Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    1f316. 1f316. ♊︎ ♊︎

    90 Degrees Squaring to Neptune & Conjunction With Retrograde Mars in Gemini

    The Mutable Lunar Transit & Stressful & Intuitive Squares From Gemini To Pisces Sign
    guides us not to panic in any case & rather utilize your imaginatively
    & Intellectually (Rx Mars in GEM) active compassionate nature to Swing, Glide
    & Swim in both directions at a time by using the DUAL FISH capabilities of "Neptune In Pisces".

    Instead of taking drugs, stimulants, or intoxicants while getting Melancholy
    Or Delving into Such imagination to seek "Escapism" (Pisces Squares Gemini)
    that brings you Self-delusional consequences & karmas in the end (Pisces nep),
    rather utilize those energies in constructive stuff because your mind
    should be wandering big time through nervous & high curiosity that is triggered
    through Gemini & Pisces Squares & this Lunar Cycle in intellectual GEM...

    Regards, & enjoy this Gemini Cycle & try to gain knowledge
    & information as much as you can... 1f9d0. 1faf6. 270d.

    ╏╠══[ ]       1f4a6.

    #mooningemini #geminimoon #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #astrology #tarot #fortuneteller #twinschallenge #twins #November #novemberchallenge #November2022 #transits #predictions #zodiac #ScorpioSzn #scorpioseason

    Bree Ritch says:



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    08 NOV 2022
    Photographer: Katie Salisbury Noble
    Missed the eclipse, but did catch this full moon rainbow
    at an unearthly hour - 1f308. 1f315. 1f308. -
    a little research has revealed that this is actually called a moonbow
    and is quite a rare sighting and Is a sign of hope in the darkness!
    #Georgian_Bay #GeorgianBay #Ontario #canada


    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Jen Waine · 12m on 10 NOV 2022

    11 nov 2022


    Love to all who continue to experience the eclipsing and are experiencing loss of some form.

    If you aren’t experiencing it directly, you surely know someone who recently
    lost a mother, a father, a lover, a friend, a pet.

    Eclipses, especially Lunar Eclipses such as the one on Tuesday,

    often take something away and carry it to its final resting place.

    Loss occurs at a point of completion.

    Many forms of rupture are occurring for many people right now.

    Some have passed over. Some went on to the next part of their journey but couldn’t take us with them.

    There is a large amount of grief in the ethers right now.

    On top of the Lunar Eclipse we had this week, note that there is a concentration of planets on the South Node:

    * Venus in Scorpio
    * Mercury in Scorpio
    * Sun in Scorpio
    * South Node in Scorpio

    This concentration of energies in Scorpio on the South Node add to the loss we are experiencing.

    These celestial bodies are tightly intertwined within 10 degrees of one another suggesting extra potency.

    The South Node is where energy exits.

    Scorpio is transformation.

    An entity that once thrived has morphed and expired.

    With Venus involved, it may be a relationship or something of value that is being laid to rest.

    With Mercury involved, there is a good chance some communication is taking place around the departure.

    With the Sun there, something has been illuminated that has a purpose.

    Something you need to see.

    Some type of legacy that is left behind following the departure.

    With the Eclipses involved this past month, something was illuminated where you had a blind spot.

    I know many of you are saying goodbyes. Sending love.

    To our grieving collective, I send love.


    On a more positive note, tomorrow is 11/11/22.

    Some serious magical numbers there!

    Be sure to make a wish at 11:11am + 11:11pm.

    Jen Waine
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif
    31m ·

    : 270d.
    ❖❀~ &
    & , & ~❀❖

    1f49d. 1f49d. 2640. () 1f49d. - () 1f49d.

    2640. ♆ - -

    ╠══[ , , , , , , , & !!! ]       1f4a6.

    : Epic Sacrificial Saga Of Self-delusional, Deceitful & Unrequited love…..

    Where Love, Jealousy, Possessiveness & Eroticism Of Scorpio Jumps

    Into The Blind Valleys Of Honey Trap Set By The Subconscious Realms Of Foggy,
    Deceptive & Spiritual Active Mystical Neptune

    & & :

    Is Love Really Self-Deceptive & Keeps Us Imaginative Into
    Self-Denial Mode & Breaks The Heart In The End?

