Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    27 Nov 2022

    Michael TeohAstrophotography
    Photographer: Michael Teoh ·

    Mars from last night 2022.11.27.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    27 NOV 2022
    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Nikki Davenport ·


    Astrotweet: Found three subtle “Finger of Gods” (Yods) hiding in our planet energies today
    . Finger of Gods put us under a feeling of constant strain until we change our views.
    We can then perfect our techniques.
    God puts his finger on us and turns us in the right direction!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    Astrology Update For 28th November - 29th November 2022

    A Distinctive cosmical shift in Energy…

    - ♒︎ ♒︎

    /, / ,     1f4a6.


    : , & ...


    , &

    / , ,
    , & ,
    & , & ༻꧂

    . :

    Aquarius 2652. , Gemini, Sagittarius, Taurus & Scorpio Energies

    , : -

    On 28th, ☾ Will Sextile To ☉ In SAG At 06° 2650. 03’

    On 29th, ☾ Will Sextile To 2640. In SAG At 16° 2650. 01’

    On 29th, ☾ Will Square To ♅ & ☊/☋ In TAU At 16° 2649. 07’

    On 29th, ☾ will Sextile ☿ In Sag At 18° 2650. 16’

    On 29th, ☾ Will Trines 2642. In Gem At 19° 264a. 31’

    On 29th, ☾ Will Conjunct ♄ In Aquarius At 19° 2652. 44’

    Waxing Crescent Aquarius Cycle will start of with the beautiful Harmonious
    & a Minor & Half Trines (Sextiles) with the Sagittarius Stellium
    (Especially with SUN & VEN) & this will create a nice inward
    & inner Harmonious relationships & improve the ties/bond within the the whole
    PARENT-Child aromatic sequence at HOME environment where Parents & Children
    will have SUPPORT & Positive Push from each other (Vice-Versa)...

    Then Sextiles to VEN will create some socializing & help AQUAIRUS MOON to come out
    of her isolated & detached mode & enjoy the company more prominentely
    by taking the participations into Creative, Gatherings, Hosting, Movies & other Artistic fruitful endeavor
    on that particular day (29th November precisely)...

    & - & & , ,

    This Lunar Cycle for Waxing Crescent Moon invites you to shift your energy response
    from responsibilities of Family & Professional career towards
    “Humanitarian” ventures & help for the oppressed societies globally
    & you should act like a true Rebel to reach out to those who are in need a
    collective HELP today.

    Building ties, making more connections using Networks (Internet) & growing your links & enhance hobbies
    by dreaming big is a great plus with this Lunar Cycle…
    Shift towards trying something new, developing your peers, making connections,
    & pursuing to create a difference in societies &
    communal living by breaking up the traditions when you try to break free
    from authorities & challenge their belief system through innovative
    modern solutions how to improve the living standard of a country (if you are leaders),
    or within family members, you will create some different setup/arrangements ahead
    to shock your relatives & familiar ones through unconventional hobbies, attitude, etc

    Breakthrough in science and technology is also possible with such transits in Aquarius.

    Also, the main problem within relationships & domestic life
    can arise when you would definitely act weird by shutting down emotionally
    & suddenly shock others through your “Eccentric” moods because you
    now require a lot of mental & personal space to do something else, elsewhere,
    just to break free & to recharge yourself (it's slightly different from
    PISCES though)... But in the end, you will always RETURN…

    Stressful energies around 29th Nov where Luna LUNA will create some disturbance into the FAMILY Nurturance
    & Domestic structure with Creating Stressful Square with ❝ & ☋ ☊ ❞
    & Squaring To The ❝ ☋ - ☋ ❞ SCORPIO Points will disturb your family system,
    because what you truly feel cannot be translated or demonstrated well to the point of conveying a message properly,
    through your actions today &
    bring discontentment between your PARENTS,
    & even shake up your marital & friends life & circle of peers would also be suffering from Eccentricity
    & lack of direction (Being Directionless & Depressive Due To Mood swings)...

