18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Maryanne Savino

    Aquarius New Moon January 2023

    by Tanaaz 1f30a. 2728. 1f311. 2728. 1f30a.

    Fresh energy flows from the cosmic skies under the Aquarius New Moon.

    Arriving on January 21st, 2023
    this New Moon is a gentle time to plant seeds,
    set intentions, and consider all you would like to draw close to you.

    Setting intentions and crafting goals can be beneficial to shift your life into greater alignment.

    It can fill you with a sense of purpose and bring meaning to your day-to-day.

    Setting intentions and putting your wishes out to the Universe
    are great tools that can yield positive results,
    but there is a call under this New Moon to be gentle in your approach.

    What if we do away with this idea of big dreams and grand goals?

    What if we do away with this idea that we need to be productive and purposeful all the time?

    What if we did away with the idea of striving and just allowed ourselves to be?

    There has been strong cosmic energy these last few months leading us down into the underworld.

    This energy has been fuelled by retrograde Mercury and Mars,
    which are both in their post-retrograde shadow phase under the dark night of the Aquarius New Moon.

    During the shadow phase, all that has been hidden, all that has been lurking in the underworld,
    rises up, giving us a greater sense of clarity, understanding, and awareness.
    While this Aquarius New Moon does indeed carry some fresh energy
    and will help to clear the cobwebs of any inward journeys we have been making,
    there is a need to move with awareness, to be gentle with ourselves, and to ultimately,
    not put so much pressure on ourselves.

    We have just emerged from a dark and long journey, we need to be patient
    and give ourselves some grace to catch our breath.

    The Aquarius New Moon also happens to be the first of the lunar year
    and falls at 1 degree of Aquarius, a highly karmic degree for new beginnings.

    Even with the cobwebs from your journey to the underworld,
    you may naturally feel the flow of new beginnings
    filtering into your life.

    If you want to use this fresh new beginning energy to set some intentions
    and plant some seeds, you may want to take a more open approach.
    Rather than getting specific with your intentions and vision boarding exact scenarios,
    maybe think about how you wish to feel.

    How do you wish to feel when you wake up each morning?

    Make a list of three standout emotions you would like to feel,
    and then find ways to bring those feelings into your daily routine,
    even if it is just in a small way.

    Make it a point to observe when those feelings naturally arise.

    Thank them, pay respect and gratitude for them, and watch how they multiply in your life.

    Chariklo, the asteroid of spirit medicine, is active under this New Moon.

    Chariklo carries a deeply feminine energy that supports the natural healing powers of our body.

    The strength of Chariklo’s energy sends a beam, reminding us that our body is a capable,
    powerful machine that knows how to heal.

    Healing does not have to be a complete resolution of our symptoms.

    Healing can come in all forms.

    It can be acceptance, it can be learning,
    or it can be simply feeling good in your own skin regardless of what is going on.

    Remove any ideas you may have around what healing should look like,
    and trust that your body knows the way.

    Trust that your path to healing may look different, may feel different,
    and may have different outcomes, each of which is valid.

    As the asteroid of Spirit Medicine, Chariklo also reminds us to connect
    with the wisdom of nature to support our healing journey.

    This could involve spending time outside or nourishing our insides with foods and herbal medicines.

    If you are on your own healing journey, exploring alternative medicines
    and herbal treatments may be extra beneficial for you under this New Moon.

    You may find they open you to new avenues and opportunities along your healing path.

    Aquarius is ruled by the water bearer, which is a symbol for healing and transmuting.

    The water bearer holds space not just for the self, but for the entire world. When we heal, the world heals.

    When the world heals, so do we.
    Of course, we alone cannot heal the whole world, even though we may try.

    We only have agency over ourselves and how we choose to be in each moment.

    Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, but we can control the way we choose to show up
    and how we choose to look at things.

    This is our greatest power, and the Aquarius New Moon is the perfect time to recall and exercise this power.

    The water bearer also shows us that there is healing in the breath.

    Through one breath at a time, we can return to a state of balance and wholeness.

    If you have ever wanted to try breathwork, this New Moon would be a great time to start.

    This New Moon would also favor sound healing too.

    Combining both of these modalities would be a fantastic way to work with the energies of this New Moon.

    Shortly after this New Moon peaks, we have zero major planets in retrograde,
    indicating some strong forward-moving energy is on the way.

    We will feel the momentum building, we will feel ourselves naturally wanting to push forward
    and get things done.

    But keep some space to go at your own pace.

    Keep some awareness around this idea that we don’t have to pressure or force ourselves to go too big.

    We can, instead, return to the simpler side of life and choose to nourish, focus,
    and enjoy what is truly important to our souls.

    At the end of the day, it really is the little things, so let’s focus our attention there and see what good it brings.

    Tanaaz 1f90d. 1f64f_1f3fc. 1f90d.
    1f90d. 2604. 1f30a. 2728. 1f311. 2728. 1f30a. 2604. 1f90d.
    With Unconditional Love
    2728. foreverconscious.com 2728.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · ·


    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    Astrology Update: Mercury Goes Direct & Post-Shadows Phase Starts Until 7th Feb 2023

    Be Ready To Get Misunderstood One Last Time...

