19 Apr 2023, 20 Apr 2023 Solar Eclipse & New Moon Of 20 Apr 2023

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Solar Eclipse Aries: 29° 50′ : April 20th 2023: Endlessly Boundless
    The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 20th April 2023 at 04:12 UTC
    As if he had been slapped, he turned his face and stood there with rage in his heart. All those injustices, all those misunderstandings, all the shame and guilt, Little Spirit swore that he’d never be in this place again. He would prove himself, he would learn all that needed to be learnt, become a better person – more knowledgeable, more creative, become wizened and rise into power. He would out do Jealous Spirit. He did not stop to think why Jealous Spirit might feel threatened or why he might be trying to put Little Spirit in his place. Little Spirit did not see, or would not see, that in this rivalry, which he clung to and fostered as part of his own pride or hubris, there was danger of the darkness rising within him.
    It was both an uncomfortable and unfamiliar feeling, building incrementally ever since he started to participate with the world. In his innocence of being true to his passions, openly expressing his heart, in being himself, Little Spirit had encountered opposition. Time and time again he had faced derision and slights. It was as if his world did not want him to be who he is.
    How confusing.
    All Little Spirit wanted was to be openly expressive of what he loves and the joy that resides in his heart.
    And so Little Spirit found himself standing, tempestuous passion coursing through him in the same way that wild horses roam freely on the open plains, at a fork on his path. To his left lies a smooth and easy trail descending into the desert lands and lightless cities where a formless darkness awaits; ascending to his right a steep and arduous climb back into life. Within his tumult, a calm voice streams gently into his awareness.
    “To light a candle is to cast a shadow, Little Spirit.”
    “I don’t understand. I do not like the way that Jealous Spirit talks about me. It makes me feel unkind.”
    “That is okay, Little Spirit. You do not have to feed into those feelings. You merely have to acknowledge that they exist”
    “But they upset me”
    “Those feeling are part of being encased within a fleshy and bony body, Little Spirit. It is what you do with those feelings that define you. You can feed into them and allow them strengthen and grow. Or you can acknowledge them as part of you, that Jealous Spirit is merely an extension of you, and you can then love those darkened feelings as you do those lightened feelings”.
    “But that does not make any sense. Surely if I am true to myself, I will surround myself with similar souls?”
    “No matter how true you are to yourself, you will have to deal with the darkness that naturally comes with your light and innocence. Darkness always exists in the same way that the light always exists. People will come into your life to test you, to keep your balance in check. Many a soul has actively sought only to express their light and have been consumed, in time, by their shadow. To be truly free is to acknowledge the light and the dark that exists within and not to see the darkness as something without. If you seek to be truly free, if you seek to be truly powerful, then you can only do so by embracing the full range of feelings and the entire spectrum of colour within you.
    “You do not, therefore, need to see those who prefer ignorance and fear to joy and open expression as being rivals; you do not need to descend into and be engulfed within those darkened and heavy emotions, but you do need to acknowledge, accept and embrace them as part of who you are. To do so, does not mean that you lose your truth. To acknowledge your shadow is not to say that you are dark, Little Spirit.”
    “But can I not change Jealous spirit? Can I not bring him to Light?”
    “To own your own darkness, to love it and see it as part of who you are, is as important as to embrace your light. The world is all about balance, a balance of polarities – of light and dark. If you want to change those in your world, you merely have to watch how you react when faced with darkened spirits. To want them to change and to impose change upon them, is to force your will onto them and is to open yourself to false change. They too will change in their own time, when they come to the realisation that perhaps their path is not one of balance. They are on their own path and have made their own choices. All you can do is to remain true to yourself, even if it feels difficult to do so. Remember, the power that exists within you can shake the balance of the world.”
    And then the voice was gone, leaving Little Spirit standing alone, with a decision to make – ascend or descend.

