26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    3rd one is going to be over 8.5
    9:31PM on 06 Feb 2023

    The Great Spirit of God is NOT very happy
    • and; after that; 2 more sets of 3 b4 end of feb.2023
    • - not sure; but; i don;t think i'd want to be on west coast of usa
    • nor, the med. where many are under the water
    • PREDICTION by susan lynne schwenger
    • 9;33PM on 06 FEB 2023 message to: Thoren Engebretsen

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jaguar Wisdom
    DAY 12 OF A 13 DAY CYCLE

    07 FEB 2023

    7 February 2023– 12 Ajpu (Ahau)

    A 12 day can be very positive
    – it helps to bring all matters to a definite and powerful conclusion.

    And an Ajpu day always helps to bring us closer to our own heroic potential,
    whatever that may be.

    Today, we may dare all things.

    We can leap through the veils of the Infinite to discover who we really are.

    As it is remarked in the “Dune” books – “Fear is the mind killer.”

    Today, have no fear.

    All things may be accomplished.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    =1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=-zBSdWxVZ9IAX-LvqB0&tn=fcIFEzN8J1KIfwM9&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. "THE TRUTH iS A HARD SWALLOW"
    - susan lynne schwenger

    @13linesofspirit @in12d
    #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark
    THE JOURNEY to: #The13thBridge

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member






    11:55:15 GMT
    18 hours ago
    Canada 10.3 km south of St. Catharines,
    Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, Canada

    6 Feb 2023 11:15:49 GMT
    19 hours ago 3.8
    3 km USA 3.5 mi south of Cheektowaga,
    Erie County, New York, USA

    5 Feb 2023 23:54:05 GMT
    1 day 6 hours ago
    2.6 km southeast of Grimsby,
    Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario, Canada

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Simple Link To Load To Get All Earthquakes Worldwide Over 5.0




    Date & Time


    Region name
    2023-02-07 18:09:58.11hr 59min ago38.10 N 36.63 E 55.3 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-07 16:44:32.03hr 24min ago9.79 N 138.39 E 25.2 STATE OF YAP, MICRONESIA
    2023-02-07 15:48:54.04hr 20min ago37.99 N 36.46 E 15.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-07 14:20:20.05hr 48min ago9.48 N 138.56 E 105.4 STATE OF YAP, MICRONESIA
    2023-02-07 10:18:14.69hr 50min ago38.14 N 38.52 E 105.2 EASTERN TURKEY
       2023-02-07 08:49:36.611hr 19min ago49.58 N 28.49 W 105.0 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
    2023-02-07 07:11:15.238.18 N 38.63 E 105.4 EASTERN TURKEY
       2023-02-07 06:45:40.049.12 N 156.01 E 105.3 KURIL ISLANDS
    2023-02-07 03:13:13.937.83 N 37.63 E 25.5 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-07 02:29:34.114.08 N 145.12 E 1065.0 ROTA REGION, N. MARIANA ISLANDS
    2023-02-07 00:35:53.37.34 S 105.90 E 585.5 JAVA, INDONESIA
       2023-02-06 22:20:52.78.93 S 109.46 W 335.0 CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE
    2023-02-06 20:53:24.338.21 N 38.28 E 105.0 EASTERN TURKEY
    2023-02-06 20:37:53.037.25 N 37.05 E 105.3 CENTRAL TURKEY
       2023-02-06 17:32:49.615.50 S 172.91 W 105.0 SAMOA ISLANDS REGION
    2023-02-06 16:43:29.338.01 N 36.47 E 55.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 15:33:34.038.27 N 38.15 E 105.2 EASTERN TURKEY
    2023-02-06 15:14:36.938.06 N 37.71 E 105.1 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 13:44:52.137.95 N 37.50 E 125.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 13:39:25.637.60 N 36.96 E 105.1 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 13:07:47.838.32 N 37.45 E 155.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 12:02:11.938.07 N 36.47 E 56.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 11:01:34.837.58 N 37.39 E 105.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 10:51:32.438.30 N 38.13 E 85.7 EASTERN TURKEY
    2023-02-06 10:36:00.038.18 N 37.77 E 95.8 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 10:26:48.538.03 N 37.96 E 206.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 10:24:49.638.11 N 37.24 E 107.5 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 06:26:22.336.66 N 36.06 E 105.0 TURKEY-SYRIA BORDER REGION
    2023-02-06 04:18:46.538.23 N 38.57 E 105.0 EASTERN TURKEY
    2023-02-06 02:23:14.337.18 N 36.98 E 105.2 CENTRAL TURKEY
       2023-02-06 02:22:27.530.99 S 177.11 W 105.1 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
    2023-02-06 02:17:41.437.30 N 36.45 E 105.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 02:03:37.537.86 N 37.81 E 55.5 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:59:17.038.79 N 32.06 E 105.0 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:58:23.137.01 N 36.68 E 105.1 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:47:46.737.35 N 41.77 E 105.0 EASTERN TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:36:28.137.05 N 36.73 E 105.6 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:28:19.937.13 N 36.81 E 406.7 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:26:49.237.05 N 37.09 E 175.6 CENTRAL TURKEY
    2023-02-06 01:17:36.137.17 N 37.08 E 207.8 CENTRAL TURKEY

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Planet News by Zoe
    1h ·

    Jupiter Conjunct Chiron In Aries – What One Can Be, One Must Be

    One of the most important transits of the year is Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries.

