26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Photographer: Visions Of Somerset

    05 FEB 2023
    Beautiful sky above Glastonbury Tor, in the morning !!!

    Maryanne Savino

    05 FEB 2023

    Full Snow 2744. Moon 1f31d. in Leo 264c. 1f525. 1f981. 1f499.
    Sunday, February 5th at 1:29 PM EST. 7811_n.?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=iwxeCJWfbp0AX-Pt4b2&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    Sam Beadle responds:


    05 FEB 2023

    Photographer: Matt Willoughby · ·
    My photo of the moon last night 1f642.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
    Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
    Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
    Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
    Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
    Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
    Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
    Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
    Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
    Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
    Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
    Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

    1. 43x403-_nc_cat-106-ccb-1-7-_nc_sid-730e14-_nc_ohc-dlkkyxq7dwaax8wvemy-_nc_ht-scontent-yyz1-1-.
      Leo Full Moon 16 264c-. 40
      04:28 AM Bris 06/02/2023
      05:28 AM Syd 06/02/2023
      06:28 PM UTC 05/02/2023
      "With all of your Heart, honor yourself.
      Allow your personal happiness to shine brightly"
      Center Piece "Rose Calcite" it is a stone that works well
      with the heart chakra and can help channel communication
      between the heart and the mind.
      It is a gemstone that helps us reconcile change
      and see the blessings in our lives.
      Greg George


      05 FEB 2023
      Photographer: Yvon Marier @YVONMARiER

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur


    #Astrology Predictions For:
    Leo Aquarius Scorpio Taurus Aries & Sagittarius

    FULL MOON IN LEO AT 16°LEO40’ On 5th February 2023

    Energies: T-Square Configuration

    Sun At 16° 2652. 40’

    Moon At 16° 264c. 40’

    Uranus At 15° 2649. 01’

    Moon Square Uranus

    Sun Square Uranus

    Sun Opposition Moon

    A Braveheart Of The Royal Kings & Queens Roar,

    Whine & Rant For Recognition While Showing

    Unusual Creative Talents 270d. 1f31d. 1f981.

    1f981. 1f338. &
    & , & 1f338. 1f981.


    Recognition, Creativity, Love For Children, High Confidence
    & Ego Drive to Succeed & Shine While Presenting your Own Creativity
    On the Forefront, Bringing Your Creative Vision
    & Lust For Your Talent Is Heard Is Stronger
    Than Before & Manifestation Process Is Dependent
    Upon The Release Of Breaking Free Energies
    With This Full Moon Squaring The Uranus In Taurus…

    : ° ’

    The Number 16 reveals the matters which are related to the Mother, Patriotism For Own Motherland, Home, Ancestral Belongings
    & Legacy Of Forefathers, Water, Property, Family, Nurturing,
    Femininity & Highly Emotional Bonding & Protection
    1f338.1f48b. & : 1f338.1f48b.

    Today, all you want is the “Release” of your creative lunatic abilities,
    where you crave recognition while breaking free from society
    as the Sun in Aquarius squares his Ruler “Uranus”
    in the sign of Taurus & the end of Aquarius season will be
    in the opportunities & efforts to remain in the limelight,
    showcasing your Artistic work & getting appreciated
    by the audience through the sheer creativity of the 5th House…

    - , &

    Also, this full Moon activates the Polarities between Sun
    in Aquarius & Luna in LEO. It means that urge to establish
    spiritual and emotional connections with others
    is there but also with discontentment and disagreement
    because you might be lacking sensitivity
    and this can ignite clashes within your family system tonight,
    so there can be tensions between members of your family.

    You need to be careful in this regard
    because Full Moon in LEO is very very egoistic
    and short-tempered; especially when things go wrong
    and you are not getting enough recognition.....

    The Fixed Axis will go on high stakes of Ego Clashes
    & Struggle in Families will be likely to occur due to difficulties
    in showing flexibility & of course will make natives at home,
    very egoistic and short-tempered;

    especially when things go wrong and you are not getting enough recognition, appreciation & acknowledged for your creative efforts
    in every field of life/profession.....