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    READ Andrew’s contribution on CHARIKLO
    Within you there exists an ever radiant flame. It burns with a ferocious hunger, completely focused on lighting the way and oblivious to what is going on in the world. As that light flickers, the colours are more luminous, illuminating a place where marvels never cease, where miracles and magic abound and where fascination and enthusiasm breed creation.
    This is the place within you wherein Spirit remains embryonic and wherein you can live without complexity, in simple honesty and awe. It is a place where you can be truly free to be you, where you can exist in the present, in this immediate moment of time, a place called the Now. It is a place imbued with presence and where your mind steps out of the way and lets your soul shine through. It is a place of pure being, where you are simply you. It is the raw, naked, unhindered expression of beingness of your soul, the ‘You’ as expressed directly from the source. This path, known as the path of Initiatory Spirit, is what astrologers call Cardinal Fire, or Aries, and it simply is a path that pronounces a willingness to courageously bear the light and express love without any doubt or fear.
    Yet, maintaining this singular focus, or conviction, throughout your life is not easy, not lest as layer upon layer of the illusory components of a well-established reality unravel and as anger and fear flood the collective emotional body, prompting many to react from a place of survival. Judgement currently rules the aether as our collective consciousness is in the grip of judgement’s love child, repression, through whose eyes the world is experienced as a moral order rather than a natural one. A sense of how things ought to be has been substituted for the sense of how they are, any deviation from this consensus moral order inducing a plethora of indignant responses, attacks and division.
    Ironically, this sense of wrongness compounds the harm that destructive events and actions cause, by inducing horror, shame or guilt in those who suffer them. Repression is thus self-reinforcing, in that it exacerbates the dark it is attempting to deny, thereby increasing the need for denial and further diminishing your light.

    The shadowy force of repression has always existed, as have those who seek power over others through the imposition of tyranny as their own myopic self-serving greed takes precedence over egalitarianism. Starting in childhood, raw passion, enthusiasm and unadulterated creative expression are censored, whether as a result of moral or parental conditioning, encouraging that child’s Light to be diminished within the blazing light of Conformity. As those natural and expressive feelings are repressed, a feeling of wrongness grows. Consequently the out-of-balance of the world is obscurely tied with each your own out-of-balance, an inevitable punishment for this lack of expression of your own sense of self.
    But imagine a world wherein everyone is encouraged to unabashedly express themselves, without restriction? Imagine what it would be like if that expression arose not from desire but from a confident knowledge, directed appropriately without a desire to impose over anyone or anything?
    To do so requires an acceptance of the shadow within the light of self-awareness. As this shadow is acknowledged and embraced, you are liberated from the grip of desire and are free to pursue the core beliefs that are expressions of your true nature.
    Insatiably feeding off the shadow cast by your light, that Blackened Formless Entity actively wants you to remain solely focused on your light, ignoring your dark, so that it can continue to exist. It does not want you to know that if you accept your inner darkness and are no longer afraid of what others may think of you; by not placating others, at the expense of being true to yourself; and by not showing others only your likable traits in order that they accept you because of a fear of being rejected, you won’t taste as palatable and digest as easily in its stomach. The system we are breaking free of, within this redistribution of power, wants you to live in fear of honouring your true expression, since you then create a dead feedback loop for your soul as your energy becomes increasingly drained.
    All you need to do is to remember what you truly lOve, because within that state there is a singular united force – jOy. As you engage in jOy, you worry less, you are free to take action as you free yourself from the concerns of how you are perceived. When you are in this state of being you simply act. You do. You don’t talk about it. You don’t promote yourself, ask people to write about what you are doing, and you don’t sit and over analyse the pros and cons about it, or think about whether it is going to make you money and successful. In this state of being you simple are. So deeply infused with spirit and passion, you are prompted to act, without thought and without concern for the outcome, since you will find a way to make it happen, irrespectively of the challenges and disappointments.
    The second Cardinal Fire lunation of 2023, an eclipse connecting us through time back to the 12th century and the dawn of the previous Air Wave (a time of a massive spiritual and creative Renaissance), is portal through which you can harness those passionate creational forces that society wants you to suppress, or at very least channel through your Luciferian chakras, and into an adventure of a more conscious, self-expressive life. With the alignment of the Lights in Vigintile to Uranus and squaring Pluto, exacerbated by the fact that the union of the Lights is an eclipse of the egoic-light, that part of you that hungers and seeks to control and become someone, you have an opportunity to harness powerful emotions and libidinal instincts, channelling them through that part of you that can live life free from worry and stress, your authentic self and to engage your heart-felt yearnings to openly live from a freely expressive heart.
    As intense emotions of attachment and of desire rise, rather than repressing them, allow them flow through you, without trying to slay those dragons. If you give yourself permission to co-exist with those tumultuous feelings, accepting that they may never fully find resolution or require dialogue, then the fecund libidinous invocation will, in time, settle, leaving you with a profound source of creative inspiration, from which you can channel into whom and whatever you choose. Those emotions may not require to be acted upon, but they do need to be embraced, as part of being human, and as part of articulating the pure creative spirit that is you.
    Remember, Cardinal Fire, Aries, is boundless. It is an expression of consciousness that returns you to being who you truly are. Your soul will, one way or another, always urge you back to your true and authentic origins. If you can allow anything that is not you, simply to fall away, you can be who you are divinely given to be.
    Though there may be days when you feel that facing the day with the spirit of innocence is impossible, this coming eclipsed lunation displays that spirit of singular focus which will allow you to create absolute miracles in what you achieve; allow yourself to play; to take risks and to embrace any fears and doubts that may have.
    After all to be a light is to have a shadow.
    I’ve been a full time professional astrologer located in the Republic of Ireland since 1995, having stumbled across astrology in my last year reading Natural Sciences in 1993, where I specialised in Geography. I’ve been blessed by the generosity of both my national and international clientele who have supported my work through referrals.
    Aside from my client focused work, I am the director of the Blue Rose, with my wife, Karen Morgan, and we host weekly classes (in person in Dublin, Ireland and online), monthly workshops, retreats and embodiments. I was invited to edit and produce the book Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, by Eric Meyers and Armand Diaz. I have been previously published in the Astrological Journal and the feature writer for Positive Life Magazine, a quarterly holistic magazine in Ireland and on the web.
    If I was to describe my work for other astrologers, I would be a humanistic, psycho-spiritually orientated in my practice. My focus within my practice is to support the spiritual and psychological growth of my clients by helping them understand their choices and energetic patterns imbued within the fabric of their being. The merging of both space and time are central focal points of my work and astro-cartography, the focus of my talk on this forum, is a perspective that I see as essential in understanding the process of growth within this plane of consciousness.
    Client centred astrological consultations, focusing on a humanistic/ transpersonal approach; Locational Astrology
    Location: Dublin, Rep. Ireland
    Email: andrew @ andrewsmith.ie
    Website: www.andrewsmith.ie
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/andrewdhsmith
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    The C*I*A is a network of Astrologers on a mission – igniting, teaching, connecting, advancing and promoting the living consciousness that is Astrology in all its applications, for individual and collective empowerment, conscious evolution and by utilising this co-creative intelligence!
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Brenda Thyne
    1h ·

