Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Awesome Photography by: Al Sposato
    just think...123 days approx, to spring
    17 NOV 2022


    Astro Aatif
    18 NOV 2022

    Predictions: , , , , !!

    The distinctive cosmical shift in energies when it comes to “Opinion Making”,
    Belief Systems, Truth-Seeking, & Interacting With Foreign Cultures &
    Their Prophecies From Different Religions Globally…

    Here comes The Detrimental Mercurial Transit For Farewelling Scorpio Season
    On A Lighter & Humorous Note…

    1f338. - ( ) ꗥ 1f338.

    From 17th November - 6th December 2022



    Truth-Finder With The Ability To Fully Understand The Difference Of Opinions
    But Yet Strongly Object to Them, Deep Interest In Knowing About
    Different Cultures & Behaviors Of Foreigners, Finding The Truth Of Life
    Using The Philosophical Belief System, Inability To Complete Argument In
    Summarizing Way, Considering Matters At A Larger Scale While Exaggerating Small Subjects
    & Convert Them Into Something Big (Drawing the \Bigger Picture)
    While Neglecting Details & Missing Out On the Conclusive Excerption.

    This Bigmouth piece ARCHER has a weird Sarcastic sense that can trigger
    & turn people against him because of his “Straightforwardness” &
    speaking without thinking of consequences but interestingly
    he is lucky enough to get away with it & why not?

    After all, it's JUPITER who is operating behind this MERCURIAL placement lol so yeah,
    jovialness is at its best with MERC in Sagittarius Natives…

    Utilize this energy to improve your knowledge, & refrain from making people your enemies
    because of weird sarcasm just for the sake of “humor”,
    because remember, not everything comes in Humor
    & sometimes, extraordinarily TRUTH can ignite people
    as they would take your opinion in intrusive measures & in bad taste…

    Note: if you like my work & posts,
    you can tip me on my Paypal "azeezus@gmail.com" for encouragement...

    Regards, & enjoy these soft detrimental transits to farewell the harsh ecliptic Scorpio Season…

    1f496. ミ★ Astrologer Aatif ★彡 1f496.


    #mercuryinsagittarius #sagittariusseason #SagittariusSzn #sagittariusmercury
    #detrimentalmercury #november #astrologymemes #astrologypost
    #astrology #Astrologer #astrologyreadings #zodiacsigns #9thhouseastrology

    philosophy #Religion #fortuneteller #fortunetelling


    17 NOV 2022


    Lake Superior’s Fury

    Duluth, Michigan
    By Nathan Klok Photography

    The Gales of November were out in FULL FORCE
    on Thursday, 17 NOV 2022,

    Wind gusts topped 55mph which created waves
    as large as 11’ tall on the lake.
    Watching those monstrous waves roll into the shoreline
    of Tettegouche State Park
    and explode is one of the most exhilarating things
    I’ve ever photographed.

    #destinationduluth #befromduluth #yourdestinationforlife
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    remember, anything you sent to someone else
    can be boosted 3, 6, or 9 times the force that was sent ..
    and, be set to automatic fire right back at you !!!
    so, be mindful, sending others bad energies,
    is NOT a brilliant choice, NOR a good, NOR a wise thing to do!!!
    Be a piece of peace, or, do NOT bother !!!
    ~susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d
    #TheFinalFire #TheOriginalSpark
    The Journey to #The13thBridge

    THE BRiLLiANCE OF: Dolores Cannon
    Art by: Hans Walor

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    4m · 19 NOV 2022

    Astrology Update: 19th November 2022

    /, /, , & ...

    Restrictive Energies despite having recent jovial & lighter Sagittarius Ingresses & Transits we have been witnessing...

    Mars 2642. In Gem ♊︎ 90 Degrees Square NEP/Varuna ♓︎ On 19th Nov 2022 - A Time To Find The Higher Self & Vibrational Calling

    1f48b. ❀ᔕ ᔕ 1f48b.1f338.