    Jupiter and Chiron only meet each other in Aries once every 50 years on average.

    The exact transit happens on March 12th, 2023 at 14° Aries

    – but we can already feel its influence,
    since Jupiter and Chiron are only a few degrees away from each other.

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron comes with opportunities for healing and growth.

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries will help us integrate our
    dual nature, so we can find wholeness and meaning.

    “What one can be, one must be” – Abraham Maslow.

    I love this quote because it captures the essence of our Chiron journey.

    We are here for a reason – to fulfill our human potential.

    Fulfilling our potential is very hard. If it was easy, we wouldn’t have come here.

    Yet, it is non-negotiable, hence the use of the word “must” – “what one can be, one must be”.

    In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is at the top of the pyramid.

    It’s our highest goal; all the other needs (physiological, safety, love and esteem)
    are just a preparation for this magnificent task: to become what we are meant to be.

    Our natal chart comes encrypted with our unique mission.

    There are 8 billion unique natal charts, and 8 billion unique humans with 8 billion unique missions.

    The key to our natal chart is Chiron.

    Of course, every planet and every aspect makes us who we are; but it’s Chiron,
    thanks to its strategic position between traditional planets and outer planets,
    that reveals how we can reconcile our human nature (planets up to Saturn)
    with our divine promise (outer planets), and fulfill our potential.

    Being human is hard. Stepping out of Saturn’s rings is very difficult.

    Yet, we all know, deep inside, that there is ‘something’ on the other side,
    and this ‘knowing’ won’t’ let us live until we do something about it.

    Chiron – 2 Types Of Wounds

    In astrology, Chiron is the archetype of the wound.

    We all have Chiron in our natal chart, so we are all wounded by design.

    The wound is divinely engineered to make us search for answers and continuously evolve.

    Life is not about living a pain-free life, but about choosing the type of discomfort we want to experience:

    The first type of wound is continuously stepping outside our comfort zone.

    Taking risks, putting ourselves out there, failing, being
    rejected, and starting it all over.

    When you ask someone out on a date, you risk rejection.

    When you get a promotion, you feel awkward surrounded by people with more
    experience than you, who treat you like a novice.

    When you launch a book, you take the risk that no one might read it.

    When you start a business, you deal with uncertainty and responsibility.
    when you become a parent, you live with the constant worry of not being able to
    protect your child from pain and suffering.

    The second type of wound is more subtle. It’s the pain of living an unfulfilled life,
    of sitting with your latent potential and not doing anything about it.

    Deep inside you KNOW you are here for more, and that with every minute that goes by you’re slowly wasting your life,
    YET you don’t do anything about it, either because it’s too hard, or because you don’t know what to do.

    What type of pain do you want to experience?

    As frightening as it may be to get out there, the 1st type of wound hurts less than the 2nd.
    But wound#1 require us to step outside
    Saturn’s rings of safety. What’s on the other side of Saturn?

    We don’t know.

    That’s why option #1 requires vulnerability.

    Chiron – Vulnerability, Shame, Guilt, Inadequacy

    Chiron is associated with feelings of vulnerability, shame, guilt and inadequacy.
    If we really think about it, the only reason why we don’t
    go for what we want is that we experience either shame, or guilt.

    Shame: we are afraid of what others might think of us, which is really an avoidance of feedback,
    of getting a reality check of where we
    stand, or a fear of not being able to survive outside our safe social circle.

    Guilt: or we feel guilty because for whatever reason (deep-rooted parental
    or societal conditioning, religious conditioning “you’re a sinner”)
    we believe there’s something fundamentally wrong with us, and that we don’t deserve “more”.

    Anthropologist Ruth Benedict was the first to come up with the concept of guilt culture vs. shame culture.

    In a guilt culture (blue) you know you are good or bad by what your conscience feels.

    In a shame culture (red) you know you are good or bad by what your community says about you,
    by whether it honors or excludes you.

    In a guilt culture people feel they do bad things; in a shame culture social exclusion
    makes people feel they are bad.

