26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Beautiful sunset over Blue Mountain #BlueMountain
    #ontario #canada on #GeorgianBay on 31 Jan 2023
    — at Woodland Beach #WoodlandBeach #Ontario
    in #canada
    Photographer: Kelly MacKendrick

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    A rare optic sight, the "Brocken spectre"
    which occurs when a person
    stands at a higher altitude in the mountains
    and sees his shadow cast on a cloud at a lower altitude.
    More details/photos http://bit.ly/3HjWf2X

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1. c-aql4omnzc7lsmo79oaeor2mkthae_z1oqaps9civhoxn_r0dydn2agvvj8vfgp3iees-_nc_ht-scontent-yyz1-1-.

      Astro Aatif

      : Fixed Star Predictions For Gemini, Aries Scorpio
      The distinctive cosmical shift in energies… Warrior Planet Meets With A Prominent Fixed Star in Gemini & Taurus Constellation in Sky today... 2b50-. 1f975-.
      An instigative & resurgence in the sky in terms of military honors, courage, actions, war, disgrace & violence as Mars Conjoins the most significant FIXED STAR In the Sky In The BULL`S Eye of Taurus Constellation…
      2b50-. 1f975-. At ° ’
      On 30th January - 1st February 2023
      ( ): Aldebaran, At 10° 264a-. 06’ Alpha Tauri (α Tau), is an orange giant star in the constellation Taurus. It marks the eye of the celestial Bull.
      The “ ” in Taurus, is the magnificent fixed star, Aldebaran. This constellation bestows illumination in the sky, which is easily identified during summers…
      : The star Aldebaran, or bull’s eye
      Aldebaran is the brightest RED star in the constellation Taurus and is known as the " ." The name "" is Arabic, which means "The Follower" because it appears to follow the Hyades star cluster that forms the head of the bull.
      2b50-. Aldebaran 2b50-. Brings about a huge amount of courageous & ambitious energies & dangers through Floods, Drowning, Natural Disasters etc... 2b50-. 1f975-.
      2b50-. : Aldebaran (10° 264a-. 06’ Gemini) Mars; negative; success, popularity, and honor, but through clever & deceptive means such as; an underhanded person who schemes corruption and political chicanery behind closed doors. The transit can bring gains & honors but there can be the tendency towards dominating situations such as turbulence with legal problems also possible within personal relationships domestically…
      Since 2b50-. 2b50-. conjunct with Gemini Mars, it is believed to help facilitate the transformation of our minds into higher levels of consciousness, power to solve the most complex problems of daily life through sheer systematic wisdom & also brings a sharp witty sense of intellectualism & system to our thought process & some Astrologers believe that is some kind of Mental tonic for Gemini sign as soon as it starts to join Personal Planets & significant bodies such as Moon, Mars, Venus & Sun (Especially with Sun, it is vitality & health issues highlighted either by beneficial or be detrimental to health dependent on the aspects SUN creates with other bodies)...
      : 1f975-. 2b50-. 270d-.
      Gains through other people (Especially friends), taking native to the peak of public figures & heights of fame or the public office holder at government level. But there is a danger, in the end, that natives could misuse their powers & fall from grace through VIOLENCE & disgrace. Also, severe Sickness at some stage of life is also very much possible with this placement. Aldebaran also challenges the integrity of a person at some step of life, where he has to struggle with mindfulness & wittiness & uses his high intellect to overcome those obstacles & then he finds himself at the TOP POSITION in life & attracts wealth, prestige, benefits, etc But indeed a challenge is thrown to him by testing his patience & integrity.
      Handle these energies carefully & be careful while you do any reckless adventurism today or unless these energies between Mars & Aldebaran are intact in the sky...
      with love & best wishes…
      1f338-. 1f496-. 1f3f9-. 1f3f9-. 1f496-. 1f338-.
      #fixedstars #Aldebaran #aldebaranalfahri #AlphaTauri #AlphaTau #taurusconstellation #Gemini #marsingemini #geminiconstellation #astrologypost #astrologymemes #astrology #Astrologer #zodiacsigns #zodiacmemes #zodiac #tarot #tarotreading

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mato Tipila
    January 2023

    Winter lightning at Grandmother Tree in Wyoming

    Mato Tipila
    January 2023

    Winter lightning at Grandmother Tree in Wyoming

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    29 JAN 2023
    Mathew Nichols Photography is in Neah Bay, Washington.

