18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Love and support is one of the most valuable things we can offer one another 1f495.
    -Green Woman 1f331. 1f33f. 1f344. 1f496.
    Walks With Thunder, Shaman

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    45m · 23 jan 2023

    Astrology Update: Predictions For Taurus, Leo, Aquarius & Scorpio

    Uranus Goes Station Direct On 22nd January With The Start Of Its Ruling Sign "Aquarius" Seasson...!!!


    Uranus Goes Direct In Taurus: An Appropriate Disruption Shift Food & Crypto Currency

    Uranus started its Retrograde season or motion back on August 24, 2022, at 18° Taurus 55′

    Uranus stations and turns direct on January 22, 2023, at 14° Taurus 56′

    : A Post Shadows Of Lingering Effects

    Uranus Gets Direct & Goes Post-Shadows Of Retrograde Until May 9th 2023 & Leaves Post-Shadows at 18° Taurus 2649. 55′

    So technically, we have to wait for the actual Retrograde phase over for URANUS until 9th May 2023…
    (Interestingly, that will be the
    Taurus Season & Uranus leaves Retrograde motion inside another Fixed sign
    Aquarius & leaves Post-Shadows inside another Fixed
    season of Taurus, how cool is this?)...

    : Uranus was discovered back in 1781
    & Uranus has an Orbital cycle
    against the sun for about 84 years til he
    completes the whole zodiac wheel…

    : A Confusion About Rebelling
    & Revolting Against Authorities, Exageratted Sex & Deviation

    Retrograde Uranus Had its own problems for Taurus & those problems are related
    to the areas of concern how & where to rethink &
    reconsider BULL efforts to revolt & from whom, Bulls want to break free
    & how to channel the rebellion instincts into constructive
    instead of just sitting inside comfort zones & unsettle the whole domestic family system,
    Retrograde Uranus invited those Bulls & Fixed
    signs to revolt & consider better options to put those humanitarian effort
    s into the betterment of societies you are living in...

    How to Rebel, where to revolt & when to withdraw was a major concern

    during the Retrograde phase of URANUS since August 2022.

    : A Lingering Effect

    Since Uranus rules Electricity, Modern Day Technology including computer programing
    & Internet big time as well as Futuristic & fast
    forward thinking (Ahead of mercury time), & since Uranus rules Progressive,
    Intelligent & futuristic Aquarius who is supposed to be the
    ruler of Rebelliousness & Humanitarian, Uranus Post-Shadows can linger on
    those matters of confusion & putting efforts could go into
    wasteful ventures & endeavors which cannot bring fruitful “Revolting Efforts”,
    but also result in chaos & further anarchy & false
    movements in countries…

    If you are associated with any human rights organizations

    & feeling immense pressure from incompatible authorities,

    it's probably due to Uranus's confusing period of SHADOWS

    & gonna be alright & you will not feel an element of “Annoyance” by 9th May 2023…

    (Interestingly, that will be the Taurus Season & Uranus leaves Retrograde motion
    inside another Fixed sign Aquarius & leaves Post-Shadows
    inside another Fixed season of Taurus, how cool is this?)…
    A reminder About Uranus: Uranus was discovered back in 1781
    & Uranus has an Orbital cycle against the sun for about 84 years til he completes the whole zodiac wheel…
    The basic archetypes of Uranus: Disruptive Towards Conventionalism
    & Traditions Due To Originality & Versatility Concerns, Exaggeration Of Ideas
    That Hurt Mercury Matters, Based On Equality Thinking, Revolt,
    Rebelliousness Against Traditions & Authorities, Political Upheavals, human rights Activists,
    and Riots Against Sitting Governments To Revolt Using Humanitarian Efforts
    To Rescue The Oppression & Eradication Process Within The Societies.

    Themes Of Uranus Direct Motion: Appropriation Approval To Revolt,
    Breaking Free From Authorities Politically & Mentally Using The Higher Octave Of Mercurial Mindset…

    My Two Cents On Retrograde Planets: I have seen many Astrologers
    & Spiritual Guides (Psychic Readers) with so many Planets being Retrograde
    in their horoscopes.

