A New World of Universal Logistics

Discussion in 'Thuban 301' started by admin, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. Sanicle Yesterday at 10:34 pm

    I did understand where you were coming from in your comments BB, and no doubt Shiloh will think I've gone off on a wrong tangent in relation to his comments as well. But, in my view, my response covered what you've said above also.

    Oh, and I think your comment about "mirror games" is possibly spot on as regards another method Thubans use to 'teach' us mere mortals. If I've understood correctly they see humanity in terms of being 'dragons' and 'unicorns' (the latter the 'food' of the former ie themselves). But they believe that we are all in truth the former if only we'd recognize it through their teachings. icon_wink. Thus the provocation, 'helping' us to 'face our fears' and learn to roar.

    But who am I to assess the mighty dragons' teachings thus. No doubt I'm way off tangent here also and will be ridiculed for this as well. It wouldn't be the first time. 998440.

    We are not our bodies.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. mudra Today at 7:41 am
    icon_cheers. Welcome Sanicle icon_cheers.


    Love from me
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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 8:56 am
    Sanicle wrote:​
    I did understand where you were coming from in your comments BB, and no doubt Shiloh will think I've gone off on a wrong tangent in relation to his comments as well. But, in my view, my response covered what you've said above also.​

    Oh, and I think your comment about "mirror games" is possibly spot on as regards another method Thubans use to 'teach' us mere mortals. If I've understood correctly they see humanity in terms of being 'dragons' and 'unicorns' (the latter the 'food' of the former ie themselves). But they believe that we are all in truth the former if only we'd recognize it through their teachings. icon_wink. Thus the provocation, 'helping' us to 'face our fears' and learn to roar. ​

    But who am I to assess the mighty dragons' teachings thus. No doubt I'm way off tangent here also and will be ridiculed for this as well. It wouldn't be the first time. 998440.

    Thank you, Sanicle, I think we're on the same page or each on both sides of one icon_wink. . I don't mind being ridiculed that much.
    Unless I'm pained by it, feeling mistreated. Than I will show up, roaring or sobbing... ha ha ha ha... ahem. 998440.
    As I just pointed out in my reply to jenetta, who kindly shared something with me, I watch my steps and my roaring.
    Or is it my roaring, the Thuban dragons love to see me doing? 849210.
  4. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 4:58 pm

    I am not sure everyone understands some of my posts either.
    When it comes to the spiritual realm the mind will make efforts to grasp
    in vain something that which can only be experienced on a soul level.
    When the experience comes it transforms you for ever with a real haha moment.

    For exmple as far as I am concerned it took me a few decades
    to grasp Don Juan Matus teachings. I read all of Castaneda's books
    at an early age because they caught my interest deeply but looking
    at them nowadays I now only see what these intricate lessons were all about.
    Buddha, Eckhart Tolle , Mooji, Jeff Foster and others I have read point in their respective languages to the very same thing.

    In his own words Tony BLue says somewhere in this thread:

    The Freedom for Humanity is its Metamorphosis from its Cocoon!

    All Humans are ETs, born in 3D incarnation from a cosmic and intergalactic perspective, nous and origin.

    All Humans know on the soul-level, who they are and why they are here.
    Namely to break their Cocoon of their own Metamorphosis from the Inside-Out.
    All Humans are like little Reptilian Serpents, Dinosaurs or Chickens, who to be born as Starhumans, are required to peck at their encompassing eggshells from the inside to get out.
    If they fail to break their prison walls, they will die as unborn starhumans within their 3D prisons and so recycle their own beingness until they can self create their 4D merkabahs.


    And that's again another pointer to essence breaking loose.

    The conscious experience of Being essence does'nt need words to explain itself.
    But the proper words for you will strike chords at times until you know
    without an inch of a doubt this is no longer mental constructs trying to make sense of
    something out there but an instant " download " to you.The veil has fallen and it seems
    for the first time you see.

    And it may or not take pages of posts, many books and several different languages but the " experience "
    itself takes no time.

    Love from me
  5. admin

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    • Post n°52

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 5:31 pm
    mudra's words:

    "The conscious experience of Being essence does'nt need words to explain itself.
    But the proper words for you will strike chords at times until you know
    without an inch of a doubt this is no longer mental constructs trying to make sense of
    something out there but an instant " download " to you.The veil has fallen and it seems
    for the first time you see.

    And it may or not take pages of posts, many books and several different languages but the " experience "
    itself takes no time.

