18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Year of the Cat: Vietnamese Canadians want their zodiac recognized this Lunar New Year | CBC News
    Year of the Cat: Vietnamese Canadians want their zodiac recognized this Lunar New Year | CBC News


    British Columbia
    Year of the Cat: Vietnamese Canadians want their zodiac recognized this Lunar New Year

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    Vietnamese Canadians will usher in the Year of the Cat rather than the Year of the Rabbit

    Winston Szeto · CBC News · Posted: Jan 20, 2023 12:41 PM EST | Last Updated: January 21
    Kim Phan Nguyễn-Stone, second from right, is pictured with her husband Dave and their children John, 6, Moses, 2, and Raphaela, 8, at their Vancouver home adorned with Vietnamese Lunar New Year decorations. (Ben Nelms/CBC)
    Vancouver mom Kim Phan Nguyễn-Stone says she's excited about marking the Lunar New Year with her family starting this Sunday, but she has been dismayed by the red-and-gold decorations on the streets ushering in the Year of the Rabbit.
    "[This] is very much a Chinese expression of Lunar New Year," she said. "Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits, but no cats — it feels a little bit like we've been forgotten."
    Nguyễn-Stone is one of the many Vietnamese Canadians who will celebrate the arrival of Tết Quý Mão (Year of the Cat), but feel that the Lunar New Year's celebration of diversity doesn't extend to the Vietnamese calendar.
    Like the Chinese, the Vietnamese lunar calendar runs on a 12-year cycle, with each year corresponding to a zodiac animal.
    But the two cultures have developed slightly different lineups of astrological signs. While the Chinese have the ox as the second sign and the rabbit as the fourth, the Vietnamese have the water buffalo and the cat instead.
    The Chinese and Vietnamese have developed slightly different lineups of astrological signs. (CBC Graphics)
    There are numerous folk theories as to why the Vietnamese calendar has a cat instead of a rabbit. According to University of Tennessee religious studies professor Megan Bryson, one explanation is the Chinese astrological term for rabbit, mǎo (卯), was misinterpreted as mèo ("cat" in Vietnamese) when ancient Vietnam adapted the Chinese zodiac.
    Latest census data shows that the number of people of Vietnamese ancestry grew 14.5 per cent across Canada from 2016 to 2021, a higher rate than people who identify their ethnic origin as Chinese (–3 per cent) or Korean (9.8 per cent), another Asian community that commemorates the Year of the Rabbit.
    But growth in the Vietnamese population hasn't translated into greater recognition. In recent weeks, hundreds of Vietnamese people in Canada, the U.S. and beyond have taken to social media — such as Subtle Viet Traits, a Facebook group subscribed by more than 110,000 members — venting their frustration that the wider community doesn't seem willing to acknowledge the Year of the Cat.
    Vietnamese people in North America and beyond have been circulating this image inspired by the popular 'woman yelling at a cat' meme to poke fun at their frustration with the lacking recognition of the Year of the Cat. (Kris Nguyen)
    Group member and Victoria resident James Le (Lê Đức), who was born in the Year of the Cat as were his parents, says the zodiac animal is an important part of their identity and he expects other people will respect it.
    "[If other people] see the regular Western zodiac signs, you can imagine if you thought of yourself as, say, a Capricorn, but then you see some other name for it, it throws you off a little bit," he said.
    Le says he hopes public organizations and private companies can honour Vietnamese culture in the future.
    WATCH︱James Le marks the Year of the Cat with his mom's gift, a cat figurine:


    Vietnamese Lunar New Year celebrates the Year of the Cat

    1 day ago
    The Vietnamese community in B.C. is spreading awareness about the animal they are celebrating this Lunar New Year: the cat.
    But business professor Wootae Chun of the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, who specializes in cross-cultural marketing, argues that in order to make this happen, Vietnamese community associations across Canada should actively promote their culture to decision makers in private and public sectors through better social media strategies.
    "Once you make them feel the importance of the cultural differences [between] Lunar New Years of the Cat and Rabbit, they will be trying to apply those cultural meanings to their decision-making process," Chun said.
    Nguyễn-Stone says as a second-generation Canadian with limited proficiency in Vietnamese, she's doing her part to pass on her Vietnamese heritage, teaching whatever she knows about the culture to her three children.
    "If I don't do it, they're not really going to learn as much as they could."
    Nguyễn-Stone and her daughter Raphaela are pictured dressed in the Vietnamese áo dài. She says she teaches whatever she knows about Vietnamese culture to her children. (Ben Nelms/CBC)

