18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Mirinae Project

    Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was discovered by astronomers at the Zwicky Transient Facility in March, 2022.
    This comet has approx 50,000yr of orbital period, and some says that it might not return to Earth ever again due to some change in trajectory.
    I've been using my telescope for most of my shots, but this is my first photograph with my Nikon 500mm F4G VR prime lens mounted on a Nikon Z 6ii via FTZ.
    After an unsuccessful attempt to photograph this beauty a couple of days ago, I decided to try one last time before it's gone. Half-moon(Waxing gibbous) was brightening up early part of the night sky, but it was gone by 5am. And shooting condition was quite awesome as extreme cold air from the north brought down the humidity, and gave us haze-free shooting condition. (Other than the -26c temperature that me and my equipment had to suffer through 1f923. )
    Please enjoy, this will definitely be my last time seeing this beauty up in the sky unless I manage to live more than 50,000 yr myself hahaha
    Imaging Equipment:
    Nikon Z 6ii via FTZ
    Nikon AF-S 500mm f/4G ED VR
    ZWO AM5 Harmonic Drive Mount
    Asiair Plus + ASI120mmMini + ZWO 30F4 Guide scope
    Total 1 hour and 31 minutes of integration time
    91 usable frames (60' each)
    No Dark
    50 Flat frames
    #tbay #thunderbay #thunderbaystarchaser #thunderbayphogorapher #photography #photooftheday #zwo #zwoam5 #am5mount #nikonz6ii #nikonmirrorless #nikon #nikon500f4vr #photographer #stars #deepsky #astrophotography #natgeospace #milkywaychasers #astro_photography_ #ig_astrophotography #mirinaeproject #telescopecanada #HeartoftheContinent
    @kayleedotca @k.leephoto @zwoasi @nikoncanada

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jason The Astrologer
    29 jan 2023

    Today is January 29th, 2023 and the Moon is in Taurus.

    This Taurus Moon is square Jupiter in Aries.

    We have discovered more of ourselves and what has happened in the past
    but we still can’t see the truth of it all.

    Things are always hazy and getting to the truth of reality can be impossibl
    e when you have so many energies working in strange ways.

    So many people still have indifferent feelings towards the things that do not work correctly in their lives.

    Instead of looking at these issues closely and owning them they just seem to push them away
    and come to conclusions that are biased and completely wrong.

    Today you have to get intimate with the things you wish to understand and create.

    The energy is showing you what people are choosing to manifest this time around
    and you are seeing what you need in your life. You can get into a new place of love and light
    that will bring you closer to that fulfillment you are looking for.

    This is definitely not a time to blow things off.

    This is a time to see what everyone is manifesting and for you to do better.

    Remember you’re the spiritual one and you care more about life as a whole.

    Most of them out there spend little time thinking of how we all work together to create this life.

    You're special to the Universe.

    Mercury in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus and this energy is still uncertain of itself.

    You see this is the third time Mercury has been at this degree.

    So we are finally doing things that we should have done in the past right now
    but we are feeling weird about it much like an abused child.

    We are feeling like things are still not connected correctly. Take your time with this energy,
    things are working out better than they feel at this point.

    This is a time to take care of the things that really need it and you are on that list, everyone is.

    Today you may be dying to get more pleasure in your life but some people are dying just to feel normal.

    We all have desires and today it’s important that you help those that are struggling with theirs.

    Give them a wink and a pat on the back, and let them know that you care about them too.

    We are all in this together and it takes a really strong person to notice where people
    are hurting and where in our society we need to lift people up.

    It's a full-time job.

    Mars is slowly moving forward in Gemini and this energy is trine the Sun in Aquarius.

    Things feel like they are still not moving forward and that is because both Mars and Mercury
    have been slowly moving forward in time and this is a grind.

    These two represent our energy and ability to flow forward.

    Things will open up and move faster and faster as the weeks pass because both of these planets
    will gain more speed.

    I would prepare for things to take off soon enough.

    This energy today is all about changing ideals and people are learning more about what it is
    to become what it is they wish within society.

    What people imagine is value is not because life changes all the time.

