25 Mar 2023 To 20 May 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 25, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George

    06 may 2023 - 10 may 2023

    The days between May 06 and May 10 represent the influential period of Aladiah.

    Therefore, if you were born in this period, then you are influenced by Guardian Angel Aladiah.

    So, you have a good heart.

    You live your life in integrity and grace.

    Also, you are an extraordinary friend and companion.

    Your intuition is amazing.

    Therefore, you always know which path to choose.

    You have no lack of imagination and confidence.

    And your main purpose on earth is to create a better society.

    But you will be able to do that only through hard work.

    The only thing you really wish for is a world full of peace and harmony.

    Your health is also very important for you.

    Because you believe that a healthy soul can perform properly only in a healthy body.

    People see you as an angel on earth. Because you posses a very comprehensive and reserved personality.

    You understand the cycles of the nature.

    The purpose of our lives on earth is not a mystery for you.

    Aladiah is the protector of the grace of God.

    Therefore, pray for his guidance.

    He will bring forgiveness and abundance into your life.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    16m ·

    Astrology Update: Some Interesting Facts About Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) In Scorpio!!! 270d. 1f982. 1f525. 1f315.
    The Catharsis Release With The Shocking Elements Within The Family & Whole Scorpio Sting is Surrounded By The Smokescreens Which Are Very Alarming As This KETU Inauspicious "SATUK - The Period Of Untouchability" Is Opposing The Uranus Sitting With The Sun & Rahu In Taurus... Making it Taurus/Scorpio Polarities Very Separation-Prone...
    The Polarities of Rahu/Ketu are highly inauspicious & these do affect our health system & arrival of them with the Eclipses occurrence will enhance the inauspiciousness 10 times bigger...
    Rahu denotes multi-colored clothes and Ketu rags. Lead and blue gems belong to Rahu and Ketu.
    Rahu & Ketu are so powerful that they alone can "Afflict" our mighty Solar king" The Sun" which is the identity, Soul Purpose & Ego system of a Native... If imagine if SUN gets afflicted by RAHU OR Ketu, where do humans stand? let alone the rest of the 7 Traditional Planets...
    When a Planet gets Afflicted, the activation of the Malevolence period in the native`s life starts immediately & it's felt at a very personal level that includes the entire family system...
    Rahu has a smoky appearance with a blue mix physique. He resides in forests and is horrible. He is windy in temperament and is intelligent.
    Other than KETU/Dragon`s Tail influence on Scorpio Full Moon, the detachment from the establishment within the family & its traditions is evident because of the following factors;
    Because of the "Mutual Reception" between Mangal 2642. & Chandra ☾, & A Mystical WATER △ between Mars 2642. at 21°♋︎36’ & FULL MOON at 14°♏︎57’, this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is powerfully manifesting into the taboo subjects so violently & smoothly that one would feel an immense urge toward revenge & then break free from the patterns & traditions of society & family pressure, mainly because of URANUS sitting with SUN Opposing the FULL MOON IN SCORPIO...
    Which somehow, allows the natives to Release the most intense part of their possessions & body (if not the emotionalism & psychological release)...
    Also, another Ruler of this Eclipse aka YAMA(Hades-♇) is currently in Retrograde since 1st May 2023 so he urges us to delve into inheritance & hidden Wealth in our family system, but at what cost?
    Because YAMA-♇ believes in hidden wealth that comes to us after manipulation & sneaking through some kind of illegal activities Or in pious cases, that wealth comes as an inheritance settlement among the entire family, brutally, peacefully, or through lawsuits…
    Eclipses are known as “Grahan Dosha” in Vedic & they believe that “Fasting” during Eclipse day will be beneficial & there are some remedies to nullify the illicit intentions of the Lunar Eclipse on humans (or at least to minimize the intensity) is; Offering sweet dish & dessert to young girls...
    Due to holding the Malefic-powers by the Eclipses, it's advised not to start any auspicious & important task of your life during Eclipse time & since Scorpio rules the matters related to the 8th such as Sexual Organs such as; Genes, Genitals, Rectum, Anus, Ovaries, Prostate & Pubic Bone… So Pregnant women can face some kind of miscarriages as well during the peak or totality of the Eclipse so care is necessary if they are in the conception phase… As it may also affect the organs of the newly born or unborn babies.
    Rituals also avoid any kind of worship, holly, or sacred work for at least some hours (Usually lifespan of manifestation & release process is about 8 to 9 hours) until the influence of the Eclipse completely vanishes from the sky & then they can continue with the sacred work easily & peacefully…
    Also, make people make special WATER during "Full Moon" totality & peak but when Chandra Or Surya Grahans occur, this kind of Water should be drunk at all because, all the natural resources get contaminated with negative and harmful rays, so cooking food in such special WATER or drinking in Raw intake should be considered a precaution measures. Try to avoid it as the LUNAR ECLIPSE of Charnda Grahan is not a usual "Full Moon" by any means... At least wait for the totality and peak hours of the Eclipse to be ended first then you can enjoy your homemade WATER under the FULL MOON... & remember, the Full Moon conditions remain intact for at least one more Day in SKY...
    Best of luck for the Lunar Eclipse...
    One more thing, the next Eclipse Or Grahan will be occurring in October 2023... So mark those dates & remember what happens today will be coming back to test your memory system & the precautions you create today to survive this evil-spirited or inauspicious Chandra Grahan will be tested again in October...
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #fullmoon #scorpiomoon #Scorpions #scorpiofullmoon #lunareclipse2023 #eclipse2023 #eclipse #eclipseinscorpio #grahan2023 #Grahan #rahuketu #ChandraGrahan2023 #ChandraGrahan #lunareclipse