    On The Coast6:43Vietnamese communities celebrating the Year of the Cat.
    Vietnamese Canadians James Le and Kim Nguyen-Stone, and Wootae Chun, a professor at the University of Northern British Columbia, spoke to CBC digital journalist Winston Szeto about how Vietnamese zodiac animals may differ from Chinese and Korean ones.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Star Walk

    See the Moon, Saturn, and Venus together in the sky 2728.
    On January 23, at 07:22 GMT, the 2-day-old Moon will pass close to Saturn. The sky objects will meet in the constellation Capricornus.
    A bit later, at 08:20 GMT, the brightest planet Venus will pass nearby. You may see the three objects together with the naked eye, with clear dark skies provided. 1f303.
    See more

    Astro Aatif shared a post.
    · ·


    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    : Another chapter to my NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS Post
    (Very much an addon)...

    A 1f311. New Moon 1f311. With Fixed Stars In Aquarius ♒︎ at 1°AQU29’
    (Fixed Stars Floats & Scattered Throughout
    The Zodiac Signs & Create A Different addon
    & impact with malefic & benefic influences & energies)...

    Something exciting factor in the sky with this NEW MOON energy in Aquarius…

    This New Moon In Aquarius Is Right On The Fixed Star Altair
    - The Eye Of An Eagle” On 21st January 2023

    ° ’ -

    Altair is a pale yellow star 2b50. in the neck Of The Eagle in The Constellation Of Aquila….

    In astrology, Altair was a mischief-maker and portended danger from reptiles.

    2b50. Fixed star ALTAIR 2b50. In The Constellation Of Alpha (α) Aquila (1°47” Aquarius)
    It marks the right wing's junction with the eagle's body.

    : Altair 2b50. has attributes Of Mars, Jupiter & Saturn

    & 2b50. :
    impartial, reckless, audacious, susceptible to accidents – unexpected

    notoriety, albeit brief & makes its natives guilty of bloodshed
    and gives danger from venomous animals &

    The concept of “ ” is existent in Altair Archetypes
    because it has been associated with the SCORPIO sign as well
    because of similarities so that is why danger from Reptiles is there & natives with
    heavy ALTAIR influence & Scorpio placements love dangerous
    & most feared Animals, fearlessly & openly...

    Note: I will check the charts of National Geographic
    & Animal Planet folks who happen to capture & play

    around with dangerous & venomous animals & reptiles fearlessly
    & I am sure, many of them have strong
    "ALTAIR" energies...

    It is said to give great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will,
    a dominating character, influence over
    others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind,
    and an ability for chemical research.

    2b50. & :

    1- & ,
    Altair 2b50. is credited with bestowing hardiness, courage,
    and generosity.

    2- & ,
    2b50. Altair 2b50. can bring danger from poisonous creatures such
    as dangerous “Reptiles” which I have mentioned above...

    , ( ),


    Due To the new moon configuration, this 2b50. Altair
    is connecting with both SUN & MOON in Aquarius…

    which is positioned today with ALTAIR,
    this transit will make people bold as brass
    and foolhardy in order to assert themselves.

    : Public honor, notoriety, favors from superiors,
    many friends (Which is typical to the

    Aquarius sign collectively) and also, some ill-health and losses,
    the danger of bites from venomous animals
    (The nature of Scorpio for sure, due to MARS influence
    & those with heavy SCORPIO placements & Altair

    intact, they are very much keeping & playing around the Wild Reptiles
    & venomous animals boldly &
    fearlessly indeed)...

    Thats all folks & because this influence was so obvious
    & prominent in the sky right now, I decided to create
    another post about the NEW MOON occurrence on 2b50. Fixed Star Altair 2b50.

