26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    23 JAN 2023
    Credit: Javier Caldera
    (@astrocld on Instagram) and
    Miguel Gracia
    (@mxguelastro on Instagram)
    Location: Spain

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    When two planets in the sky are in Exaltation
    (Venus in Pisces & Luna, The Moon In Taurus) configuration
    which indicates the Materialism & overindulgence into financial security
    rather than losing & falling yourself for unrequited love & staying floating
    into useless past
    & clingy about the stuff that no longer serve
    because emotionalism is interlinked with Finance,
    Worldly Assets & Comfortable life with exalted Planets,
    I would prefer getting Dollars
    & I would choose RED DOOR
    over rectifying past mistakes any day lol
    what is your choice here...
    Going back to rectify past mistakes
    or moving forward to win/earn millions
    of dollars cash in hands?


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    : Watching The Lover Through Rose tinted Glasses

    Even though you fall for people you care about wholeheartedly & with your whole being,
    deeply & madly, but still, there is no need to become so serious despite having been badly involved
    in Spirituality, Religion, & Congregational activities with PISCES intact.

    You could still keep your inner clown alive & be float into the realms of the oceans of imagination
    of this Jupiter Ruled Exalted Venus enjoy the expansion & joviality of life…

    Don't forget Jupiter is also there to help this Aphrodite to enjoy her life through Joking, High Sarcasm,
    & Clownship inside her to make herself & people she cares about, laugh harder than
    before while she still struggles & copes with the KARMIC Wounds of her 12th House
    which she has received from the people she has dropped her "Compassionate Heart"
    while she helped emotionally, morally & financially & lost herself...

    Be jovial, be a clown, get some time to enjoy your inner clown & joker, and take it easy
    on the harshness you receive against all the compassion, and charity
    & falling hard in your LOVE Life. Because a show must go on...

    So explore your inner clown using the larger-than-life “Jupiter” ruler while still utilizing Neptune for SPirituality
    & seriousness while you connect to the GODS & Spirit-guides through “Divine Downloads”,
    you could still embrace the inner karmic wounds you got through broken affairs,
    love & marriage with a smile because, why not, after all this VENUS IN PISCES
    has a big heart and could still enjoy life through Jupiter rather than capitalizing on Neptune solely...

    You have one month to FIND THE INNER NEMO in yourself who is childish,
    enjoying life silently in the isolative hideouts away from societies & harsh world outside…
    & instead of becoming romantically vulnerable in personal relationships,
    use this VENUS In PISCES transits in laugh laugh laugh, Paint, Singing, Be Creative & Dancing…

    To attach some dreamy, & watch life through the positive & optimistic outlook
    & positive perspective with love & best wishes…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #venusinpisces #Venus #piscesmemes #astrologypost #astrologymemes #astrology
    #Astrologer #zodiac #zodiacsigns #piscesvenus #venusflytrap #unrequitedlove
    #unrequited #love #melancholy #melancholymood #12thhouse

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chanda Sparkles
    28 jan 2023 AND 29 JAN 2023

    Saturn will exit shadow phase this weekend.

    Pluto follows to exit shadow Monday. 30 JAN 2023

    When a planet leaves shadow it’s full steam ahead;
    it has crossed the degree point from which it began its retrograde phase.

    It’s time to move and step out of our inward phase.
    Saturn is in Aquarius as is the Sun.

    The sun is in square to the North & South Karmic Nodes of Fate,
    Uranus & the moon In Taurus this weekend.

    It’s challenging us to get up, get out and see what the Universe has to offer.

    We’re most likely not going to receive the unexpected benefits of these transits sitting on the couch.

    Step away from The Ego and let the moment flow.

    You’ll be surprised!

    Saturn is indeed the task master and he wants it done right.

    When Saturn comes along we often see things for what they truly are and the greatest rewards
    come after some challenging truths for the individual and therefore the collective.

    Check to see if the structure of your life is steady & true?

    We have a Stellium In Taurus this weekend.

    Steady, tangible yet luster & luxurious.

    The gift of decadence.

    Eat the rich deserts!

    Get a Spa treatment!

    Step into our sexual senses and play!

    Walk in the light & Spread the Sparkle
    Chanda Sparkles 2747.

    All reactions:






    View 2 previous comments

    • Hermien de Beer
      I have lots of aspects with Saturn … good too but mostly quite challenging!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE GREEN COMET will be at its zenith on 02 feb 2023 ~susan lynne schwenger @13linesofSpirit @iN12d

    Sean Caulfield
    27 January 2023 – 1 Toj (Muluc)

    DAY 1 of a 13 DAY CYCLE

    Your outer world is a manifestation of your inner world….
    the external is a mirror of the internal….
    you are the portal between the spiritual and physical worlds,
    the inner spiritual world connects you to the multidimensional Universe,
    our role is to be at peace with ourselves internally so that the Universe can be PEACEFUL…

    The Comet arriving is arriving within, intuitively I sense it holds a divine message,
    I am experiencing big downloads of Cosmic information that for me
    feels like putting the last remaining pieces of a puzzle together…

    The information is in the water, fertilising the seeds of LIGHT “within” to be activated(germinated)
    with Primordial Cosmic Source Light codes of memory, that are arriving from the beginning of time,
    by this Divine information we can transcend the immature imprints of duality,
    healing the Soul to live as ONE HEART of harmony and peace on NEW EARTH…

    ….even if it’s only on a subconscious level, this is something the hearts memory
    is activating the mind to understand and through SOURCE be wise to,
    that we live in a multidimensional Universe, that all out there is a mirror reflection
    of the “within” true world and connected as one Universal web of Creation….

    like a spiders web, what you do to it vibrates throughout the web to return on itself,
    everything is vibrating through everything to shift our world to change f
    or the greater good of Creation, all divisions are a physical illusion designed to control
    and possess the collective Soul…

    to be continued…

    1-Water/Muluc, realising the complexity and the diversity of the Divine process… offering.