    1f49d. ... 1f49d.

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. “ `




    …” 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    Traditionally speaking, whenever elusive & mystique Nep meets passionate, beautiful & sexy VEN,
    together they both create a high amount of spiritual realms & this translate into the Artistic
    & Creative ventures & everything we do Artistically in our daily life professions such as Painting,
    Music, Film Making & Poetry. Also since NEP is being Retrograde these days,
    it might produce a high amount of sensitivity in Love Life & Personality,
    & Partners may act delusional & must be creating a lot of sexual fantasies
    which are away from reality
    (Could be making high promises than they could actually deliver in reality)
    because as you all know, SCORPIO VEN can be very very passionate to the point of being susceptible
    with a high ratio of Jealousy than ever before
    (Especially in the Scorpio Season, shes super active to find deceptions
    through her suspicious & she suspects everything related to her Partner).

    Even though it's a Harmonious Tranits & these are positive energies/aspects between VENUS & NEPTUNE today,
    this influence can still produce some kind of vulnerabilities in terms of being extra nice to the point of “Guilt” later on
    (As a result of sob or gloomy ending of your compassion or even a mere help)...

    Together they want to ESCAPE into some deep & self-created FANTASIES of Love, Compassion & Spiritual world
    “Castling each other through self-delusional & self-denial instinctual escape”
    because it a strong push coming through the Retrograde NEP & Rx-NEP is very much related to the Pains,
    Sufferings, Deceptions, & Betrayals which we have received before in the Past or Rx-Nep & VEN TRINE
    brings back those events once again through a repetitive smokescreens & action replay of those “Broken Promises”
    by some past PARTNERS (Ex), as they might come back today again to try their luck to further exploit us once again…

    A lesson with Transiting VEN Trines Rx-Neptune is, dont try to get overwhelmed by the Emotional issues
    which you already have dealt before in the past as they must keep coming to you today through some past lovers,
    Ex, or people who once cared about you through selfless compassion
    Or maybe you have previously created “Unrequited Love” in your head that still bothers you today
    & gives you goosebumps of the HEARTBREAK you have suffered as a result of previously…
    Because Pisces is a sign that brings back KARMA (12th), & Retrograde NEP surely deals with Karmic Suffering,
    Pain, Lies, Betrayals & Deceptions back to you…

    Venus in Scorpio is a very Loyal, Passionate & Helpful Lover & She even Sacrifices a lot for those she cares about
    & Pisces NEP adds more compassion, and mysticism to this beautiful, sexy & passionate Lover…

    Other than negative & scary conclusions out of this Harmonious Transit between VEN & NEP, this influence,
    if utilized & used wisely & occurring between LOYAL Lovers, should be good enough opportunities
    for the relationships that can be enjoyed for their romance and sensitivity during this transit.

    It brings people drawn to you today because of your Compassionate, Charitable, Sensitive & Caring nature
    & of course use your INTUITIVE Skills to help & counsel people who are in need of your consultancy (Psychologically)...

    Regards & be careful about utilizing this influence & transit between VENUS & NEPTUNE
    & dont make more promises during this, & wait for this influence to vanish away before you make any solid commitment,
    because today, you must be feeling very much sensitive with MELTING HEART for those who might act with their false
    & SOB STORIES to win your heart today….

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.


    #ScorpioSzn #scorpioseason #eclipse
    #Eclipse2022 #November2022 #predictions #fortuneteller
    #fortunetelling #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscope
    #horoscopetoday #astrologypost #Astrologer #astrologyreadings
    #astrologymemes #Pisces #Neptune #retrograde

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Artist: Jim Warren

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Stonehenge Stone Circle
    11 NOV 2022

    Sunrise at Stonehenge today (11th November) was at 7.15am, sunset is at 4.25pm 1f325-.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Walks With Thunder, Shaman
    A supermoon!

    Hmmm really?

    Years ago, I heard this buzz word.

    A super moon!

    I sometimes wonder if I should buy into the hype of buzzwords.

    OMG it’s going to be the biggest moon in 70 years!

