A New World of Universal Logistics

Discussion in 'Thuban 301' started by admin, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°28

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. shiloh Today at 6:15 am
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Hi shiloh, we both posted Kryon's message about what's coming, a nice synchro 291147.
    Kryon or Cry-on, I will have a look at this "Ancient Future Dragon Omni-Science" for sure,
    thanks for posting that tubby.

    I'm amazed how the old paradigm of matter over mind, the way we began to behave ourselves
    in the circus, our antics with technical gadgets and scientific labs, still reigns, when people ask
    "Is it possible that physics might change because consciousness makes it so?"

    It looks to me like this: how on Earth, could we have found our way here, as souls in a physical body,
    if we hadn't made use of our consciousness? And used the true power of saying AMEN, making it so?

    How do you see this, do you have thoughts about this?

    The 'Seat' of the 'Soul' and of Whales and Mites and Black Holes

    In La'kech! - I Am Another Yourself!

    The Mayan observer of the occurrences on planet earth bears witness to a great upheaval in the human groupmind. There seems to be a monumental change going on with particular locations on the planet manifesting intensifying scenarios of great tragedy infused with pockets of great hope.

    In 2003 there was discovered a 'hidden sanctuary' in the Gulf of Corcovado at the western coast of Chile. This location was found to be a 'breeding ground' for the greatest and most massive creature that ever existed on the earth in its recorded history - the blue whale.
    Now today, this sanctuary has come to worldwide media attention in the attempt to disseminate this information and to ensure the continuance of this sancturay through and by the public awareness of this factual occurrence.


    Gratitude - (of the Real ETs as the Gaian nonhuman aliens)

    ...The Whale... If you read a recent front page story of the San Francisco Chronicle, you would have read about a female humpback whale who had become entangled in a spiderweb of crab traps and lines. She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso and a line tugging in her mouth.

    A fisherman spotted her just east of the Farallon Islands (outside the Golden Gate) and radioed an environmental group for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.

    When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them, pushed them gently around as she was thanking them.
    Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives. The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth said her eyes were following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.

    May you, and all those you love, be so blessed and fortunate to be surrounded by people who will help you get untangled from the things that are binding you. And, may you always know the joy of giving and receiving gratitude.

    God Bless You.

    On the other hand the scenarios of human tragedy and the suffering of human souls through the inhumanity inflicted by some souls onto others have reached a point of localised and international panic.

    In a country called Zimbabwe, people are set on fire whilst alive and left to die; some are maimed and hacked to pieces in front of their families and atrocities are committed, which are on a par with any of the holocausts and genocides and massacres, which litter the sorry and violent history of your human civilisation.
    But the Mayan knows, that things are more intricate, than as they appear.

    The outward appearance of the scenarios, both peaceful and harmonious and violent and chaotic, are both an image of an internal conflict experienced by the human groupmind as a whole and the individuated human mind in localised isolations and as defined in the physical awareness contained within some region of volume, defining the consciousness for this awareness.
    The African nation of Zimbabwe so manifests a certain internalised war or 'armageddon' in its collective experience.
    The Zimbabwean consciousness so suffers an immense frequency shift, manifested in a physical disintegration of its ecological and communal structures. The experience of the 'suffering' on many levels then is witnessed by observers, say as an international community.

    A cosmic playwright might now name a certain character as BE A MUG and develop the story of 'The Mug' as leading his country of Zimbabwe into chaos and disarray.
    One plot of the story might engage the question: what will the observers do, will they invade Zimbabwe and depose 'The Mug'. Now there will be little economic benefit of mounting a militarily enforced expedition to 'redeem' Zimbabwe from 'The Mug' and his cohorts.
    There are no resources of value in Zimbabwe and it will cost a lot of money to 'save' Zimbabwe from 'the infidels'.

    Some observers know, that 'The Mug' is the projection of a character and that a 'bit of the mad Mug, who has lost the plot', resides in all of the human consciousness carriers.
    Some observers will understand what happened in the mind of 'The Mug' and that he simply has allowed pride and prejudice coupled to fear to 'cloud' his self-awareness.
    The trouble with 'The Mug's' way of thinking is the trouble of the generalised human way of thinking.
    A history of 'divide and conquer' at any location of the planetary habitat will always induce a search for a 'new identity' for the location under question, the locale which experienced of having been 'divided and conquered'.

    So many human onlookers know this experience of the localised groupmind rather well. But something is a little different in Zimbabwe.
    Zimbabwe was 'colonised' in a sense of the past and much benefit derived from this colonisation for the country of Zimbabwe in terms of infrastructure being built and provisional things like food was grown and distributed.
    Then and as has so often been experienced by other locations of the planetary gropumind in the past; the 'invaders' of a different groupmind culture as the colonisers came into mental conflict with the original inhabitants as the colonised and a rebellion ensued.

    The 'whites' were exiled from the country and the land of the 'blacks'.
    Now this kind of scenario is an ongoing theatrical stage, however mind-disturbing, on planet earth.

    One has the 'reds' fighting the 'white invaders' in one place called Northern America and one has the 'whites' fighting the 'yellow' invaders in a place called Europe or the Middle East and one has the 'blacks' fighting the 'white' invaders in a place called Australia, as well as in Africa and one has the 'browns' fighting the 'white' invaders in a place called Southern America.
    The 'whites' also fight the 'white' invaders and the 'yellows' the 'yellows' and so on and on in say places like subEurope like say England, France, Germany, Spain and Ireland and subAsia in places like China and Japan and XKorea and YKorea and XVietnam and YVietnam.

    All this warring and fighting is a search for Identity: Personal-Clan-Tribe-Nation-Group - and so affects the evolving self-awarenesses and the collective consciousnesses.
    But the Zimbabwean example for the projection of the inbred search for identity in the human self-recognition apparatus serves as a dramatisation for the onlookers and the observers, both on earth and the extrapolated ones like the Maya.

    For in most other conflicts of violence, there is something to gain for the invader, for otherwise the universal motto of 'conquer and divide' is of little consequence.
    Invading Zimbabwe would mean that the invader would have to repair and 'fix' the destroyed infrastructures and provide aid and relief operations to 'heal' the suffering people in Zimbabwe.

    So the Maya sees the 'dispossessed poor blacks' killing and abusing the 'other dispossessed poor blacks' and witnesses the insanity of it all.
    But this 'insanity of the human mind' serves as an example of how the saying of 'the blind leading the blind into the abyss' was never more appropriate as at the given time.

    And the international onlookers, who could intervene are also struck with this 'blindness', because they do not understand of how to 'reharmonise' the scenario and of how to begin to heal the land, its people and its collective understanding of its selfhood.
    The internationals do not understand their selfhood either; and so the 'fear of loss' of Self-Identity, historically attained in the national agendas, constitutions and records; permeates the human groupmind from the individual through the families and clans and towns and cities to states, nations and continents.

    A historical perspective of 'divide and conquer', which underwrites the above scenario is now in a process of being realised by the international groupmind in its confrontation with an uneasiness in individual human minds not hitherto experienced in a collective sense since the demise of a previous human civilisation with slightly altered physical parameters with respect to the technology utilised.

    Will there be enough water for my grandchildren, many of you ask?
    Will I have to grow my own vegetables in my nonexistent backyard garden, because the price of foods is to high due to transportation and distribution costs?
    Will I be unable to fly from one country to another because the price of fuel is too high for me to pay?

    And the climate is 'playing havoc' with the seasons of the year out of season and with either too much or too little of the elements causing disasters with great loss of life and property.
    Where will it all end and what kind of planet will my children and grandchildren inherit?
    You see, it becomes a question of identity. Who am I and Where and What is my Country and my home? Where do I belong and What am I doing here in this place and at this time?

    So the purpose for this information from Hunab Ku through the pathway of the Kuxan Suum and in the Loom of the Maya is to share the Mayan understanding with the family, which finds itself presently self-imprisoned upon a beautiful planet in the galactic hierarchy of planetary councils.
    I shall elucidate, but will take a 'time out' to clarify the nature and meaning of these messages.

    Much of the information given, will create a great feeling of discomfort in many of you. I shall explain why, but the prime directive from Hunab Ku entails an agenda to allow you to gradually remember your own Mayaness and your own identity as time travellers.
    All of you are Mayas and all of you know about the 'masterplan' which is now unfolding on the planet Gaia.

    So your discomfort will be mental. Some will understand and most will not, but here is a key.
    You are feeling the discomfort, because you are not sure from deep within yourself, as to the appropriateness of ALLOWING yourselves to 'get it'.
    For the 'few' who will 'get it' or who experienced a kind of 'electric shock' when reading this, I humourise this discourse and state: "Buckle Up, you are in for the ride of your life!".
    For the 'many', who cannot yet 'remember', it does not matter and you also shall 'get it' at an appropriate time of your own choosing.
    In a sense it would prove detrimental to your state of mind to give you all the information all at once, such as Running Water attempted to do in a more technical and convoluted terminology.
    And practically noone on any forum could understand the convolutions now, could they?! The reason for this is as was outlined above. You disallowed yourselves from understanding much, because of certain 'veils' (or EVILS isn't your English language infused with encoded meanings?) you placed upon your perceptions of your own choosings.

    So I shall caveat the forums this one time. Should a moderator evaluate these messages as inappropriate in subject matter or receive complaints from contributors with respect of appropriateness; I shall willingly resign from that forum and cease to convey the Mayan heirloom.
    All Mayan messages will be freely available at the CosmosDawn website, linked at the signature of this message and everyone and all are invited to freely copy, distribute and share the Loom of the Maya and the data on this website with anyones choosings. There is no sense of copyright or intellectual propriety on this information, as it is your earned inheritance as 'Exiled Mayans' and as embodied spiritual ambassadors and ambassadoras and galactic genetic inheritors through and by your human DNA as a seedling for your galactic starhuman DNA.

    And so I shall continue with elucidations of your true identity in due course. This identity spans the creation of the universe and though Hunab Ku is the galactic centre of the Milky Way, it also resides in your own holographic bodyform in the gestalt of what many of you know as the Crown Chakra and or as the Pineal Gland in terms of your anatomy.
    The galactic Hunab Ku is physicalised as a Vortex SourceSink of Source Energy, which has a funnel like geometric form.
    Your scientist speculate on this and partially accept its existence in the form of a Mother-Black Hole or MBH located at the galactic centre. Your scientists then postulate a Power Engine for this MBH and something they associate with Quasars and Gamma-Ray-Bursters or GBRs.

    Mathematically, Hunab Ku is well defined as a Wormhole Singularity known as a Kerr-Toroidal-Ring or as a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge or ERB.
    But you know, there is a galactic wedding planned and this galactic wedding between Perseus aka the Milky Way and Andromeda represents a rather intimate encounter with all of you.

    The basic physics is one of galactic selfawareness on the, well, galactic cellular scale.
    Andromeda is a female spiral galaxy, because relative to the male Perseus galaxy, it rotates anticlockwise in a symbolisation of 69 and in drawing the ciphers from the 'loose ends' and with the circles of both the 6 and the 9 coinciding.
    Perseus aka the Milky Way is a male galaxy in the mirror images of the 69 and to see this simply draw the mirror image of 69 onto a piece of paper.

    Perhaps you are now ready for the solving of another mystery.
    This mystery engages a sensitive subject dear to many of you.

    Where is the 'risen' body of the character known as Jesus Christ?

    I shall not here delve into the mysteries of Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas. Much valid information can be found on the CosmosDawn website about this; but shall concentrate on the physical Whereabouts in association with Hunab Ku and Kuxan Suum.
    There is a particular encoding in your scriptures known as the New Testament, which ALWAYS names the 'risen' Jesus as Christ Jesus and the 'human Jesus' as Jesus Christ. These scriptures are known as the Letters of Paul.

    Now those selfsame scriptures also state, that Jesus has risen to 'sit on the right side of the father' awaiting judgement day following an armageddon of the worlds.
    The 'left side of the father' is never mentioned, because it is considered Sinister or Evil by the scribes and just as EVIL is the mirror image of LIVE, so is Jesus Christ the mirror image of Christ Jesus.

    So the key to the encoding includes the realisation that the Cosmic Christ is universal. You all carry the Cosmic Christ within yourselves, but a particular external manifestation of the Cosmic Christ is the 'Body of Hunab Ku' and that is the 'physicality of the Milky Way galaxy in total.

    So the Body of Christ as the 'New Church' is the Milky Way Galaxy and everything within it and that includes all of you as a collective 'church' and a collective 'body of christ'.

    You see then there are two 'emissiaries' of 'Jesus', the One sitting on the right side of the father'.

    The Jesus on the 'right' is the Jesus Christ of the human incarnation and this Jesus has a 'Comforter' which is called 'The Holy Ghost', as say in the gnostic gospel of John.

    So what does this mean?

    It means, that all and every 'male' Adam (or Adam Kadmon as the Cosmic Man Vitruvius or Purusha and similar) in the Milky Way can receive and become 'The Holy Ghost' as the christ embodied on the right.