    Due To Retrograde Motion, Mars Has Been Making Dance Back & Forth With Neptune Through A Nasty & Stressful Energies…

    Firstly, Mars since its Ingress into the Gemini sign created a Square with Neptune back on 12th October 2022 At 23°18’ & today, At 2642. At ℞ 22° 264a. 42’ &
    Nep ♆ At ℞ 22° 2653. 42’ Mars is creating the same stressful angle with Neptune once again on 19th November 2022…

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    A True Spiritual Calling & Finding Your Higher Self Through Strong Spiritual & Mystique Practises, Spreading Message Of God Through Preaching &
    Congregational Activities.

    Difficulties In Challenizing Energies Into Propriate & Constructive Ventures/Endeavors, Getting Misguided By Those Who Use Your Efforts For
    Their Personal Gains.

    : &

    Be Receptive To The Vibrational Pull By The Universe While Keeping A Nice Balance Between Materialism & Divine World Of Higherself &
    Transcendence State Of Nirvana Where Humans Tends To Rise Above Focusing On Consequential Daily Life Problems, So They Avoid Sinful
    Activities Which Normal Humans Otherwise Do, In Order To Run After Status Conscious Worldly Desires & Material Lifestyle...

    1f4a6.       [ , , , & / , , , ,
    , , & ]       1f4a6.

    Avoid Nervous & Speculative Changeable Investments: Watch Out For Using Your Hands Or Investments/Endeavors that require Hands such as
    “Transport Business”, Vehicle Sell & Purchase and Car Dealing, etc Also be careful of making any hasty decision because remember there would
    always be some DECEPTIVE element behind the actions that deal with consequential loss of your vitality, physical & mental drainage & MONEY
    LOSS through speculative investments (Especially when other celestial bodies floating Or ingressing into Sagittarius these days), or else you might
    end up losing money & heavy loss on that particular profession/business investments big time because of heavy FOG in that coming through
    Retrograde NEP…

    Neptune & Pisces Just Diverts Your Focus From Real World Reality & When It Comes to money,
    Mars while getting stressful energies through Neptune, loses its focus from WORLDLY desires
    because of high “Decompressing The Focus From Material World”, this could interpret it as,
    “Neptune de-emphasizes your attention-span from Material Or Realworld Money related investments
    such as Status-Quo, High society ornamental values & of course Materialism”,
    because Nep believes that if you want to find the GOD & Higherself,
    you would need to rise above all the Money, Property, Wealth
    Or any Materlism that human these days run after…

    This is very very dangerous for real-time investments, daily life problems
    & of course might disturb/shake up the whole budget through SPECULATIVENESS
    that you create in the FOGGINESS/Blurriness & all the Confusion your GEMINI Mind
    flats under this Stressful Mutable influence of “Mars Sq Neptune”…

    Regards, & for personal Readings/Predictions, feel free to DM me for Pricing & Scheduling...

    ▞▞▞▞▞▖ 1f338. ꗥ ꗥ 1f338. ▝▞▞▞▞▞


    #Mars #retrogradeseason #retrogradeplanets #Neptune #neptuneinpisces #vibrationalhealing
    #healing #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualguide
    #spiritualawakening #deception #ScamAlert #scam #Gemini #sagittariusseason #scorpioseason #scorpioszn

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Meme by Laura Baker
    (awaiting info on it)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    7 Trues Of Self
    by Stephen Cocconi
    of : 7 Trues of Self – Citizen Of Earth (themichaelteaching.com)

    The Seven (7) True Pillars of Whole Self

    In the Michael Teaching, the 7 Trues are specific activities the Essence/Soul
    designed within its blueprint to assist the Personality in achieving its highest possible experiences in a lifetime.

    The Trues are chosen by the Essence based on its past lives and may be first detected
    in early childhood experience.

    Trues can be selected to help the Personality accomplish a task
    or learn something new.

    Activating the Trues allows the Personality to feel healed, relaxed, balanced, and energized.

    Their activation also allow the Essence to express clearly
    through the Personality without interference of Ego.

    When most of the Trues are realized and implemented,
    the person will possess increased vitality for life,
    and perhaps radiate with greater vibrational harmony
    in their life and relationships.

    Some of your Trues may look like hobbies or regular activities you find interesting.

    Yes, many of the Trues are hobbies.

    Though culturally we classify hobbies as nice things to do
    after you have gotten your job done.

    But, in fact, the 7 Trues are equally, if not more important to your well being
    because they provide deeper levels of satisfaction and healing for the life
    of a Personality.

