29 December 2022 To 18 January 2023 - Mercury Retrograde

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    01 jan 2023

    [ ]    1f4a6.

    The Exalted Bull 1f402. 1f402. Roaring In The Sky & Calling Fixed Signs
    Under Some Platforms As He Travels Through The Taurean Zones Of The Sky

    /, /, &
    he Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies As 1f314. Waxing Gibbous Luna 1f314.
    Continues To Exalts Through Taurus/Bull 1f402. 1f402. Sign Until Tomorrow…

    1f402. 1f314. 1f314. :
    Sensualism, Grounded & Controlled Emotions, Laziness, Overindulgence In Food
    & Pleasurable Pursuits, Material Insurance, Stable Moods,
    Unable To Express Sentiments Properly, and Seeks Financial Stability In Personal Relationships.

    1f314. : 1f402. 1f402.

    Dec 31, 00°00’ enters 0° Taurus

    Jan 1, Trines Sun At 10°51’

    Jan 1, Conjunct Uranus At 15°07’

    Jan 2, Squares Saturn At 22°34’

    Jan 2, Trines Mercury At 22°42’

    Jan 2, Sextiles Neptune At 22°53’

    Jan 2, Trines Pluto At 27°43’

    Exalted Placements if not handled correctly/wisely, can create some damage for sure,
    especially while creating stressful energies
    with the fixed signs transits...

    It is the best time to relax & enjoy the luxurious & cozy lifestyle by eliminating the action-oriented ARIES Sign
    & leaving the smokescreens of RAM behind.

    Time to enjoy the EARTHIEST reliability & stability in your life through proper nurturing coming
    through Food, Sensuality & other luxuries of life…

    & :

    Avoid Over-indulgence To fully utilize this Lunar Cycle just avoid getting “overindulgence”
    in matters that lead towards Obesity,
    Sensual Pleasures, & other Venusian activities
    that lead you towards losing your worldly possessions
    because when the LUNA
    creates 0 Deg Conjunctions with the Destabilizing URANUS
    & Destiny Gate of RAHU (Caput Draconis) ahead after around 15 to
    20 hours range from now on (Luna travels 13 deg per day mind you),
    she will be crossing ⛢ & ☊ by then
    & then she will simultaneously create 90 deg stressful energies
    with the serious, structured & disciplined/strict Teacher
    “ ” which is also
    or still Floating into the - "Shadow" zones
    these days (Until January 26, 2023)
    so there could bring some troublesome transition phase
    in SKY & in your life (As above - so below theory), because what happens
    is, if you abuse the powers & stabilities of the EXALTED placements,
    the surely haunts you by the surprising
    elements ( ), so there you could get into trouble
    like Separative influences could arise within your most
    desiring & sensuality based PLEASURE activities
    (Or anything you were intended to go overboard with, either money,
    sensual/sexual activities Or overeating being the sweet tooth
    & getting overweight issues or stomach upsets because LUNA will
    then enter in ahead)... So always keep in mind that everything you do inside Lunar Cycles,
    is not going to last longer
    because SHE changes Signs, Moods & attitude
    s & as she passes through SAT-♄, URA-♅, Pluto, Chi-⚷ (By Minor)
    & South Node By Opposition, the KARMIC results
    are surely FELT deep inside out (Psychologically)...

    But one thing, URANUS & RAHU combination provides Taurus
    to eliminate or at least minimize their basic trait of being
    CLINGY towards "Possessions & Assets" & the people they care about
    is always kind of CLING to them & consider them as their SENSUAL PLEASURABLE
    Possession & something they always capitalize on, Right?

    Regards, & enjoy this luxurious, Cozy, foody, & bodily sensual
    & pleasurable transit along with the Heavy Sagittarius Stellium
    including SUN, VEN & Mercury..

    This TAURUS 1f402. LUNAR CYCLE should also ease the Retrograde pressur
    e we are currently receiving through the Mercury In Capricorn
    & Venus's stressful energies *Conjunction* to Pluto In Capricorn/Goat Horned these days… 270d. 1f64c. 1f314. 1f49e.