    The Jesus of the left is so the Christ Jesus of the Pauline Letters and only 'female' Adams (or Eves as Eve came out of Adams chest as a rib) can receive and become 'The Holy Spirit'. But this duality of the sexes is reunified in the 'Tree of Life', which is the 'Tree of the Quabalah', which is the Matrix of the Maya and the Mandala for this and that. I shall address this in more detail in a later message if appropriate.

    The 'Holy Spirit' is the energy of the 'Holy Mother' and the 'Holy Ghost' is the energy of the 'Holy Father'.

    Now the Cosmic Christ in Mayan language is called Pacal Votan and manifests in the 'office' of the Plumed Serpent, also known as Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl or Gugumatz.
    The 'office' of the 'Plumed Serpent' is also the 'office' of Melchisedek in your scriptures and the scrolls known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    This 'office' was known to the previous civilisation of the human race on planet Gaia and the remnant of this previous civilisation became a new seed for your present civilisation in what the historians call 'Ancient Egypt'.
    In 'Ancient Egypt' the office of the Serpent was the 'Uraeus' and the Egyptian mythologies served as the seedling 'stories' for all of your other spiritual belief systems and were then modified by the 'wisdom keepers' and the scribes relative to the global envirnments which developed the 'new human civilisation' which has now come to its predicted end of 'it's rope', and as I shall further elucidate in the times to follow if appropriate.

    But the Mayan synchronisation of 2012 will open certain vortexes for the galactic communication between Hunab Ku as the 'Cosmic Galactic Mind' and its subsystems and including your solar nebulae star RahSol to the planet Gaia as a 'female receptacle' of the 'male' 'courtship'.
    Now as the galactic vortices open on the Kuxan Suum, as the 'greater body of christ' the 'smaller bodies of christ', namely all of you, both male and female, will also experience an opening of vortices and many of you are already experts on the details and the nature of this occurrence.

    The galactic Kuxan Suum is your 'spinal column' and the galactic pathways are the Acupuncture meridians or energy points within your physical anatomy and the chakra-energy centres linked to organs and glands.
    Then the 'Coming of Pacal Votan'; which is the 'Coming of the Cosmic Christ', will be the SERPENT=97 as a PRESENT and as a SON OF MAN and the awakening of your 'kundalini' as the 'coiled up serpent' encoded in the number 97 as the 95 2 in the Mayan hieroglyphics (95=IAMTHATIAM as the 'holy' name given to Moses by the 'burning bush' in Exodus.3.14).

    Now recall the 69=96 from my earlier information and you can begin to understand the Mayan language in its alphanumeric correspondence to your own anglosaxon tongue.
    You have designed the words in a certain way, to decipher the Mayan hieroglyphics you know -some may begin to remember this now.

    So SONOF=69 and MAN=13+1+14=28 and 69+28=97 and what appears as just a 'coincidence' in the reading of the exoteric skeptic, becomes an esoteric encodement in Mayan hieroglyphics translated into anglosaxon alphanumerics.

    But if Andromeda is the 'Bride' and Perseus is the 'Bridegroom' on the galactic level and occuring in say 5 billion years from now, then what is the 2012 galactic synchronisation all about, you may ask?
    The 'bride' is yourself as the 'Holy Spirit' and the 'bridegroom' is yourself as the 'Holy Ghost' - the Cosmic Christ reassembled and the 'Wedding of the Lamb'.

    So a few of you may feel a little happiness by now. Your belief in the 'Christening' wasn't such a form of 'spiritual self delusion' and 'wishful thinking' after all. So many skeptics tried very hard to make you feel uncomfortable with your beliefs in the 'truth' of the 'holy books'.

    But to be skeptical is a very good thing - if it is engaged in in a manner of logical discernment and a sieving of the wheat from the chaff, as the sayings go. To be skeptical for skepticism's sake can however rather be a 'foolish' thing, as it hinders the raising of the self-awareness in the acceleration of the numbers of the frequencies.

    But to 'run around' proselytising the 'Word of God' without more than a very superficial exoteric meaning of this 'Word of God' can lead to an even greater 'foolishness' in the affairs of the human mind and heart.
    Many wars and lowering of self-awareness has resulted in the 'foolish' interpretations of the 'holy scriptures', and especially the ones which experience a great following such as the Christian Bible, the Jewish Torah and the Qu'ran of Islam, all defining their genealogical ancestry correctly to Abraham and Sarah as the starseed of the Maya.

    Yes, Abraham as the 'Friend of God' was one of us and as one of all of us.

    Reanalysing the human history from the Mayan perspective, will heal the misunderstandings and the Imams and the Ayatollahs and the Popes and the Bishops and the Lamas and the Monks and the Babas will find out and understand that they are all are trying to describe the same ultimate reality and inclusive of the nirvana and the maya.

    And so the prophecied 'Second Coming of Jesus', the 'Return of Peter as the last pope', the 'final incarnation of Krishna', the 'last incarnation of the prophet as the 12th Imam' and so forth are all encompassed in the 'Return of the Maya' in the form of Pacal Votan, the 'plumed sepent' of Uraeus.

    And to end with this dispensation; I ask you to recall another movie, which is pertinent for the present time.
    In my last messsage, I mentioned 'Independence Day' as a distorted depiction of Mayan reality.

    The movie: 'Star Trek - The Journey Home' was a much more realistic depiction of Mayan reality and is filled with hope and not despair and fear.
    In that movie, the last Star Trek with original castings; the Blue Whales of Chile have become extinct on a doomed planet earth and the Star Trek Crew must travel back in time in true Mayan style to 'save the whales' for the future and to avoid total physical destruction.

    Now the Blue Whale population in the Gulf of Corcovado is doing very well, the numbers have increased, albeit slowly and the Chilean awareness is expanding into a global awareness as to the necessity and importance to 'stabilise' the Blue Whale population and to ensure its habitat.

    And the whales, the gentle giants of the oceans sing their songs of joy and appreciation and the melodies travel along the Kuxan Suum towards the galactic centre to tell the tales of an awakening humanity understanding, realising and honouring their stewardship as cocreators with their common mother planet Gaia.
    And concurrently with this, the human stewards experience the symphony of the whales as the serpent energy of their individualised Kuxan Suum, and in the form of their vertebrata and their energy meridians.

    This is the true nature of the Mayan Loom and I shall further share the Mayan understanding if appropriate at a later time.

    Much controversy revolves around the concept of the Cartesian mind-body duality and the ideas of an immortal part of a living entities colloquially and historically termed 'soul'.

    Four references from the KJV Christian bible read as translated.

    "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

    "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb in the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."

    "And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantely, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

    "And God said, Let the earth bring bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the fruit tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

    It is proposed in QR (Quantum Relativity Theory of Thuban OmniScience); that the scriptural accounts describing creation in actuality reflect an encoding of a story, which can today be translated into the nomenclature of modern physical theory.

    So the 'seed in itself' translates as the programming of the DNA inherent in the sexual chromosomes of reproduction in modern genetics.

    This then implies, that the 'Lord God' and as the creator somehow must be responsible for this 'programming' as say the primordial and/or underpinning and/or intrinsic intelligence or mind for this 'creation' and 'before it materialised' in the Big Bang cosmology and the creation of space and time et al.

    Furthermore, man (and all lifeforms in flora and fauna say before it) does in fact derive from 'the dust of the ground'; namely as the first selfreplicating biovital precursors in the Darwinian evolution in the form of clay-crystals.
    The growth of crystalline inorganic structures can be shown to relate to chiral differentiation with say the biochemistry of DNA manifesting in righthanded sugars and lefthanded proteins. Also this can be further examined and analysed in the weak parity violation of the weak nuclear interaction and so the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in fundamental particle physics.

    Subsequently, nature's favouring of compacting information in its most efficient manner possible leads to geometric forms for the selfreplication of crystalline structures to proceed; say as in the well established form of fivefolded symmetries in the Fibonacci patterns of quasicrystals and the more regular packing arrangements as say embodied in the five Platonic Solids: Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

    The topic of this post is however a particular 'decoding' of the scriptures; namely why are 'whales' mentioned in the genesis account and in context with the 'moving creatures', say as distinct of the 'stationary' trees?

    First, the informed reader might realise certain biological anomalies.

    Only whales share something termed the female human menopause with scriptural 'man' (meaning mankind as male with the female as a bisexual unity).

    Secondly, whilst the evolutionary historical record shows diversity in the great mammals generally having 'shrunk' in size; the whales have greatly 'expanded'.

    A mammoth; a dimetrodon, a wooly rhino and a smilodon; all clearly show scaled-up versions of the modern elephant, the modern rhinoceros and the modern lion say.

    But the ancestry of whales is believed to derive from landdwelling Mesonychids, which were doglike carniverous ungulates (one-hoofed) and from ancestors of the hippopotamus in artiodactyla (hippopotamidae) of the early paleocene about 60 million years ago.


    Basilosaurus cetoides (and say Zyggorhiza Kochii) were primitive whales in the Eocene oceans, about 40 million years ago, having returned to the aquatic environment, say 50 million years ago.


    Those primitive whales, as cetaceans, then 'split' about 35 million years ago into evolved into the toothless baleen whales and the toothed dolphins, porpoises, killer whales and sperm whales of today.

    The greatest and most massive mammal that has ever existed still exists today under threat of extinction - the Blue Whale of say 150 tonnes in weight and 30-40 meters in length.




    One blue whale was dated as being over 200 years old and their average lifespan is the same as that for the human in so 70-100 years.

    So is there a familial relationship between humans and whales? Modern whales are related to pachyderms in the hippopotami and some 'decipherers' of scripture identify the biblical 'behemoth' of the Book of Job with the hippopotamus and the Leviathan of that book with the whale.

    Actually, according to QR, the Jobian mythological creatures relate to something rather different, namely the Mazzaroth or Circle of Ourobos as the 'zodiac' of the 'Milky Way'; but this has been discussed elsewhere.

    But according to the cosmogenesis of QR; the Big Bang occurred 19.11 billion years ago following 'stringed inflationary epoch'.

    This inflation ended at the 'instanton of time', namely to=3.33..x10-31 seconds after 'Planck-Time' and related in the cycletime n=Ho.t. This quantizes a linear 'flow of time' as dn/dt=Ho~1.88x10-18 Hz and as a superposed 'cosmic frequency' for the expansion of the universe (as a nodal Hubble-Constant of 58 km/Mpc.s say).

    This marker, initialising the thermodynamic Big Bang as a Planck Black-Body Radiator; then manifests a 'Unified Field' (UF) of the four gauge interactions (Gravitation, Electromagnetism and the two nuclear interactions).

    This UF manifests the merging of two opposing wavefunctions, which repeats in intervals of 8π radians and manifests the gauge interactions as a collection of monopolic current 'knots' or 12 intersection-points.

    As the timeinstanton defines the c-invariance in lightpath x=cto and as a wavelength (lambda or λ) say; one can now metricate the minimum displacement as a Schwarzschild Radius in say General Relativity and giving a boundary/initial condition for the relativistic Big Bang.

    Setting 4 Lambda=(8π.ro)=2GM/c2, then specifies the 'Black Holed' inertia or mass as Mmin=4π.ro.c2/G=162,000 kg in the QR calculation, using string parameters.

    What does this mean?

    This means that any mass observed and measured in the universe can be differentiated in terms of its Black-Hole equivalence.

    A classical Black Hole would become limited in an 'ordinary' manifested mass of 162 tonnes and as the precise mapping of the 'Unified Field' onto a subsequent cosmic evolution, which began over 19 billion years ago and in a sense defining the 'finiteness' of the universe, compared to its stringed 'pretime'.

    So any of the 'living moving creatures' of the scriptural account would PRECEDE the manifestation of a physical universe as the 'seeds of themselves', now translated into modern semantics as the Black Hole inertia equivalents, which in QR are also monopolic and superconductive source-currents.

    So if 162 tonnes is a minimum and say as the scale of the most massive living creature that ever existed; what then is the minimum scale of such a creature?.

    As the 162 tonnes specify a maximum in say the baleen whale as the END of the inflationary string epoch; the minimum is necessarily defined in the beginning of that epoch and so in the Planck-Mass MP=√(hc/2πG)~1.6x10-8 kg.

    Should one use the mass of a human preembryo at implantation of the blastocyst (100-150 cells) at say 7 days after fertilisation as a marker; then using cellular mitosis at the twelfth division - after the creation of the first generation of the daughter cells from the parental spermatozoa and ovum -of the (totipotent) stem cells; the Planck-Mass is also attained.
    Here one uses a characteristic cellular mass of 1 nanogram for 214=16,384 cells for a total mass of 16,384 nanograms.

    So the lightest 'living creature' should weigh about the Planck-Mass and is found in the world of the microbes.

    The Etruscan Shrew (of thumbsize) is described as the lightest living mammal, weighing 2 grams; the lightest vertebrate is often said to be the stout infantfish (of so 8 mm) at one milligram and the lightest insects are say fairy flies (hymenoptera, wasps), which also weigh in the milligram region and the millimeter scale of size.

    mite--5004-.18846. banana--5005-.18847. shrew--5006-.18848.