    Great day in Astrology for Capricorn, Gemini & Virgo signs
    As Finally, after some weeks of foggy & disruptive communication,
    MERCURY aka HERMES (The messengers of mythological gods)
    got Stationed Direct (sd) in Capricorn At ° ’

    Time to get a sigh of relief but hang in there…

    & -

    On February 7, 2023, Mercury will eventually leave the complete cycle of Retrograde
    (post-retrograde shadow) at 24° Capricorn 21′ so
    Mercury has yet to travel for more degrees
    until he is fully DIRECT & leave all Shadows behind…

    : A Cautious Goat

    Seriousness in thought process & believe in precise & to the point speech,
    point of view & taking no shits of lengthy & irrelevant
    discussions & wasting times on minor details.

    The ability to focus on one subject, object & matter is topnotch with this transit of
    Mercury in Capricorn (The Goat Horned).

    Solving many problems using the logic & systematic structure of thought process is what this
    transit brings in your day-to-day communication.


    Since its the sign of authority, power & ambitious lust for worldly gains such as “Materialism”,
    so when Mercury was in Retrograde in
    Capricorn, the danger was felt by people dealt the matters of manipulation
    because they were telling people what they wanted to hear
    just to create an impression of a holly cow & then manipulated them
    for the personal gains, politics & power of wealth attainment,
    & this created an element of cheating & dishonesty in communication…

    & - :

    : This is the period where Planet MERCURY
    is having resumed direct motion and moved from the degree of
    its direct station forward to the point where it originally went retrograde.

    When Mercury goes into the Post-Shadows phase of Retrograde,
    the problems with communication, technology, and travel become the
    new normal in societies when it comes to day-to-day communication
    & this is very tricky LINGERING On the phase of your brain
    functionality where, you can feel more pressure towards all those matters
    & leaving you with confusion mindset one last time to test
    your patience like if you lose your cool & headstrong focus or not,
    & remember Capricorn is the sign of discipline & focused Mind
    (Mercury In Capricorn)...

    With Mercury going over its retrograde phase one last time, there is a chance to re-visit,
    re-value and then make further adjustments to
    the matters & documentation you have created during PRE-Shadows,
    Retrograde, with this Post-Shadows & now, you can resolve any
    problems because you must have learned a lot of lessons by now, right??

    But be careful about the Lingering effects though because those
    smokescreens of confusion & misunderstandings are likely to grow
    or linger further until the MERCURY is fully direct in February

    There Are Still Many Weeks Left Until You Can Best Manifest Your Mental Energies
    Into Constructive Channels & Releasing The Anger
    & The Whole Mind Process Can Linger On WIth More Confusion & Fog In your Brain Ahead,
    So Yeah Be Careful Because It Will Create
    More Burden & Misunderstanding in Day-To-Day Communication…

    Make Notes & Write A Diary About Your Daily Tasks
    & Control The Instinctual Habits Of “Lack Of Concentration & Discipline” In Brain
    Functionalities... Keep writing notes about What To Avoid & What Not To do
    During This Post-Shadows Tricky “Linger On” Phase Of
    MERCURY Until Feb 2023 Ahead…

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Mercury #mercurydirect #mercuryretrograde #mercuryincapricorn #Capricorn #CapricornSeason #capricornhoroscope #zodiacsigns #zodiac #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #astrology #horoscope2023 #predictions #hermes #Messenger #messengerbag #communication #misunderstood
    All reactions:
    1Kamey Batiz

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Venus-Saturn Conjunction:

    This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher

    2023 Venus-Saturn Conjunction | Astronomy.com

    On Jan. 22, 2023, Venus and Saturn will sit less than one degree apart,
    making for a captivating cosmic sight.

    By David J. Eicher | Published: Monday, January 16, 2023

    Hi folks, tune in every week of 2023 for the best in astronomy from Astronomy Editor Dave Eicher,
    brought to you by Celestron.

    Dave’s weekly video series will cover all the latest sky events, scientific results, overviews of cosmic mysteries, and more!

    This week, prepare for an exciting observing event that will take place
    in the early evening on Jan. 22, 2023:

    Dazzlingly bright Venus and distant Saturn will sit less than a degree apart.

    That's so close you'll be able to see both planets sharing the same low-power telescopic field!

    Video transcript:

    Hi, I'm Dave Eicher, Editor of Astronomy magazine and welcome to This Week in Astronomy,
    brought to you by Celestron, the world's leading manufacturer of telescopes.

    This week is really exciting because we have a cool sky event happening on January 22, the early evening sky.
    If you have a clear sky, go out on that night, look low in the west, and you'll see Venus
    — dazzling bright Venus down relatively close to the horizon.

    If you look closely, you might see that Saturn is also right next to it, [less than] 1 degree apart.
    And they're so close that you can see the two of them together in the same low-power telescope field.
    This is what astronomers call a conjunction of planets.

    On Jan. 22, Venus and Saturn sit 21" apart.

    The planets’ sizes are shown here relative to each other
    but do not represent their brightness compared to the background stars.

    Astronomy: Roen Kelly

    And we also have the Moon, which is a few degrees below the pair of planets.

    So all three of those bodies are lined up as we see them.

    So this is really an exercise in depth perception,
    because we have the Moon a quarter-million miles away;
    Venus is 149 million miles away; and we have Saturn almost a billion miles away.

    You can see them all together at this incredible event,
    which I hope you'll enjoy.out these videos on Astronomy.com, our website; on Celestron's website;
    and on all our social media channels.
    And subscribe to Astronomy magazine.
    It'll give you the perfect guide on how to use your Celestron telescope.
    Enjoy the event, and I'll see you next week!
    [End of transcript.]

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    Website: https://astronomy.com
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    2023 Venus-Saturn Conjunction | Astronomy.com

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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