29 December 2022 To 18 January 2023 - Mercury Retrograde

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    iNTO 01 JAN 2023

    #The_Dove of @NanetteCrist
    Nanette Crist says:
    (This is my pastel painting of the symbol
    of the Holy Spirit dove...
    which I experienced when I was 21
    as a fluttering spiraling rushing of winds that descended on my head.
    In the center of this luminous incandescent
    white light was the diamond Sun
    BEING the I Am that I am.)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mare Cromwell
    2023 is the year to break out of our comfort zones and truly Step Up!

    Leap forward!

    I am so feeling this already ...
    and it is only Jan 2nd, 2023.

    Here's to finding more resources both within ourselves
    and outside of ourselves to truly step forward into what we are here to do
    - Divine Plan Aligned!
    (Photographer unknown)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    03 JAN 2023
    There will be the Magic in the sky regarding Air Signs configuration
    creating Intellectual Trines with each other…

    Crescent Luna Ingresses Gemini - The Twins A While Ago:

    There will be the magical 1f338. 1f338. ahead between Aquarius, Gemini & Libra...

    Moon in Late Taurus Creates a Trine with Venus in late Capricorn 29
    & together they will jump into different Signs altogether
    & the Trine will move from Earth to Air in a hurr
    y & thats wonderful thing when it comes to shifting the celestial gears & energies…
    ☽ △ / △ & ⚳
    1- Moon In 0° Gemini 38'
    2- Ceres In 3° Libra 36'
    3- Venus In 0° Aquarius 5'
    & :

    Ideas, Perception, Conversationalists, Communication & Strong Social Media influencers…

    Also adjustments for the Settlement in “Divorce” cases as well as “Separation”
    within the couple due to “Deception” & “Misunderstandings”
    & inability to fulfill commitments & vows due to “Nervousness & confusion”...

    Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Respiratory System, Lungs, Nervous Connections.

    - &

    In Greek Mythology, Cere's equivalence is with “Demeter Goddess”.

    Ceres Archetypes narrates the story of the Goddess of the Harvest,
    nurturing mothership of devotion (as in the myth of Persephone, her daughter).

    Also, Ceres describes the early education & childhood experience which revolves around teaching,
    learning & memories of Childhood & this way, CERES has the behavioral instincts of “Mercury” as well…

    Expresses Her Nurturing Style Towards Others Through Socializing
    & She Likes To Create Balance Between Her Nurturance Given To All Family Members
    & Meaning That She won't Be Tilted Towards Any, But Likes To Keep Everything PLEASED,
    Especially Those Who Are Heavily Dependent Upon Her Emotional Balance & Nurturing…

    : Since Ceres Have Links With Memories & Mercury,
    She Describes A Seeding, Thoughtful & Intelligent Mind In The Sign Of Libra
    Which Produces The Balanced Vocals & Sweet Speeches Which Is Always Very Nurturing
    For The Audience & Listeners Because The Viewpoints Do Not Confron
    t & Often Very Diplomatic Indeed That Build More Ties & Improve Relationships

    & , & :

    These Three Goddesses & Mothers are like-minded in archetypes.

    Ceres brings Motherhood, & Nurturing Mother While Moon/Luna is Herself deals with Mothership,
    Womb, Memories, Fluids Of the Body & Other Women's Health Issues
    related to these subjects which are overpowering “Feminine”
    within a Man as well as Women (Irrespective of Gender, the archetypes
    of LUNA & MOON Cycles remain the same for everyone & she brings the feminines into you)

    These Three Intellectual Goddess are about to create a Triangle of Love, Nurturance,
    Love, Intellectual & Sociable Motherhood...
    , & :

    An Intellectual Mother Who Gives Nurturing To Children Based On Intellectual,
    Plenty Of Mental Room To Grow, Your Love Style Today Revolves Around Creativity
    & Artistically Manifested & Inspiring Your Potential Partners With Unconventional Conversations,
    Gossip, & Exchanging Books, Dating In the Library, With Overseas Online
    Or Unconventional But Highly Wiser Folks Around The World,
    Without Bothering About Religion, Sectarian, Ethicals, etc

    For some hours, until this △ between , & goddesses
    are intact in the sky, you will be intrigued to get nurtured & nurture other family members
    through sociable activities which are based on socializing as well as intellectual exchange
    of information & of course Creativity & Artistical aesthetics would also be involved into this GRAND TRINE…

    For many hours, you will be endorsing the beautiful aesthetic & interior decorations
    at home to make your home more beautiful & improved & everything related to the refinery
    when it comes to Creativity such as Music, Paintings, and Artistic endeavors to make money
    because VEN is involved with Moon…

    You might arrange some family dinners or parties at home today where you can watch movies
    & get nurtured together with other family members.