    For more insights about NEW MOON In Aquarius for signs & energies,
    you need to go through my previous
    dedicated post on “New Moon In Aquarius On 21st January 2023 At 1 Deg…”
    because this FIXED STAR post
    is just an add-on…

    I will see you my friends, readers, and followers in the next Astrological post…

    With much love & care,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fixedstars #Altair #constellation #aquila #Eagles #eagleneck #AquariusSZN #Aquarius #AquariusGang
    #fixedstarsastrology #zodiacsigns #zodiac #zodiacpost #astrologyreadings #astrologypost #astrologymemes
    #Astrologer #astrology #tarot #reptile

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Maryanne Savino

    In the Chinese horoscope, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit or, more specifically, the Year of the Water Rabbit. The rabbit is believed to be the luckiest of the 12 animals to be born under and considered a gentle animal that thinks before acting. The Year of the Rabbit represents peaceful and patient energy. The water element suggests tapping into inner wisdom and trusting instincts. Together, the Water Rabbit indicates focusing on relationships, diplomacy, and building bridges in professional and personal relationships. Those born in years associated with the Rabbit, specifically 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, and 2023, should have good fortune, patience, and prosperity in 2023, according to one Chinese horoscope. 1f4a7. 1f407. 1f300. 1f497.

    • Sam Beadle


    • Sam Beadle
      Thank you, dear sister. Happy year of the rabbit! 2764. 1f642.

    • Cindy Hughes
      im water sign to scorpio woot woot 2764.

    • Mary Dusina

      =AZUdaBlAZyZVPI586J2ma8oI8pjvZr7tnGeTCZC-fnCtAJy9YVK2V8Z1jL1ujzLn-oeHVQ61aXDc6SvVAXQqH3dJSSE4r0fTmoE4352dJd1KxEI3ogwfEQiHvKmhbxgTzKf_LsQh7Wk6iKKPmz2aufUJBlFbgp1s6eIRnegsjdpkTg&__tn__=R]-R'] g_s851x315&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=5Qt5uHE0apAAX8KwGLs&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    • William Jason O'Mara

      =AZUdaBlAZyZVPI586J2ma8oI8pjvZr7tnGeTCZC-fnCtAJy9YVK2V8Z1jL1ujzLn-oeHVQ61aXDc6SvVAXQqH3dJSSE4r0fTmoE4352dJd1KxEI3ogwfEQiHvKmhbxgTzKf_LsQh7Wk6iKKPmz2aufUJBlFbgp1s6eIRnegsjdpkTg&__tn__=R]-R'] g_s851x315&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=Kk2cDSRDou0AX8ImqfA&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    : " 1f311. New Moon 1f311. Aqua ♒︎ at 1°AQU29’".

    Matters Taking Sudden Upheaval & Shift As Significator
    because MOON & SUN Change Signs & forming
    NEW MOON shape in the dark sky…

    The Distinctive cosmical shift in energies with the arrival
    & occurrence of the NEW & Darkest Moon in the
    sign of Aquarius (The Water Bearer)

    Here comes the New Moon In Aquarius On 22nd January 2023


    ° ’ -

    : Manifesting The Unusual & Suddenness To Shock The Entire World
    Through Unconventional
    Start Including Impartialities, Breaking The Traditions
    Like Evapurational Lava Which Have Been Suffocating
    & Oppressing The Collective Consciousness, & Trying Sabotaging The Traditional Status-Quo.

    Modern Manifestations Will Lead The Entire Human Race
    Towards Developing Modern Technologies,
    Working With Larger Peers & Developing More Friendships Globally
    At the Collective Scale Of 11th House…

    & :
    Transcending The Entire Human race &
    Cultures With Unwontedism 11th House

    Modernization & advance humans are suffering from the increment of anxiety
    because the world is too
    complex & modern authorities & humanitarian efforts are being
    made towards transcending the race &
    cultures through developing advanced breakthroughs via technologies,
    unconventional ways to resurrect the
    conservative mindset & push the world towards adaptability,
    believing in uncertainties & unsettling the
    status-quo of the collective consciousness because of 11th House peer
    s & doing new stuff globally and at
    large scale…


    Let Me Shock The World Through Transcending Races & Cultures
    & Building More Humanitarian Groups
    Because Conventional Is Boring…
    Also, Uranus circles the zodiac & completes his orbit every 84 years, so
    Uranus has to stay in a sign for 7 years each…

