26 Jan 2023 To 19 Feb 2023 - Astrobursts - Astrology By Aatif & Friends

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Barefoot Vedic Astrologer

    Jupiter's last few months in Pisces is about to get a extra dose of magic with Neptunes arrival
    ( & Venus') in the next few weeks....

    our dream world will be very stimulated as will our imagination & spiritual life !

    Meditation is enhanced and attunement to the cosmos
    ( being open to the Universe and her promptings) is going to be refined.

    It's quite possible you will be introduced to your " dream animal"
    or a sacred guide that will introduce you/remind you of unconscious realms
    and powers in you, now being activated by the entrance of the landlord Neptune
    into his mystical magical home sign of 1f42c. Pisces 1f433. .... 2653.

    King Neptune is home after 171 years away !!! ... that's a long time ! ! ! 1f64f.

    If your omen animal / guide shows up


    Acknowledge it

    Be respectful

    Interpret the omen ( ask for assistance)

    Work with it be listening

    Definitely make an offering...

    Pisces can connect you to a realm beyond the 5 physical senses.

    I believe in Angels, their so refined most don't see them or even acknowledge their existence
    however with 3 planets about to activate this sign we are in for some magic,
    mystical experiences, miracles, expanded awareness and higher spiritual dimensions

    Or feeling lost n confused 1f614. , being a martyr, self destruction, addiction, illusions delusion..

    REMEMBER: Compassion with no boundaries is self destructive.

    There are lots of unconscious processes being activated with this new splash of mysterious energy.

    Unconscious powers are at work now so think things through at least twice ...
    then think again before you take the big step.

    Be careful of verbal deals now... good judgement is needed.

    Be sure to check in with a trusted friend or family member when in doubt or simply wait it out.

    Be open to expansion and seeking broader view points in your world.. . .

    No need to follow the crowd.

    Lovers will be problematic during this period, some will leave.

    Half hearted commitments and fragile situations can manifest particularly from 16th Feb 2023
    as Venus moves to Pisces ..some are in for a fertile shock.

    Neptune with Jupiter from Feb 19th to April 23rd, 2023
    will bring increased fraudulent activity
    ( via cassanovas, con people & false gurus) so BE WARNED!!

    If it's too good to be true it's probably a con job!!

    #thebarefootvedicastrologer #jyotishastrology #jupiterinpisces #venuspisces #neptuneinpisces #cosmology #spiritualgrowth #soulwisdom #astrologypost #soulguidance #spiritualityawake #vedicastrology #astrología #astrologersofinstagram

    Strange unprecedented vortex spotted around the sun's north pole

    - 02 FEB 2023

    By Tereza Pultarova
    published about 19 hours ago
    Scientists have just spotted a strange circular filament wobbling around the sun's pole that has them really excited.

    Comments (0)
    (Image credit: NASA)

    A huge filament of solar plasma has broken off the sun's surface
    and is circling its north pole like a vortex of powerful winds, but scientists have no clue what caused it.

    "Talk about polar vortex! Material from a northern prominence
    just broke away from the main filament & is now circulating in a massive polar vortex
    around the north pole of our star," space weather forecaster Tamitha Skov said on Twitter
    while sharing a video sequence taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
    showing the odd whirlwind

    . "Implications for understanding the sun's atmospheric dynamics above 55° here cannot be overstated!"

    Other solar physicists shared Skov's excitement about the unusual phenomenon.

    But what exactly is it and why is it important?
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    Scott McIntosh, a solar physicist and deputy director at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, told Space.com that while he has never seen a vortex like this, something odd is happening at the sun's 55 degree latitudes with clockwork regularity once every solar cycle, the 11-year period characterized by an ebb and flow in the generation of sunspots and eruptions.
    Related: Scientists are finally peering inside the sun's middle corona

    Click here for more Space.com videos...


    0 of 30 secondsVolume 0%

    The prominence mentioned by Skov, something that McIntosh
    describes as a "hedgerow in the solar plasma", appears exactly at the 55 degree latitude
    around the sun's polar crowns every 11 years.

    Scientists know that it has something to do with the reversal of the sun's magnetic field
    that happens once every solar cycle, but they have no clue what drives it.

