25 Mar 2023 To 20 May 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 25, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    #Todays #Butterfly
    Lyropteryx Apollonia butterfly

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology for Mindful Living

    If you have been feeling like you are fighting your way out of a paper bag lately,
    you’re not alone.

    It’s a time of wanting to break free and move forward with gusto
    BUT it seems there is one obstacle after another
    – making us want to retreat instead.

    It's Eclipse season on top of a Mercury retrograde.

    In addition, Pluto just recently changed signs and squared the Eclipse
    AND is the ruler of the South Node, the ruler of BOTH eclipses is in Cancer (Mars),
    and the South Node is in Scorpio.

    Please know that this too shall pass.

    The astrology paints a picture of frustration, transformation and crisis.
    There is a lot going on, in every way – especially emotionally.

    If you feel you are being brought back to things from the past that have a bit of a sting,

    I guarantee you are not the only one.

    This is a time of reflection, revelation, shedding old skins and ultimately healing.

    Right now, we cannot be afraid to look under the bed and go into the mess in the closet.

    This is where the healing takes place.

    There are wounds we have to tend to
    – and fears we have to face, and in those tricky spaces lie power,
    strength and riches (says Pluto!).

    The poet Rumi says it best:

    “The wound is the place where the light enters you”.

    AND since we are in the time of year where the light is increasing,
    the dark will rise up and out to be purged naturally.

    We are truly in a massive Spring cleaning – so that we can have our resurrection.
    Now is the time to practice sitting with your most difficult feelings and emotions.

    Some will need a professional for this – and that is perfectly fine.

    Don’t be afraid to create a support system for yourself as we all are moving
    through very emotionally cathartic and transformative energies.

    Repect and honor this passage.

    Mars in Cancer indicates that its time to do the INNER work required to heal.

    We may discover with Mars in Cancer, hidden pockets of insecurity and fragility,
    fear, hunger that was never satiated, longing, sadness and grief, bitterness and resentment,
    some deep lack or emptiness, anxiety or a feeling of helplessness.

    Can you be there with all of that and not run, escape into addiction or distraction, or push it away?

    Can you hold it like a loving mother would for her child?

    Can you listen deeply and care?

    Can you allow love and acceptance and tender compassion from your heart to wash it away?

    It’s the time to learn to self soothe. It’s the time to learn to heal your inner foundations
    – in whatever way that feels right to you, that is HEALTHY.

    We can and will become painfully aware at this time of all the UNHEALTHY coping mechanisms
    we use to keep our emotional turmoil and past experiences at bay
    - which only keeps them going and going and going.

    That is the repetition compulsion of Pluto/Scorpio energies and how the symbolic animal of Scorpio,
    the Scorpion, stings both itself and others.

    The name of the game during this most potent Eclipse season is to free ourselves from the grip of the past
    and all the self-destructive tendencies that lurk in the shadows.

    We can ONLY do that by being brave enough to face it all, and this is supported beautifully
    with Jupiter in Aries conjunct the Eclipse (Sun and Moon coinjoined in Aries),
    and also with Lilith in Leo.

    Both of these energies are allowing us to shine a light on our fears, worries, traumas, wounds, and insecurities
    - and ultimately release them with forgiveness and compassion (Saturn/Neptune in Pisces)
    so that we can start sewing new seeds (Aries) and have healthier things blossom
    in our lives (Sun, Mercury, Vesta, Uranus, North node in Taurus).

    This is the ultimate empowerment that Pluto is wanting for us as he squares the eclipse
    and challenges us to transform some aspects of ourselves that is getting in the way of our happiness.

    If you’ve neglected or invalidated your needs, feelings and emotions for a long time,
    this astrology indicates a time where we can finally COME HOME to ourselves
    and really take care in a BIG WAY.

    Old psychological patterns and programs from our formative years will come up
    – as well as those resulting experiences that followed us on the heels of our past and into our adult years.
    Pluto in Aquarius is very solution oriented and rational.

    It says “You don’t have to live like this anymore, there is a way out”.

    0 degrees Aquarius, where Pluto is currently sitting,
    is all about seeding a new consciousness through an awakening of the higher mind
    – beyond the past (Capricorn/Cancer axis).

    This transit is teaching us to reach beyond the painful things that have occurred in our families,
    culture, society, etc - and even the non painful things.

    Perhaps we are stuck on something that isnt necessarily bad,
    but its just outdated. Aquarius has an upgrade (just like your iphone)
    BUT we have to connect with and attune to the new impulses and ideas being seeded by Pluto.

    AND we cannot do that very well and complete the download and upgrade with cluttered memory.

    This is where the Mars in Cancer transit shines, even though its in its Fall.

    Its time to go into your past and look at the old stuff that is blocking the healing
    and improvements waiting to be installed. ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT
    – no one else can!

    The Aries Eclipse is about taking initiative and using your free will and choice
    – to make a move on your own behalf.

    Saturn in Pisces indicates that its time to heal.

    Mars in Cancer open up the emotional body.

    BOTH can give compassion, care, kindness, tenderness and forgiveness so that healing can take place.

    With an emphasis on Pisces and Aquarius we are NOT ONLY doing this work for ourselves,
    but for all of humanity.

    We are not islands standing alone and separate, we are a unit
    – a human family, and as such we have a personal responsibility to heal ourselves
    so that we are contributing our light rather than our shadow to the world.

    AND this is ultimately how we change things for the better.

    We can protest all we want and lobby for change BUT if our hearts aren't healed,

    if the inner world is a hot mess, how can we expect the outer WORLD or others to change?

    It simply makes no sense and Pluto in Aquarius is all about making sense.

    So, now we know what our homework will be over the next 6 months
    until the next check in at the following Eclipse.

    (July is another check in point as it marks the half way marker - it’s a potent month).

    It's your choice as to whether or not you do that homework to free yourself
    and start living from the healed heart and a place of love versu
    s from the painful or difficult past, rooted in fear.

    Surrendur into the heart of LOVE that underpins the cosmos.

    Believe that grace exists and that its your divine inheritance.

    No matter what is happening, let that support you through the ups and downs of life
    - let it dissolve your past.
    We got this! 2764.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    23 APR 2023

    Jack Lodge Photography is _EP3c_hdcMp. feeling shocked in Dorset, UK

    After a workshop all day yesterday, my alerts were going mental for Aurora activity over night
    and into the early hours of this morning... well, it wasn't wrong!!! 1f60d.

    I headed down the road to Knowlton Church, the first place that popped into mind

    and what unfolded was an absolute sight to behold, I have goosebumps just writing this post 1f979.

    Even in Norway, I didn't get to experience the pinks and reds on display,
    as I sat back and watched the curtains of light beam into the Northern skies
    above Wimborne - absolutely, speechless.
    #wimborne #dorset #auroraborealis

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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