26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ‘65 Shelby Cobra

    ‘65 Shelby Cobra


    COMET E3
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Cosmic Light Show: Burning Meteor Blazes Over European Skies [WATCH] | Science Times
    (Photo : Pixabay / Urikyo33)
    A burning meteor was caught moving through European skies during the weekend. Lucky viewers got to catch a glimpse of this extraordinary cosmic light show.
    Burning Meteor Blazes Over European Skies

    twitter video - https://twitter.com/i/status/1624972077944954880

    Futurism reports that the meteor, called Sar2667, is the seventh in history that was picked up before setting foot into the earth's own atmosphere. The European Space Agency credits such a trend to a fast enhancement in capabilities for global detection. Sar2667 was picked up a couple of hours prior to its entry, as reported by Yahoo! News.

    Because of its advance notice, several individuals were able to capture snaps and clips of the cosmic light show. Landscape photographer Gijs de Reijke, for one, was able to get an extraordinary snap of the meteoroid, capturing the green tail that followed its descent.

    As of this writing, the American Meteor Society has already received 61 reports of the cosmic light show sighting.
    Krisztián Sárneczky, a Hungarian astronomer, picked up Sar2667 just a few hours before it reached the earth's atmosphere last Sunday night. Space reports that Sárneczky spotted the meteoroid at the Piszkéstető Station of the Konkoly Observatory around a hundred kilometers northeast of Budapest. He detected it through a 2-feet telescope.
    Such findings were then forwarded to the European Space Agency a few hours before the burning meteoroid descended.
    Sárneczky mentions that he detected the burning meteor while conducting a regular NEO (near-earth object) examination. The astronomer notes that the cosmic object was clearly an NEO but that it was not fast-moving. The meteor was faint and moving toward the earth.
    Space reports that this was not Sárneczky's first time picking up teasers of cosmic events. The asteroid hunter also gave a similar heads-up in March 2022. He mentions that he thought that such a time would be the only one in his lifetime, yet he was wrong.
    ALSO READ: ʻOumuamua Is The First Interstellar Meteor to Hit Earth With Extraordinary Velocity, Originates Beyond Our Solar System
    Near-Earth Objects

    Yahoo! News reports that according to the European Space Agency, around 30,000 asteroids are considered near-earth asteroids. Small, burning meteors such as Sar2667 are relatively common. They get into contact with the earth every few weeks without bringing any danger.
    Potentially detrimental asteroids are those in space that exceed around 140 meters. Around one-third of the estimated 30,000 near-earth asteroids are thought to pose potential dangers.


    Gijs de Reijke


    Asteroid Sar2667, about a meter in diameter, was expected to fall near the French city of Le Havre at 02:59h UTC. I drove to a photogenic spot close to home in the south of the Netherlands to capture it, just as the sky cleared. #asteroid #meteor


    12:34 AM · Feb 13, 2023·

    Gijs de Reijke on Twitter: "Asteroid Sar2667, about a meter in diameter, was expected to fall near the French city of Le Havre at 02:59h UTC. I drove to a photogenic spot close to home in the south of the Netherlands to capture it, just as the sky cleared. #asteroid #meteor @IMOmeteors @apod

    https://t.co/MNZofhkrd7" / Twitter

    Back in 2022, the DART spacecraft of NASA crashed into the Dimorphos asteroid to gauge the kinetic impact methodologies of the agency. Such a technique is intended to protect the earth from such catastrophes.
    While the recent cosmic light show may have appeared quite ethereal and incredible to glimpse, the flyby of Sars2667 shows the importance of detecting NEOs that could potentially enter the earth's atmosphere.
    RELATED ARTICLE: Meteor or Space Junk? Astronomer Identifies Object Spotted in the Cosmic Phenomenon Across Scotland and Northern Ireland Skies
    Check out more news and information on Meteorites in Science Times.

    Cosmic Light Show: Burning Meteor Blazes Over European Skies [WATCH] | Science Times

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sharon Hart is 1-90QKR?ccb=10-5&oh=00_AfBKeeCczRcPkWxeA8lZyaKzH20cZV5TJUhSpJaIIhgryw&oe=641401DB&_nc_sid=0f6d63. feeling joyful.
    So blessed to live the life I have, to have such beautiful family and friends.

    I send out love, healing and sparkles everyday in my ´upstairs’ time,

    but in honour of St Valentine’s I just want to say it out loud!

    I love every single one of you!

    Grateful to those who stand in my corner.

    For those that celebrate my good times

    but also there in those not so good times.

    For those that just know to reach out.

    For those that honour my space.

    For those that share the giggles.

    For those that help wipe away the occasional tears.

    For those that are just as excited
    and support my plans for the future
    as well as in the here and now.

    But most of all, for those that share their heart space
    with me as I share mine with them.

    Truly blessed!

    Much love and sparkles 1f496. 1f64f. 1f496.

    Nadia Belmajdoub posts:

    -R&c[0]=AT0XZlAavSHLO1uXWN7PS9fQJ_fdXxmHbjhvFn1OHZtYOUl6Id0VNyCeQMOmwxKE-Zx9AcI0ciLQE8tuJQzDnN76WDrzZGqoFD7pm76D5C8cSC8BujFxazg5SyPEvudh4Kxm3prgZGzySDD1XV93P3UEZkVVTxitqGjVJLiG84dlCxTVLjooy2_YbQ'] giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FLrY6CYuxywJlzZi6Of%2Fgiphy.%3Fkid%3Dbe302117%26ct%3Ds&fb_obo=1&utld=giphy.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    11h ·
    ASTRO WEATHER for February 13-19 2023
    This week is the astrological highlight of February.