    1f338. ꗥ°•.•°¤*✬.•°°• & &
    … °•°•.✬*¤°•.•° ꗥ 1f338.

    The mind would be very receptive & be holding grudges would be a bad idea for your emotional
    & mental health.

    Because LUNA is your memories &
    daily mood swings are dependent upon the energies MOON
    creates with different bodies up in the SKY & it reflects & affects the whole family system
    (Those who are emotionally & psychologically connected to you), & for Aquarius,
    the connection if more with FRIENDS & CIRCLES… So surely,
    family members & close Romantic ties would definitely be going through
    or underdo serious changes, detachments & breaking free from authorities,
    if you are kind of STUBBORN already.

    Stressful energies with ♉︎ Points (URANUS & RAHU) will create some high tension
    within close family members & those who are
    emotionally attached/dependent to your daily life (nurturing & vice-versa)
    connected to your psyche will feel the high pressure & eccentricity due to
    SHOCKING & Disruptive events could be occurring or it would you who act weirdly
    & overly sensitive & even consumed & nervous

    (Especially through Retrograde-URANUS Disruptivity)...

    Around the 29th Nov & 30th of November, as this moves closer
    to the / in ♒︎ which has been recently DIRECT,
    will ensure that you accept your responsibilities with lesser CHARGE
    & REBELLIOUSNESS against Authorities Or showing to the people who you are working under
    or being in influence (Influential people in your daily professional & domestic life),
    & this would bring some ease to AQUARIUS to leave stubbornness & rigidity & remain focussed to the duties
    & to improve your status being ambitious CONSISTENTLY…

    Conjunction With Saturn Will Bring Back Smokescreens To The Capricorn Zodiac Sign Folks
    & The Issues Related To The Withdrawal From
    Emotions, Sensitivity & Tilt Will Be Towards The Issues Of Professionalism,
    Authority, and Responsibilities & Draining Out Due To the BURDEN Of
    Family As Well As Professional Life…

    On 2nd November 2022, while going into the VOICE phase (Offline/Idle),
    Luna will create a harmonious trine to the Retrograde MARS IN Twinned
    GEM Sign, & this will add some spontaneously into your shaky actions of Aquarius
    & with the element of directiveness, you will react more within
    close circles & if you`d be utilizing these heavy combative energies into HOSTING PARTIES
    at home more than getting involved into Fights & verbal conflicts through abusive & sarcastic WORDS
    being used (Gemini) because that would be in case of Stressful aspects (Otherwise),

    & since its an AIR TRINE, this shall make you more adaptable & easily moved on without holding grudges
    & add some adventurism into your life ahead…

    Plan this Aquarius LUNAR CYCLE wisely & work for HUMANITY instead of getting worried
    about the heavy Solar Eclipse which you have recently
    survived or not, & the forthcoming Lunar Eclipse ahead on the 8th…

    Surely this will be a preparation & reasonable testing of the Lunar Cycle
    would be for Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus & LEO for 2.5 days ahead…

    1f496. 1f383. 1f9db. 1f338. 1f338. 1f9db. 1f383. 1f496.

    #mooninaquarius #Sagittarius #sagittariusseason #SagittariusGang #independence #freedomofspeech #Astrologer #Astrology #astrologypost
    #astrologymemes #astrologyreadings #zodiac #zodiacsigns #zodiacmemes #tarot #detachment #restraint #emotionalwellbeing #emotional #emotions

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    ASTROLOGY Predictions For Sagittarius Taurus Cancer Libra Leo Aries For 29th, 30th November 2022
    - 2640. 150° ⚻ ⛢ Hi-Voltage (Be Careful About The Shocking Electricity In Love Life)...

