3 Nov 2020 Leads To 6 Jan 2021, Jan 6th, J6 - 06 Jan 2021-capitol Insurrection Coup @j6documentary

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 27, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    No no no evidence of preplanned
    pre staged
    COUp 1/6

    ty MILLIE

    PSYOP: The Steal
    Millie Weaver’s stunning new documentary on the breach of the Capitol Building on 6 Jan 2021 describes exactly what happened—and how it was part of a well-prepared…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Video - look who let them in
    a Capitol Police Officer ???

    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    look who let them in

    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    చհìէҽ འąҍҍìէ
    02 nov 2021·
    — Nathan DeGrave, a Patriot
    held prisoner at the infamous DC Jail,
    has written a heart-wrenching cry for help smuggled to the outside with the help of his lawyer:

    Dear fellow Americans:

    I never thought I'd write a letter like this,
    but we’re living in very different times.

    This is my cry for help.

    My name is Nathan DeGrave, and as a non violent participant
    at the Jan 6th rally, I’ve spent the last 9 months detained
    as a political prisoner in pod C2B at the DC DOC…
    otherwise known as DC’s Gitmo.

    The conditions here for Jan 6ers have been inhumane.

    In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred
    to GUANTANAMO BAY, where even THEY have more acceptable standards.

    Class action LAWSUITS are being filed against this prison;
    and even the ACLU has gotten involved. Senators Matt Gaetz
    and Marjorie Taylor Greene have since attempted to gain access
    to this facility and inspect the conditions of the jail, only to be denied.
    (Cont. below) ...

    The vile filth of what has become our daily life is being illegally
    HIDDEN from the members of OUR OWN CONGRESS.

    So…let me tell you about what me and many of the other Jan 6ers
    have been experiencing in DC’s Gitmo.

    It is my hope that with MEDIA EXPOSURE and the awareness
    of the American public, that SOMETHING may be done
    and this never happens to anyone ever again.


    For the first 120 days in DC’s Gitmo, Jan 6ers experienced
    DAILY LOCKDOWNS for 23-24 HOURS before being allowed
    to leave our small 120 sq. ft cell.

    The PHYSICAL and MENTAL ANGUISH that results
    from this kind of SEVERE ISOLATION has caused many people
    to go on a RAPID mental decline.

    As a result, a large percentage of us are HEAVILY MEDICATED
    with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs,
    which helps to cope with the psychological and mental ABUSE we endure.

    Many times, the little rec we DO receive is STRIPPED AWAY
    if our cell isn’t up to the standards of the guard on duty.

    This changes from day to day. Jan 6ers have lost rec time
    and out of cell activity ANY TIME news interviews about the jail
    are aired on TV, people speak up about our conditions,
    or rallies are held in our name.

    We’ll probably have a lockdown upon the publishing of this letter.

    So I have already warned those I know in advance..

    Masks are WEAPONIZED and used against us,
    even though we NEVER leave the facility.

    Officers have walked in with the SOLE INTENTION
    of needing to write 20-30 disciplinary reports against Jan 6ers,
    which adversely effects our chances of release
    and causes loss of privileges, phone time and commissary.

    Masks need to be covering both the nose and mouth
    AT ALL TIMES or we are threatened and locked down in our cells.

    Jan 6ers are always respectful to the employees around us,
    but C.Os maintain the need to invent reasons for discipline.

    This letter is continued in the comments section of this post

    cont;d in next post (if i can find it)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 2

    ...TO STARVE. I suffer from HEADACHES and NAUSEA
    on an almost REGULAR BASIS from the malnutrition and constant hunger
    I am subjected to.

    I have lost ALMOST 15 POUNDS since I’ve been detained.

    Our rights to personal hygiene are also totally neglected.

    Razors are PROHIBITED, and inmates are forced to either go unshaved,
    and grow long beards, or use a razor free cream that BURNS
    and IRRITATES the skin.

    But many other jails have allowed the use of razors without incident.

    Haircuts are also PROHIBITED from unvaccinated inmates.

    For me, it’s been nearly 9 months.

    I look VIRTUALLY UNRECOGNIZABLE in the condition I’m in.

    I fear even my family would not recognize me.

    Contact with the outside world, from legal visits to seeing loved ones

    After in-person visits, legal or otherwise, we are forced
    to undergo humiliating STRIP SEARCHES,
    despite ALL visitors being thoroughly checked for contraband.

    If it’s a legal visit, we are placed in a 14 day quarantine,
    with no out of cell time; EVEN IF your attorney is VACCINATED
    and tests NEGATIVE for Covid.

    Visits with friends or family members,
    for unvaccinated inmates, are NEVER ALLOWED.

    As a result, many people have skipped critical meetings
    with their council, and NEVER get an opportunity to see friends or family.

    VIDEO VISITATION, while available to the rest of the jail,
    is RESTRICTED in the Jan 6 pod.

    Mail is delayed for MONTHS, and phone calls are limited
    to a MAXIMUM of pre approved 12 numbers.

    If there’s anyone else in our extended family or otherwise we’d like to call,
    we’re pretty much out of luck.

    RELIGIOUS SERVICES, protected by the 1st amendment,
    are NOT provided to Jan 6ers.

    Neither are in person classes or other activities available
    to the rest of the jail.

    An inmate named Ryan Samsel, instead attempted to organize
    his own bible study inside the pod, until he was viciously BEATEN
    and LEFT FOR DEAD by correctional officers.

    He suffered a broken eye socket and brain damage
    as a result of the vicious attack.

