31 Oct 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 31, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    For anyone who maybe heading East, towards Jasper/Lake Louise / Banff National Park.
    Highway 93N (Lake Louise - Jasper) has been re-opened, but Travel is NOT Recommended due to extremely poor conditions.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mars Retrograde In Gemini 2022-2023 - Winds Of Change - (astrobutterfly.com)

    Mars Retrograde In Gemini 2022-2023 – Winds Of Change
    On October 31st, 2022 Mars goes retrograde in Gemini.

    This is one of the most important transits of the year.

    Mars doesn’t go retrograde often…
    but when it does, you can bet it comes with important changes and developments.

    Mars spends 6 weeks in a sign on average.

    Not this time though.

    Because of its retrograde motion, Mars will spend a record of 7 months in Gemini.

    That’s roughly 5 times longer than usual!
    This means that the area of your chart where you have Gemini will come into focus.

    If Gemini is your 2nd house, your finances will come into focus.

    If Gemini is your 4th house, your family life will come with focus.

    If Gemini is your 7th house, your relationships, and so on.
    Mars Retrograde In Gemini 2022-2023 Timeline

    To understand the Mars Retrograde in Gemini transit, let’s take a look at the transit’s timeline
    – when Mars goes retrograde, when it goes direct, when it goes out of shadow,
    and what aspects it makes with other planets:

    • August 20th, 2022: Mars enters Gemini
    • September 3rd, 2022: Mars enters shadow at 8° Gemini
    • October 31st, 2022: Mars goes retrograde at 25° Gemini
    • November 19th, 2022: Mars square Neptune at 22° Pisces
    • December 8th, 2022: Mars opposite Sun at 16° Sagittarius
    • January 13th, 2023: Mars goes direct at 8° Gemini
    • March 16th, 2023: Mars (at 25° Gemini) out of shadow
    • March 25th, 2023: Mars leaves Gemini
    Pay attention to these dates and note any feelings, thoughts, events, or breakthroughs you may have.

    Things may not make sense at first…
    but by the 2nd half of the Mars retrograde cycle (December 8th)
    you should have a pretty good idea about what this transit is all about.

    Mars Retrograde In Gemini – Witches On Broomsticks

    To understand how Mars retrograde in Gemini will influence us, let’s quickly recap what Mars and Gemini represent.

    Gemini is the 3rd sign of the zodiac. Aries lights the spark of consciousness, and Taurus creates the fertile soil
    for the seed to grow into a plant. In Gemini, it’s time for pollination
    – for sharing information from plant to plant.

    Gemini is not only a pollinator, it is a messenger, and its role is to connect one thing to another.

    That’s why Gemini is primarily associated with movement (Gemini is literally “Mutable” “Air”).

    Without movement, things get stale and eventually die.
    If you don’t open the windows, the house gets that stale smell.

    For things to stay alive, we need Gemini.

    Mars is synonymous with “action”. Mars is the speed train.

    Or the witch on a broomstick.
    When Mars goes retrograde we take action as usual – we go back, we ponder, we revisit, we strategise.

    We see what works and what doesn’t. Mars retrograde has almost a magical quality about it.

    It gives us the opportunity to undo what we have done, to go back in time and change things.

    Can we really change our reality? There’s another reason why this particular Mars retrograde
    has an almost magical quality about it.

    That reason is Neptune.
    Mars Retrograde In Gemini Square Neptune In Pisces

    Mars retrograde in Gemini is marked by the Mars-Neptune square.

    When Mars goes retrograde, Mars is literally squaring Neptune…

    and the square will be in effect for at least a few more weeks.

    The key word for any Neptune hard aspect is “confusion”.

    If Neptune soft aspects (trines, sextiles) bring wholeness and deep spiritual meaning, when we have hard aspects like the square, we’re still

    motivated about finding that Neptunian wholeness, that superior state where life has a deep meaning.

    BUT at first we will struggle.

    We don’t know where to start.

    We feel that there are too many hurdles and obstacles.

    We feel discouraged.

    Mars square Neptune will firstly make us doubt our direction and purpose in life.

    Things we used to believe in, things that used to fulfill us, will no longer make sense,
    will no longer inspire us.

    We may no longer find meaning in our

    actions, in our activities, in our daily life.

    When 2 planets square each other, they are in different elements.

    Mars in Gemini is Air, and Neptune in Pisces is water. When Mars in Gemini

    squares Neptune in Pisces, Mars will try to fight water with wind.

    One thing is certain: Mars square Neptune will make some waves.

    Neptune’s ocean is the ocean of the unconscious.

    The ocean moves things around, carrying treasures and debris from one shore to the next,

    from one corner of the world to the other.

    When we have a Neptune transit, we surrender and wait for our ‘karmic payout’.

    On our walks on the shore, we may find a beautiful seashell, or, dead fish entangled in a fishing net.

    Mars is the planet of free will. When Mars squares Neptune, Mars doesn’t want to “leave it to the Universe”.

    Mars wants to have a say in the process.