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #moonintaurus #taurusmoon #lunarcycle #Lunatic #Exaltation #bull #horoscopememes #horoscopetoday #zodiacsigns
    #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #Astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #tarot #healing
    #bullyingawareness #moon #moonlight #astrology


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Nothin’ but blue skies.. from now on. Sing it

    Nothin’ but blue skies.. from now on. Sing it

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Artist: Josephine Wall

    Judith Kusel
    12h ·
    A deep shift is happening which is awakening within the core soul,
    the loving essence, the truth of Love, in its purest Divine sense.

    Our heart centers will expand more, as well as the Universal consciousness
    of unconditional Love and Unity, which will be our guiding light,
    and there will be a greater movement towards communities of souls,
    who unite as one and anchor in the Age of Love.

    These communities will start embracing the highest awareness of working togethe
    r in holistic ways and with great love, cocreating new and higher way of life.

    Working with Mother Earth.

    Becoming self sufficient in ways which will serve the greater whole.

    As much as greater changes and chaos will be churned up
    as the old guard leaves the planet for good and their structures
    tumble and crumble, it is best to stay in the heart and in the higher state of Love,
    knowing you are creating your own reality and choosing to create the highest
    and best with love and in love, no matter what is seemingly happening.

    Indeed, we will now be able to experience a much higher and deeper love
    and loving consciousness than ever before.

    Unity. Oneness.

    We will witness the Power of Love transcending the old
    and creating the new in miraculous ways.

    A new humanity is born.

    Judith Kusel

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Image: Gustave Doré

    Astrologer Juliana McCarthy, Ethereal Culture

    2728. THE ASTROLOGY OF 2023 2728.


    2023 is a significant year, igniting entirely new energies and chapters,
    both personally and collectively.

    Several major ingresses will occur
    —Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and the lunar nodes are all changing signs.

    Our interests, emphases, and concerns are shifting.

    Looking ahead, we may feel anxiety or anticipation, shaken by rumblings of change
    and the exciting unknown.

    This is a year for love, miraculous growth, healing our confidence,
    and dissolving divisive tension and stuck patterns
    that have held us back from progress.

    All the while, we can rest easy knowing that we are moving into calmer waters.

    In many ways, 2023 promises to feel easier than the past few years.

    We are pulling away from the Saturn-Uranus square that defined 2021 and 2022,
    causing considerable frustration and disharmony.

    Our karmic work begins to center on relationships and peace,
    rather than our deepest shadows.

    By far, Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius in March is the defining feature of the year.

    Humanity is ready for massive shifts as we complete Pluto’s twenty-year journey through Capricorn.

    Looking back, we have challenged and rebirthed systems, structures, and traditions,
    which has felt quite heavy.

    This year, we begin to revolutionize humanity and embrace the future, egalitarianism,
    the rise of the people against authoritarian rule, and
    —for better or worse

    It’s time to question everything and find our own novel approaches
    to the ways that we love, help each other, earn money, eat, build community, and so on.

    What would enlightened society look like, and what can we do personally to contribute to it?

    Like drops in the ocean, we can join together and co-create the next iteration of society,
    founded in compassion, gentleness, and respect for the Earth, ourselves, and one another.

    Possibilities are opening up and profound change is springing forth from our united hearts
    as we become tender warriors

    —strong and soft, loving and crystal clear, all at the same time.…

    Read the full article on my site: ethereal

    The Astrology of 2023: Relational Healing + the Promise of a Calmer Year — ETHEREAL CULTURE ASTROLOGY by Juliana McCarthy
    Image: Gustave Doré

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    some people set great goals for 2022
    and, achieved them


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Dale Osadchuk · 24m ·

    2023 The Tarot Constellation of The Chariot:
    Mastery Through Change and The Spiritual Path

    I understand not everyone celebrates Jan 01, 2023
    as the beginning of the New Year
    but for those who do
    we have entered the vibration
    of the Sacred Number 7
    which is the Tarot Constellation of The Chariot.

