26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    05 FEB 2023

    Dale Osadchuk
    05 FEB 2023 ·

    2023 Leo Full Moon

    05 Feb at 10.29 am PST- 1.29 pm EST- 6.29 pm GMT

    06 Feb at 2.29 am AWST Perth- 5.29 am AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    Friday Feb 03 it was very cold here in the North Country -22C (about -06F) and as evening
    began it was snowing.

    But Sister Moon rising in the east still shone brightly through the snow.

    The whole feeling was magical.

    The message I received was “don’t let anything block you from shinning your special light”.

    Moon in Leo is the Magical Child and creation energy
    and Sun in Aquarius is Cosmic Consciousness.

    This Full Moon continues the theme of courage to be yourself
    and strengthening your connection to the Universal guidance.

    As we have mentioned in past posts we will be experience big shifts in March.

    The question to answer is “what do I want to create”?

    Once you know the Universe will support you.

    Ask and it is given.
    In Esoteric Astrology this Full Moon illuminates the 5th Ray of knowledge
    and healing which was activated when the Sun entered Aquarius
    on Jan 20, 2023 and at the Aquarius New Moon of Jan 21/22, 2023.

    The Archangels guiding us are Raphael, the shinning one who heals,
    and Mary, acceptance and unconditional love.

    Leo is also found on the 1st Ray of Will/Power along with Aries and Capricorn.

    All three signs are activated at this Leo Full Moon.

    Jupiter is at 06 degrees Aries travelling with Juno at 11 degrees Aries and Chiron at 12 degrees Aries
    (healing old wounds so expansion of our new relationship to self can grow).

    Juno and Chiron are trine the Leo Moon (removal of obstacles) and sextile the Aquarius Sun (new opportunities).

    Mercury at 22 degrees

    Capricorn is travelling with Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn

    (change your thoughts and change your life).

    They are sextile Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces (illusion or illumination)
    and Vesta at 28 degrees Pisces (commitment to our spiritual path).

    The Archangels who guide the 1st Ray are Michael,
    protector and spiritual guide on the path, and Faith, trust and belief in yourself.

    But as always the Universe asks “are you awake yet”?

    The planet Uranus at 15 degrees Taurus (breakdown or breakthrough) forms a T Square
    with the Moon (intuitive guidance) and the Sun (will to create).

    T Squares can make us feel backed into a corner.

    The release point is 16 degrees Scorpio, the mid-point between the Moon and Sun
    (healing, transformation, and re-birth).

    Uranus says breakthrough is imminent if you stay strong within yourself. Jupiter at 06 degrees Aries
    (expansion and growth of our new vision) echoes that theme.

    He is inconjunct the South Node at 07 degrees Scorpio.

    He asks us to heal and release anything that blocks us from being in our Compassionate Heart (Leo)
    and Cosmic Consciousness (Aquarius) and giving our gifts of healing to the world.

    Uranus is sextile Venus at 12 degrees Pisces (healing, forgiveness, completion,
    and spiritual compassion).

    This theme is a strong influence in relationship. Mars and Venus have just entered their Fourth Quarter Phase
    (realignment and a new way of being in relationship to self and others).

    This will be emphasised at the Pisces Super New Moon of Feb 20 when Venus
    enters Aries that same day (new inspired creative beginnings).

    At this current Full Moon our Animal Totem guide for Leo is Salmon, courage and determination to create the new.

    Salmon does not let Bears and other beasts stop it from its journey.

    For the Sun in Aquarius we are guided by Otter, companionship and joyful sharing.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    This Full Moon is very much about sharing from the Heart.

    The Clan Mother who guides the Leo Moon is She who Heals.

    She is the Intuitive healer and the Mother who guides us through All Rites of Passage, birth, death, and rebirth.

    She teaches us to serve others with a loving heart using our healing abilities.

    For the Sun in Aquarius we are guided by Wisdom Keeper.

    She is the Mother of friendship, Planetary Unity, and Mutual Understanding.

    She is the Guardian of ancient wisdom and knowledge.

    She teaches us to honour the truth.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).

    Remember our earlier question “what do you want to create”?

    The time to begin is now.
    Namaste and Full Moon blessings,


    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com
    we are still adjusting to our new animal companion
    or I should say he is adjusting to us.
    I will be back to offering telephone sessions again soon.
    All reactions:

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    04 FEB 2023 ·

    : 4th - 6th Feb 2023

    Here Comes Venus Square Mars In Mutable Distorted Signs

    , , , , , &

    The distinctive cosmic shift in energies when the matters of love, romance,
    partnerships & possessiveness take some instigative &
    assertive shift in mood, temperament & common traits…

    & : Clashes Arise
    Within Close Relationships & Partnerships, But Vanish As Quickly As
    They Tend To Be Further Growing Problematic 1f338.1f48b.

