Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·



    Astro Aatif

    An Astrology Update For 27th November 2022
    ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. , & 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies… Sagittarius & Pisces romantic dance is not coming slow & allowing me to take a break from ASTROLOGY…

    One transit ends - Another begins this Sagittarius & Mutable Season… But anyhow, I love ASTROLOGY, Connecting Dots & Writing about archetypes & different energies…

    & & ...

    Here Comes The Archetypal Asteroid “ #”- The Asteroid Of Healing, Toxicity, Poisonous Experience, Sacrifice & Realization About the Cure Process But After Deep
    Wounds, Trauma & Psychological Personal Relationships…

    : The Saga Of Traumatic Love Relationships That Ends Up On A Note Of Sexual Abuse, Depression & Requires A Lot Of Healing To Move On & Letting Go Of
    Deepest Desire, People & Romantic Ties….

    1f338.1f338. “ , & …” 1f338.1f338.

    Sagittarius Venusian Aphrodite (Lover Girl) On A Lust Of Adventurism & Excitement Just For The Sake Of Experimentation Might End Up Attracting The Exciting Lovers (At First
    Glance) Who Are Lustful, Excessively Involved Into Obsessions Even The Sexual Abuse & Give You A Lot Of Traumatic Depression & Wounds…

    2640. ° 2650. ' ♐︎

    N ℞ ° 2653. ' ♓︎

    , & …”

    Themes: The Burning Sensation on the body including allergies, rashes, Let Go Of Relationships After Abuse, Sexual Abuse & Toxicity, Requires Psychotherapy For the Healing
    Process For Coming Out Of Traumatic Attachments.

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. : 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. Nessus was shot dead by Hercules for attempting to violate his wife Deianeira. He made of his own blood and semen a
    potion that he gave to her, saying it was a love charm that would keep Hercules faithful.

    By Reading The , We Get A Clue that NESSUS does not only gives Traumas & Sexual Abuse but also gives us the CURE to become IMMORTAL to the same
    pain & suffering we get through him throughout the lifespan of the Relationships when he was ALIVE or our BOND with him was intact, also the Lover we fall for under his
    influence contains a MYSTERY Or Mysterious Poisonous Cure to our DEEPEST WOUNDS that HE requires to die to let us know about that mystery which remains hidden & a
    secret throughout the LIViNG Portion of Life (This is symbolic & Life & Death could be a start & end of a Relationship, A Separation, Divorce, Death Of A Partner, etc, meaning
    knowing about something finishing its lifespan, either psychologically or physically)

    The lesson with this shortlived VENUS-NESSUS Transit is to avoid indulging in the activities, Love Affairs just for the experimentation & exciting adventurism ( )
    because things at first glance look amazing & worth a CHASE/Adventure, do not hold long-lasting & have dramatic & saddened consequences which might prove to be the
    Irreparable damage in the end (In terms of losing yourself psychologically, physically & sexually)...

    Also, the idea is to avoid “” into addictive & obsessive matters such as consuming food that brings high allergic, as is often / for the body
    and especially in the sign of “Pisces”, Nessus can cause a lot of burning sensation to the RASHES we catch up to the body if we continue to “Abuse” the products with toxins & other
    Chemicals without reading the “ ” Or Side-effects… So such products with harmful chemicals & substances cause Allergies, Burning, and Rashes Because VENUS
    tends to go overboard with Pisces (As Venus Exalts In Pisces & Pisces Rules Intoxicants, Toxins, Medication & Sensitivity To The Skin & Body, Especially FEET Organ & Area)...

    “” & …

    “ ` ..” But her lessons are learned, she disappears & finds a much more appropriate next target or adventure lol

    I have written so much about achieving the with Neptune & Jupiter staying inside the PISCES Sign for so long now with back & forth tendencies (Due to Rx Jupiter cycles
    this year), & with NESSUS Squaring to the Venus in Sagittarius could indicate that we need to DETOX & Flush our Hearts in terms of LETTING Go of the deepest “Desires” we have
    developed over the years (Since the JUP & NEP met in the Pisces), be it a special PERSON, Addiction, Obsession over something (Could be eating too many sweets), because
    NESSUS demands to RISE ABOVE anything & in PISCES, we could achieve the NIRVANA State of Transcendence & that only happens if we get rid of the most desiring & dearest
    person in our life because perhaps when a closed & dearest person starts to give traumas, pain & toxicities, its very hard to get rid of those people because they are a part of our
    daily life & family system & it takes a lot of YEARS (Perhaps lifelong) efforts to breakfree from such people & when it comes to PISCES, this dilemma is very strongest… Because,
    even though PISCES is a mutable & changeable dual body, she still feels very Melancholic when it comes to taking SEPARATION (even if thats meant for it or being this way as
    evident or destined)...

    But here is the deal, Luckily Aphrodites Aka 2640. In are very changeable & all those obsessions, experimentations, attachments & infatuations are very
    short-lived & once the excitement is gone & once she starts to feel suffocation in the Relationships (When her physical & mental freedom is compromised & bogging down), she
    tends to break free like a TRUE REBEL (Even more than Aquarians which are FIXED & Stubborn)... So in my experience, Mutable VENUSUS especially SAGITTARIUS touching
    NESSUS could end up running away & got themselves SAVED from getting more traumatic & psychological damage than any other sign because of FREEDOM instincts & also dont
    forget the Ruler of VENUS today is Jupiter & Jupiter has got DIRECT recently in PISCES & then VENUS exalts in Pisces lol this is deep maths & very helpful to each other….