    The smallest invertebrata can be smaller, then the largest protozoa, say the bacterium paramecium (350 micrometers) as compared to a fairy flie of 200 micrometers.

    paramecium--5022-.18849. 20_paramecium1--5023-.18850.

    Microscopic mites like Archegozetes Iongesetosus (from taxonomy of acari and arachnids) weighs 100 micrograms and is often called the 'strongest animal in the world', as it can lift over 1182 times its own bodyweight (expected value is about five times). Such microorganisms date back to the Devonian era of so 400 million years ago and still dominate the overall lifeform in number on the planet.


    But Archegozetes Iongesetosus is a 'larger' mite at half a millimeter and at 10-7 kg and smaller mites reduce to less than one tenth of a millimeter.

    This reduction in size corresponds to a say fivefolded reduction in mass and now characterises the Planck-Mass of so 16 micrograms.

    So what am I saying?

    I claim, that say the extreme forms of inertia found on the planet, say the 162 ton baleen whale and the tropic mite at 20 microgram, are both related to the creation of the universe before space and time existed - as DNA/RNA templates or architectural blueprints subject to evolutionary genetic mutation or similar.

    And this is just, what the scriptures claim in genesis. The 'seeds' existed, before they were planted.

    And the human scale of say 50-100 kg is near the geometric mean of the two extremes at √(162x103x1.6x10-8)~0.051 kg by a factor of 1000 - the mean describing a 'weight' of 51 grams (a typical chocolate bar or a small bird).

    So where then is the location of the 'souls'?

    The souls of all 'living things' are located inside the Black Holes of their inertia equivalence.
    And as this equivalence predates the Big Bang, the 'souls' of living entitities from mite to blue whale must also predate the materially manifested universe in the selfsame primordial 'mind' or 'cosmic intelligence', which programmed the 'seeds' in say the genetic encoding and which is historically known under many labelings, including that of the 'Lord God'.

    Subsequently, when a mite or blue whale 'dies', the information 'collected' as say 'memory' in 'consciousness' throughout its 'lifecycle' will become 'processable' in a scenario transcending space and time in a 'return to the sourcing of the seeds'.


    Fantastic hypothesis, Tony. Are you saying that there is a sort of 'blueprint soul' from which all others are made and to which they return?
    I don't really understand inertia, but I think I was able to grasp most of what you were alluding to above.


    Yes April, and this blueprint is the same 'thing' from which the entire universe was born. It is the 'singularity' of mathematical physics as well as the 'source of all things' of the ancients, as well as the 'IAm' of Moses' 'burning bush' in Exodus.3.14 as the 'most holy of names' as well as the 'IAM' of omniscience of the New Ager.

    Because this 'singularity' is responsible of having 'made' space and time from itself; it was described by the ancient mind of insight (gnosis=scientia=knowledge) as some 'LIGHT moving out of its own darkness to create all things.
    This is just like the mythology described in genesis. So the 'bible bashers' in a sense are not far off the 'truth' at all. Using GNOSIS=SCIENCE=INSIGHT, one can DECIPHER the mythologies in just a manner which reductionistic science can (and will imo) eventually accept as its own ontology.

    The trouble is that any mythology becomes by necessity FILTERED by the 'decoder'.
    So saying, that the 'spirit of God' moved across the void (which is the same as the Greek Chaos differentiating into Uranus=Sky and Gaea=Earth or the Egyptian twinship of Geb=Sky with Nut=Earth) can and has been interpreted in many ways, including in exoteric (open and outward for the masses as Jesus or similar adepts would have said) and an esoteric (hidden or occult and inward for the disciples as Jesus or similar adepts would have said).

    Then the so called sceptics and antispiritualists lose impartiality in critisizing the exotericism of say the dogma-bound religions as being undifferentiated from the esoteric interpretations (reserved for the 'disciples' or whatever).

    Stephen and Herb's addresses below relate to this. Both are fundamentally correct in their critiques.
    Stephen and Herb here actually converge in stating that the biblical 'soul' refers to the 'breath of life'. But this is precisely what I have said in quoting Genesis.2.7.; and which I then 'deciphered' in terms of modern physics.

    One can see here what I mean by 'filtering' of the decoders.
    Stephen justifiably draws upon his own database of his gnosis and differentiates between spirit and soul and then applies his brand of esoteric alchemy (as genuine part of the perennial philosophy) to describe say the harmony of the elements.

    His spherical 'merkabah' is the same as the 'singularity' of QR above; it is the same as the Circle of Vitruvian Man of Leonardo da Vinci or the 'Cosmic Box' of the Hinus 'Purusha' (or 'Cosmic Man').

    Stephen now could even go further in showing parallels between 'spirituality' and reductionist science.
    Namely, he could invoke the destructive nature of Oxygen as the 'breath of life' and so the dual nature of being both life-giving as 'food for the brain' and as the 'fuel for combustion' and as destroyer in say that same combustive chemistry.

    Herb is also correct in his critique, as the 'breath of life' can be said to be the 'soul' of ANYTHING LIVING after dispensation from 'God'.
    And this is just what I tried to explain in my post. Namely, that all living things are 'made' from say 'Nature's DNA/RNA Code of Life' and manouver in between minimum and maximum boundaries which can so be utilised by modern science to further their classification procedures.

    Herb misses the major point of reducing the 'God' which say 'by his spirit' gave the 'soul' to the living things to something inherent in the created beings themselves.
    It is Herb's responsibility to justify his 'godless' nature in showing how this 'soul' came to be the 'motor of life' so to speak.
    To then say, that science is still learning and trying to find out is to 'hide' behind the ignorance he so easily dispenses onto the peoples of faith and 'believers' in the database and libraries of the myths.

    Lastly, April's question on the 'souls return to their source' requires deeper analysis.
    Logically, all speculations must be selfconsistent and should also be reducible to a basic simplicity.

    So the 'singularity' is in fact defined in a generalised way by many thinkers, ancient and new. One can term it the 'Lord God' or the Big Bang Singularity of a Planck-Superstring or the Source-Energy of the IAMTHATIAM or whatever.

    Note here an important FACT. God is God UNTIL he has created his own image in Man (AdamEve) and RENAMES himself as the Lord God thenceafter. Why? Because Adam has now become God as his Veritas Eikona (Perfect or True Image), being empowered to NAME all the created fauna and flora in the manner of scientific classifications and taxonomies etc. etc.(Gen.2.4,20).

    God's Spirit becomes the ENERGY, not only of his own selfdefinition (after emerging out of his opwn darkness or void by becoming AWARE of himself); but also of the lifesustaining 'breath of life' dispensed to his environment (say Stephen's bubble of being, which is Isaiah's 'Vessel of the Lord', Noah's Ark, the New Age Merkabah, Moses' 'Ark of the Covenant' and the 'Body of Christ' as the 'Body of the Church' in the eucharist etc. etc.).

    Modern science then will one day discover, that this 'spirit of God' is closely related to the foundations of the physical sciences in being the boundary for spacetime as metric limit - limiting to what displacement scale measurements can be reduced.

    Because of this, all science must eventually converge at its source of origin and it will then become understood what 'God' truly is and always was.
    Namely, God can only be the energy reservoir for everything that exist, did or can exist including all thoughts, memories, speculations, dreams and inventions.

    BUT, this energy reservoir must necessarily be independent on physical parameters such as space and time and mass.
    So, modern science must CHANGE its paradigm of reducing everything to spacetimematter and REPLACE this with a reduction to the ENERGY equaivalence of this spacetimematter.

    This will DEFINE 'God' unmistakenly, as all global science will find commonality and reproducibility through the scientific methodology.
    I can elaborate if asked specific questions on this and have already often done so in my posts.

    So the 'souls' are REDUCED energy concentrations independent on mass and space and time. Whilst 'enlivening' some 'vessel of life' (and a vessel of the lord in terms onf man as the image); the 'souls' ARE the living entity, might it be an ant or a dolphin or a child.
    Their 'souls' are however CONNECTED to the source of all in their ENERGY EQUIVALENCE, say modelled on Black Hole physics.

    As the entire inertial universe is most definitively describable as a "Mother Black Hole' (because the critical density in General Relativity demands a harmony between elementary parameters in first principles); whatever is contained in this universe is automatically bilocated in terms of the INFORMATION processing of this selfsame universe.

    The boundary of the universe is colocated with the centre (and just as Stephen propounds in his 'merkabah'-sphere).
    This means, that all information in between is MAPPED onto the surface (of the so called Hubble Horizon of the universe so 17 billion lightyears from the Big Bang centre) and from where it is 'processed' by the centre.

    So the 'return of the souls' is rendered as a REMEMBRANCE or RECOGNISANCE of the 'souls' which had embarked on a journey, of say into embodiment, to discover more of their 'own identity' as the vertias eikonas of their source.
    There is of course much more to all of this and certain elucidations can be found in the postings of Tony B. and on my site (where the mathematical symbols print properly).

    PS.: Btw, I have elaborated on the Planck-Mass, linking it to embryogenesis in human gestation in my last post.

    Tony B.

    Excellent points. Very intelligently written Tony! What a great mind you have friend! However, I would like to add my two cents in - now I'm not syaing you are wrong, or that your exegisis is flawed, but according to my sources the breath of life that was breathed [inspired] into the nostrils of man is the spirit - not the soul.
    There is a difference.

    [The word inspire is related to the word spirit, and inspire means to breathe in. That is why often times you will hear someone say, in the same sentence, that scripture is inspired by the holy spirit, that is, it is God breathed.]

    In what I practice, the element of air represents the spirit and higher intellect, and may be depicted as an eye in the clouds. The soul is akin to mans will - it is a projection of thought, or illumination
    just as fire projects its light. It just so happens that the fire of the soul consumes the flesh unto death, just as a flame consumes a log - in other words the nature of the soul destroys the flesh.


    Genesis.2.7: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

    The King James version of the bible is full of mistakes.
    The true interpretations of Genesis 2.7 is:
    from the Tanakh [a Jewish source]
    "the Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.
    from the New Jerusalem Bible [a Catholic source]
    "Yahweh God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being."

    In either case, "the breath of life" is interpreted as the "soul."
    In other words, the soul is that which animated life, and therefore all organisms which have life, has a soul.
    When one dies, the soul is gone, kaput, finished. There is no memory existing in space. Memory only exists in the brains of living organisms.


    From: light.rock@...
    Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 01:44:19 -0500
    Subject: Re: [quantumrelativity] RE: [Panentheism] Re: The Devine Mind/Bill

    It is a nagging thought that keeps popping up...
    If existing is as in a HoloGram, then energy itself is illusory and a supernova takes no more energy than no supernova - to the processor.
    The reason this keeps popping up is that a HoloGram is tremendously energy efficient, capable of being 'run' or 'observed' by multiple observers in the whole variety of directions. Or even the same exact directions simultaneously by multiple observers.
    In a word: Elegant.
    Science ? No. I mention it due to an experience, a religious or shamanic type experience.

    I'm left with the... the... awareness or 'belief' that reincarnation is not restricted to happening in the future. i.e., the awareness is not bound by physical time, except say, while 'running a view' or 'focusing'.
    (Interesting, Terry Pratchet, sci fi / fantasy author, seems to have made the same observation at the close of 'The Truth' )
    Pre-destiny - perhaps actually, but during focus or 'life'.
    In this way perhaps everyone was once Cleopatra or Napoleon.
    No dilemma.

    Must a thought be energy ? Or merely a crystalline 'memory' in 3D ?
    Is awareness the same as a thought ? or is it perhaps merely the observance ?
    Maybe something most everyone can relate to on that is a rough emotional experience such that your body is going but you seem to be looking out from behind your eyes while everything is just happening, like 'you' are the observer on the inside not exactly the participant. Fortunately that doesn't happen very often, to me anyway, but for a few times in my youth.
    I can imagine maybe it is fairly common however.
    Or I needed the guys in white coats....


    Hi Allan!

    No, no guys in white coats. You are indeed Napoleon and have bedded Cleopatra and been bedded as her.
    The trick is imagination - thoughts are real and most men understand that one can 'make love' to an object of one's sexual desire in one's thoughts.
    But men are wired slightly differently than woman in the functionality of the libido and so the biological impulses for men are more visually stimulative than the opus operandi for the feminine - less spontaneous and requiring more 'foreplay'.

    But then in all men is the goddess and in all women harbours the god so there; stereotyping is to be eschewed.
    Where is Napoleon now and what of Cleopatra - the sexy bitch?
    There is imagery, pictures, portraits, sculptures, photos -memory and remembrance, movies made and stories written and told.
    Where is the aborted child of Bejing and the starving infant of Zimbabwe, which has just died?
    The aborted child had no material experience in its brief journey into embodiment, except as part of another's body and the starving child's interaction with its environment was predominatedly one of suffering, pain and deprivations.
    But there WILL BE MEMORY!
    As the mother cried in the burial of her child, memories were formed and transmitted throughout the holographically defined universe for all who wished to 'tune into'.