    Love from me

    Thank you, mudra, I can relate much to this part of your beautiful post.
    I guess also my posts may not be understood always, or read through entirely, for their length icon_wink.
    Similar to your experiences, the books of Carlos Castaneda with the teachings of Don Juan, have
    offered me insights like AHA experiences, reading them again and again, through the years.


    To learn the value of living with a question and allow time in the company of awareness to present an answer, like a dawning
    is sometimes a difficult teaching for this bumping jumping screech owl BBB. I've made peace with myself and the comments
    by shilo, thanks to some of you jumping on the branch of the tree I'm sitting on and a bit of owl wisdom.
    And thanks to your peace warrior skills
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    • Post n°53

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 6:10 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    To learn the value of living with a question and allow time in the company of awareness to present an answer, like a dawning ...

    What a lovely way to express in a few words the human paradox of the sophisticated thirst of knowledge we have versus the simplicity of awareness's knowing.


    Love from me
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. shiloh Today at 10:32 am
    A Long and Prosperous Life


    (CNN)Leonard Nimoy, whose portrayal of "Star Trek's" logic-driven, half-human science officer Spock made him an iconic figure to generations, died Friday. He was 83.

    Nimoy died this morning in Bel Air, California, his son Adam Nimoy told CNN.

    According to his granddaughter, Madeleine Nimoy, the cause of death was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    His "Star Trek" co-stars, including William Shatner and George Takei, expressed sadness at his death.

    a_5dlib7_normal-jpe.21408. William Shatner @WilliamShatner

    "I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humor, his talent, and his capacity to love." -William Shatner http://www.whosay.com/l/TPvadxi
    10:26 AM - 27 Feb 2015
    17,385 Retweets 16,347 favorites

    "We return you now to the stars, Leonard. You taught us to 'Live Long And Prosper,' and you indeed did, friend," Takei wrote.

    Nimoy's career in show business spanned more than six decades and included stints as a stage actor, television guest star, series regular and movie veteran. He also directed a handful of films, including the box-office hit "Three Men and a Baby" in 1987. He was a singer (of sorts), a published poet and an accomplished photographer.

    But his lasting claim to fame remains Spock, a native of the planet Vulcan whose pointed ears, unemotional manner and frequently uttered "fascinating" endeared him to millions. Astronaut Chris Hadfield remembered him as an "inspiration."


    cmedkkd4_normal-jpe.21410. Chris Hadfield @Cmdr_Hadfield

    Leonard, you lived long and prospered, and were an inspiration to me and to millions. Rest in peace.
    9:38 AM - 27 Feb 2015
    4,333 favorites

    He felt a close connection to the character.

    "Spock is definitely one of my best friends. When I put on those ears, it's not like just another day. When I become Spock, that day becomes something special," he told Starlog in 1989.

    The best moments of Spock

    The best moments of Spock 01:21

    Still, as an actor, he wrestled with the typecasting that came with his close association with Spock. He titled a 1975 memoir "I Am Not Spock." Though the book was less a rejection of the character than what he went through to develop him, fans took umbrage.

    Twenty years later, he called another memoir "I Am Spock."

    He maintained a sense of humor about being confused with a 23rd-century space voyager.

    "I had an embarrassing experience once, many years ago," he told The New York Times in 2009. "I was invited to go to Caltech and was introduced to a number of very brilliant young people who were working on interesting projects. ... And they'd say to me, 'What do you think?' Expecting me to have some very sound advice. And I would nod very quietly and very sagely I would say, 'You're on the right track.' "

    To the stars

    Leonard Simon Nimoy was actually born in Boston, far from Vulcan, on March 26, 1931. (His longtime "Trek" colleague, William Shatner, was born four days earlier in Montreal.) His parents were Russian immigrants, and he was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family.

    He incorporated some of his religious heritage into the "Star Trek" character, most notably the hand gesticulation accompanied by the phrase "Live long and prosper." It was adopted from a blessing given by a Jewish priestly class called the kohanim. Nimoy credited writer Theodore Sturgeon for the phrase "Live long and prosper," a variation of a spoken blessing.

    Nimoy continued to use the phrase long after his "Star Trek" days: On Twitter, he would close his tweets with the abbreviation "LLAP."

    color_nimoy_headshot_normal-.21411. Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP
    11:36 PM - 22 Feb 2015
    80,967 favorites

    Upon graduating from high school, Nimoy acted in small productions. After encouragement from other actors, he applied to the Pasadena Playhouse in California and was accepted. He moved to the West Coast when he was 18.