    - : , - &

    Full Moon squares Uranus brings
    about emotional rhetoric due to Rigidity
    & Stubbornness in Belief-System, Personal Values
    & Possessiveness Or even Jealousy factors
    which leads a person to crave attention so badly
    that they can become “Attention seekers”
    for nothing & overly possessive about worldly desires,
    possessions & even for the People they are close to.....

    & demand constant attention from the people around them all the time
    with an element of being impatient for the appreciation
    & this can push people away because of high Ranting,
    Complaining For Every Wrong Thing Happening
    In Your Life Being a Whining Whores, Clinginess
    & inability to SHARE Personal belongings,
    & even Creativity will be kept safe/away from people
    & also the botheration which they can bring due to their attention
    seeking instincts might be hard to handle & control at times
    because of the High / & Fixed Belief
    & Values system that includes whole Family
    & put their stakes at risk as they might be losing many close allie
    s due to this much rigid nature ahead…

    Let me summarize it in more easy words.
    “i do not more money but I want to keep that flow of Money
    or the wealth I have should be staying with myself
    and I dont want to lose those assets, wealth, properties,
    or Money that I already own, thus, I want them secure forever
    and no matter if I would not be able to grow those assets
    or increment in money anymore, I dont care…
    I just want my investment & assets secure”.

    Thats why I emphasized the need of showing more flexibility towards worldly possessions
    & money you have, u need to scatter them as a Release,
    otherwise, Money & Possessions will become your dilemma
    or addiction (Scorpion 8th) which could be dangerous
    and might end up making you towards “Superstitions” or grow some rigidity or miser…

    Thats all folks, I wish you all the best for the “RELEASE” of the withholding energies
    you were struggling with the whole month since the start of the New Moon occurrence
    at halfway mark of the Aquarius season this month…

    Plan your remaining weeks of Aquarius Season ahead accordingly and wisely…

    Enjoy your Full Moon and don't forget to click the Pics of this Lioness Beast glowing
    & illuminating in the sky by taking up all the rays of the SUN
    & his polarities all the way from Aquarius Sign!!!

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fullmoonparty #fullmoonmagic #fullmooninleo #leomoon #Leo #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrology
    #astrologypost #zodiacpost #astrologersofinstagram #astrologer #astrologymemes #zodiacpost
    #predictions #AquariusSeason #AquariusSZN #horoscope #transits #fixedsigns #uranus
    #uranusintaurus #sunsquareuranus #sunoppositionmoon #moonsquareuranus

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur


    Astro Aatif



    Asteroid Centaur Meets Love
    & Romance significator in Astrology .

    An Archetypal Asteroid Centaur #
    meets the Aphrodite of Love, Beauty, and Jealousy,

    Connecting With Partner & Romance Venus 2640. in the sign
    of Dual Fish 1f9dc_200d_2640. 1f41f. Pisces 1f9dc_200d_2640. 1f41f. .
    # ° 2653.1f9dc_200d_2640. 1f41f. 1f494.

    On 8th February 2023

    This minor planet was named after Nessus, a centaur from Greek mythology,
    who poisoned and was killed
    by the divine hero Heracles.

    Today Venus 2640. Tries To Reclaim & Secure His Flirtatious
    & Cheater Husband From Being Exploited & Used

    By The Unlawful Love Affairs (Infiedality),
    But Ends Up Losing Herself Through Exposing Her Soft, Jealous
    & Vulnerable Feminine Side…

    Here Comes The Archetypal Asteroid “" 7066”
    - The Asteroid Of Healing, Toxicity, Poisonous
    Experience, Sacrifice & Realization About the Cure Process
    But After Deep Wounds, Trauma & Psychological
    Personal Relationships…

    1f4a6.1f4a6. Transits have the tendency to pick partners and situations that are damaging to self-
    esteem through some kind of psychological & even physical abuse
    because VENUS in Pisces is related to
    your Body receptiveness & ability to heal
    or hurt your body through intoxicants, abuse, traumatic depressions, etc.

