Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    On the weekend
    of 19/20 NOV 2022
    NEPTUNE's FACE in the waves ???
    Meteorologist Eric Zernich
    This 15 foot wave on Lake Erie over the weekend looks like a face.
    Photo by Cody Evan


    Photographer: Cody Evans

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·



    Astro Aatif

    , , &

    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies For 23rd - 24rd November
    - Just After New Moon Occurrence in Centaur Family Sagitarrius, The Ruler
    Aka JUPITER Turns Direct.

    & …

    ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ ɪꜱ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴏɴ ᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴꜱ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴜꜱ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.

    The Healing Journey is Back On Track With The Activation Of Prophecies, Gambling Instincts, Wisdom,
    Philosophies Of Life, Compassion & Selfless Love For Humanity & Sufferings Of Society, Expansion,
    Joviality & Great Fortune

    This is exactly what this Sagittarius heavy Stellium energies should be dealt with,
    especially the Ruler gets direct on the same day in the
    transcendence of PISCES.

    & - : The Linger On Effect

    The Retrograde Phase is not over yet & folks, hold your jovial & gambling/carefree horses back
    & hang in there for some more months until JUPITER

    This tricky Post-Shadow Retrograde Lingering Effect Started With The End Of Retrogradation Motion,
    Until at ° 2648. ′, When Jupiter Will Be Fully Direct & Should Be Easy Inside The Fire Sign “Aries”...
    Until then Jupiter Will Be Floating Into POST SHADOWS Which Is At Time, Can Mess Up Your Life
    If You try to take things for granted & go overboard with expansion & expenses ❝ ❞...
    Just be careful as Jupiter has become edgy & excessively trying to be Nicest at you which he isn't because of not floating
    into his safe & lucky zones (Post Shadow Retrograde Lingering Zones)...

    - : The Linger On Effects With Consequences

    The lesson for Jupiter In Post-Shadows Zones Is To Take Things Easy & dont try to take foolish RISKS,
    Making Speculative Investments, Falling For
    Internet Scams, Fraudulent Profits, and Taking Advice
    From the Manipulator Mentors/Guides You Usually Call Your Mentor In Normal Days,
    Because during Lingering On Effects, Jupiter Pushes You to take more Risks
    which can bring consequences because Jup is not floating into his “Helping Hand”
    Or Protector & Even Cant be A Rescuer at his true Potential which usually he does (Otherwise in Direct Motion)...

    Also, Dont Make Unplanned Journeys Abroad, Especially To The Foreign Lands Which Are Usually Abandoned Places
    & Not Open To The Tourists...
    Dont Try To Explore Such Places Under the Post-Shadows Periods Of Jupiter…

    Especially When Mars on the other hand, in Gemini is also in Retrograde & not executing your plans accordingly Or wisely…


    One Life Of Healing Ends - A Rebirth Begins With Better Compassionate Prophecies, Carrying The Faith,
    Belief & Mysticism To Attain Wealth, Wisdom & Psychological Transformation...

    Slowly & Gradually Jupiter takes Dictations From Pluto about how to transform its life through psychological experience
    that deeply transforms the world as a ONE big-time & brings a major attitude on how to grow on assets
    & become more resourceful in life ahead (Be it Countries & Masses People at a larger scale at Mundane Level
    to the personal transformation of a life that deals into hardships, recession, joblessness & all that chaos
    that natives may face with hardships in trying times, with this aspect, they will eventually be HEALED & Transformed)...

    This influence surely brings POWER, More Wisdom, and More Resources In Life in Terms Of Gaining Authority,
    Public Recognition & Growth In
    terms Of Income, Assets & Even Building Up Large Homes
    With A Huge Joint Family Set Up…

    Thats all folks, I wanted to create something different in terms of Jupiter Goes Direct
    & His Influence With Sextiling Pluto affecting the world today
    in terms of Healing, Transformation, Getting more powerful, Manipulative Schemes & Gambling instincts.

    Be careful about speculative investments under this influence (not until Jup is fully direct on 14th Feb 2023)
    & wait for any major big decision of
    your life to be executed in reality with real-time plans & the execution process needs to be withheld...

    But depends on your whole chart like where this JUPITER is currently transiting
    & what sectors of your life are being affected by Jup & Pluto respectively…

    Hope you are enjoying the Manifesting NEW MOON In Sagittarius Centaur,
    & living your days up to the full potential of this jovial & adventurous
    Sagittarius Season & Stellium…

    1f3f9. 1f49c. 1f49c. 1f3f9. ]       1f4a6.