    His early years were bumpy; he found the Playhouse "disappointing" and left after a few months and, in between roles, served in the military and took jobs such as driving a cab.

    Nimoy eventually gained steady work as a character actor, taking parts on such series as "Bonanza," "The Twilight Zone" and "Dragnet." It was a 1964 appearance on a show about Marines, "The Lieutenant," that brought him to the attention of Gene Roddenberry, the show's producer.

    Roddenberry had pitched a science-fiction series as " 'Wagon Train' to the stars" and liked the idea of casting Nimoy as the series' science officer, an alien originally with red-tinted skin. Nimoy got the part in the show, which was called "Star Trek." (Roddenberry drew several other "Trek" performers from "The Lieutenant," including Nichelle Nichols, Majel Barrett and future "Trek" guest star Gary Lockwood.)

    "Star Trek" was never a major hit during its original broadcast run. It lasted just three seasons and got the third partly because of an intense viewer lobbying campaign. But the characters became indelible: Shatner's gung-ho Capt. James T. Kirk; DeForest Kelley's wisecracking doctor, "Bones" McCoy; James Doohan's chief engineer, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott; and all the rest of a diverse and -- with the exception of the half-Vulcan Spock -- all-too-human crew.

    According to the Internet Movie Database, Nimoy made $1,250 an episode for "Trek's" first season.

    Though always popular with audiences -- Shatner remembered being disappointed that Nimoy got more fan mail than he did -- Spock wasn't a hit with network executives, at least at first. His pointed ears made him look satanic, the executives said, and his character was dry and logical, as opposed to the energetic Kirk.

    But Nimoy brought a much-needed humor to the character, with selectively raised eyebrows and deadpan delivery, and he quickly became a favorite of "Trek" fans. Nimoy even put out a few albums of songs.

    The character has entered the culture as an archetype of an unemotional intellectual; when New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wants to criticize President Obama as being distant, she refers to him as Spock.

    Into the movies

    After three years, "Star Trek" went off the air. Nimoy quickly rebounded by joining the cast of "Mission: Impossible" as Paris, part of Peter Graves' secret-agent team.

    In the '70s, he made a few movies -- the most notable being the 1978 remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" -- and a handful of TV guest appearances. He also hosted the syndicated show "In Search of ..." and appeared in a number of stage plays.

    But Spock was never far away.

    Despite its short original run, "Trek's" 79 episodes had become rerun gold after the show's cancellation, creating hardcore fans nicknamed "Trekkies" and bringing the voyages of the starship Enterprise to a new generation. The show was revived for a cartoon series in the mid-1970s.

    Then Hollywood came calling with a theatrical feature, 1979's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," which reunited the original cast. Though the film garnered mixed reviews, it was a box-office success and led to a series of sequels, under the "Trek" banner, that continue to this day.

    The "Trek" movie series also gave Nimoy a chance to direct. He helmed both the third and fourth films, 1984's "The Search for Spock" (which takes place after the Spock character dies in the second film, though he's eventually revived) and 1986's "The Voyage Home."

    Following "The Voyage Home," Nimoy directed the biggest box-office hit of 1987, "Three Men and a Baby." As a director, his other films include 1988's "The Good Mother" and 1990's "Funny About Love."

    Though Spock kept Nimoy busy and well-employed, he found plenty of time for other endeavors. He received an Emmy nomination for the TV movie "A Woman Called Golda," where he appeared with Ingrid Bergman. He lent his voice and appearance to one of the best-loved "Simpsons" episodes, "Marge and the Monorail," in 1993 (and later was in 1997's "The Springfield Files").

    He narrated documentaries, provided voice-over for video games and sent up his image in some commercials, including Priceline ads with his old friend Shatner and an Audi commercial with his movie successor as Spock, Zachary Quinto.

    e5969002b5f42400c619b738873ce804_normal-jpe.21412. Zachary Quinto @ZacharyQuinto

    my heart is broken. i love you profoundly my dear friend. and i will miss you everyday. may flights… https://instagram.com/p/znSmtrLi1v/
    10:01 AM - 27 Feb 2015
    7,742 Retweets 8,096 favorites

    "My heart is broken," Quinto tweeted Friday.

    He also took roles in a few other TV series, notably in the paranormal series "Fringe" as Dr. William Bell. He lent his voice to Sentinel Prime in 2011's "Transformers: Dark of the Moon."