    New Moon In Aquarius is the same as the meeting of Traditions Vs Modernization
    & there is a power
    struggle between the old & new generations because Saturn
    & Uranus are being operational at the same time
    with this conjunction of the “Luminaries AKA SUN & MOON”,
    & new & unusual communal setup by the
    Rebellious New Gen “Uranus”, is up against the traditional structure
    of old school teacher “Saturn” & with
    this combination & conjunction in the sky is darker
    because the New Moon energies are very dark in the sky
    & the manifestation process we create today will be resulting in unknown
    new territories of breaking the
    traditions while confronting with authorities of Fatherly Saturn…
    So yeah Saturn pushes Uranus to form ties
    with old & limited groups of circles because of “Trust issues”,
    while Uranus will rebel against Saturn because
    of the urges with the unknown, and unfamiliar & building up ties,
    bonds & peers with strangers…

    As Aquarius Is An Unusual Collective Consciousness,
    So The Traditional & Modern Friendships Are Lifely
    To Be Formed Globally & Collectively Because Saturn
    Is the Time Lord Whereas Uranus Is A Ruler Of Astrology…

    Aquarius by default is the 11th sign & it is a Positive & extrovert by nature
    & since it contains floating & flow
    of AIR, the manifesting process will be very interesting with a NEW MOON
    IN AQUARIUS & I believe there
    will be a lot of logic, smart solutions & consideration which is above time
    & futuristic manifestation process
    which is a core key role for the NEW MOON Wish List & New Resolutions process.

    Because two rivals are
    meeting together in the darkest of the sky to enhance the shadows of Aquarius
    to teach them more lessons to
    be worked with, in order to advance towards the Aquarius Season
    ahead with modernization & keeping up
    the nice balance with the old ties & traditions
    (although coping with the traditions will be very difficult with
    Aquarius Moon though)... But humanitarian efforts & forming more friendships
    for the sake of transcending
    cultures & races will be higher
    than ever before for this traditional ruler of Saturn & Modern Ruler of Uranus
    or vice-versa.

    : The Uranian Fears, Hysterical Sexuality
    - The Polarity Of Leo/Aquarius (The Fixed Signs & Stubborn Routine Work)

    The Nerveous System Of The Higher Octave Of Mercury AKA Uranus
    Is Ready To Not Only Absorb The New
    Shocks But Also Ready To Deliver Those Shocks To The Masses Collectively
    So All The Humans Around The
    World Will be Able To Cope With Those Triggering Feared Demons
    Sitting In Subconsciousness, More
    Confidently & By Adapting The New Ways & Unconventional Thought Process…

    Lilith Opposes New Moon Deals Into The Missing Part
    Of The Human Psyche At Large Scale: Humanity Is
    Ready To Face Shadow Side Of Humans
    (A Polar Meeting Between Domineering Leo Lilith & Rebel
    Detached Aquarius New Moon)

    The Unconscious Fears Reflect The Conscious Manifestation Process Brings Out
    The The out-of-the-blue
    nervous system Of Uranian Luminaries (Sun & Moon),
    which is meant to absorb so much advance & modern
    thinking, thought process & a futuristic ton of information.
    And Lilith's Fears & Sexuality of LEO opposing
    this New Moon won't be able to stop Aquarius New Moon
    from creating more modern ways to confront the
    most feared demons of the subconscious system of this collective 11th House...

    Lilith sitting in front of Aquarius New Moon will act as a most feared mirror
    & she enforces the Planets
    towards the submission process where every celestial body in the sky
    should surrender to what fears are
    coming to ignite & trigger their subconscious system
    but opposing to NEW MOON In Aquarius would be
    different for Lilith because Lilith wants to rebel herself
    & Aquarius is also the sign of “Equality Of
    Humanity”, & this New Moon will face difficulties
    from this domineering shadowing demon
    to obey & submerge itself through her reflection sitting in Leo
    through polarities of AQUA/LEO… So there
    would be the contradiction & I believe both NEW MOON
    & LILITH due to this Polarity of Opposition
    energies will come out new human beings who are supposed
    to be more confident, and more humanitarian
    (through working on the shadow sides of Lilith) all together
    at the collective 11th House scale for the better
    beginning of the upcoming “Aquarius Season 2023”...

