18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said that?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SNOW SPIRITS - see the sleeping dragon in the tree ???
    plus faeres, bear, skeletons, dolphin and even a dove !!!
    Photographer: susan lynne schwenger
    @13lineofspirit @in12d

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "Dying for several days"?

    Was the real Elon executed and replaced by White Hats?
    Is President Trump really directing this Show?

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Please, #Great_Spirit_of_GOD
    help us !!!
    some of us, need more help than others !!!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Meghan Lynn

    1h · 21 JAN 2023

    - New Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

    - Modern ruler Uranus stationed to turn direct tomorrow officially
    beginning a potent window of time through to April of all planets direct

    - Venus tightening up her conjunction with ancient ruler of Aquarius, Saturn

    - Mars and Mercury still holding their quincunx angle strong
    before either planet pulls off of their degree of stationing

    - Mercury trine North Node in Taurus

    - Jupiter and Juno conjunct in Aries sextile to New Moon

    Today's New Moon not only represents the start of a 28 day lunation cycle,
    but the ending and beginning of a new Lunar Cycle.

    This is where we set our intentions and sew the seeds for the futures we want to cultivate.

    Where we allow our inner knowing to guide us forward into the unfolding unknown.

    One particularly powerful aspect of this New Moon is the conjunction to Pluto.

    Interestingly this conjunction is "out of sign" with the New Moon
    in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn.

    New Moons represent rebirth and renewal after a period of darkness.

    Aquarius represents the future yet unseen, our knowing, and our
    place within the collective; be that the collective conscience, a community
    or within humanity as a whole.

    I like to think of Aquarius as
    an individual pulse point within a wider web
    that connects and encompasses the many individuated pulse points into a living whole.

    Pluto represents transformarion, dismantling and destruction.

    A relentless energy that digs down to the very depths and collapses that
    which can no longer stand. Pluto takes that which has become corrupt
    and will lay to waste what it must so that something stronger can
    be resurrected from the ashes.

    This is the cycle of salvation and course correction through which the Divine
    addresses our human errors on a mass scale.

    This process has been unfolding in Capricorn since 2008 exposing corporate greed,
    corruption of power, and institutions that harm in the name of help.

    Sounds heavy eh?

    That's because it is.

    As fortuitous and powerful as this New Moon is the astrology is telling us
    that we haven't quite finished attending to closing out what we are leaving behind.

    Pluto is demanding that we purge the past and fully decimate the patterns
    and structures we have always leaned upon.

    Salt those fields, you aren't planting shit there anymore.

    To reinforce the theme that we must pause before we move forward,
    Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, is at a literal standstill as he sits
    stationary preparing to turn direct in motion tomorrow.

    This is significant because once Uranus goes direct all planets will be direct
    until Mercury next goes retrograde on April 21, 2023.

    We are on the edge of so many areas of our lives finally moving forward after years of stagnation,
    obstacles, barriers, and energetic cock
    blocks at every turn. If you tune in you can feel this energy like a wave
    beginning to usher in on the edges of your reality.

    This feeling of impending energy can cause us to not look before we leap,
    so let's talk about Saturn for a moment, the ancient ruler of
    Aquarius and only ruler of Capricorn
    - basically Big Daddy simultaneously in charge of both New Moon and Pluto.

    Saturn reminds us of our responsibilities, our limitations,
    and enforces the old adage that slow and steady wins the race.

    He demands from us patience, integrity and resourcefulness.

    He trains us for the marathon and karmically slaps those who cut corners or try to sprint ahead out of universal timing.

    Saturn and Venus are drawing together and let's be honest,
    this is the not the most comfortable of embraces.

    We are being asked, what connections are sustainable?

    Who is with me for the long haul?

    Who are my people and what are we going to build?

    Who/what is holding me back?

    What connections add value to my life and which ones devalue my worth,
    my character or the direction I want to go?

    These are hard questions that deserve a sober second of contemplation before we move forward.