    And he immersed himself in photography, a hobby he'd taken up as a teenager. His works include "Shekhina," a controversial series of female nudes, and "The Full Body Project."

    'I would choose Spock'

    For all that, Nimoy knew how he'd be remembered. He hadn't left Spock behind, after all: He acted in the first two of the rebooted "Trek" movies, playing Spock Prime in 2009's "Star Trek" and 2012's "Star Trek Into Darkness."

    He and the character were now on very good terms.

    "I am not Spock," he wrote. "But given the choice, if I had to be someone else, I would be Spock. If someone said, 'You can have the choice of being any other TV character ever played,' I would choose Spock. I like him. I admire him. I respect him."

    Nimoy married his wife, Susan Bay, in 1989. She survives him, as do his two children by his first wife, Sandra Zober.

    CNN Link


    Gospel of Thomas:
    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."


    Photography By Leonard Nimoy

    You know it’s funny, the concept of beauty and all. Who decides that kind of stuff anyways, and why do we seem to always abide by their definitions? It’s the television and magazines that do it to us. But we’re the ones that reinforce it.

    I think we just need to have our own personal standards for shit. Our own set of values and what not. We don’t have to subscribe to the trends of the day, rather, we can create our own. I think that’s what Leonard’s getting at in this project. His photos challenge our general notion of feminine beauty, offering a fresh and pleasantly honest depiction of what beauty means to him.

    “I asked them to be proud,” said Leonard. “A condition they took to easily. Having completed the compositions that were initially planned, I then asked them to play some music that they had brought with them, and they quickly responded to the rhythms, dancing in a free-form circular movement within the space. It was clear that they were comfortable with the situation, with each other, and were enjoying themselves.”

    At the end of the day we just gotta be happy with who we are, and if we’re not, take on the responsibility to change. We got one life and one body. Much love to the big girls, the small girls and everyone in between.

    Photographs By Leonard Nimoy













    via rmichelson
    Posted By Max Gibson
    Max Gibson aka Dispo Max is a journalist, web curator and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Wine & Bowties, an Oakland-based art and culture publication with the focus of celebrating creativity. Today Max resides in Oakland after living in LA. Max loves hoop, dispos and good joke

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  8. admin

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    • Post n°55

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 8:53 am

    I will remember him fondly, Mr. Spock and his acting in Star Trek.
    I like his photographs and view on beauty, the playful way he made sure the women
    feel good about themselves and dare to show it.

    Those sci fi series we were allowed to see, thank God, when young and also later,
    now, I enjoy to find a Star Trek movie in my collection and view it on my laptop screen.
    I guess Spock was in full integrity to who he was taught to be, told to be, or thought to be
    without making use of it in a bad way. Maybe due to his logic fully embodied,
    he even had no choice to act that way?
    A very special man, a special soul.
    Some do shine more than others and Spock shone.... in human hearts and deep space.
    Now he will feel the shine of his fans in the same space icon_wink.
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    • Post n°56

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. mudra Today at 9:14 am
    shiloh wrote:

    Gospel of Thomas:
    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."

    Photographs By Leonard Nimoy


    I see a fibonacci spiral in the architecture of these women's bodies coming together with grace.

    It's a good photo of Leonard Nimoy.

    A multitalented man

    Love from me
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°57

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. shiloh Yesterday at 7:58 am
    Allisiam said:

    Spring Equinox Supermoon solar eclipse: Rare celestial phenomenon will make March 20 even more special

    17:54, 6 March 2015
    By Chris Richards

    The evening before the solar eclipse, the Earth and Moon will be as close together as they possibly can be, giving rise to a so-called Supermoon

    The biggest solar eclipse in Britain since 1999 will be even more special than first thought - because the night before there will be a Supermoon.
    On the morning of March 20, the moon will cover the sun, blocking out up to 98 per cent of its light.

    But as if this were not impressive enough, the evening before the phenomenon the Earth and Moon will be as close together as they possibly can be, giving rise to a so-called Supermoon.

    This makes the 2015 Spring Equinox eclipse a supermoon eclipse, which means a supermoon, equinox and eclipse will all fall on the same day.
    The partial eclipse will been seen across Northern Africa, Europe and Northern Asia.

    It happens when the moon's orbit takes it in front of the sun, casting a shadow over the Earth.
    Between 30% and 98% of the sun's light will be blocked out, depending on location.

    The further north you move, the greater the percentage of light that will be blocked.