    The ° ⚻ Brings discontentment through the shocking & disruptive events that are occurring today
    to disturb your family system, deep attachments & peers that no longer serve your agenda, mindset & flavor of
    "Detachment, Breaking-free, Rebelliousness, Kinky Lovemaking, Emotionalism, Clinginess" etc

    : Affairs On Internet Are Taking Hype & Some Of The Close Ties & Long-
    term Relationships/Circles/Peers Coming To An End... 270d. 1f483. 1f975.

    Love Is A Shocking & Digitalized Kinky Fantasy (Uranus Being The Higher Octave Of Mercury & Rules The
    Online/Networking Based Infatuations & Affairs) In Which, Nothing Stays The Same With Longevity Due To
    Unsettling Inner Dynamics Through The External Pressure & Influence Which Disturbs The Stabilizing
    Taurus`s Personal Value System & Challenges Bull`s Stubbornness, Using The Carefree & Flirtatious Attitude
    Of Sagittarius…

    : Affairs On Internet Are Taking Hype & Some Of The Close Ties &
    Long-term Relationships/Circles/Peers Coming To An End, Making Adjustments To The Financial
    Expenditures & Business That No Longer Serves You But With Sudden Upheaval & Losses Through
    Uncertainties & Quick Disruptive Shocks…

    Stressful Angles/Energies Transits Between Uranus & Venus Is The Disruptive Process Of Becoming An Individual, Showmanship Of An Individualization Of Unconventional Creativity & Artistic Skills, Rebelling Force In Society & Breaking Free Radicals Using The Personal Eccentricity In The Close Relationships, Business Partnerships & Social Circles…
    Switching From One Circle To Another, From One Tie To Another is highly favorable with these unsettling energies between Taurus & Sagittarius that demands high strength & loyalties to keep things going on to make their relationships toward further “Working Relationship” Or Longevity…
    Psyching Yourself Up To Take It Easy On Other People, Try To Relate, Or Else, be Ready To Face Setbacks In Terms Of Finance, Sudden Expenditures, and Series Of Setbacks (One after another) & Find It Hard To Continue In Partnerships/Relationships Which Demand Solid Commitments, Vows For Longevity…

    Today, It would be difficult for you to relate with other people if you are a part of some group efforts & ventures that require acquaintances to accompany you would be difficult & eccentric ties because of the disruptive coming through different “Breaking free” moods when it comes to Love, Softness, Connectedness In Heartmatters such as Attachments, etc & Sagittarius VEN also requires a lot of mental as well as physical freedom to do things on their own rather joining groups & joint ventures (Be it Artistic ventures or Creativity showmanship, Sagittarius VEN can follow footsteps of others but can merge with them & due to this Quincuxn from URANUS doubles up this instinctual freedom seeking abilities to show high individualism by Sagittarius Aphrodite..)
    So limiting & minimizing your expectations from people & expect anything unexpected happening today & embrace any shock, disruptive & upheavals you might enforce to face in your DOMESTIC life that brings interruption, detachment & serious loss in your finance sector…
    Enjoy this Transit without making anything for longevity & substantial today & just let this event pass you by without disrupting your family, professional, or domestic peace & be careful while making new relationships, or dont expect people to be there for you all the time in any hardships circumstances you have been facing because under the QUINCUNX between VEN [​IMG] & URA ⛢ leaves a serious question mark on the availability of the close circles, reliable people to behave wisely with 100% availability because if you rely heavily on them today, you might end up getting a shocking surprise that they dont CARE AT ALL…

    [​IMG][​IMG] Astrologer Aatif [​IMG][​IMG]

    Read the full article on my blog below for a full understanding of the influence & significance/energies between
    VENUS & URANUS through this unsettling &
    confusing INCONJECT/QUINCUNX Aspect: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/astrology-

    Regards, & Enjoy this Transit without making anything for longevity & substantial today & just let this event
    pass you by without disrupting your family, professional or domestic peace & be careful while making new
    relationships, or dont expect people to be there for you all the time in any hardships circumstances you have
    been facing because under the QUINCUNX between VEN & URA leaves a serious question mark on the
    availability of the close circles, reliable people to behave wisely with 100% availability because if you rely
    heavily on them today, you might end up getting a shocking surprise that they don't CARE AT ALL…

    Your support & friendship is most important for me to keep doing my Astrology Work in more complex & in-
    depth & by your support, I will continue to bring more insightful stuff about transits & daily energies hitting
    you up through disruption or harmonious…

    For Readings & personal predictions, feel free to PM me for details...