    There's a New Moon coming and it's packing a Solar Eclipse.

    Hang on to your hat, it may get a wee bit bumpy!

    Stay grounded.

    Stay focused.

    And try to drink as much water as possible.

    And remember to breathe consciously.

    Breathing with awareness keeps us in the NOW.

    Things are shifting rapidly.

    The world we came to create is beginning to form.

    The existing world is crumbling in many areas
    and it will continue to do so.

    We must stay focused.

    This New Moon offers a powerful opportunity

    to plant seeds for the NEW we're here to create.

    It may seem dark right now for some,
    but seeds need darkness to germinate
    before they see the Light.

    Once they see the Light, they
    reach for it and in return it nourishes them and they GROW.

    We will plant seeds. And we will trust in the process.

    The process that has them growing and going from Dark to Light.

    Work Your Magic!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    they will soon find hidden in The Far East;
    an important collection of materials, data & drawings,
    information & maps , that will rival the old library of alexandria, in egypt,
    which was burned to the ground,

    and, it will hold the 'real' and 'true' records of era 1, era 2, era 3, era 4, and, era 5...
    you are now, in era 6.

    The calendars were out by a 360 day/kin calendar count
    -which would align things properly to the Full Moon Cycle of a lunar calendar.

    WHAT BEGAN at sundown on 20 dec 2012,
    leading into 21 dec 2012 (was NOT a full moon, necessary for a proper grand cycle),
    so, if you count + 360 days (plus 360 kin),
    you will arrive on 16 dec 2013, at sundown,
    which marks the beginning of 17 dec 2013 - as a full moon,

    and, for less confusion, we will call it, the 1st birthday of era #6

    The 17 dec 2013- a full moon, is a pivotal date
    which will sync the beginning date of an aztec, cherokee, and, maya calendar,
    also aligning the six season calendar, and, all other lunar calendars.
    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    The Source