    As the 'soul' of little Azassa found itself separated from its enclosure of nagging hunger and the experience of chronic pain; it suddenly felt the warmth of its grandmother which had 'passed' a year before.
    Then older and more ancient memories flooded Azassa - images of roaming the woods and playing with others; of being a father of children, noble and proud and subject to strange moods and feelings; images of being a grandmother with pets and of little children to care for and being of a whiter skin; images of a strange world, where unfamiliar animals crawled about and were two suns could be seen during the day and images and images and images...

    And little Azassa felt the warmth of being home; it was itself, but not as separated as it had felt for the last 6 years or so. The familar warmth of grandmother became more encompassing as the remembrances became more 'real' and more applicative to reidentify Azassa as the REALITY of its past experiences.
    Then new decisions had to be made from this new perception of itself; Azassa also was Delilah and Kistrak and... and... and.. what to do next what to think next whom to meet next whom to ask next????

    On the question of energy!
    Thought equals energy; but this energy is ANCESTRAL to the energy described in the physical manifestos and the conservation laws. It is here that the laws of entropy become double-arrowed and it is here where the linear 'flow of time' becomes bidirectional from the NOW into past and future as linearly perceived.

    So the best one can do from the paradigm of reductionist science is to align the ANCESTRAL ENERGY with the ZPE, which so must be REDEFINED not so much as a VIRTUAL Heisenberg Vacuum of matter-antimatter interaction, but as a REAL potentially INFINITE reservoir of SOURCE-ENERGY albeit definable as the metric limit for the materiality including Big Bangs and anything associated with spacetimemass creations.

    Then Allan's notion of awareness as memory and say consciousness becomes reductionistic in being definable in terms of the REAL SOURCE-ENERGY aka the electromagnetic monopolic 'magnetoelectricity' colloquially, historically and universally known as SPIRIT or Energy of God.

    John.4.24: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (Jesus said).
    2John.4.8: "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love."

    Subsequently and logically then; the Ancestor of the physically measured energy is the 'Love of God' or the 'Spirit of God'.

    Quantum Relativity then gives PRECISE definitions in term of Quantum Mechanics and string parameters, as to a modern interpretation or labeling for the 'Spirit of God'.
    This by necessity, must PREDATE in linear terms anything at all to do with material manifestations as described in the metrics of created space and superimposed temporal times.

    Tony B.

    Tony, I cannot fully connect all the dots on this on first read, but I do get the general point of your thinking. More importantly, I can see how it has the potential to move the endless debates of monism versus dualism to new ground. These debates suggest to me what it must have been like a little over a hundred years ago when people were debating wave versus particle theories of light. Ultimately, somebody had to step back and come up with new, more encompassing science to resolve the paradox. This is what you are attempting to do.


    Hi Bill!

    Yes, I agree with you what is requiered is a MORE ENCOMPASSING SCIENCE, which I term omni-science incorporative of an SPIRITUALITY as old as historical sentient man and the classicism of materialism.
    Most of the debates between say evolutionist and creationist or between atheist and believer will be looked upon as archaic and underinformed in a hopefully viable future of humankind and terralis pneumasophia.

    'Unfortunately, a misreading of the Cartesian paradigm has resulted in the materialistic tunnel vision now prevalent in some avenues of mainstream science...'

    Tony B.

    Tony, I am interested in your ideas on mind and matter. I am confused by your use of the word 'misreading' here. Misread suggests to me a misunderstanding or an incomplete understanding, as opposed to (or in addition to), disagreement. Are there aspects of dualism you feel are misunderstood - as opposed to disagreed with - by those who don't accept it? 'Disagreement' began before the the ink was dry on the paper, as I read it (eg. Hobbes supposedly wrote that the statement should be changed to something on the order of, 'I think, therefore material substance is capable of thought').


    You are quite correct here. 'Misread' is somewhat an iappropriate label here. I should have used misinterpreted or misunderstood in the meaning of a selfrestrictive viewpoint say.
    And Hobbes supposed statement here exemplifies this point. It presupposes a noncausative connection between the thinker and the material substance in not allowing one or the other or both.

    Either the mind (thought) creates the substance or vice versa or both in a manner of mutual induction or feedback say. But if the nonmaterial mind created the substance of the body; then the origin of the nonmaterial remains unexplained. If the material brain creates the mind, then the origin of the matter similarly remains unexplained. This is the dilemma in a nutshell.

    Solution - find the common denominator of both the material and the nonmaterial and discover and analyse the genesis of that.
    One common denominator is ENERGY, as say given in bosonic massless photons and inertial fermions. But the photons are all 'made' by material sources (fusion in stars say); so modern physics must eventually reduce the energy transformation of say nuclear fusion and the binding energies inherent in E=mc2 to some mass precursor. Then this mass precursor or ancestor of inertia will have properties, which must encompass both material and nonmaterial properties etc. etc. To accomodate a Big Bang cosmogenesis, this ancestor must be high in energy and very small in size and so very high in kinetic potential and so on. Eventually, science will so and has found the metric measurement limit in the Planck parameters and the string models to describe the quantum physics of a selftransforming metric.

    So the material universe becomes 'explainable' in the models of the energy transformations of the string bosons (say). This leaves us with associating the nonmaterial ancestor with the genesis of the say planck-parameters, the nature of fundamental constants like c and h and k and pi and e and so on. Then abstraction and mathematics with zeroes and infinities enters the fray and with it the worlds of 'purity of thought'. So now the question becomes: 'What is a thought?' It must have energy or energy equivalence, otherwise it could not have resulted in a material cosmology of Big Bangs and strings.

    So the energy of thoughts become ancestral and prerequisite for anything material to exist. And who thinks? Well, people do and most likely fauna and flora does to in graduated forms of electric- and magnetic self- and mutual inductions (say called instinct and rationality via perception of the senses etc.). So if people are in a manner ancestral to their bodies, where did they come from? Well, the bodies came from genetic encodings, which in a sense are reducible to 'programs of pure thought' and so can be made nonmaterial in origin. So again, people must be reducible to 'pure thought' as ancestral energy and have a 'common origin' in the say PRIMAL THOUGHT of some idea or manifesto of some I AM MYSELF and.. and.. and... Ergo, one can introduce spirituality as the universal 'Impulse of Remembrance' of that selfsame I AM connecting all thinkers of thoughts UNIVERSALLY.

    So if the atheist says: 'God is just a Thought'!; heshe is absolutely correct. But the skeptic himself is just such a God or Thought herhimself also.

    And Descartes': COGITO ERGO SUM! or I Think therefore I am! becomes a most appropriate selfexpression of the Universal Primal I AM ITSELF.


    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:26 am; edited 1 time in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
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    • Post n°29

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. shiloh Today at 6:20 am
    The Reading of the Sealed Book and the Universal Language

    When 'That Infamous Woman' is the 'Fake-Woman' aka the 'Group-Consciousness' of an entire world, which as the 'Devil-Mind' aka the 'System of Thought of intrinsic Separatedness' aka 'The Whore of Babylon' aka the 'Fake-Barbelo' aka the 'Fake-Babalon' of gnostic lore and exposition does not wish to understand, because as 'Inside She' 'Big Outside She' already does!

    In the wavestate of beingness, also known as 'being dead' or without a bodyform in physical incarnation as a Dead Alive One'; it is VERY Easy NOT to be an individual. Then the 'group- or family' consciousness of non-separation and 'all embracing love and sense of belonging and integration', becomes an overwhelming experience for the multiversal and omniversal 'Soul'.
    For such a consciousness energy to attempt to become separate from this 'familiarity of being home' in seeking to experience the separation from this 'heavenly haven of home', becomes even more difficult as the contra indication encountered by the physically incarnated 'Soul'.

    The Alive Dead Ones have physical geometrized forms known as bodies or dragon morphs, which 'collapse' their 'particular body functions' upon the death of the physical vessel in the release or unfolding of the 'waved soul' and so transforming the nature of the 'total soul' from its 'bodied soul' self-state into its 'waved soul' self-state.
    It has proven rather difficult for the 'bodied souls' to harmonize their 'self treasured' individualities with the their 'greater body selfhoods' and as so treasured and well understood in the 'waved soul' homage of the Cosmic Familialities. It so becomes very easy to individualise because of the body separations in the incarnated part of the soul's existence and it much harder to experience the collectivities of its 'collapsed natural part'. Many incarnated souls do remember their natural wavestates however and often experience environmental difficulties and encumberances to express their truth and remembrances regarding their Cosmic families they are often deeply aware of throughout their experiences as an incarnated 'bodied soul' or dragon morph.
    The incarnated 'Souls' upon conception in a womb of a likewise incarnated Mother 'Collapse their wavefunction' into the geometrical biophysical individuality of a 'baby' to be born after a specified gestational period.
    The separation of the previously Dead Alive 'Soul' from its 'Harbour of Omniversal Love and Family' so occurs at the point event of conception when the collapsed particle state of home unfolds in tandem with the collapse of the Soul's wavefunction.
    The life then lived and from conception to birth to death then becomes a journey of experience to 'make sense' of this life of (non)separations within spaces and within times.
    The purpose of any life then becomes to realise or find the purpose of that living existence and a life experience, which could culminate in a climaxing event of manifesting this purpose of the duality or split beingness of being a collapsed individual in the wavestate mirrored in being a collapsed cosmic family in the individuation or particle state.
    The Shadow or parallel Cosmic Self then becomes self-relative in the bifurcation of the Descartian Mind-Body divide; remains however unified or 'quantum entangled' in the omniscience of the Cosmic Consciousness of the Soul, the latter being characterised and defined in 'Cosmic Memory' and advanced multi-dimensional quantum mechanics, based on the holofractalization of elementary timespace units or 'consciousness building blocks' also definable as 'wormholes.

    The cosmic purpose and agenda for any Soul is to self-realise its own duality in space and time and to self-unify as a monadic dyad or 'Two in Oneness' thus 'overcoming' the time-space limitations of the individuated dragon morphology or incarnated biophysical bodyform.
    The crucial consideration of achieving this cosmic graduation or 'ascension' then becomes the two underpinning contexts of the Cosmic ID.

    In the wavestate of the 'Dead Aliveness', the bodyform must be suppressed or collapsed and so the individuation is 'sacrificed' for the purpose of the Soul experiencing its natural unification of the non separability and 'Oneness'.
    In the incarnated bodystate of the 'Living Deadness', the waveform must be 'sacrificed', so the Soul can experience its ability to separate from the 'peaceful bliss of home' in its own cosmic complementarity.

    The dilemma of the Cosmic Soul resides at the core of this dichotomy of being able to exist in two states but only one state AT A TIME in any defined history requiring the plenum or context of space and time.

    To be a 'waved soul' allows the self-realisation that there is 'No Separation'; but this demands the relinquishment of a space- and time defined individuality, requiring separation under the auspices of those parameters. But having 'Lived a Life or Lives' as a dragon morph; the 'waved soul' REMEMBERS its own duality and manyness and is cosmically induced to find its own completion in re-incarnating as a biophysical bodyform.
    The 'waved soul' so changes its state of beingness from being UNIFIED IN SEPARATION from ITSELF, due to the two modes it can experience itself in.

    The two modes of being SEPARATED and being UNIFIED can however become blended or combined, solving the Cosmic Soul's 'Riddle of existence' or its 'Waved soul versus ID soul' quantum paradox.

    To be 'Separated WITHIN a Unity or Oneness' is NOT the same as being 'Unified WITHIN a Separation'. And it is this intricate distinction of itself any Soul desiring its self-harmonisation, must aspire to.

    Separation within Unity implies FREEDOM within some Encompassment or 'Cosmic Envelope'. The simplest such 'box or overbody' or 'greater body' or 'grander dragon morph' is a physicalized Universe of whatever extent or scale, as long as it has a boundary for the space and time to be contained within. This boundary then becomes the MIRROR of the SOUL for the purpose of Self-Reflection or the 'Sabbath' and in the form of whatever environment the Soul encounters in its experience of eternally being ALIVE within a background of space and time.
    The 'total soul' can ALWAYS Self-reflect in both of its states of beingness; but as a 'waved soul' it resides outside of the inside of the 'Double-Sided Mirror' separating the archetypical spacetime plenum or worlds of a Heaven on the Outside (in ---12D) and of an Earth on the Inside (in 10D---3D). The 'bodied soul' so ALWAYS self-reflects in the Inside Mirror of the 'OmniVersal Encompassment' and the 'waved soul' corollarily ALWAYS self-reflects in the Outside Mirror of the SuperUniversal Envelope.

