20 & 21 & 22 Mar 2023 - Black Moon Phase - Awakening Of The Octarine Indigo Elders

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Art: La Profecia del Aquila y El Condor
    (The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor)
    by Juan Carlos Taminchi

    Ruby Falconer
    March 19 at 6:36 PM ·
    A Musing on the Equinox, exact March 20, 5:24 pm EDT.
    The Equinox is a place of balance – equal days and nights, equal light and dark.

    It is also the halfway point in a journey.

    The Northern Hemisphere is halfway from maximum darkness to maximum light.

    The Southern Hemisphere is halfway from greatest light to greatest darkness.

    Is the glass half empty or is it half full?

    Or is it both?

    The Equinox is the mid-point of a pendulum swing between two extremes.

    We have as much in front of us as we have behind us.

    But the destinations are very different.

    Maximum darkness is very different from maximum light.

    The Winter Solstice (maximum dark) contains the glimmer of new life emerging out
    of the desolation of death.

    The Summer Solstice (maximum light) manifests a glorious crescendo of life which will inevitably lead to death.

    The days gradually get longer after the Winter Solstice; they become shorter after the Summer Solstice.

    Our relationship to the pendulum changes depending on which direction we’re going.

    At the two Equinoxes, we are equidistant to both destinations and how we perceive the journey
    is dependent upon our perspective.

    The Zodiac is a model of duality; comprised of opposite experiences of a specific earth reality.

    – the March Equinox
    - describes the birth of the individual;

    Libra – the September Equinox
    – relates to the birth of the collective.

    These are both births and they are also deaths.

    When contemplating the opposites described by the astrological signs Aries and Libra,
    the question must be asked:

    If we are fully an individual, can we be in relationship to others?

    If we define ourselves through relationship, are we really an individual?

    Is that glass half empty, or is it half full?

    Or is that really a distinction at all?

    March 19, 2023,
    by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods”
    by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #Equinox

    Art: La Profecia del Aquila y El Condor
    (The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor)
    by Juan Carlos Taminchi

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Michael Lennox
    12h ·
    We are moving through the first of two New Moons in Aries, a rare Black Moon.

    It is exact this morning at 10:23am PDT.

    This is an absolutely wild lunation,
    and this is one of those moments
    where my tendency for hyperbole
    might get in the way of you trusting
    what I’m saying to you.

    I am always inflated with my language of things being huge and intense,
    and so I must qualify with this New Moon.

    We are truly in a most elevated and amplified moment.

    Saturn just changed signs; Pluto is about to (on Thursday).

    Both of those ingresses are huge for us,
    and they signal that we are at a true turning point
    in consciousness;

    just turn on the news if you need validation of this.

    And this is the first of two New Moons in Aries as we are in a rare Black Moon.

    In 2025, Saturn will change signs again and enter Aries
    around the same time Neptune will enter Aries,
    the sign of war.

    Uranus moves into Gemini that same year,
    and while this may seem like a long time away,
    in astrological terms, having these powerhouse planets
    all changing signs within two years of each other
    signals a major turning point in the consciousness of humanity.

    The only thing that is going to help us survive all of this change
    is individuals rising up powerfully into their sense of purpose,
    ready to take action and serve in the manner that is perfectly designed
    for who you are.

    Aries is where we get into action no matter what the future consequences might be.

    Remember that in the void that Pisces holds, it is Aries that declares,
    “I’ll go first!” and dives out of the void and springs up into consciousness and shouts,
    “I Am!” Courage personified.

    We have two opportunities to set powerful intentions for forward movement,
    taking action, and starting things up.

    This first New Moon is at the world axis point of 0-degrees of Aries.

    The 0-degree of each of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)
    have importance; they all represent an equinox or solstice,
    and when the Sun and Earth are aligned with one of these points, we change seasons.

    They are a collective point, and this New Moon at the world axis point in Aries
    is impacting all of us on the planet at the same time and in the same way.

    Again, look to the news for what this is feeling like on the planet,
    and then remember that what you see out there is only a reflection
    of what is happening on the inside of everyone’s consciousness as well.

    The chaos in the outside world is ramping up and will not abate; not ever.

