18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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    Astro Aatif says:
    If Hades/Pluto is Dwarf then these all bodies
    are gonna be dwarf one day...
    Susan Lynne Schwenger says:
    "when pluto moves into capricorn
    it signals the time of an information age,
    and, in an information age,
    the truth, it is told"
    - susan lynne schwenger
    @in12d @13linesofspirit #thefinalfire
    The Journey to #The13thbridge
    pluto thru capricorn 2008 - 2024


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    21 JAN 2023 ·

    : " 1f311. New Moon 1f311. Aqua ♒︎ at 1°AQU29’".

    Matters Taking Sudden Upheaval & Shift As Significator
    because MOON & SUN Change Signs & forming NEW MOON shape in the
    dark sky…

    The Distinctive cosmical shift in energies with the arrival
    & occurrence of the NEW & Darkest Moon in the sign of Aquarius
    (The Water Bearer)

    Here comes the New Moon In Aquarius On 22nd January 2023

    ° ’ -

    : Manifesting The Unusual & Suddenness To Shock The Entire World
    through Unconventional Start Including Impartialities,
    Breaking The Traditions Like Evapurational Lava Which Have Been Suffocating
    & Oppressing The Collective Consciousness, & Trying
    Sabotaging The Traditional Status-Quo.

    Modern Manifestations Will Lead The Entire Human Race
    Towards Developing Modern Technologies, Working With Larger Peers &
    Developing More Friendships Globally At the Collective Scale Of 11th House…

    & : Transcending The Entire Human race
    & Cultures With Unwontedism 11th House

    Modernization & advance humans are suffering from the increment of anxiety
    because the world is too complex & modern authorities &
    humanitarian efforts are being made towards transcending the race
    & cultures through developing advanced breakthroughs via
    technologies, unconventional ways to resurrect the conservative mindset
    & push the world towards adaptability, believing in
    uncertainties & unsettling the status-quo of the collective consciousness
    because of 11th House peers & doing new stuff globally and at
    large scale…


    Let Me Shock The World Through Transcending Races & Cultures
    & Building More Humanitarian Groups Because Conventional Is
    Boring…Also, Uranus circles the zodiac & completes his orbit every 84 years,
    so Uranus has to stay in a sign for 7 years each…

    New Moon In Aquarius is the same as the meeting of Traditions Vs Modernization
    & there is a power struggle between the old & new
    generations because Saturn & Uranus are being operational at the same time with this conjunction
    of the “Luminaries AKA SUN &
    MOON”, & new & unusual communal setup by the Rebellious New Gen “Uranus”,
    is up against the traditional structure of old school
    teacher “Saturn” & with this combination & conjunction in the sky is darker
    because the New Moon energies are very dark in the sky &
    the manifestation process we create today will be resulting
    in unknown new territories of breaking the traditions while confronting with
    authorities of Fatherly Saturn… So yeah Saturn pushes Uranus to form ties
    with old & limited groups of circles because of “Trust issues”,
    while Uranus will rebel against Saturn because of the urges
    with the unknown, and unfamiliar & building up ties, bonds & peers with

    As Aquarius Is An Unusual Collective Consciousness, So The Traditional
    & Modern Friendships Are Lifely To Be Formed Globally &
    Collectively Because Saturn Is the Time Lord Whereas Uranus Is A Ruler Of Astrology…

    Aquarius by default is the 11th sign & it is a Positive & extrovert by nature
    & since it contains floating & flow of AIR, the manifesting
    process will be very interesting with a NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS
    & I believe there will be a lot of logic, smart solutions &
    consideration which is above time & futuristic manifestation process
    which is a core key role for the NEW MOON Wish List & New
    Resolutions process. Because two rivals are meeting together in the darkest of the sky
    to enhance the shadows of Aquarius to teach them
    more lessons to be worked with, in order to advance towards the Aquarius Season
    ahead with modernization & keeping up the nice
    balance with the old ties & traditions (although coping with the traditions
    will be very difficult with Aquarius Moon though)...
    But humanitarian efforts & forming more friendships for the sake of transcending cultures
    & races will be higher than ever before for this
    traditional ruler of Saturn & Modern Ruler of Uranus or vice-versa.