    Ok that kind of excites me but who puts this stuff out there, is that accurate, verifiable?

    A once in a lifetime event!

    Yes, I am a skeptic, even of my own work.

    Is it duplicatable, can you get pictures of it, what is the proof?

    Let’s say I buy into this super moon thing what does that mean to me?

    Yes, it's verifiable and accurate. NASA says
    "Because the Moon has an elliptical orbit, one side
    - called the perigee
    - is about 48,280 km (30,000 miles) closer to Earth than the other side (the apogee).

    When the Sun, the Moon, and Earth line up as the Moon orbits Earth,
    that’s known as syzygy (definitely something you want to keep in your back pocket for your next Scrabble match).

    When this Earth-Moon-Sun system occurs with the perigee side of the Moon facing us,
    and the Moon happens to be on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun, we get what’s called a perigee-syzygy.

    That causes the Moon to appear much bigger and brighter in our sky than usual,
    and it’s referred to as a supermoon - or more technically, a perigee moon.

    Supermoons aren’t all that uncommon - we just had one on October 16, 2022
    and after the November 14, 2022 super-supermoon, we’ll have another one on December 14, 2022."

    I guess we can trust NASA on that as it's not about global warming.

    The lunar cycle has many paranormal and normal effects on our world.

    The tides are higher when the moon is bigger as it gravitational pull draws the water in the oceans to create tides.

    Women’s cycles are sometimes affected by this moon cycle.

    Native Americans called women’s cycle her moon time.

    Legend has it that lycanthropes will come out at the full moon.

    Are those real?

    Probably, after all I see Angels, Fairies, ghosts, so it’s not that much of a step to say other things of legend exist.
    Firemen and Police say that people are lunatics and do crazy things during the three days of a full moon.

    My full moon blessing uses the power of the moon to enhance the power of the blessing.

    If this is the biggest moon in 75 years, then I would expect all that to be bigger in an extreme way.

    They also say the last three lunar cycles of 2016 are going to very large as well.

    Good time to ask me for a blessing.

    More Lunar power is good.

    The romance of a full moon, that is a good thing.

    If you’re thinking of bringing your relationship to a bigger level,
    this could be your opportunity to use a blessing to bring you two even closer together.

    Remember to be safe during this full moon and the two more coming before the end of the year
    loonies come out at the full moon.

    If you live near water watch the extreme tides.

    Hold your loved ones close, it’s a very romantic time.

    Get your cameras out because you can take pictures of it!

    Apparently, it is duplicatable, but you have to wait till 2038 or so.

    Not sure I have that kind of time.

    Call me if you need my help with a blessing or insight into your romance.

    Walks With Thunder 26a1.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    are: eternally grateful,
    we shall NEVER forget them !!!

    for Remembrance Day
    Thank you for your service! May you continue to help all of us here in the physical world find peace
    and harmony amongst every nation 2764-. Msit No'kmaq
    Indigenous Medium Shawn Leonard

    Theo Moudakis

    11 NOV 2022

    My #RemembranceDay remembrance_day_2022-. cartoon in today's


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    11 NOV 2022

    : 12th November 2022 - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Aries & Libra Alert!!!

    A 1f316. Waning Gibbous Luna 1f316. Enters ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab 1f980.

    1f338. & 1f338.

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f980. - ♋︎ 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    ❖❀~ - & ♋︎ 1f980. & ~❀❖

    & : Stomach, Ovary, Womb, Vagina, Breast, Lymph system & Breastbone.

    These Organs will be hypersensitive for 2.5 days ahead

    Surgeries are recommended during WANING GIBBOUS Cycle
    but Still Avoid the Surgeries of The Organs I Mentioned Above,
    Under This influence of The Crab Lunar Cycle…

    & : A Linkage of Ancestral Nurturing & Transformation.

    Because There Are Hideouts Where Doves Cry & Their Mothers
    Protects Their Children In Their Own Territories.