    You can be a person who follows your ways to be what you consider moral but in two years' time,
    you may feel threatened by your own morality.

    In other words, be careful not to stick yourself to any doctrines that are not how you wish to live from the inside out,
    if you are different now then be different.

    Some people are meant to change and this is super changeful energy.

    Remember you’re here to connect with your insides and connect them with integrity to your surrounding reality.

    If that connection is not genuine then things will always feel off and you will always create problems.

    Today is a day to see that issue and disconnect from your problems for good.

    You can feel more fulfilled with how you feel now just connect in a genuine way and be yourself.

    This is JTA PEACE!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·


    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    45m ·
    Astrology Update: Predictions For Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio & Leo

    - :
    ☉ △ 2642. : Here comes Air Trine between Sun In Aquarius & Mars In Gemini
    : An Intellectual Drive To Succeed Through Competitiveness
    & Ambitious Nature Against All Odds… But Still Factors, Influences Are Favoring Your Lifestyles
    & Universe Is Helping You To Achieve Your Goals Using Physical Vitality & Mental Strength...

    & : An Intellectual Drive, Vitality
    & Will To Achieve Something Big in Life Through Showing
    A Display Of Unconventional Competitive Skills,
    Ambitions, Determination, Perseverance & Sharp Reflexes
    Of The Intellectual Trine Between Aquarius & Gemini Signs…

    These energies & transit can produce immense perseverance & vitality in human nature
    because SUN is ego drive while Mars is Manifesting that drive into constructive
    & productivity in life through Action-orientation
    & display of instigative & since its Gemini, the display of action-orientation would revolve around ideas,
    planning, using words & communication & by getting the ego-drive & vitality from SUN,
    the flightiness & diversion of ideas of Gemini will get some boost towards gaining the confidence
    in making those ideas, communication into constructive & focused actions & this way natives today
    will find it easy to chase their dreams & goals because they have strength & vitality of focused SUN
    in Aquarius energies helping out the flighty, witty & defusing Mars in Gemini…

    Basically, Sun is a drive to help Mars in Gemini to reach the heights of glory in life in all sectors,
    be it a profession, self-image, & fighting abilities to stand for rights & personal relationships
    or the educational academic efforts will also produce some positive results due to push
    that this Mars is receiving from SUN in Aquarius, which is very futuristic & unconventional in approach…

    , & :
    This transit between Aquarius & Gemini will make immense energies within the native`s whole productive mind.
    Because Body & Mind is perfectly aligned through this Harmonious Trine between Mutable & Fixed Air signs…

    Your determination & vitality today will be higher than usual with more confidence towards achievement
    in life by using the strong & sharpest reflexes of body & mind due to these two intellectual signs…

    : Aquarius uses Calf muscles, while Gemini uses Hands,
    Arms & Shoulders & together they`d create a nice balance from toe to mind & help your body
    to produce constructive & sharp reflexes to achieve something in your professional to personal life today…
    Using the strong motivation today, you will get some hold on to the ongoing situation in your life
    which require strong vitality, and physical & mental strength to fix all issues through your focused
    & witty brain with your strong physique to follow through, for dreams, goals & competitions to get it through in life
    in better & manifesting way…

    Use this transit in constructive ways & use flighty & tons of mindful brain & physical activities
    into positive manifestation process to achieve, chase & follow through in your life regarding goals,
    ambitions, reaching the status-quo position in life ahead & dont waste those energies just by sitting idle
    into deep mental thoughts & rather utilize those ideas into physical activities & take appropriate actions
    because today, with Gemini & Aquarius harmonizes today, you are a master of your own fate…
    with love & best wishes…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #suntrinemars #AquariusSZN #Aquarius #AquariusSeason #AirTrine #airelement #astrologypost #astrologymemes #astrology #Astrologer #transits #January2023 #February #February2023 #tarot #idea #ideas #motivationalquotes #mindfulness #mindsetmatters #vitality #Mars #marsingemini #Gemini #zodiac #zodiacsigns #intellectual

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    30th JAN 2023
    01ST FEB 2023

    Astrology Update: Lunar Cycles For 30th Jan - 1st February 2023

    Moon Ingresses Gemini - The Twins Air Sign

    From 30th Jan - 1st Feb 2023

    : Shoulders, Arms,
    Hands, Respiratory System, Lungs, Nervous Connections.

