18 Jan 2023 To 31 Jan 2023 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ABSM Wise
    Patricia Pal · ·



    New Paradigm Astrology
    1f311. New Moon 1º Aquarius ♒︎ Jan 21 2023 by JESSICA DAWN
    3030. honoring individuality 3030. 

    This current New Moon cycle in Aquarius evokes inspiration!

    Aquarius is masterful at offering a new way of looking at things,

    so expect the unexpected.

    We have an opportunity to finally play the game a bit differently,

    with potentially more clarity, vision, and awareness gained.

    We’ve been on a long journey, and much has been learned.

    Aquarius is classically the “fruits of our labors”
    after the work has been put forth.

    It’s the reaping of what we’ve sown, potential fully realized and expressed.

Aquarius lifts us, awakens us, rocks the boat, shocks us out of complacency,
    and inspires change.

    So, come as you are and welcome a little luck on your side.

    It’s a get-out-of-jail-free card and time to skip ahead into more expansive horizons!

This week, on January 24th, Uranus (the ruling planet of Aquarius) moves out
    of its four-month retrograde
    and says farewell to its year-long stay
    it has been in with the North Node of the Moon.

    These two won’t come together again for a conjunction for fifteen years and in an entirely different sign.

    Uranus is the “Great Awakener,” and the North Node of the Moon represents our forward instinct
    towards actualizing our Destiny ~ in Taurus, this has been about the past year
    cultivating what an ideal future would feel like, what it is you value most,
    what is most important for survival?

    Taurus is about individual comfort and pleasure, and we have each been looking at what that means to us.

    We’ve had the opportunity to not only receive the visions of what it could be,
    but within all the deeply personal work we’ve each done,
    it has allowed us to embody deeper potentials necessary to actualize the future we want.

    We have had many opportunities to make peace in the body and to heal our relationship
    with it as the vessel that carries us through this life.

Of all the dimensions within this life that we exist in, the body reminds us that we are in a mortal dance with time.

    Like the sands in an hourglass, there is a finite moment where it stops until it is turned again.

    So now, as Uranus moves direct in Taurus, we are gifted more time to grasp the blessing
    that is life in a body and to take the time to value it and the worldly experience
    and all its material treasures, as they simply represent our hearts and spirits manifested.

Venus makes her yearly conjunction with Saturn on January 22nd, 2023
    ~ the Grandfather Karma archetype and the Lover of Life come for a short reset of responsibility,
    and their meeting proposes big questions.

    “Are you being the change you want to see in this world?”

    “Are you being in your potential to the best of your ability?”

    “Are you putting all of your heart and soul into it?”

    A few weeks later, right around St. Valentines Day, Venus will spend a few nights in the embrace of Neptune,
    and the answers to these questions may be revealed in unimaginable and even magical ways as few symbols
    expose what’s truly in the heart quite like a meeting of Venus and Neptune.

2023 promises to be an extraordinary year of significant life-impacting culminations and finalizations.

    We are witnessing the end of outdated systems and the implementation of more progressive structures
    to support us through this epic time of expansion we are now entering.

    Both within and without, it is happening.

    But first, before the rebuild, the crumbling of what was is falling.

    After fifteen years, Pluto changes signs this year, transiting the last degrees of Capricorn into the first degrees of Aquarius.

    These are both highly socially focused archetypes representing the structures and the definitions that we,
    as humanity, have created and bound within – the social constructs.

However, there is a personal level as well to these signs. Capricorn takes us deep within
    to the archetype of our sense of personal power and authority, or sovereign self.

    Our capacity, our contribution.

    This is the healing work that we are each involved in now.

    We each deserve to feel fulfilled in our ability, to be valued by what we uniquely offer,
    to know that we are provided for through it and by it and that we are worthy of its provision.

    We all have something powerful to give.

    Capricorn represents the cycle of life that has reached its peak of performance
    and now provides as a whole – to the whole.