    THE AZTEC 260 calendar known as:
    The tōnalpōhualli ("day count") consists of a cycle of 260 days,
    each day signified by a combination of a number from 1 to 13,
    and one of the twenty day signs.
    With each new day, both the number and day sign would be incremented:
    1 Crocodile is followed by 2 Wind, 3 House, 4 Lizard, and so forth up to 13 Reed,
    after which the cycle of numbers would restart
    (though the twenty day signs had not yet been exhausted)
    resulting in 1 Jaguar, 2 Eagle, and so on, as the days immediately following 13 Reed.
    This cycle of number and day signs would continue similarly until the 20th week,
    which would start on 1 Rabbit, and end on 13 Flower.
    It would take a full 260 days (13×20) for the two cycles
    (of twenty day signs, and thirteen numbers) to realign
    and repeat the sequence back on 1 Crocodile.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Sher Arnfinson
    · 19 APR 2023

    Rare Solar Eclipse, Wednesday April 19, 2023 ...
    Known as a hybrid annular-total solar eclipse,
    occurs when the Moon is at just the right distance from Earth
    that when it passes in front of the Sun,
    it switches between a total and annular eclipse
    throughout the event.
    As the Sun, Moon, and Earth move through space,
    they occasionally line up just right to produce a solar eclipse,
    when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun,
    and its shadow is cast on Earth's surface.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Planet News by Zoe

    20 apr 2023

    The energies are slowly climbing and will peak the 22nd.

    We are 48 hours away from entering the Eclipse Gateway.

    The first Eclipse of this years first Eclipse Season is the 20th.

    This New Moon Hybrid Eclipse is in Aries so expect some huge, dramatic energies.

    Tomorrow we have a Venus-Aldebaran Conjunction.

    This is going to kick off a huge influx of Pleiadian Energies.

    A beautiful healing portal!

    Amazing energies for any Twin Flames, amazing for healing your love life or Twin Flame separation.

    All 4 of the Eclipses that happen this year are in different zodiac signs.

    The Solar Eclipses are in Aries and Libra.

    The Lunar Eclipses are in in Taurus and Scorpio.

    Solar Eclipses are all about shifting you into a new beginning and new energies.

    This Eclipse will do just that anchoring you into a new timeline.

    It is all about manifesting right now.

    What you’re thinking about is where you end up.

    We are traveling by our thoughts now.

    Jupiter is also in Aries for this Eclipse.

    This means luck is on your side.

    It’s all about expansion.

    Thursday’s Aries Eclipse is helping you to take back your power.

    It’s time to pull back your energy, you need it for yourself.

    At this point we enter the Eclipse Gateway.

    That two week period in between both Eclipses is powerful.

    A doorway into different realities.

    A powerful space for the shifts that will occur.

    Mercury shifts into Retrograde the 21st.

    This Retrograde is in Taurus.

    This means your love life may be feeling like it’s moving backwards.

    The 22nd is a huge Lyran Portal and the peak of the Lyrids Meteor Shower.

    We have a CME that will hit us on this day, adding to the energies.

    May 5th, the 5:5 Portal, is our Scorpio Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

    This Lunar Eclipse is all about endings and completion of something.

    This Eclipse will do just that collapsing, clearing, and helping you to close out old timelines.

    Follow your emotions and intuition during this time.

    Sparks of Divine Light Healing

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    19 apr 2023
    Stonehenge in UK
    The planet #Venus shines brilliantly above Stone 56, the tallest sarsen at #Stonehenge,
    in the gathering dark just a degree or so away from the Seven Sisters star cluste
    r - the birthplace of hundreds of young stars in the constellation of Taurus.
    Photographer: Grant Privett

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk

    2023 Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse

    19 Apr at 9.13 pm PDT- 20 Apr at 12.13 am EDT- 5.13 am BST (summer time GMT)

    20 April at 12.13 pm AWST Perth- 2.13 pm AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    However you “look” at it from a physical or metaphysical perspective
    this Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is spectacular.

    The Eclipse path is visible from Australia and Indonesia.

    It is an unusual Hybrid eclipse.

    It begins as an Annular Ring of Fire (where the Moon’s outer edge is lit by the Sun)
    then becomes Total (when the Moon completely blocks the Sun)
    and then returns to the Ring of Fire to complete its path.

    The theme is a time for inspired action, a time for intuitive introspection,
    and a time for new inspiration.

    That will be the theme for next 6 months.

    This Solar Eclipse influences our journey until the Libra New Moon Eclipse of Oct 14, 2023.

    Our current New Moon Eclipse is at 29 degrees Aries 50 minutes.

    Usually Aries is about inspired new beginnings.

    But the 29th degree is about completion.

    This is the second Aries New Moon and is the Moon of Transformation.

    The first was on Mar 21 at 00 degrees Aries.

