A New World of Universal Logistics

Discussion in 'Thuban 301' started by admin, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 5:31 pm
    Thank-you for your responses. I'll take my time analyzing them -- and I might (or might not) respond at a later date. I still think that confusion and misrepresentation are rampant. I've pretty much become disillusioned with everyone and everything I've come in contact with in this incarnation. Part of the story can be presented in deceptive ways -- leading to erroneous conclusions and reactions. Once again -- I'm going to spend the next few months considering the following:

    1. Job through Daniel (KJV).
    2. Matthew through Romans (KJV).
    3. Hebrews and James (KJV).
    4. First, Second, and Third John (KJV).
    5. The Music of J.S. Bach (in general ) -- and the Bach B-Minor Mass (in particular).
    6. The Music of G.F. Handel (in general) -- and Handel's Messiah (in particular).
    7. Stargate SG-1 (movies and series).
    8. Babylon 5 (movies and series).

    I will continue to construct a study-guide which might ultimately benefit others much more than it benefits myself. I'm really simply constructing a conceptual-laboratory (which includes a significant amount of Thuban-Material). I have suggested the possibility of an Ecumenical Book of Common Prayer consisting of little more than Job through Daniel (KJV) and the Bach B-Minor Mass. The organist might improvise a profound-prelude -- followed by the Bach B-Minor Mass -- followed by the organist improvising a profound-postlude. There might be no ritual involved (other than processing and recessing). The entire congregation might participate in the B-Minor Mass. The Faithful might be encouraged to read Job through Daniel (KJV) -- straight-through -- over and over -- without saying much about it -- and without necessarily applying it directly to modernity. It might simply be a point of reference -- and a mental and spiritual exercise -- to help everyone become better people (and other than people). Namaste and Have a Nice Day!

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 7:16 pm
    THEeXchanger wrote:
    The Birth of New Age Mind Control

    HOW DARWIN, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched one of the largest mind-control operations in history.
    THIS VIDEO is the first to reveal the background origins of the Esalen institute through Aldous and Julian Huxley, both grandsons of Charles Darwin’s “Bulldog” Sir. Thomas Henry Huxley. The Huxleys helped found the Esalen institute to promote Julian Huxley’s eugenics, humanism, transhumanism and feminism to manipulate middle class Americans into following their agenda through psychedelics and the New Age movement.
    “There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method
    of making people love their servitude.” —Aldous Huxley, 1961
    This is not to say that psychedelics or entheogens don’t have value, it just means that devious people have usurped them and created a false movement to fool people into thinking that they’ve completed their task of freeing their minds. This video exposes one more bump in the road on our path to freedom and enlightenment.—Jan Irvin, Gnostic Media


    Video is here:

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b9OvRAKfzw

    On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson,

    Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics,

    2012 & Mind Control

    That's a tubby with an intriguing train of thoughts, Susan. In general I think it's been very meaninful, that time, offering flavors of
    how we are able to experience our reality, however clouded and out of body. And also, how we find keys to interpretate that reality and the
    mundane one, under the sun and sky. On a high, on a low and in the middle. And how to make those ends meet too.

    What I've learned so far, about New Age, by looking within and around me, for 64 years (minus the first 20) is, that it has created an idea
    or belief, in New Age groupies, that by becoming an amorphous blob, in the company of others doing the same, one becomes one with all.
    Oh happy days.. tra la la.... let the sunshine in..... wearing pink glasses. Wow, peace man! 425557.

    If I'm right, Aldous Huxley and Terence McKenna were both fervent lovers of drug experiments and familiar with being "out there"
    without a sense of boundaries and physical awareness. I believe insights can be found and enjoyed, in those states, although I guess
    making it merge with and let it be part of daily life practice is a difficult job. To me, it seems that these experiments with journeys to the
    astral worlds, created an illusion of a sense of escape.... into a new reality. The interpretation of that reality was used to define the
    (preferred) nature of our physical world, our lifestyle and its expressions. I think much of this has been a peculiar style of mindcontrol, yes.

    Looking back at that time, I see it as another example of a "mixed bag": a mixing up of two different worlds, a huge misunderstanding.
    Leaving the solar system through your anus..... uhhhm, Uranus is great fun, but the world "out there" is a world useful for virtual creations.
    That astral world is by its nature full of mirages and projections, very mallable and stretching the muscles of imagination. Hence the beautiful hallucinations and a sense of freedom, ecstacy. Only, sadly missed when returning to the physical body. Also, not to be ignored, the company
    of entities is highly probable, in those out of body states. When we're wide open in our energy body, the welcome sign hangs on the door.