    Capricorn is the provider through its own realized inner resources.

    Imagine a world where we each are valued for what we can naturally give, and having it sustains us.
Aquarius, on a personal level, represents the unique and individual essence and genius within each one of us.

    The creative quality is driven by inspiration and exists to be expressed
    and experienced in its uniqueness.

    It is our individuality, and it is meant to contribute to the tapestry
    of humanity as a gift to bring more possibility.

    Unity in diversity; honoring individuality as humanity
    is the ultimate aim that these archetypes represent on a collective social level.

    They provide the potential that we could get there.

As we all reach greater towards our individual potential and heart,
    so does the social structure that we make up.

    Yes, of course, there is always resistance that we will face.

    The old and the new are in a continuous confrontation,
    but growth and evolution persist.

    And our creative human potential is grand.

    May you count your blessings as many as stars in the sky.


    26a1. Access Daily Lunar Reports by joining the New Paradigm School of Astrology.
    1f985. ENROLL HERE! https://bit.ly/newparadigmschool

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    If you had Rs.86,400 in your account
    and someone stole Rs.10 from you,
    would you be upset
    and throw the remaining amount Rs. 86390 away
    at the person who took your Rs.10?
    You would move on and live.
    The same way we have 86,400 seconds each day.
    Do NOT let someone WHO invests
    a negative 10 seconds ruin
    the remaining 86,390 seconds of your day.
    Stay strong stay happy

    Venu Chawhan

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Kamey Batiz
    Saturday, January 21st 2023

    Sun in Aquarius 2652. 1f4a8. Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius 2652. 1f4a8.

    We have beautiful New Moon energies tonight but before we get there the Moon will hang out in Capricorn
    until the early afternoon.

    It’s conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and this energy can have us feeling moody
    and a bit obsessive over particular feelings.

    Pretty much anything not going your way in general.

    Try not to let the morning vibes get you down because Luna moves into Aquarius
    and sextile Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Aries.

    You can’t ask for better energies to set intentions, manifest or start something new.

    We have no more retrogrades in any planet for almost three months after tomorrow.

    This truly is a time for new beginnings, set by you in the way you wanna go about things.

    It’s the perfect energies for wishing upon a star (or moon)
    because your dreams might actually come true! 262e. 1f49a. 2728.

    If you’d like to learn more about your energies
    and how the daily forecast affects you, comment below 2b07. or DM me for a free consultation.

    Grow With Me Astrology provides astrological roadmaps
    that empowers people to take control of their lives.

    Let me reveal to you the most powerful tool that you already possess.

    If you’d like to support or donate:
    1f17f. PayPal or Venmo @Kamey Batiz
    1f4b2. CashApp $NaliniFlor
    #growwithme #astrology #roadmap #empowerment #birthchart #loveyourself
    #bethechange #healing #starseed #indigochidren #dailyguidance #selfcare
    #expandingconciousness #healingwounds #love #zodiac #sun #moon
    #capricorn #aquarius #airelement

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Next Step - Pam Gregory Astrology

    We are entering a powerful week astrologically, building to a New SuperMoon at 1°32' Aquarius.

    The Moon is very close to the Earth in its orbit which can increase the potential
    for earthquakes and volcanoes and extreme Earth events and weather.

    This is also emphasised by Uranus, the planet linked to earthquakes and volcanoes of all kinds,
    being the ruler of this New SuperMoon, on the World Axis,
    and moving stationary direct next Sunday within hours of exactitude of the New SuperMoon. So expect the unexpected!

    This can range from sudden shocks and surprises with Earth events, to revelations and disclosures,
    truth coming to light which is shocking, financial volatility, power outages and cyber attacks.

    Uranus is linked to aviation and also has a discontinuous energy of things 'cutting out'.

    It is linked to strikes, labour forces 'cutting out'.