    Important: If you are doing your Life Purpose but not your Trues,
    you will feel deficient, out of balance, or depleted by life.

    Conversely, if you are activating your Trues but not living your Life Purpose,
    you are more likely to feel wholeness
    but dissatisfied with or by the direction your life is taking.

    A sense of fulfillment is likely to feel fleeting or incomplete.

    The 7 Truths are qualities and activities most certainly familiar
    to the Essence in a historic sense.

    So often tapping into past life (or early life scenarios from childhood)
    can display for you the things once expressed without hesitation.

    In some cases, you are called to “stretch” yourself with a True
    that will assist you in accomplishing
    something your Essence finds desirable for you to learn..

    Yet overall, these are supplied to the Instinctive-Past Life memory center
    of the first chakra
    for individuals to have ways of nourishing themselves.

    True Work

    True Work is the vocation or avocation that takes advantage of your greatest skills.

    It does not mean that every time one uses their best work talents
    that they enjoy the process.

    Some even resist their true work and wish that their True Service or True Study

    could be substituted for it.

    In a Wonderful Life, Jimmy Steward’s character George,
    steeped in Martyrdom, believes that his True Study
    – travel, was his real destiny. In the end, it was a spirit guide,
    Clarence that helped to show George
    the impact of his work on others.

    Georges Life Task, as one can extrapolate from the movie,
    was to protect the people of his small town
    and demonstrate the love and fairness can be more powerful than greed.

    True work often inspires a sense of nobles oblige (noble obligation.)
    Ex: My true work is assisting other people clarify their communications
    and to assist them in understanding the communications of others.
    Ex: My true work is to create images and presence for person’s business concern
    as to reveal the side of themselves they wish to market.

    True Service

    True Service is a gift from your Essence given to the world in service to the One.

    When one of us is supported, the One is also supported.

    When given, it often produces feelings of deep satisfaction and inner peace.

    Whenever we do our True Service, it raises our vibration.

    While it can evoke a sense of gratitude from those receiving the gift,
    when genuinely given from Essence, no Ego is involved.

    In other words, there is no attachment to the giving.

    True Service will raise your energy up the Vitality Tone Scale.

    When giving Service it produces a feeling of true satisfaction and nobility.

    And by its doing, provides others with a feeling of compassion
    and from those served a sense of gratitude

    The Vitality Tone Scale would show that this state is a consolation
    and helps our vibration rise.

    It is as if though your own well being depends upon the well being of another.

    Ex. My true service is to provide a compassionate space for people to talk
    about their deep feelings.

    Ex. My true service is to avail myself to a greater need than my own
    when the situation calls for assistance.

    True Love

    Designed to manifest hope and connectedness for a person,
    and give one the experience of unconditional love.

    The ultimate purpose is to keep the Essence and Personality attuned to
    Universal Love or Love of God.

    True Love is a feeling of love, connection and wholeness that nothing else can provide.

    When true love is found, (which occurs after the Infatuation Phase) then a soul can experience rootedness and trust with that person.

    While most people would consider their True Love a person,
    it is indeed possible for it to be a muse.

    For Mozart, True Love was his music.

    Though his lust was renown, sex was his True Play.

    True love is a feeling of wholeness that nothing else can deliver.

    It inspires one to trust and the want to form bonds of cooperation.

    Ultimately, True Love is meant to remind our Personalities that WE ARE THE LOVE.

    Ex: My true love is a person who reflects and inspires in me the expression
    of the best and most enjoyable of all my qualities.

    True Rest

    are those activities which allow you to rejuvenate spiritually, mentally,
    emotionally, and physically.

    This is how the Essence builds energy or chi to pursue its goals.

    This is not necessarily sleeping or lying around, although it may have those elements.

    True Rest is generally low-key activities that are relaxing and internalized.

    Reading, watercolor painting, sewing, strumming a guitar
    or playing pool are examples of True Rest.

    You can tell when you are doing a True Rest because little energy is expended;
    yet you will feel energized.

    The activities cause one to be quiet, meditative, and inward focusing.

    Focused and repetitive contemplation or meditation in which one follows thought,
    with no effort or need to do anything about it, is also a form of rest.