    : Will She Be Able To Win Back Her Husband
    & Claim Her True Love Without Getting
    Sexually, Emotionally, Physically Exploited, Abused
    & Used By The Cheater & Manipulative Men Around

    : Well, Let's Figure out The Energies Of Nessus 7066 + Venus in detail…

    1f338.1f338. & : Mythologically,
    In Greek mythology, Nessus was a Centaur
    who attempted to abduct Heracles' wife Deianeira.

    Heracles rescued his wife and slew the Centaur.

    With his dying breath, Nessus told Deianeira that a potion made of his blood
    would ensure a man's fidelity.

    Foolishly Deianeira collected the blood, later anointing her husband's tunic
    with it when she suspected his interest in
    another woman.

    The Centaur's poisoned blood burned brave Heracles alive.

    Rather than dying and traveling
    to the Underworld, he ascended to Mount Olympus to live among the immortals.

    Nessus was shot dead by Hercules for attempting to violate his wife Deianeira.

    He made of his own blood and semen a potion
    that he gave to her, saying it was a love charm that would keep Hercules faithful.

    So In Short, Deianeira unwittingly killed Heracles
    by sending him a garment steeped in the poisoned blood
    of the Centaur Nessus…

    1f338.1f338. : 1f338.1f338.

    This asteroid has ill intentions and a tendency t
    o incite betrayal, intrigue, and deceit

    “ ,
    & …”    

    So the mythology of NESSUS 7066 & Deianeira truly describes
    & symbolizes the saga of VENUS Conjunct
    Nessus where Venus is playing a part or role of Deianeira
    who is not ready to share her husband & lover with other opportunists
    Women in her family who are trying to create some conspiracy
    against this sweet PISCEAN Mermaid Or Aphrodite Venus who otherwise,
    tries to swim in the deep ocean of vulnerabilities,
    compromisation, & imaginatively loyal,
    even for the unrequited Or the Unconditional Love of her life…

    All you APHRODITES Or Venuses out there,
    please be careful of the treachery tricks & manipulation that
    this NESSUS 7066 Centaur might try to play against you
    & you would play the fools in his hands or fall prey
    to his perfectly designed “Honey Trap”...

    & & : Medically,
    Since Nessus & Venus Meets In The
    Sign Of Pisces Which Deals with Developing Allergies In Your Blood,
    So Nessus + Venus Brings The Burning
    Sensation in the body including allergies, rashes,
    Let Go Of Relationships After Abuse, Sexual Abuse &
    Toxicity, Requires Psychotherapy For the Healing Process
    For Coming Out Of Traumatic Attachments.

    So, you need to avoid “❝❞” into addictive
    & obsessive matters such as consuming food that
    brings high allergic, as NESSUS is often ❝/❞
    for the body and especially in the sign of
    “Pisces”, Nessus can cause a lot of burning sensation
    to the RASHES we catch up to the body if we continue
    to “Abuse” the products with toxins
    & other Chemicals without reading the “Warning Lebal”
    Or Side-effects…

    So such products with harmful chemicals & substances
    cause Allergies, Burning, and Rashes Because
    VENUS tends to go overboard with Pisces
    (As Venus Exalts In Pisces & Pisces Rules Intoxicants, Toxins,
    Medication & Sensitivity To The Skin & Body, Especially FEET Organ & Area)...

    ɴᴇꜱꜱᴜꜱ & ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ Brings Opportunities To Evoke The Shadows
    Of Your Pisces Side Through The Constant
    Conscious By Recalling The Traumatic
    & Toxicities You Have Made Throughout Your Childhood & Past
    When You Had No Clue On The Circumstances
    that Developed In Your Life & Gave You Immense Painful Experiences…

    Dont Go On Holding On To Ties Into Toxic Relationship
    Just For The Sake Of Compromise & Unconditional
    Love: The lesson for Venus Conjunction Nessus survival,
    do not play in the hands of NESSUS person today &
    try to secure your vulnerable side of PISCEAN MERMAID floats
    in the imaginative world of vast illusionary
    OCEAN inside your Head & Heart & do not hold long-lasting
    & have dramatic & saddened consequences
    which might prove to be the Irreparable damage in the end
    (In terms of losing yourself psychologically,
    physically & sexually)...