    From Jaguar Wisdom...

    "27 January 2023 – 1 Toj (Muluc)
    Today the new trecena begins.

    The word toj literally means “payment” or “an offering,”

    with the understanding that we are making payment and offerings to the spiritual world.

    Thus this 13-day cycle can be a time when we do important spiritual work

    aimed at bringing our relationship with the spiritual world into new harmony,

    correcting any sense of imbalance or unease which we may have with the cosmos that lies within us.

    Toj is also the day which symbolizes the “sacred fire” which lies at the heart of Mayan ceremonial life.

    Many of us, who live in cities, will not have the opportunity to light such fires,

    but a few candles on the altar will certainly be helpful."

    thank you

    a poet
    1 Toj of Water | Life language (lilant.nl)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    28 January 2023 – 2 Tz’i (Oc)

    DAY 2 of A 13 DAY CYCLE

    2 is the number of the eternal polarities which play such a powerful role in Mayan cosmo-vision
    and which are virtually identical to the concept of yin and yang.

    On the most fundamental human level,
    2 awakens our sense of romantic attraction,
    which is one of the most basic manifestations of the cosmic polarities.

    Tz’i, the day of the dog, is known as a very sensual,
    even lusty day, and passion runs high.

    Passion may lead us to beauty or capture us in confusion,
    and Tz’i often leaps before looking.

    Don’t be afraid to be passionate today,
    but exercise (discernment) and, discrimination.

    • Daniel Hackett Olinyocoatl
      Out of curiosity. Did you mean discrimination or discernment?
      (Currently using discernment to clarify with the author's intentions.)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    29 jan 2023 - 31 jan 2023

    Astrology Update: Predictions For Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio & Leo

    - :


    ☉ △ 2642. : Here comes Air Trine between Sun In Aquarius & Mars In Gemini

    : An Intellectual Drive To Succeed Through Competitiveness
    & Ambitious Nature Against
    All Odds…

    & : An Intellectual Drive, Vitality
    & Will To Achieve Something Big
    in Life Through Showing A Display Of Unconventional Competitive Skills,
    Ambitions, Determination,
    Perseverance & Sharp Reflexes Of The Intellectual Trine
    Between Aquarius & Gemini Signs…

    These energies & transit can produce immense perseverance
    & vitality in human nature because SUN is ego
    drive while Mars is Manifesting that drive into constructive
    & productivity in life through Action-orientation
    & display of instigative & since its Gemini, the display of action-orientation
    would revolve around ideas,
    planning, using words & communication & by getting the ego-drive
    & vitality from SUN, the flightiness &
    diversion of ideas of Gemini will get some boost
    towards gaining the confidence in making those ideas,
    communication into constructive & focused actions
    & this way natives today will find it easy to chase their
    dreams & goals because they have strength & vitality of focused SUN
    in Aquarius energies helping out the
    flighty, witty & defusing Mars in Gemini…

    Basically, Sun is a drive to help Mars in Gemini to reach the
    heights of glory in life in all sectors, be it a profession, self-image,
    & fighting abilities to stand for rights &
    personal relationships or the educational academic efforts
    will also produce some positive results due to
    push that this Mars is receiving from SUN in Aquarius,
    which is very futuristic & unconventional in

    , & :
    This transit between Aquarius & Gemini will make
    immense energies within the native`s whole productive mind.
    Because Body & Mind is perfectly aligned
    through this Harmonious Trine between Mutable & Fixed Air signs…
    Your determination & vitality today
    will be higher than usual with more confidence
    towards achievement in life by using the strong & sharpest
    reflexes of body & mind due to these two intellectual signs…

    : Aquarius uses Calf muscles,
    while Gemini uses Hands, Arms & Shoulders & together they`d create a nice balance
    from toe to mind & help your body to produce constructive & sharp reflexes
    to achieve something in your professional to personal life today…

    Using the strong motivation today, you will get some hold on to the ongoing situation in your life
    which require strong vitality, and physical & mental strength to fix all issues through your focused
    & witty brain with your strong physique to follow through, for dreams, goals
    & competitions to get it through in life in better & manifesting way…

    Use this transit in constructive ways & use flighty & tons of mindful brain & physical activities
    into positive manifestation process to achieve, chase & follow through in your life regarding goals, ambitions, reaching the status-quo position in life ahead & dont waste those energies
    just by sitting idle into deep mental thoughts & rather utilize those ideas into physical activities
    & take appropriate actions because today, with Gemini & Aquarius harmonizes today,
    you are a master of your own fate…

    with love & best wishes…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.



    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jaguar Wisdom
    29 JAN 2023

    29 January 2023 – 3 B’atz’ (Chuen)

    Though 3 is sometimes regarded as a weak or indecisive number,
    it has its virtues, just as all the numbers do, and the favorable energy of B’atz’
    makes it easy for us to access the positive potential of this 3 day.

    Among other things, 3 symbolizes the three hearthstones that the Hero Twins
    laid down at the beginning of the creation of a new cycle of time.

    I have seen many Mayan homes where three stones are still laid out
    upon the stove for cooking, and 3 is a number which benefits all matters
    relating to “hearth and home.”

    You may not feel like straying far from the home front today,
    but, after the manner of B’atz’, you can “accomplish all things” if you stay there.

    Susan Lynne Schwenger says
    "if 1+1=2 and; 1+2=3 , then 3 is the first fractal "
    ~susan lynne schwenger
    "if one + one equals two, and;
    one + two equals three,
    then, THREE is the first fractal"
    ~susan lynne schwenger

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