    : The Uranian Fears, Hysterical Sexuality
    - The Polarity Of Leo/Aquarius (The Fixed Signs &
    Stubborn Routine Work)

    The Nerveous System Of The Higher Octave Of Mercury AKA Uranus Is Ready
    To Not Only Absorb The New Shocks But Also Ready To
    Deliver Those Shocks To The Masses Collectively So All The Humans
    Around The World Will be Able To Cope With Those Triggering
    Feared Demons Sitting In Subconsciousness, More Confidently
    & By Adapting The New Ways & Unconventional Thought Process…

    Lilith Opposes New Moon Deals Into The Missing Part Of The Human Psyche At Large Scale:
    Humanity Is Ready To Face Shadow Side
    Of Humans (A Polar Meeting Between Domineering Leo Lilith & Rebel Detached Aquarius New Moon)

    The Unconscious Fears Reflect The Conscious Manifestation Process Brings Out
    The The out-of-the-blue nervous system Of Ukrainian
    Luminaries (Sun & Moon), which is meant to absorb so much advance
    & modern thinking, thought process & a futuristic ton of
    information. And Lilith's Fears & Sexuality of LEO opposing this New Moon
    won't be able to stop Aquarius New Moon from creating
    more modern ways to confront the most feared demons of the subconscious system of this collective 11th House...

    Lilith sitting in front of Aquarius New Moon will act as a most feared mirror
    & she enforces the Planets towards the submission process
    where every celestial body in the sky should surrender
    to what fears are coming to ignite & trigger their subconscious system but
    opposing to NEW MOON In Aquarius would be different for Lilith because
    Lilith wants to rebel herself & Aquarius is also the sign of
    “Equality Of Humanity”, & this New Moon will face difficulties from this domineering shadowing demon
    of LEO LILITH to obey &
    submerge itself through her reflection sitting in Leo through polarities of AQUA/LEO…

    So there would be the contradiction & I believe
    both NEW MOON & LILITH due to this Polarity of Opposition energies will come out
    new human beings who are supposed to be more
    confident, and more humanitarian (through working on the shadow sides of Lilith)
    all together at the collective 11th House scale for the
    better beginning of the upcoming “Aquarius Season 2023”...

    Lilith will push Aquarius's New Moon to go underworld to reconnect with her shadows of Fears,
    Depression, Sadness, Emotionalism,
    and Deepest Zones of Crisis Oriented Personality so that the manifestation process
    of the new moon contains some kind of
    emotionalism, fears & deeply involved attachments which is not a style of Aquarius New Moon though,
    because the NEW MOON in
    Aquarius will be too busy in thinking about FUTURE that she cannot go towards holding grudges
    towards the past & getting emotional
    about it but for humanitarian efforts, this OPPOSITION between BML (Lilith)
    & New Moon will be good so she can feel the pain of the
    suffering of the societies at collectively large scale of 11th House
    & she can connect with the peers & friends circle over the internet at an
    emotional level & perhaps she can join NGOs & different human rights organization
    to help the oppressed class globally & this will bring
    the pure cleansing & HEALING for the entire human race…

    This will only be possible if Aquarius's new moon first meets with her own SHADOWS
    & Dark sides & Lilith will help her because the
    new moon will have to go towards the subconscious of the underworld hideouts
    of her own, in order to reconnect & remerge with those
    demons sitting there, & when she will come out,
    she will be much stronger AQUARIUS NEW MOON who can easily confront the
    repressed authorities to bring HEALING to the Oppressed class
    & sufferings of the humanity of the societies, which need a complete
    overhauling out of humanity crisis….

    So all I want to suggest you use your LEO LILITH`s Talent for Creativity,
    and the Power of endurance towards hardships, pain &
    Traumas in life and put all these efforts & talents into planting the seeds
    of success for your business.

    Make your intentions for the next
    few months.