    "Once every solar cycle, it forms at the 55 degree latitude and it starts to march up to the solar poles,"
    McIntosh told Space.com.

    "It's very curious. There is a big 'why' question around it.
    Why does it only move toward the pole one time and then disappears
    and then comes back, magically, three or four years later in exactly the same region?"

    Scientists have regularly observed filaments tear away from this pole-embracing plasma hedgerow,
    but they have yet to see it form such a polar whirlwind until now.

    Scientists know that the sun's polar regions play a key role in the generation
    of the star's magnetic field, which, in turn, drives its 11-year cycle of activity.

    They couldn't, however, observe that region directly.

    The sun is waking up, and the world's largest solar telescope is watching
    Solar Orbiter spacecraft takes its closest look at the sun
    When will the sun die?

    "We can only observe the sun from the ecliptic plane [the plane in which planets orbit]," McIntosh said.

    The European Space Agency Solar Orbiter mission may shed some light
    on this odd phenomenon in the coming years.

    The mission, which is taking images of the sun from within the orbit of Mercury,
    will have its orbit tilted by up to 33 degrees.
    McIntosh thinks that might not be enough to crack the mystery of the polar vortex.
    Scientists might need a completely new mission to do that.

    Follow Tereza Pultarova on Twitter @TerezaPultarova.

    Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jaguar Wisdom
    DAY 8 of a 13 day cycle

    03 FEB 2023

    3 February 2023 – 8 Ajmaq (Cib)
    There are times when we all rely upon our intuition.
    Sometimes it works like a charm, and, well…
    sometimes we are human.

    On the day Ajmaq, intuition is powerful and can reach deep down into the karmic stream.

    Since 8 is regarded as a “balanced day” which falls in the middle of the trecena,
    we can trust our intuition today, as connections with the inner spiritual world run high and clear now.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    02 FEB 2023

    How do you recognize the coming of spring? Maybe you spot a first returning robin, or tune into the news about a groundhog looking for its shadow. For stargazers, one sign of spring is the early-morning sighting of a pretty pair of stars in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.
    Those stars, known as Shaula and Lesath, are part of the Stinger of the Scorpion, at the end of the Scorpion’s curved Tail. The early Pawnee of the U.S. Central Plains regarded the stars Shaula and Lesath as Swimming Ducks. When the Swimming Ducks appeared before dawn in winter, the Pawnee knew spring was near and would begin planting ceremonies. So in some respects, these stars were a Pawnee version of Groundhog Day.

    EarthSky | The stars Shaula and Lesath herald spring, too

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    28 Jan 2023
    Astro Aatif
    Why VENUS Exalts In PISCES?

    An influence of Water, Neptune & Jupiter at the same time which is typical symphonies of Pisces
    because the DUAL FISH can swim in all sides of beauty imaginative world underneath the "Living Sea"
    with millions of creatures giving birth to others all the time...

    Venus Aphrodite was born of the Ocean in its smiling mood,
    as The famous painting name "Birth of Venus - by Sandro Botticelli"
    clearly indicates that Aphrodite/VENUS arrived at the shore after her birth
    when she had emerged from the sea fully-grown...

    VENUS was believed to be born in the "Oyster" shell which is a true representative
    of the worship of the "Reproductive" powers of nature & this is why she exalts in PISCES
    as there you connect with the infinite Sea where the "Dual Fish" continues to enchantingly SWIN in water...

    Note: in some excerpts or literature of mythologies, Venus Or Aphrodite was said to be born
    because Saturn took wrath on his father (Satun`s Mother GAIA had asked Saturn
    to do this to his Father Uranus because she wanted to Castrate Uranus & Saturn did this exactly remorselessly)
    Uranus & done some damage to his "Testicles" & thrown them in water, & from there,
    VENUS Or Aphrodite was born out of the sprung of Testicles...

