Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 27, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    28 Dec 2021
    NASA recently asked dozens of theologians

    to study humanity's possible reaction

    to alien disclosure news

    Will a staged #alien #invasion

    be the next possible globalist false flag

    to usher in even more #totalitarianism?

    do NOT get fooled -
    Research bluebeams aka blue beams aka holograms aka 7d

    7D HOLOGRAMS - Holographic Michael Jackson - BLUE BEAMS AKA BLUEBEAMS AKA HOLOGRAMS https://www.cosmosdawn.net/threads/...n-blue-beams-aka-bluebeams-aka-holograms.880/


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Holy Hologram' Suggests Plot To Welcome 'New World Order'

    'Holy Hologram' Suggests Plot To Welcome 'New World Order' | LinkedIn
    WebAug 27, 2018 · “What is Project Blue Beam?” Essentially, proponents of this conspiracy theory claim that NASA is plotting together with the United Nations to introduce a New …
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    'Holy Hologram' Suggests Plot

    To Welcome 'New World Order'

    Andy McCutcheon
    CEO, Global Aerospace & Defence Technologies Pty Ltd
    43 articles Follow
    August 27, 2018
    “What is Project Blue Beam?”

    Essentially, proponents of this conspiracy theory claim that NASA is plotting together
    with the United Nations to introduce a New Age religion to the citizens of the world,
    headed by the Antichrist.

    By orchestrating the Second Coming of the Messiah using advanced and top-secret holographic technology.

    This elaborate theory was-developed in the 1990’s by a Canadian journalist, Serge Monast,
    who later publicised his beliefs on the UN’s plan to take over the world by publishing
    his book titled “Project Blue Beam (NASA)” in 1994.

    According to Monast, “Without universal belief in their new age religion,
    the success of the new world order will be impossible!”

    To do this, artificial earthquakes will be set off in strategic locations across the globe
    where “new” discoveries containing falsified information.

    This fabricated knowledge will point out the errors of existing religious doctrines,
    which in turn, will shake the faith of both Christians and Muslims
    and convince them to abandon their misguided beliefs.

    With the people’s current way of thinking destroyed,
    NASA and the United Nations can then easily indoctrinate everyone with new ideas.

    NASA using a highly advanced laser technology to project three-dimensional optical holograms,
    will resemble the appearance of the deity that are most dominant in a specific region
    and are capable of speaking all existing languages.

    The hologram of these deities will morph into a unified god – the ‘Antichrist.’

    The purpose of staging a holographic falsification of this new “One God”
    is to dissolve the world’s social order, causing religious disorder on a massive scale.
    Nations will turn against each another and political anarchy and utter chaos will ensue,
    The pandemonium will convince the people to abolish all religion
    s and to support the Antichrist in making way for the “golden age” of mankind.

    Today, many regard ‘Project Blue Beam’ as nothing more than a fictitious theory
    and to accept that they are just holographic projections by our government
    to make us believe that the Rapture is upon us to usher in a “new world order”
    is almost beyond comprehension.
    'Holy Hologram' Suggests Plot To Welcome 'New World Order' | LinkedIn

    Published by

    Andy McCutcheon
    CEO, Global Aerospace & Defence Technologies Pty Ltd
    Published • 4y
    43 articlesFollow
    hashtag#hologram hashtag#technology hashtag#worldreligion

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    As The U.S. Shoots Down UFOs,

    People Are Talking About

    The Fake Alien Invasion

    Predicted To Begin In 2024

    The theory is gaining major traction on social media.

    By Deauna Roane — Written on Feb 13, 2023

    What Is Project Blue Beam? Fake Alien Invasion Conspiracy Theory Explained | YourTango

    By Deauna Roane — Written on Feb 13, 2023
    Photo: Sanjagrujic / Getty Images, Media White Stock Via Canva
    In just the past month, the United States has shot down not one, not two, not three,
    but four unidentified flying objects in North American airspace.

    The government is hesitant to give specific answers and appears to be offering
    only limited information about the objects to the public, leaving many of us understandably wondering
    what those objects are what they were doing hanging around?