    Unity within Separation implies that the Individual Soul is self-unified as a Oneness without any boundary or 'box' around itself. This 'equality' infers and allows parallel universes and 'many worlds' interacting in any arbitrary manner without any 'Mirrors being set up to allow any kind of 'sabbatical' self-reflection in the self-perception of an incarnated 'bodied soul'. This apparently equal and seemingly highly to be desired 'set-up' represents the 'great cosmic trap' for the soul searching for self-realisation and self-harmonisation, as this 'trap' represents the Chaos of Creation and a 'Nirvanistic' State of Cosmic Beingness BEFORE space and time itself came into existence to provide the 'playground of experience' for all souls.
    If a soul insists on 'believing' in the non requirement of cosmic encapsulation or containment of the spaces and the times it is and has and was experiencing in; then this soul will not be able to realise its 'body soul' experience in a life lived and will have to wait to 'SEE ITSELF' from the outside in as a 'waved soul'. This soul then will have to DENY that there exists a MIRROR to self-reflect as a 'bodied soul' looking at itself from the Inside Out. Such a soul will experience its 'Nirvana' as a Curse of 'coming home' to a world where space and time do indeed exist and realising that its last life experience became characterised and defined in the soul's rejection of the physicality it so eagerly sought and embraced as a 'waved soul' now returned as such and without gaining the appreciation available to be honoured and hosted as a 'bodied soul' in its eternal memory vaults holding all of the soul's records of experience and existence.
    This soul then will have failed in its incarnational purpose to harmonise its two and equally valid states of beingness and becomingness.

    Gospel of Thomas - Lambdin
    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    (27) <Jesus said,> "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."

    (84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"

    (89) Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?"

    This is the false sense of Unity within the Separation and the Realm of the Human Self and Human Egocentricity.

    This is the Way of the Devil and his Devil Woman as nonexistent nonincarnate shadows of their embodied selves.

    The true Cosmic Self is the Separation within the Unity where the Human Ego becomes divine and the Individuality becomes cocreative and a shard of God's own genius and the beloved form of the Goddess; as well as a true mirror and reflection for the Divine Word, the 'Egocentricity' of Jesus of Nazareth; proclaiming that He and only He is the Way, the Love, the Truth, the Resurrection and the Life.
    HeShe becomes the envelope the Encompassment for the entire creation with hisher entwined Mary Magdalene never to be separated again in individuality and so empowered to multiply in the brotherhood and the sisterhood logos defined.

    The concept or archetype of the eternal infinite creator becomes BOUNDED in hisher Image as AdamEve able to reflect in EveAdam within to harmonise the Nothingness being the Infinite as the required Oneness: 0=1=8.

    There therefore cannot exist a physically defined infinite universe - the metaphysical archetypology eschews such definition as this would then demand a third polarity of separatedness.

    Noone, no Buddha, no ascended masters, no Shiva and no Mohammed represent the Way to the 'Father's Heart'; except the 'Only One in Many to be All' understanding and manifesting the Unity in his physical transcension of the Bodyform in the Redemption of the collapsed particle-function within the released wave-function in quantum relativistic mechanistic terms.

    So there is a False Reality perception and a True Reality perception - who can discern; the logos induced Dragons can, they can take the heat having shared the Lion's Eucharist, but seeking to multiply?!

    Then the 'illuminated ones' on the inside become 'Her - the female Lucifer's or Lucifera's' followers; knowing the 'outside story' but promote the 'inside story' for the purpose to 'sequester' the 'knowing' for themselves within the warring factions, comprised by the 'ignorant ones', namely the 'Learned Ones, who cannot read the book, because it is sealed' and the 'Unlearned Ones, who cannot read the book, because they are not learned'. And it should be said, the above 'illuminated ones' are not the same as the 'echeloners' the pretend 'powers that be' and who follow a rather different 'New World Order' than the 'Lucid Dragons', shining with the Fire of the Twin Logos of the Words of the Cosmic Father and wielding those WORDS as the SWORD of the Cosmic Mother in the 'Prophecy of the Dragons' aka the Book Of Isaiah.

    Isaiah 29:10-12
    10 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
    11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
    12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

    Zephaniah 3:9
    For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  3. admin

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    • Post n°30

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 6:28 pm
    What is the relationship (if any) between Dragons -- Draconian-Reptilians -- Generic-Reptilians -- Tall Long-Nosed Greys -- Small-Greys -- Generic-Hybrids -- Dragonized-Humans -- Nephilim -- Human-Giants -- Hybrid-Giants -- Reptilian-Giants -- Normal-Humans -- Angels -- Demons -- God -- Satan -- Demigods -- et al?? I might've added a couple of non-existent categories (or I might've missed someone) -- but you probably get my question. This whole-thing always seems to be an illusive shell-game. "Top" People probably get clear and concise briefings and documents -- but "We the Peons" must wade through "Endless Bullshit". I still don't know if most of the above really exist -- so I just play a stupid science-fiction game -- to attempt to understand a phenomenon which might not even exist. Strange-Beings could originate from Distant-Galaxies -- or they could be Renegade-Creations aka Forbidden-Abominations -- from Secret-Laboratories within this solar system. Who Knows?? How might Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer relate to all of this?? Does Lucifer really exist -- or is Lucifer simply the dark-side of Gabriel and/or Michael?? Also -- is Azazel an actual Angel and/or Demon -- or is Azazel simply a Historical and Eschatological Scapegoat?? Is the Creator of Humanity considered to be "Azazel"?? Once again -- I have a very difficult time getting into the Thuban material. I'm presently taking a closer look at Biblical-Prophecy in the context of Science-Fiction. I am very-wary of Prophecy -- but I've recently felt the need to understand Job through Daniel - relative to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- with unconventional approaches. I always feel as if I'm playing with burning-magnesium when I consider this madness -- and a lot of it really does seem to be madness (on purpose, in many ways). What do you think about the 2300 days-years of Daniel 8:14 originating around 168 BC -- and terminating around 2133 AD?? Does Humanity have a future "As-Is" -- or will we be terminated and/or turned into various sorts of hybrids (which might not resemble humanity as we know it)?? Was the Historical Jesus Christ really the Messiah of the Psalms and Isaiah -- or is there a Hidden Historical Messiah?? This sort of thing is nearly impossible to really know about with any certainty. I'm almost to the point of completely walking away from ALL of the stuff contained within this website -- and just go back to watching television. I might even start drinking-beer and going to football-games and baseball-games. Perhaps I should forget about ethics and truth -- and live a life of skirt-chasing and riotous-living. I actually think I might rejoin the "Rat-Race" because the Rats are Winning...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg8gEIBs5CU bluey. anascar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8YIh0QzS1Y bluey. anascar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rltIYXchMAc
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
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    • Post n°31

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 13:12

    Thank you, shiloh, for too much of a good thing icon_wink. The whales are gorguous and are deeply loved by me.
    I'm told that each year they add a part to their song resonating through our waters all of the time.
    With much of the texts in your posts, I feel half knackered by going through them halfly halfly icon_razz.
    I'm kidding sometimes, in need of an antidote to the mental levels stretched, by them, if you don't mind.

    "No hurries, the line won't break that way" is a saying in Holland, originating from the times ropes were made
    in the many Dutch harbor areas with manufacturing of sails for boats. Lots of rope was needed and the workers
    created the rope twisting the material, attached to poles and worked on it over long distances. Those workplaces
    were called line-courses (my word-invention, for there's no name for it in English) and to this day, streetsigns
    show up with that name, in Holland.

    Dutch craftsmen creating rope, working together and walking on wooden shoes.

    Uhhm, back on topic now, regarding the energy grid of living beings, large and small, I've understood, that her
    majesty planet Earth is surrounded by an energy grid, holding all collective energyprints of beings alive on her body.
    When a species dies in its entirety, that energyprint will be lost to creation. I'm sure you know of the much larger
    numbers of species, once in existence in our past.

    I like to share something with you, that shows the relation of the cat species with their etheric catfolk grid around the Earth.
    I've experienced a magical, although exhausting adventure with my last male cat, which was disturbed in its nest,
    by a dog who began to eat the litter. This was one of many wild catlitters in the area of an army complex, where
    food was thrown out of the kitchen backdoor, allowing the cats to have a life in luxury.

    This little beast was fierce and when the dog had him by his tail, he managed to free himself and fled. That same night,
    in the dark, with much wind and rain, I was trying to find my way in an unknown area of my city. I stopped at a lantern
    to have a look at my route description. At that moment I heard an alarm cry by a kitten and I turned around and instinctively
    copied the catmother call.

    I walked in the direction of the cry and a tiny furry body jumped through the bars of the fence and ran to me, climbed up
    and crawled into my coat in the hollow of my throat. Snug and safe. I knew at that moment, this was my new catfriend
    and I took him with me to the meeting, finding a group of men and women in official costumes, with a glass in hand,
    a typical scene of a reception atmosphere, all keeping up appearances. Ahem... my jester has the floor.

    My inborn ability to break such a "mirror" to shards is something that is as much a blessing as a curse,
    in this case it was a blessing, for that little creature inside my coat broke the ice of everybody's heart.
    Suddenly the formality of the place disappeared entirely. I was sent to the kitchen to give him something
    to eat, for they all were melting, falling for this beast, by it's fate, when I had told them how I had found it.

    Anyway, the story unfolds later in our lives, when my cat, called Tobias, came home one day with the tip of
    his tail in sticky tar. Before I had had the time to find a way to remove it, he had bitten off the fur of that part!
    I went to the animal doctor with him, who advised me to let him be operated on, in order to take off the few
    bones at the end of his tail, that were bare now.

    I hesitated but decided that this was for the best. The doctor warned me that when this wasn't treated well,
    chances were that my cat would have an infected tail and had to loose it entirely. I simply couldn't see that
    happening to my cat, this fierce guardian who always held this part of his body high, parading outside in my garden.

    Had I known the after math of that operation in advance, I wouldn't have had him operated on, for when I had
    brought him home with me, bandages and all and a plastic cap around his neck, so that he couldn't remove the
    bandages, he came out of the cage and immediately began to jump against the walls, rejecting that cap.
    Mad with fury, with such strength!

    I removed the cap and within seconds he had taken off the bandages and had laid bare the skin of his tail.
    Uggghhhh! Now, he was furious from being in huge pain! I had to rush back to the animal doctor and
    let him operated on again.... what money I have spent on that catfriend! The doctor was helpful and
    offered me a plane cage of metal, to put Tobias in, with his plastic cap in place and subdued on a low dose
    of tranquilisers and a painkiller. This doctor was truly impressed by the fierceness, my cat showed him.
    And happy with the money I paid him 94171.

    This solution with the cage worked well, I had to take care of Tobias for weeks, until the wound on his tail
    was healed. Now, the difficult part of this tailstory, was a connection with that etheric grid around the planet.
    When I had experienced for the second time, that Tobias hurt his tail, now by a neighbor cat attacking it,
    panting in the bathroom with blood all over the place, a whole night long, I was at the end of my tether.
    Again, the cage had to be placed in my living room and Tobias had to be in it, with his attributes in place.
    I stroke him often, to calm him and when I stroke his eyes, he almost went in a trance. Very endearing.

    I decided to call a friend who was experienced in reading energy of animals and issues troubling them.
    Or their owners icon_wink. She asked me to send a picture of the beast and chose a phone consultation, to see
    what could be done with this recurring tail hurting. As soon as she made contact with Tobias, she asked
    him to show her the core picture of this issue. She described to me, that by fleeing and freeing his tail,
    in huge shock, he had left behind the etheric bodypart of his tail in the mouth of the dog.

    From that moment, he was in denial of his tail, in survival mode and couldn't "relate" to it anymore.
    For the fact that he couldn't "own" his tail, he lost "ownership" over it and energetically caused an opportunity,
    for an intruding energy, in this case the attack of his neighborcat. Where a space is empty, nature/life chooses
    to fill that space, like it or not. All the time, Tobias was sitting in his cage, very altert, with his ears in listening
    mode, when I was on the phone with my friend.

    She told me that she was going to show Tobias the catgrid - energy, with the cat-characteristics, in this case, the tail.
    As soon as Tobias had a good look at this, he began to lick his tail in the astral version of his body, she reported to me.
    This was a good sign, for now he was aware of his tail, again. My friend reminded me of his position, his role towards me.
    She explained that by his being the man in the house, guarding me, he had suffered a deep shame, for having lost
    the fight with the neighbor cat. He felt that I lost my respect for him and that needed to be restored also.
    I was very moved by that, for he and I were such good friends!

    After a while, the session was over, my friend advised me to leave Tobias in the cage for a while, for the healing
    could cause some emotional upheaval, remains of the trauma, surfacing as a result of it. That night, I chose to
    leave Tobias alone for a while and went to the library. What astonishment, when I came home, finding Tobias
    in his cage, with the plastic cap removed, lying next to him! He had bitten through all the knots of the cord around
    his neck. He could have done that earlier, but this was meant to be this way. He looked at me with such pride
    and triumph, that I felt his macho nature had had a great boost." Good for you" I said. We were so happy!

    What a miracle to find him in that state, while opening the door of the cage, letting him free and seeing him
    in complete calm with himself and his friend who loved him so very much. That night he was on my lap for
    the first time after long weeks of living in concern, with great patience.

