26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    01 FEB 2023
    Epic Emerald Entry, February 1, 2023
    ~ Comet “ZTF” C/2022 E3…
    Comet “ZTF” was discovered in March 2022,
    and is now at its brightest and closest to Earth,
    than it will be for the next 50,000 years.
    It can be seen just right after sunset,
    North of The Big Dipper, next to the North Star.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Uroš Fink · ·
    01 FEB 2023

    1f47c_1f3fc. Baby's Comet 1f4ab.
    Deepscape / tracked / stacked / blended
    Nikon Z6 Astro-mod
    Tamron 85 1.8 SP
    Fornax Lightrack 2i
    Sky: 85mm, 8x1min, iso800, f2.5 + 7x2min, iso1600, f5.6 + 3x1min, iso 1600, f6.3 ( not on purpose )
    Fg: 85mm, 3s, iso6400, f1.8
    Website: www.urosfink.com
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/urosfink/
    Fine Art America: https://uros-fink.pixels.com/

    A commemorative photo of my pregnant wife, my dearest person in the world with my modesty and Comet C2022 E3 (ZTF) a.k.a. Baby's Comet 1f47c_1f3fc. .
    I can announce with joy and pride that the day when I will become a father for the second time is slowly approaching 1f9d1_200d_1f37c. 2764. .
    All honor to my love, that despite the cold and early hours of the night, she sacrificed herself so that we could take this beautiful commemorative photo together with the comet above us.
    Because the altitude of the Comet was really high this night ( 38 degrees at the end of night time ) i knew it is gonna be very hard to find some good composition for "deepscape" shot with telephoto lenses.
    A long planning and several days of searching for suitable compositions for this night portrait with a comet brought an excellent result, for which I am happy that despite minor technical problems it ended perfectly.
    Photographed near Dolenjske Toplice, 1/2/2023 in the morning from 4:50am to, or including Astronomical twilight 6:00am, when the comet was closest to Earth (at a distance of about 42 million kilometers, or almost 100 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon).
    The comet, composed of ice and dust, which appears greenish in color, was first spotted last March at California's Palomar Observatory by the Zwicky Transient Facility program. The comet originates from the Oort cloud, where there is a large supply of comets far from the Sun.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    to 01 FEB 2020

    Photographer: Rahelio Rodriguez
    Rainbow frequencies coming through the sun today...
    This is the first time that I have seen it like this...
    Reminding me to give thanks for the blessings from Great Spirit
    coming through the Father Sun...

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Away from the light pollution of our cities,​
    the Milky Way can be a truly awe inspiring sight.​
    In Japan, it is called 'Amanogawa' meaning "river of heaven."​
    This name has also been given to a main-belt asteroid​
    discovered on the 21st of November, 1990,​
    at the Kitami Observatory (image source: Graeme Stanley)​