    Lilith will push Aquarius's New Moon to go underworld to reconnect
    with her shadows of Fears, Depression,
    Sadness, Emotionalism, and Deepest Zones of Crisis Oriented Personality
    so that the manifestation process
    of the new moon contains some kind of emotionalism, fears
    & deeply involved attachments which is not a
    style of Aquarius New Moon though, because the NEW MOON in Aquarius
    will be too busy in thinking about
    FUTURE that she cannot go towards holding grudges
    towards the past & getting emotional about it but for
    humanitarian efforts, this OPPOSITION between BML (Lilith)
    & New Moon will be good so she can feel the
    pain of the suffering of the societies at collectively large scale of 11th House
    & she can connect with the peers
    & friends circle over the internet at an emotional level & perhaps she can join NGOs
    & different human
    rights organization to help the oppressed class globally
    & this will bring the pure cleansing & HEALING for
    the entire human race…

    This will only be possible if Aquarius's new moon first meets with her own SHADOWS
    & Dark sides & Lilith
    will help her because the new moon will have to go towards the subconscious
    of the underworld hideouts of
    her own, in order to reconnect & remerge with those demons sitting there,
    & when she will come out, she
    will be much stronger AQUARIUS NEW MOON who can easily confront
    the repressed authorities to bring
    HEALING to the Oppressed class
    & sufferings of the humanity of the societies, which need a complete
    overhauling out of humanity crisis….

    So all I want to suggest you use your LEO LILITH`s Talent for Creativity,
    and the Power of endurance
    towards hardships, pain & Traumas in life
    and put all these efforts & talents into planting the seeds of
    success for your business.

    Make your intentions for the next few months.

    Because Aquarius brings Wealth &
    resources as well because of the futuristic thought process
    to make money & it comes easily for such a NEW
    MOON in Aquarius as well…

    Anyways, with Aquarius usually is, this New Moon in Aquarius is always detached
    & uncertain & requires a lot of personal space & freedom, right?

    But we are lucky to have Saturn's involvement this time, and Saturn
    will give this Aquarius New Moon an assurance that,
    In order to accomplish a realized statement of what we
    have dreamed, we need to reach a condition of certainty.

    So use this Saturn influence to make yourself more focused on bringing up new ideas
    and channelizing those sparking interests in new paths and curiosity into more focused
    and creative work that could bring about more innovative breakthroughs
    in technology, the internet, communities, independence & personal space
    and I believe that Saturn will not allow this New Moon in Aquarius
    to act like a Rebel & Unreliable and
    inconsistent in relationships.

    With best regards, care & love,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #newmoon #newmooninaquarius #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic
    #newmoonmanifestation #AquariusSeason #AquariusSZN #Aquarius #zodiacpost #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #astrology #Uranus #UranusRetrograde


    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · 43m ·


    Astrologer Aatif - The Centaur
    43m ·
    : A heavy, saddened, melancholic, serious,
    & challenging energy for Lovers & Personal Relationships!!!

    22nd January 2023 - Venus 2640. Conjunction Saturn ♄ In Aquarius


    This Conjunction Between Venus & Saturn Falls In 24 Degrees
    & 24 is the number in Astrology that describes the matters which are
    related to some kind of:

    Disguised, Floods, Things Which Are out Of Focus & Float Underneath The Taboo Surface,
    Hospitals, Drug Addictions, Missing
    Persons, Hidden Enemies, Pain & Suffering, swimming, Hiding Somewhere Near Water,
    FOG in Mind About Partner, Unclear Agenda
    Within Personal Relationships, Alcholol Abuse, Paintings & Prison...

    ♄ :

    Loneliness is killing me and leading to a paralyzing situation.

    I need to be able to feel better because I need to work on my boundaries
    through sheer discipline & if I am into relationships,
    I will make sure that despite differences,
    I will stick to that relationship like glue
    for longevity (As Saturn Means Business
    & Venus feels so easy in the company of SATURN as She used to feel the same in the arms of
    her protective & restrictive Father when she was just a child, so today,
    she might feel the same traditional seriousness, efforts &
    protection from SPOUSE as well, but she will have to remain structured,
    submissive & obedient though, & that too, at the expense of her
    Feelings, emotions, social enjoyment & sexual satisfaction
    because Saturn will enforce VENUS towards some kind of suffering & self-
    control) because everything should be sustained & remain the same...