    Some cultures (e.g. Western culture) are more wired towards guilt, while others
    (e.g. Arabic, Eastern) towards shame, but there’s no
    one-size-fits-all rule. You as an individual can identify with either, or with both.

    You may wonder why we bring up this cultural model in a discussion about Jupiter conjunct Chiron.

    Jupiter Conjunct Chiron In Aries – The Root Of The Wound

    In astrology, Jupiter rules society – with its norms and unwritten rules.

    When Jupiter conjuncts Chiron, Jupiter will show us how our
    individual wound (Chiron in Aries) is connected to learned models of beliefs and behaviors (Jupiter).

    Chances are, a lot of your pain and suffering is rooted in some social models or behaviors.

    Jupiter will put the magnifying glass on your
    Chiron wound so that you can see it for what it is.

    Jupiter expands everything it touches. When Jupiter meets Chiron, Jupiter will expose
    – and even blow out of proportions – our wound.
    Our Chiron wound WILL be triggered, there’s no way around it.

    But unlike other planets, Jupiter will also come with a solution.

    Jupiter is the planet of consensus and coherence.

    That’s why in astrology Jupiter rules knowledge, education, the moral code and the
    law – Jupiter is the final denominator, what everyone agrees on.

    Jupiter’s role is to help us connect the dots to find a greater and more meaningful whole.

    So when Jupiter meets Chiron in March 2023, our wound will finally make sense to us.

    Something will click, and the awareness of what
    our wound is about and how it is triggered, will eventually help us heal it.

    Jupiter Conjunct Chiron – What One Can Be, One Must Be

    Our Chiron journey doesn’t stop at healing the wound. Chiron is not only our wound,
    but also our gift. Chiron is the gap between who
    we are now, and who we could be.

    “What one can be, one must be”

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron will help us connect the dots and see what’s the bigger picture
    behind these wounds, revealing the crucial role
    they have served in our growth and development.

    Without the wound, without the pain, we wouldn’t be motivated to grow and evolve.

    When we heal our wound, when we accept our dual nature, we automatically unlock our gift.

    No one is here by chance. You are here for a very special reason.

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries may be that blink of clarity that will
    not only set you on a path of healing, but take you on a journey of (re)discovering
    your magnificence, so you can become the person you were meant to be.




    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    From Astrologer Astro Butterfly 1f30f. 1f319. 1f320. 1fa90. 1f31d. 1f300. 1f31e. 1f31a. 1f499. 1f98b.

    2728. Jupiter Conjunct Chiron In Aries - What One Can Be, One Must Be. 2728.

    One of the most important transits of the year is Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries.

    Jupiter and Chiron only meet each other in Aries once every 50 years on average.

    The exact transit happens on March 12th, 2023 at 14° Aries – but we can already feel its influence, since Jupiter and Chiron are only a
    few degrees away from each other.

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron comes with opportunities for healing and growth. Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries will help us integrate our
    dual nature, so we can find wholeness and meaning.

    "What one can be, one must be" - Abraham Maslow

    I love this quote because it captures the essence of our Chiron journey.

    We are here for a reason – to fulfill our human potential.

    Fulfilling our potential is very hard. If it was easy, we wouldn’t be here.

    Yet, it is non-negotiable, hence the use of the word “must” – “what one can be, one must be”.

    In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is at the top of the pyramid. It’s our highest goal; all the other needs (physiological,
    safety, love and esteem) are just a preparation for this magnificent task: to become what we are meant to be.

    Our natal chart comes encrypted with our unique mission. There are 8 billion unique natal charts, and 8 billion unique humans with 8
    billion unique missions.

    The key to our natal chart is Chiron.

    Of course, every planet and every aspect makes us who we are; but it’s Chiron, thanks to its strategic position between traditional
    planets and outer planets, that reveals how we can reconcile our human nature (planets up to Saturn) with our divine promise (outer
    planets), and fulfill our potential.

    Being human is hard. Stepping out of Saturn’s rings is very difficult. Yet, we all know, deep inside, that there is ‘something’ on the other
    side, and this ‘knowing’ won’t’ let us live until we do something about it.

    Chiron – 2 Types Of Wounds

    In astrology, Chiron is the archetype of the wound. We all have Chiron in our natal chart, so we are all wounded by design. The wound is
    divinely engineered to make us search for answers and continuously evolve.

    Life is not about living a pain-free life, but about choosing the type of discomfort we want to experience:

    The first type of wound is continuously stepping outside our comfort zone. Taking risks, putting ourselves out there, failing, being
    rejected, and starting it all over.

    When you ask someone out on a date, you risk rejection. When you get a promotion, you feel awkward surrounded by people with more
    experience than you, who treat you like a novice. When you launch a book, you take the risk that no one might read it. When you start a
    business, you deal with uncertainty and responsibility. When you become a parent, you live with the constant worry of not being able to
    protect your child from pain and suffering.