    Tobias with his proudly owned short tail 12 years old

    Tobias, 3 years old with his tail complete
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    • Post n°32

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. Raven Today at 9:50 am

    KISS Method Employed
    (Kind Intercoursing Slithering Serpents)


    What is the relationship (if any) between Dragons -- Draconian-Reptilians -- Generic-Reptilians -- Tall Long-Nosed Greys -- Small-Greys -- Generic-Hybrids -- Dragonized-Humans -- Nephilim -- Human-Giants -- Hybrid-Giants -- Reptilian-Giants -- Normal-Humans -- Angels -- Demons -- God -- Satan -- Demigods -- et al??

    It is a sexual dragonomy that unites them all.

    Gospel of Thomas:

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    I might've added a couple of non-existent categories (or I might've missed someone) -- but you probably get my question. This whole-thing always seems to be an illusive shell-game. "Top" People probably get clear and concise briefings and documents -- but "We the Peons" must wade through "Endless Bullshit".


    Gospel of Thomas:
    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    I still don't know if most of the above really exist -- so I just play a stupid science-fiction game -- to attempt to understand a phenomenon which might not even exist.

    We exist...yes all of us...boo!

    Strange-Beings could originate from Distant-Galaxies -- or they could be Renegade-Creations aka Forbidden-Abominations -- from Secret-Laboratories within this solar system. Who Knows?? How might Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer relate to all of this?? Does Lucifer really exist -- or is Lucifer simply the dark-side of Gabriel and/or Michael??


    19ccf40e3e00518783140f25bca7ca55. f183ec691aa44377004791d45e03e22d.

    Also -- is Azazel an actual Angel and/or Demon -- or is Azazel simply a Historical and Eschatological Scapegoat?? Is the Creator of Humanity considered to be "Azazel"??

    Azazel is my pet angeldemon and currently resides in my harem, unbeknownst to him.

    Once again -- I have a very difficult time getting into the Thuban material.

    I'm presently taking a closer look at Biblical-Prophecy in the context of Science-Fiction. I am very-wary of Prophecy -- but I've recently felt the need to understand Job through Daniel - relative to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- with unconventional approaches. I always feel as if I'm playing with burning-magnesium when I consider this madness -- and a lot of it really does seem to be madness (on purpose, in many ways). What do you think about the 2300 days-years of Daniel 8:14 originating around 168 BC -- and terminating around 2133 AD?? Does Humanity have a future "As-Is" -- or will we be terminated and/or turned into various sorts of hybrids (which might not resemble humanity as we know it)?? Was the Historical Jesus Christ really the Messiah of the Psalms and Isaiah -- or is there a Hidden Historical Messiah?? This sort of thing is nearly impossible to really know about with any certainty. I'm almost to the point of completely walking away from ALL of the stuff contained within this website -- and just go back to watching television. I might even start drinking-beer and going to football-games and baseball-games. Perhaps I should forget about ethics and truth -- and live a life of skirt-chasing and riotous-living. I actually think I might rejoin the "Rat-Race" because the Rats are Winning...

    Thuban final hint for you Oxy


    Gospel of Thomas:

    (108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him."


    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.


    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
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    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. shiloh Today at 10:24 am

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    • Post n°30

    Re: Thuban 301

    orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 12:28 pm

    What is the relationship (if any) between Dragons -- Draconian-Reptilians -- Generic-Reptilians -- Tall Long-Nosed Greys -- Small-Greys -- Generic-Hybrids -- Dragonized-Humans -- Nephilim -- Human-Giants -- Hybrid-Giants -- Reptilian-Giants -- Normal-Humans -- Angels -- Demons -- God -- Satan -- Demigods -- et al??
    I might've added a couple of non-existent categories (or I might've missed someone) -- but you probably get my question.

    All of the above descriptors relate to an interwoven multi-dimensional matrix.
    This genomatrix addresses both a physical evolutionary pathology in terms of fauna and flora and a metaphysical template encompassing the physical attainment of structure and form by a 'mentality', one can term as a evolvement of cosmic intelligfence from a deeper plenum of physical consciousness.

    About 2,200 million years ago from the present chronos ALL so called Extraterrestrial lifeforms 'were born' in the metaphysical stratum above the lowest timespace tier of 4 dimensions, say as defined in the lexicon of terrestrial physical science. Those ET's did not have structural form in the lower dimensions, but then began, by the utility of the electromagnetopolic induction of the cosmic unified field structure; to begin to 'infuse' the most primitive lifeforms on planet earth with particular energy currents to transform the crystalline selfreplicating mechanism into the first prokaryotic unicellular lifeforms. From that basic ET construction or 'DNA-RNA manipulation/enhancement', the pathology and synthesis from the microorganismic bacterial-viral cellular holofractal quantum geometry proceeded into more complex cellular self-replicatory patterns from prokaryotes to eukaryotes to cellular endosymbiosis to the multicellular lifeforms now found as the seedling genomatrix of the planetary fungi and flora and fauna encountered and classified.

    The interaction between the dimensional strata beyond 4D and the linearised 4D Euclidean spacetimes however continued unabated from the time marker of the 2.2 billion year marker and when the universal spacetime vessel manouvering in 11 dimensions attained its own self awareness to begin the seedling of its own multiD bodyform with constituent lifeforms and consciousness carriers as data collectors.

    As the lifeforms in 11D could choose to manifest either in higherD waveforms or in the physicality of the 4D body evolution of the structural complexities; the energy forms could choose not to incarnate, but to remain in the metaphysical forms; the lowest of those energy stratas became known as the 'astral'.
    The astral is a 4-dimensional space superposed and interwoven with the 3 physicalized or line-spaced dimensions of the physically observed lowerD universe.

    The incarnating ETs however assumed the many biological and crystalline support structures which were evolving on planet Earth with the proviso of continuing a particular feedback mechanism to their nonincarnating 'siblings' in the higher dimensional realms.
    This feedback-information-loop became a coevolutionary matrix between the higherD ETs and the lowerD ETs. Particular evolutionary markers became established and implemented for the purpose o allow a continued communication between the sibling ETs. The planet Earth became quarantined and cocooned in the cosmic timespace matrix to separate the 'Inner Timespace of Gaia Serpentina' from the 'Outer Timespace' of the Universe not in the 'Ovum of the planet of the Humanoids'.

    This whole-thing always seems to be an illusive shell-game. "Top" People probably get clear and concise briefings and documents -- but "We the Peons" must wade through "Endless Bullshit". I still don't know if most of the above really exist -- so I just play a stupid science-fiction game -- to attempt to understand a phenomenon which might not even exist. Strange-Beings could originate from Distant-Galaxies -- or they could be Renegade-Creations aka Forbidden-Abominations -- from Secret-Laboratories within this solar system. Who Knows??

    The Ancestral Dragons do!
    Remember Alex Collier stating in the late 1990's that the new information is emitted from Black Holes of the Ptaa Taal and from 12 dimensions of what he then termed Father- and Mother spacetimes?

    How might Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer relate to all of this??

    Gabriel is the elemental archangelic archetype of omniversal air; Michael archetypes the symbolic fire element and Lucifer is the omniversal Twin-Logos or 'Word of God'!
    In particular individuations and manifestations through the dimensions; Gabriel often manifests as the herald or Messenger bridging multi-dimensional Space or 'Air' and Michael manifests the 'Fire of the Logos' in a logistical authority and agency of the 'Unified Logos' aka the 'Kingdom of the Father'.
    Lucifer relates on a deeper level to the beginnings of space and time and therefore the creation of the universe as a binary cosmological entity, existing in a limited dimensional sense in say a 12D universum and also as a eternal energy reservoir independent on any definitions of space and time in those necessitated restrictions to manifest any form of physical beingness.
    In brief; Lucifer allowed the fundamental energy interaction of gravity to exist and to become the complement for the electromagnetic 'longrange' aka eternal fundamental self interaction.
    For this purpose, particular selfrepeating 'infinity loops' had to be broken, as their continuance disallowed the creation of new modes of selfexpression for the 'Creator-Creation' Dyad.
    'Lucifer' then was required to 'retrace' the 'footsteps' of 'God' to 'break the original supersymmetry of Heaven', which made any further creation modalities impossible without this breaking of the metaphysical and nonphysical worlds then existing alone and by themselves without reproduction potentiality.

    Does Lucifer really exist -- or is Lucifer simply the dark-side of Gabriel and/or Michael??

    28And I will give him the morning star.
    29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

    16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
    17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

    19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

    If the One, calling himherself 'Morning Star' also 'gives' this 'Morning Star' to 'herhis friends'; then this One gives himherself as the 'Sacred Eucharist' of the Lion of Judea in a 'Sacred Alchemy' and Dragonomy and where the 'sacredness' becomes a 'scaredness' for the ones not able to 'consume' this sacredness.

    {Day Star = Morning Star = Evening Star = Star of the Dawn = Venus = Aphrodite = Goddess of Cosmic Love = Lucifera=75=Andromeda=Sharon=Marry = Female Christ CJ as MM=26 initialising Mary Magdalene; as a true ABBA QUEEN=6+62=68=LOGOS as a BRIDE=ALPHA=NOAH in the EROSPSYCHE=57+76=133 of the true MOTHERLOVE=79+54=133;
    manifesting a 'MENTAL sex change operation' on Lucifer=74 as a DRAGQUEEN as a Dragon King to create a true Dragon Queen Lucifera for a True Serpent King encoded as Son of Man=97=Serpent=Present as 97+41=PRESENT KEY=OMEGA SERPENT}

    Also -- is Azazel an actual Angel and/or Demon -- or is Azazel simply a Historical and Eschatological Scapegoat??

    LOl you have often self-identified with Azazel in your 'searching meanderings' Orthodoxymoron and for all practical considerations and purposes you DO exist, don't you?! Is not your other secret name Ahaz and 'King of Babylon' Azazel. Are you not Lucifer in the flesh as a man and not the Lucifer of the Gravity and the Grave, the brother of god in heaven?

    Is the Creator of Humanity considered to be "Azazel"??

    Yes, you could name the 'creator-creation dyadic monad' as El Azaz or as YinYang or as Abba-Baab or as Chaos or as Uranus-Gaea or as RahHaR or as Ra-Apep. Look at 'King Ahaz' in the Isaiah.14 code to then relate the 'King of Babylon' to Lucifer and to Ahaz and to Azazel and Michael-Gabriel-Raphael-Uriel-Beelzebub etc etc.

    Once again -- I have a very difficult time getting into the Thuban material. I'm presently taking a closer look at Biblical-Prophecy in the context of Science-Fiction. I am very-wary of Prophecy -- but I've recently felt the need to understand Job through Daniel - relative to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- with unconventional approaches. I always feel as if I'm playing with burning-magnesium when I consider this madness -- and a lot of it really does seem to be madness (on purpose, in many ways).

    What do you think about the 2300 days-years of Daniel 8:14 originating around 168 BC -- and terminating around 2133 AD??

    The alphanumeric and numerical codes in the scriptures are rather interwoven and multileveled. The ancient dragons of Thuban have for some time decoded and exposed the appropriate multilevelular interpretation and meaning of the codes in the Judeo-Christian Bible-Torah and especially the number codes in Genesis, regarding the duration of Noah's Flood, the intricacies in Daniel and the timeline nexus points in Revelation.
    Your dates from 168BC, relating to the Maccabean revolt and the Dead Sea Scrolls to 2133AD represent your personal belief or speculation regarding the 2300 day code of the sanctuary and those 'personal' interpretations are and have been legion throughout the existence and readership of those scrolls of antiquity.

    All the Daniel codes are interwoven and continued in the revelation codes and also incorporate Zechariah, Ezekiel and Genesis in an interwoven tapestry of patterns and descriptors, also including the dimensions of the Ark and Solomon's Temple and the 'House in the Forest of Lebanon' and the 'Ark of the Covenant' and so on continuing.
    It suffices to say here, that the 2300 day code represents both, 2300 years and 2300 days as per the Ezekielean commission. The year count relates to Egypt and the starsystem of the Draco with Thuban the polestar at that time to the time of Jesus of Nazareth as the first and only incarnation of the 'Cosmic Logos Twin' and the day count relates to the 70-year captivity of geopolitical historical Israel as a 'political hostage' of the global socio-economic and military-industrial 'banking-complex' in toto. Therefore, and many orthodox and unorthodox searchers realise or suspect this; the political creation of the nation state Israel from November 29th, 1947 to May 14th, 1948 began this 70 year 'captivity' or exile of the true Israel, which has nothing to do with geographical locations or geopolitical entities. This is further indicated by the statements of Susan Serafina and further Dragon Words below.

    Does Humanity have a future "As-Is" -- or will we be terminated and/or turned into various sorts of hybrids (which might not resemble humanity as we know it)??