    While the 60's offered a chance to "free our mind" (in Holland this was much welcomed and celebrated, just after WWII) and to try out all kind
    of fun, experiments of lifestyles and states of mind, I think what it has left us is a taste of what the world beyond the veil may look like and feel.
    I think those experiments, with drugs and new lifestyles and forms of relationships, have been part of our human awakening, although by walking
    long and winding roads , climbing on challenging mountain paths and even more often, dead end alleys.

    Although artificially induced, I like to see this time of the 60's and 70's, with Esalen, Wasson, Huxley and McKenna, as a reaching out to our place of origin, the spirit world. Our source, the place where we long for to return. Isn't it true, that many ancient tribes had a wise man, a visionary, a shaman, living in their midst, often as the tribe ruler, who was familiar with that astral world, by his natural abilities? I like to picture us human beings, as long as the veil is present, as living with a longing for a taste of the "afterlife" or rather... "our point of departure" before our life began. One of them may well be the life knocking on our backdoor soon.
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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. Aquaries1111 Yesterday at 9:16 pm

    I've been away for a while! Boating, actually. Catching sting rays, sharks, catfish, seabass, snapper, snapper and more snapper. I've been living my life, actually, making a difference without statutes. Hey, what does that mean? It means, we are living live to the fullest! Eating fresh fish, catching it, loving our neighbors and doing the best we can! What is going on here, BBB? I don't know, do you?

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 6:08 am
    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    I've been away for a while! Boating, actually. Catching sting rays, sharks, catfish, seabass, snapper, snapper and more snapper. I've been living my life, actually, making a difference without statutes. Hey, what does that mean? It means, we are living live to the fullest! Eating fresh fish, catching it, loving our neighbors and doing the best we can! What is going on here, BBB? I don't know, do you?

    Hi Aquaries, welcome back on land icon_wink. I suggest you have a look around and make yourself at home again.
    Pouring a glass of wine, sitting near the fireplace in the glow, you will begin to see the familiar outlines of
    objects, here in the mists 854501.
  5. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 4:59 pm

    Welcome back, A1! Seeking the truth in nature is where it's at! Books and the Internet are SO Overrated! Is your Avatar really Lilith? I hear she has red-hair (and can change hair-color simply by thinking)! The last few posts remind me of conversations I had with Timothy Leary (about Jesus) -- and Terrence McKenna (about dreaming and doing) at Whole Life Expos in L.A. (back in the day)! What a trip! It was groooovvy man!! It was like waaay-out!! I also spoke to Dr. Carol Rosin (about nuclear-war) a couple of times (who was with Dr. Leary when he died). The only time I've been high was when my mom gave me a pre-surgery shot prior to a tonsillectomy (at age 10). I remember saying "I feel really good!" What if the future will belong to Unchurched Bible-Scholars?! I don't know why I'm making this post. I'm trying to take a break (so I don't break-down more than I already have). It's a jungle out there. Don't get lost...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 5:19 pm

    ortho's words: "I don't know why I'm making this post. I'm trying to take a break (so I don't break-down more than I already have)..."

    You've got such a unique sense of humor, ortho, I sure appreciate that! As long as you can find that in you, I think that your break
    down isn't that broken. Enjoy your break! 854501.

  7. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 5:47 am

    Referring to your post, shilo, of February 24th 2015 12.48 hrs.

    shilo's words: "And so another trouble with 'readers' like orthodoxymoron and the Triple Bee
    becomes their unwillingness to recall or learn the vocabulary and semantical lexicon required
    for a meaningful and pertinent analysis and evaluation of the Dragon Information presented".

    I'll give you my view on this part of your post, shilo (it's a sparring excersize and my attempt to
    dialogue with you) for I see this sort of comment similar as when I say to someone who doesn't
    understand my view "You know, the trouble with you is, that you lack the ability to understand
    my reasoning in creating my view and it's for your unwillingness that you fail to "get" that".

    I would feel myself pretty much arrogant and closedminded, for I would practice exclusion and
    witholding of an attempt to reach mutual understanding. It's clear that I am in need of this icon_wink.

    I may be mistaken, in expecting of you to show the painting, while you're possibly still sorting
    out the pigments, shilo. I'm recalling mudra's post, her view on the nature and style of my inves-
    tigation, my fast forwardness, trying to make chocolate dragons of this Thuban material and,
    foremost, the intention in it and the reason for it being shared here.

    This is my interpretation so far: when the content of any given teaching lacks proof in the pudding,
    or lacks the making of the pudding, or witholds entrance for others, to see it made manifest, as pudding,
    it can't be handled the way you treat it here, shilo, making such statements as in the above quote of your post.
    For that's an exclusion of efforts to make things understood. Even a sublimation of that ability lacking.

    I think, when the Thuban material is shared here, it shouldn't be offered as a truth or a way to live by.
    But simply given freely, without agenda, as your favorite pastime and perception, to live by. The history
    of the Thuban material, being presented elsewhere and here, now, may have caused a "defensive coloring"
    causing you to "show off" with being right. I don't accept that attitude, you see? I learn something, though.