    England will be treated to a partial eclipse of more than 80% of the sun obscured - this rises to more than 90% in Scotland.

    The west coast of the Isle of Lewis will see the deepest partial eclipse in the UK, with 98% of the sun obscured at around 9.36am.

    George Ward, the treasurer of Thanet Astronomy Group, told Mirror Online he was looking forward to the "double event" of the Supermoon and the eclipse.
    "The Supermoon is well worth looking at," he said.

    "It (the Supermoon) is a rarish event and with binoculars you can see impressive details of the moon's surface that you can't during a full moon because it's too bright.
    "As for solar eclipses they don't happen that often here - the last one was in 1999."

    The 74-year-old, who lives in Margate, added: "The Supermoon and the eclipse together makes it a little bit extra special.
    "I will be outside with my camera."

    What is a solar eclipse?

    A solar eclipse is when the moon covers the sun, blocking out its light.
    It can only happen when the moon moves directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth’s surface.
    But this does not necessarily mean that the the alignment produces a total solar eclipse - many that happen are only partial and various factors influence its impact.

    How often do they happen?

    Solar eclipses happen on average 2.4 times a year.
    Fred Espenak, an American astrophysicist and world-leading scientist on eclipses, explains that the rare phenomenon can be accurately predicted.
    He said: "Certainly within 100 to 200 years we can predict when an eclipse will occur to within a second, but the pattern of occurrence is a complicated one.
    "They don't repeat on a time schedule like the seasons of the year”.

    If you miss this eclipse you'll have to wait another 11 years until 12 August 2026.
    The eclipse in 1999 was the first seen in the UK since 1927.

    So what makes this one so special?

    In 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2011 there were solar eclipses visible from the UK, but they were only partial.
    This upcoming eclipse is likely to plunge the UK into darkness with Scotland seeing 94% of its sun rays being blocked out.
    It will be the biggest since the last significant eclipse, in 1999.

    When is it?

    It will be visible on the morning of March 20, with the eclipse visible from across Europe for approximately 90 minutes.
    In London it will begin at 8.45am, hitting its peak at 9.31am.

    Where will it take place?

    Unlike the 1999 eclipse which was visible along a line including the southern UK, northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, southern Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, the March eclipse will appear across far northern regions of Europe and the Arctic.

    The path of total eclipse travels from just below the Greenland peninsula, heading north into the Arctic Circle.

    The course takes it across the Norwegian island of Svalbard and also the Faroe Islands, for a full two minutes and nine seconds of total solar eclipse.
    These are the only two places which are easy to reach where the full total eclipse can be seen.

    Although it will be trickier for those on mainland Britain to see the eclipse this doesn't meant that the sun won't be partially obscured.


    Article Link



    FYI as background information only.
    The Thuban Council does not endorse any notions of supernatural reality,
    nor SidRoth.org and companies in general dispensations.



    Please read these articles and view the videos to hear about the 'End Times" plans of ISIL and keep Christian and Jewish end times in mind too because I'm sure they refuse to be outdone:

    What ISIS Really Wants

    "The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it."

    by Graeme Wood

    What ISIS Really Wants

    This appears to be a significant read full of very important information that everybody should be aware of. Here are a few quotes from the article:

    "The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam."

    "The Islamic State awaits the army of “Rome,” whose defeat at Dabiq, Syria, will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse"

    "Yazidi women and children [are to be] divided according to the Shariah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations [in northern Iraq] … Enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah that if one were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Koran and the narrations of the Prophet … and thereby apostatizing from Islam."

    "The Islamic State awaits the army of “Rome,” whose defeat at Dabiq, Syria, will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse."

    "During the last years of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the Islamic State’s immediate founding fathers, by contrast, saw signs of the end times everywhere. They were anticipating, within a year, the arrival of the Mahdi—a messianic figure destined to lead the Muslims to victory before the end of the world."

    "Now that it has taken Dabiq, the Islamic State awaits the arrival of an enemy army there, whose defeat will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse. Western media frequently miss references to Dabiq in the Islamic State’s videos, and focus instead on lurid scenes of beheading. “Here we are, burying the first American crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,” said a masked executioner in a November video..."

    Dabiq, Syria, near Aleppo = Islamic apocalypse

    In the video below, it starts off with:

    "... they're very specific about how they believe the world will end and how the caliphs will play into that one way or another 2076 is going to be expiration date for the world..."

    Journalist Graeme Wood on the Islamic State



    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015

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