    Whatever manifests, they are shocks to the system to break down the old, stale ways,
    and bring us onto fresh ground to build the new. Linking with like-minded people
    and being in communities are strongly supported by this New SuperMoon, a powerful new beginning
    - so don't forget to see where it falls in your own birth chart to set a new intention for your own life.

    Be very aware and observant that this New Super Moon will give us a glimpse of how some
    of the Aquarian energy will manifest once Pluto moves into this sign in March.

    Pluto over the next two years will cross 0° Aquarius five times, strongly activating this new episode for humanity.

    So be strongly optimistic.

    What do you want to create in this New Earth?

    We are at the very beginning of a whole new dimension for humanity where we are expanding
    our consciousness rapidly whilst staying in the physical body.

    Be aware of how this is manifesting for you.

    Are you more psychically sensitive, are your dreams more vivid, are you connecting with animals
    and nature more fully, do you yearn to be at One with the stream of living consciousness?

    All of these things are flowing towards us now.

    We slow them down or 'check out' from this energy when we are in fear.

    If there is one massive message for 2023, it is stay out of fear.

    Be excited, exhilarated, knowing that the more of us join in this global momentum
    of love consciousness the faster it manifests on Earth. Know that you are a builder,
    a pioneer, a hero of New Earth.

    Step into that role and fully and joyfully as you can.

    The photonic light and new cosmic and galactic energy is helping us in quantum leaps,
    even though at times it is hard for our physicality to keep up with the dizzying speed
    of our evolution.

    Feel proud, stand tall, be a leader in your life and community, scatter kindness wherever you go,
    and we are creating something wonderful together.

    We are going to rock through 2023 and end up in a very different place
    by the end of this year - just make sure that you are on the love timeline.

    Blessings to you all.

    New SuperMoon in Aquarius 21st January 2023
    Pam talks about the second half of January and the New SuperMoon
    in Aquarius on the 21st.
    What does this mean for you?

    You can download a free birthchart from my website www.pamgregory.com,
    then purchase this two-part tutorial video series
    that explains how to find these points in your chart
    and what it means for you: https://gumroad.com/l/FHjOZ.

    View: https://youtu.be/2iW4Xi8TJ-g

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Ruby Falconer

    January 21, 2023: New Moon at Aquarius 1°32’, 3:53 pm EST.

    Uranus – the Great Awakener and ruler of Aquarius – dominates this Moon cycle.

    Uranus is stationary at this New Moon and will form
    a t-square with the Leo Full Moon on February 5, 2023.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Uranus is allied with Wadjet, The Shatterer.

    Wadjet, the Cobra Kundalini Goddess, uses life force energy to break through blocks to transformation.

    Uranus/Wadjet will turn direct on January 22, following on the heels of Mars (January 12)
    and Mercury (January 18). Mars and Mercury are still on the 8th degree of their respective signs
    (Gemini and Capricorn), meaning they remain in a quincunx or inconjunct relationship.

    A quincunx is a minor aspect with a big impact.

    It links two signs that normally don’t have a lot to do with each other.

    This bringing together of two energies that aren’t naturally in relationship
    creates a sense of dissonance, a bit like fingernails running over a chalkboard.

    This Mars/Mercury aspect has been active over the last week and will continue for the next few days.

    With the station of Uranus, all major planets will be direct,
    meaning that our experience of time, space and change will speed up.
    (The exception is the dwarf planet Ceres, turning retrograde February 3, 2023)

    This forward motion from the major planets will continue until
    April 21, 2023 the beginning of the next Mercury retrograde period.

    The two-year Saturn/Uranus square has come to end and Wadjet is finally free
    to unleash her expansive and challenging power.

    Uranus is the ruler of earthquakes and shattering experiences.

    IN the Tarot, Wadjet is the Tower card.

    This energy is by definition unpredictable.

    After two years of being restrained, Wadjet’s expansive, destructive, and transforming energy
    will finally be unleashed.

    January 21, 2023, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    Art: Wadjet by Sara Joseph

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.

    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #AquariusNewMoon #Uranus #Wadjet


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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