    Because they are so deeply involved and familiar with inward energies occupying their Heart & Mind
    (Meaning their Heart is aligned to the Animus system & thought process of the Brain)
    that they feel like talking to Divine Angels all the time and this gives them so much Spiritual Developmen
    t in life that they start to HEAL the world through their Spiritual Services…
    Uranus Retrograde Problems: Pros & Cons For Taurus, Scorpio, Leo & Aquarius

    The issue associated with your revolting brain & mindset is the actual higher octave
    of mindfulness “Uranus” brings observation of your own mental and emotional processes
    in highlight but also makes a native focus those issues inwards
    & we natives cannot focus our rebelling & revolting freedom campaign
    launched towards the oppression rescuing process but we just stuck to ourselves
    & these ways URANUS RETROGRADE phase limits our thought process
    & we become stubborn & self-centered (typical Taurus)…

    This is believed & practiced that, URANUS in Taurus acts best when he’s in Retrograde because Taurus cannot revolt & break free from its self-centeredness & comfort zones as the Aquarius could do (Rulership sign), & Taurus was never comfortable since the URANUS has hit this sign & there are some more years to come for Taurus to tolerate & sustain the pressure for changing the traditional traits of Taurus… But the Retrograde period was somehow better in terms of FOOD business, Cryptocurrencies but then there was a downfall in the Crypto field as well due to Covid & other issues related to PLUTO & mainly URANUS SQUARE Saturn because Saturn has been floating back & forth due to retrograde motions inside Aquarius & URA & SAT both are traditional & modern rulers of AQUAIURS sign & naturally, Taurus & Aquarius have the nasty relationship between them including fixed belief-system which is hard to leave & move ahead (Taurus side especially)… Retrograde Uranus has its own problems for Taurus & those problems are related to the areas of concern how & where to rethink & reconsider BULL efforts to revolt & from whom, B
    ulls want to break free & how to channel the rebellion instincts into constructive
    instead of just sitting inside comfort zones & unsettle the whole domestic family system,
    Retrograde Uranus invited those Bulls & Fixed signs to revolt
    & consider better options to put those humanitarian efforts into the betterment
    of societies you are living in…

    How to Rebel, where to revolt & when to withdraw was a major concern
    during the Retrograde phase of URANUS since August 2022.
    If you’ve been firmly stuck in your comfort zone, this is your time to rebel a bit.
    Take a leap of faith! This is also a fab period to take a good,
    hard look at your circle of friends: who stays and who goes?
    Are there old pals you’ve lost touch with? Be a good friend and send them a text.​

    Post Shadow Phase Of Uranus: A Lingering Effect
    Since Uranus rules Electricity, Modern Day Technology including computer programing
    & Internet big time as well as Futuristic & fast forward thinking (Ahead of mercury time),
    & since Uranus rules Progressive, Intelligent & futuristic Aquarius who is supposed to be the ruler
    of Rebelliousness & Humanitarian, Uranus Post-Shadows can linger on those matters
    of confusion & putting efforts could go into wasteful ventures & endeavors which cannot bring
    fruitful “Revolting Efforts”, but also result in chaos & further anarchy & false movements in countries…

    For Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio & Taurus: A Lesson In Lingering Phase Of Post-Shadows
    A sense of feeling left out with an element of irritation, mood swings,
    & annoyance which might result in breaking free from groups can also arise during this “Post shadows”
    Lingering phase.

    So be careful & consider all aspects while leaving any joint humanitarian efforts or NGO,
    Groups you have been associated with during the Retrograde phase…

    Repeating it again, do not leave your groups & continue staying inside during this lingering period of “Post-shadows of Uranus Retrograde”, because such Post Shadows are provocative & push people towards unethical
    & suddenness which brings embarrassment & regrets later on… dont consider anything revolting as if
    now we are speaking until 9th May 2023 where URANUS will be fully DIRECT
    & then you cannel your mindfulness & revolting energies into better rebellion
    & humanitarian efforts & there you can leave or join groups…
    If you are associated with any human rights organizations
    & feeling immense pressure from incompatible authorities,
    it’s probably due to Uranus’s confusing period of SHADOWS & gonna be alright & you will not feel an element of “Annoyance”
    by 9th May 2023…

    So hang in there, with love & best wishes…
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Read the full article on my blog here for complete understanding about Retrograde

    & Post Shadow Period of Uranus & how it influences you through a strange lingering-on stigma

    of post-shadows & how it confuses you further in your manifestation process
    of your revolting rebelling energies.

    Full Article Here: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/.../astrology.../

    So hang in there, with love & best wishes…

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #Uranus #UranusRetrograde #uranusintaurus #uranusdirect #January #Aquarius #AquariusSeason #AquariusSZN #astronomy #Astrologer #astrology #astrologypost #revolt #electricity #higheroctave #Mercury #11thhouseastrology #AquariusGang #Taurus #scorpion #Leo #zodiacsigns #zodiac #breakfree #traditions #Rules #authority #oppression #oppressed #oppressive #humanity

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    pluto went into aquarius in 1161 bce,
    right around the time of the late bronze age collapse...
    those 20 years saw the biggest shift in human history up til then.
    Ancient Mesopotamia and egypt had been relatively stable since ancient sumer.
    That all came crashing down...violently !!!

    Chanda Sparkles says:

    Pluto will dip his toe in Aquarius March 23rd, 2023.

    We will get a taste of what is in store until he goes retrograde May 1st, 2023

    to return back to the tail end degrees of Capricorn.