    It brings a super-romantic and healing Venus-Neptune conjunction.

    Single or in a relationship, this energy opens the heart and allows you to connect
    with the energy of love (including self-love) on a very deep level.

    And then the New Moon in Pisces sails along
    - and this one packs the manifestation punch of 10 out of 10.

    All dates below are for Pacific to Eastern time.
    2728. 2728.
    Venus-Neptune Conjunction: Feb. 15
    We will start feeling this romantic energy as early as Feb. 12, and it will peak on Feb. 15
    - this is as perfect as it can get for Valentine's Day. Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune
    brings a mega-dose of a "roses and moonlight" romance.

    But just as importantly, this energy opens the heart.

    If you're searching for a soulmate connection,
    express your wish to the Universe this week or on the upcoming New Moon in Pisces!

    In financial matters though, it’s best not to make any major decisions this week.

    Neptune adds rosy glow to everything it touches….
    we tend to see things less clearly in the matters that need solid decision-making.

    Normally, I would caution you about the same in romantic matters,
    but it just so happens that the Sun makes a conjunction with sobering Saturn
    on Feb. 16, and that's good for longevity in relationships!
    2728. 2728.
    Feb. 17: Mercury sextile Jupiter
    It's not all about love and romance this week! Feb. 16-17
    are two excellent days for presentations, contracts and negotiations.
    2728. 2728.
    Feb. 18 2:34 p.m. PST. The Sun enters Pisces: Happy Birthday to my Pisces readers!
    2728. 2728.
    New Moon in Pisces: Feb. 19 11:06 p.m. PST
    This is a very lovely New Moon! It's conjunct Saturn,
    helping you bring your dreams into reality
    - so it's a manifestor's Moon, and a very powerful one, too.

    Stay tuned for my New Moon post.
    2728. 2728.
    If you need some extra help to manifest a soulmate relationship,
    enjoy FREE access to my Tarot manifestation spread.

    My gift to you for this Valentine's Day

    (this will also subscribe you to my free astro-newsletter.

    You can unsubscribe if you decide it's not for you).
    2728. 2728.
    And if you missed my live workshop "Tarot Three Ways",
    the recorded workshop is now available,
    and is on sale!

    2728. 2728.
    For those trying to decide if your love interest is a keeper,
    try "Is He (or She) the One?" - a detailed and insightful synastry report.

    It's 20% off until Feb. 19 11:59 p.m. PST.
    #valentine #Pisces #NewMoon #rosequartz #soulmateritual #manifestation #tarot #energywork #astrologyforecast
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    American and Canadian citizens should be
    concerned about this.

    The irony of the term, DNA (declaration of north america)
    should tell you where this is going.

    Read it for yourself, educate yourself because no one
    is coming to rescue us:

    We are the only solution to our freedom.

    Summary of the 3 nation agreement signed in mexico last month.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Kamey Batiz

    14 FEB 2023

    Tuesday, February 14th 2023

    Sun in Aquarius 2652. 1f4a8. Moon in Sagittarius 2650. 1f525.

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! It’s actually a great day for partnership
    with the Sagittarius Moon sextile Mercury in Aquarius,
    which is sextile Jupiter in Aries, which is sextile Mars in Gemini.

    That’s a whole lot of fire and air in the sky and they’re all in seggsy aspects to each other.

    The Moon goes on to trine Jupiter in Aries adding even more fuel to this fire.

    This energy is fun and full of passion. It’s also quite impulsive and over the top.
    Even if you don’t have a Valentine, it might be quite easy to find one because if you’re catching on to what I’m saying, this energy is not only quite sapiosexual, it’s also hawt, it’s lustful, it’s um, libidinous….wink wink!

    Let’s not forget that all month Venus and Neptune have been in Pisces and today they’re forming a conjunction,
    less than a degree apart.

    This is romance novel, fantastical energy especially for those that love being in love!

    Try to keep the sparks alive in a positive way and resist the urge to argue
    or complain though because this fiery Luna does oppose hot headed Mars in Gemini
    and the Sun and Saturn in Aquarius are also in a tight conjunction.

    Please resist the urge to say something you might regret or you could end up with a glass of wine
    in your face or just straight up ghosted at the end of the night.

    Keep it classy out there everybody! I

    t’s gonna be tough today. 262e. 2764. 2728.

    If you’d like to learn more about your energies and how the daily forecast affects you,
    comment below 2b07. or DM me for a free consultation.

    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people to take control of their lives.
    Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool that you already possess.

    If you’d like to support or donate:

    1f17f. PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz 1f4b2. CashApp $NaliniFlor
    #growwithme #astrology #empowerment #loveyourself #bethechange #healing #dailyhoroscope #dailyguidance
    #selfcare #healingwounds #love #zodiac #sun #moon #aquarius #venusinpisces#neptuneinpisces #sagittarius


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14 FEB 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    14 FEB 2023
    Photographer: Stonehenge Dronescapes
    Sunset at Stonehenge tonight
    #winter #sunset #sunsetphotography
    #sunsetlovers #stonehenge

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