    I begin to feel that we're on very different tracks in our ways of life and being present in it. That's fine.
    I can let go of my attempt to walk a mile together, for better understanding of each others views.
    For if that's not possible, or welcomed, I should simply let go of my investigation and leave it as it is.

    It's my eagerness in trying to understand things and how, why and for whom they're created, that drives
    me in this attempt. At the same time, why should I continue to give water to dead plants?
    Not meaning offense, to you and your work, I mean trying to make things work when they're not realistic to
    begin with and the attempt even more so.

    I don't mean to cause disruption or eruption of emotional vulcanos here in the Mists of Avalon.
    Vulcanos all over the planet spout dragons and salamanders, in real time, real ones too I think.
    We'd better deal with those of our own in private, as far as their fire being released in more or
    less uncontrolled fury icon_wink. This sharing of my views is a dialogue with myself too, a telescope, of which
    I use the wrong end, so that I can see what's going on inside 854501.
    Thank you.
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. Sanicle Yesterday at 2:08 pm
    Shiloh wrote:
    The problem with the 'Thuban material' is its nature and origin.
    It is not addressed towards the human mindedness, except in its peripheral topicity and subject matter addressed.
    It is however addressed towards the subconscious and the superconscious parts of the human soul, free from their cultural and environmentally conditioned encumberments.
    It is from this premise that a certain mystique and attraction is found by the perusers encountering such 'difficult' material.
    How much work has to be invested to understand all this science and the scripture quotations thrown into the mix?

    To criticize the 'Words of the Dragons' on their content, rather than their presentation or human mind digestability is often a task too hard and cumbersome for the reader who prefers 'lovey dovey' feel-good words from nabsers, quasi-scientists and basic fraudsters and intellectual pretenders towards the naïve and the gullible.
    So instead of checking on some basic science or mathematics it is rather an easier task to question the motives and agenda of the messengers; whose messages are often too hard to understand and mentally too challenging and so are conveniently ignored as irrelevant or as alien to ones semantic perceptions.

    And so another trouble with 'readers' like orthodoxymoron and the Triple Bee becomes their unwillingness to recall or learn the vocabulary and semantical lexicon required for a meaningful and pertinent analysis and evaluation of the Dragon Information presented.

    I’d like to make a few comments in relation to the discussion that’s continued on from these words of Shiloh’s above and BB’s responses to them in an attempt to build a small bridge of understanding if I can via something I, myself have learned recently, although I’ve thought twice about intruding. Sorry if anyone involved feels that way but who knows? It might help. And not just in terms of this discussion. I feel that what I was told can apply here and in many, many other instances where there’s a lack of comprehension of another’s beliefs.

    The first thing I want to share is to do with Shiloh’s comments about the Thuban material being “addressed towards the subconscious and superconscious parts of the human soul”, as that is key to what I wish to share. BB’s response, in part, was “—how can you make others understand what's true for you, from your own point of view, on this Thuban material, or world, when something as immaterial and often obscure, as our subconsciousness is needed in that effort?” Maybe the following story I’ll share will help explain BB.

    My current astral associates usually visit me briefly before I go to sleep, the understanding being that I will do whatever it is that they’ve planned for me when I go to sleep (with my agreement of course). My newest friend tells me he has a lot he wishes to teach me but still insists on waiting for me to go to sleep before he will pass anything much on. But he finally told me why I have to wait the other night when I got a bit frustrated and this is what I wish to share.
    He said that he waits for me to go to sleep so that he can instruct me at an unconscious level first, making sure that I gain full understanding and acceptance of the lesson there. Having achieved this means that when I come across this information consciously (or memory filters through) it rings true to me straight away. One of those ‘a-ha!’ moments, no doubt. Further to that I’m not left with any inner conflict about the information as both my conscious and unconscious minds are in agreement, leading to a much smoother path of progression.

    I think this is an extremely clever way to go about things and you can follow this through to answer many, many questions about methods of teaching and other experiences that may be used by those of the inner realms of being, both in altruistic or not so altruistic ways. (Mind you I don’t think ANYTHING we learn from those realms is wasted, discernment and strength being just a few of the gifts that come our way when we work with it.)

    I really don’t think any who had teachings to give of a certain type would waste their time trying to present it to someone who had no interest in or mental compatibility in those areas either.

    So given this understanding, I can fully see that if one has the capacity to have an unconscious understanding of the Thuban material presented here, as Shiloh suggests is necessary, “its peripheral topicity and subject matter” would be all that was needed to create that ‘a-ha’ moment for its adherents. The same would happen in many other of the more occult belief systems that are around these days that are presented to ‘us earthlings’.