    1f338.1f48b. : The Mutable Subsiding Irritabilities Within Personal Relationships 1f338.1f48b.

    A Discord & Confusion Between the Significators Of Wars, Actions,
    Clashes, Manifestation Process Of Assertion Towards Personal
    Rights, Getting Jealous While Securing Personal Values, Relationships, Romance And Money…

    What happens with this Transit is, Gemini Mars being the flighty sign,
    believes in instigative assertion only through verbal, ideas,
    communication, exchange of words & storytelling,
    while Pisces Venus is concerned about Idealism,
    Illusions In Romantic ventures,
    infatuations based on dreams
    & imagination to the point of non-existing human partners
    & when there is a MUTABLE Squaring discord
    between Gemini & Pisces, there is a danger where the couple
    can lack direction in life because the manifestation of Mars ideas &
    converting those ideas into actions are blocked by the high imagination
    of Pisces Venus & there is a definite clash between partners &
    couples because of this flighty stressful configuration in sky…

    Within close & personal relationships & partnerships, one person would drag reality-check
    through narrating all sides of the story &
    single coin, while the other person continuously neglects
    the minor details because he or she`d be so lost in thoughts, and imagination &
    creating ideals in head that he or she would never agree to the other person or vice-versa & this will continue to grow & defuse at the
    same time through a constant MUTABLE & Flightly struggle… So there could arise serious verbal fights & heavy clashes which would
    disturb the peace of the entire family…

    Because, on the other hand, Lunar Cycle is floating through LEO lol which would make you so proud
    to let this Venus square Mars
    energies go by silently or peacefully
    because your ego system will be pushing you to take a stand for the flighty belief system of your
    argumentative personality today with tons of flighty ideas & different misconception
    when it comes to Love, Relationship &

    & : Attracting People With Physical Features
    & Aesthetics You Carry Today

    There is a “Thrill” associated with love, flirtatiousness, & romantic ventures today
    because of flighty Mars, & Imaginative Venus…
    So chasing your dreamy & nonexistent crush, ideal Or love may get a twist today
    & you`d definitely feel more energetic to chase those
    dreamy & ideal characters, be it your favorite artists
    & getting a chance to meet through some struggle, and could also be possible today.

    , :
    Communicate To End The Verbal War Of Words

    Since the best solution to control the anger of MUTABLE MARS is to talk
    about the issue that is bothering a native... So, the best lesson
    with VEN SQ MARS is to immediately talk about the problem
    that is bothering you & your partner today & try to utilize those energies
    of VENUS & MARS in Creative & Artistic manners, means & measures…

    , & : A Flow Of Flirty Thoughts

    Because the energies, thought processes & feelings between couples
    & partners are so high, flighty, irritable, & passionate that

    sometimes, it would be highly difficult to control these energies peacefully
    because of assertions coming from inside you to clash with
    each other… So instead of clashes, utilize these energies into constructive,
    Artistic & Creative schemes & show your passion elsewhere
    through distortion of mind, into the imaginative distraction…

    Try to decorate your home through beautiful painting, writing lyrics, and stories,
    (Gemini Mars uses Hands & Words to manifest &
    convert ideas into money-making schemes or digital marketing
    on social media for their professional work), or use your creativity, and
    highly imaginative aesthetic sense of Pisces Venus in money-making ventures
    such as singing, poetry, paintings, etc

    I assume that the upcoming FULL MOON in Leo would be so entertaining
    & exciting because of this transit of flighty & instigative
    Square between VEN & MARS…

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jaguar Wisdom
    DAY 10 OF A 13 DAY CYCLE

    05 FEB 2023

    5 February 2023 – 10 Tijax (Etznab)5

    I was sometimes told that the number 10 is symbolically related to the fact
    that we have ten fingers on our two hands. 10 days are the days to “get to work.”

    We all have a lot of things to work on.

    It is fairly well known that Tijax has to do with warriors and healers,
    but it also has a lot to do with teachers.

    (A K’iche’ word for “teacher” is “tijonel,”which sounds similar to “tijax,”
    and this day sign corresponds to teeth and tongue in the human body,
    the instruments with which one teaches in a society
    still not that well acquainted with zoom.)

