusseason #Sagittarius #moonmagic #moon #Lunatic #juno #asteroid #goddesses #goddessenergy #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes

    1 Comment


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Dale Osadchuk ·


    2022 Gemini Full Moon conjunct Mars retrograde in Gemini

    07 Dec at 8.08pm PST- 11.08 pm EST

    08 Dec at 4.08 am GMT-12.08 pm AWST Perth- 3.08 pm AEDT Sydney Australia

    To call this Full Moon extraordinary is an understatement. It is activating us to listen to our inner knowing and
    wisdom before making decisions and taking action. It is also asking us to be flexible, adaptable, and learn to
    flow on our life’s journey. The Moon is at 16 degrees Gemini 01 travelling with Earth at the same degrees and
    merged with Mars retrograde at 16 degrees Gemini 07. Soon after the exact Full Moon she will Occult Mars at
    11.19 pm EST blocking him from view. Mars energy is assertive action and in Gemini (our thoughts and
    perceptions) his influence can be very disruptive and scattered. Especially because he is retrograde he is asking
    us to look before we leap.

    Mercury at 01 degrees Capricorn 51 is the traditional guide for this Gemini Full Moon, the Earth, and Mars.
    Capricorn is our foundation and security. But it is also our Soul Purpose gateway. In Esoteric Astrology the
    Soul Purpose guide for Gemini is Venus. She is currently at 27 degrees Sagittarius 30 aligned with the Galactic
    Center, the place of great spiritual knowledge and guidance. It is the gateway to our Soul’s wisdom. Both
    Mercury and Venus are “out of bounds” (beyond the authority of the Sun) asking us to think outside the box
    and live our truth. This is emphasised by the Moon, Mars, and Pallas Athene, (Goddess of wisdom) also being
    “out of bounds”. It also explains why the energy feels a little crazy in the world right now.

    The Sun is at 16 degrees Sagittarius 01 (higher consciousness) guided by Jupiter at 29 degrees Pisces 08
    (healing, forgiveness, and completion). Neptune (illusion or illumination) is at 22 degrees Pisces 28 travelling
    with Jupiter (spiritual illumination). They are in square aspect (motivation for change and finding new ways of
    doing things) with Venus (relationship). Jupiter is sextile (new opportunities) Pluto at 26 Capricorn 27
    (personal and universal transformation).

    This Full Moon is opening the door to spiritual transformation.

    Uranus Rx at 15 degrees Taurus 47 (breakthrough to what is of true value and importance) is inconjunct the
    Sagittarius Sun (letting go of dogma and living your truth).

    Venus is the guide for Uranus. The message of this
    Lunation is healing duality and choosing to unite in love.

    The Full Moon is in harmony with Chiron Rx at 12
    degrees Aries 02 (healing and new beginnings).

    Our Animal Totem guide for the Gemini energies is Deer, sensitivity, empathy, and compassion.

    Sagittarius we are guided by Elk, strength and stamina, and Owl, the wisdom to see through deception and
    discern the truth.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    Here is a message from Deer that came
    through in 2018.

    Here is the message from Dancing Rainbow Deer, our little fawn now grown.

    This message is from 2009 but
    seems appropriate now more than ever.

    She is talking to Snowy Owl and Shooting Star but she is talking to us
    all. Here in the North Country the path to the Star Temple was snow covered.

    Grandfather Sun had just entered
    the Long Snows and Long Nights Time.

    It was late afternoon when Snowy Owl and Shooting Star made their
    way to do ceremony for tonight’s Full Moon and Grandfather Sun was already setting on the southwest

    For the time from now until Winter Solstice the Lunar Force was strong.

    For the sisters this Full Moon Time was very special.

    Many years ago, during the Long Snows Time, they had
    found a young fawn on the Star Path lost and confused.

    She had been exploring on her own and became
    separated from her Deer Clan. The deep snow prevented the sisters
    from being able to find the young one’s Clan.

    Then Snowy Owl remembered the Elk Tribe lived in the woods nearby.

    The young women took the little
    fawn to them and the tribe welcomed her.

    When the next spring came the deer now called Dancing Rainbow
    found her Clan and told them of the kindness of the Elk.

    The Deer Clan went to the Elk Tribe to thank them and
    the two tribes joined together in harmony and peace living side by side.

    “I am Dancing Rainbow, the bridge between two worlds.

    Welcome Medicine Women to our new family.

    Twelve moon cycles ago I was lost and could not find my way back to my Deer Clan.

    I was a very young fawn and very scared.

    It was the Long Snows Time and you knew you could not return me home
    so you brought me here to the Elk Tribe.

    Father Elk did not want to have anything to do with me but Mother Elk embraced me as her own.

    They nurtured and protected me through the Winter Time and when spring came
    they showed me the way back home” Snowy Owl and Shooting Star remembered
    how frightened the young fawn had been and did the only
    thing they could to keep her safe by taking her to her cousins, the Elks.

    “When I returned home” Rainbow continued
    “I told my family of the kindness and generosity the Elk tribe
    had treated me with and they wanted to thank them.

    One thing led to another and we are now all living together in harmony and peace.

    Thank you for showing me how to unite clans who think they are different but at the heart
    centre are the same.

    We truly are all part of the Oneness.”

    Namaste and Full Moon blessings,


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