29 December 2022 To 18 January 2023 - Mercury Retrograde

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    “No society ever thrived
    because it had a large
    and growing class of parasites
    living off those who produce.”
    ~ Thomas Sowell


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sean Caulfield


    2023 - HAPPY NEW YEAR, inner peace to all

    Earth as a Cosmic BIRD, the Egg she laid in her iron core is expanding and hatching.

    Introducing the 9th Wave UNIVERSAL CALENDAR CODES
    which I will be sharing more deeply as we go…

    and how this can be seen to be aligning with the MYSTERY EGG
    inside Earth’s core hatching…

    The Collective Consciousness is gradually awakening to the fully mature
    multidimensional “AWARENESS” of Universal Time,
    the awakening can be understood to be a hatching process
    that is in resonance with the Will of the COSMIC Source Creator of all Creation.

    “We think of our Earth Mother as a Sacred Bird.
    In every orbit She has been a different Bird.
    When She was in the first orbit,
    we were not yet man;
    we were not yet even simple creatures.
    We lived in this undeveloped state until a time of Purification came upon Her.
    The Great Bird laid an Egg.
    Inside the Earth Mother is hatching an Egg.” from the Hopi

    I share the sacred teaching of the Hopi
    and how I see this aligning to the calendars
    of the ancient Maya/Aztec,
    I am talking about the larger cycles driven
    by the Tun 360 day cycle in the Long Count
    and the 9 Levels, how each cycle is a scale of time
    that through the process of, evolved time into becoming,
    and how this aligns to the traditional Tzolkin 260 day count.

    The consciousness of Earth and all her inhabitants is according to the Hopi
    now in the process of birthing or hatching the 5th World,
    and according to the 9 levels that were transcended in Oct 2011,
    this hatching is in truth to the Will of the Cosmic Source Creator of the Universe.

    We as a consciousness are living in a lag in time but as we catch up to true Time
    and in the process transcend the manipulated dark calendars of control(Gregorian calendar)
    we will have no choice but to live in a mind that is fully heart center
    and in selfless humble service to Creation.

    In terms of the schedule of this birthing/hatching,
    that is emanating from within us all, all is happening perfectly,
    the acceleration to the precipice of the pyramid of time is allowing Time
    to slow down to a still point, so that the nucleus in Earth’s core
    can be still and pure, this aligns to our blood
    needing to be pure so that we can hatch pure
    and true to the memory of the primordial beginning
    of our Cosmic Source origins.
    Diet is important.

    In this process certain benevolent Cosmic Source Dragons
    have been asleep since the beginning,
    but because the evolution of Creation has arrived to be COMPLETE
    and subsequently fully mature to the Cosmic Source intentions
    conceived in the beginning, the Dragons are awakening in time
    to assist the hatching of Mystery Egg Earth,
    this also aligns to Bolon Yokte’ku descending on Earth,
    being the 9 Cosmic Deities of Creations evolution,
    understood in the 9 Level Pyramid.

    Hence, the acceleration of time,
    reflected in the code of the most condensed 9th Wave Universal Frequency
    is transcending the immature imprints of the duality of all 8 lower waves,
    this is creating timelessness, and by this, time has slowed down
    and is continuing to slow down, thus opening the heart
    and freeing the mind and it is lifting all veils of separation
    and causing positive chaos on Earth to feed the Global Mind
    to heal its scattered Soul, and realign its truth with nature.

    Creation built within you and me and us all a fail safe mechanism,
    Time has accelerated beyond the speed of Light, our minds inner LIGHT
    can not think fast enough anymore, it hence can not cope with the change,
    hence to a Divine Cosmic Schedule the Hearts intuitive primordial Light
    is being activated to take over and bring assistance to our minds awareness of reality,
    the Hearts intuitive primordial Light(Dragon) houses the Will of COSMIC SOURCE,
    this is our fail safe mechanism that supports us when we let go the mind and open the heart.

    Divine Time allows everything to happen according to a Divine Plan,
    this is what the Aztec/Mayan Calendar reflects, in its prophetic large scale time cycles,
    this understanding indicates that nothing is random, everything happens for a reason
    and has a purpose, your Soul is sacred and has a purpose, you are valued beyond all measure.

    Your Soul is awakening, this awakening is part of the hatching process.

    We are the seeds that hold the memory of our primordial Dragons “Heart of spiritual courage”.

    The balances of the self aware consciousness of the Universe are upset
    with what we as Creation in human form on Earth are continuing to do to her,
    but they know that the memory of the Egg or Seed they encoded our Light
    by is being activated to awaken our human consciousness to a level
    where we will remember fully to love Earth and all her inhabitants,
    and those who remain on Earth will in time to come change
    there bad habits and live as Earth’s protectors and guardians,
    or if they don’t they will not be alive on Earth.

    Today is 1-Akabal/Night, initiates the new,
    Akabal recreates unity and transcends duality through a dampened feeling,
    it is the equal light and dark…

    it is the Suns rays of first light at dawn. I

    n the 9th Waves 121st NIGHT for 18 days until 4 January 2023
    and the 13th DAY of the 8th Wave…
    2023 is a year where a very big wind of change will blow,
    for the greater good.
    More to follow….
    From the Heart Sean

    Source of image unknown


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Year of The Rabbit
    begins 22 Jan 2023

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