    & : A Sadness in Your Eyes

    Take A Break From Conventional Family & Social Systems & Go Away
    From The Emotional System Into The Personal Detachment By
    Using Restrainment While Still Holding On To The Traditions, Ties & Bonds
    Which Are Supposed To Be The Baggage Of The Suffering
    Of Societies & Focus On Your Goals Instead, Through Your Humanitarian Work…

    Even Though This Influence Brings Longevity, Glue & Seriousness In Relationships,
    There Is Still Always A Sadness When Lovers Have
    Faithfulness But On Their Own Terms & Conditionalities,
    According To The Responsibilities In Daily Life, Perhaps In Order To Create
    Realism Towards Reality-Check & Harshness Of Practicality Of Life…

    & :

    Because Aquarius Is The Political & Grouping Based Sign At Collective Level Globally,
    This transit will enhance the serious world inside
    you & maybe these days you are not wanting the CHILDREN at all
    but focus on rebuilding the foundation of your “Assets” & personal
    growth & relationship could feel like a burden & more of a commitment,
    & a routine task was given to you by the family pressure, or for
    the sake of “loyalty”, you want to continue…

    There is some social pressure, which could lead you towards separate lives while still living together
    with a partner & family (two people
    together - but living alone), but because SATURN guarantees the “Longevity” element
    within personal relationships, your main focus
    would be on your money sector, & showing the restrainment towards the ENJOYMENT
    which is a key element to keep up the socializing
    which people practice a lot when they are new in love,
    new in marriage setup but not in VEN-SAT case…


    Great time for Artistic values & for Politicians who want to do something for the country collective,
    AQUARIUS stellium will help them
    to resurrect the traditions of society through serious, focussed
    & establishing the balance between traditions & modernization (while
    continuing with the cultural heritage system of the society & country),
    like a true patriotic leaders & nation will also follow & obey like
    the submissive souls, followers, practitioners, & old school traditional thoughts…

    There is a wonder in love that beats hearts

    Don't know when & where one changes the path

    And Parting Their Ways & Trying To

    Responsively Live Separate Lives.

    With best regards, care & love, & Karma is not a bitch when Saturn is around Aphrodite Venus...

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #Venus #venusinaquarius #Saturn #saturninaquarius #practical #socialconnection #longevity #loyalty #Loyaltychallenge
    #partnershipgoals #couple #couplegoals #karmicrelationships #karma

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    and; in viet nam - happy new year of THE CAT
    London’s Chinese New Year GRAND PARADE 2023 in Chinatown for Year of the Rabbit - 4K HDR 60FPS video
    View: https://youtu.be/RMe1UYteTnM

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology for Mindful Living

    At this lunar cycle currently underway, the moon and sun at 1 degree Aquarius
    are being stared down across the way by Lilith in Leo.

    This pits the individual against society.

    In Aquarius, you are identified with the group.

    BUT, Leo has a strong desire to follow the personal heart and the authentic self expression of it.

    What if the heart cannot express within the current societal paradigm and expectations that come with it?

    In addition, the ruler of this new moon in Aquarius is Uranus, which coincidentally is turning direct today!!

    This is happening in Taurus, the sign of personal values, your resources and self worth.

    Taurus also teaches us a thing or 2 about
    receiving abundance and trusting life.

    So, with Leo we examine our hearts expression and anything
    that may be blocking that like issues with self love and self esteem
    - even a feeling of alienation.

    With Taurus, we look at issues with value, self worth and self love.

    With Aquarius we see if we are too strongly identified with acceptance and approval of the group and society.

    Is society structured in a way that allows you to express yourself authentically in the world?

    Also, do you have inhibitions or even carry
    shame that prevents you from putting yourself out there?

    We are quickly turning into a heavily tech based society
    - that’s clear.

    If you’re not with that program, you may feel left behind.

    This can create depression, isolation and loss of purpose.

