Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Meghan Lynn SAYS:

    22 NOV 2022

    We've just come out of the last degree of Scorpio with dark moon in Scorpio.

    If you've been struggling know you are not alone and please believe it gets better.

    The Sun has just entered Sag

    and tomorrow night we have Jupiter turning direct

    just 5 minutes after the New Moon in Sagittarius.

    This heaviness will be fleeting though in the here and now it doesn't appear so.

    The return of Hope is closer than you think.

    Hold on, we are almost there 2764.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Twilight Warrior
    by Elvira Baranova

    Ruby Falconer
    22 NOV 2022·

    November 23, 2022: New Moon at Sagittarius 01°37’, 5:57 pm EST; Jupiter Stationary.

    Something has changed but we don’t know what it is.

    We exited the Eclipse Portal with the Taurus Full Moon on November 8, US Election Day.

    We are now in a new phase of experience, one that will last until April 20, 2023 - the beginning of our next Eclipse Series.

    The Saturn/Uranus square is still in effect but waning – now at 3 degrees.

    This square has dominated the last two years, creating a persistent sense of being stuck in place

    while something undefined percolates under the surface.

    This energy is beginning to diminish.

    While we may sense we’re in a different place, we haven’t a clue as to what this new energy will look like or how it will behave.

    The uncertainty is understandable.

    Mars continues retrograde in Gemini, in a t-square
    with Neptune and Ceres and in a loose square to stationary Jupiter.

    There’s a lot of bluff and bluster but not much forward motion.

    Sagittarius is the sign of the Righteous Warrior

    – one who fights for an ideal. Jupiter

    – the principle of expansion and the Young King Horus in Egyptian myth

    - is stationary during this Dark Moon, turning direct within 5 minutes of the exact New Moon.

    Stationary Jupiter in the water sign Pisces, in a loose conjunction to Neptune (ruler of Pisces)
    and square to Warrior Mars, is the source of this expanded confusion around right action.

    Jupiter will reenter the fire sign Aries on December 20, near the Solstice and at the end of our current Moon phase.

    Expect an explosion of activity once Jupiter returns to the sign associated with initiatory action.

    In this moment, we are still under water.

    Battle lines are being drawn, strategies explored, and energies redirected.

    Action is stirring but direction is unclear.

    More will be revealed by the end of the year.

    November 22, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.

    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #SagittariusNewMoon

    Twilight Warrior by Elvira Baranova

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 NOV 2022
    Wednesday, November 23rd 2022 is a New Moon 1f31a. in Sagittarius 2650. 1f929. 1f499. 1f320. 1f525. 1f40e.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    1h ·

    Sagittarius New Moon
    23 Nov at 2.57 pm PST- 5.57 pm EST- 10.57 pm GMT
    24 Nov at 6.57 am AWST Perth- 9.57 am AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    The sign of Sagittarius is associated with philosophy, religion, and belief systems.

    It is also the sign of the vision quest, the search for meaning, aligning with our Higher Consciousness
    and being guided by our Higher Self.

    When Venus entered Sagittarius on Nov 15/16 she opened the gateway to manifesting our highest vision.

    She invoked the energy of the Moon Goddess Diana, at-oneness-within.

    Venus is currently Evening Star also emphasising being in our sacred power.

    Mercury, our thoughts and perceptions, entered Sagittarius on Nov 17, 2022.

    Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is logical thinking.

    But I believe when he visits Sagittarius he is Hermes, the spiritual messenger, bringing us the gift of Spiritual Vision.

    The Sun entered Sagittarius on Nov 22, 2022 joining Venus and Mercury to support our Vision quest journey
    and the Earth entered Gemini asking us to heal duality and unite in love.

    We are in this energy until the Sun enters Capricorn on Dec 21, 2022 opening the door to our Soul Purpose Path.

    The New Moon Nov 23/24, 2022 is at 01 degree Sagittarius 38 and activates The Tarot Constellation of The Hierophant,
    learning from experience to become the wise teacher.

    This Moon cycle is about freeing your spirit and being guided by your Higher Consciousness.

    It is also about letting go judgement and dogmatic thinking.

    Venus is at 09 degrees Sagittarius and Mercury is at 10 degrees Sagittarius leading the New Moon into the spiritual realms.

    They are trine (removal of obstacles) Chiron retrograde at 12 degrees Aries (healing the wounds of rejection and abandonment),

    This is also the beginning of many Out of Bound planetary influences for the next few weeks taking us into 2023.

    When planets are out of bounds they are beyond the influence of the Sun or Ego and open to visionary thinking and new ways of being.

    The planetary guide for this Moon Cycle is Jupiter at 28 degrees Pisces 47.

    Five minutes after the Sun and Moon meet Jupiter moves in direct motion.

    He has been retrograde since July 28, 2022 beginning his backward journey
    then at 08 degrees Aries (searching for inspired new beginnings).