    The Aries part of your consciousness is the part of all of us that is willing
    to dive in and surge forward, even without having any sense of what comes next.

    We could all use that sort of courage right about now.

    This New Moon at 0-degrees of Aries will be followed by the next New Moon at the final,
    mastery 30th degree of Aries, a Black Moon because it is the second in a row in the same sign.

    We have two opportunities to begin, two chances to focus on the Aries House in your natal chart,
    where all the action is these few months.

    The years ahead are going to be more and more chaotic, and this
    – and the next
    – New Moon will help us all prepare for what is to come,
    by lifting up our own willingness to take on the Aries impetus.

    We must all start moving into our next chapter with some fire and gusto,
    and these two New Moons in Aries will be the perfect thrust forward into this new territory.

    Back to this lunation. Venus is prominent in this lunar cycle
    by virtue of being in one of her home signs of Taurus.

    Love is grounded and stable, and a Conjunction between Venus
    and the North Node of the Moon puts love in our sights as we set intentions right now.

    The North Node is like our guiding point, the collective future that we are moving toward.

    Look to the house ruled by Taurus in your natal chart for a sense of what area
    of your life is most receptive for expansion through love.

    Venus and the North Node helps to further love and friendship bonds,
    and if the desire for new forms of love, partnership,
    and intimacy are part of your desires right now,
    this is the New Moon to put those orders in.

    The big kahuna in this New Moon is Pluto is sitting at the final degree of Capricorn.

    In less than 48 hours, he will make his makes his first ingress into Aquarius.

    This is just wild.

    Again, with my hyperbole where everything is the biggest and most intense,
    trust me that Pluto changing signs is one of the most disruptive and transformative cycles
    we move through roughly every twenty years.

    Back in 2007/8 when he dipped into Capricorn,
    the changes on the planet focused on structures like housing and banking,
    as those are a Capricorn invention.

    It is interesting to note that as Pluto is hovering at the final degree of Cap,
    banks are starting to fail again.

    In two days, we will begin a two-year focus
    on changes happening in the world of technology,
    the global community at large, and our desperate attempts
    to continue to usher in the Age of Aquarius.

    With Aries, it’s all about starting up something new.

    The Sun is exalted in this sign, and (in the north) the very connection to spring
    tells us to begin again.

    A cardinal fire sign, we are lit up with combustion from the fire element,
    but cardinal literally means to start something up.

    This is a New Moon of courage at a moment when the world seems bleak,
    and courage will drive us into the next right action.

    Courage and sheer chutzpah, another Aries invention.

    Aries acts first, and considers things afterward,
    and in terms of setting intentions, that is a powerful approach.

    There is a meme floating around out there that asks the question:

    What would you do if you were guaranteed success?

    Well, we are never guaranteed success,
    but I implore you to set intentions right now
    as if you had this sort of confidence, and then have at it!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Painting - Hero Holding the Beacon for Leander by Evelyn De Morgan

    Leah Whitehorse
    New Moon in Aries.

    Sun in Aries opposite Ceres retrograde in Libra
    – New beginnings, burning desires, goals, wants,
    the yearnings of body and soul, the drive to break new ground,
    face the sun, reach for the sky.

    Here is a seed bursting, shoot ascending.

    Rise up brave soul.

    You only get one life in this body, in this time.

    Get on with living, learning, loving.

    This is a fresh start in two parts that lays the ground for a hero’s story.

    Once upon a time until they all lived happily ever after.

    Write your first line.

    The middle will evolve as you do.

    Here is a project to test your metal, a pursuit to galvanize action,
    an endeavour to build courage, muscle, strength.

    Hold fast to the idea that you can complete what you start.

    It’s time to be bold yet to handle the moment with grace and humility.

    No need to compare or compete. Instead, cheer each other on.

    Shout words of encouragement.

    Be a beacon.

    Channel your inspiration.

    Think it and you can do it.

    I’m rooting for you.