    #jupiterinpisces #jupiterturnsdirect #plutoincapricorn #jupiteringress
    #newmooninsagittarius #newmoon #jupiterretrograde #jupiter #astrology
    #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologyreadings #astrologypost

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·



    Astro Aatif

    Astrology Thoughts... So folks I was working on NEW & FULL MOONS
    going to occur ahead & some thoughts have caught up in my mind
    & I decided to share them with you prior to my upcoming articles & posts...

    Something to talk about ❝ ❞
    - The Story Of Centaur Family Affecting Mutable Signs This Year...

    Sagittarius Season is wonderful uplift & shift in energy for Pisces, Sagittarius,
    Gemini & Virgo Zodiac Signs.

    ❝ ...❞

    Recap Of The Highly Jovial & Adventurous Sagittarius Season
    & Its Blissful Blessings On Mutable Signs…

    1- Pisces On A Charge To Heal The World & Transcend Them To Reach a NIRVANA state of Mind
    (Beyond Worldly Desires & Rise Above Pain, Sufferings, and Self-Sacrificial Martyrdoms)

    2- Gemini On Manifesting Its Ideas & Professions

    3- Sagittarius Opening More Horizons Of Knowledge & Wisdom

    4- Virgo Giving More Selfless Service To The Family By Working
    On Their Own Insecurities & Nervousness

    Through Sheer Mutable Brilliance, Wisdom, Broadmindedness, Frankness,
    Philosophy & Prophecies Of Life, This 1f3f9. 1f3f9. Season Guides Us
    To Attain Transcendence Of Divine NIRVANA - Rise Above Selfishness,
    Love For High Society & Its Status Quo Class, and Stuck Inside The Shell/Cage & Conservative Boundaries)...

    & ,
    & :

    1- Dream Big & Immagine What Is Usually Unreal (By Using Your Gut-Instincts,
    Spiritguides & High Intuitive Skills)

    2- HURT IN PRIVATE (By recalling what people conspired against you
    by creating hurdles to test your patience, endurance levels & tolerance heights)

    2- HEAL IN SILENCE, Into The Private Territories & Abandoned Places Of The Heart
    (By Seeking Healthy Escapism Such As Spirituality, Religious & Mystique Practices)

    3- And Then SHINE IN PUBLIC again with a carefree & kickass attitude to forget
    what people gossip about & plan against you through any conspiracies, just dont hold grudges
    & keep opening the doors of opportunities using Jupiter & Neptune ahead…


    For instance, with the occurrence of a ❝ ❞ in Sagittarius 1f3f9. yesterday,
    Jupiter has turned Direct & Went in Post-Shadow Rx Zones & now,
    with the upcoming ❝ ❞ In Gemini, this time,
    Neptune is gonna go Direct just a day before the occurrence of Full Moon
    (let us say in Chicago, it would be Full Moon In Gem around 10:35 pm on 7th December 2022)
    while NEPTUNE is going to get Direct on
    6th December 2022...

    1- On 23rd November With , ❝❞ has turned stationed Direct at 28° Pisces 48’

    2- On 6th December, a day before , The mighty allusive & mystical ❝❞ stations
    and turns direct on December 6, 2023, at 24° Pisces 53′

    ❝ ...❞

    28 Number for Turning Direct belongs to Motherland, Water, Ancestry,
    Nurturing Family & Emotions & Feminine energies

    While 24° for ❝❞ Turning Direct belongs to the matters related to Disguised, Deception,
    Near Water Living, Secrets In Life, Drugs & Hospitals...

    This is going to be the huge Sagittarius season
    (Full of Wisdom, Philosophies, Traveling, Prophecies, & Expansion of Knowledge & Experience at least,
    if not the WEALTH lol
    believe me Knowledge is the most
    precious WEALTH one can gain out of this Sagittarius Season),
    because of both Rulers of ❝❞ & ❝❞ aka Jupiter & Neptune turning direct
    & it's going to be a major shift in energy & helping out
    the Retrograde mars hanging in GEMINI sign for few more months with Rx motion...

    I am already working on FULL MOON`s article/post in GEMINI occurring around the 7th Or 8th of December
    & I am going to post that article/post in some days... just designing the appropriate graphics
    for that Article on FULL MOON...
    There are many shocking things that you folks need to be told, taught & disclosed by my being an Astrologer...

