Aatif, Astrologer -october 30/31, November & December 2022 #astrobursts

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    09 NOV 2022
    Photographer: Carl Pixel ·
    I've always wanted to photograph a plane in front of the full moon
    and last week it finally happened! 1f60a.
    I took this picture on November 9, 2022 as the moon was rising
    and the aircraft was on its landing path to O'hare airport in Chicago.
    Photo is a Single Exposure. Settings were F/5.6, 1/500, ISO 200,
    hand held at 400mm with a Sony A7III and a 100-400 Sony GM lens.

    09 NOV 2022
    Ascension Lightworkers


    Soul Musings ,

    Find softness in the things that broke you

    and pour love and healing into the most tender of places

    to plant new seeds that will nourish your soul.

    You are the alchemist, every choice and decision you make here
    brings you closer to the future you seek allowing you to make peace
    with the past.

    Fight only for what lifts your spirit, and recommit to what you know
    must exist to support your peace and harmonise your world.

    The power to overcome and succeed against the odds,
    bringing a depth of wisdom and a legacy of change is energy
    that is available for you to tap into.

    Magnetic conversations are transforming your outlook of your journey.
    Supporting you to unearth the determination and the will to find a way,
    to make it through, to have influence and accountability over
    the outcomes as you stand purposefully and meaningfully in the direction of your dreams.

    It’s a day of magic, deep and thought provoking in its ability to awaken
    something within you as you bring the light of the Sun to the shadows
    of the Eclipse, witnessing truth being revealed as you embody
    the wisdom to rise higher.

    May you empower yourself to look in the direction of where doors
    are opening for you and be your own catalyst for the beauty
    of your metamorphosis.

    I’m making steady and consistent progress to necessary change
    and positive transformation.

    Some kind of wonderful will fall into place today

    and I’ll lovingly receive it.

    I have time.

    My peace is now my priority.

    Bright Blessings

    By Romy Wyser

    Shared by Ascension LightWorkers


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Masataka Nakamizo





    Astrophotography ·

    Photographer Don Nguyen ·

    This morning’s total lunar eclipse on 08 NOV 2022 from NYC.
    Equipment used:
    Canon RP for the composite moon trail shots and for the closeup I used a Celestron 4SE, Skywatcher AZ-Gti, ZWO 294MC Pro.

    08 NOV 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    What an amazing image
    of the Lunar Red Moon in #Athens #Greece
    08 NOV 2022

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Phyllis McDaniel Herren
    08 NOV 2022

    The totally eclipsed blood red moon passes behind the antenna
    on the Empire State Building in New York City, NY, USA in AMERICA
    Tuesday morning in New York City!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member





    Polar stratospheric clouds
    By @h0rdur

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    I sometimes forget that
    I was created for joy
    My mind is too busy
    My heart is too heavy
    Heavy for me to remember
    that I have been
    called to dance
    the sacred dance for life
    I was created to smile
    to love
    to be lifted up
    and lift others up
    O sacred one
    Untangle my feet
    from all that ensnares
    Free my soul
    That we might
    and that our dancing
    might be contagious.~

    art: Phil Jones

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Mike Kukucska Photography is in Dundas, Ontario.
    08 NOV 2022

    To be clear, gettin up at 4:30 am goes against every fiber of my being,
    but apparently eclipses don’t wait !
    A gorgeous morning though….
    stars dancing in a darkened sky and a red moon slowly slipping behind the escarpment in Dundas

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ascension Lightworkers

    08 NOV 2022 - 11 NOV 2022

    The Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse.

    This is also an Intense Blood Full Moon.

    These energies are all about closing out old cycles,

    completion, and healing the past.

    There is a purge and release occurring of the things

    that have been holding you back.

    We are moving through layers of healing

    coming up within the energies.

    This eclipse takes place on a Taurus/ Scorpio axis.

    This line is one of life and death.

    The veil is still pulled back right now.

    The other side is wide open.

    If your connecting with your loved ones in Spirit,

    they will be connecting back with you.

    We have a theme of cutting cords with, and breaking free from the past.

    We must clear all karma.

    There is no way around it.

    This means as the energies are rising for some their karma

    is not only coming up for healing, but imploding.

    We all took on an extra heavy karmic load in this life.

    We have so much to move through right now.

    You will know what’s karma in your life,

    at this point, because it will feel awful.

    Major clearing coming up of anything that needs to go.

    Your emotions may be rising.

    If you’re having anxieties about a situation,

    make sure you’re listening.

    This is an indication that your body

    is no longer in resonance with the old,

    or that you have outgrown a situation.

    Taurus is an Earth sign, but also a deep feeler.

    Pay attention to how you feel about people,

    and certain situations right now.

    Some connections are not based in love,

    but in attachments, and need to go.

    You’ll know by how things are feeling.

    This Eclipse is a major Portal for release.

    We are clearing some major collective darkness right now too!

    These are great energies for clearing your energy,

    or to be doing some spiritual cleansing.

    These energies are all about self care,

    and ways you may need to pull back

    to take better care of yourself.

    Friday is the 11:11 Portal, which is already open

    and we are already beginning to move through it.

    Nov 11th Venus will also be transitioning Scorpio.

    This is bringing some powerful energies into your love life.

    November is huge for any Authentic Twin Flames meaning togetherness

    in full reality and truth you are removing any obstacles

    and could be coming into Union.

    These energies are also bringing a fated undertone

    with it as certain people are fated to meet.

    However you only will ever have one fated partner.

    This is an infinite love.

    There is so much playing out behind the scenes for you right now.

    Expect Destiny to be suddenly shifting in your favour…

    By Sparks of Divine Light Healing

    Shared by Ascension LightWorkers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    11 NOV 2022
    NOVEMBER 11TH, 2022
    The Royal British Legion act of remembrance at Stonehenge, UK

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