    As Jupiter is The Sign Ruler Of Venus
    & Venus Is The Exaltation Ruler Of Pisces Where The NESSUS is
    currently Transiting…

    ╠═  1f4a6. `


    ... ]     1f4a6.

    “As She Never Thought She`d Be The One Who Would Play The Fool,
    So Shes Crying Out In Vain Because
    The Bad Husband Does Not Feel Her Pain & Instead,
    He Continues To Give Her Traumatic Abuse In The
    Most Suffocating, Toxic & Yet Obsessive Relationship For Her Ever In Her Life.”

    & & :

    Venus Rules One-To-One Relationships, Marriage, Partnerships,
    While Nessues Rules Abuse, Obsessions,
    Manipulation, & Deceitful Characters In Your Life.
    So If you connect the dots between the conjunction of
    VENUS & NESSUS in Pisces & take the perspective of “Abuse”
    only with Nessus as we talk about the
    PLUTONION aspects & common traits of the underworld don,
    you will get more clues about Nessus that, the
    abuse might be coming towards you can be emotional, physical,
    or mental, from the very close relationships
    with your spouse, partnerships (be it marital or business),
    to the most terrifying, toxic, Sexually
    manipulative & abusive marriages.

    Regards & handle this heavy HEALING
    & TRAUMATIC Toxic/Pisonous tricky energies of Nessus wisely &
    rather utilize this Nessus + Venus energies into deep recycling HEALING
    from Trauams, Past Toxic
    Relationships & Abuse you have received previously
    & make your heart & love-life better ahead, because
    NESSUS 7066 brings an opportunity to evoke your reflexes
    to resurrect & rectify the mistakes you have
    made so far in your life by ignoring the SHADOWS & DARKEST areas
    of your life, today is the opportunity
    to hit those areas back & find the rescue points
    & heal yourself through cleansing & detoxing…

    With much love, healing & care,

    ꧁༺ 1f338. 1f49e. 1f49e. 1f338. ༻꧂


    #Nessus #toxicrelationships #abuse #abusesurvivor #abuseawareness #relationships #relationshipgoals
    #manipulation #couplegoals #couple #heartbroken #heartache #separation #Pisces #pisceshoroscope
    #AquariusSeason #AquariusSZN #piscesseason #February2023 #Astrologer #astrology #astrologypost #February #Centaurs

    Astro Aatif
    06 FEB 2023

    This picture truly represents,
    how Our collective unconscious in Pisces
    is waiting alone for the Station of SATURN hitting Pisces in March 2023,
    so our unconscious converts into the constant realization process of consciousness
    for the upcoming 2.5 years.

    Every Conscious Astrologer is mentally there (alone in the quietest place possible)
    sitting on a bench alone & await the SATURN station to make our imagination
    into the realm of the physical world & make the water ocean somewhat dry
    with the flow of Reality.

    Saturn will try to clear all the mess we have been created
    since the jupiter hit the Neptune in Pisces
    during previous years with all expansion in imaginative blunders we made,
    and then Venus transiting pisces for some weeks and then pisces season
    arrives ahead will be monitored by the Saturn solely..

    With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    Astro Aatif

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    06 FEB 2023

    06 FEB 2023
    Jake on Patrol captured a double sundog and parhelion at the Saddle today.
    Wow, that's magical.
    Parhelion is a bright spot in the sky appearing on either side of the sun,
    formed by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals high in the earth's atmosphere.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2nd Big TURKEY equakequake

    2/06/2023 -- ALERT -- SECOND Large M7.8 (M7.5) earthquake strikes Turkey
    -- Serious Seismic Event
    06 FEB 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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