    Stay Tuned...

    1f338.1f338. [  1f4a6. ]  1f4a6. 1f338.1f338.


    #jupiter #Neptune #retrograde #retrogradeseason #planets #Centaurus #astrology #Astrologer #astrologymemes #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #tarot #healing #healingjourney #december #November #fortunetelling #zodiac

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Stonehenge Stone Circle
    25 NOV 2022

    Sunrise at Stonehenge today (25th November) was at 7.40am, sunset is at 4.06pm 2600.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Kathryn Stivers · 1h ·

    The sparsely populated beaches in the Panhandle of North Florida yields some of the darkest skies in North America.
    Here, an area near Bald Point State Park, a lonely salt-water soaked pine tree presents as a sentinel to the cosmos.
    --As a hobbyist night photographer, I've gone about as far as I can go with singe-frame exposures.
    I'm undecided about upgrading to a newer modified body, tracker, stacker,
    --and all the additional equipment that encompasses.
    For now, I just go out to relax and commune with the stars.
    CATEGORY: Single frame
    EXIF: Sony a7riii, 24mm, f1.4, 13 seconds, ISO3200, a little foreground light painting w/LLED panel

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    is this fall 2022 ? is the sky different in each of the other seasons ? what season is best to shot in ? very lovely photo

    • Kathryn Stivers
      Susan Lynne Schwenger this was taken on 03 /aug /2022 aka August 3rd, 2022. Currently, the galactic core of the Milky Way is only above the horizon during the daylight hours.

      So we are in the “off season” for Milly Way photography. There are of course still parts of the MW visible after dark, but not the brightest part of the band.

      MW photography does change a bit year after year, as planets align with the band. This past season was pretty clean, with no planets visible in the primary path.

      The core will re-emerge above the horizon, briefly, in late January. It will be a low arch horizontal to the horizon (roughly), visible about an hour or so before dawn.

      With each passing new moon, the MW will appear an hour or so earlier, and it’s rotational aspect will become more vertical through early Fall.

      This is a very simplistic explanation. I don’t think there is a “best season” I’m my opinion, but different rotational positions work better in some compositions than others.

      I would suggest using an app like PhotoPills to better understand positional behavior, and learn to plan shots.

      I always travel to a location having a pretty good idea of the shot I will come away with.

      Of course if you scout first in the daytime, with PhotoPills night AR, you can plan the exact shot
      you will get for any given time, (weather permitting). Experiment and have fun.

      Good luck!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    # : Post New Moon & Mutable Stressful Saga Of CERES, Neptune & Mars Dance In The Sky
    Distinctive Archetypal Goddess & Protectres Mother Aka" - , , & ", Discording With Mutable Signs Right After New Moon In Sagittarius…
    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. - ( - )... 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.
    Predictions For Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius
    - -:
    With 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. ⚳ At ° ' 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.
    Note: 1f49f. , & , 1f49f. ~ꗥ 1f49f.
    1- Ceres ⚳ Opposition ☍ Nep ♆
    2- Mars 2642. Sq NEP ♆ At 22° 2653.
    3- Ceres ⚳ Sq Mars 2642. 21° 264a.
    , , 270d. 1f47c.
    With the arrival of Sagittarius Season, the saga & dilemma of Mutable stressful energies is also growing stronger, especially when Mars is retrograde in GEM while NEPTUNE in Pisces is literally afflicting our minds & relationships for so long, especially for the folks with VIRGO on the ASC/RISING…
    Ceres is adding more fuel to this combination Of Mars Sq Nep, But With Better Intentions, For the Betterment & Nurturing Of Society, Children With Unconditional Love With the Purpose Of Empathy, Being An Acting Psychiatrist, Psychic & Spiritual Guru Or Teacher & Healer…
    1f338. - 1f338. :
    1f48b. ᑕᖇ ⚳ 1f48b. ❀ Is Nurturance & Protection Towards Children Especially Protecting The Daughters From HADES ABDUCTION (Hades is an archetype & symbol of bad men in the society that do not see girls with good eyes & often are evil spirits towards them), While NEP is Toxicity, Intoxicant & Drug Addiction & Usage just to seek ESCAPISM in case of Depression & When Things Are Not Going Well, & While Mars is the Manifestation Those Thoughts Into Actions & Protection Measures taken to ensure Security…
    Neptune & Ceres Makes A Person EMPATHETIC Towards Animals As Well As Humans & Ensure To Form Better Medicines To Cure The Most Toxic & Incurable Illnesses… (Especially The Illness Which Affects the Mind Along with the Body Because Mars In Gemini Rules Mind & Nep In Pisces Is Depression & Brings Fog To Focus, & Ceres In Virgo Brings An Awareness To Use Antidepressants To Cure Depression & Psychological Issues)...
    Consider World & Earth As Your Own Child & Save The Food & Take All Measure To Ensure Food For The Flood Affectees & Poor/Needy & Feed The Animals Equally With The Human Infants.
    Also, with the involvement of MARS & Neptune, Should Take Proper Security Measures For Child Sexual Abuse, Kidnapping, and Psychological Issues that Might Be Building Up Due To Using TOXINS (Nep) In Food & Water. Deception Coming Through Schemer Women In Society & Family Members…
    Read the Full Article On My Blog Below For Complete Insight About The Influence & Significance of T-Square BetweeN CERES, Neptune & Mars In Mutable (Gemini, Pisces & Virgo Respectively):
    1f496. 1f338.1f338. 1f48b. 1f48b. 1f338.1f338. 1f496.
    #ceres #ceresinvirgo #ceresgoddess #goddessenergy #goddess #goddesses #goddessstory #archetypes #agriculture #daughters #daughter #mother #motherhood #motherlove #mothercare #asteroidgoddesses #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #Astrologer #fortunetelling #childabuse #nurturing