    We have a green visitor in our night sky!! Comet "ZTF" is at its closest point to earth it will be for the next 50,000 years! It is visible to the unaided eye as a bright blurry star to the North of the big dipper and next to Polaris (the North star).
    This is my extremely thought out and well planned rendition of the comet from one of my favorite areas on the coast in Neah Bay Washington. I wanted to portray the comet with this beautiful landscape that I would be SO lucky to experience this once in a lifetime event with 1f60d.
    I had to travel to the furthest point on the coast to get to the "darkest skies" to witness this in. The darker the skies the better you can see the comet, and this just so happens to be some of the darkest skies remaining in the entire United States. Regisetered as a "bortle 2" on the "bortle scale" (with bortle 1 being the darkest skies possible) that measures the amount of nearby light pollution, this was the perfect place to give it everything I've got when attempting to capture this comet!
    I was so excited to hear that we would have a comet visible in our night sky that I spent nearly $1000 on new equipment just so that I could capture it in the most detail possible. When a once in a lifetime opportunity like this presents itself I want to be able to capture it the very best I can!
    I used a long lens to capture it with a distant foreground that makes the comet appear larger than it would to the unaided eye, it's like looking at the landscape and comet together with binoculars, this is called the "compression effect".
    I took over 2 hours of data on the comet alone, the more data you are able to capture the better detail the photo of the comet will achieve. There was so much data included in this photo that I had to completely wipe my laptop just to be able to process this one photo 1f92f.
    Comets hold a special place in my heart as 2020s Comet Neowise inspired me to pursue nighttime photography and helped me realize my passion for photography. So naturally I was very excited to work as hard as I could to capture this beauty!!
    I spent nearly 13 hours out on a cliff in Neah Bay Washington preparing for this view, there were sustained winds of 25 mph with gusts of 35-40 mph. The temperature was around 35 degrees making this a very challenging photo to capture. It was all worth it to me though as that was likely my only chance at clear skies for the duration of this comets close approach. It was especially a challenge because I have never used this equipment before but I am very pleased with what I was able to capture!! 1f64c. 2604.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chanda Sparkles
    01 FEB 2023

    Welcome to “Feel Frequency February” everything is picking up speed
    on multiple levels and we can feel the frequencies shift in our personal lives and in the world collective.
    We have the full moon in LEO this weekend.

    The frequency of the heart wins!

    Both Mercury & Venus will change signs this month
    and Pluto moves to that last most potent 29° of Capricorn
    on February 11, 2023.

    Powerful shifts in frequency!

    Feel Frequency February is preparing us for the big shifts of the Equinox
    with Pluto & Saturn shifting signs in March, 2023.

    These are long time shifts,
    even though Pluto is only going a third of a degree into Aquarius
    until he retrogrades back into Capricorn.

    This will give us a taste of what Pluto in Aquarius will be like from 2024 to 2044.'

    Join us on the live stream tonight as we break down the astrology
    & look at full moon in LEO 264c. chart.

    Walk in the light & spread the sparkle
    Chanda Sparkles

    All reactions:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Rob McConnell
    yesterday, there were 32,494 identified centers.





    Do people read The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper?
    You bet they do and all around the world.
    To submit articles or for advertising inquiries, email admin@rel-mar.com.
    Each red dot signifies centers where people read The 'X' Chronicles,
    and as of yesterday, there were 32,494 identified centers.
    Rob McConnell

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