    She is known as a Daughter of Heavens & Sea Gai & URANUS but also in some mythologies,
    2640. VENUS said to be the daughter of ZEUS/JUPITER which makes sense due to Sea/Water influence
    as well as her father ZEUS, she exalts positively in PISCES where Jupiter & Neptune have Co-Rulership.
    Due to her influence or PISCES influence in her, she is believed to be the CONCEPTION of Women,
    maybe the WOMB as WOMB should be territories of the 12th House
    (unknown hideouts inside the Motherhood) also Art, Beauty, Jealousy, Compassion,
    Tenderness, Grace & Beauty of Seduction.

    Embrace this VENUS IN PISCES season with all of your imaginative creativity..
    Live life to its fullest until 19th Feb, when she leaves Exaltation zones
    & enters adventurous ARIES ahead...

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    • Astro Doyna
      I love this image of Venus best. I recall using it about 10 yrs ago & then repeated it….
      I think it’s the best embodiment of Venus 1f496.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    3h ·

    The Planet Uranus observed in the infrared
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    04 FEB 2023 ·

    Astrology Update:

    , , &

    The distinctive cosmical shift in energies as unconventional Sun
    revolts against his ruler URANUS in Bull…

    Here comes SUN SQUARE URANUS On 4th Feb 2023
    (This influence will take some days to defuse completely)...

    - ☉ ☐ ♅

    : Traditional Stubbornes Vs Unconvtionalism

    Although it's an Aquarius Season, still, enough conventionalism
    is not enough when Sun revolts against his unconventional ruler
    URANUS in Taurus…

    : Unpredictability development in personality,
    Phase for World at a larger scale globally
    (Collectively 11th House)
    about getting used to expecting the unexpected & Sudden Revolt & Behavioral Shift From Being
    Unconventional To Rebbelious While Holding Back Your Traditional & Conventional Lifestyle,
    Emotional Rhetoric In order To Seek Freedom & Your Own Defined Independence
    From Close Relationships, Belongins, Assets & Personal Objectives,
    Challenging Other People Through Your Highly Stubborn Shift In Individualization Process
    & Freedom Loving Provocative Tendencies…



    ? - Breaking Free From Traditions

    This is a delightful transit for the fixed signs especially sensitive Aquarius & stubborn Taurus,
    as it reverses the roles for both signs...

    Shift in revolt when it comes to radical change in behavior such as getting cold from the warmth
    of persona & suddenly drastically changing your approach & behavior of irritability
    to shock the people close to you lol this is funny but it's there…

    This is an energy that can inspire other people to leave your comfort & traditional lifestyle of Aquarius
    & Taurus & adds some kind of more conformism in their personality today
    because whenever you take actions under these Transits,
    they cannot believe that those actions are coming from such a traditional, lazy
    & such stubborn person who wouldn't want to come out of his own restrictions,
    routines, conservative approach...

    So by this kind of behavioral changes coming from you, they will also try to change themselves,
    because why not, after all, Aquarius SUN definitely inspires the world at a collective
    & larger scale globally (11th Matters), & since Taurus rules 2nd
    (Assets, stubbornness, neck, voice, belongings & possessions),
    inspiration is there to raise your VOICE from within your own soul
    towards revolt, change & create the difference in the world when it comes to Humanitarian efforts,
    living unusual set up away from your comfort zones…

    But more of an individualization process to prove to yourself that you can do things
    your own way, on your own without being dependent on a Spouse, Siblings, Parents,
    suffocating relationships, or difficult bossy routines coming from the toughest authorities
    who would challenge your stubbornness & conventional lifestyle, otherwise in normal case…

    But not under SUN SQ URANUS though…


    Enjoy this transit & find the hidden inspirational artist, unconventional revolter within you
    that you have failed to discover, prove, or pronounce to the world openly for too long now…
    time to revolt against authorities & establishment system & show your individualism
    & shine like a bright start while keeping up your own style & shock the world of convention conservation…

    Through this shocking & electrifying disorganization, dismantling, & disharmony process
    between Aquarius & Taurus, you are now the master & pathfinder of your own fate,
    life through strong-willed….

    with love & best wishes…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.


    #uranus #uranusintaurus #uranusdirect #Shocking #shockingnews #AquariusSeason #Aquarius #taurus #AquariusSZN
    #astrologypost #astrologymemes #astrology #Astrologer #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscope #predictions
    #unsettling #dismantle #establishment

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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