    23 jan 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Dale Osadchuk · ·

    2023 Aquarius Super New Moon
    21 Jan at 12.53 pm PST- 3.53 pm EST- 8.53 pm GMT
    22 Jan at 4.53 am AWST Perth- 7.53 am AEDT Sydney NSW Australia
    As I begin to write this post it is Jan 20. The Sun entered Aquarius and the Earth entered Leo early this morning at 3.30 am EST. They have activated the Tarot Constellation of Strength: courage and self-esteem. The theme is courage of your convictions, discovering your inner strength, courage to be yourself, and strengthening your connection to Source. For me that is Creator and Great Mystery. That is also the theme for this Aquarius New Moon cycle. In Esoteric Astrology these are 5thRay signs, knowledge and healing, with Archangels Raphael, the Shinning One who heals, and Mary, acceptance and unconditional love. Healing and Love is also the theme.
    Aquarius is the sign associated with friendship, group ideals, and Collective Consciousness. It is also individuality and innovation. It connects us to Cosmic Consciousness. Being open to the messages from the Universe to guide us is very important. Here is a recent personal experience. My family had been considering adopting a new dog to join our pack (a dog and two cats). Last week we found a ten month old German Shephard who needed a new home. Our resident dog is also a Shephard Mix. Last night as we were talking about bringing home the new Pup today we all felt a little apprehensive. As we were expressing our concerns a song popped into my head. “This is my message to you…Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright”. This is a Bob Marley song called “Three Little Birds”. Although I know his music it was unusual for me to hear the lyrics. Message from the Universe for sure. Today our new animal companion arrived and everything has been “alright”. This is my affirmation for this Moon cycle. What is yours?
    Spiritual Aquarius is our hopes, wishes, dreams and the gifts of healing we have come to share with the world (5th Ray). Even if we do not have any planets in this sign we all have Aquarius somewhere in our natal chart. This Aquarius New Moon cycle is about sharing our gifts. The Sun/Moon are at 01 degree Aquarius 32 travelling with Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn 20 (transformation of society and opening our path to giving our Soul gifts). We can see this as an initiation for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23. The New Moon is sextile (new opportunities) Juno and Jupiter both at 04 degrees Aries (new inspired relationship vision). Jupiter is the Soul Centered ruler of Aquarius and supports us to grow and expand our spiritual vision. There are other planetary pairs that also emphasize this.
    The traditional ruler for Aquarius is Saturn. He is at 24 degrees Aquarius travelling with Venus at 23 degrees Aquarius. Together they support us to strengthen our foundation based on harmony and balance. They are guided by Uranus Rx at 14 degrees Taurus (breakthrough to the new) who is working in harmony with the Goddess Hygiea at 13 degrees Capricorn (healing ourselves and the world). Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius so breakthrough is also a theme for this Moon cycle. He has been retrograde (inner breakthrough) since 24 Aug 2022 and moves direct on Jan 22/23 (breaking free). The other significant pairing is Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces (illusion or enlightenment) travelling with Vesta at 22 degrees Pisces (our commitment to the spiritual path). They are guided by Jupiter (higher consciousness) and the Soul Centered ruler of Pisces, Pluto (transformation).
    I have said many times before the Universe likes to throw us a curve ball to see if we are paying attention. At this New Moon we have a YOD configuration. It is often called the Finger of God or the Finger of Fate. This one involves Mars at 08 degrees Gemini (duality or integration) as the focus. He is inconjunct (letting go) Mercury at 08 degrees Capricorn (limited thinking) and the South Node at 09 degrees Scorpio (releasing the past and transformation to the new). Mars and Mercury have just recently both moved in direct motion (moving forward). Mars is aligned with the Royal Star Aldebaran at 10 degrees Gemini (integrity at all times) and will be until early Feb.
    The release point of the YOD is Sagittarius (higher consciousness). The Royal Star Antares is at 10 degrees Sagittarius (transition and transformation). Again this energy is with us until early Feb. It is the opportunity to heal and release the past.
    The Clan Mother who guides us in this Aquarius New Moon cycle is Wisdom Keeper. She is the Mother of friendship, Planetary Unity, and Mutual Understanding. She teaches us to honour the truth. She is the guardian of Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom. For the Earth in Leo we are guided by She Who Heals. She is the Keeper of the Healing Arts and the Intuitive Healer. She teaches us how to serve the truth. (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).
    Our Animal Totem guide for the Aquarius New Moon cycle is Otter, companionship, friendship, and sharing. I love when River Otters sleep they hold hands so they don’t float away. Maybe that is where “A helping hand” comes from. For the Earth in Leo we are guided by Salmon, courage and determination to create the new. They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.
    We are a little late in posting this but our new family member needed attention. But as Bob Marley’s song said “everything is ALLRIGHT”
    Namaste and blessings,

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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