    Painting - Hero Holding the Beacon for Leander by Evelyn De Morgan
    Degrees and Times
    Sun 00°Ar25', Ceres 00°Li25' R – 07:40 (UT)
    New Moon 00°Ar49' - 17:23 (UT)
    © Leah Whitehorse
    My Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/LeahWhitehorse
    My website : https://www.leahwhitehorse.com/

    Painting - Hero Holding the Beacon for Leander by Evelyn De Morgan

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    8961_n.?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=_cGKXAoYjDkAX-Q5n9n&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. p6_dst-&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=taNxUdz2pbQAX9Nnjn7&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Yes, in southern hemisphere - it is going into FALL
    and, in northern hemisphere - it is going into SPRING

    Chez Creatrix
    Equinox Blessings to all. {Mabon in Oz}

    Today, we have equal day & night, light & shadow, Yin & Yang.

    It’s a windy rainy day here in Urunga.

    (Moon in late degrees of Pisces & conjunct Neptune).

    Sun has just entered Aries and Moon will join shortly for New Moon in Aries tomorrow.

    ‘Tis the beginning of the Astrological Year, so Happy New Year everyone.

    So many planets in Aries…how are you feeling?

    Perhaps not so balanced?

    Perhaps at a tipping point?

    Where ever you are is where you are meant to be. In this you may find peace.

    Here is my Mood Board for this High Holy Day Autumn Equinox (Mabon) here in Oz.

    And my travelling Goddess Altar.

    I love her.

    Helps me feel grounded with all the travel.

    From this day forward our days shall slowly get shorter
    while our nights get longer.

    Such is the cycle of nature.
    Blessed Be.
    1f300. 1f64f_1f3fb. 2696. in Oz

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Divine Kitten - Spirituality, Astrology, Meditation, Inspiration

    We’re right on the verge of entering a new era.

    It’s our last days under the Sun (metaphorically speaking)
    before the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto,
    takes us on an unprecedented journey,
    after which we will never be the same again…

    I realize these are powerful words.

    And I use them on purpose because there is nothing subtle about Pluto,
    even if it is the furthest planet in our solar system
    and even if its size is misleading when it comes to the impact it has.

    When it comes to Pluto, size definitely doesn’t matter!

    With Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on 23 Mar 2023 (GMT),
    the “Age of Aquarius” will no longer be a concept but an actual era we’ll be a part of.

    I believe that we’ve already entered the Aquarian Age.

    And Pluto’s ingress into the sign of the water bearer will further intensify everything Aquarian.

    Pluto is the slowest moving planet in our solar system.

    It takes him 248 years to travel through all the 12 signs of the zodiac.

    This shift in Plutonic energy as it enters Aquarius
    will be felt by EVERYONE at different scales, marking an epic beginning.

    Starting with Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere
    (or Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere),
    the Sun’s ingress into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries,
    on 20 Mar 2023 (GMT) will kickstart the astrological year.

    In less than 24 hours, we will have a new Moon the next day also in Aries at 0 degrees.

    And then on 23 Mar 2023 (GMT), Pluto will enter the sign of the Water Bearer.

    It will retrograde back into Capricorn twice both in 2023 and 2024,
    before settling into Aquarius from 19 Nov 2024 until 2044 – that’s 20 years!

    We have another big astrological event worth nothing with action planet,
    Mars, finally ingressing into Cancer on 25 Mar 2023
    after its long tour in Gemini since Aug of last year.

    Earlier this month on 7 Mar 2023, task-master Saturn also moved into Pisces
    for the next 2.5-3 years, having been in Aquarius since 2020.
    But the transits of these planets pale in comparison with Pluto’s entry into Aquarius
    – which is the headline news of our lifetime!

    I wrote a much longer post last week related to this.

    This is just the first excerpt from the longer article
    about Pluto in Aquarius at

    #pluto #plutoinaquarius #plutoincapricorn #aquarius #ageofaquarius #astrology

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    21 MAR 2023
    Maria Broom

    "The New Moon in Aries on March 21st holds some of the best energy for new beginnings.

    It carries high creative energy, allowing us to manifest with ease, to find new opportunities,
    and to open to new worlds.

    It's like a breath of fresh air, guiding us to think differently, stretch our minds,
    and look at things in a completely new way.

    If you have wanted to make some changes in your life,
    or you wanted to seek opportunities elsewhere,
    this New Moon is on your side."

    From foreverconscious.com

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