    Some people are also feeling overwhelmed by the collective in general.

    There is no shortage of drama, fear, negativity, anxiety and
    gloom flying around out there.

    So right now it may feel hard to go out there and have a good time, be yourself and express your heart

    This is the time to brainstorm ways to effectively deal with this reality.

    How can you structure your life and your days so that you don’t end up compromising your true self
    or getting smashed by the collective, but still feel a part of something, connected?

    How are you currently living your life that falls in line with societal paradigms,
    structures, norms, values, ideologies, etc. and how do
    you really want to be living?

    Can you create boundaries and put limits of how much you’re going to be affected by the world?

    Can you be more internally driven and motivated and live your life in spite of how the world is behaving?

    This is a balancing act and we need to find a way that works for us,
    so that we don’t end up compromising our values, ideals, sense of self ,
    purpose and happiness just to fit in, belong and keep up with the times .

    I think many can attest to life appearing very lackluster for a while now.

    The fears and chaos from the collective unconscious seems to be
    the thing most in our faces.

    Lilith wants to know where the fun is?

    Where is the laughter, the joy, the passion, the light?

    When can we come out and play?

    At times, Aquarius can appear bleak and grey.

    Not much emotion.

    Not heart connected - but rather cool, aloof, detached.

    Too much in the head.

    Always looking at the problems in society that need solving.

    Always trying to right wrongs and have revolutions.

    Maybe even too much complaining about what’s wrong with life and people.

    We have to be careful here that this doesn’t become a way of life
    at the expense of happiness, peace, love, joy, creativity and color
    (qualities associated with Leo and Taurus).

    So at this new moon you are being asked to be in society
    - to participate, to also open to new ways of living (all Aquarius themes)
    BUT to include and integrate your heart, your authenticity (Leo)
    and your own personal values (Taurus) into it all.

    Dont be afraid to show up in the world, society, community, groups as YOU.

    Maybe you’ll even inspire others to do the same!

    AND Perhaps that bravery and courage of showing up as yourself is just what we need
    to shift the rigidity of COLLECTIVISM, group think and collective fear
    that is seemingly preventing warmth, joy, and love from
    circulating once again. Individualism is important too.

    Decide what you are willing and unwilling to compromise.

    Draw boundaries and prioritize.

    How can you make this work?

    This is the month to figure it all out! 2764.


    Olena Kiselyova

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    UONjAFQZvQrGoroGtHl5DCNPDe7NUILDCkXP55bIPzWPDTcLNxUJg&tn=fcIFEzN8J1KIfwM9&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. 10&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=DEZUok8CUf0AX_ktsTw&tn=fcIFEzN8J1KIfwM9&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chanda Sparkles · · 23 JAN 2023

    So yes, all planets are direct but there’s still Mars, Mercury & Uranus in Shadow.

    Plus, keep in mind Mars has been at  8° Gemini for weeks now and it’s out of bounds.

    When planets are out of bounds they behave badly.

    Mars is our drive, it’s what kicks us in the butt in the morning
    to get up and get stuff done with our day.

    It’s dragging….

    I liken this shadow energy to a massive ship that is at full steam
    and suddenly changes direction to turn completely around.

    It’s going to take a minute to get that big ship turned around and then back up to speed.

    Same with planets, especially the larger ones.

    So there’s this slow yet forward momentum with everything we are doing right now.

    It’s like we are having to take baby steps forward…but forward is good still right?

    We are freshly stepping into our new reality so be kind to yourself.

    No rush is necessary or beneficial.

    This week Mercury in Capricorn will trine the North Node of fate In Taurus,
    Venus will enter Pisces & this weekend the Sun trines the nodes.


    All in all this week ahead looks to be some very good energy
    if we are mature mentally and methodically in tune with spirit.

    Quality over Quantity. Slow, integral and steady wins the race.
    Walk in the light & spread the sparkle
    Chanda Sparkles  2747.

    • Merlin Johnson says:
      thank you - couldn't find the word but this is exactly how I feel
      - dragging
      - wanting to eat junk etc.;
      doing my best
    • 00&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=t-2xHMTt19gAX8G0ML1&tn=fcIFEzN8J1KIfwM9&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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