    We can keep doing the same things

    – and get the same results

    -, OR we can do something about it.

    If we’re really honest, everything that happens in our life is the result of our previous actions.
    Mars Retrograde In Gemini – Winds Of Change

    Ready or not, the wind of change is coming.
    Things WILL change, so at least we want to be active participants.

    Not to prevent the inevitable, not to ‘control’ the situation,

    but to be conscious about what’s happening.

    We no longer have to do things the same way.

    We no longer have to repeat the same mistakes.

    We can undo things.

    We can change things.

    We can have a say.

    We can consciously co-create with the Universe a life of meaning and purpose.

    But first we have to be ready to let go of false or outdated beliefs and ways of doing things.

    Life is constant change.

    We are no longer the person we were 1 year, 10 years, 30 years ago.

    We no longer have the same goals. As life changes, our priorities change too.

    If you feel confused, or “lost at sea”, that’s a sign that it’s time for a change.

    Don’t fight the confusion. Stay with it. Mars retrograde takes its time.

    Stay there as long as needed.

    At some point, when you least expect it, the fog will lift for you to see
    the enchanting new possibilities that lay ahead of you.

    Pay attention to your dreams and to things, events,
    and people that seem to come out of nowhere with a message for you.

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    If you want to keep up with the future transits, subscribe to Astro Butterfly’s weekly newsletter.
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    Mars Retrograde In Gemini 2022-2023 - Winds Of Change - (astrobutterfly.com)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The ancestors are calling you.
    These are your 'spirit families' and guardians from the deep, eternally-bound past. The ancestors gather around you, perhaps straddling many native cultures, traditions, communities and civilisations.
    Your personal spiritual timeline - how your soul has reached across lifetimes and millennia - can be reflected in the shimmering faces of the sacred ancestors that make contact with you now.
    You can easily link in with your spiritual ancestors by considering the traditions, cultures, perhaps countries, and 'realms' that you are instinctively attracted to.
    This is usually a very magnetic feeling; a pull or draw towards a certain group or tribe.
    Ww For example, you may be very attracted to native traditions of countries such as America, South America, Africa, the Middle East.
    You may feel a pull towards the aesthetics, food, colours, textures and music of this culture or tradition.
    Your ancestors of Light extend to those who you may consider to be 'off-Earth', such as angels and star-beings.
    They can be goddesses and gods.
    They can be sacred animal totems. There are endless forms of spiritual ancestry who form up the lifeblood of your Soul.
    These guides specifically want to call themselves 'ancestors' today. They are your Great Mothers and Grandmothers, Great Fathers and Grandfathers, Brothers and Sisters. They comprise a Great Family of Light that surrounds your soul path.
    It is important that you recognise your ancestors, as they connect with you now to deliver vital energies and new guidance.
    They know you inside and out, and can also take you on journeys to rediscover lost and forgotten parts of your Self.
    This liberates your spirit and helps you to remember your deepest purpose. You will feel a closeness, a sweet familiarity with your ancestral families.
    They will often have significant messages for you, at poignant moments upon your 'Earth Walk'.
    It is no random occurrence that you are drawn inexplicably to specific realms or cultures, sacred rituals or healing traditions, at certain trigger points in your life.
    You are responding to a Call from your spiritual ancestors, and they are asking you to be open to connection.
    Ancestors create events and situations in which you can receive their contact, open to their assistance and expand your Self. This is usually out of the control of your mind's plans about your life. It is serendipitous, magical, destined.
    This is the Way of the Ancestors.
    They come to remind you of the realms beyond the veil.
    They come to remind you of your innate greatness, and capacity to illuminate the world. They come to offer healing, rituals, succour and sustenance for your opening into Spirit.
    They believe in your deep powers and want you to use them, for the greatest good of all.
    The Ancestors gather now, in healing circles, on the ground and in the air, in the oceans and rivers, the hills and mountains.
    Listen and Hear their Call.
    It is only for you.
    By - Sophie Bashford
    Shared by Ascension LightWorkers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This single exposure shot of the aurora borealis
    was captured by Photographer: Kristoff Druva.
    Perfect timing on this magical view @kdruvaphotography !
    31 Oct 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ted Fish

    Festival of the Dead
    Origins of Halloween and Day of the Dead Festivals - Summarized by Randall Carlson Intro
    RANDALL CARLSON PRESENTS: The Ancient Festival of the Dead and the Mysterious Origins of Halloween
    Halloween is seen as a harmless celebration primarily aimed at children - having no particular significance other than to dress up in costumes, get candy & have a party. But, the roots of this tradition goes much deeper than most people realize.
    Dan_7:9 I beheld till thrones were placed, and one that was ancient of days did sit: his raiment was as white snow (white sun), and the
    hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and the wheels thereof burning fire.
    Haliburton on Festival of the Dead
    Comet Hunter






    • Arni Narendran
      Fascinating stories - Ted

      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      are you compiling your info for a book ?

      • Ted Fish
        1f642. no book. Not enough time to do the type of job I would like. We are stuck with te website.

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