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Good Morning folks, how's the VENUS ingress into Cancer treating you?

    1f338.1f48b. 1f48b.1f338.

    From 7th - 9th May 2023

    2640. °’
    ♇ °’
    1f338.1f48b. & : - ? 1f48b.1f338.
    VENUS IN CANCER has started her journey inside this Summar Solsticed sign with the nasty Quincunx coming from the Retrograde Pluto sitting at 0 & since both are at ZERO, the confusion is surrounding the entire nurturance of the family with some kind of intensity & chaos...
    1f338. ꗥ~ 1f338.1f48b. : , & & & 1f48b. ❀~ꗥ 1f338.
    Venus wants to Cuddle, relax & nurture the entire family being such a beautiful & comfortable cozzy Housewife, but since she's still intact with the "Separating" nasty SQUARE from NEPTUNE & this cuddling Aphrodite/VENUS Mother/WIFE in Cancer 1f980. starts her journey with a Quincunx to PLTO-♇ & which can test her whole essence of the coziness & nurturance that might undergo some intensity before 2640. in ♋︎ produces her Nurturance in CANCER...
    Quincunx Invites Us To Delve Into The The Confusion, Power Struggle & Obsessions Which Are Coming From Or Occurring in Different Elements, Different Modalities, Different Signs, & Different Houses...
    1f338. : ꗥ 1f338.
    VENUS Inconjunct Pluto creates intense & nasty energies, especially between this 0 Venus & 0 Pluto invites all Mothers, Wives & Children to embrace the confusion which is very annoying & uncomfortably compulsive which is contrary to the archetypes of the VENUS sign staying or floating through the Cancer... Yes, she floats through mood swings & unbalancing emotions in this sign or transits, especially when her nurturance is not met by the "Insensitive" life partner or a partner she has Children with, but still, PLUTO is way bigger than that & a few initial days, this QUINCUNX will continue to disturb the mental balance & she would definitely REVOLT with Jealousy, intensity...
    The intense & nasty energies between this 0 Venus & 0 Pluto invites all Mothers, Wives & Children to embrace the confusion which is very annoying & uncomfortably compulsive which is contrary to the archetypes of the VENUS sign staying or floating through the Cancer... Yes, she floats through mood swings & unbalancing emotions in this sign or transits, especially when her nurturance is not met by the "Insensitive" life partner or a partner she has Children with, but still, PLUTO is way bigger than that & a few initial days, this QUINCUNX will continue to disturb the mental balance & she would definitely REVOLT with Jealousy, intensity...
    Also, you need to guard against CHEATING & Manipulation coming from your partner this week, before this VENUS IN CANCER transit starts comforting you & your entire family system ahead... Just a couple of initial days are tough, intense & testing for your patience...
    Finding the middle ground in your love life, nurturance of the family & domestic responsibilities being a housewife is the key to surviving these nasty unbalanced energies to recognize what suits the purpose of your LIBRA side, & then have a peaceful & comforting Venus ingresses into Cancer & her long journey ahead, in the sign of Cancer, emotionally, protectively & peacefully...
    Yin-Yang Archetypes & Guiding Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif - Astrology Consultant
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #venusincancer #Venus #goddess #venusquincunxpluto #venusinconjunctpluto #plutoretrograde #PlutoinAquarius #TaurusSeason #TaurusSzn #love #powerstroke #manipulation #cheating #mother #nurture #cancerzodiac #astrologymemes #astrology #astrologer #zodiacmemes #zodiac #zodiacsigns

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