20 & 21 & 22 Mar 2023 - Black Moon Phase - Awakening Of The Octarine Indigo Elders

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    20 MAR 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk

    20 mar 2023, 21 mar 2023, 22 mar 2023, 23 mar 2023, 24 mar 2023, 25 mar 2023, 26 mar 2023

    2023 The planetary dance March 20 to March 26, 2023

    It is said everything is energy.

    Well, be prepared for a week of big energy shifts.

    I have outlined below the days and times these changes occur
    but remember you will FEEL the shifts energetically before and after.

    Saturn is the planet that rules time and he is in Pisces, timelessness.

    The times listed are Eastern daylight (EDT).

    The best way to work with all these shifts is to go with the flow whatever that is for you.

    Mar 20- 5.24 pm EDT- the astrological Sun enters Aries.
    In the Northern Hemisphere it is Spring Equinox.
    The keyword is balance as we plant new seeds.
    We enter the East Direction on our Medicine Wheel,
    the place of Awakening to new beginnings and Inspired Creativity.
    The guardian of the East is Eagle who allows us to soar
    and see things from a higher perspective.
    Eagle carries our prayers and hopes to Creator and Great Mystery.
    artist; susan lynne schwenger

    In the Southern Hemisphere it is Autumn Equinox (March 21 in Australia)
    and you are entering the West Direction of your Medicine Wheel

    . It is also called the Looking Within Place.
    It is about finding inner balance and personal power.
    Your guardian is The Thunderbeing.
    Being open to Cosmic Surprises and listening to Universal Guidance.
    artist; susan lynne schwenger

    Mar 21- 1.23 pm EDT- Aries Super New Moon at 00 Aries 50 minutes.

    For all of us this Aries Moon cycle is about planting seeds for Inspired New Beginnings.

    Aries is Cardinal Fire and likes to take action.

    But it can also leap into things without looking.

    Mars at 28 degrees Gemini is the traditional guide for Aries.

    Whatever action you take make sure you are choosing from a place of balance.

    Mars is completing his 7 month journey in Gemini,
    healing duality and separateness.

    In Esoteric Astrology Mercury (our thoughts and perceptions)
    is the Soul Centered ruler of Aries

    . At this New Moon he is at 05 degrees Aries 04 minutes
    supporting us to see things in a new way

    . Our animal Totem guides for Aries are Falcon, clear vision,
    and Red Tailed Hawk, spiritual messages.

    The Astrological Earth is in Libra and Guided by Crow,
    sacred law and justice and fairness for all, and Raven,
    magic and The Mysteries. They are reversed for the southern hemisphere.

    This is the first Aries New Moon in this cycle.

    The next one is April 19/20 at 29 degrees Aries 50 minutes.

    It is a Total Solar Eclipse and influences us until Oct 14, 2023.

    It is a very powerful Moon of Transformation.

    We will of course write more about that closer to the Eclipse.

    In the meantime use this current Aries New Moon to write out your new inspired vision.

    You may find it completely changed when you review it at the April Eclipse.

    Or you may find you are in sacred alignment with your vision.

    Mar 23- 8.13 am EDT
    - Pluto (transformation and release) enters Aquarius (the collective consciousness)
    today for the first time since 1777 to 1798 (approximately).

    That was a historic time of great change.

    His sacred Animal Totem is The Phoenix, rising from the ashes.

    This initial journey into Aquarius, Pluto stays at 00 degrees Aquarius (new vision for our world).

    He turns retrograde on May 01 and re-enters Capricorn
    (where he has been since Jan 2008) on June 11 (transformation of society).

    He will re-enter Aquarius on Jan 20, 2024 until Sept 2024,
    then retrogrades back into Capricorn for his final visit there until Nov 2024.

    Then he visits Aquarius for the next 20 years.

    So we are just at the beginning of this Brave New World.

    While Pluto is in Capricorn and Aquarius he is guided by Saturn in Pisces
    (strengthening our spiritual foundation).

    In Aquarius he is also guided by Uranus in Taurus
    (breaking through to what is of true value and Importance).

    His Soul Centered guide is Jupiter (expansion and growth of our spiritual consciousness).

    Jupiter is currently in Aries (new inspiration) but enters Taurus on May 16
    (growth and personal empowerment).

    You can see it is a long and winding road ahead.

    Expect the unexpected is the theme.