    These recent unknown aircrafts appearing in the sky have given way not only to new conspiracy theories,
    but to resurfaced discussion of old ones. In particular, many are speculating that a theory known
    as Project Blue Beam may be real.
    RELATED: Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
    — And How To Protect Yourself From Misinformation

    What is Project Blue Beam?

    Like many other theories about the presence of extraterrestrial life, talk of Project Blue Beam began decades ago.
    Project Blue Beam (NASA) is reported to be a conspiracy theory introduced by Canadian investigative journalist
    Serge Monast in the mid-1990s. The theory claims that members of the Pentagon, NASA,
    and the United Nations were collaborating on a plan to simulate a fake alien invasion
    and staged "Second Coming" using hologram projections.

    In doing so, he asserted, they would eliminate all traditional religions,
    including Christianity, to make way for a one-world religion or the "true religion,"
    as well as to abolish national pride, national identities, and family as it is known today,
    paving an easier path to bring about a New World Order.

    According to the theory, there are four distinct steps to Project Blue Beam's execution.
    The 4 Steps of Project Blue Beam

    1. The breakdown of all archeological knowledge via earthquakes.

    The first thing said to happen would be be numerous earthquakes in a variety of places
    that will reveal unusual items.

    These items will be used by the United Nations to support their coming lie
    to control people, including to make people believe they have previously misunderstood religious doctrine.

    This is meant to weaken humanity's faith in their current religions so they can be more easily preyed upon.
    2. A mammoth-style light show and holograms simulating the Second Coming of Christ.

    The next step in the execution of Project Blue Beam is a worldwide light show
    during which NASA will use numerous satellites to project lasers, holograms, lights,
    and many other technologies "to project images of God, Jesus Christ, and the prophets into the sky."

    One popular opinion of what will be depicted is images
    of all religious leaders being merged together to create a one, true God.
    3. Telepathic thought control by the Antichrist.

    The next step will be the use of ELF (Extra Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency),
    and LF (Low Frequency) waves to brainwash people into believing God is speaking to them directly.
    Messages will pour into their minds about how they have been doing wrong,
    and insisting it is now time to make things right by following the new religion.
    4. A simulated alien invasion beginning in the year 2024 (or maybe sooner).

    "In the year 2024," Monast wrote, "a global event will alter the course of mankind's future.
    The world will stand witness to a massive alien invasion.

    Thousands of projected holographic alien warships will blanket the skies, sending people into a global panic."

    This will be achieved by a secret technology people are referring to as
    an "Electronic Universal Supernatural Manifestation" device specifically designed by NASA
    to deceive people, very much like the Heaven's Gate cult that believed a rapture
    would happen by aliens coming to "rescue" them.
    The New World Order will use this technology to brainwash people into thinking the alien invasion is hostile,
    in order to keep them in fear and more easily controlled by their new dictators
    A Satanic force will then reveal itself worldwide as being inescapable,
    with (THE)he Antichrist coming forward to rule over all.
    RELATED: 9 Wild Conspiracy Theories People Believe About Denver International Airport
    Does Project Blue Beam explain the recent onslaught of UFOs?

    There is no proof that Monast's assertions about Project Blue Beam are true,
    and fact checkers at Poytnor have clearly marked the claims "false."
    Some believe the theory spawned from the Philadelphia Experiment allegedly carried out by the U.S. military in 1943, during which the U.S. Navy is said to have attempted to develop technology that would make its ships invisible to enemies.
    Others have noted damaging similarities between Serge Monast’s book and Gene Roddenberry’s film script for the unreleased film "Star Trek: The God Thing," as well as an episode of "Star Trek: Next Generation" titled "Devil’s Due."
    However, the unidentified objects recently shot down by the U.S. government, as well as another claimed to have been shot down by China, have renewed conversations about whether or not Monast's predictions were accurate.
    U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck even said he wouldn't rule out alien or extraterrestrial involvement, stating, “I'll let the intel community and the counter-intelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything."

    What Is Project Blue Beam? Fake Alien Invasion Conspiracy Theory Explained | YourTango

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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