    Look at what you have been trying to create in the last month.

    Does it still inspire you? If not, it is time to let it go. Our Aries Eclipse is squared
    (motivation for change and finding new ways of doing things)
    by Pluto at 00 degrees Aquarius (release, transformation of consciousness, and new vision).

    Later today (April 20) the Moon enters Taurus and the Sun enters Taurus

    (what is of true value and importance) still squared by Pluto.

    Remember this energy guides us for the next 6 months.

    Mars is the traditional ruler of Aries.

    He is currently at 13 degrees Cancer 07 minutes
    (spiritual action guided by intuitive wisdom).

    He is in a sextile aspect with Mercury at 15 degrees Taurus 33 minutes
    (focusing on what is of true value).

    In Esoteric Astrology Mercury (our thoughts and perceptions)
    is the Soul Centered ruler of Aries
    and again will influence the next 6 months.

    Mercury turns retrograde on Apr 21, 2023 at 15 degrees Taurus
    and will move direct on May 14, 2023 at 5 degrees Taurus.

    He has been in his retrograde shadow since Apr 07 and will clear it May 31, 2023.

    As always with Mercury retrograde the theme is “change your thoughts and you change your life”.

    This is actually the beginning of retrograde season.

    This summer we will have 7 planets in retrograde motion (introspection and intuitive guidance).

    In the Northern Hemisphere our Animal Totem guides for the Aries eclipse are Falcon, clear vision,
    and Red Tailed Hawk, spiritual messenger. Pay attention to messages from Spirit to guide you.

    For Taurus we are guided by Beaver, clearing the clutter and building the new.

    For the Southern Hemisphere Aries is guided by Crow, sacred law and fairness for all,
    and Raven, magic and entering The Mysteries.

    For Taurus your guide is Snake, shedding the old and renewal.

    But wherever you live they are available to us all.

    The Clan Mother who guides Aries (both Hemispheres) is Looks Far Woman.

    She is the guardian of the Crack in the Universe and the Golden Door of Illumination.

    She teaches us how to use our inner strength when we face challengers.

    As this is the Moon of transformation she is joined by Becomes Her Vision.

    She is the guardian of transformation and guides us to become Our Vision
    and cross the healing bridge into wholeness.

    She will join the other Clan Mothers in the months ahead.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    Our construction issues have finally completed
    but I am now experiencing health challenges so personal readings
    are still on hold.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    If this post is a little late that is why.

    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Puerto Rico Conscious Community
    Kamey Batiz · ·

    I’ve set the day aside to help you understand how this affects you.
    Reach out if you want some insight into the next 6 months of your life! 262e. 1f49a. 2728.

    Kamey Batiz
    Wednesday, April 19th 2023
    Sun in Aries 2648. 1f525. , Moon in Aries 2648. 1f525.
    It’s important to check today and see where the solar eclipse tonight is falling in your chart.

    The Aries Sun is conjunct the Aries Moon which in other words, it’s a new moon.

    It’s also happening at 29°, an anaretic or “fate” degree.

    It’s an eclipse because it will cast a shadow on the earth.

    We also add Jupiter, the planet of expansion to this mix which adds positivity for growth potential.

    All together, we have a hybrid solar eclipse tonight beginning at 9:34 PM AST
    and ending at 2:59 AM, which will set the course for how things will go in your life for the next 6 months.

    I spoke of setting intentions earlier in the week as eclipses tend to be malefic energies
    and not the best time for manifesting.

    Eclipses are typically the kick-off point for catalyst events.

    So I reiterate, pay close attention to what’s going on right now in your life
    and understanding where in your chart this takes place.

    The purpose of understanding your energies is so that you don’t go into things blindly.

    It’s a new beginning. In hindsight, we get a lot of insight into how this will play out
    for you from now until October. Luckily, astrologers keep track of energies
    and this eclipse is very similar to the one we experienced in 2004,
    so see how you’ve grown since then and if you haven’t learned the lessons
    from that cycle, it’s quite possible there’s a repeat.

    Reach out today if you want some insight.

    I’ve set the day aside for it and want to help you understand your path. 262e. 1f49a. 2728.
    1f4f8. : Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse

    Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affect you!

    Comment below 2b07. or DM me for a FREE consultation.

    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps that empowers people
    to take full control of their lives.

    Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool you already possess.

    If you’d like to support or donate:
    1f17f. PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz Wilson 1f4b2. CashApp $NaliniFlor
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