Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The ancestors are calling you.
    These are your 'spirit families' and guardians from the deep, eternally-bound past. The ancestors gather around you, perhaps straddling many native cultures, traditions, communities and civilisations.
    Your personal spiritual timeline - how your soul has reached across lifetimes and millennia - can be reflected in the shimmering faces of the sacred ancestors that make contact with you now.
    You can easily link in with your spiritual ancestors by considering the traditions, cultures, perhaps countries, and 'realms' that you are instinctively attracted to.
    This is usually a very magnetic feeling; a pull or draw towards a certain group or tribe.
    Ww For example, you may be very attracted to native traditions of countries such as America, South America, Africa, the Middle East.
    You may feel a pull towards the aesthetics, food, colours, textures and music of this culture or tradition.
    Your ancestors of Light extend to those who you may consider to be 'off-Earth', such as angels and star-beings.
    They can be goddesses and gods.
    They can be sacred animal totems. There are endless forms of spiritual ancestry who form up the lifeblood of your Soul.
    These guides specifically want to call themselves 'ancestors' today. They are your Great Mothers and Grandmothers, Great Fathers and Grandfathers, Brothers and Sisters. They comprise a Great Family of Light that surrounds your soul path.
    It is important that you recognise your ancestors, as they connect with you now to deliver vital energies and new guidance.
    They know you inside and out, and can also take you on journeys to rediscover lost and forgotten parts of your Self.
    This liberates your spirit and helps you to remember your deepest purpose. You will feel a closeness, a sweet familiarity with your ancestral families.
    They will often have significant messages for you, at poignant moments upon your 'Earth Walk'.
    It is no random occurrence that you are drawn inexplicably to specific realms or cultures, sacred rituals or healing traditions, at certain trigger points in your life.
    You are responding to a Call from your spiritual ancestors, and they are asking you to be open to connection.
    Ancestors create events and situations in which you can receive their contact, open to their assistance and expand your Self. This is usually out of the control of your mind's plans about your life. It is serendipitous, magical, destined.
    This is the Way of the Ancestors.
    They come to remind you of the realms beyond the veil.
    They come to remind you of your innate greatness, and capacity to illuminate the world. They come to offer healing, rituals, succour and sustenance for your opening into Spirit.
    They believe in your deep powers and want you to use them, for the greatest good of all.
    The Ancestors gather now, in healing circles, on the ground and in the air, in the oceans and rivers, the hills and mountains.
    Listen and Hear their Call.
    It is only for you.
    By - Sophie Bashford
    Shared by Ascension LightWorkers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This single exposure shot of the aurora borealis
    was captured by Photographer: Kristoff Druva.
    Perfect timing on this magical view @kdruvaphotography !
    31 Oct 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    01 NOV 2022
    Lafontaine Beach 1f9e1.
    ( 1f4f8. IG: ronvz_photography)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Stonehenge Stone Circle

    Sunrise at Stonehenge today (1st November) was at 6.59am, sunset is at 4.41pm 1f327.

    01 NOV 2022

    Photographer: Stonehenge Stone Circle

    Sunrise at Stonehenge today (1st November) was at 6.59am, sunset is at 4.41pm 1f327.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    North of the Moon


    North of the Moon's quick notes for November 2, 2022:
    Easier day. The Moon in Aquarius will be in her Void of Course phase as the day begins (USA).

    This causes the energies to be somewhat unproductive. Do what you can, but don't push yourself
    or others as it will bet met with more questions than answers.

    Your physical energy may seem good and yet, rather flat. At 11:46 am (PDT/USA + 8 hrs UK) the Moon will enter Pisces.

    This sets up the energies to be more dreamy than upfront.

    With both the Sun and Moon in water signs, Scorpio and Pisces respectively, the need to relax, dream,
    and relate on an emotional level strengthens.

    Tonight, you can vision your future through your desires and intuition. Let your thoughts be creative and magical.

    That will help open up your truth. Be careful where you step as the feet are very vulnerable.

    A stubbed toe will rapidly bring you back to reality.

    It's a good time to redo your altar with Selenite to draw in the higher vibes.

    Or, you could just feel the need to rest. As I keep reporting, the cosmic vibes are intense on many levels.

    Again, self care is very important. A massage or energy work would be beneficial now

    . Take care! 2764. NotM

    ☆ Mars in Gemini retrograde can cause disagreements to erupt between loved ones or co-workers.

    You may need to let out the frustrations through physical workouts or walks in nature.

    Be mindful of thinking before you speak or act.

    This retrograde will last until January 12th, 2023

    Set your vibrations to rise above the petty dramas that will crop up.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Breathtaking real image
    of a bright green meteor
    in Southern India 1f976.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ascension Lightworkers
    NOVEMBER of 2022

    In this month of November the theme is all about Energy cleansing
    and it is not a glamorous process.

    Because Its not just about good vibes, yoga and buddha bowls.

    It's heavy and deep and can feel relentless at times .

    Others can think healing is just magic and positive vibes.

    Healing is accepting and integrating painful

    experiences from the past.

    Honesty and transparency are important.

    Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, and don't hide it.

    This is also a month of karma and it

    is calling us all in one way or another .

    This is about clearings and releasing that which brings in a lot of drama and chaos.

    It’s going to be unpredictable and catalystic.

    November is all about change endings and new beginnings.

    Many will see Karmic Justice in areas of life

    where there has been an injustice that has caused a great deal of pain and hurt .

    The burdens you've been carrying just to survive are now coming to an end.

    There is the divine plan with divine order that is bringing you the justice you deserve

    from enslavement of the matrix system, to people, and relationships.

    Revelations of Wisdom are overriding the limited consciousness once hardwired into the memory.

    New understanding, healing, and

    sovereignty are aligning you with what's been hidden from you - your truth.

    Now is the opportunity to become a student of the Light ,

    and learn the new blueprints of the New Earth Family Tree template.

    She is here showing us the way of being a Sister of the Rose

    and embodying the New Earth Feminine Way of love, unity, family, and creation.

    This is already seeded in you and your seed system .

    Growth is here to leave the emotional core wounds and behaviours behind, and expand this legacy of healing .

    This begins with healing the heart’s woundings and learning a new path.

    Slowing down, pausing and receiving this gift from The Universe .

    In Loving and Devoted Service

    Ascension LightWorkers


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