    Mar 25- 7.45 am EDT
    - Mars enters Cancer and completes his long journey through Gemini
    which began Aug 20, 2022.

    Because he was retrograde Oct 30, 2022 to Jan 12, 2023 his stay in Gemini was extended.

    The theme has been to heal duality and unite in love.

    This time he will visit Cancer until May 20.

    Mars is the planet of assertive action.

    Cancer is the sign of emotional and intuitive guidance.

    Mars does not like being here.

    We may see issues of angry reactions to whatever is happening.

    But underneath anger is always hurt. Shortly after Mars enters Cancer
    he will be inconjunct Pluto activating an issue that is keeping us stuck
    and needs to be healed, transformed, and released.

    Pay attention to what comes up to be released with love.

    The planetary guide for Mars in Cancer is the Moon.

    Listen to your inner wisdom and let that guide you as take action.

    Mar 26- 2.58 pm EDT
    - Mercury in Aries joins Chiron in Aries.

    This is a powerful energy for healing and resolutions to whatever needs to be released.

    It is a gift to us all on this journey of life.

    Remember Bob Marley’s song.

    “Don’t you worry, everything is going be alright,
    every little thing is going to be all right.”

    Until next time Namaste and blessings,


    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com
    We have heavy construction happening on our street.
    I have to put telephone sessions on hold for now as it is just too noisy.
    But it fits with the energy coming in.
    The message is be flexible and go with the flow.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Tom Drury

    We eat lies when are soul is hungry for Love
    ~Tom Drury
    “Because we all eat lies

    when our hearts are hungry”

    ― Penelope Douglas, Next to Never

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Happy 1st Day of Spring!

    A palindromic number or numeral palindrome is a number
    that remains the same when its digits are reversed.

    Like 16461, for example, it is "symmetrical".

    The term palindromic is derived from palindrome,
    which refers to a word (such as rotor or racecar) whose spelling is unchanged
    when its letters are reversed.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Everything we have said to ourselves now becomes our reality.
    The truth shall be revealed!
    You are becoming.
    They are becoming.
    TOGETHER we become.
    Be at home in yourself.
    Be at HOME.
    The Great Cleansing now occurs.
    There are 2 paths within your site.
    Keep your projections clear, beautiful and heart-centered.
    Hold yourselves gracefully.
    Walk in centeredness before the others.
    Shine before the others so that all may see the LIGHT!
    Tina Hammond

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jaz TheOracle
    · 20 Mar 2023

    This week new beginnings are going to rapidly propel your upgrades forward
    with the Equinox and Aries New Moon.

    New Moons signify new beginnings
    and Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. so this New Moon signifies the onset on a new period.

    On April 20 the EQUINOX at 00° Aries begins a new zodiacal year and a new season
    (Spring in the northern hemisphere, Autumn in the southern hemisphere).

    Hours later, on Tuesday’s the Aries New Moon also at 00° Aries catapults us into new beginnings!

    00° Aries is a powerful Aries Point accentuating the tremendous impact
    of the combined Equinox and New Moon energies.

    Watch the exciting Equinox/Aries

    Aries is ruled by Mars, planet of energy and drive.

    Mars is creating a square to the Sun and Moon
    – a very dynamic forward momentum energy, adding to the fresh starts theme.

    A square is all about Action, as are Mars and Aries…

    Just guard against impulsiveness or overheated passion
    or being argumentative or aggressive or reactionary w
    here you just are very sensitive and easily triggered.

    But the flip side is - because the New Moon is in Aries
    you feel very energized and stimulated to act.

    So action is really the key because that's where Mars gets its greatest joy

    That sacred warrior spirit of Mars is most happy when it can manifest
    and move into a direction as speedily as possible.

    Creating an outlet for your creativity is really the key with this square.

    And while Mars’ fire ignites the Aries New Moon it’s a wonderful time
    to discover Mars’ (and Venus’) tremendous impact on humanity at this time.

    It's all revealed in the FREE masterclass
    - “Venus and Mars: Balancing the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine”.

    You’ll discover…
    The magical transformation from aggressiveness to assertiveness
    being healed in the Sacred Masculine energies

    How the Secret Sounds of letters V and M -Venus and Mars
    – miraculously balance the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies

    How the Number 13 is being resurrected and restored
    – helped by the 13 Phases of Venus

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