    Astro Aatif
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    02&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=J55p7uQ1X4gAX-NrBXd&tn=TUsX6jSDtHph6Hwc&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. 02&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=J55p7uQ1X4gAX-NrBXd&tn=TUsX6jSDtHph6Hwc&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    Astro Aatif


    1f4a6.1f49c. 1f3f9. 2650. 2650. 1f3f9. 1f49c.1f4a6.

    This Year, This Sagittarius Season spreads the message of hopefulness as this Season is getting mature degree by degree as it floats through the different "❝❞... 2650. 1f525. 1f3f9. 270d.

    : Mercury, Moon Followed By The Saturn For The Final 10 Days

    : Jupiter, Mars & Then SUN for the Final 10 Days

    Interestingly Jupiter Gets Direct Right At The Beginning For The First Decan & If You Use Modern Decanate Rulers, Jupiter Rules The First 10 Days... Even If You Use Chaldean System, The Mercury Still Being
    The Ruler Floats Inside First Decan ( ) Even Though, ☿ Is Detrimental, It Still Rules The 1st Decan & Serve Us Like An Acting ANGEL ( )... 2650. 1f525. 1f3f9.

    & : Healing Centaurs, Like The Messengers Of God ( ☿ ), While Carrying The Flame & Ray Of Hope Have Come Up To Heal The
    Broken Hearts With Motivational FIRE...

    More & more Optimistically crafted are joining as one to HEAL the world through the FIRE of Optimism using the TRINE coming all the way through the ARIES Sign & igniting
    the world with the passion of recognizing the & then working on them by confronting them with high Wisdom, Prophecies & Archership in terms of exploring new worlds, new places & horizons of
    mindblowing " " & of course with the ability to TEACH the world is the owner of the LORD / - & & with Sagittarius, those thunderstorms are
    related to Philosophy Of Prophecies, Knowledge & Expanding The Horizons with Sheer Travels & Finding Targets while carrying the BOW & ARROWS Of Motivation & Skillful Archership...

    Sagittarius Season Holds No Grudges Whatsoever because a Centaur is too much busy with finding targets (One after another) for constant excitement, adventures & exploration that:

    , ...

    Regards, & enjoy this Sagittarius & make the most out of it using the ARCHETYPES of Sagittarius & Guru Jupiter... 2650. 1f57a. 1f525. 1f3f9. 270d.

    1f338. •.¸★ 1f496. 1f49c. 1f3f9. 2650. 2650. 1f3f9. 1f49c. 1f496. ★⡀.• 1f338.

    #Sagittarius #sagittariusseason #Sagitario #SagittariusGang #SagittariusSzn #zodiacsigns #zodiac #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #astrology #astrologer #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #tarot #healing #healingjourney #december #November #archery #archerylife

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