    True Rest allows one to experience being in the now.
    Ex: My true rest is reading science fiction that has a universal applicability
    to our contemporary human condition.

    True Study

    True Study is the chosen field of examination the Essence chooses for a particular life.

    The chosen study is meant to create a bridge between our Personality
    and a higher meaning in life.

    Taking photographs, learning about plants, building race cars,
    reading historical novels, cooking,
    finding a medical cure are just a few of the forms True Study can make.

    Your True Study will create a constant background interest
    in a broad subject or activity.

    You will have passion and high interest about delving into your given topic.

    Ex: My true study is the discovery, discernment, and conveyance of words
    and their most fundamental meanings.

    Ex: My true study is the discussion, and contemplation of philosophical
    \and strategic ideas, concepts,
    and principles for the possible use and teaching in my life.

    Ex: My true study is how energy of the universe flows
    or gets blocked in the physical world,
    and what impact that has on people, animals and the earth.

    So I study feng shui, astrology and geomancy.

    True Home

    True Home is where you feel the most anchored and at peace on the physical plane.

    It is where your first chakra, or instinctive center, grounds down to feel stable.

    This does not have to be an actual home with an address.

    True Home is about geography rather than a specific location.

    For some it is a redwood forest, for others it is being on a surfboard,
    while some feel at home in their vehicles.

    While your personal home or apartment is a sanctuary to let your guard down
    and feel comfortable,

    the True Home goes beyond that and allows you to feel safe, supported
    and energized by the location.

    By filling your house with qualities of your True Home

    – furniture, art, plants – you can bring that energy into your everyday life.

    Living at or near your True Home is energizing and stabilizing.

    Ex: “My true home is a place where all my creature comforts
    are met and I can look out from my window or porch
    and see the best of Nature and of human culture. “

    Ex: My true home is in the tropics.
    Ex: “My true home is one where there is year round light and is in a warm climate.

    True Play

    True Play supports not only the physical body’s need to move and be energized,
    it also allows the release of built up energy of everyday life.

    It is an important outlet for outflow not only for the body, but also emotionally and mentally.

    Physical passion or aggression in an activity allows this release, giving one a satisfied feeling from the exertion.

    Think of how you feel when you challenge yourself beyond your normal physical boundaries?

    For some True Play can push them to the threshold of life and death.

    Generally it is not that extreme,
    however, True Play can provide a rush of adrenaline.

    Sports and dancing are examples of True Play.

    Ex: “My True Play is bringing humor to every situation
    and portray the cosmic comedy
    in all life circumstances as I (and my inner characters) envision them.

    Ex: My True Play is performing comedy.

    True Creativity

    True Creativity is a subset of True Play and is equally important.

    Every Essence has a deep need to create.

    The word create does not simply mean to build, invent or make something,
    but rather to uniquely express an inner awareness in a way that makes sense to you.

    True Creativity inspires us because it is Essence directed; it comes from spirit.

    What is your creative outlet? Creating is fun!

    We believe is equally as important to understand.

    It is the idea that in true play, there is also. Invention may have as its mother, necessity,
    but its father is curiosity.

    In play, we often allow our own elements to form in ways that appear chaotic or spontaneous.

    What one is witnessing is the process of creation right in front of your eyes.

    So what is your creative outlet? The word creativity does not simply mean,
    build, invent, or make, but rather to uniquely express some inner pattern outwardly
    in a way the makes sense to you.

    The pattern can be an attracting or facilitating circumstance as to create
    a desired outcome or consequence.

    In all the above examples, these are inspired with us to experience the satisfaction
    and beauty of our own Soloverse made manifest.

    Ex: My True Creativity is to capture an expression of a character attribute that I observe,
    in a photograph.

    Questions to Ask in Pursuit of Trues

    1) What is the thing you find the least used: your body (sensations),
    your emotions (how you perceive something as like or dislike)
    or your intellect (to stop and think about the qualities of something
    or someone that makes you attracted or repelled by it?)

    2) What would you like to change about the world for the better?

    3) What are the kind of issues in the society that make you angry?

    4) What items in the news most make you indignant?

    5) What would you love to do or accomplish before you die?

    6) What would you do if you could not fail?

    7) What would you do if you would not be limited by money?