    Humanity as you understand it will gradually become extinct in the greater cosmic matrix. This is encoded in the New Jerusalem and Revelation 22 and also in Isaiah and many indigenous cultures and 'prophecies' and 'sayings' such as the Maya and 5th root races and Mother Shipton's dragonrace from the stars and Nostradamus' 20 years of the moon and the 7000 years of the sun's reign and on and on.
    It will however realise its cosmic potential as a 'Seedling Race or Universal ET' in a new form of embodiment or 'merkabah' which is a higher dimensional bodyform, allowing the wave-particle quantum duality to become expressed within its parameters. This new wavebody is a hybrid between what you know as matter and light and more technically it allows the inertia of mass to become photonic in a bosonification of the base fermion templates of the fundamental constituent base generic to the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity. Thie 'hidden particle' of elementary physics is of course a quantumform of consciousness and is called the Restmass-Photon by the draconian omniscientists.

    Was the Historical Jesus Christ really the Messiah of the Psalms and Isaiah -- or is there a Hidden Historical Messiah??

    The Jesus of Christian history came from the 12th dimension of omnispace to continue the manifesto of the omniversal ET sentiences began 2,200 million years ago as a phase one agenda. Heshe then concluded phase two in infusing the hitherto evolved spacetime continuum with his own incarnated bodyform. This is known as 'physical resurrection from the dead'; but actually conforms and manifests an advanced form of quantum mechanics; namely the aforementioned establishment of the matter-light hybridisation of a biophysical bodyform.
    Phase three of the omniversal ET manifesto will conclude with the birth of the 'New Standard Nation' and covenant between what you perceive as an Extraterrestrial presence and the Remnant of the Logos family also known as the 'Ancients of Times and Days' or the 'Timelords of Creation'. You may know or fear them as the Dragons and Serpents de Eden.

    This sort of thing is nearly impossible to really know about with any certainty. I'm almost to the point of completely walking away from ALL of the stuff contained within this website -- and just go back to watching television. I might even start drinking-beer and going to football-games and baseball-games. Perhaps I should forget about ethics and truth -- and live a life of skirt-chasing and riotous-living. I actually think I might rejoin the "Rat-Race" because the Rats are Winning...

    What Bible says about today's Jews who stole Palestine:

    (Revelation 3:9) "Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie--I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you."

    (Revelation 2:9) "I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

    [8:39:27 AM-Tuesday, February 24th, 2015] susan lynne schwenger:

    Even according to the Bible, Jews received no land from God.:

    (Exodus 19:5-6) (5) 'Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine;
    ( 6 ) and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel."

    It clearly states that in order to receive the promise people have to obey God and keep the covenant. And in result Israel should be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation...

    And if not:

    (Leviticus 26:18) "If also after these things you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins."

    So What happened then?

    In the light of the Bible , the children of Israel have proven themselves to be sinners and transgressors making them unworthy of inheriting God's covenant with Abraham. These verses prove God's anger on children of Israel and the broken covenant:

    {Gen 37:23-24} {Ex 16:19-20, 20:11-26, chapters 21-23 and Deut 31:27}. {Ex 33:3-4} {Ex 34:11-16} {Deut 9:21-24, Num 11:1-6, Num 14:1-4} {Num 11:12-15} {Num 12:9-10, Num 14:10-34} {Amos 1:9-10} {Amos 1:11-12}, {Amos 1:13-14} {Amos 2:1-3} {Amos 2:4-8} {Amos 2:10-11} {Amos 2:12}{Amos 9:9-10}{Amos 9:11-15}{Judges 3:7-8} {Judges 3:12-14} {Judges 4:1-3} {Judges 6:1-2} {Judges 10:7-9} {Judges 13:1} {Hab 1:1-17} {Nahum 1:2, 2:13 and 3:5} {Malachi 1:14, 2:2-3} {Malachi 2:7-9} {Malachi 2:13 and chapter 4}.

    That is why God promised to seal the fate of children of Israel:

    (Obadiah verses 2-4). "Behold, I will make you small among the nations, you will be utterly despised.The pride of your heart has deceived..."
    (Obadiah verse 118)"The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble; they shall burn them and consume them and there shall be no survivor to the house of Esau; for the Lord has spoken."

    But He made an independent covenant with Ishmael to make him a great nation

    (Genesis 17:20) "As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall become the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.

    The Biblical history shows that the Jews were excluded from the covenant of God to Abraham because He did not allow them to have a hold over Palestine but for brief periods, whereas God gave the power to the Muslims to rule for the longest period of time in the history of the land. Evidently God's covenant to Abraham was meant to be for the Arabs, the children of Ishmael.

    <<< It clearly states that in order to receive the promise people have to obey God and keep the covenant. And in result Israel should be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation...

    This is a deep realisation; as it tells the 'insider' or insightful ones, that the 'land of milk and honey' is indeed no geographical location but as you said a 'covenant of a new cosmic priesthood'. This is easily seen in the renaming of the archetypical patriarch Jacob ben Isaac ben Abraham as Israel. So Israel is a man like in the image of Adam and also Jesus as a new Adam or Leonardo's Cosmic man Vitruvius of the Hebrew Kabbalah. The 'conquest of Canaan' from the archetyped and retold Exodus of Egypt nder Ahmose and Thutmosis III around 1200-900BC so describes what is coded as Palestine and NOT geopolitical nation state Israel. Political israel, as you have stated has no 'cosmic right' to any land, but the 'Nation Israel' describes the New World Covenant of 12 starsigns unified in a 13th and 14th cosmic twinship, often termed Ophiuchus-Arachne. This then became made manifest in the Jesus-Magdalene mythology. No Dan Brown Nabs marriages and orthodox or unorthodox 'church' cults and denominations are required.


    Isaiah 14 King James Version (KJV)

    1 For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.

    2 And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

    3 And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,

    4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

    5 The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.

    6 He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth.

    7 The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing.

    8 Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.

    9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

    10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?

    11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.

    12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

    15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

    16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

    17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

    18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

    19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.

    20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

    21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

    22 For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord.

    23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of hosts.

    24 The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:

    25 That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

    26 This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.

    27 For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?

    28 In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden.

    29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.

    30 And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.

    31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times.

    32 What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation? That the Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.




    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. B.B.Baghor


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    • Post n°34

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 12:49 pm

    Ortho's remark inspires me to reply, in an investigative way, feeling my way through it. What is it that I and ortho
    find difficulty with, when going into the Thuban material? When I honestly focus on what it is that I myself have a
    problem with and what kind of feelings rise up, when pondering the Thuban material, is that much of that is presented
    here in a style of colorful and dramatic shine and glamor. It's so much in volume and vibrations, that I can't "get it"
    proplerly. All the time a question pops up, while going through it. And that question is "What's the point of this?"

    It may be my 4 past lives 94171. in this one lifetime, having set me on distance of this style and vibrations. No arrogance
    is meant here, I'm doing the best I can, although something like that easily slips through. Says Mother Superior icon_wink.

    I've gone through a similar kind of vibes in the '70's, with pleasurable suspense in giggles and chicken skin, in the company
    of booz and drugs, mainly present inside the veins of those around me, artists, dealers and musicians, birds of paradise,
    travelers and seekers, in big halls with black paint on the walls, walking on blue suede shoes in leather pants, purple Indian
    skirts with mirrors in it, or sweet fluffy nothings of a tiny dress, exploring the underground world of that time.

    How we "celebrated" that. Most of it was artificially made up, like fantasy games played in grouprooms, in sort of virtual
    astral groupsex sessions. Those dark hours of mirages, in those years, died/dyed out with the dawn of the next day,
    never to be remembered. This wasn't a loss of time, I just try to paint the scene of how life made me into who I am now.

    To me, it's fun to enjoy that kind of vibes in works of art, in daydreaming, astral traveling and moments of indulgence,
    in parties, on the dance floor with a magical display of lights and images, flashing stroboscopes, sort of intentionally overwhelming,
    for a moment. Allowing those, present on the floor, a loss of awareness or something of that nature. Nothing wrong with that.

    For sure, it's a matter of personal taste and a similar preference for which world you choose, to be and live in, or start to work
    from. To me, experienced in daydreaming and much use of imagination, it's very welcome to see expressions of someone's
    truth in the world, be it from the past, present or future, presented in a form that is clear and simple. Which doe'sn't mean
    that the content is simple, for I consider the Thuban material as possibly multi layered and thus.... a multitude of times ready
    for exploring, on new levels. To me and maybe others too, this Thuban material may not be a road to follow, I have no problem
    with that.

    To me, the Thuban material, with all my respect for it being in existence and lived by or tried out, to see if it works for you,
    is a representative of a time that is and has been so far in our past, resonating with the life circumstances of that same past,
    when human consciousness was ruled and guided by beings in command, capable of holding the consciousness of large groups
    of people (or other beings) under their reign. The Sumerian culture used a title for their ruler, which means "shepherd" as well
    as "king".

    In my view, in those days of long long ago, that ruling was not yet, or at least not that much, infiltrated by dark agendas and their
    masters, when the planetary grid and human conditions in life were still sort of...... intact. If ever we can truly determine that,
    while living within the consciousness grid of this enchanted world called planet Earth, pretty much enchanted already, when we
    are born. With the help of a veil and our past life-stories imprinted in our system, more or less conscious of them.

    A flawed integrity in the present ruling of society and its people is common nowadays, or at least, our life-circumstances have
    become immensely complex, in general. And much controlled. In their form and expression they have gone way over our heads,
    bypassing often the awareness of our hearts. In this way, to me personally, does this Thuban material show up for me, and this
    may be the reason why the history of how the Thuban material is treated. is as it is, having gone over many heads, like it seems
    to be the case in Project Avalon Forum years.

    I may be mistaken, or in need of more information to make up my mind on this, in clarity. I haven't followed this at that time, so I
    don't know the real reason, why it was banned from there. And how that's been done. As I said before, I don't mean to see it banned
    from here, to be clear. I'm an eternal explorer icon_wink. To me and maybe others, the presentation of this material may be the obstacle in
    making it understood. Unless this style of presentation is inherent to the nature of it, in what is expressed in that famous statement
    "for eyes able to see and for ears able to hear". Maybe I'm trying too much to make it be understood by others, without a need for it
    present in them and thus..... an unsuccesful attempt of mine?

    Know that I love dragons, not sure if I love Draconean creatures. I think that, not being used to things, specially beings and creatures
    that are far removed from our paradigms, creates fear, without any legitimate reason for it, when confronted with them. And before we
    know it, when identifying with it, becoming it as it were, we may find that our fear materializes in front of our eyes, creating a tough
    situation, of our own making. I hope we humans will be supported in this process of becoming aquainted to such otherness, when
    that happens. For myself, I've made sure, as far as I've come to know them, that I acknowledge my inner dragons.

    I'm prepared to be half-understanding or too complicated in my view on and approach of this. Or too..... Sirius? I'm well aware of my
    style in writing and use of words, probably more effective when less in numbers. Does this make sense to you?

    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor


    For truth is not a thing to me, it's a personal experience. When my truth of today has bided its
    time and I need to step up to a greater truth, that process is proof of the truth always in motion.
    Or... is it me, moving?
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°35

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:48 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:

    Ortho's remark inspires me to reply, in an investigative way, feeling my way through it.
    What is it that I and ortho find difficulty with, when going into the Thuban material?
    When I honestly focus on what it is that I myself have a problem with and what kind of feelings rise up, when pondering the Thuban material, is that much of that is presented here in a style of colorful and dramatic shine and glamor.
    It's so much in volume and vibrations, that I can't "get it" proplerly.
    All the time a question pops up, while going through it. And that question is "What's the point of this?"

    It may be my 4 past lives 94171. in this one lifetime, having set me on distance of this style and vibrations. No arrogance
    is meant here, I'm doing the best I can, although something like that easily slips through. Says Mother Superior icon_wink.

    I've gone through a similar kind of vibes in the '70's, with pleasurable suspense in giggles and chicken skin, in the company
    of booz and drugs, mainly present inside the veins of those around me, artists, dealers and musicians, birds of paradise,
    travelers and seekers, in big halls with black paint on the walls, walking on blue suede shoes in leather pants, purple Indian
    skirts with mirrors in it, or sweet fluffy nothings of a tiny dress, exploring the underground world of that time.

    How we "celebrated" that. Most of it was artificially made up, like fantasy games played in grouprooms, in sort of virtual
    astral groupsex sessions. Those dark hours of mirages, in those years, died/dyed out with the dawn of the next day,
    never to be remembered. This wasn't a loss of time, I just try to paint the scene of how life made me into who I am now.

    To me, it's fun to enjoy that kind of vibes in works of art, in daydreaming, astral traveling and moments of indulgence,
    in parties, on the dance floor with a magical display of lights and images, flashing stroboscopes, sort of intentionally overwhelming,
    for a moment. Allowing those, present on the floor, a loss of awareness or something of that nature. Nothing wrong with that.

    For sure, it's a matter of personal taste and a similar preference for which world you choose, to be and live in, or start to work
    from. To me, experienced in daydreaming and much use of imagination, it's very welcome to see expressions of someone's
    truth in the world, be it from the past, present or future, presented in a form that is clear and simple. Which doe'sn't mean
    that the content is simple, for I consider the Thuban material as possibly multi layered and thus.... a multitude of times ready
    for exploring, on new levels. To me and maybe others too, this Thuban material may not be a road to follow, I have no problem
    with that.