    Because Aquarius brings Wealth & resources as well because of the futuristic thought process
    to make money & it comes
    easily for such a NEW MOON in Aquarius as well…

    Anyways, with Aquarius usually is, this New Moon in Aquarius is always detached
    & uncertain & requires a lot of personal space &
    freedom, right? But we are lucky to have Saturn's involvement this time,
    and Saturn will give this Aquarius New Moon an assurance
    that, In order to accomplish a realized statement of what we have dreamed,
    we need to reach a condition of certainty.

    So use this Saturn influence to make yourself more focused on bringing up new ideas
    and channelizing those sparking interests in new
    paths and curiosity into more focused and creative work that could bring
    about more innovative breakthroughs in technology, the
    internet, communities, independence & personal space and I believe that Satur
    n will not allow this New Moon in Aquarius to act like a
    Rebel & Unreliable and inconsistent in relationships.

    With best regards, care & love,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #newmoon #newmooninaquarius #newmoonritual #newmoonintentions #newmoonmagic #newmoonmanifestation #AquariusSeason
    #AquariusSZN #Aquarius #zodiacpost #zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #astrology #Uranus #UranusRetrograde


    • Kamey Batiz SAYS
      1faf6_1f3fd. 2728. 1f49a.
      It’s today for us! Black Moon Lilith in Leo opposite New moon!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Chanda Sparkles

    The Aquarius New Super Moon at 1° 
    apexes today 3:53pm EA / 4:53pm CEN / 12:53pm PAC / 9:53pm Universal

    Aquarius, the 11th fixed air zodiac sign, it is symbolized
    by the Water Bearer, a symbol of the Gods bringing essential nutrients to Earth and all who dwell.

    Aquarius people are advanced, self reliant, clever, exceptional & optimistic.

    Aquarians are known for embracing their creativity and individuality.

    They stand out from the crowd and are know for their genuine genius.

    During this new moon there is an abundance of transformations
    taking place as it is conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn.

    In order to create new paths and expand our consciousness
    we are to let go of what’s not serving. Our old patterns and programs of how
    & who we were on a deeper level can’t come with us.

    The energy of this new moon is powerful and in positive flow for unity in community
    if we can release the old way of thinking.

    It’s truly time for outside of the box thinking.

    Lets let our cosmic freak flag fly.

    The universe has our backs!

    Walk in the light & spread the sparkle
    Chanda Sparkles


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member




    Ani Williams
    21 JAN 2023 ·

    Greetings All, from snowy Southern France, New Moon in Aquarius.

    This is the closest the Moon has been to Earth in 1000 years, according to NASA,
    so it’s a “Super Moon”.

    Although we don’t see a New Moon, it’s still there,
    and felt in the waters of our bodies and the tides of the sea.

    This New Moon also celebrates Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit.

    Traditionally, rabbit is gentle, compassionate, thoughtful, but quick and observant.
    For the Chinese as well as the Aztec and Mayan traditions, rabbit represents the Moon.

    When I was living in Mexico, my friends pointed out the form of Tochtli, the Rabbit in the Moon,
    and ever since, I see a rabbit, not a human face in the Moon.

    Here is a Nahuatl (Aztec) story about how rabbit became a god.

    Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec Feathered Serpent deity took the form of a human one day so he could go visit his people.

    His long journey took him across a desert, but since he was in a human body,
    he needed food and water.

    He grew so hungry and thirsty, that he thought he might die.

    The sun finally set and the sky filled with stars and a pearly luminescent moon appeared.

    Quetzalcoatl noticed a small rabbit eating grass in the moonlight, and although rabbit
    offered to share his meal, Quetzalcoatl refused,
    thinking “Humans don’t eat grass and it wouldn’t slack my thirst and hunger.”

    Rabbit could see that Quetzalcoatl wasn’t doing well and so he selflessly offered his body for the god’s dinner,
    to sustain him on his journey.

    Quetzalcoatl was so moved, that he lifted rabbit into the sky and placed him on the moon, and rabbit is now always
    remembered as Tochtli, “Life-Giver”, the compassionate and kind one.

    Let us hope that these qualities increase and manifest in
    humanity this year.




    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    of 21 jan 2023
    photographer: Don Sucher

    1m··Don Sucher - My Image of the Day
    My Image of the Day 2 -- Jan. 21, 2023

    Out Back - Another Scene of Ice and Snow

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