    8) What were the activities or tasks you were doing when you felt most empowered?
    Think about the jobs you have had, voluntary work, school and so on.

    9)What were you doing when you felt the happiest, most productive
    and eager to do what you were doing?

    10) What are the things you currently enjoy doing?

    a. Sports, hobbies, activities, music, dancing, cooking, events, daily tasks like reading, walking the dog, making time with kids or spouse, etc.?

    11) What would you like to hear at your funeral?
    Imagine people talking in the audience.
    What kind of attributes would they be saying about you?
    Do you like these things?What things are you hearing them say that you
    greatly dislike but know it is true about you?

    What would you most like to be acknowledged for so far in your life?
    What are the accomplishments you are proud of?
    Small or big, what are you proud of yourself?

    13) If you had only one wish, what would it be? (This one should be for yourself.)

    14) Do you take responsibility for what is happening to you?

    Look at the kind of person you are and where you are with your life right now.

    Do you believe it is you who is the reason for the way things are?

    Can you create your own future?

    15) With whom would you like to surround myself?

    What are the kind of people you would like to be surrounded with in terms of lifestyle, occupation, wealth, interests?

    16) In what you call a good day, what kinds of things happen in it?

    17) In what you call a bad day, what kinds of things happen in it?

    18) What one belief about yourself would make you like yourself more?

    19) What one belief that you currently hold about yourself
    would be great for you let go of?


    Stephen Cocconi

    of : 7 Trues of Self – Citizen Of Earth (themichaelteaching.com)


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Dennis Binns
    18m · 19 nov 2022

    Great Spirit, it is with humbled hearts that we gather together to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for your light during our darkest hours.

    We thank you for the comfort you give when we are in despair.

    For new opportunities after other doors have closed, we give thanks.

    We thank you for times of solitude and rebalance, when we are able to step away from concrete jungles
    and spend time in nature.

    We thank you for the healing energies you bring when we are suffering.

    We thank you for the many blessings and gifts you have bestowed upon us.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life.

    We thank you for the stillness of the oceans and lakes in the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the sacred ground we tread upon each day, as it holds the blood and history of our ancestors.

    We thank you for the oneness we sense when we lay upon Mother Earth.

    We thank you for the wisdom we find in the trees, when we clear our minds and learn to listen.

    We thank you for the rushing waters flowing from snowcapped mountains,
    and the moisture of the leaves and plants during the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the clouds that bring us rain and snow to provide moisture to the soil,
    and the shade we are given during the warmest of days.

    We thank you for beauty we find in nature. We thank you for the multicolored leaves of the forests
    during their time of preparation toward the season of slumber.

    We thank you for the winds that blow across the grassy plains.

    We thank you for the lightning that provides nitrates to the soil and allow for growth.

    We thank you for the deer, bear, wolf, beaver and otters found in the forest.

    We thank you for the viper, roadrunner, coyote and spider found in the desert.

    We thank you for the lion, hyena, elephant and giraffe of the savannah.

    We thank you for the tiger, jaguar, leopard and monkey found in the jungle.

    For the many endless species of swimmers found in the waters, we thank you.

    We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.

    We thank you for family and friends that continue to be with us during our journey to provide support.

    We thank you for friends that may be with us for a short time to give us necessary wisdom and support.

    We thank you for the endless expanse of the universe that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the many trials we endure that strengthen our spirit.

    We thank you for the answering of prayers and the understanding that all things have a purpose and a reason.

    So, it is. So shall it be.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    17 NOV 2022
    18 NOV 2022

    Stonehenge Dronescapes
    The 2022 Leonid Meteor shower over Stonehenge 1f60d. 2604. 2b50. 2728.
    I had an a great time out under the stars over the last 2 nights
    capturing these amazing falling objects in the night sky 1f60a.
    The first night which was the peak was frustrating with clouds until around 0130
    where i caught half a dozen aiming at Orion due to the moon
    being right under the radiant point in Leo 1f981.
    I wasn't fortunate enough to catch any whilst shooting the sky and foreground shots,
    all Meteors were captured from the 2 byways by Stonehenge 1f642.
    #leonidas #leonidsmeteorshower2022 #meteor #stonehenge #ShootingStars #astro #astrophotography

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