    He’s now permanently blind in one eye

    . On another occasion, Scott Fairlamb was confronted
    by an officer in the middle of the night,
    and his life was threatened,
    once the officer’s body cam was disabled.

    Many, like myself, are afraid they could be the next victim.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    part 3

    ...And yet, 9 months later here I sit, with 10 years worth of charges and no hope for a future.

    The surveillance footage shows absolutely no signs of assault,
    and despite attempts by media companies to get it released to the public,
    the government has denied it.

    I think that’s because they are fully aware that this footage is questionable at worst, and exonerates me at best.

    Please don’t be fooled by the media

    I am a loving and peaceful person with no history of violence.

    This weaponized DOJ and their blatant resentment of my respect for President Donald Trump
    is putting me in a situation that makes me feel helpless in my current situation.

    —Nathan DeGrave
    American Prisoner of War

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Political Prisoner, Peaceful protestor from Jan 6
    still holding him in deplorable conditions

    Asking for your help.

    Nathan DeGrave is a patriot, political prisoner suffering in solitary confinement at Biden's D.C Gitmo.

    While murderers, rapists, and pedophiles get treated with kid's gloves for their crimes,
    Nathan's only crime is his non violent participation at the mostly peaceful January 6 rally

    Nathan DeGrave is a patriot, political prisoner suffering in solitary confinement at Biden's D.C Gitmo.

    While murderers, rapists, and pedophiles get treated with kid's gloves for their crimes,
    Nathan's only crime is his non violent participation at the mostly peaceful January 6 rally.

    The corrupt Biden regime has made it clear that if you are a conservative or republican,
    they will throw you in America's Gitmo.

    Nathan's judge ruled that because he is a Trump supporter, he could not release him from pre trial detention.

    This is a clear violation under the Bail Reform Act, which makes it clear that pre trial detention
    should only be used in rare circumstances since freedom is the norm in our society.

    This is just one of many shocking violations of Nathan's civil rights, constitutional rights, and human rights.

    Nathan has been in solitary confinement for over 8 months, even though international rights state that human beings
    should not be held in solitary confinement for more than 7 days due to the extreme emotional,
    mental, and physical distress it could cause.

    He even spent 30 days in "the hole", a section of the jail reserved for the most violent prisoners, for no apparent reason.

    Nathan has been denied proper hygiene, proper nutrition, access to legal visits,
    and access to religious services despite being his constitutional rights.

    Even the ACLU, a notoriously left wing organization, is advocating on behalf of these political prisoners
    about the abhorrent conditions and human rights violations they face.

    Jan 6ers have been mocked, ridiculed and beaten by officers for singing the national anthem,
    by people who despise the U.S.A and the love these patriots have for their country.

    Nathan himself has been threatened with physical violence by prison staff.

    Earlier this year, correction officers badly beat a fellow January 6 patriot nearly to death for simply trying to organize a bible study.

    They zip tied has hands, and then beat him unconscious with their metal flashlights.

    This man suffered from a detached retina, skull fractures, brain swelling, and blindness.

    The corrupt DC Department of Corrections deny this attack ever happened. Nathan fears he could be next.

    If this isnt disturbing enough, senators Matt Gaete and Marjorie Taylor Greene
    were illegally denied from checking in on these political prisoners.


    It's clear the DOJ is trying to hide these illegal violations from lawmakers and the American public.

    The fake news, corrupt DOJ and FBI are colluding to keep the truth about Jan 6th hidden behind a veil of a fake insurrection.

    The truth is that January 6 was a peaceful protest, until police attacked nonviolent participants
    and murdered Roseanne Boyland and Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.

    We've all heard about Ashli Babbitt, but the DOJ is trying to cover up the death of Roseanne Boyland,
    another peaceful protestor, who was beaten to death by federal officers.

    (Officer helmets #5229, #5077, #5586, #5213, #5622 were all involved in this heinous crime)

    The D.O.J is suppressing this evidence from the public, but the truth WILL come out.

    The Jan 6 patriots HAVE THE FOOTAGE of this brutal and senseless murder,
    the truth will come to light, and we will end the darkness our beautiful country has succumbed to.

    Only WE THE PEOPLE can end this evil. We cannot rely on the lying media to tell the truth,
    so it's up to us American Patriots to spread the word and to donate to Nathan and other patriot's defense funds.

    We should be telling ourselves NEVER AGAIN will we allow this vile wickedness to corrupt our nation
    and violate the sacred rights of our own countrymen.

    When tyranny took over the Capitol Jan 6, 600 of America's sons and daughters pushed back,
    exercised their 1st amendment rights, and sacrificed everything for the American dream.

    Nathan has lost everything. He plans to dedicate his life to speaking the truth about that day, help end the violence,
    and bring positive change to this country, so that this NEVER happens again.

    But he needs your help.

    Please donate and spread the word, so we can get this message out to the millions of Americans who deserve to know the truth.

    Give Send Go is unfortunately Jan 6 patriots only outlet to speak the truth of evil powers and municipalities.

    ANTIFA, BLM and other extremist groups burn down cities, loot stores and terrorize communities
    causing billions in damages, only to get cases dismissed and charges dropped.

    But peaceful Americans who dare to challenge the Biden regime are thrown in solitary confinement without bail,
    as a result of our corrupt two tiered justice system.

    Providing your financial support is the easiest and most effective way to fight back and show the world what we as a country stand for.

    Nathan wishes for you to pray for our country during this dark time. God bless you and God bless the USA.

    GiveSendGo - Free Nathan DeGrave: The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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