    Ideas, Perception, Conversationalists, Communication & Strong
    Social Media influencers… Also adjustments for the Settlement in “Divorce” cases
    as well as “Separation” within the couple due to
    “Deception” & “Misunderstandings” & inability to fulfill commitments
    & vows due to “Nervousness & confusion”...

    & :

    Jan 30, 00°00’ Enters 0°Gemini

    Jan 30, At 04°30’, Moon Square Venus In Pisces

    Jan 30, At 05°50’ Moon Sextile Jupiter In Aries

    Jan 31, At 10°06’ Moon Conjunct Mars In Gemini

    Jan 31, At 11°05’ Moon Trines Sun In Aquarius

    Feb 1, At 23°36’ Moon Square Neptune In Pisces

    Feb 1, At 25°54’ Moon Trine Saturn In Aquarius

    , , & :
    Instigative Mind & Thought Process Which Would Be
    Highly Provocative & Interactive, Communication, First Hands Experience
    Through the Usage Of Both Angles/Sides of A Mind & Story
    At Once. Nervousness, Learning Because Of High Curiosity
    Towards Information To Gain Experience Through Experiments In Life.

    Because of the reason "Stressful Energies Through NEP & Mighty MARS,
    as Lunar heading towards MARS In Gemini for conjunction,
    there would be some nasty stressful energies arising in the SKY,
    especially for Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces & Gemini itself…

    Luna will be stressed out due to Mars & Neptune and can bring serious conflicts at home
    due to lack of understanding between couples,
    parents & siblings mainly…

    You will be under influence of Generosity & kindness towards the needy people around your community
    or maybe charity or fundraising over the Internet (Using social media accounts),
    also publicity for your profession through Digital Marketing to persuade clients Or
    professionals easily, Tarot & Astrology is the best medium to channelize this mind wandering
    & curious energies which are very intellectual & ideal days for all Mind & Communicative
    deals with other people) your mind will remain very curious & like EMOTIONS
    will be ruled by intellectualism & growing experience through mindfulness & different ideas
    for the complexity of problems mainly because of the Aquarius Season
    & Venus floats inside compassionate & reclusive or withdrawn Pisces...

    with love & best wishes…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #moonlight #moon #moonrise #moonlovers #Gemini #geminimoon #waxinggibbous #lunarcycle #Lunatic #astrology #astrologymemes #Astrologer #astrologypost #zodiac #zodiacsigns #wordpress #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #horoscope #horoscopedaily #zodiacmemes #transits

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    31 jan 2023


    APOD: A Triple View of Comet ZTF (2023 Jan 31)
    Image Credit & Copyright: Javier Caldera & Miguel Gracia
    Explanation: Comet ZTF has a distinctive shape.
    The now bright comet visiting the inner Solar System
    has been showing not only a common dust tail, ion tail, and green gas coma,
    but also an uncommonly distinctive antitail.
    The antitail does not actually lead the comet
    -- it is just that the head of the comet is seen superposed
    on part of the fanned-out and trailing dust tail.
    The giant dirty snowball that is Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
    has now passed its closest to the Sun
    and tomorrow will pass its closest to the Earth.
    The main panel of the featured triple image shows how Comet ZTF l
    ooked last week to the unaided eye under a dark and clear sky over Cáceres, Spain
    . The top inset image shows how the comet looked through binoculars,
    while the lower inset shows how the comet looked through a small telescope.
    The comet is now visible all night long from northern latitudes
    but will surely fade from easy observation during the next few weeks.
    Starship Asterisk* • APOD Discussion Page

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Beautiful sunset over Blue Mountain #BlueMountain
    #ontario #canada on #GeorgianBay on 31 Jan 2023
    — at Woodland Beach #WoodlandBeach #Ontario
    in #canada
    Photographer: Kelly MacKendrick

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