    Blessed St Bride's day.
    In rural Ireland, Imbolc is considered by many to be the first day of Spring, and coincides with Lá Fhéile Bhride, the Feast day of Saint Brigid.
    The Druids regarded ‘Brid’ , as a most powerful and beloved Goddess, and on this day bonfires were lit in her honour.
    Saint Brigid, known as Mary of the Gael, was born around 450 in Faughart, County Louth in Ulster. Her father, Dagda, was a Druidic High King of the Tuatha Dé Danann and her mother was a Queen called Brocessa.
    One day her father took Brigid to the court of a rival King, and, leaving her outside to wait for him, he asked the King to marry Brigid to one of his sons.
    When the King asked to see the girl, they found Brigid giving away her father's sword to a beggar.
    This sword had been presented to Dagda by the King, who said, 'I cannot accept a girl into our family who holds a sword so cheaply', and so it was that Brigid avoided being married.
    Being very beautiful, Brigid had numerous suitors. Her father, still eager to marry her off, was not impressed by her conversion to Christianity or her vow of perpetual chastity, and remained determined to find her a husband.
    So at the age of sixteen, Brigid implored Christ to make her so unattractive that nobody would want her as a wife.
    Her prayer was answered; one of her eyes became grotesquely huge, while the other eye shrank – and it is said that upon seeing this, her father finally allowed her to become a nun.
    But it is said that during the ceremony, Angels put a veil over her head, and her beauty was instantly restored, only this time even more luminous.
    St Brigid received monastic tonsure at the hands of St Mael of Ardagh and was granted by the King of Leinster the possession of a plain called the Curragh, where she built herself a hermitage under a large oak tree, called Kill-dara, or Cell of the Oak.
    As the leader of a community which later became Ireland's most renowned center of learning, Brigid became an important figure in the ancient world, eventually assuming the role of Bishop.
    Brigid set up an eternal flame to represent the Holy Spirit's constant presence. The flame was extinguished several hundred years later during the Reformation, but it burns again today in Kildare.
    St Brigid died on 1 February 524. She was buried at Kildare, and her relics were transferred to Downpatrick during the Viking invasions.
    She is regarded as patroness of Ireland, second only to the Mother of God, and is venerated in northern Italy, France, and Wales.
    Blessed St Bride's day.
    Gabhaim molta Bride.
    I praise Brigid.
    Ionmhain í le hÉireann
    Beloved in all Ireland
    Ionmhain le gach tír í
    Beloved in all countries
    Molaimis go léir í
    Let us all praise her.
    Lóchrann geal na Laighneach
    The bright torch of Leinster
    ‘Soilsiú feadh na tire
    Shining throughout the country
    Ceann ar óghaibh Éireann
    The pride of Irish youth
    Ceann na mban ar mine
    The pride of our gentle women.
    Tig an gheimhreadh dian dubh
    The house of winter is very dark
    Gearradh lena ghéire
    Cutting with its sharpness
    Ach ar Lá ‘le Bríde:
    But on Brigid’s Day
    Gar dúinn Earrach Éireann.
    Spring is near to Ireland.


    ‘O Father, send Her to me.
    And I will descend, bearing the seals
    I will wander the Aeons and uncover all mysteries.
    And teach the secrets of the holy way, whose name is Gnosis.’
    - Naassene Psalm.

    Photograph by Richard Stanley, in Sintra.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Blue Himalayan Poppy
    Amar Az
    Jaguar Wisdom

    02 FEB 2023

    DAY 7 of a 13 Day Cycle

    2 February 2023 – 7 Tz’ikin (Men)
    In Mayan numerology, 7 is a number of endings.

    Tz’ikin is a day which is usually associated with money and abundance.

    We all have financial dealings which have been left hanging

    and just need to be finally cleaned up.

    Today is the day.

    At their best, Tz’ikin days can also be very good for nurturing new visions
    and creating new projects.

    Clear out the old cobwebs and be ready to receive new inspirations.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    In the depths of the night,
    We come together to ignite
    In the depths of the night,
    We come together to ignite
    A cosmic flame, a burning desire
    Fueled by the power of our entire being
    We call upon the ancient forces
    To guide us in our sexual source
    To alchemize our souls
    And reach the highest of intentions
    With every breath, every touch
    We transcend the earthly realm
    And reach for the heavens above
    Where the morning star shines bright
    Together we become one,
    A force to be reckoned with
    As we alchemize ourselves
    Into a state of pure divinity.
    ~Heather Brook

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Keziah Clairvoyant-Medium
    When the Emerald Tablet Activation card appears,
    you are being called to remember the gifts you are carrying from previous lifetimes.
    Even if you don’t always understand how to express them,
    there’s a part of you that knows you hold great power within.

    This is a special time for you to use that power to bring into manifestation
    all that you need for your life to unfold in a way that is in alignment
    with your best interests.

    All that has unfolded so far has given you the opportunity to learn and grow
    - even the unsettling moments.

    But you are a master alchemist with the capacity to take all that was once challenging
    and use it to create positive opportunities for yourself. “As above, so below”
    —all the thoughts you send up to Source will contribute to your evolution on Earth.

    Deck: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
    Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
    Kyle Gray
    Shared with 1f49a-.
    Have a amazingly wonderful week!
    1f64f-. Keziah 1f441-.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George

    2652-. 2648-.
    Sun ACQ 12 2652-. sextile
    Chiron ARiES12 2648-.
    Who are you?
    Surprise yourself
    & allow your uniqueness to shine brightly.
    Embrace what has hurt & turn it into your greatest gift
    Greg George

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Songhai River in China,
    where the frozen ice crystals have created beautiful geometric patterns.

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