    The other thing I’d like to say is more to Shiloh in relation to comments he often makes about people not taking the time to study maths and physics in order to be able to comprehend that which he shares so freely. I don’t think you realize Shiloh that it is just not easy for some minds to take to such studies as easily as it comes to you and your friends. It doesn’t come easily to me but I understand how this could be so but I don’t think it’s something to be sneered at. I myself find it easy to draw a likeness of that which I see and it took me a long time early on to accept the fact that others just plain cannot do the same, no matter how much they practice and try. Their minds just ‘don’t work that way’.

    So there is no “the trouble with people like ----“. No. Maybe you should just take the time to explain to them nicely that much of what you receive pertains to an understanding of physics and maths and leave it at that. But then maybe you just don’t have the ‘type of mind’ that finds it easy to explain in a way that would make sense to them either (NABS lovers or not), although I know you’ve tried a few times.

    We are not our bodies.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  9. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 2:34 pm

    If we were 'simply' dealing with an integration of Astronomy -- Biology -- Chemistry -- Physics -- History -- Law -- and Theology -- THAT would be one-thing -- but the language employed -- along with a seemingly anti-human bias -- is somewhat disorienting and disappointing. I've joked about spending quality-time with the Jesuits on Mt. Graham (with their HUGE Binocular-Telescope) -- mostly just observing and listening -- just to get a 'feel' for what they're all about. I suspect that they would not use Thuban-Speak. BTW -- I would probably bring my own armored-camper -- food -- water -- and body-guard!! "Don't Poison Me, Bro!!" I have attempted to combine Thuban-Posts with a Potpourri of Alternative-Posts -- to attempt to construct a sort of Gizeh-Intelligence 101. Perhaps someone should write Thuban for Dummies!!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  10. admin

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    • Post n°47

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 6:29 pm

    Sanicle's words:​
    "I’d like to make a few comments in relation to the discussion that’s continued on from these words of Shiloh’s above and BB’s responses to them in an attempt to build a small bridge of understanding if I can via something I, myself have learned recently, although I’ve thought twice about intruding. Sorry if anyone involved feels that way but who knows? It might help. And not just in terms of this discussion. I feel that what I was told can apply here and in many, many other instances where there’s a lack of comprehension of another’s beliefs.​

    The first thing I want to share is to do with Shiloh’s comments about the Thuban material being “addressed towards the subconscious and superconscious parts of the human soul”, as that is key to what I wish to share. BB’s response, in part, was “—how can you make others understand what's true for you, from your own point of view, on this Thuban material, or world, when something as immaterial and often obscure, as our subconsciousness is needed in that effort?” ​

    Thank you, Sanicle, what a pleasant surprise to see you pop up this way here, 3 is a crowd, I guess, your effort
    might help. In a trialogue of some sort? icon_wink. If shilo agrees?

    Reading your post and how you understand mine, I find I need to make a distinction. It's also in green in the quoted
    part above. For it's not in the learning of the Thuban material itself, theoretically speaking, that I find difficulty in ad-
    dressing the un/superconscious. The core issue, for me, is that I'm in the dark in how to make chocolate dragons, pure
    and raw, of what it is I need in order to learn, in the first place, you see?

    If I'm supposed to be unwilling to understand, what shilo presents here, he's like a cat in 7 miles boots, making a leap
    from a blank slate in the hands of the students, to a huge blackboard with his complicated formulas and patterns of a
    geometric nature, with a forked tale at the side, in a corner. For illustration.


    As I see it, bridges are needed, explanations of processes and experiences of them, offered as meaty morsels to the
    young dragons, who may be as suprised as the little green dragon in shilo's signature, when a flame leaves their youthful
    mouths. Without a proper manual or roadmap, they're flabbergasted by the complexity of it all and that forked tail on the
    blackboard. At least they're distracted, missing a morsel, thrown at them.

    Maybe it's for shilo's need to make use of a didactic structure of some sort, that I'm benignly sent to a corner of the classroom.
    I've asked the question "Why is this true?" maybe, between the lines, just like I've done in reality, in secondary school,
    receiving a dark look by the teacher and closing the door inside of me, to his teachings. How humorous life is, at times!

    Also this may be true, what mudra illustratively pointed out, comparing my own 7 miles boots fast forwardness in
    wanting to be shown the painting, with shilo is only sorting out the pigments for paints in that painting. When that's true,
    I may be frustrating shilo in the same way as he frustrates me. An intricate pattern... and..hmmm...a funny mirror game icon_wink.

    I find myself comparing the Hogwart School of Harry Potter, the classroom with students creating clumsy scenes, while trying
    to make magic, in the presence of a blackhaired teacher in black robes and a blond haired student, both sniggering at those
    futile attempts. It's of no use, to make the magic work for them, that way, is it?


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