    The second type of wound is more subtle. It’s the pain of living an unfulfilled life, of sitting with your latent potential and not doing
    anything about it. Deep inside you KNOW you are here for more, and that with every minute that goes by you’re slowly wasting your life,
    YET you don’t do anything about it, either because it’s too hard, or because you don’t know what to do.

    What type of pain do you want to experience?

    As frightening as it may be to get out there, the 1st type of wound hurts less than the 2nd. But wound#1 require us to step outside
    Saturn’s rings of safety. What’s on the other side of Saturn? We don’t know. That’s why option #1 requires vulnerability.

    Chiron – Vulnerability, Shame, Guilt, Inadequacy

    Chiron is associated with feelings of vulnerability, shame, guilt and inadequacy. If we really think about it, the only reason why we don’t
    go for what we want is that we experience either shame, or guilt.

    Shame: we are afraid of what others might think of us, which is really an avoidance of feedback, of getting a reality check of where we
    stand, or a fear of not being able to survive outside our safe social circle.

    Guilt: or we feel guilty because for whatever reason (deep-rooted parental or societal conditioning, religious conditioning “you’re a
    sinner”) we believe there’s something fundamentally wrong with us, and that we don’t deserve “more”.

    Anthropologist Ruth Benedict was the first to come up with the concept of guilt culture vs. shame culture.

    In a guilt culture (blue) you know you are good or bad by what your conscience feels.

    In a shame culture (red) you know you are good or bad by what your community says about you, by whether it honors or excludes you.

    In a guilt culture people feel they do bad things; in a shame culture social exclusion makes people feel they are bad.

    Some cultures (e.g. Western culture) are more wired towards guilt, while others (e.g. Arabic, Eastern) towards shame, but there’s no
    one-size-fits-all rule. You as an individual can identify with either, or with both.

    You may wonder why we bring up this cultural model in a discussion about Jupiter conjunct Chiron.

    Jupiter Conjunct Chiron In Aries – The Root Of The Wound

    In astrology, Jupiter rules society – with its norms and unwritten rules. When Jupiter conjuncts Chiron, Jupiter will show us how our
    individual wound (Chiron in Aries) is connected to learned models of beliefs and behaviors (Jupiter).

    Chances are, a lot of your pain and suffering is rooted in some social models or behaviors. Jupiter will put the magnifying glass on your
    Chiron wound so that you can see it for what it is.

    Jupiter expands everything it touches. When Jupiter meets Chiron, Jupiter will expose – and even blow out of proportions – our wound.
    Our Chiron wound WILL be triggered, there’s no way around it.

    But unlike other planets, Jupiter will also come with a solution.

    Jupiter is the planet of consensus and coherence. That’s why in astrology Jupiter rules knowledge, education, the moral code and the
    law – Jupiter is the final denominator, what everyone agrees on.

    Jupiter’s role is to help us connect the dots to find a greater and more meaningful whole.

    So when Jupiter meets Chiron in March 2023, our wound will finally make sense to us. Something will click, and the awareness of what
    our wound is about and how it is triggered, will eventually help us heal it.

    Jupiter Conjunct Chiron – What One Can Be, One Must Be

    Our Chiron journey doesn’t stop at healing the wound. Chiron is not only our wound, but also our gift. Chiron is the gap between who
    we are now, and who we could be.

    “What one can be, one must be”

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron will help us connect the dots and see what’s the bigger picture behind these wounds, revealing the crucial role
    they have served in our growth and development.

    Without the wound, without the pain, we wouldn’t be motivated to grow and evolve.

    When we heal our wound, when we accept our dual nature, we automatically unlock our gift.

    No one is here by chance. You are here for a very special reason.

    Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries may be that blink of clarity that will not only set you on a path of healing, but take you on a journey of
    (re)discovering your magnificence, so you can become the person you were meant to be.

    Astro Butterfly 1fa90. 1f320. 1f319. 1f30f. 1f300. 1f31e. 1f98b. 2728.




    Bree Ritch · ·


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Jaguar Wisdom

    08 FEB 2023

    DAY 13 OF 13 DAY CYCLE

    8 February 2023– 13 Imox (Imix)
    13 days can be fairly unpredictable, and Imox has a somewhat dicey reputation
    as the day sign of “craziness.’

    (Its positive side is a remarkable connection with the Otherworld.)

    Reality might seem slightly askew today.

    By this, I mean “consensus reality,” a state of mind
    which Imox usually finds to be tedious and annoying.

    Alternate realities will be doing nicely

    . Pay attention to your dreams now
    – they may bring unusual wisdom and insight.

    Take your inspiration from magical realities today,
    but don’t get lost there.

    Remember your zip or postal code while floating through cosmic space.

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