    We all have certain gifts we can give to those around us;
    in that sense we can all act as teachers.

    Today is a good day to give.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    : 4th - 6th Feb 2023

    Here Comes Venus Square Mars In Mutable Distorted Signs

    , , , , , &

    The distinctive cosmic shift in energies when the matters of love, romance,
    partnerships & possessiveness take some instigative &
    assertive shift in mood, temperament & common traits…

    & :
    Clashes Arise Within Close Relationships & Partnerships, But Vanish As Quickly As
    They Tend To Be Further Growing Problematic 1f338.1f48b.

    1f338.1f48b. :
    The Mutable Subsiding Irritabilities Within Personal Relationships 1f338.1f48b.

    A Discord & Confusion Between the Significators Of Wars, Actions, Clashes,
    Manifestation Process Of Assertion Towards Personal
    Rights, Getting Jealous While Securing Personal Values,
    Relationships, Romance And Money…

    What happens with this Transit is, Gemini Mars being the flighty sign, believes in instigative assertion
    only through verbal, ideas,
    communication, exchange of words & storytelling,
    while Pisces Venus is concerned about Idealism, Illusions

    In Romantic ventures,
    infatuations based on dreams & imagination to the point of non-existing human partners
    & when there is a MUTABLE Squaring discord
    between Gemini & Pisces, there is a danger where the couple can lack direction
    in life because the manifestation of Mars ideas &
    converting those ideas into actions are blocked by the high imagination of Pisces Venus
    & there is a definite clash between partners &
    couples because of this flighty stressful configuration in sky…

    Within close & personal relationships & partnerships, one person would drag reality-check
    through narrating all sides of the story &
    single coin, while the other person continuously neglects the minor details
    because he or she`d be so lost in thoughts, and imagination &
    creating ideals in head that he or she would never agree to the other person
    or vice-versa & this will continue to grow & defuse at the
    same time through a constant MUTABLE & Flightly struggle…

    So there could arise serious verbal fights & heavy clashes which would
    disturb the peace of the entire family…

    Because, on the other hand, Lunar Cycle is floating through LEO lol which would make you
    so proud to let this Venus square Mars
    energies go by silently or peacefully because your ego system
    will be pushing you to take a stand for the flighty belief system of your
    argumentative personality today with tons of flighty ideas
    & different misconception when it comes to Love, Relationship &

    & :

    Attracting People With Physical Features & Aesthetics You Carry Today

    There is a “Thril” associated with love, flirtatiousness, & romantic ventures today because of flighty Mars,
    & Imaginative Venus…

    So chasing your dreamy & nonexistent crush, ideal Or love may get a twist today
    & you`d definitely feel more energetic to chase those
    dreamy & ideal characters, be it your favorite artists
    & getting a chance to meet through some struggle, and could also be possible today.

    , : Communicate To End The Verbal War Of Words

    Since the best solution to control the anger of MUTABLE MARS
    is to talk about the issue that is bothering a native...

    So, the best lesson
    with VEN SQ MARS is to immediately talk about the problem
    that is bothering you & your partner today & try to utilize those energies
    of VENUS & MARS in Creative & Artistic manners, means & measures…

    , & : A Flow Of Flirty Thoughts

    Because the energies, thought processes & feelings between couples & partners are so high, flighty, irritable,
    & passionate that sometimes, it would be highly difficult to control these energies peacefully
    because of assertions coming from inside you to clash with each other…

    So instead of clashes, utilize these energies into constructive,
    Artistic & Creative schemes & show your passion elsewhere
    through distortion of mind, into the imaginative distraction…

    Try to decorate your home through beautiful painting, writing lyrics, and stories,
    (Gemini Mars uses Hands & Words to manifest &
    convert ideas into money-making schemes or digital marketing on social media
    for their professional work), or use your creativity, and
    highly imaginative aesthetic sense of Pisces Venus
    in money-making ventures such as singing, poetry, paintings, etc

    I assume that the upcoming FULL MOON in Leo would be so entertaining
    & exciting because of this transit of flighty & instigative
    Square between VEN & MARS…

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Mars #venussquaremars #marssquarevenus #marsingemini #venusinpisces #imagination #attraction #chaseyourdreams #unrequitedlove #couplegoals #verbal
    #distortion #dreams #creative #creativity #artistlife #artist #artistlife #aesthetics #astrologypost #astrology #astrologysigns #relationship #relationshipgoals

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    05 FEB 2023
    @13Linesofspirit @in12d

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