    He re-entered Pisces on Oct 28 supporting us to heal, forgive, complete,
    and release whatever blocks us from expansion and growth of our spiritual vision.

    In Pisces he reminds us we are all One.

    That is another message at this New Moon. Jupiter will re-enter Aries on Dec 20, 2022 opening the doorway to new beginnings.

    This Moon cycle we are working with mutable energy.

    Learning to let go of control and flowing with life.

    Here are the dynamic activations and brief descriptions from now until the Dec 07/08, 2022
    Gemini Full Moon (healing duality and embracing unity). All dates are Eastern Time.

    Nov 25, 2022 - Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (healing the spirit).
    Moon in Sagittarius (being guided by our Higher Consciousness).

    Nov 28, 2022 - Mars retrograde in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (strengthening our connection to Cosmic Consciousness)

    Nov 29 to Dec 01, 2022 - Mars Rx in Gemini opposite Mercury in Sagittarius (duality vs spiritual guidance).
    Moon in Pisces (healing and completion).
    Mars Rx opposite Venus in Sagittarius (finding balance in relationship).
    Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune Rx in Pisces (illusion or illumination).
    Moon joins Neptune in Pisces (mystical union).

    Dec 02, 2022- Moon in Aries joins Chiron in Aries (healing leads to inspired new vision).

    Dec 03, 2022 - Neptune in Pisces moves direct (the path of Illumination).
    Neptune has been Retrograde since June 28.
    The theme has been illusion or illumination.

    Dec 04, 2022 - Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces.
    Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx in Aries (healing and spiritual harmony).

    Dec 05, 2022 - Moon in Taurus meets Uranus Rx in Taurus (focus on what is meaningful and of value).

    Dec 06, 2022 - Mercury enters Capricorn (Soul Purpose doorway opens).

    Venus joins him on Dec 09/10, 2022 (creative power).

    Dec 07/08, 2022 - Gemini Full Moon (change your thoughts, change your life).

    Our Animal Totem guides for Sagittarius are Elk, strength, stamina, and support of community,
    and Owl, the spiritual wisdom to discern the truth.

    For Gemini we are guided by Deer, sensitivity, empathy, and compassionate understanding.

    They are reversed for the South Hemisphere.

    The Clan Mother who guides Sagittarius is Gives Praise.

    She teaches us to make space for Abundance and to develop inner strength.

    She teaches us to change our consciousness and walk the Pathway to Peace.

    For Gemini we are guided by Storyteller.

    She is the Guardian of the Magical Spirit

    She teaches us how to listen to others point of view and when we speak to speak from the heart
    with kindness and compassion.

    She guides us as we create our new story.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).

    From Dec 01 to 04, 2022 when Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
    they are aligned with the Fixed Star Ras Alhague in the astronomical constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder.

    Its theme is the healer, to repair that which is damaged.

    The Sun in Sagittarius will also align with this Star on Dec 14, 2022
    and be square to Neptune in Pisces (illusion or illumination).

    During this timing let us all embrace healing and sending our Loving Light out into the world.

    Namaste and blessings,


    To contact me email at daleosadchuk@rogers.com I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    This is Oliver, The Peacock
    Patti Davis Trautwein


    Stellium In 1f3f9. 1f3f9. : , ☿ & 2640. facilitating the motivation for the FIRE Signs

    (Those who have Fire Placements in their Hearts, Horoscopes & need a further spark in life, this is the season for you folks)...

    When The LEOs are so excited to get TRINES from heavy Sagittarius Season 1f3f9. & Stellium to show off getting center stage

    & their attention-seeking abilities are much worth attention as well...

    Interestingly the NEW MOON At °♐︎’ in 1f3f9. 1f3f9. this year is falling right with the start of the Sagittarius season,

    right on the FIRST DECAN OF SAGITTARIUS At °♐︎’ & which is ruled by Jupiter (By Modern Rulership).

    This Peacock Wings & Beautiful Showoff reminds me of the famous & beautiful encouraging Song of Celine Dion...

    1f496. ; 1f496.


    I Get Wings To Fly

    I Feel That I Am Alive

    You Have Set My Heart On Fire

    Filled Me With Love

    Made Me A Woman On Clouds Above

    I Couldn't Get Much Higher

    My Spirit Takes Flight

    When You Look At Me

    I Can Touch The Sky

    All my worries die

    I know that I'm alive

    I get wings to fly

    God knows that I'm alive.. ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·♩♪♫"

    Enjoy this Sagittarius Season folks...

    1f4a6.    [ ]       1f4a6.
    This is Oliver, The Peacock
    Patti Davis Trautwein

    #Leo #sagittariusseason #Sagitario #sagittarius #SagittariusSzn #astrologypost

    #Astrologer #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #tarot #tarotmemes #zodiacmemes #horoscope #Aries #firesigns #descanso


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