    And that's all we want to do isn't it?

    To move forward after all these weeks and months of retrograde, especially Mars, holding us back.

    What a relief it was as recently Mars and then Mercury turned direct.

    Interesting though that Mercury went direct at 8° Capricorn,
    the exact same degree where the South Node was during the intense Lunar
    Eclipse and Saturn/Pluto conjunction of Janaury 10 & 12 of 2020.

    To me this signifies another moment to pause and reflect on all that we have lost,
    been forced to release and purge out of our lives for
    the last three years. This is also a time to open ourselves to new information
    and be willing to adjust the angle of the rear view mirror
    through which we are looking at the recent past in retrospect.

    Inner planets tend to zip around quickly compared to the outer more slow moving planets,
    and as such aspects between inner planets
    tend to be quick and less intense in nature with the absence of a slow build
    to a sustained aspect being held. However, due to Mars and
    Mercury having just turned direct, both are at a slow point in their cycle
    and each have sat on their degree of stationing holding an exact
    angle known as a quincunx or inconjunct for much longer than is typical.

    What does this mean?


    A quincunx is an angle between two planets which share no common energetic signatures
    from their current positions and as such
    require adjustment and compromise to function.

    Mars in Gemini is impatient and wants to rush forward on a wing and a prayer while Mercury in Capricorn
    wants to be cautious and sure that all i's are dotted and t's are crossed before moving forward.

    The adjustment lies in making sure we don't stay stuck in
    rumination too long lest we miss our upcoming opportunities
    while also making sure we aren't going off half cocked on knee-jerk, hair trigger reactions.

    These two seemingly incompatible forces can work together harmoniously
    when we seek to analyze, stategize, and then pivot into
    nimble and sure-footed action when the time is right.

    The time WILL be right, though not right now.

    Mercury is making a strong trine to the North Node to remind us that the future
    in which we are moving into holds far more value than
    what we are leaving behind.

    Venus, ruler of the North Node, and Uranus reminds us from her embrace with Saturn that when we take
    the time to do it right we build structures and connections that offer long term support
    and sustainability rather than shaky and shallow
    short terms gains or instant gratification.

    That feels worth repeating:

    Anything that is a short terms gain or is empty of anything save instant gratification
    is not worth your time energy or future in the long game.

    Don't invest here lest you miss out on a bigger pay off long term.

    On a final note, Jupiter and Juno are conjunct in Aries, sextiling this New Moon.

    Jupiter and Juno are the archetypes sometimes better known as Zeus and Hera, King of the God's
    and Queen consort.

    In astrology Jupiter represents a force of expanssion and areas of our life
    were we are ready to receive wisdom and blessings. Juno represents
    committed unions, the struggles and dynamics of power, and our ability to commit.

    With these two intimately interconnected planets coming together
    in the sign of Aries it is time to look at ourselves.

    What roles do we play as individuals and within our closet relationships?

    How do we operate from a sense of self and how do we function in our interactions with others?

    The blessings and gifts that Jupiter is bestowing during his time in Aries
    is a renewed and refortified sense of self.

    When we do the work and make ourself a better human
    we attract better humans into our life.

    Again, the theme of who goes forward with us is reinforced.

    The sextile to the New Moon tells us that the door is open for the right people
    to travel through with us, but we are responsible for
    deciding who comes through.

    The Universe isn't going to bounce our detrimental connections at the door,
    that is for us to do, sextiles demand we put our hands on
    the wheel and drive.

    Despite the slow start, this New Moon will launch us into a powerful new chapter of our lives.

    Just don't pull the trigger before aiming.

    May the seeds of our future contain more possibility than we can even imagine.

    May we have the patience to navigate our best path for our highest outcome

    May our hopes and dreams nourish the seeds we plant
    while we wait for our outer and inner realities to align.

    May we link arms with only those who contribute to our journey forward
    and may we bid farwell to the past and those who would see us
    stuck there.

    Happy New Moon everyone.


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