    The number 7 is a spiritual essence.

    It is aligned with the 7 visible planets
    (seen with the naked eye)
    the 7 chakras
    (wheels of light)
    and the 7 colours of the rainbow
    (blessings from the Universe).

    2023 is the year of Mastery through Change
    and Walking our Spiritual Destiny Path.

    For The Chariot our astrological guides are Cancer
    guided by The Moon (emotional healing and intuitive guidance)
    and Mars guided by Pluto
    (motivation to release the old and create the new).

    For all of us the Month of January is associated
    with the Roman god Janus.

    He has two faces.

    One looks back at the past and the other looks forward to the future.

    Here is a description of his influence.

    “In ancient Roman religion and myth,
    Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions,
    time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings.
    He is usually depicted as having two faces.
    The month of January is named for Janus.”

    From Wikipedia.

    Currently Mercury (our thoughts and perceptions)
    is retrograde in Capricorn
    (revaluation, revision, and realignment of our Soul Purpose Path).

    He is carrying the energy of Janus.

    Mars is also still retrograde in Gemini
    (change your thoughts and change your life)
    as we stand at the doorway to this New Year.

    We are still in the process of endings and healing duality.

    On this January 1st the Sun is at 11 degrees Capricorn
    guided by Clan Mother Talks With Relations.

    She is the mother of the planetary family and kinship with all life.

    She teaches us to enter the sacred space of all life
    with respect and honour.

    Our Animal Totem guide is Snow Goose,
    following our hopes, dreams, and vision.

    The Earth is at 11 degrees Cancer guided
    by Clan Mother Loves All Things.

    She is the mother of unconditional love
    and teaches us to forgive others and ourselves.

    Her Animal Totem guide is Flicker Woodpecker
    who guides us through transitions in life with all healing love.

    (The Animal Totems are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere).

    The Sun is trine (removal of obstacles)
    with the North Node at 11 degrees Taurus (new directions)
    and the Earth is sextile the North Node (new opportunities).

    But the Sun and Earth are square (motivation for change)
    Chiron Rx at 11 degrees Aries (healing old wounds).

    On this day we started with Venus in Capricorn merging
    with Pluto in Capricorn (transformation of relationships)
    guided by Clan Mother Talks With Relations.

    Later in the day the Moon at 14 degrees Taurus merged
    with Uranus Rx at 14 degrees Taurus
    (breaking through to what is of true value and importance).

    Taurus is guided by Clan Mother Listening Woman.

    She is the Guardian of Stillness and Inner Knowing.

    She teaches us to listen to our Heart Wisdom.

    So on this New Year Day the promise
    of Mastery Through Change is very powerful.

    But, and the Universe likes that word,
    the new is only on the horizon.

    The planet Mars in Gemini (change your thoughts and motivation)

    will move in direct motion on Jan 12, 2023 and

    Mercury in Capricorn (Soul Purpose vision)

    will move direct on Jan 18, 2023.

    Uranus in Taurus (breakthrough) moves direct on Jan 22, 2023.

    This is a preview of a big change in the planetary dance in March.

    Saturn enters Pisces (connecting with the mystical) on Mar 07, 2023.

    Venus enters Taurus on Mar 16, 2023 (personal empowerment).

    Mercury enters Aries on Mar 19, 2023
    and the Sun follows on Mar 20, 2023 (inspired new beginnings).

    Pluto enters Aquarius (transformation of the collective consciousness)

    on Mar 23, 2023
    and Mars enters Cancer (mastery through change)
    on Mar 25, 2023.

    Exciting new opportunities!

    We will share more insights in the next few weeks.

    For now focus on what you are ready to release and make space for the new.

    Namaste and blessings,

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "May the BOUDiCCA in all of us, ride again"
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger
    ~ The eXchanger
    The Great Granddaughter of Boudicca, Celtic Warrior Queen
    ~ who is her 45th great grandmother

    The Granddaughter of Uther ap Custennyn, King of Britons,
    The Father of King Arthur
    ~ 40th great grandfather

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