    & …

    Regards & handle this heavy HEALING & TRAUMATIC Toxic/Poisonous (We Could Play The Fools & Become Prisonous Of Our Own Isolative & Saddened Territories) tricky
    energies of Nessus wisely… Take care of products, medicines, and food that would cause & bring a high amount of ALLERGIC symptoms to the FEET, Hips & Thighs areas
    (Sagittarius & Pisces) & avoid any toxic/traumatic obsessions & addiction from developing & don't do anything silly in "Love Matters" just for the sake of experimentation & be in

    Just find ways to TRANSCEND yourself & Get NIRVANA in this Sagittarius Season, Be Wise, Philospher & You are fine Single & Alone believe me...

    Heal Yourself & Others, please...

    1f338. 1f49e. Aatif 1f49e. 1f338.

    #Nessus #nessusinpisces #Venus #SagittariusSzn #SagittariusGang #Sagittarius #Sagitario #sagittariusseason #Pisces #pisceswomen #pisceshoroscope #archetypes #healing #healingjourney #healingenergy #Centaurus #asteroids #goddess #archetypalpsychology #predictions #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #astrology #abuse #abuseawareness #trauma #nostalgia

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    https://www.facebook.com/581162078/videos/708243114264929 ·

    Upcoming FULL MOON In Gemini On Mars...

    This is how the reactionary gestures & celebrations of Retrograde MARS inside Sagittarius season...

    The Polarity of GEM/SAG Axis (3rd & 9th)... Where Jupiter Ruled Sagittarius season Helps Gemini MARS to go overboard

    with adventures & get away with injuries while making "Risktaking" misadventures being the helping hands & Angels...

    Thigs, Legs & Adventure = Sagittarius

    Reactions, Reflexes, Bicycle/Transportation/Vehicles = Gemini

    A Larger Than Life Sagittarius Season: A Story Of The Carefree, Youthfull, Jovial & Hopeful/Optimistic Centaurs

    This is how we should cherish the Restrictions, Authorities, Routines Hardships, Obstacles

    & timely defeats considering that SAGITTARIUS always seeks the brighter side of Life

    & this is how they manifest the energies of GEMINI/Saggitarius polarities.

    Astrologer Aatif

    #Gemini #sagittariusseason #SagittariusSzn #SagittariusGang #Sagitario #zodiac #astrology #astrologypost #astrologymemes #zodiacmemes #adventure #adventuretravel #youth #youthful



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Stonehenge Stone Circle
    27 NOV 2022
    Sunrise at Stonehenge today (27th November) was at 7.43am, sunset is at 4.04pm 26c5.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    as per Joe Eigo

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif


    Astrology Update For 27th November 2022 - A Happening & Eventful Day Up In The Sky

    1f312. ( & )... 1f975. 1f496. 1f383. 1f9db.

    Firstly Venus is Creating Stressful Energies With 1f338. 1f338. (Find my previous post on NESSUS influence with VENUS),
    which challenges your love & domestic life (Personal relationships), & now Luna Meets
    Underworld Hades/PLUTO In Capricorn & Adds More Fuel To The Fearsome Demons Sitting In Your Subconsciousness
    & Disturbing Your Family & Professional Life Today By Adding Intensity, Power-Struggle
    (Between Couples, Parents & Children & Authorities At Workplace & Professional Life), Manipulation Through Some Schemers WOMEN
    In Your Surroundings, Family & Society You Are Struggling To Adjust In…

    1f9db. 1f383. / ♑︎ 1f9db. 1f383.

    & : Nurturing Lunar Cycle Meets The Phoenix Of Terror, Death & Trauma Inviting Us Towards
    The Arising Process Of Death & Rebirth Intense Phase From The Ashes Of Its Predecessor

    & : Domineering Women In the Family With Manipulative Games To Derail Your Domestic Peace,

    A Complex Love Life With The Intense Domestic & Family Structure That Demands a
    Complete Recycling Process Of Transformation By Making Adjustments to The Roles Between Parents, Children & Even Professional Life.

    & &
    , , .

    The lesson here is to avoid any Manipulative WOMEN in society, family circle, or at the workplace who could play some tricks
    & schemes to sabotage your peace (Mentally, Domestically, Or Financially) today with
    their evil-spirit intentions…

    Regards, & If you utilize this energy wisely & with headstrong, it gives sheer determination to climb to the status-quo ambitious life
    of a true Capricorn with more passion, intensity & fighting the authorities, and
    fearful demons with will & intensively…

    For personal readings & predictions, feel free to contact me in PM for pricing & scheduling...

    1f4a6.    1f496. 1f338. 1f48b. 1f383. 1f383. 1f496. 1f338.    1f4a6.

    #pluto #Capricorn #plutoincapricorn #waxingcrescent #lunar #lunarcycle #Lunatic #LunaticFringe #astrologypost #astrologymemes #astrology #Astrologer #astrologyreadings #zodiac #zodiacsigns
    #zodiacmemes #horoscope #horoscopetoday #fortunetelling #phoenix #Ashes


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    Mine is "Diversifying..." and how about yours folks??? 1f9d0.
    A Hades Moon right now in Sky & ❝♇ ☌ ☾ #❞ Adds Fuel To The Fearsome Demons In Your Subconsciousness,
    so definitely there should be requiring a lot of determination & ambitiousness of Capricorn energies
    to handle this much heavy, dark & fearful energies...
    1f496. 1f383. 1f9db. 1f9db. 1f383. 1f496.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    20221128 JST 17:01『 月齢 4.2 』
    Weather information:
    天気:晴れ 気温:22.9℃ 湿度:45% 風向:南
    風速:3.7m/sec 気圧:1017hPa…
    See more
    20221128 JST 17:01『 月齢 4.2 』
    Weather information:
    Weather: Clear. Temp: 22.9°C. Hum:45% Wind Direction: South
    Wind Speed: 3.7m/sec Pressure: 1017hPa…
    See more

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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