    To me, the Thuban material, with all my respect for it being in existence and lived by or tried out, to see if it works for you,
    is a representative of a time that is and has been so far in our past, resonating with the life circumstances of that same past,
    when human consciousness was ruled and guided by beings in command, capable of holding the consciousness of large groups
    of people (or other beings) under their reign. The Sumerian culture used a title for their ruler, which means "shepherd" as well
    as "king".

    In my view, in those days of long long ago, that ruling was not yet, or at least not that much, infiltrated by dark agendas and their
    masters, when the planetary grid and human conditions in life were still sort of...... intact. If ever we can truly determine that,
    while living within the consciousness grid of this enchanted world called planet Earth, pretty much enchanted already, when we
    are born. With the help of a veil and our past life-stories imprinted in our system, more or less conscious of them.

    A flawed integrity in the present ruling of society and its people is common nowadays, or at least, our life-circumstances have
    become immensely complex, in general. And much controlled. In their form and expression they have gone way over our heads,
    bypassing often the awareness of our hearts. In this way, to me personally, does this Thuban material show up for me, and this
    may be the reason why the history of how the Thuban material is treated. is as it is, having gone over many heads, like it seems
    to be the case in Project Avalon Forum years.

    I may be mistaken, or in need of more information to make up my mind on this, in clarity. I haven't followed this at that time, so I
    don't know the real reason, why it was banned from there. And how that's been done. As I said before, I don't mean to see it banned
    from here, to be clear. I'm an eternal explorer icon_wink. To me and maybe others, the presentation of this material may be the obstacle in
    making it understood. Unless this style of presentation is inherent to the nature of it, in what is expressed in that famous statement
    "for eyes able to see and for ears able to hear". Maybe I'm trying too much to make it be understood by others, without a need for it
    present in them and thus..... an unsuccesful attempt of mine?

    Know that I love dragons, not sure if I love Draconean creatures. I think that, not being used to things, specially beings and creatures
    that are far removed from our paradigms, creates fear, without any legitimate reason for it, when confronted with them. And before we
    know it, when identifying with it, becoming it as it were, we may find that our fear materializes in front of our eyes, creating a tough
    situation, of our own making. I hope we humans will be supported in this process of becoming aquainted to such otherness, when
    that happens. For myself, I've made sure, as far as I've come to know them, that I acknowledge my inner dragons.

    I'm prepared to be half-understanding or too complicated in my view on and approach of this. Or too..... Sirius? I'm well aware of my
    style in writing and use of words, probably more effective when less in numbers. Does this make sense to you?

    The problem with the 'Thuban material' is its nature and origin.
    It is not addressed towards the human mindedness, except in its peripheral topicity and subject matter addressed.
    It is however addressed towards the subconscious and the superconscious parts of the human soul, free from their cultural and environmentally conditioned encumberments.
    It is from this premise that a certain mystique and attraction is found by the perusers encountering such 'difficult' material.
    How much work has to be invested to understand all this science and the scripture quotations thrown into the mix?
    To criticize the 'Words of the Dragons' on its content, rather than its presentation or human mind digestability is often a task too hard and cumbersome for the reader who prefers 'lovey dovey' feel-good words from nabsers, quasi-scientists and basic fraudsters and intellectual pretenders towards the naïve and the gullible.
    But instead of checking on some basic science or mathematics is rather a more difficult task then to question the motives and agenda of the messengers; whose messages are often too hard to understand and mentally challenging and so are conveniently ignored as irrelevant or as alien to ones semantic perception.

    And so another trouble with 'readers' like orthodoxymoron and the Triple Bee becomes their unwillingness to recall or learn the vocabulary and semantical lexicon required for a meaningful and pertinent analysis and evaluation of the Dragon Information presented.

    Now why does a Dog goD chase its own tail? When will the orthodoxymorons and the triple bees of the human world succeed in catching it?

    TripleBee wrote:Anyway, the story unfolds later in our lives, when my cat, called Tobias, came home one day with the tip of
    his tail in sticky tar. Before I had had the time to find a way to remove it, he had bitten off the fur of that part!
    I went to the animal doctor with him, who advised me to let him be operated on, in order to take off the few
    bones at the end of his tail, that were bare now.

    I hesitated but decided that this was for the best. The doctor warned me that when this wasn't treated well,
    chances were that my cat would have an infected tail and had to loose it entirely. I simply couldn't see that
    happening to my cat, this fierce guardian who always held this part of his body high, parading outside in my garden.

    Had I known the after math of that operation in advance, I wouldn't have had him operated on, for when I had
    brought him home with me, bandages and all and a plastic cap around his neck, so that he couldn't remove the
    bandages, he came out of the cage and immediately began to jump against the walls, rejecting that cap.
    Mad with fury, with such strength!

    I removed the cap and within seconds he had taken off the bandages and had laid bare the skin of his tail.
    Uggghhhh! Now, he was furious from being in huge pain! I had to rush back to the animal doctor and
    let him operated on again.... what money I have spent on that catfriend! The doctor was helpful and
    offered me a plane cage of metal, to put Tobias in, with his plastic cap in place and subdued on a low dose
    of tranquilisers and a painkiller. This doctor was truly impressed by the fierceness, my cat showed him.
    And happy with the money I paid him 94171-.21205.

    This solution with the cage worked well, I had to take care of Tobias for weeks, until the wound on his tail
    was healed. Now, the difficult part of this tailstory, was a connection with that etheric grid around the planet.
    When I had experienced for the second time, that Tobias hurt his tail, now by a neighbor cat attacking it,
    panting in the bathroom with blood all over the place, a whole night long, I was at the end of my tether.
    Again, the cage had to be placed in my living room and Tobias had to be in it, with his attributes in place.
    I stroke him often, to calm him and when I stroke his eyes, he almost went in a trance. Very endearing.

    I decided to call a friend who was experienced in reading energy of animals and issues troubling them.
    Or their owners icon_wink-.21206. She asked me to send a picture of the beast and chose a phone consultation, to see
    what could be done with this recurring tail hurting. As soon as she made contact with Tobias, she asked
    him to show her the core picture of this issue. She described to me, that by fleeing and freeing his tail,
    in huge shock, he had left behind the etheric bodypart of his tail in the mouth of the dog.

    From that moment, he was in denial of his tail, in survival mode and couldn't "relate" to it anymore.
    For the fact that he couldn't "own" his tail, he lost "ownership" over it and energetically caused an opportunity,
    for an intruding energy, in this case the attack of his neighborcat. Where a space is empty, nature/life chooses
    to fill that space, like it or not. All the time, Tobias was sitting in his cage, very altert, with his ears in listening
    mode, when I was on the phone with my friend.

    She told me that she was going to show Tobias the catgrid - energy, with the cat-characteristics, in this case, the tail.
    As soon as Tobias had a good look at this, he began to lick his tail in the astral version of his body, she reported to me.
    This was a good sign, for now he was aware of his tail, again. My friend reminded me of his position, his role towards me.
    She explained that by his being the man in the house, guarding me, he had suffered a deep shame, for having lost
    the fight with the neighbor cat. He felt that I lost my respect for him and that needed to be restored also.
    I was very moved by that, for he and I were such good friends!

    After a while, the session was over, my friend advised me to leave Tobias in the cage for a while, for the healing
    could cause some emotional upheaval, remains of the trauma, surfacing as a result of it. That night, I chose to
    leave Tobias alone for a while and went to the library. What astonishment, when I came home, finding Tobias
    in his cage, with the plastic cap removed, lying next to him! He had bitten through all the knots of the cord around
    his neck. He could have done that earlier, but this was meant to be this way. He looked at me with such pride
    and triumph, that I felt his macho nature had had a great boost." Good for you" I said. We were so happy!

    What a miracle to find him in that state, while opening the door of the cage, letting him free and seeing him
    in complete calm with himself and his friend who loved him so very much. That night he was on my lap for
    the first time after long weeks of living in concern, with great patience.

    Tobias with his proudly owned short tail 12 years old

    Tobias, 3 years old with his tail complete

    The problem with the 'Thuban material' is its nature and origin.
    It is not addressed to the human mindedness, except in its peripheral topicity and subject matter addressed.
    It is however addressed to the subconscious and the superconscious parts of the human soul, free from its cultural and environmentally conditioned encumberments.
    It is from this premise that a certain mystique and attraction is found by the perusers encountering such 'difficult' material.
    How much work has to be invested to understand all this science and the scripture quotations thrown into the mix?

    To criticize the 'Words of the Dragons' on their content, rather than its presentation or human mind digestability is often a task too hard and cumbersome for the reader who prefers 'lovey dovey' feel-good words from nabsers, quasi-scientists and basic fraudsters and intellectual pretenders towards the naïve and the gullible.
    So instead of checking on some basic science or mathematics it is rather an easier task to question the motives and agenda of the messengers; whose messages are often too hard to understand and mentally too challenging and so are conveniently ignored as irrelevant or as alien to ones semantic perceptions.

    And so another trouble with 'readers' like orthodoxymoron and the Triple Bee becomes their unwillingness to recall or learn the vocabulary and semantical lexicon required for a meaningful and pertinent analysis and evaluation of the Dragon Information presented.

    Now why does a Dog chase its own tail?
    When will the orthodoxymorons and the triple bees of the human world succeed in catching it?

    Ostern 1960. September 1975.
    struppy1977. 32Laurel1.
    Toby. Toby Tonyblue Foxy.
    'Toby Tobias Schnucklputz"

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. B.B.Baghor


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    • Post n°36

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 2:28 pm

    Thank you, shiloh, I feel I'm getting closer to the answers, that I need to work for me, but not by this post
    of yours. As much as I like to paint a rainbow, standing on the Eiffeltower, showing the world that it
    really exists and that I've made it so, ha ha....I find a similar way in your style of reply to my investigation.

    I'm finding no evidence in your post, of being on a path of investigation, I mean investigation of an
    attempt to come to an understanding with another person, me in this case, and with Mother Superior,
    in our discussion, working our way, as I prefer it,, to clarification and understanding, of the material discussed.

    I'm not chasing my tail, as I watch myself, I'm getting rid of the devil at my tail 52914. by becoming
    more of who I am, or being more of what I become. I'm making progress and I don't feel frustrated.
    Like I would feel with my tail out of reach. Do you feel you're chasing your tail, ortho?

    If you're the "teacher" and "a Thuban in the know" I feel it's your "job" when presenting the Thuban material here,
    to cut it smaller in digestive bits and bites, to make it be understood. Or at least make efforts to make it understood,
    in whatever creative ways, if that's what you intend. For what is the purpose of posting this material, if not for
    "spreading the word in making it understood?" Of is it so evident to you, that this is true, that you can't phatom
    the possibility of others not capable of understanding this material?

    Your remark, in your post above, on the conditions in which the Thuban material can be understood, in such and
    such a way, is a loop of failing logic in the way of Thuban thinking, to me. It may be the trick hidden in itself, to be
    found and overcome. Who knows For how can you make others understand what's true for you, from your
    own point of view, on this Thuban material, or world, when something as immaterial and often obscure, as our
    subconsciousness is needed in that effort?

    In those circumstances, no sense of having learned something can be found for the student and no examination can
    be done, in honesty, due to the fact that invisible forces (our subconsciousness, not to be measured) are present in
    the work, As I see it, this is and will be working against the Thuban work itself, in the teachings as well as in the process
    of ohters, trying to get it, or embody it, or own it. I can't continue the discussion, in the way it's going now. But I find
    clarity in certain aspects of it and for that I'm happy, with my rainbow 854501.


    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor


    For truth is not a thing to me, it's a personal experience. When my truth of today has bided its
    time and I need to step up to a greater truth, that process is proof of the truth always in motion.
    Or... is it me, moving?
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°37

    empty. Re: Thuban 301

    empty. THEeXchanger Yesterday at 11:49 am
    The Birth of New Age Mind Control

    HOW DARWIN, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched one of the largest mind-control operations in history.
    THIS VIDEO is the first to reveal the background origins of the Esalen institute through Aldous and Julian Huxley, both grandsons of Charles Darwin’s “Bulldog” Sir. Thomas Henry Huxley. The Huxleys helped found the Esalen institute to promote Julian Huxley’s eugenics, humanism, transhumanism and feminism to manipulate middle class Americans into following their agenda through psychedelics and the New Age movement.
    “There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method
    of making people love their servitude.” —Aldous Huxley, 1961
    This is not to say that psychedelics or entheogens don’t have value, it just means that devious people have usurped them and created a false movement to fool people into thinking that they’ve completed their task of freeing their minds. This video exposes one more bump in the road on our path to freedom and enlightenment.—Jan Irvin, Gnostic Media


    Video is here:

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b9OvRAKfzw

    On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson,

    Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics,

    2012 & Mind Control

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