    The beauty level of your physical being
    is quite attractive today & so captivating in mannerisms & physical appearance
    with high confidence that people will be drawn to you & admire your physical aesthetics
    , if not the ornaments at home…

    Sextiling with JUPITER will also help this Grand Trine & take your aesthetics, adventurism
    & intellectualism to the next level. You can share topics that are unique
    & based on high-end information about metaphysical or other tiny subject
    s which you & your partners/friends ignore usually, otherwise.


    Relationships with your spouse, partner, or domestically active children will be awesome today
    because of CERES presence with VENUS & MOON, & these three goddesses & significators of memories,
    women, motherhood, children, and nurturing are perfectly aligned in air signs to help improve ties/bonds
    at home with a nice balance of will bring Harmony using the intellectualism
    & intelligence of the smart mindset, brain functionality because you have tons of ideas
    to improve your home aesthetics as well the nurturing environment
    & make adjustments using the skills of your quick witty & sharp brain
    & thought-process in bringing peace & harmony at home using the scales of LIBRA CERES
    who is actively TRINING to & today in the sky, so you can utilize the diplomacy
    which is must-have or was missing previously so hard that your children.

    Parents & other relationships in the family were suffering & shaking up
    during the whole Capricorn VENUS-PLUTO-Mercury combination,
    especially when Mercury is already in Retrograde, this Ceres Trine Moon Trine Venus
    will help you improve your ties…

    Most of the hours today ahead, your nurturing will be based on domestic
    & emotional security because of two significations of building up a comfortable home
    & domestic environment (Ceres & Luna),

    & Venus is the goddess of money, romance & physical appearance/body/looks,
    sending trines to both of these goddesses will create a nice blend of air trines
    which would be very instinctual towards utilization of the compassion,
    forgiving, picking up energies & moods of the whole family members
    (especially between children & mother), & actually providing the pure maternal related family legacies,
    parental guidance & support, etc which every child desires & even spouse desires to buildup
    the best martial life based on mutual understanding between Parents & Children
    & if the Woman (MOTHER) is the strongest figure at home, she will play a nice maternal role
    in the Nurturance & blend of harmony & balance of entire family members…

    (Strong women will enjoy these TRINES & TRANSITS of Gemini Moon today)...

    Venus, Moon & Ceres Saga & Grand Trine Summarizing A Nice Blend Of Aesthetics,
    Money Matters, Expensive Gifts & Material Security, Being A Providence Significators
    A Materialistic, Intellectual & Sociable Nurturing:

    Also, this applies to social life today as well, where you`d be flirting around easily due to highly intellectual ideas
    & conversations because of this Gemini Lunar cycle..

    Venus will give clarity to the whole nurturing balance for the mothers
    & spouses to create the best supportive environment & energies at home based
    on understanding, which is required to eliminate the nasty confusing
    & misunderstood Retrograde Mercury cycle these days in Capricorn…

    This △ will ease out the pressure of Rx- Mercury…

    This trilogy will also provide opportunities to nurture your family through better money-making
    & assets growing skills by utilizing your smart brain & channelizing the intellectual energies
    of Gemini Lunar cycles to support & attract more money (Venus In Aquarius),
    & provide every worldly & material security to family (CERES, Venus & Luna)...

    Enjoy this transit & magical TRINE in Sky & get yourself nurtured & then provide pure maternal
    & feminine support to your family *if you are in a supportive & dominating motherhood role in your family*...

    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #ceres #ceresinlibra #Libra #mooningemini #waxingcrescent #waxingmoon #lunar
    #lunarcycle #Gemini #geminimoon #astrologypost #astrology #astrologyreadings
    #astrologymemes #zodiac #fortuneteller #motherhood #maternalhealth #metarnal #maternal

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Almost 200 years of progress
    since the first pictures of our solar system...
    So much has evolved since then, from CAMERA, Telescope Lens, High Optical Zooms, Better editing software, better acknowledgment through Astrology
    & connect & endorse Astronomy more than ever before because of the new Astrologers of modern era who are not only passionate about Astrography
    but Astrology as well
    So yeah, cheers.. Happy Celestial 20 years folks
    Astro Aatif @AatifAstrologer

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Hallgrimur P. Helgason ·
    Double show on 3 Jan 2023
    They happily shared the stage, Mr. Moon and Lady Aurora. — in Selfoss, Iceland

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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