    . : Healing For The Scorpio Season Through Intuition & Strong Memories

    & °’ ° /

    1- Nov 13th 60° ⚹ URA in ♉︎ TAU ♉︎ AT 16°44’

    2- Nov 13th 120° △ SUN ☉ In ♏︎ Sco ♏︎ AT 21°23’

    3- Nov 13th 120° △ NEP In ♓︎ PISC ♓︎ AT 22°45’

    4- Nov 14th 120° △ MERC ☿ In ♏︎ SCOR ♏︎ AT 24°52’

    5- Nov 14th 180° ☍ PLUTO ♇ in ♑︎ CAPPY ♑︎ AT 26°26’

    6- Nov 14th 120° △ VEN 2640. In ♏︎ SCOR ♏︎ AT 27°34’

    7- Nov 14th 120° △ JUP ♃ In ♓︎ PISC ♓︎ AT 28°57’

    1f338.1f338. & 1f338.1f338. Recalling The Ancestral Belongings
    & Protective Towards Children & Whole Joint Family Members & Finds Nurturing
    At Beautiful Smooth Environment At Home By Hosting Parties, Movies Or Spending More Time With Family & Even Do

    Some Renovation Work To Improve The Aesthetics Of Your Homes & Get Nurtured/Healed Through Intuition Practices
    Using Your Sixth Sense & Recalling Past Events, People, Grudges & Sorrows Using Your Strong Memory System
    (Cancer Rules Your Memories) Such As, Astrology/Tarot,
    Healing For The Scorpio Season Through Intuition & Strong Memories,
    A Nurturing Mother, Family Protection, Emotional Needs, Nurturing,
    Intuition & Spirit Guide By Picking Up The Energies Of The Surroundings For 2.5 Days Ahead


    Opposition From Hades/Pluto Ahead This Scorpio Heavy & Dark Season,
    Be careful and watchful about the dubious women's character inside your family (Cancer 4th matters)
    because, during these transits, There Will Be Sweet WATER TRINE & Harmonious Energies Between Sun, Moon,
    VENUS, Mercury But Opposition Coming From Pluto Sitting In Capricorn Is Worrisome & Kind Of Highly active in Sky Ahead,
    Around 14th November 2022 precisely ahead (8th taboo & shadow matters)...
    & Especially when the 2nd or Co-Ruler of this SCORPIO season
    aka MARS is being Retrograde these days...
    (Very tough & Obsessively active to the point of disturbing the Family system & shakes up the subconsciousness
    & taboos of family in terms of Death, Rebirth & Transformation through Manipulations that might trigger Traumatic events
    in the family during this CANCER LUNAR CYCLE ahead).

    Healing, Psychological Transformation & Nurturing Agent:

    So by carefully feathering your own nest, be gentle, and intimate towards your nurturing partners
    & be receptive, protective & mentally active to provide the “HEALING” & “Nurturing” Channels
    Or Hands not only your own Children but Emotional needs of your Mother as well.

    Because they all need you tonight the most or more than before

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.

    Like Virgo, this ♋︎ ☽ upsets the Stomach as much as she can.

    So be careful about consuming such foods & Herbs which affect intestines & gastric matters.

    Many people are already telling me that their stomachs are upset today.

    Also, try not to consume Caffeine in large amounts.

    (it leads you towards depression and during Full Moon, you are always having Mood Swings).

    So folks with high Virgo & Cancer points need to be careful for some hours
    until She leaves Cancer & Enters into Leo ahead or later on...

    Thats all folks, I will be narrating more influences & energies by this LUNAR CYCLE later on,
    but most of the energies are Harmonious & need not worry about, just be empathetic,
    healing agent & using your compassion & high Intuition ahead to utilize these WATER Energies Between SCORPIO,
    Cancer & Pisces Ahead & enjoy all Spiritual, Mystique practices including Religious Or congregational activities
    & also HOST parties at Home ahead & also, dont forget to protect your family ahead
    & Projects yourself through a Mirror Reflection of your Mother
    & improve your relationship with her ahead…

    1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338. 1f338. ꗥ~ꗥ 1f338.


    #cancerzodiac #Cancermoon #crab #4thhouseastrology #8thhouseastrology #watersigns
    #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologymemes
    #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #Astrologer
    #intuition #intuitiveguidance #healing #healingjourney
    #grudge #memories #memoriesforlife
    #motherhood #mother #Mothercare #motherlove

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