    Much Love... 270d. 1f64c. 1f3f9. 1f60d.

    1f496. 1f383. 1f9db. 1f9db. 1f383. 1f496.


    Astrology Update: VENUS QUINCUNX URANUS – 29th November 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    Distinctive Cosmical Energies For The Continuous MUTABLE Season Of Sagittarius…

    From 29th Nov - 1st December 2022

    : 2642. ° ☍ ☿

    1- 2642. At 19° 264a. 05’

    2- ☿ At 19° 2650. 05’

    The motto of Mars & Mercury: “ ..”

    : Cutting Other People's Points of Views With Quick Hasty Decisions
    Turns To Regret & Wasteful Energies & Dangerous Outcome In The End.

    Weird Sarcasm With Quick
    Silver Tongue & Tone While Communicating….

    Also, Until This Transit Is Intact In Sky, The Super Agile
    & Rash Driving May Leads To
    Accidents, Bookings/Fines & Serious Injuries…

    So be careful while you Drive in urgency,
    without thinking of the Seatbelts & Speed limits…

    & :

    This 180° Polar Energy Leads Natives To
    Enforcing Their Point Of View with arguments,
    & in the end, It always turns into heated
    debates, Blocking people on Social Media, Clashes & Quarrels…

    What happens is, whenever pushes its argument
    & actions toward Sagittarius (Axis), the Sagittarius reacts
    due to strong reflection (As MERC is the Ruler of
    MARS & Being Detrimental In Sagittarius Sign)
    because Sagittarius believes that Gemini
    Mars is being too pushy & becoming BOSSY
    while feeding information & highly Sarcastic
    enforcement into the Detrimental Mind of Sagittarius,
    & since Sagittarius tells his
    REFLECTION (Gemini) with this statement;

    , & ..”
    & this is where the problem arises while these two
    signs debate over something…


    This is a constant mutable struggle between Sagittarius &
    Gemini, as Sagittarius requires self-research while Gemini
    is too straightforward & then Sagittarius reacts when being pushed
    by MARS of Gemini (Being of Rulership & Detrimental placement)...

    , , & ,
    & " "..


    Gemini 2642. makes arguments & moves away quickly while Sagittarius MER-☿
    will continue to stick to the concepts that require a lot of Research work
    over the INTERNET (it's a google kind of placement lol),
    where you need to SEARCH minor concepts on the Internet
    & waste a lot of time whereas, Gemini Mars is too busy in MULTITASKING
    that they don't even remember what was the last debate we were making
    heading us towards?

    But still, Mars is a Mars & it needs to REACT lol
    & when SAGITTARIUS shows anger through its Colorful Speeches (☿ ♐︎),
    Mars can get physical lol

    (Depends on the temperament though)...

    So slow down & don't be hasty, too agile to make your statements, arguments,
    and points of view just for the sake of their validation & authenticity
    & let Sagittarius mercury makes some research
    before they draw any final conclusion...

    Otherwise, you will end up in serious clashes
    & fights even (Disputes over mere matters lol)...

    Regards with Much Love... 270d. 1f64c. 1f3f9. 1f60d.

    1f496. 1f383. 1f9db. 1f9db. 1f383. 1f496.

    #marsingemini #Mercury #mercuryinsagittarius #mercuryoppositionmars #marsretrograde #retrogradeseason #retrograde

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George
    2650. 2652.
    Venus19 2650. sextile Saturn19 2652. Structuring/creating a new financial plan/goal
    or a new friendship/relationship has that long term potential feel.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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